', u -.: - '"'.r T- f,'t h . .J,. .. TO KWS! W3 :.M2 TO DECEIVE PUBLIC, SAM SAYS , HMiPUBLISHMS OFFICIAL JVEWSMItF vrruw r tbr unitbu miM ws mrvich Blu mtdiimiinmZMZ fdenina Befall. t . .' ;, . l' t t J. y !MriMMtaMai htc Yanr . i.tt Pi. MMMHMMMI KLAMATH FALLS, OWioOW, FRIDAY, FKBKtJABY SI, itlS i" "-" .'v.' I!tf If Lieu Land Gases are Decided by the Secretary of Interior i Against Johnson and in Favor of Se 0mi0i00mmnm i MWWwwwwwnitm.iiiM.l.i ww , .- - - r - . ,-ij-u-i.rm.r re r -- - .. I I I 1 - f . ire-w:" 'mi : r'. Northern Mexicans Not Satisfied; Mass ing Near Chihuahua Ml'KHTA PLAN TO REACH THE HKIIKtUOi't ONaB) BE FORE rMMT Madrni Cowrra la Has Kent at tfce I'eUfr, Ncrteae Wirck Neaora Mftdrro Aaeureti That Her Hatband la In No ImaNedeeto Danger iff HH IHasKra Mm a Trteataeial Ke- turn lo Mrtlrw CMf Frasa Europe Untied Press Senrtee Kl, PASO. TI., Fee. 11 Upon the cruunii last n change froat Medero to Ik old Max regime wHI bring about nothing for the beaett ( the Mexican people, the state ef Chihuahua today rtjtctcd tin hw order ef afairs la ' that country, The leaders la that stale, which at one of the meat rebel- .Sous la Ilia republic, rata to reeeg- Im lluofia aa araywlaaal araaWaat. AWaadr laa Wark af laiilag ti aaaa hu ba coaiaMae4 la taa attta, aa4 antral Uraa raaal farcaa ara aaaMI (tine nwir lha Ujr 9t Chlaaaaaa, aa4 thr ara runara af am advaaca at ( on uu ef the athar eltlea that ira loyal to lha m gavaraauat. All of the Hortbara raaal chlafa. ENGLISH ARTIST TO APPEAR HERE MHN. IKN i. XUNWALT AND COL OXWi KAV AHKAXUK tXill L'KI.KHHITV TO OIVK HKCITAL IN KliAMATH VAhlM MIDLAND MAN SUES FOR BILL K. O. VINCENT COMMENC1W AC TIO.V AQAI.XNT OKOHQK M. MCL I.V FOR ALI.KtiKD MKKCHAN IHHK HILL SPORTSMEN Celoarl Hay, known all orar the nation aa Die "I'llot of CclobrlUea," aa a vliltor la Klamath Kails thla Heek, for the flrat time. While here La ceaitete4 arraaieaieaU with Mra. Dob J, Zumwalt (or the atearaaee t Rrqea Oordoa Klaialey, the faaioaa Katllah aauiltlaa aad traveler, la thla tliy. The oatcoaie af the tUlt ef Mr. KlaaaUy wilt ha awaited with later- cat, aa la aaaa H la fea4-ta ha eati- cleatly aatrealied, aaaa ef the aieat eelehratad taieat vtaltlag the 1'aclle caaat will be brought to Xlaaaath hall. While here Coteael Kay tUU4 that ea aaa af bis receat tours of the West, ahead af the United fltatte Marine bead and Madame Oadskl, Medford a the oaly city between Portland Hull to recorer I39C.C3 waa com menccd In the circuit court today by II. O, Vincent against George 8. Hol ly. W. II. A. Itenner roprcsecta Vin cent. Tlio plaintiff la a merchant at Mid land. The amount sued for Is alleged duo on account. with the potslble eacentloa of Oeaeral mAm v, h.. u v...i t... Oroico Jr., are eald to ha active lamadt' u ,,6 for Bruce aordoa the aiorenicnt. They alaa to advance pofl Mexico CMy. It U stated la Chihuahua that the Ute of Coahull akw refuaea ta reeeg awe llucrta, aad that tree ara be- wg armed there ta reatet aay advance af the Dlaalte. Other tUtea te the aertksrn part af the eaaatry ara aald to U alto ceaalderlM raaaUlaa. 