t." ;. v. a ' n f l ZHERFS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SWORN SmimZ Mti VQi .. - 4. , ' . rf 1 . ' I r4 v ,- :" ' 'g 'i Vv... m, . , l , ;f'j mmmtmMMmMIs : "71 SUPrMM" HV TNI UNITKU PHI NHWi srrvicr fithe Hevratii l'ear N. 1 1 "y imam. KIjAMATH FALUJ, OR1WOW, TRTaWDAr, FBMUARY IS, IMS F Mexicans Attack American Holes in Pictures of Club and Heroes of M t-i f MILITIA WILL JAKE PLAGE OF REGULAR TROOPS AIWUNWJUKNTI UMIrKK WAV I6i. im I.WKMVIWTMMf ' i Rliii ImUts That He Naa Xet HewN advieril by m liisidsal aa te tlw . riMM to He AliHw ir htee)l Mrrt Will Wend hi Mia KreiiFaalieM R aa (luirmtir of Xrw Jrfwr la .1 J? Pew M)B MINISTER IS GIVEN LIBERTY MKV. MOKX MAINTAIN THAT HIM THIN HHOTHKK HAD HKKN THK CAUMti OK Al.li Of HIH KKOt.NT THOUIII.KM PHONE SYSTEM FOR HIGH SCHOOL hTUDKXTH OK MANUAL TKAJNINO IIKPAHTMKST AT WORK OX KXCIIAXU: 4,XMPLKTK CAHI.U TIMi ArTKIi.NOON .,-i-i.. f . 1, AU IV .if mmmmmm MewR M nM RWW ayeYJaYaT'Ktf tStai JaaVaawam ' ' Shoot ':IH:? the Natiofl. (X; ules of Warfare are Both Sides in the Me: Violated X IV ('" '."va ;fiwu4 Vtft tontf -J WAWIISOTON, n. a, rb. 1S KHU 4cli)l to UUirreM la Hw Im Mm 7.100 jrooj o tk border A lll k rriUr4 by tlc u ay HHUMM. ) mMhi r latM1r Mti4," mM Ua UulUJ lrff KmlM , HKDWOOl) CITY, Callf. rb. II. -rHv, Horn u Ultcharfvd from KUtiiMf lodajr .bcauie It u Iriikm- Iblu to (irova tlio tilcam etiarga niMlnkt him. Mra. Uti I)o Tovrca docllnvd to reM her ca. Horn InaUta that liU twin brother had lm marr(d to the woman. r "Tae mowWra of the atttUla of Uj )MMea are latMtr MUa4," MM Oe. tenl Mllti. chM at the 4IvIIm ot , , pwwt affaire, "aad all ara eager for JJailMUMdor WIUm rtrta that' Veallre tuUthm f'Maal CKf m ttrrorlird. Kuawrs of attacaa MmtHtcrM ara curreat. GALLAGHER POSTS, BONDS FOR 5500 Im w-atA fkal Ik -. - -- - . illaa Rail Crnu (nalAlv ku alala i' -i.:" .. " . ""'tcl' "-. -"" : . uiaaiita deteciM'eieataera or tko jifMte Crou coaveylag aatMURltle. '17 were tunmarlljr executed. WIImb bttleTea that the aahtlaa HI roalltiuo all atteraeoa, Latt night the White Croaa eocletr UaiiJ that aid bad bfl given by Uma to 1,100. The Had Croaa aoclely aWd 1,000. PrwIdMit Taft recejvlac hourly NKrtajithe state deaartawat. iL-oJuaued fraga l'iMri"iV K. P. rWKXKTT, OTHKR MAX AH KIXTKO ON A MMTI.HMil-a CHAHUK, Ut BHJM OVHN TO THK MIHWWA1, UIM.1U iVKI United mates CetnmtMloaer Chaa. J. f arguaon today garo P. I'. Ilurnett, arretted by tleouty U. H. Marahal OrlMtb, a Bfellnlnary hearing. He waa bound orer to fare the federal grand Jury en n charge of turaltblag ffiquor to Indiana. George II. Oallagber, the other nan arretted by QrlMth for Introducing whUkey en the reetrtatlon, otod 500 bonda for til appearance before the federal district court. Oallagher waa arretted en a bench warrant, fol lowing hi Indictment. aassaamKEaaBSBsaran1 Vacavillc Bank Robbed , by Automobile Bandits An Intra-communlcatloa ttlepbono )lem U to be the lateat Innovation M Hi to Klamath county high achoot, and for several days put atudents or Hie manual training department, ut- dor I'rofcuor K. V. Hawley, hatti licn at work on the eichango. The cnbllnc a as completed this afternoon. Tlio oichange when completed will make It poulble for all rooms In tba school to communicate through the inodlutn of a switchboard la the oMc. with every other department The plant will be of the central energy tyi. and the equipment for this sys tem will bo Installed In the basement by the students. DARROW DEFENSE TODAY STARTS HKTKCTIVH nUXKLIN M MJB- JKCT OK A TMUtlKIC ROASTINa II V ATTOWniTH VOH THK DR KKXHK a" 1 1 -i' -t ferry O. DeLap leaves In the mern Inn for I'ertland, to purchase stock and flxturea for the drug store to be opened In the lobby of the Hotel Hall by I Imself and Rata Carter. saauMuauaMuwMHMMaBamBMMEmm United Pi MM ANARCH, Feb. II. The prosecution ki tkf Darrow caae eleeed this aftemeea and the defease open ed. Detective nraaklla waa Utterly denounced by tne.def ?. Jay Trammaelrbaa returned te hit raack near MMIajid, after a atiert e Joum In the eeneUy seat. E. D. Brlgajd M Aslad la u KUo- AHl'ftlHTeMMe'H! - mmmmmmmmmmmm Y.M.CA. WORKERS VISIT THIS CITY TRIP MAMC IN TUE INTMUelT OK LVtmiMHKW OTCANUATIGX MAY RHfVLT IM , A IiOCAi BKA.VCH OK AJWOCIATMN J ! i , '.V - T4 V ' ,w r 4l 'aVHsV. lMMtlaflltf :Jl "fTMl '-V i ' J -'in? for the purpose, of aaeertalnlns the .dvlaaMUty of eeUbWehbig T. U. G. . brancaee at taw FeHeaa mar. At- noma and other lumber eaaaae la thla county, John A. OoodeU and W. B. Wright, tetd werkera forOraajen, are nere front Pertlaad.' ' ' f The oeeaeton U their viaH'U btttea by, leeal men te,rg4j.Ue lenaatlea Af.a beaaeh la thla eRr; jhtta whe are membera ef Use.nsssslatlaa ha ether cltlee have taken the nutter ay srtth the Tiaiters, aad It la aeaethle that ther vaay hoM a aseeUac thla weak te ceaslder the matter farther. Grand Jury is Probing the Gambling Situation in City It it Reported that Witnesses are Asked Concerning Games Conducted Here. Man who Escaped Pan-, ishment is Called in and CJoselj Questioned Sheriff add Posse in Pursuit. Safe is . Blown and it is Believed that the Loot Will Amount to $10,000 An alleged disagreement between Klamath Falls gambler Is being ;made the subject of a probe by the Ktainath county grand Jury, aad on Wednesday toveral wltneasea were he fore the Jury to give their reraleaa of t tlio matter. Chief of Tollce Smith yesterday visited a room In the alley back of the corner of Sixth and Mala dt roots, and la which It waa claimed gambling had been carried on. Some tlaie ago .JVIM., Feb, ll.