. , V f- f THER&S -A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SWORN STAWMMNT 'A& 8 " mufpliki r tmr UNITKP fNWM KRWS SKKVICR , pe f toenina fetvetilh Year -Ne. J, KLAMATH PALLS, OKReXHL INKWAY, PRReUTAJftY IS, IMS JletaUi. "iW ajWewswir w Vriw '! ''Hi iiiip J '.t. If . " ' r ' ' . " ' Aj ' ...:. -.-i. - ..jim.w n ...' Km fyrfcvjg ,? i' war 'it American Womenfiiose lives vin Mexico ,evva)xe) ' Sky Scrapers in Capitol City are Struck :3 i ROARING CANNON SKAKE CENTER Of CAPITOL CITY MKXICAN C1UKNKHM KHKIA TRK MKY NCRAPKKM Cable OStre I Wrack ljr Cmnkm Hall end Arttoto m t'Mctl I'nwe Cumepuadrat fa Wreckcl, Intpelb4e la KettaMte Ike Lees f Life Prlaeaera Am Released aa-l Heam Ike CHjr NEW DRU6 STORE WILL OPEN SOON I'KHHV U. UK Ml AM) RALPH CAKTKH WILL CONDUCT FHAII MAUY Ijf NKW LORBY OF THIS HOTKL MALL MKXICO CITY, Feb. II. The ten (r of the elty to ekaklsg. The rear el eaaaea aad machlae guas ta the kMiktrtanl et the an Ml la which tat, OlaillM are ea ('reached continued all morning. The gunners art shelling ta high bulldlage ea whiea'aiaay M dorp ium ara neHM4. A hall MrwrVa wall et U bulla lag of tka aU . whare tka United lrtM wrMpeaatat waa writ Troops are Moving Toward the Fronts V CHAMBERS MAY E BEEN GOAT HAV HKI.L KNOWN COW I'DXfHKB IN NUT IXUICTKD HY THK KKIIKIt AL JKAM JUKY NKKiHHOK IHKil) HOW CAVHK ConllrmiitloH of tlto report tbat tba fodoml grand Jury bad failed to re turn a true bill agaliut "811m" Cham NO WAR A deal baa Juit been cloecd where by I'errr O. ! Lap and Rnlpb Carter bava Uaied a portion of the lobby of n, iini.i ii.n ih tnntlnn fjr ftllitr of Fort Klamath on a cbarie of new drug lore. The quarter, for the llmperaontttlng m offlcer was brought w t. . l.u IUhhIw tint It A Ulataa Ualtal . I III t.- l .. ., "" V """"" " V .--. new niririo win u ivu mwu aa the new lobby of the hotel U com- iCotitiMutti vu I'aga J pleted. Carter U at prtecat In Uketlew, but he will return to Klamath Falla In a few dayi. Tba. new store will be opened en or about March ICtb. LOCAL MKRCKAXT TAKIM A MWDK When C. K. Atklnaon left a abort line age for I'erttaad It waa oatmel bly far tba purpoMi 6f purcbaalac ad dlllonal goods for hU etore, but when ha returned te Klamath falle be brought wltk bin a wife. The bride waa formerly Mum Mario Trankel, at on time employed In Atklaeen's atore art-mr rrrr. Orlffitb. who la In thli lection on offl clal buslnew. It oppeara tbat It was shown tbat thero was some trouble In Fort Ktam th, which waa believed to be a neigh borhood row, and that "8llm" was made the "goat." Chambers Is a well known cow puncher, who haa takes part la the rough riding sports which ara held here annually. Claims iw Important Discoveries Made in Re- EXCITEMENT IS RIFE, IN 'FRISCO 4 SCHOOLS CLOSE IN OBSERVANCE a V ' VAVK uMvaajk-r , Muuummuum ARR RMCR,WAY FOR TRAJfsV FOsWATION OF TROOFS VnMdl SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11 While no war arCara hTe bee raeatrad, there la gret aaattement CoIomI' Knight5, la charge et-tha transport aarrlce, says Uiatenly tka Uuford a4 the Sheridan ara arall- able. Mstats could gsora ft ragtmwt lORnwrra sop IIOYALTY IMJURKB . OX RATTUCFIRLB CBTTINJB. Feb. II. It waa o- clally stated this morning that the king's brother waa seriously weaaded whllo leading the Monteaegrfh treapa In the recent activities at BcuUrl. Two of the klag'a brothers were also Injured. It Is reported that they aro mortally wounded. KLKpOMAWAM 7 r "u It la SMhUl t ath FattaLedgw; Na. Xtil, . P. O. Elks, ham ever aa aa mae astir over aa vim, aans faba Ra4a aa Umf are taaAy.jnwabrkig; tka