X .-t .r V1 L lki ' Svui.i... re,1 wrs f THERESA pmFMRENCE BETWEEN A HlJI'l'UlCO BIT TMB UMTKI) rHNeW MMleMaWWa nTftlt Vi i - J ". ' ' -f t'.T'-it -lJAJUILarsanOiaS?JSBSBmmmmeSSBBn 2 !t 'Htlffi!lVvBaaaaaaaaaaaa1 ' J v - a '-, W-' ' " "MtiME&SxBxema WON STATEMENT. AND A SWOMN ft KMMATM VAUM, OKMOOyBAV, rWWABy 14, 1MB " , ';?'? gSfllJ Kncelinrf in leaver, fire, 1 ifgffgamf"" afjmW ---F ,-, ", . V and Children, inri nrm W i i " i- ain by One of the First Shells of Mexican Rebs WWWyWWWWwMNNMMVwi ltuxj-ij-i -1 ir i. nn r i.r w-tnwr n r, , iryj-ufii xjin. s-irrrinnrs F-t w UNIFORM COUNTY & rp f'jr. ' SALARY BILL IS PASSED BY HOUSE NKAet'MI. UIVMM MOW COUNT OKKICttNi A sUBeK Herald Has the Greatest Number of Subscribers The circulation of Ilia Northwest era U about half what Iim been claim ed toy Ida publlsliera la lb paat, and this In aplte of aworn atatementa which have been ao repeatedly flaunt- 4 before the eyes of Klamath Palls business men by Iho tmhlUhani of tha moraine papar. Dally thara haa bean n atataaenl appvarlnc In llta morning nawapapar to tha effect that tlm Norlhweatern had about twlca tha circulation of Tha Harald. Aa a mattar of fact, the true condition of affair li that Tho MbN.llaMMllalarrafHlMM(h "Caaaif WtwtaT, MM AHwa Nbai ' Mai TrmTrHnc Kpaaee, Whkh ,, ! VNI Km . Vr-Th. ONWty Jld, from the point of flaw of clr r -.... culatloa, la tha auporlor of the morn '5 aUo aB raw naWjj,,,. pp,r. drvdlMtara.' prevent time the Northweatern'a cir culation la, according to authentic In formation, 840 dally. Of tbla num ber 100 copln are kept In the newa paper office, io that the circulation la In reality 740, counting "deadheada" and new Hand dellverlea. The Herald haa repeatedly invited tho Xorthwcitern to place on file In the county court house It'a Hit of aub-' ncribere, Tho publleher of the paper II ' perfectly willing, It aptteara. at 'any I imd all tlmca to make affidavit of the' number, but so far haa failed to fur til li the beat evidence, that Is, thai ii. ni uuni nue suuicriuera. . rtl 4bbBs A a. afli .7' t j?mn i. : j frki rti. t, ring Starts Early in the Morning ana mm jm w mmmm A INIEMflllOmS v- "' ''! TO HTHE LAST T OF TAFT laitad I'ress Herv lea -"VlAl.KW, Feb. 14. Tha house Uat .Ight iaMtd the uniform eeunty aal j try Mil. The maaMr laaa tha fol lowing saltrlM of KtamUi county ' euters: I Merlff, M.I00 and traveling ai Ceuaty Clerk, I !,!. Ceaaty suissur, ll.ltl. luperntendent of aekMW, 11,400. 4wrMn. I1.4M. - - I' .v Til, I'b. .L... L'". ..!.. . t wm nw MB OTV wmwmff J mt O ene.1 a j Jwnmai 8oma time ago the publisher, cd-at tho time It was executed, the Itor, general manager, managing ed N'orthweitcru haa been losing eub Itor, etc., of the Northwestern nudelscrlbors at a terrific rate. On the RESiR . -T an affidavit that tho circulation of the paper waa 1,400 copies. Tha Herald doea not iHanute the truth of that aftdarlU At that time 'paper. It may have be true, but at the In tk of brMUant edUoriala. if tho publishers affidavit waa true GOVKKXMMNC MKMKVNti tHTUA TIO.V WaU CHAXOK. MOW fl ' Hpwut of AesaiAmeHcM ma U the OaaaM of Qrav The CrWa ir Vaaeetesr to Bs Sert. other hand, The Herald haa been gaining In favor right along, and to day la Klamath Fall' greatest uewa George O. Clark returned