',rr?"W? n Mr raj THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SWORN STATEMENT AND A jit i- . T HUI'I'MKI BV THR iNin:i i'iikm nkwn hkhviuk Ik tienifia IlefaliV SWOBW X, 'F aasnsa Hnvrnlli Tear Xa, ! KLAMATH PALLS, OKKOOK, TUBBBAY, PKBRUARY 11, IMS ' ' r nnga SMMMyMtMHt Ww? FBJJIT TBB) XMfffl, ifflat BBBgBB?.! .j$ L ' '- Trj v,;" fltf , , -n -i v, ' fl... , " ' "" '" ijmmmammmmm i .. $ j.,.t . j.... MiMaRHinHaHHMHMHMiHMBaHHMiMaHMflBMHBiriHillMBflHlil eweaasaasaaHasananaanaaaanBBWwaB tt ' '" r ' Polar Explorers Meet Death Without Flinching; JP" 1 W l m m m aBBBk a a aaaaav aa am em aa aaaaw a - finai Message to tne British ruDiic is Discovered ,...w... "-- - ,....w,....l. , . , aju ...p,,,,.,.,,.,.,.. ,-... .......,...i....-.,... . .v ,ii ,i DIAZ Will HAVE HIS UNCLE AS HIS ADVISOR bvcckkntul hkbkl makbs flan fob thk rvTvme COTTAGE STUDIO nMln l Itrporlod to M la Fro CHANGES MINER K. U. AIIOKAVKM HKtAM HIS l.. TKHKHT TO AltCllli: Hlt.M.I.NK AMI I.UVM FOIl HOJOVILV IN CALIFORNIA CITIKM A deal waa made Monday whereby It ho CotUco fitudiu was purchaaed by Arrliln (1. llnnllnn friitn I' (1. Ar. rr4 in Mriro CHj Mailer Hm Krstrt w1(l ha, conducted Ilia photo. WILL ARGUE LOG CASE TOMORROW TAKIMJ TKHTIMONY COMPLETED LATK YKHTIUIUAV APTKR.OO.V. l.VNKH . tiailKK AM) K. O. llltOH'.V AUK UKKKNOAM RKABT BTBJOVK Tsfl'e Ffifw'tt Befog Sadf k mm O k-1 r WASHINGTON,' D. C, F. 11. TIm Int 1m4 ( Um T furnltur wm tmhm hem tk Inklnx of tcitlmony la the action of Will iJimbcrt agalait E. 0. Urea land tho lunci'Clarko Lumber Co. Iwai fOIIItilctfd Mondiv nflernnon. Ar. Ml f-Pl WW. - Frw Mmm,1,I Krapl, MUblUhm.nt Un U.o PJ . . um u- n. m.. 7f. Mr. Araravtn loft laat uUhl . Mrn-1.r Will Ho lr HI.-,for Hi fi w)crQ ho w( CIW0U tomorrow afternoon. . a -. .... . . . . .' ri. blHH I- f...l... im Hkiiuu iaitu luicviuBo un a wo KUtoU ttJ KUIott rc.w ST". . . I uvietiio u MI1U. K)i IH. loilrd l'r 8rtf MRXICO CITY, Fall, ll.l'ef forlo . 111 return hero Is Felli hi nephew that la ready to I for here aa toon m he la noil Red I the revolt haa nee weeeM. "I will wait a reaaonabM time for ro to retlin," aald Felli IMai to. hy. If ho will not quit I will bo. rd the nttlonal palaro, the Chapul- xe rutlc, or wherever he mar aeek palter.' rIImI I'rrM Henrlce) WABIIINdTO.V, D. C Feb. 11. ubaiudor Wllion reported that nil I night dnuUory flrlng waa kept ntar tho American entbaaey. He r"Hi that the Dial and Madero ecu clw.il in ajleeUlM Utile today. porli of a terloua etHtifeateat In blorc rvmotery outside of the city fit bcn rocelved. MIH I'fMi Hertrlee IWAHIIINOTON, D. 0., Feb. 11. nwaajor Wllion oMclally reported (0(ituiiniri on race ) WEST PROCLAIMS LEGAL HOLIDAY OFKtCIH IN THK COUNTY COUIIT miLL RK CIXMiKI) TtlMUKKOW. RANKH WILL NOT TKANHACT HVMINKIUI rairiintcd by, In llolsn Hip (MNra ut Frreldnit, !orcrl niontha vliltlnt hie parent. Ho may decide to locnto there. jciianlc'a lien. ' llciillno aaauwod manaccinent of relent I -nub " 'the eatabllihment thta inomliu. N. Jc, llond. who had charee of the oper- ,atlin room while Mr. ArsraTea cou lUllle Haalnc . ducted the atudlo. U atlllln the aame i.Uiltttd l'fci Ikrtlce eMfil Vr.IlA ClttHf.. Feb. 11-A e)i tlrco battle U In progreea near ) Ct v, NcUoWf oll0 of 10 bcMl knuWB the ar.tnal In Heilca Cltr, c rMMonU of tho Keno country, la hero cordluc to report. ieled her. .ottiBn to bualneaa matteri. C. D. Clendthnlng haa flnlabed morlr.s from thta city to hla ranch on tho Midland road, and ho la now a full ftcdf ed tiller of the aoll. White Hose tarn tad eUrted for Now Have. 1 e S. P. ATTORNEY ON OEATH BED WILLIAM NINCHMI, LAND COUNSEL FOR RA1LROAB COMPANY, 18 HKFORTKD IN MMUOUS OOMM TWN IN FRIMk: BAN FfiANCHKO.tilFeb. 