0ral Oroeee, Saaata; talaaar other Indapeadeat rahela ara at rk drilling Uatted Preaa Barvlaa ,v .' MKXICO, CITT. fab. Il.-Pravl- ' maal President Huatto ateaa ta aead ( tMirlsrs to Oeaerah, Oreaea, laaata M other northern rebate ta ask their asahtsnee la restorlag order la the -5 aatry, - , ; M Is knowa here that theee chlafa aot satlslaai with AMjiti H Mjthe geaaral heUet that Ua die- ti;uutlaiied'oa atetT """' A "aaaaBBBBi Judge Klagaley to appear here It (a nore thaa prebable that KUatath Falls will enjoy a aaaalag call from some of the really big atuetcal atari. A decided aovelly la the vaudeville Bfagraat oaeaed at the Star theater last alght by the Meecow Duo, Rus elaa alagera, laatruneatallsta and danrers. The daaclag la of the type that cannot be executed except by aerteaa from the Caar'a domain. WASHINGTON, D. 0.. Feb. 11. America haa prevented lb execution of Madero temporarily at least. The state department haa been nettled that the eapoeltloa of thla government .rnadtt known to the Mexican 1 gorernmeat. eral lluert,a replied through American Ambaaaador Wilson that dlapoelllon ef Madera will be consid ered vary aarefuNy. (J. W. Denlstoa, a local attorney. addressed the atudcnla of the Klam ath county high school thU morning, taking up the question of "Good Clt tsensblp" In an Interesting as well oa convincing manner. COLONIAL DAMES TO 6IVE PROGRAM IXTMtKMTIKG PATRIOTIC EXBK "CIMK TO UK GIVKN AT GRAC M. K. CHURCH TONIGHT A CHICKKN 8UPPKR ALSO SEE DISCRIMINATION IN GAME LAWS WILL P WTR MXMRERS OT TMB LHGWLATCRK J ' Vmtv uai want af Deer Seaaem CaaH a Moath Later Than OaeataaT ta Jackaoev Oaawly Woald I'rove Oet rimcatal taKUmatk CeaaHy, De- clare Leeal .Men OOier Chafe AsTect Thla Cwiaty What toealfapartsmea declare la a move for thai advancement ef Jack son county's tourist traffic to the det rlment of Klamath county aad taa re mainder of Saathern Oregon la taa re vision In taa "game code meaear-j. which makee the opening of taa deer season Auguet-'let In District No. 1, and September let In Dietriei No I. The former aeeaeev aeeerdleg to the measure, rloaea Oetober 16, aad la thU district Brteeai days later. The WH vakaeexamaAtdaa far aei plate revision of the gaata eede, prepared by the etate beard ef and gamo coromlesloaera, aad It ed the aenato aa senate bill No. 118. Several changes were made by the game committees of the two heeeee before tho bill waa Introduced, amoae- A chicken supper wlllbo given by others the changlng'ef the time for tho ladlea of Grace M. 1. church at' haa haan HUaeWW the Maston house, corner Pine and! Tenth streets, this evening, between' 5 to 7:30. This precedee a program to be given at the church. The entertainment will be Colonial In effect, In honor of Washlagtea'a birthday. Several historic charac ters will bo repreaeated In coetuwa; by local people. The program arranged roiiewa: Music. .0. A. R. Fife and Drum Corps 1'ong , Blllle Turner Tableau "Spirit of 'If Tableau. ."John Aldea aad PrteeUla Heading Mra. Elmer Frenc.'i Instrumental aolo . . Mra. Fred Cofer Vocal aolo Mlaa Louise Beeeea Duet Miss Iris Turner aad Mlaa llolea Hamilton Round Table Washington aad Ilia Cabinet Address O. W. Dennlston Patriotic aoags "Columbia, the Qam ef the Oceaa." "America" aad othera Selections G. A. R. Fife aad Drum Corps The program commeaeea at 8 p. at. (Continued ou t'age 4) Goes Into Seclusion to Decide an Important Problem ' i - ,n . 