w HAS ANYBODY SEEN THE n( ' r - X -v I -vy v, l . i NORTHWESTBRN'S sworn list of 4 t I wrutm Mr tub INITBJ iWamw XaTWB SKRVKW ftje f teeninc HTtPM4i Year X. i,BSI KLAMATM FALLS, CdlMOftV FRIDAY, nttmCAUT 7, ISIS ; -" " '' V TJjWMMB Postoffice and Store at Midland are Visited -v by Robbers and I egalftmftfa ' Clean-up is Reported i RENO DIVORCE MILL SOON TO QUIT BUSINESS NHVAPA MMMNLATUHK CMAKUKH ItMMMtNCK TIMK llrno Mother. VtoH Btoto Catal to a .rUI Trata to 1'ram the Pmmh uC important UgtoMKna Woe U.rvr Whew Ike Ftoal Vwto la A Mumwwl -ItoycoU of JbntaMi Waa -Tb United Pr.se BarrKa C.lltaON CITY, Nov., F.b. 7 IcttiUturo lato thla HlkiiNt the auasur Btaklag realdoac. tor di vorce purpea. M year Instead of U month. Tate etMtlv.ly put out of bullae, th famous Kn dlvere mill. Tb. Mm mother entered nhen the reauk ltth vet wm u nounced. Th Mi Uw beoame. tetlv. Mil January. United Pre. Servle ti i CAKHON CITY," rto !.. 7. Tlnce hundred mother arrived tram lloiiu on a apodal trala ef . Mra today to support the Bare mure, Mch Iim (or IU purpeae th. ktlUeg or the Itono divorce eoteay. Tho mother threaten le boycott ttio Ittnu merchanU who oppwe the bill. Wolgast Agrees on a Match with N. Y. Pug Harlem Tommy Murphy to be Ad't Opponent In the Squared Ring Feb. 10. 9000 for Wolgaat rOHTI.AND, FeW. 7 Ad Wolwt today xreed to Adit ToMMy Murphy ot Kan KrancUco February SI, iubttl lutlnit for Joe Masdot. WoltMt li to get IJi.OOO, or lie may take Initoad CO per cBt of the groM receipt, The agreement waa mad. between tb former champion and Coffroth over the long dUUnce telepbon.. Wolgast leave for the Soath Mon day or Tuetday. VnHrd lrta Metric. 8AN FRANCI8CO, Feb, 7. Coff roth ald today regarding the Wol gaet-Murphy matter: "The amount to be received by Wolgatt la a, aecret between Wobjaat and myatlf." ELOSIVE ONE IS CAUGHT AT LAST WILUAM noCKKFtHXM, WMO ka vosa wcArm aptiur. ISO MiWOtU: MOXKY INVHIT1' OATOftN, TjALKHU IOAY WAHERfS IN f JNTY JAIL ta'TWCUVAlAITY MAM CAM M9 "WttK MKMMC 1SAU1M I' .. n TwwmtanmiiTn amc fovm uxmuamtnx Lwkwae4 United Prea. Serrtc LOS ANOELKg, Feb. 7. Karl Rog er, attorney for Clarence Dnrrtiw. forced Oeerge Ixckwoo4 to admit that be waa a friend of Detective Franklin, and bad urged the trap for Whit by Dtotrict Attorney Freder ick, who gave him a Job a Janitor la tb. city hall. Mr. and Mra. Q. P. Vaa Riper (to turned Thunday alMfrom Mat. WRaJaTw lVy TfjVJVVkBV'JMiWWfjIrgaT New ItofVtjr HfterMT MIm KUIe lx)W ha accepted a pol tiou Id the aheriR'a ome. during Ui. ruih attendant with the collection of Uxe. A. Kallna 9t MaUn U her. to at Utod to buataaa. Whlto her. he la at lueAmerleaa hotel, and h. report urtirthlng prMperlng la th. Bohe mian tttoMt at the aouthem tad of the ceaatr. 