WFZ IF "? i 4 J V ' ..V . 1 " ft -., "E: v-1' 4i 1HHM agekigtav ga rA a FINAL, . C (fc y f- -h. ', y s- 1 iri paini-itd pdices ATJUSQAL'-nOb lOKE To make room for the new spring atockrrfriving, we are making the following prices iiiuwilli ana enas, anu wwn . r i j r.. in ' j'Jt- w - ;X 'Ik.,. S.4-. -. IW .t 1 ii 4 f .' V. UMm' rift Walk-Owr nyTHi mw $2.05 llM'ioddtMidMKKallttilM MWfl.05 Mats' wimlar 94 wtta - m $2.65 Ntarat.WaUM)plrtEon4.9M5 aow9L95 Mart hortUli Wlk-OTft mo $2,95 -aaaanaBBew QreatjMiKtion on Rubber Boots and Shoes ladlta' oddi and cads, f 3. to 93.50, Children'! rtfilar 75c laota Calldren'i regular 9.0 CaUdrea's rafjalar 92 Chlldrei'i redalar 920 saota mow 9L50 mow 50c ow 95c mow SL35 ow 91.05 $k Take advantage of theae prlcea A-L SHOE STORE Corner Sixth and Main Streets 1 -1 $sf V-' t iv -. v NMORLMCOLN t II BIG IMS if . "- ' I , ' v-m.. I" Aanaeanevaaamm cMBamaBwamraa1 V ? . . I BBBnlSP enBmnB XBa SB nSXfefBBlMa j . ML WHW atAaW OW UK. oourauniAmMui ':r;-i' r MMhfMrtottoaiVMatimlwtUla K y a Wasgagf aWtsp aeVBaaBja IW VBgeBBgojsBBBBaean; sbbsj ". aa.SMnrlBtaMa.D.XlaMar otbi .- '2 "V . Mnm ,-Utotarl OM Okay to taa kr iTWassetWaci 3 IttfS ARE PAID . SPITE OF SUITS umi or raofgy am ab ONI MO OHAXOM, SOT AN WILUMI TO AC BMoovxv ornaas la aaMa at aaHa raawtlf atartai. aa4 la wfclea tka kaalkr of Uhrwt Uvtaa to laTatrM, MMrit Law'a Un aC taut MMartaw an aalac kaaiawai; raattvlac aaaar tnm awaara at araa arty la Klaawta aaaatr. laaAAtttaato far taa aaraMat aC taaaa, taa ataar aC taa aaaria aa4 ala laraaa aU aar wtta aao- ala raairaa vUMas t eaaMhata taairrarita I at! taa aa-aaa at taa " w . i ., HlwmL HOLSTEIMS nmnf HERE ..A M MMMV 'te imm ms9 i .- .- v v -- -- ?r? . a -m -r- -- jtj.. . - B. . 1 1 lr aaav. wa " aw 'aa a jjniaat.- Tala la taaaa aa aaa s svibwb car tmmm. 9. W. MeOOT WHi I WWa OiWaa Of i f," ' aaaaat at'faa-MaadM vM aa aaaaaat ta.taJa attr Bf J. W. iW ML IS LAID ON ME nrera: NOV FAVOK TME TBAFFWIKOAXAti WAaHOMTOM. D. &. Fa. IT Taa aaaata aaaal niaiHtii ay a Tata at Ave ta taraa taMai taa Seat Mil eaaaaMas baa f Aawftoaa aaaatwlea ealay lag la tae EXCLUSION BILL (HYSTERICS CAUSE CORES UP AGAIN MM MKAMmB TO XMT OCT OtUMXTAIM WILL OOMH OP WmiN nOC OVMUCNT TKAK, M UUV OF BOLOX Oaltaa Praaa larvlae WABHIHQTON, D. a, Fak. 17. Ckalmaa W. B. WUasa of taa aoaaa eaamlttaa aa laaar, vaa will araa- Mr aa laMMaia la that aaatttoa aan lawlea ay Kaaraaaatatlra Fraak Baeaaaaa at Caiaaca, aaya taat a taereaga-aelag Aalatle aselaaloa bill will be aaaaea by bath kaaaaa of coa graai aatora taa aaA at taa year, at taa laataaaa at taa labor eaaeaa. It la tala graaa 9t atreaUoa aalaa aa la taa aaw aaata ta whlea Jaaa L Kalaa, aaaratary at taa laa Fraadaao Laaat.OaaaaH.-aaA aav:ta taa' FMth CahaaraM atatrto laag. la the araaaat aaaalaa taare are bat fearteea aiaaibera aarrylag aaloa tata aaaalaa kv I. W.'Maflav . T- - - - w - " , taaMtavTae aatMa van lanbaail ,'ta'tha Fnaaa TaHay by Mr. MaCay. ' i; Taa ibhJiia. laiwlii twiaty Hat . c . haaA. AH an at rayHtiril ataah. PaaaaMaaaaL . iiiin I . lv ' J " ' ! ' ' ' - ! ' ' BVaHHaBVHaBaiaHHi 1 - ' i I J. 1 !' r' " -II -.V'-irn-' our ?so,da" fo ' ' '-" ' ana mntmrmmd ' ' ! ' 'titL: C ? 'Si V, . lAhAPUPB a . , , 2 ' - -. v- . ', , Wa atlay ajpyyi aae-Jtot la ;- e, v ae aar aUatag.' mfF I , aata eeafUt, wNh'taa watt aaawa " - ; V-r A n . WtaIaWflllBaIWaair 1 Maaa.ear aabat abaolataly the aaat "1 '-i' P Afa taa aaraat. ' ';mt ' ' ' imp1" towiom wmm&rvm , i. m. w &;W M v-- , fMapapTaUaarlaattaaaHrf i; , ' ' ' .JK.i. . V'l-f. rf' -r.1- -, " K&im -?.T ', ' y-'-r, v . . . J HMP:.i' . 