1 V '..IJ. Benson Wivcoveri There it no Precedent for Important County Cues Now Up .to Mm to be Solved. Side Caiei to Give Full Attention TrurV. .i '(ivv . -.- V . 1 - (. K. Jf sLJ- - Moving vm..wmitm jmu tt araarVltattia be H '4 In th. four .taTaiVttcW 'Wa In canal,". iZZV5 "' ro (ha couri;iaWaSt3 . fHd this mamlM .."iitCi:--.! "rSH.w' kKHi-u Wt. "- O .- .i.t r - , -' - ,t - f. BfoMeauT taenia experience on the aeMh.Caad aaa In which there U no preedeat..",Kele determined to alft all the authorities end, prepare a da kiUn whleh will ga lale;avKjr phase af ' Ua matter, notattimittag In any war' to' dodge any BfeWeai. ' Aa an ladloatlon ef thework In volved, the Judge haa goaev to "uu to thi - - ' . ,. ... LJ.',.ir.-.i:. ..nH.rt.'.i'i. AU.twodaia'mek-, l'aU. r leUawlag1' Ualrraealnfa .Mik - Twwm r -7- of the ft the aaato law down to date; It la preeaMe Uat hU'decWea will be very lengthy, and will be In the na ture of a brief, for the'wlnalag aide In; the event of an aBeal belag taken from hla declaloa, It la not prebable. that a deewlen will be rendered In Ueee oaeee for a week 'at least. Thla moralag Judge Benton poataanedj'ndadnltety. areaie which' waa to. have eome up. Mj aad laatrueted the ntteraeye on aldea that they .wtrenot to bather him, untly after the dtaaml ef the BOLD FOREIGNER IS TROOBLESOME JOHN 8ATKAS IS AA1N IN DIFFI CULTY 18 CHAHOH WITH AS SAULT1NG JKRJtY' MARRKLL, WELL KNOWN "FIRE AND KILL" TALK STOPPED LAW rASSHtf BY THE IspflaSLA J Tt7MC AND MGNHO BY OOVaWt- XOH DEMANDS ' TaHtnamACK LANGCAGE BY SOAP-BOX MEN SALEM, Feb. 31. Uader the pro visions ef house bill 78, by Uptoa. aad which waa algaed by Goreraer West, anarchistic aeaa-bez orators will no longer ealoy the freedom of speech to the extent that they aaa advocate destruction ef life or prep erty, nor will It even be aafe for the governor himself to aaggeat ahetgua methods, for bla eaesalee, far the bUl provldea that It shall be ualawfal for any person to threaten or advaaats the commission of a feteny. ' Originally the WU provided that It should be unlawful for a person to threaten life and then pareaaaa a dangerous weapon to earry eat the threat. The senate, however. ed It, making "the awaeara mere drae- tlc by providing tbat.lt ahaU even be unlawful far any person to threaten' or advocate' the commlaalem of n let- eay, ana nntas' we ptaawy. treaa a tlary. IVORY TOURNEY STARTED BY ELKS HARRY ACRXKY ANB .. COMEOOTONTOFATTHBBKB Oft TMB FIRaTr NHIH1S FLAY. EACH WILL PLAY SI 4'i."igyin' WILSON OUTLINES INAUGURATION PLANS FOR THE FORMAL CKBB- MONY EXPLAINED BY INCOM ING tRMtUBEKT FAMILY fiOBS TO WASHINGTON MARCH a United Preaa Servtea , . , PRINCETON. Feb. Jl. Plana for, the formal laauguratioa aa.arranaad by the Wllaou family and the Inaug ural committee .at W'aablagton 'have e e Satras waa releeaed by, the police on bis own recegaleaace. He will bo given a hearias before .ter will leave Prlaeeton In the forr- Judge Leavitt tomorrow morn- B06n on a apeela! train, eaearted by ing. a tieea exptalaed by Prealdent-eleet Woodrew Wlbwa la reaaeaae to aaea ttons. They are aa fellews: Moaday. March 3. The prealaeat- olect and bla wife aad three daugh- . 