s t HOITMMtt tM VMTKI I'M"" mmwm ""w Sbc f benina Umlli Venr No. iwTi KLAMATH FALL, OHMOlf, IAY, VTMUVAKt , ltlt for Bod County Faxmei sting the Dai aaajalaaaaaaBaSeaavaaaaaaaa! a ti' IITH BILL IS LAUDED BY THE IRRIGATIONISTS VII UKAS (1HKAT MtAIi TO IMfr VKMM'MKNT OF TattS OOCXTIMf ftnnrr llave Ksuegli M lib Wwfcmmiw Otarge I, mm! U Uatra " CtwnM Vat IIm Ilrra IWMUt, May Water IVi AH Ptopa Man re MM I'm Much tUtlon waa evidenced by the in.m.th fuunty mobU today, follow- Hoc It announcemeat that W. O. tinlta' bill lo provide for leaning rSnnl fun.U 10 farmers UBdOT reela- nation project bad passed the house at lUlcin. Bmal have already writ- la frlernU In the Ml. urging fcrlll to support tbt measure la that ranch of tho IcsUlaluro. in money It U proposed to loan ko the water uaers la from the Irre- dttflMo achool (y4, IMMUH Is la kbe neighborhood of t7.SM.M0. It i loaned oa drat lleaa to farmers at fit cent Interest. Tali la payable i ten years, r at Ue esplralloa of at ilmo the farmer may.sisase.aa itMulon of lime. " "We bato had many applications fnm firmer under the dKea," aay Knjktndall & Ferguson, agents for khe itato Unl board, "but have been oawlled to illaappolnt them, ad tho law heretofore bat required a drat nortme on the land, For this rea- i, onlr tho dry tend of Klamath Iwunty have been eligible to secure I Ihrte loans, nnd tkU aectloa kaa not IrrcvUri In iroortlon of tho-atoner."' "Tho pauagc. of lb Smith measure lll to one of tho greatest beaenta lm- (Contlnuta on rage 4) BANK FILES IIS ANSWER IN SUIT THHOWJH CMAKLKM V. MTONK, AMKKIL'AK HANK AMI THVMT COMPANY KKPI4KH TO COM fMlKT IN THl'MTKK'M ACTION' An anawcr to tho ault to avoid preference instituted by II. C. Marry man aa trustee of the O. M. Hector estate, was nld today by lb Amer- J lean Hank h Truat company, through Ita attorney, inarm r. monv. n action by Marryman la to recover money alleged to have been paid the bank just before Hector went Into bankruptcy. Tke bank admlla receiving ll.oco,. 2 as Ike belanro on n note within four montha of the lime Hector waa declared a bankrupt. In the anawcr the corporation etalea that tbla waa In the regular eourae of nualnea. ana that It had no rcviaon to believe that Hector waa Imolvcnt or In contempla tion of bankruptcy. yew Kqnlpnuan Kuykendall Perguion have iuil niiniileliid Hi n remodallnv itt tkalr otflcea In the White Maddos building, wnvreuy way are given a great owl more room for their eitenalve law library. In addition tkoehave juat liiUalltHl n new aUel fllleg eabiaet. Ueorei fal and Jkhim Ualnnn. ------ -, two old realdenta of Langell Valtey, are epeneing me aay in kuriu Kalle. civ lag their attention to bual- ueaa matiara. K. W. Tower, a Dromlnent fruit grower of tbla county, came In from hi ranch on the Keno road Is attend lo bualneaa maltara. ZERO WEATHER IN MIDDLE WEST - -P 1 la (ihkat KurrMUxa m hkwtu AT WI.UTM UKVIIVM l-KK, NOttTM DAKOTA, W HOMII.VU KMCOMM t)R COU CHICAOO. feb. 