last night from a bnolnaaa trip ta Portland, Ms. Clark la la charge of construction work for the Algema Lumber com-pawr. Oeorge Ourkeo waa ta today from the Hopklaa reach, attendlag to busl- matlers. i.'j1,1. jai Pythians to Celebrate Forty-Ninth Anniversary Great Preparations Being Made for : Obaeitance by the Local Lodge. Banquet to be One Feature LIFE SAVERS . WHICH WRECK HH1TINH HAKK CJOKU A8HORK OPV .KHAIKM HAV, HUT MKMBKKeJ OF THK CHKW HTICK TO THK VKHHKL h, .The forty.nmta aaa4vnary of tha y.' beading of tha Kntgata af Fytataa .. ,WH be celebratsm Wasteaaaay tvea- , , MC'by the memberahlp at KlaataUl ' Udge No. 9, mM M htvitatwa aaa I ', Issued to all PyUmaa la tha ,)! to be In atteadaaea. trMra- 1'', m are being mada far aaterUwlag rwer 100 peoala. .y laltlatloa tad ratt aU wttl be M ceremaalea. A Kagram piaaroprie.1, to tha aaeaalaa wM a reaaered, and Ulaa ay pramlaaat ' S!?1 ot WI Wa be r taade. A hitaui atu -- - .. p . b .i- ".-r r." . p"-tt "" '2 .: -"ing w iaa aaaa.t raaw , uo i. o. o. r. aaM. "a first lodge a Ua t4e waa fouaded la Waakrlagton, D. C, ua February 14lb,-. ll4, by Justice C. Rathbura. with about a handful ef government employee aa membera. Blnee thatt Ime, tha order haa grown until Ita present membership la ever 100,089. Tha history of tka order la one ot muck Interest. While teaching school near I.ake Superior, Rathbura wrote tha ritual of the order ta tha lltUe leg hut la wbleh ka lived during tka years of 1M0 and 1111. When tha war of tka rebellloa broke out, Rath bura waat to tha front, carrying tka ritual, aad during tka four years ot atrlfa ke kept, tka ritual constantly In km (inltctl I'resa Service WIIKKI.KH. Ore., Feb. H.Llfe saver from the (lartbaldl station are standing by tho German four-masted bark Mlral, ashore off Nehalem Hay. Tho members of tho crew are staying with tho veeeel. P. K. Hamilton, who la homestead- lag on Murk Island, In Upper Lake, la hero today to purchase supplies. eel MefeeaJaasBiiaw OaJy Oatae '..iu - (raphe WM e rosa Haa 4sw United Prasa larvlee WABHINOTsW, D. C, Vaa. 14.-- Taaai, sa'la. asdaaag sfis uklag any definite aetlam ha tha Max- Icaa matter. Oakjr aa avjrwaalialag eataatrapaa to Aaserleaaa aad feralga- era will cause latanraattea. Tha governiaeat aallataa that tho altaaUoa will week Keell eat Tho spread of aaU-Amerlean aeati- meat m causing aaaeera. Tho crisis Is oxpected before tomorrow. SEEKTO.PREVEIT TAX COLLECTION feOR VO MB aTAKtla BY tTaTAN. 1MHrm XO MaWntAIN TaTE MaaaWTV nOM COUMOXVW Lam atsTKaMTJiY MADK Papera la a aalt ta aajala tha afeer- It, aa tazaall taxes levied fi clut court pi county poor house pi sheriff tote tale Uea la brought by gasoa, repreaeaUag Caarloa Oravi foraserly JaaUea t taa. aaaoa Ltak River Praataat. la Ua complaint K m alleged Uat thie aoaaty, aaati wreacrally .aaaaa taa ravVampaalaad efatnsl'tam again aa aaked to laeaa a' temperarrVeatrasa hag order peadtag Ua trial ef taa eaaaa. Mr. Oravee ehjeeta ta Ua payateat of taxea oa kla property kere, wklea la aaaeased at ttlS. One Thousaiid lUIM in the Battles of Yorterday YOUNG BOOSTERS TALK ORGANIZING WTl lOICOIBATARTS NEETDI rv t-. O. A. Harris aad family are ex pected homo thla eveatag from CaU Ifornla. They have boea away sev eral weeks, and, aavd flatted rttatlvea