ssmmaass meit it taa'hsurd ysaaa aak teait t be given at Kaaataa'a .efen,lwaM thw evening. Rika nasi tlMlr tadiea will be la attaaaaaee. There ara n number at taaMaa as tumes being pfepared ay mesabera et the lodge, and a aaaaral teed time la being looked ferward. to. HAmU AND COCRT RKHNKC ARR ALSO CSASRO TODAY PATH!. OTKJ RJUHtCeVHS VOTMORROW 'AS9 FRIDAY AFTHRXOON la ebaarraaea 9t Ltaeola'a birthday all et the achoeu et the etty are etesed for the day, aad beaks are kavlag a holiday. Kvea the eeart heaae la closed for the day. Aa observance wlU he heM at the Central ackool tomorrow at 11 e'eleek whea Circuit Judge Beasea wlU ad dress the Seveeth aad RJghU grade MDtla et all the aehaoW. Pregraata la honor et. Uaeela will be givea by the different grades Friday afteraeea. Hyeragraphac T elaad ettte aeea iWwiatan. CaMt, to aataadja M00SEDOMH HOLD A SiCIAL - t ' r AN BtVROtsBrTV FROORIRT AMD DANCDM WKiIi 'RRFRAtwRR " - ' - "" " ' - ' Moan " twsAaawainr ' 7 " " " o i Instead M tka meetlag temarrew et Klamath' Ledge,' Laynl Oriiv at Maese, wtti,hed a aseial ha Mm watt haU et the, I. O. F. bnMdlngl Fttoada of the order have been tafttod to ae tead. aad a great tlsaa la leaked lee ward to. .i . "' -it. A program la belag rranajadlar the essaalaa: aad a aeaaaet la at Rm lag. TtadaHa atakeatra haa gaged ta reader aad to ily for the Qeerge R. Spsny at le a guest at the WhHe Artaar a WMeem left taJa tor ctaam Cbrae wkaaa aa has aa- eevtod a eHatoaLaaber it, m 'i Mbatresn trto." He bs Oal, WRSWSTiW ttoatoIeAaAa, vaax aaaea vp assaa av aaw '-.(:. It A. PagaeHI want to MarrJR todar to attend ta bnslaesa mattera. Mrs. F. S. Cresey weat to Oraata Pats today to TiaK reUUves, search Work by University Prove Cain Was Here Speeial ta Tka Herald by Least Wire. UNIVRR8ITY OF LORKLLA, Arck eolegleal Departmenl, February IS. Kdller Herald: Your article relative to Professor Mattock's theory of Caln'a feeatlott near KUmatk Falls waa received kere wltk great latereet, and wa ara glad to Inform tke publlo (hat (he professor's report Is corrob eratlvs wKk aitoadad reeearek work wa kave been pursuing nlaag this line. A place haa reeeatly bee dlseover etf near tke Ualveralty which gives every ladleatlea ot kavlag been occu pied by Cala. Rvea tke ekalra at tkta pUee kave aeea found lo be Caln-ssat-ed, aad the oecupats, oa belag uat Ueaedelesely, admitted that they had feraMrly raised Cala. Further tkaa this, some eoples of the "Dally Stone Tablet," aa Issue ot that nerlod have been unearthed with articles bearing on this subject, one of which we ouote herewith: ' "One of the most recent arrivals ta our community la Mr. Cain, who ar rived Wednesday over the Kuphratee A Oregon Southern, having had a nrlvata coatBartmeat on one of the company'e palace mules. Aa Mr. Cain claims to be a member of one at the ,.) f.rallUa of tba Kast. he WM at oace Interviewed by a representative of this pubUeatloa. "He said: 'While the climate or my" former location la all that could he deeirea were are, o com, (Continued1 on rage si Griffith Captures Two Men Accused of Violating Law Deputy United States Marshal Brings George B. Gat lagher and F.r. Burnett to thU City. Selling Liq uor to Indiana is the Accusation that Is Made Infantry Company Cat be Quickly Formed FW R"RPRRnSfP W&kQf RRPBfRalRRWRP VPspRRaj' Belk vea BtgMy Profbrkst ftBy, paay CoaM b Iatastir il lay nv... it n.iLt.r HtuiMit QalUiber waa arrested at Chile- employe, and F. P. Burnett were Q VJ -f brought to this city this afteraeea by Klamath. The latter kaa beea eea- auciing uvecy mi. w v, Domitr United