11. Wil liam Singer, genewl land attorney for tho Southern ,to dying at tb reneral boaptUl larejfroa at attack of heart failure. ,!; DARROW CASE HEARING END I3VT IX WITNatMM ABet TO MI KXAJONND BY THK FROMKl' TfON MeOWKB AMUCMBBY Ualbtd LOf AKOBLBS, Feb. 11-Deteet- lfe Browne waa crew eaa mined by the defenae Is the Darrow eaa today. The proeecatlon la alaaoet ready to cloae. There are bnt alx more wit neeaea who will probably complete their testimony before the end ot Um week. Dr. Lloyd Hammond nees trip to Algonu Monday. TZTimL d mad a tW A. W. Daat ittLO, Harrlaem i Portland left today wr ChrbaauM. t attead to bualnee matters. - fly proclamation of Governor Weat tomorrow will bo a holiday. Word to thla oltecl waa received here tbla af ternoon from Secretary of Htate 0I cott. Tho occaalon la Mncolu'a birth day. Central Law library Plans . are Discussed by Attorneys Membera of the Bar Association ire Enthniiattic Orer the Prospect. Plan a Most 'Complete Collection of Books Pertaining to all Legal Matters EHRLICH 6IVEN MEDICAL SECRET NOTBB 0BDIT1WT WILL OF BBCBBTLT ANBOBBOBB COVBRY BY BR, FBABBMAKN Of ,-. '"$ & UniUd BERLIN, Feb. 11-Dr. aaaoaaeed tonight tkat k bad temMd orer kU tnberenlosls er to Frileaa or Bkrllek, In ekara C tk gwrera meat experlmeatol laberatory at Frankfort, and dlerrr ( "H." SCUJASIJAYBE lES'SOON mKx ttp; 5 4y 1111111 m. JHBVmaram jxtj ' AXOBS TBB) UMBtw4Mn4aVUU IAJW ABB TVBBB BBBH IB A ' vBBMeLamnmvmmmmei - That all tho local lawyers are In favor of a central law library waa pro on boyond all doubt at laat n I Kill 'a meeting of tho Klamath coun ty liar Auoclatlon, which proved one The different banka announced thla of tho moat eulhualaatlc over held. morning that they would not be open Out of defcrenco to Judge llenaon, for bualneea tomorrow, but the que- 'who aa unable to attend, the law tlon of cloalng the offices In the court. yera did not tako up tho nutter of houae cauaed n query to be acnt to 'court rulea. Salem. The replr waa received at 3 j A dlacuulou of tho propoaltloa for o'clock thla afternoon. Aa a result ia central library brought a big vote of approval, and a committee will be appointed to work with Hollo C. Oroeabeck In connection with the matter. Thla committee will choose a aultablo location and aacertaln the coat of collecting and maintaining a library. ' I tho ofllcva In tho county building will be cloned tomorrow. nutty Court Attacks Methods of Accusers annea-aBBaaaaaa-Men--a-M-B-aM-w-a msational Charges are Made by Judge Worden Against Bankers Fifth Article Given Publicity Pi HlO fifth or a urba r !!-.. Ma In anawer to the rl ranort I he Klamath county grand Jury, ao oruen of tk eounty court light inada rlnu- kar-o flnl prominent bankrn In Riant- ' raua, v F hla atatoment Judn Worden V that Alex Martin and 0, . P Callod Mala P H Wulu flier of Judas Wardeai. Into the ' National bank an dar and made propoaitlon to him la aubetane aa ROWa: That tb Jure waa P ta meet and that County Judge '" OI" uommiaaionsr any Msr- nn to g; tkat they, (Martin Mooro) had uauuMt htuau h tho grand Jury to ito any pro- -... ueior that hASvl that PaH. loner Merrily kid already prom 1 ,0 roalgni and tkat if JuAm Ww. Mould reslw'th'wM'a, to tt I' the tkrMii , A.J-.. - o atennai,7 v , H". "My father told thee gentlemen that he would place the matter beforo me when I returned from Portland," anya Judge Worden, In hla atatetnent, Ma I