9 John Satras haa again broken Into .1 Jail. This afternoon ha waa arrested after he had assaulted. Jerry Darrell. eounty eaaaa. e ,j According to byataadera and Dar- rail, Satras, without arevaeattoa. eom- mltted the assault, whleh eeearred ea Main street, near Fifth, and attraet ed a crowd. Chief of PeHee af Po lice Smith and OnWiaaU were, en the scene very" aeon after Sairaa had landed a couplo of vleleaa hooka "to Derreil'a face, and arreatod'Satraa. The prisoner la a Qfeak,' aad haa achieved eotuldereetofeaw alaoe he haa been here. 4 Agparailbjr, neither weaving nor splanJng,:he,haa appear d dally on the atreat ta'say:.ralment. Last tall he waaarraatad and aoa vleted of the theft of a.refolver from a room on Maln:atret-,Ferthla,el- fenae he waa. given Ulreyaayaliia arlaonment In the eounty Jail, Short- urter aa pieaaea gamy.ie a anarse at gambling, and 'waa; aantenaed to aavw eHtoea daya,in Jail,' " v Z'-t " ' s Darrell. who laaetlag aa taar smuv agar at' the ekattng Hn, aMaetod to the conduct of the Oreek am tta Seer and werda paaaad, ( Mdet, DajeaU eUlaaa, 'aatraa attimptoA to aaaault Mnii but H waa' net nxOA ta aitatv seen that he iiueeeded 1 buselni a k 1,000 Prlaeeton atudenta; will reach Washington tote In the atterneon. nnd 40 direct to the Saerehaai hotel. Wtl sou will attend the smoker of Prlaee ton alumni. l Mra.-iWlkn and the daughtera will dine at the Shoreham and apead, the eveamg and night there. WHeoa wUl apend the ,aLgat there. V :- -';. Tuesday, Uank -4 WHeoa "wUl drive to the White. Heeaejreah'tt Shoreham ahortly before, nee;,to meet President iTaft and rldaT''wRk him to the senate to see the laamgu- raUoa of Vice PreaWeat: Marshall from the. exeeu tlve, gallery, , Mrs. Wlwen and tWMkweaWlniartU be present,? Thnjjnell-.the go to the Inaugural" atand lie' treat of, ihe Capitol, where Prasldsnt aliet Wlleeai wll he given ihea;a( et aadjrlll deliver' hla. Inaugural address'." The he aad aa-Presldeat'Taft wUl drive kaek to, the White Heueeover'tae; route to be token 'sr the aerade. Mra. Wilson andd awghterawiU he drivea "W awfl "H,BJJ,4,BJaBaBB)BJBJBy aBBJ HSJvdBBsBJ wMspW aya snort ant. tTTso nartywiu inne wlU the, the Mweakinet miaahara. FoUowlag luneheon the narty mlQ s toJthagraad atand In treat at tgt Whit HAeee. tre whtoh the laaafr Hraiiaarad wtu he ceatedaay aoetal mvitatloaa fat the Fwm7mi mm L,awwmnB) eamia'eMmBmamjmm taaaxf mmpmj v,. itaevMBWeljmrieeV ii. V rfcrv A Millard teurasment, with all the cue artiste ef Klamath FaMe Ledge No. 1347. B. P. O. commeneed at the Btka7 Club alght, aad wSl.heM, the Mteatton of the Bilk for seme time, testaat will play twenty-one according to the aeaedule arranged. This entries are Freaew Olds. Harry