0. R. Warren of Benaaaa la her. atlendlag to btulneM matter. t'allrd I'rMa Bervlc. NKW WIUN8WICK, Oa., Feb. 7. After woeka of eluding th. commute. , lnvetlgatlng the ttenc of a money t trust, William Rockefeller, brother of. John D, Rockefeller, waa examined today by Congremen I'ujo and Un lermoyer of the committee. I Tit. O'BBiiaaiioB iuuk ii i Jtkvll Island, twelve mllea out In the' Atlantic Occhtt. Newapaper men were barred from th. hearing ty PuJo'k urder. Clyde Bradley of Merrill left oa Thuraday for California potato, to be gone for everl week. Two toalotmoato were roportoi by the -.Klamath cooaly grand Jury at 6; 36 Taaraday aftfraooa. Oa waa agalaat Tboma FJUellamy, aad th. other waa" reported la court, aa agalaat John Doet Later Chart. Walker waa arrttod oa th. ladlet meat. C Uellaaap la the aagro who la charg ed wKm havtog ahat O. O. Ward, la th. CoBMt reataaraat about a week ago. ttto bead waa f xed at M9. Wahtaar tea raatoeat ot LaaU Val ley, Ito mhargd wlU thothettot a nor, from m laaiaa, atrstK aeonp. Tko erlm. 1 altogod to have oecwrred Fwruryic, 11, a. Uat th. ntoenv of tilaetoiit mat atgfct prarwitod lW;tatnt. of ltatt tatlea frata tolardating Walker-wa. am Jaa-rtont wlrnmw hi th. one. la wlkW( Xtooraw MaUtm waa reeeatto M-dMedv. kata atoal L ,-i--3artfc ;'tMit.-i. ! emafjt VNJitV MaSeaVaBHal W mm"TBgitirnaaVBanjaW7. It la reported that at tho Mra. Me- Lean wa Indletod th. graad Jary eaa atdarod th. caao agalaat Walker, bat failed to find a tru. MIL Cox Damage Suit May Yet be Tried in Oty Second Effort ia Being Made to le- manddae Back From the U. S. DUtrlct Court bjjr Plaintiff; . A aocoad rfort I to b mad. by Attorney Slater, Pogv. aad Matoak to have the damage cuH of Mead. Cm agalaat the Callfomln-Oregom Power compaay tried to th. local eiretiK ecart. Thla U la the form of a ao tloa to b. lied la the'UalUd Mato dbHrkt eourt, aaklac that tb aaK b. remanded to th. eircalt Mart for trlaL Th. suit 1 for $!. damagM. ad la th. aftermath of tho tragi, aad of HeraM O. Cm, a well knows toaal yewth. Miptoyod by th f 41 from a pel teat msn laataatly, kltood. Th brought by Mr. CM m tru of the eatoto. Upoa th. groaad that ChVria Oregoa Power eompaay la a toraif corporattoa. KayhMdatd Fariaata. attoraoya for the dfa, aotwrod a. traaafor to th Vatted ftatoa dtotrtet court. A abort time a tlMplatotW efht to have tMrdr taaalad throagh th trMM mrt hen, bad thla aaottoai wm denied. -,v Tom a Barrow, a promtoeat Mar- rill reoldeat, U her attowhmc' to bualea. latoreaU. Fay L. Corey , baa deaartod far Duaamulr, whr a will roaMto. Md Court earn, la from th Oeart raaek Thuraday, to aetoad to tan- H . . .. r-- - w'.iiifcw .ni.,ilii l I i AaaUa Wait bm a deputy sherUT. M ia amptoyed to BaariF Low'a oatoe em tax Mr. K. B. Ramtby, who hu bee visiting relative In Santa Barbara aad other California towaa for the past als week., returned to Klamath Fall laat night Jam W. Jory, a wrtl known Mid land farmer, la here atteadlag to buslne matter. assflriesanajwaf Powers Will Not Make Loans to Balkanites In This Way Power Hope to Gauge Both Sides to Terminate the War at once. "Holy War" Now United LONDON, mi. fiU I Mpeetod that th. Kuropean aattoaa will a loan meay to th Balkan alltoa or to Turkey, la thm way It U hoped that the naaaeial WMkaea r.uHlB,wlll bring about a ajalek tormlnatloa of tioatltHtM;"' It'hM been taUmtod by th am basMdora of atraral aatt.M that their Kovamamto wtl refuM to a toaaa until pea, la deeVared. tmiiea rreaa wervM " t , " BU0MAMMT, F. 7 Th foreign cm, today laatrnated th RoumaaUa 'iivoy at a to'damaad aa Imme- dlat sHtoBMB)t of to Moumaalaa- Hulgartoa frajiUar aeasrewwy. It ta'bU.red that MMiaaal .will Invada.ta tobrlaf ' Maatry ua IfM the deauad to araatod prMaptly, ler a meetlag et th commute m national defeat, thl afternoon It waa stated that She'lkulUUm, head of th. MohammedM rellf loa, hu proclaim ed a holy war throughout th. Mtlr. Moslem world. Road Builders of Medf ord have Plan to Bend the State Large Sum will be Aiked for the Purpoae of Building Roads. ' Highway from LakeTiew to the Willam ette VaUey ia Part of the Route Contemplated A movement waa tartd la Mad ford Wednesday to bead th. atato of Oregon for $10,000,000 for th. con struction ot two mala permanent highway. According to thl bill, one high way will be constructed from Port land south through Eugeee. Rose burg aad Medford to tho California atoto line. Tho other nad wlU b coaatructed from LakovUw aorta through Ilend and the DeMaata Val ley to Aatorla. It 1 planned to appreprlato 7, 000,000 for the PorUaad-Medford road and f 3,OM0 far Ue Baatara Oregon road. The termer will b a bard aurfaco bttullthle, with a coa crete base, aad H la expected It will roat 115,000 a mile (or eoustruoUoa. while grading wlU vary from f 16,900 a mil. In the BseuaUtaoua eeuatry to a few hundred dellara oa th. level stretch. ' " -f Thl toatatrr pka wia decided upoa after a tw day' oeafereae. be tween members ot tho local feed road, movement aad Major Bewley. A delegation ot Medford oklaeM wlU Jouraey to Salem to preoeat th. MB to th how, aad aeaate. The oatha.la.to wore at Irat la- cUned to object to the Maatora Ore go highway, bat Major Bwiy Tory aukkly ahowad them that aal WvaamV IWm WjvBBBBjJajn Faaa aMamajyV thla porttoa ot Oreajoa tar weald bPa apprepriaUe trem th atato for toed road, at all. IEET TONIGHT TO mwm v" ;W2jgMt ATBaMpfUmTWaUL BC ' u rummtromwtmuiMtu k ' . jmi heM HCCIPCBf aWif i 1 va eaHBBii a WMf ' a A'aaMa I am am' jmbbmbb bj mm BvBm a am aaBraBSBaMaBml nimia mmm f; - t-MSB"' cvlj BBafiBBBBBBBdat aaaaaV tyaMBBM jBHaajtlMH , U ji-liim1 iBBaanakaillwimMBtaki mMjto 'ttoaaBai JaV, ( i -' -, ' - : ' " "' i . lT-' -r- f' It daidsisi m. am aaMPV! ma ttmt a iMat Bad) Bern jaw J aTaanBBaC jgfltfggagMhdt v tMBaaat Bm Mat jaaw'aawiatto hmwmd. ' pnm'aiai m m warn W M nuimn Bm aaatM wafdBt f ; wm a, lgaBat. dj -;. r ' , dk ft muHag tf all nt th eHy totaraatad lath. ot m ataletto b wit be aM hale vealag at th WhH PUM aetoL At thla Um. th msun C laaatoy Ue baaMMat et th hetol will b take up. Th. baaemeat ot th hotol ia Sttod up wKh a ataagm. ahower hatha. tmgnvmMHU.. aad ther la peMtr C far a gymaawam, It,ia hi tor aa raMaatlM to bMCWMt. aad ta msithM tMlat hU(erthpraMf with to aataasaana't t ta great deal of latorwat la tohM la the mTanat by IB ya bm et Klamato FaU. aad a lars a teadaac ia. aatd at ' BseeUac at th atoL CMaty Ctork D'L aad wMa leav. taia aftoraa far wher thwnll aaad a few Tlatttac thetr.BM; Tra D Up, wa la pramtos laat ta toot aNr ta dbr ThBit B.O. C.tB caak atotoa. Word, f ta robbery aoat to thm otty, aad Brwbaar wm dnapaMhad to Baa acoM by.Bhiihtlow., V to a MM hMr thla atietaa BnHnBar aad not rtarad to IB Mr.'"