aad friends In Baa Fraatlaoo aad Lea Aagelea. Tis (lrlfflth waa la Taureday tram his ranch on the Merrill read. Werkhagoai Leahy Work ot ramodallas the former quarters ot .the Pint Natloaal bank in the Withrow-Melhaae building waa commenced today. Thk room will be used aa the lobby for the Hotel Hall. Mr. aad Mrs. Browa Mleaael. two well, kaowa KtoraaU eeaaty real- deats, are here tram tkelr Teaaa Tat ley raack, spsndlng a few dajra. ffiS m m W Ehle is "In Bad" in the Sacramento Valley i f Kwjj'( H KK ITifS - mT' . -i. t Wiii" t -1 The folloaiu i t .. nW1 TBaaaaaa Palla pee- iMkb. w . ;vwwlP,''laW' W gej -?wy nare la MUi "v-.''--l Huraery Mm who Operated In Klam ath Vakllai -VaaaW Vaa an mean A 4a Itamlnti R . " ,?.'V - fa ' Sought by California Officert ; m. tiu. aw Ji.J'. m tT 1 "Aldwi Aai hl.Kn.J!.. SES .S5i twis f ,," wtaaalaamaf Tle Mf.2?.?1 'WalMstairTv-ala,' "Aadaraea aaM today that he or dered 1,10 trees from Kble, but hna aet heard at the trees aor of the eup poeed agent ! tha Uma, But An? deraoa waa cauUoua, aad, did not alga tha Had of aa order that made vlc tlma at aaverapeeapaeUva customers. 'Bhleoama t the bank Drat and waate4 to opea aa aeeeunt under a Petltloua aame,' aald Aadaraea 'a wouM not permit that. UlWad trees, aad, aa I wanted v; cWI.VeoW4) " ttorata;waai, New Masonic Building WUl Cost at Least $60,000.00 Structure Will be Modern in If ery Detail, and All the , RoomaWmbeLtghtedfrfim , pective Ready Monday in Afternoon Plana for tho new Masoale .tamjOo, to be built at the corner et Matt' street and Klamath avenue, era being completed by Vegnte A Co., area! tocts' aad the sketches will be aa ex hibition at the office of that Ira aad In tho window of some business house nftor Monday. Tho plana call for an expeadlture of between 40,000 and 50,0. ' , With the property coating I10.000, the new structure, when completed, will represent aa expeadlture of near-' ly M,090,. -The'Milldluc will be three stories high, wlth(bsementana the exierler will be carried out la ctoselc deslga. Pressed brick will be used .In the coa 8tructloa of tha body. An Innovation 'hero will ba. side walk elevators to the basement, such as are used in large cities., .AH other details ot tka structure wU be ear-' rled out on suck modera" Masa.v A-x The basement ot the bundle wilt, 'bat be.Ntted up for a club roonaJfortaa Ha taa use afaMatWra'pf, tba'MaaafJi.tar- twae,I darai, la .addRloaf5,thera wMTfae4 a . i- :tvx ,, r. gS&h, iShZLt!.'- v. .. 'h. . : : f'. I'JAi ' ? '! " ef '- 4 4 .. k'li 'ii -V Taev first lloor wlU ae 'devoted to store rooms, and the perttoaa of the second floor faclag ea KuaMtii ave nue and Sixth ;streetfwm be; oaaee suites. The remlnaervef taa aaeoad floor will be a eaMaet'ieaei and f kttckea. ';' ,'.;v Tke pUn ot tka aatliltacta each that there will be ita 'iaelee'! Jeai. The store room wIN'taee en HxU atreet, aad the oatraaos to the base meat aad upstalrawUI be ea that aide. The entraaee wlH be foarteea feet la width. '"?' j-. ' "- Tke atructurevwm be heated by rrteaia. Modera, Are. as sapais-wltrbe laataUed-. ; -'?, .;v "" Work ot -aolteHlag auaeeriatleaa with which to pureaaae Ue woaerty desired for the balMtaa; vrill be earn- meaced In n few daya by taa vraya aad meaaa committee of KlaaiaU Ledge, A. r. A. A, M. 