was then In Portland atteudlng a moot lug of the county Judges of Oregon. "When I returned he told rae what Mnrtlu and Mooro had aald to him. I waa not aurprleod, bocauae Fred Mel hoac, president of tho American Bank anil Truat eonipany, hud already told mo (hat this proposition would be put up to m by Martin and Moore, "On Saturday, January 11, Melhaae ramo to me and aald that be wanted to ee me on urgent bualnee and ug Kted that he have a conference with ma at my house Sunday, afternoon. I told him to meet me Innfy oSke-ln attorneya will have access to tk most complete collection of books In the atate, aa tt la the Intention to secure every poaalble text book. Tk library will alto contain all the Amerlean Re ports, Including Nortkwestora, Pa cific,, Southeastern, Northeaster, At lantic, Southern and Seutkweatorn Reports, and the Kugllak aad Cana dian common law report. Ia addi tion, the Telumea listed wlU Include a full set of the Weat DifoH System, L. R. A., the codea of tk neighbor ing statee, Federal Reaortor, bank ruptcy statutea, "Cyc", text books and a number of apcclal books. w Tk library will bo a a operative enterprise, and all tb membera of the Association will be toekkMra, paying their abaro of tk When the library la opened, local! Wherever poaalblo, books tkat ar little used by local attorneys will a purchased for the library. The library will ke In charge of a competent librarian. In case a amtt abl nubile library la secured for Klasnatk Fall, tk Bar aeaartaHe. may arraag for pc for Its bks and pay a portion of tk Ubrarkem'a salary for the ear of tk library. Tk Bar Aaaeelatlon ala dleeuaeed tke matter of saltaM roema for at torneys and for wltaesees to no dar ing recesses at trials la tk nw eonrt houae. TkU matter will k tako. n wltk tke county ert Resolutions endorsing tk bill pass ed by tb kowa for tk ereatle. f clerk of tk circuit eourt of Klaaatk county wero drawn up and forwarded to Senator W. Lair Tkompaoa. aad Governor Wt. eKPfir "UJJ mvwtm, wwm. aav aeawvyrweimK'aw Scutari la roaortodVaad tk diet tk Ry'a fH a. Tk bombardment C eoatlauea naakatod, aa takllaf la etlll la progrea at aBtff!. BUIIONS HONOR HEROES OF THE Mmm ,i f Um WAr ' - Tkcer Uwm WHt B.Csdi far ft eh Xallia Bitaaw ed tkat v eatttW ,, . ,i'i ('1-U i- ) ot WaXUNOTOM. Pa. WJeV Tk Tern Mom la i algaffc Part Lrettatoa. All . ' akeawd. Tk b4s ai Registration Books will be Opened for Women Electors Before Being Qualified to Cast .Their Ballots,, WQmen Must Comply with the Registration Laws. Books to be Open Nine Days at the City Hall Women of Klamath Falls will bo given their first .opportunity to vote on March 10, when the special char ter comes up for adoption but In order to be eligible to cas their bal lots, tho women are iubjeet4 to tk came rule that applies to al tetere, they must reglater before tho election. To allow the women ot tke elty an opportunity to reglater, and to aeeoaa- lit court bouae inatead. Ojt Sunday, imodate men who did not reglater last lunuary n, e viaiien bi7 we Mt the court house, according to ap pm'tkMat. thusjong'; .vtar.Hhe realatratton book V th city hall, will ,b opeeed-Martklat. and remala open until Marck th. Aa) who rtlU7d last year ar quiHSit to vote wltkout further reitratla. Tka foUowlng nolle eoveriac kki haa ka prepared by. PM Jndi lavltt, who la In' chaff otreftotra tloa: ' v, v "Tk Srst election kM ia tkla elty sine tk adoption ot tk eensUUtlon al ameadment granting tk rlgkt of auffrag to woman, will a kld,roa March ie. 181 J. At said eUettoa will be eubmltted tk