1 .'iwm.FiucAii . ' v, ': " TMaWBrtni iiiH 7 f Jm .V aV j . - c. RHy? ,j f wpp inff.inu i k , , BJ4NMt.!5a3t ( aaMBMBaMH-aAHpAM4jMBaAVVBBaBavmVBaBaBaBaai i . . n&W1 "fPfr ; J P9MHMPBB1. aaBSl'l. CAt.V . i fv- ai uAaM from taa teaUarattoa arab- leai aCaatlag taa PaaUe oaaat," aaM wyaaa taaay, "hUa far wkleh va aa aaat ta ateare faTaraMa aetlea aaat ataalaa. If thay are aat aaaaai by the aaata before Mareh 4, an the aatl- laJaaeUea, the eeataaat, the aaa- BMaa, aaA taa eeteerlac aa4 Maaalag Mile, the Booker Mil, ragaUtlag la teratata ehleeMat of cearlet-BMae ffooas, the AroeAmea'a eight-heer bUl, Ue aaaartawit at labor Mil, aaa aMeearea eeallag wKh the atoywateh ayateai la eeealle atleaUAc BMat aa coTanuMat work, aaA with the eaialayaMat 9t eaUateA awa la eaayeUtlea with eirlllaaa aa work far whleh ana were aat eallateA la the aUIHary aaA aaval aarrlee. "The aatl-talaaetloa bUl wUl be iottadoa la the aeaaU by aatora ai FaUatte, PateAaatar aaA Jaaaaa. aaatar Baeea iatreiaeei a MU ea thla aabjeet aiaeh am aweoMag taaa the aaa aaawa by the hoaae aaA aaw yaaAlag. The aaaaMa'a aaA aaHirlag aaA aMaalag MU ban geoA greaieala t bueailag law at Ula CLEVER TEAR AT THE STAR WXMU AX DOTU Of TUaHH DMOM AM MCMOAL ACT, OF TRIAL'S DELAY WOMAN H OX TRIAL IN 8A0l0 MKNTO ON A CHABOK OF MUK BWUNO MAN THHKK JUROItM KXPJUW8 THKIK HKUKF UalteA Pma Bartlee gAORAMENTO, Feb. 17 The trial of Mra. Lllllaa llukell for the kitting of Fraak Fiaber opcaed for Superior JaAga Hughe today. The woauui waa hyeterlcal, aad thla eauieA a brief w99RaWanl I Taraa of the Jurori eaaailaed aald they weaM aeateace a woaua to be haageA It gaUty. MKXICO, CITY, Feb. 17. At I o'clock there had beea ao irlag for halt an' hour. The reaeea It ua kaowa. ISEFFECM I)- Mtiiee City, aad Uat flghtlag It agala laaregreM. The Madera force are aovlag agalaat the araeaal. OMelal dlaaatahea froai Madera to OoToraor Maytereaa of Soaora aay that ho haa failed to get Diaa to agree ta a two daya' anateUee la order to reaiote the dead aad wouaded. OoToraor Maytereaa telegraphed to Meads here aaykg that Madero had adaltUd that the situation la grare. Interior dkpatchea aay that the aatl-AaMrlcaa aeatlaieBt la lateaal d. Amerleaaa an locking to the border. The eaTalry at Jaures garrUoa waa eat to the hills thla araralag to op pose the prograas of gelaaer. The BMaibera of Ue Madero family la Chihuahua, headed by Alberto Ma dero, the presteeat's brother, are all ready to See. ta the AsMrleaa aide. MMW VERA CRUI. Feb. 17. FJghtiag waa reeusted at aeaa la Mexico City. Praparattoaa an aader way hen to care for haadreda Bt Aaurlcaaa who are Seelag. As a resuR of the eeaaorshlp ao de- tails of the Sgatiag at the capital an obtainable. , Prirata advisee udleate Uat Dies haa rseaauA kaaibardaieat of the eapttaL MAMMA HIT LOUAL Oaa of the. beat aata Ula aaaaea at Ue Star theater la betag alayaA by rooaa aaA Doyle, a teaa ot har- away stagers aaA lattraanataUata, aaA Uey aeored a Mg htt whaa Uay speass laetr atu last alght. Iaa4dUleateba4acaB4eaAMveal. lata, taa alayea an taleated Bast- hm. ,Taear aat la aaaplsBisatsd by a geoA FMtam fngraaa. P. RWIefca at aaa.Frsaeieoe la aaaaag aaaayf vlsRata la KtaaaaU fane. Wa aaBf t panawggaaai avBj aVwVFra haaBj t MVapg V gag eappt aanawaa spgr BWsBaaaFVaaaw saBHMvvswsrpM dPaW aafway, aadwiH retara iv ij ttHll MiMI MMMMlMJMI '! 1 i 1( .' .