11 Cn,,fiS$, .. ,$ , u My WONDER IP THE NORTHWESTERN ACTUALLY HAS 100 GENUINE SUBSCRIBERS? HUFPLIKD MY THH VNIttCU I'llMM NKWN HKIIVIUK mu tlftltttg efali.. Mriilli YearNo. ,M0 KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1018 .'.. vMnira xnmmaiwm primp tm KiT3, mi nnoMT ', wt ' ' i ii I S - w ; , m T ' IT Fnaftv'wa OlMf . . IJI Dissension Sam Again 'Tries to Deceive the Public by Publishing Fake Statement Regarding Charter LOW WAGES ARf 'BONDS APPROVED U.T.O. WORKER IUIN0FW0RKM6! BYlHJjOOim; 10 givuecture nlnl N In III I lln hm'u '"'m ordered ri;-'mum. Wallace unruii, head op ItU.NOW HEXATE COMMITTEE Nl'MMO.NH IIIO MERCHANTS i eased from ixcaelthation at Leavenworth penal in. r-TiTI'TION JERUSALEM UNO OF SUFFERING ARTIFICIAL MEAT LATEST IN EUROPE HTATi: ORGANIZATION. WILI, ADHHEHH AUDIENCE AT METH. OIHHT CHURCH WITH THE i MALE INTO POPULATION NEW IHHCOVKBY IH PURELY VBG DRAFTED MONEY WITHDRAWN, i AIIMY AND , WOMEN I AM) CHILDREN STARVE ( ETAIILE MATTER- IH HAIO TO HAVE TASTE AND NOURISH MKXT OP STEAKS Urstraant Governor O'Hara Hays Out I , fuHol I'resi Bervtre A pertinent discussion of Governor United Pros Service ' CHICAGO, March 1. The court of Writ ami the recent legislature Int Ur.HUX, March 1. npronU today approved the bond of ronni-cllon with llnuur nutations willed here tell of much WRIGHT REPORTS 2 NEW LASSIES i DA COMTEK ARRIVM AT TMB HOME OP DIVISION HOABMAK- TKR MR. AND MRS. WHIT' COMB ALSO PROVD PARENT. a lecturo at Qraco Wsgra Paid for Hoars of Work Arn Tvlctrno., Clitiry, Peters ami Hmltli. ,H) ()) tQ of irlr ItrsuoaUble for Girls Go- niey rr nrourvu reienscu irom uiu , , , , Largely immhm ioc urn ',,,, ,. . Methodist church tomorrow night by I i HRU8BELS, March 1 According to Letter recclr-'r' A' E- do Neuvllle, a Belgian chem- suffering ini'" - ", - Jermi'rn!. Anrc:li arc mndo for aid. cxi-rirnontlng. haa aucceedea In man- lag A.twjr Hly Akrnall lo offlcB. JoM (hU 0nlnB for Mr. Ada Wallaco-Unruh. atate preal- CVCry man capable of carrying a rlflo Nlarvalloii, DecUrra ThU J,..tm,imorlli ltli the rUae onlcra llt"1 "' l,' Oregon Women' ChrU- ,nj Ueen dfawn Into the army, which ' , II"" Temperanco Union. louvca the women and children to C(ll I I All .. ,1. .u.M.ll.t t...l.. I.k.l, fn. II.am.AIhu All .hIJ -m .11 ' aa A a M. ft U HID ViaiiKTII(.IKl LUUIkUll IUI I IWI IU1IUIVI1UI. All KUIU BUU II Imvu arransed to attvnd the incctlnp, vor haa dlaapteared from circulation, m'iIcIi U hold under the nuiplce of auppoiedly drawn In by the gorern tho local branch of the W. C. T. I', ment for war needa. A amall piece of Till U tho opening gun In the local tin money call "metallic," l In clr optlon campaign to be waged bere'culatlon, but It ha no purchasing ;thl prlng. value. CIIICAtlO. March 1. The head of lh tig Chicago department alore,1 tad ctber men employing large ttuw-( btri o( women, are to be examined by . Ilia itato nnti committee Jnverilgat' log tl while atave traffic In Ihl city.' Bunmoni have been Utueu for a. THAW WILL BE EXAMINED SOON Tl ouandaof women nnd children aro,,nK "rtlUlclal meat." ThU "meat" to declared to bo tarlng. Practically mado out of Tub, er, aad la declared to be ft periect aubautute lor beef, mutton and pork, both la taate a well aa In nurlabment. Effront baa named It "Vlandln." after the French "Tlande" for meat. S. O. Johnaon of the Klamath De velopment company, la here froaa Ban Francisco, giving attention to boat mi matter. I The blrtha of two girl wltfcla tie paat twenty-four hours ar reported by Dr. George I. Wright. The flrt arrived Friday afteraooa at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. i. Wbltcomb. The new member of the family welgba eight pound. Tbla morning a daughter arrive at the home of Mr. aad Mr. . W. Englebrlght, the former being road maater for the Ktoauta dlvteloa. Mhw Englebrlght weigh IH poaaci. bomber uf prominent builnea men to (ho'HIxtYKH OK WHITE Hl'CCEEIM IX Tav tar 111 Im nuillriUiifl , - i mn paid to girt employee.. I "The tutlmony that baa been giv es o far ihowa conclusively that the mum that I leading glrU to rula and Itimorallty I tarvatloa wage," aald L'eattnant Hoveraor O'llara -today.! skV YOUK. March 1-llarry K. The builnrs men summoned must Thaw today obtained a writ of habria j OIITAI.MXO WHIT OP HAIIKtM CtlllfUH POIt THE KIPTII TIME MXCE COMMITTEIt Big Rush of Women to Sign City Registration Volumes Uttlfr, no matter If they are worth Ua Billion." To girls who are working In one lib big department atort were ok- Mrs. Bogardus is First Woman to Register, and Miss corpua In tho supremo court, whereby I he will be examined