propoaMw.Okar ter' prepared by,a eommlaalea of ev ea itieaa appelated by la eune. v, ' ' ,' t aw Bwwmmmgem) awmjTaeKegaj eJaBavavFPaPBB SrB'r tsadB lnBali BBBatasfJkl gnBBatflftlT jilt esmfAllBBBgl , 'y agg gammgemvawf mmnVVnFma fJKBIMVBsVSBajHg t,Tto at"aidaalal iliitjaa wttV ' k i-" - ' er"' , - " si i v- - out fartkw rf4tratla. Tk Uee judge' will open tk rawtraUoa beeks on Mare) 1st, aaxti at Um hwr f o'ctoek a. a,, wklek wIR aaTrd Um ladle aa opportunity to ristr prior to tk etoettoaraa well aa tk at tk mat pwtaaatoa'wko kav tuUtd aa olltieaa sine laat eWatloa to May, "Tka tadles must bar la atlad tkat tker wl b but aia day te.wawk to, patdstor prior,' to Um ifacdaA Wa tt, aad tky akauM eariy aad aM -k rank. Tk ragtatraBoa hit ha 'trill b aaaa at ta aJaaa f tk pall l)Wna4ra,:e,tk4) BrBBBl) aaegga gpBtwBBJP BBVaVoBei PIS""1 ,k - i m'. iV t.' J I Tata United Pre lerma LONDON, Feb. 11. A dtofatek from Beta aaya tkat 'a acre kattl bas bee fought betweea tb Bnkjar taaa and Turk at CkataW. Tk lurks tost several tkenaaad ate. Tk li.ilgariaa eaeneMlea vara keavy. SuK for a divar waa Mi la Mm clrenlt court tkl auralaa;, kr Mf. Mary L. kfara aajalaat Jaka P. Mara. Tk ekara B desertion. ' Kaykoadall A Fergmsoa ar attoracy for tk pkUaUsT. Tony 8UJ la ap froaa Malta for a brief sojourn. tac UkMaaaM tkat: 'it. ,7 'W arrived ir. X wBk meal aad food for saw r iV - Waef Wf BBBTV Wmm tk toat, aad a gal aa 1 abeat as. Wa ar Try weak, aad writing la deStfek. , ) 1 " "ft d a4i wklek kas akenra a tkat : eaa eadar araat 1 i aaataarlto : forUtaa aa to Talaa awe aaaw at aaaBaaf aa, kat t: ?? WawBl kenr'to.tka wBtaf Preldaaaa aaaf ar sUU dotinalaed to d oejr bast W tk very test. " - ,n i . - Tk raaa ata aa at ia aeast iu um tow, kat anoaav ay . great, riek eoaatry Ub. (Coauauoa'oal rsBBJOr,F rlmaawlanr . 'mjmmmmwmmi BaaaaBaBBeaT.. LbbbbV' 4 gEBBaBgaagaBaT k i, -t wgauaaaavamr: .91 U n BBiftJnwawLlvxgaB Jg) ! ..BBBBBgaBBBaBBBBBWrllgF" L. t r . 1 . . , AwBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBB r bH BBBBBBBBBWTS ) J eera Will Hm ' l aaaaawaT- r i - r t tr Start Work in S onCra '3 United States a11 Scenic Places Accessible fet Time for thelWSlypbai PORLAND, fwk. 11. Wltk tk - Jct of aaaklng aeceaatkla tk prtoet- pal polats of Interest la tk Orator Lake Natloaal Park by Um aummr t 1115, whea Um Paaaaaa eapeattlaa It under way at Saa Fiaaetaic, Um UaH d Statoa aagla w at pbinaaig to start tk eoaetraeUea t r4 trail la tkat woaderlaad a aaaa tk weatfce 4ltla vttl frait, Captola'H.H. ktoberta. Mrp at Biv glneers, U, B. A., la temperary ebarga ot tb Irat rlvra aad karkor dattrkt, say tkat 94T.BBB te aTaalakeafor, th project, aad .a that, Utia vttf a laereaaed by UN,4 r iar ay Um a MtTet. .'AatMaat Ualtoi tat; Bait' Oeodwks. vtw hag bSMa erMtttSaC StlSC titS SbMHISVObIMI a. BafJ awVgBlgJRlpvkjHly F"Jr SBBBBi WeaU SPS at Jha nad. kaaeBat to VgtmagnfJalgiggggnS fcwfjim MVBf ."mIbbJ I awgar gaBggsgaBmni iMjgggB mgaagt, .gpsmp aHaaggmi i W SMaBBBlaUnSIl flBBBBBBHR 1BBbV vrk r Idas.; 'S J AUt aM, apaaeaa-wjtt. ha aUrtd akewt Aattt latR to flay tot BMRaSBFBl BBy BIwaBBBBB BSgaw drBaBajaTpgjBt bum by tk ieataera Paeaf KUmatk fatta to Kirk, a aBtoBW af about forty atMas.; iFraat XBtt a IMB aary,ra4wiufcaamtotiBaaiai era keaadaiy af Um aah Tka iaam KaaaMto .At; i wwaj cv.aaiwm new aswaamav savj Mwtag taa atg naaiaaa gg. Tnwnwpw. wwemp atMaatrwaataa C atBtesadaaai ", arw ai mPMtaaF aa)mgmmgi " - aAuV.aa aUsk.whlakvlB yaarai' s - yjaltta). aiB) B toBBft taaaavi a a aartaf Bj S'lr W QgiagmgpjgBfiM wiimmwmw -iLt. ?t c f. ftjfi