Ackley, J. W. Foster. W. W. SatKh, J. E. Bodge, Witt Heaetoa, Fred H. Mills, Charles J. Martin. Carries Maeabura, Alex Shlve, A. L. LeavMt. Cheater Avery., K. W. Yen Bitten, Perry;, 6. Do Lap, .Henry MvIb Bart WaKleek, Dr. R. R. HaaalHeav Doit J. LyUeChartea Bald wla 'and Aaetaa Mayden. . " Last altThtVeTaeMc rmaMtd,aa fee- town:. Aek)er.',wea 3. Wet 1;. won t; OUa.,wn 3,,leet.l; won 1, teat S; Beater. Met ' r-i . jV '..Ay, afteraoea to W.v J. ReMtf smitdwila Oraee Lord. The 'bride to he hi IT years of' age. aad tke ssnaiat of her parents were JOHNSOR FAflS llET . -L. Jl .. oyiefAKAi amaaaakaBMaaaala - PIAN TC dhBAB B3t40 M ' . !. Ll '- '"' AdBr BsmBH . -A , : - .';.,'j.l Wtalaa Weeate,WeB Bew' Riiail a ' ' ' .g -"" ?L .- '. - i . ,-T . - : aaa-ati -aT-asi-ai aarae artaam'Sfs aammmm, WkJte Meat efLaati geaBxaaBmfta) . , -; ...-' 1 '"'iaawaaMlBknBwsBBalnv f Yifa leag aiamemtaT Baa BxexTS) aaaw toaamarlsaaa- iirslil ijatlaat jftdj m$W1tymytWmt4t :ff tM HsMMsefaf. CVkw!? isrtmaat. -whe head that B '$ veat faeWal ,iwsants haaaaM tsyfetmal laasw aaaa axaatr eajaaaa, aaB jhwMaWaWH ts'laa41aerredBBl tfernla.-R h aJ nvnwMa,aMMa tueaunaea. ea Fg e "He Must be About 29, "a"" Nice Habits, With Home ,i -.!- , tr Ohio Woman U Cnatlas AJaoat fox - H " - - " ' v. . ' .mr- -" " ' " ' "Wettera Man V 'bit, Use Tcdfe t'liaTa .J -V l-.-lf 3 T M eyawVCap HtVarv arwli eBW' about the, dearth of glrki by tho local baehelora for their, ing la the etale of single hlisasaasss, for the fame of the' steadiness aad progTestlvtaass. of, Ylaajath FaUs young men aes travated to'anea'aa extent that toae maldans In the Beat are- wrlUng'here tosaearehof -haai-- , -. !; '-U Tke'laSfaW ta aUMai Btasai e axreji eresaramBra gas) araaaam eBmaBBBl( BjyWBBBajmmj deUvery, Delaware,' hie, 'Her. letter to" The IleraM ,teMewatv - v.. 'r'Baatem .lady' wishes to eorre apoad wUh a Western man at geed habtts,vated tryeara or feae wrth'ai heme 'or tor aaato. BeoMtWhtera verJtrrSeradonetanawer.'' .; There aire ejulte a'nember'of pee- wfsttlea sugaeeted; aatoac them J.' H. rCamahan. H..R. Doty; Jea B. MoABss- t , A '.A ' , X- tor jPerry.'Ba LaW-.taxtHnamn, Allaa Btc. Ftmsx Armaranc, and airaaat.Baba. The), "iamjiH.m aai VYaa," bat t ether lUe.Ue beataf ta ramalaen at taetr eeay eotugea. a heose, Dety haa a h FM;Arssstreagn ataBam. grres nua.n nana an hea;that la.hard ta , -'TlMre'aJao;.nslaM he list; young ,mea ;ot asaiSf WnmniiM jiJH5 a tsff who might be. eligible warn aaffM. the age UsaR. bat that H aafjttt tornlek Ume wlU eeeret. Mi Hm yeaas lady, la In ae harry ta anBUax ta a raw yearn aaa aaans aajaat a eeeaaaJea treat aanaaa Ih47. T; Johneoa.'Ji pBBa?4AaBBMBJrt' eTahaaBaBjagmmsaj her'Bfe W Fhher Discusses the V. '5Tt re; . y SDrimt Creek aaraejrwsi a)saBBr-m ,exfaa aaraa'aBaa v -vv-vijr.V' - if. vt-KiJ5-', v-I'' ' 1i',i- :- rougwing Memorui tl Ukjai l .:'.. ' J VMtB' ' f . VX WAsiwoTw, a O, Faa. 11 m raaatnt at a mimartal tram the x. . v, 'T'T'" aWVlaXV (iVb Vh at th lafinWyof the ssatter af either aatttas ar the Spring Oreek treat ea laVl taUd'aV i J. - i -', -'. ' iiUB t2& 4 ' - '-J - &&&&., -af V'T- '4iL b-'