-, f r tnaia M if trspta Wlalsaa, OaL UattedPnMaarvlea WASHINOTON, D. C, Feb. 17. Presldeat Taft'a femal reply to Ma dera's protest aaa beea published. It does aot BMatloa a word about later veatlea, aaA' Aaaa aot state that the United SUtas la aat aeaatdarlag such a asova. - ' f Thla la regarded at praeUeally aa uRlautaau ' United Press!aWvlee WASHINOTON, D. 0.. Feb. 17 There will be ao iatervsatioa la Mex ico unless cpamaaleatloa wIU Max lea city aad Waaatagtoa la eat og, AaMrieana aad fanlgaan an slaia tareagk a dattbente attaek, or Uare oeeanaaoataraakaaarenRofaatl- forelga attaak.' OUerwIse UaUaUad States will fol low taa polley t VaaaAs aff." The Tomes u4 Nebraska are due atYsnCrusv; As a result of Ua strict eaaserehlD ot areas dlspatshea SsersUry Kaon ta- aay inctruetad AaUaaaaAer WUtea ta naort la greater detail taa true eea- dltloa et afalra ta Mastee. ' . The averaaaoat.faaif taat aabUe eatawa would saaaart latarvaatioa if Ambassador Wltoea'a npart weald he aleagthetUa: "' Uulted I'rote Be r lee WASHINOTON, D. C, Feb. 17. Ambassador WlUoa has coalrmed the reporU that the DUu forces have captured Monterey and Nucvo-Ijs rado. The rebels control the Larado line of the National railways. Consul Edwards at Jnures report that border newspapers are eicltlog the Meilcana by claiming that Inter vention U certain. The Nebraska and Vermont tent fflrete messages today, reporting their arrival at Vera Crui. The force of marines there le aug mented by 1,000 men. Mrs. 8. Edward Martin and chil dren have returned to Merrill after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. aad Mrs. . H. Ramsay. P. L. Fountain, a well kaowa local real estate maa, haa returned from Portland, where he haa beea vleRtag for Ue past month. fMVOMCKMM IN CIRCUIT COURT Arguments 1b Us suit of WllHew A. Cree against Agnes B. Cree et al to uulet title to a tract et land la Klamath county will be made la the circuit court tomorrow. Attorney Box of the rm of Hewitt A Sea, It here from Albany to represent the plaintiff, and J, II. Caruahaa will ap pear for vYeatherford A Weatherferd, Attorneys for the defense. The Cree reside at Albany, nuJ they were divorced some time ago. Cree's suit to quiet title Is opposed by his former wife, and teetlmony ws taken at Albany by n referee. Pierre Combs, who has n ranch on Utt River, was among Monday's vis itor la the county seat. KMT iSMION IS ESTJiim (Continued from Page 1) who has guided the dedlalea at the rrst Trust aad Raring beak for so loag, will be at the holm et the new laatltutlea. The Institution will occupy. ttaaa at leaat. Ua the American lUuk tad Trait PART. Immediately upou the wrhwi sag approval by the t4t . leaden! of bank, the etel closed. Will Wrlhl. Ike aak J ctai, naa inaicateii tiut k vb1h in a few gay. .hATH PALLS, fEGON rc RtPAMS ARE NOT NCCCSSARY Wbta the Installation has been doaa properly aaA aeeerdlag U msdera Methods of saaRatlea, aaeeat whan lulpable earelsasasea aa the parte at lervaate or others makes It impera tive. Have your bow work done by Ureeley aad It will be right, or If re pulred our force of skilled aad expert eaced workmea are at your service. GREELEY ands? I A r I iiagipcu at MM m . Now it thjJRme you I wjnted writ AIJIOND .AT aaaaal M Laaaaa! .aaw RBI I Baa seaman aammj a Hi JH HAZEL CIEAM ion untousled for fchtpptd hand and oro Upt. Try a bottlo and ba convinced 25 cents if man Drug Co. The Joyi of Pert Hiali e the greater poaer I i t to both wod atgja greatly depes hatkh ef your kl thl, we Srmly MWf. J bel laaared by thslstatj Iftxall WMJ fTreatmeiit I Olr faith la It M,,' taa Meaeaat resutt " aaaLlvaa Koresfef Wafaat you totry K1 rlekXapaa eur fro) t f MefUa aaoaeafyou psH It MJAaaa' notLlMf I Uevalyea, nVtM Iff of U tag. b Uaaw,aetiia la rn form, SM -, h ft f i: & r S L i ' h a u 5TA-R5 X m Jg S',1 DlrJg 4. J"' a ' - 1 i