again as to hla mental concilium. . . . , r vav. la Thi. u tho ntih tin.. Thaw haa ob-i ijaricion is scconQ livery wara wcu ncurc- aalned by the committee this room-(mined since hi committment to the tag. .Mnltowun Insnno asylum. sented in Crowds Visiting Olf ice Today "Philippine Freedom is Dangerous"-Pres. Taft Metlrlnd Prl1tint AttaCkS tile MOVe-.Crloton appeared at the office of l'o- ment in an Article Published in New York Tribune Today If tho rush to tho city ball today been a steady stream of voter going icnn bo taken aa a criterion, there will i bo nn need of "Don t Forget to Reg ister" card for the recently enfran chised women of tho itato. Evor 'since Mr. Cecelia Ilogardu and Den tuty County School Superintendent 'lice Judgo Leavllt thl morning, and ...... .I.. M, ,n mmIIm tliAi. tins WUIU IMI !! " IVRI mh,w .. to sign tho book. There haa been no hesitancy on the part of any of the women toward an swering queatlona aa to age aad na tivity, according to Judge Lelvltt aad hi assistant, Mlaa Rose Reed. All of the vioracn appear to realise the ne cessity of the questions, aad do not attempt to uvade them. The registration books will be open at the city hall every day next week, doting Saturday at 6 o'clock. All who are not registered at that tiase will not be entitled to vote at the spe cial charter election on March 10th. Any male voters who did not regis ter at the city ball last spring must register this week In order to ballot on the charter question. I NEW YAflK, March 1. President government I slow. Tll In an article In the Tribune to-1 "1 lucorlty and with malice, la.. j..i ...... .. .. .'toward nono." ho concludes, "nnd --avioswa aiiv gfWf&f&vsstavf wa lllpplno Independence Is "unwise, ugtrous, Ill-considered and Inad- Hstble." a reviewed at lenath hi NptrUnrta.on the Islands and analys- m the population. with only tho honor of tho united State nnd tho wclfnro of tho Filipino people nt heart, I appeal to my suc cessor nnd to tho American people to repudiate this Ill-advised proposal, and corry on In tho future tho wlao LOTS OF TRUST BUSTING LEFT He Insisted that the process of policy In tho Philippines, which was lrtprtlon of the natives for self-'conceived by President McKlntey." Chihuahua Officials are Reported Killed Execution of Gonzales Momentarily Expected. PorfirioDiaz Believ ed to Aspire to. Presidency l PASO. Twr. liarMi i t l. 'Ported here that Auu.iib. r..h.B. I'' Bn '"Pector of police at Oalhua- hTCl t 0M,,r c," o t "lata L,hv n MMl,td t tha state peal M !? nef " wrlvlni say the "Pectlo Qon",e" U J"nt'y The Madero forces have captured vuea. Fri.i v ln . -i iuiim are urr- 'thr r,JI Bu,l,b.w t Aawlcsna United Prosa Service MEXICO 01TY, March 1 -The ur rendor of Alberto Fuoutes, governor of Agua Cnllontcs, It Is bolleved, re moves tho last serious revolt vlth tho oxcoptlon of that in Sonora. Public sentiment la rapidly turning toward Porflrlo Dlai. It Is predicted that tho former dictator will again bo prosldont. The conservative, howovor, pre dict the election of Felix Dlai. They say his uncje will be his chief ad-visor. INCOMING DEPARTMENT OP JUS TICE WILL FIND HIG STACK OP AXTI-TIIU8T SUITS PENDING IN SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1. When tho present staff of "trust bust ing" official of tho department of justlco umko way for the legal agents of tho Incoming democratic adminis tration, a bulk of unllnUhed business will face tho new comers. Thoro aro many antitrust suits both civil and criminal, pending In tho United States dlsttM courts for decision, besides a docket of 157 cases in tho United Btatos supreme court. Of tho eighty-odd anti-trust actions brought under tho Tuft administra tion, twenty-live civil actions ara now rending for decision in the courts. Eleven criminal indictments yet are to be concluded, Of the cases closed tho government had a ratio of suc cess amounting to about four-flfths. The aggregate amount of Ones lm posod nnd collocted by the depart ment of Justice amounts to almost 340,000. Hut two cases have result ed i'n Jail sentences. The great ag ar cga to of Ones Imposed and collect ed in one action was In the wire pool case, when the defendants paid la fine 1188,700, . Just how many saw Atl-trust aet- liona contemDlated br this administra tion and loft to the new administra tion to carry out Is, of course, secret. It la said, however, that a number of Investigations are going on, both civil and criminal. Information obtained by the government's experts prepara tory to tho Instigation of actions will be turned over to Incoming ofaclats, along with the