-Tha Vaea- If IT. wf nu wlr' IMb ""Hs , The robber rede ta the haak la an S.01"' ' Mewlag the V'i : i v si i .; safe succeeded In making their es cape. Sheriff McDonald and a poas are pursuing them. It I believed that the loot amounts to 10.000. the police made a raid aa thla alae aad .arrested several ma. Three 9t them were fined, hat, K.ia claimed, two ether who were la the game there were allowed ta te without pun ishment. One of these asea waa he fore the grand Jury yeeterday. The proprietor of a leeal pool room waa among the wltneasea aummoaed by the grand Jury. It la believed that be waa called in connection with the same matter, but thla eeald net he positively ascertaiaed. It la believed that the creaeVJary will BMke a Saal reaert te Jadce Be eon Saturday arbraeea Rumer aaa tt that aeveral true bille will he re turned. It waa reported thla aura lug that aa Important wKaeea-la aa especially serteua ease , had heea placed under guard for fear that aa attempt might be made toeeeape the Jurladlcttoa mt Ua eotert. , Thla atteraeoa membera of the po lice force were aummoaed before the araad Jury. am Vfi Arniierv r r ." of V i- - Duel timmt emBfjjmlk w uty iept up All .aF J v SCHOOLS HEAR OF LINCOLN'S LlfE KM SCHOOL AX HCHOOfi IsnaTaWtn tmrmm morxum by JinaWaWMKMC !. i AJNMahamV - . t.e tha t Aldrmas M tereet were made ta the Crea of Use eMr tMa OireeltjJudae leaaei aaaeatJ.L- ai,U.e thn eeveath wad-eighth tae-.eiv. Mw.ctai tea u.e ef uaeeta,' .. t Tat taJamttrata.malttlr aad they were allTaai'hr a boyhood a( Use martyred af aaeedetes at am We. tetd oatjr aa O. P. Detea of Keaa to here oa a huelaeas trip. ' CITIZENS FLEE FOR LIS FR8I AMaajkuacAR'' ArnHMMttilMh djHaVSl yimv ammas ema aw apjaajp. tu w mL aaul'laBBBBmalt.tamft.MgemV M ' !- ,! r -? UaHed Ka 0m - J MiKMO ctrr, vih. v t hv btary e( the m Shriners Preparing to WislconaftComfaiatlfalifaa ; - " .."' Tm' a ''' .. Dairymen to Complete Organization Saturday femanent Committees Will be Ad- J Pointed ami PoUde of Aaaocia Uon to b;OutUned at Meeting v?, ' ' "MM .fi 'uw aewly JeraHdieompletoNhla work Katurday'a U Itb County nlr..' Ai. 11. ....JVuLLail h Rraaldutt Jamaa "'."" "- - ' Raau.; Plana for the furtherance of the dairying Muatry will be takaa up ht thU time. A number of committee will atoe.(h itanied to take direct eWarge of dlffereat lwrtanVMatierrv A MenharahlP eommitte;Wll, Wjo be ri.Viod to ,oilU th aaeaiherahlp of nil Kmiuath eaunty dairymen who are not ai jrat aa the rella. i m I County Dairvau1 will b kinr-- 5 v cr"! l.b Chamber' at flwnim t Hrab,U!f "NrtiWai.taa lli aaW.5"1 MRea M iTo'eloelt, JrVSMhihMa wm eeeUd ffiSS-wBVS Wvfc i nwa;erwaa. Ti High School Students Form Junior J-1 K'.i"- aai t - '.-aw 'raj unamoer oi commerce j. K Boosting of the County's Resources will be Taken Up by Student Body. Collection of Agricultural, In- , dustrial and Commercial Display to be JpUde For the purpose of educating theat- Membership for the new ergaataa- wclvea regarding the Industries, pro duct and resource of Klamath coun ty, aad to better fit themielVM to be; coiae booster aad cltisena (of thla section, students W the KUmatli county high school aet