'Memaara'Whheeai atlttee are 'Caasaa' 4eaTaar Mdmnad aataarey. .'Aj. bert B.J8lde aad Magdt Ita White. iThla eominw '' NflkginaMat aaaaav. aaiaak; 4) ta eav Mam ov-m taa Msa'aaa !' Oi' J..fA ' ' .T t."3i ...1' LV lag. Taay aave. decided upon a aieta od ot ralatag the moaer, wklea la eat- llaed la tke lellewtag: i ., . . ,- ... ssinhjilia far, tMeast - .- , jf-i. . '"i x - ' We, the Madaialgaed, far taa aer- poae of aeearlas a ballaiag let la taa City ot Klasnatt, Falla, Ceaaty et Klamath, aHata af Otiaaa, ta-wtitta aoutkeaaterir ieaa kaadred (1M) feet, asore or leaa. faetagoa Klamatt avenue, et let 1, aleak IT. of Origlaal towa of LtakvUta, aa aaewa aaaa the plat taat,,Ua Ue eaaeeet the eaaty'elerk far aaet'eeaaity aad state, ta the eMtaa4'""Maaoale buUdlac may -be sraasedfUareaa. aad la'aaa aMeraatoa of the fallow lag. eoaaltlaaa aad;' W:.oUer,mutaallr biad eu selves, neur raewasieatatlTaa aad aa ajaw.vtaaaaai;' moaey aet' oppoaite our.reaeettva;aaaaa:V, i Ftvai -Taat taa ua oc aertaed aarawtu ay. taa aeverally aaallaat beeeaae a Waalgdl aldaaiutlaaT,TaBaa'tBaah''' . aadaasdamed maaaasaaBTaaa -aaaptjassi Lajpaamsa , aaaamavamjsaaajpaaB-mj gtthar' aaaaratty arfaatlasaJNkr tsaMlt ee eeea si sasieaak aeeeRKev CvaaaaaaaVeaT M 5S ff'A X'iu, ganlslng a Jualer C meree, axaunseer 9t satareetad ata deau et the alga aeaeet heM a'aaiea- teaar.ac walahtsnata mHtee .waa naaetated to aaasar wMh Ue etaeers aaad taVtstesa af the KlaavaU Caaxtaer "ef CaaimsrsO, re gardlag ergaaiaatlea; Membera af the committee are Wiaaasa Hajasstala ehairasaa. J.Mardla Carter aad Marry Oalaraeaax. They wilt report at a later meeting. Teday'a meetmg waa preetded ever by Porreet Plot Another meetlag win be held whoa the committee pre pares Ita report. Ravened Ite Ka. lkaH ,i I - a 71 United MKZIOO C1TT. Feb. li.-Oae et the aret rebel aheHo aaaetad Ua chapel nt a.ssavaat aam eaeedeat fca r'icxaimai.H'imtvi Fruit Inspector Xsm. How to Stop Vy li. "VS 4 '.. ttT DriTen to Farmt on . 4 x- .iVl. SctVcUy. , Jacka atfe Damaging Many Promialng ;,! Orclwrda r' ', - ' -( J, fCi W ..It'' la an eftart to aaalet tarmata aad lusrtleanVstBNs whgaaf areas aaa-ata- aaarad aaveh'rabheta. aataaa' from the Mtm ea aeeajsk af the .laPSt et fe, O. A. eeeA eeaaty trutt 'eaaW,-l--aJ 'aaWdaJ aaVVahVaiByaaaaiaaa aaJlaaaaHga eat thaaaaatyara aakaf UwhaHg toak lakllavlwmh aa flta a ! aaaay ahaaasaaa a Basamaaaaaasrasuaaha 1-warh aa'fll.: i ? iaaer,ta ThlawlM'.aaTa' trees, j If 'aaaalea.. T-nfwwswr '). Fays ar . ' aaar ' to tW, . S. r " '? v r tj'" : .v i ' Sonth ip Inpreaaire ttreiiMiifcgHeJjl in fis- Und. 8chool ChUdrea Llatn With . m- ; t?J a UaMedPraaaaarrtea ' -"',-; LONDON Pek. il.faa aaatt aaa-. inortol ta,,Pu.oa .-',- - w ' aa AaVumv aaaaaa i :i - I. - -v r .v j anapamaramaxamj! ap aa amamm t anjaxaa c vr torp asUaAaa:;' . h, - ' v. . The Ka CayirehUI, Aavslih. Bereetard. Llayd 'aeafflw';'ajat 'A ImBt et aotahlea nttaadad. The aeaa at Bt-Paafa .f ed t ' t tij ssataaaMMsl fAgmCgte-asBkttg&bX aaaMlaaaaWlL X'VI-samMi AA itihjatral ehaai gaa ; jf LTYPqiJfyl aBap rams- Taaeaaaas-Tesmaami aTsaBaaBaa amPL W? . PPaBaaaBnsmmall rJayeABaWBaramlaaaal 4aT r TllWslfs -d.nairapaai aaamdmUlBil iitmi sAaaaa 4wtt- - ..'. ' n,' . .';.... 'v '' ' , . .,. .:. .: s. gjssa