case pending In the court. The government's docket at the United States supreme court la la good shape compared to what It was at tho change of other administra tion. Of the 167 cases on the docket but one was originally lied In the supreme court The remaining 166 are divided aa follews: Criminal 48, Injunction 1, bond 3, enstoau 1, land SI, tai 9, coastltutlonal I, court of claims IS. habeas corpus It, trast 4, immigration 18, Insular 6, miscella neous 10. The supremo court under the pres ent administration has disposed or 1,411 CUM. John Q. Griffith of Dopants Is here for a few days. Den C. McDougall and Arthur Ar lett of Oakland are here on a busi ness trip. They are respectively tho architect and constructor of the White Pelican aad the new court house. F. A. Goodnll of Keno is here giv ing attention to business matters. GARMENT MAKERS RESUME DUTIES COMPROMISE EFFECTED FAC TORIES WILL RUN OVERTIME ON ACCOUNT OF ACCUMULATED ORDERS United Press Service -' NEW YORKH, March 1. The 75,- 000 clothing workers who went out on strike In December, resumed work this morning. The union compromised with the employers on the wsge question. They won a victory in their demands for better sanitation and the abolition of sweat shops. On account of the accumulated or ders tho factories will run night aad day from now until Easter. head, had the printer corrected the Howard Boggs has returned from Lincoln, Neb., where he haa Just com pleted a course la agriculture at the atate ualverslty. Boggs will go to his father'a ranch In Langell Valley today. "MIRROR DANCE" LATEST CRAZE NSW YORK'S LATRbTT SBXSATtON WILL MB rKATTJRB Of VAUDEVILLE BILL AT STAR THEATER NORTHWESTERN .' CONTINUES ANANIAS IN LUI WILL FOR sssnaansBsaman " ' Bmcamjwmo MOTMamVBm Merasac caw ta Tata r tared Bassuksfc Vp Dew BijUSj Is New sb The "dance of a thousand mirrors," New York' newest dancing novelty, will be a feature of the appearance here of William aad Watson, who open a three night's engagement to morrow at the Star. In this dance Miss Watson wears a costume weigh ing alxty-nve pounds. FoBowlag tho taettas watts ho lBtr4aM -- "- . STall.' mi senate'' faaa this niraf fatUe effort to dletrast tho tontlM from taw real antaa f.tt eWetwn to ho held lm skssj attr ie, to deeido tho iwiaoji. at lac a now organ, tho ft. r tho validated the 'When the 11 sal Karthwisoam' moralac tker Irt far well known reputation; of that ; for uareUaMtKy, aad feared that a fatal error had boon made Thai was then earned to other. but soon the fallacy of tho story bo came apparent. As a matter of fast thoro Is aa er ror not only In the published ehartor, but la the orlgiaal document on tie In the office of the etty recorded. At- (Ceatianod ea Pan 4) Lewis Wylde Named Secretary of M1H . Life Insurance Man Selected by Di rectors for Important Office tak the Chamber of Commerce -. At last night's meeting of tho di rectors of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce, Lewi Wylde waa chosen aa secretary of the organisation. He assumed his new, duties today. Wylde has been hero for some time In the Interests of n life Insurance firm, aad his travels through Klamath have made him pretty well acquainted with the toeal condition. Until ro-x cently he resided at Lakeview, and this also helps his knowledge ot tho Klamath couutry. A systematic system of boostlag is being outllaed by tho Chamber, of Commerce, aad before tho and of 'the year the organlaatloa espoete tondo a groat deal toward puttlaa the town In the minds ot residents of every i Mason's Final Claim : Approved by Service The Government at Last Settles With Contractor for Work of Excavat ing the Lost River Cheuuitl J, Frank Adams, a well known Merrilllte, Is here for n short visit. Fred Meioy was a county seat via Itor Friday. He has a ranch beyond Altaatoat. Lee Denton Is n county seat visitor from his home in Fort Klamath. Mr. Denton conduct a general merchan dise store in tho Wood River Valley town., fr Burrell Short was anions; Friday's visitors la the county seat. h ,&H The local office ot tho redaaaUea . versioa irevice haa received advisee from Waahlagton that the claim ot William H. Mason for laal work on tho Loot River diversion channel has aeon ap proved by the reclamation serviee. Mason, who la a toeal eoatraotor. waa 'awarded tho contrast 'tor .Mm greater part of the work entailed as, tho eieavatlon of tho Loot water of Leot.Bmr sVeTOBar' " BBJBBJ 4RaBJ)BBBBSjnBi VaBBBBJBn ThU .,woak': was dona has tt butthsrowifaaoi Ion bHweontjat roatsaotor ag to t tlMistal asBsssaa swesi vissbsspsw unssn etai meirna, -..v---. r ;