at noon today nnd took step toward the orgaaiaa Hon of a booeter body, to he kaawa he Junior Klamath Cajunty Cham t of Commerce. . v Another meeting will be held to morrow aooaitat which time .teataa- ritry organlaatioa will ha elected aad femaUUee te fermulat hy-lawa wm he appolWd. ' , ,. UK her leaNWlll be Halted tat the atadeat body of the high askeei.wRh the fae uRy aad oRcera' ef. the Klaaiath Chamber of Commeree aa adeanry mmbr. r '"' , Aa aggreestye heeater eamaaiga will he carried ea hf- the atadeat bodyj aad'aa allpartaef Uhreaaaty ara.reareaeated a ae4 eat ef later eatlain laformatloa- rtgaralaa: aranr oommuaHy will Whraacht' ewi ' ;l vMejFwhvm) W aem W OFaBJomBwA"JtJa aawMveJa1ew bar af 'Ceaaaaerae thla' aaa ha aaad'aa land mataaaa af J&)t" irf'ir1 - , -j'' iir H"r -w- ,'4r . 1 ' ' , ..; i la addittoa te Re aaaalar .werk the a w"TJ7, "JawM emwaawmw m) mJMawWamBgaeJ eoUectlea.e ilsaWural ; aad ladue trial, prodaeta treaa. till aver the eeea- ty, aadi'ia'' Mae,r.he algp oaeol wlU , 5r - " " a , "- aafR Tw aa omBwamwamwmrmmwajej avaBmaJrBama - avaja . wj Rg aewa VM mJRBBJfa JHJRJjBjRrMg awMJeJi MJ VHMmJVMBIVJ'ataea rm i Vt tt'5-,. .-ill . vL. if . , 4 ". ata,,. th-Z "f. r lfU" VV - frsntarr C. T. Oefror ef laa Klam- ath; 'chambaryai'CeatmerMto'aaaieV lag the 'etadaa't la the waek at ,- aFJJfcar 'J PN , jpi,fjjjr JR . lJam9jB7 Meai! tat' at . hHawa tt . tie) Uea, atd I givtag ta Jeatte e valaaaie i stasis ta Nrrhaflaai i. . . .....,-. i , ., n, j mpwm v' t t t r s-V o "", Ii' 'l( n ' "tWV aaaaj - a--ji.wiatma" ' aLL aaaa Ll ?! rusrummac Qi gMMumm wmmmm wm p re4 toent Celebrated Arab , Patrol of rwftomMwp Oaeef'thetlwwt trateraei traata In Klaaaata Fan wRt lie aa eatfeled here Juae SI, wheai Bioaaber of liUlah Taeaale, Neelea Wtha Mya- tie Sartae, wttt 1 ,A- j ,VV ' Lmm Ytea4aAAtmaWv -aUSW ia aakA saemmeaamu;, wasea apaw aaa vtsMlac haat wIR a a eiaaa t le twar leeaa1aaaaa amataa jha uraaag Msaae, - ' a- - ...(Ce4Baae4eaWmall "m WaW Local Odd Fellows l: .1 . .. c I'-" 47'. ' 1915 State Cwmmm X J, Iv- y r,l ..'. "- j.- t'-v. ,,; S" WS i ; ?t'P' for4he Honor at the (kdWentlOii toMedfcL Number Gata' erMF'a' waaaaBBawaaBi waaaaaa ( aaa-aa aaaaBBBBBBjBBBBr-aBwB gaVePtHaaTflpTgfHJr The hae if Thaits I aasm 'wwew ! w r wsmwoB) eameaBamr NeMl?, I.p. O. F.ara avatteaa 'ta'fa UMdlatel aaat ' May -j: Aa ia stead awa. The''' tbs malla f the flraad) Ledaja the eatmr, mh) a the Ode) Fattawa are far' tba 'CwaajA .laiaa fw RUmath FaOa ta XMI Itla ntd that aaaad arawe) aC the tri to Mai- ford to help aleag thla m mm. , la aa way eaaht Rlaaaajh yajM aad the Klaaaath eaaatry flgtR RaJW ujuau aiaatav samai east waahM tatlmmt MM tVwat aYtaml4MMaRtiRw MRd Wt taaahl 'eariejumRi at ' ttaj h. Ii to-aat aalr em aapar, hWi " . aa aalaitala aaR awer weivr1 waaaww tem ettBRi varwMy'W etiea are the -w. vartea " ..4 '"P V - tt. r ' &' tituJ'Sg!.' L ''C.jjfc. ; v 7i .nl.J4.tl'itt--:.j