- ,'" r A nfJMJt MMkffl BIBBBBBBm BBBB ataBB fBBgfedL U ajaj ijfj jwftwcfW ja Ma faMm mbbmbbV bmbmT bbbbbi eBwvw bbbbubbb awwavaf sbpwbbbbbi vbbwbi wgW wm raairtod IBto Ibm adMWaja iBdtowa Bad aHiieand a aBm hsdtat trnwaaa It that wbiaa lMM to th rabbary Bad aarfthMtesl.tB kMwmtota raaortaa wimM be MBaawaa aaMNaW John B. Walker af aTiMajft 1 I a Klaaaath Falm WMkar. Btomat ta Warto.riekMa Batat WBato H tag wMiwwaiBwBjBBBmmam i't' B4JH at Adriaawple Ualted Preaa Berrto LONDON. Fb. T.Advtoc rrm Belgrade are to th eTt that' the bombardment ot Adrmaopto la aa CMttaued. Th damage to u farti- fleattoM la' hardly prMni, aaya thmfth. " TwVka Ur FtoM Dupwt'V ValtdFrMBrvltoK , t . ;cONTANTINOPLi; Feb. 7. DM rifto'iatlag la balaf jeaorto oa Calltooll PMlaaul. ThiTMubjarlaM ar Mld.to b heldlag aU th "W Th Tarh at aatd to hat ton mt tttX thouMBd mm la'FMtorsay'a bat; tbvt Thrar akla aarato M . v K x u ( " - H'i f Talk of Money Panic is all "Hot Airw-AttiiMiiey General i . , Report of Plot to Put Wilson Adminlatratlon 'In Bad" ia Denied by the Adviaera of President Taf t. "I Look for Financial DWflpaltlet,"Saj SprecktU His Only BUI One to d. - . )'.' r Rep fcv. After MalBfatBtiBj Sttonce far Weeks, Oregon Solon Waala tw "Clear the Code of Junk" s M aULBM.L.I'ta, - W A Oaltad Prea BcrvM WA8H1NQTON. D, 0., Fh. T. President Tafa cablaet today, dto. cueaed th. poBallllty t th. Mae. Veagh order, causlag apaatc. 'JIihaw aot ea th. rdr," aaM Attorney Oewral WWwtst,' fat the talk ot aplotto dyaaMtto th Wltooa adMlalatrattoa wlU.al.paato bomb'ta abtatof ieor thaa aot,alr,M ' Th traaary aefajrtoMaA aM M Seeded wR .reiMto YaiNdtolaai . j- " w mi t'BBtleaal bakatrfr eeatoa ot U order, aadr ata"for aa amstal lato preUtlaotR.r- V ,. .. ' 'f '" NKW YitK, fM.'i---r-Badpai 8prckW 4Urd'tMr TUwt taa. MMjt ay ?jjej WBBBa F4tBaaBaajww WVBamMMSB wjbImmmwj aapBajdJFVsjBj ,TBm)BBWBaMBB wawaw BFmaymST fBaJV tiw ti;eMtof M,, jd am Tiur Blk '. i- iV 4 C 1li - KP -", ,- '. J V -,. '.At VI 14r, ss Th " lraiais dMairaa wim a iif ilii ta aft i mmmfr ft Ua- over tan WMF aBJrWrwrWTwaBBBMB tkauiiMt YaamNMa4yWe aaMgMiraBl Wf uy wwwwBBwfW BwwiwB waaw wwi) wur ttoaal baaka," aaid Spmkle. Was taw order ta promptly raaaladed WahiagM'Maaby w. will wltaeaa a awMrked unueual la- ereaa. to dffMlta, prlaelpally to Mew Tor kM ttoaal .baaka, aauaia.,to Jte.eaa.aa to goto aaaaalto, Wha ta. new admlabMiitlaa ia taaa3M4 d U wul oMlfed to dMrd to. iwm at taM taadaa ta kaapBmpaaBB w rwwaaya wi bmbif iWrmBBBBBBBBj wajjm ta - aajl'aMjaw Mjtaja atoamgl j w aw amwa' aaBm P waBBnUB i HSBjpji At J . It. r Lit I u- 4U mm mtmmMtmtMM&WM BBI aPJBMBm)WWB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaWaW 1 aMgjMaWau m jkaa kBj dated taawar'a. aU t ta 'aaaM aa'BamlawB at fja etatoy . :.U " :.:f' "Iuadatataal that there wm a(a SMVMMtMftoiOtfBMa)aMfafl mm4Mb smbS MBtaaMMMMtaal ' -7 t . tw . -.ijmi. 4 J naatc f thai I aa aa aaMrNpaitl toi MEM aMtoaaamltaawshtl laM BBS Jaw laaitBWMBdw. m$ ar,h sw 1 , S c . bK? - I.j ' ft gSfl 1 K .'A .la.