States Marshal OrlRtk .. , . .rMj vt . mdi m. aide aad formally charged wKk aelllag business at turaieelag the reaaklae liquor to Indiana. wlth flrewator. . Yamamoto is Now the , Premier of Jap Nation - aaaaaaagnnjBSfjBemgammaaa- As a Result of the Selection, Rioting Has Been Stopped, But Author ities ara ItlU on the Aien t;aited PreM Sarvea .. . " u Twtuui' aaai .wiaawspw, w toaar Iaatoue4 preiaief et Jaaaa. . Tak;aa a teadeaay to rt a atop to taertotlag watoaAaa beea ta pre- . r"-l " TVWZ! M:" ;' . ' . . t rt cltaed to view, the geaeral altaaUoa witk akwrat', and a earetal watea Is be lag aMlataiaea ayar tka dltereat aatherlage.. . ,siK.., Hwtr betore la.tae niewfy-etwe empire aa the ajtaatlM asas, sa aeuto. . s' - ?.... .' a l . , , : , , or i-.f, -w,f Oallagher kaa beea employed by the geverameat aa tae trrtaatloa pro Jeet near Ckllouln. It Is ehilmed that be has awde a laeraUve praettoa at sailefylag tka thirst et ladiaaa la tae VklaKy la which ke Uvea; Only ition Seems HanllSfew Considered y While One Army Attacks From the North, Another is Expected to Start From the Eaat and Prevent 1111- busterlng IxpeditionSe Short Term Possession & 'Jc.'l '". rZ''1Srl vJ.'waMerCaMet 'rfl ISrrrMIO -ir it , fhkV la tae a sen far awMOa. I aeHava a aMe mlNtorr eeeaay eea aa a. aalaei la Klamath Fans at a vary avwFS Jm aV"sTa aFSgewaa jawyejawaagaa"awaTmaaaj wa Feraaaaa, at the Tatr laJsatry, ta rwpaaaa te a aary tale attoraeaa. Tka matorfctar et tae gaa hats ara watt aealatod wh 'taa , aaa ;at'' a rite, aad there are enlto aaeaaaSJr at geaalah-Amsrlsaa waryatjSagD,'' ha aaVsva'aaraT'jji Vjaay iaaw'JRR rFTweRff satTWW Rawaj wymyaa i agaj the regalar Qaard. sifters, aad - aatoxu the !Hma4 an;UnW ButoyWeeaM traaeroraisd la a :i at tae the freat R wm " "f a1Rsrassasv ajpf jhsfslij ton. ' A aaatt smgipfhj "gL. M ' SfSapSal eRPSsSaV I SSSsNnjRaf afeBS w.JKjMH leRtorhably saert naaee'ieemved aa aaiil SM atRaW., -- v ft t hkaaatolrahlsatoat i - ii lemsnaasawSssaaBtoJsaaa, SZB PSRJ " a' Lkitrl Press Servles ? "' ,u . WASHINGTON, D, 0.,, Feb. II. J The laterveatloa .piaas asatsaaalabi Ua army treat the aertk eatoriag Mea- Ico City, while" aa amy frees the east pravenU ltDuterlng, esnedWaaa. it ta expected that InterveaUea wlU kaaa that the Meataaaa wW lerget Uslrewa diner ea4 uateUyea- maaa tan aaftssBB. ' k .J . - f '.... ITT, 1'V . K ' Froai eea to fear years sccaaatloa Ispredteted. .,", v '" Ualtod Preea luirvtee f '. l, '' WAaMaTOW, D. 0., Feb II RvsrytalMhl'nM'aato vwto ti.it.j irlttea- taaarveattoa ' la ' Masatt ay gateewwa mrwearwpaa mpgema a 'wmwmi wsm wwa- whoaover rVislsist Taft-tocJs" that aaeh a-atoa la naasaaasrl' ''-.' .i,.. U M-'l 'T .!!),,! ''( l.l j-:v - A' .t-1"-" t ipreaarad to lake f .Mtreepa to Yara Ores aa etaer petato o tae av eeeaedaatostoatsgtoaaaats aaaW the laUreaaa aaA'aaa V- h ' : ' ?. In the 'atoBMawiu-'treeaa'inasB' Tessa beraer vaaW toMh,saaahto Meatoermy. la this BtoJdMr. rib ss- k - 'that If waahff baha ahant'tara sjesnmmsa mmewaw e pwvraeivemap mojevrv Wwa t. . readytto HaU Lobby , V;;. ,'L. J !jVi y Improvements MsBgnVirg r Before tk;Worfc A fJFl -" ' - V '!,' .ak. -- vX wSJ aasyeaj amaj p maBaaaaawmaaaaawaa weapay Bjaawawawaammy' la ihi Wttbra-a- Malhaaa ajyaajBa'aW sjjgajaa eawmgemmmas ama; majgew ay awawm aaapawawawamj awawaaam a SFejaJSi awajs awmyawasgawaBBwammga maawaj BBwawawawg' ajmgawa; wgsway wewmawaaa aawajsgf wrawpaaa aaamgav amygeawawawawmam vasaas . amjpgemgam, awjaaagaj , amajsaj aaaja) wymj em Wr-.M A'ttVamtoaV; . ' 1 I Traga ma.r,ms.nbart.rarelnaWreaehtaaeitol. . tobbf. . jp$ RSI SRR --- hSSSam