6-Eero weathar ..r.v.tu in tho Middle Weal today. Tho thermometer reglatered two de gree below tero here thle morning. In Dululh great aunerlng U re ported. It waa Jt bolow aero. ai iLvll'a lki. North IMkota. tno thermometer regUUredlhle morn- ling 3 Miow aero, W. K. loi came ud front Dorrla laat night for a ahort vlelt. John Bbort of Fort Klamath la reglatered at the Hotel Hall. If. II. Kdmondi. aUDerlntendent of the Algoma Lumber compaay'a aaw mlll, la down from Algoma. attending to bualncaa mattera. K. II. Norman of Portland U among todax'a gueaU at the White Pelican. &t " sar rm -.. "v ryl -gnaAj-ari -I - i nr kil 1 1 aj--i -aa.aaiei. . j -art i JtML ' . - BRAND M IS BUSYfMIG it'i iOMCTOTHM KLAMATH aVBBrOftK Of MlirMTMlY tt5 Interested in Plans aaaaaajaawaiaAahiaaspaje4aaaj Walter Camnbelli a LaagnU Valley rancher, la mm of the vMtara la tho county aeat at preaent Kaajamo Wllkinaen at I mill Tal ler aaase la late Tueaaay. to aa a wKaeaa bofero Ue gnad Jary, haxy ynrKKmm cm vkom n AND VMmtX Ymkphobk With the arrfeal Ifk Ue city laat nl.tit nt IvaBl raafi 1 f YalllK and Fort KJamatk''jii UeUfy before itfnr.. Hi Vtaaiaih aranJ 1ury. awae- ...... . .-., -, illation waa rife am Me atreeU today p to the purpoae af ;tbe probe, and illalU nf ekeraMe aiatala Laat aummer Ireganllng the auratWya of an alleged orgaaUed band at aa-ao thlevea wero The entire day wa. apent by the grand Jury In the aaamlaatlon of tho vltaeeae and BMgrf diverse rumor wra In rlrruUtlaail T "--w i . . .. . Byron Jackaoa or rort Kiaaaaui m Tom Catmea aa hare from Merrill In county aeat vlaltor. Ho laacta- oa a bualaea trie). S "tared nt tka American hotel. r'"BS5aWVsSl aAaManaaaaaaiti levrxn. SSSSTT 'i7 i , q ' ,. t.yjjj"y VoS qnraaai dustry in this Section 1 .. ,, .. ... , . , - j ,. jm aadV."i ..... at ' r" ' i tiiR - fiSaa c-w v 'i amaiBiaTan iinniii - - , , a HaallVV UIILIIK IV -v . ! - ii i Mlalal lllinill 111 aaaaieja daaaaaMfl " " ',. '. VSH j- -jaw.w -ww- UUIILllV VaOlaal ..',.. . - xBHOU lBDDniltn,"u,"af.t!lsw: i a M- , ME(fij nr WaWaU MMM -..-. .Mr-aaaaw ','-.. V..vwk....aaa. IMI 1 1 IBLII HMS "- , ? - ...ww.j .in aawan .. ?'. ,. w iv uwa nne aiai " ,m mi warn Fav . - ; rr"" (- aaHaHI HVi L' " ' -v-;v . . 'S v. t', , ,, . '.liii.. -' fiB anaajbiaT ' ! aamwimajB) jv wn Fayer ,. . vl-, " '' ,, , . m rv. "T,i.j- - "'' .- ,, a F,,,ir ",vJPPll t ??' VI amta. aBkaav. amadaBataatasBaaaw Vs 'OaamaTioLee Mr. and' Mrs. Caarlea Km, leave thla afternoon for Loa where they will ipead Ue aeat i or two. Alio Vlnaon came In from ale Laa- gell Valley reach Tutaday algkt aa baataeea. George NoMe arrived lata Tueaday from UaawU Valley. Mr. Noble la one of Ua areraaalTo farmers of Uat rklBlty. Mice Carrie Footer UK Taeaday for California polnU, to vleR relaUve. Ales McDonald kaa goaa to Leag Beach, Calif., to epead Uo balaaee of the winter. yovmi geaWOUIPL ATM MMTUfaNK KNTMYI Mr. aad Mrs. C. Cl Iteamo Tuesday from Fort Ktaaatk. wKh Uoaa their daagatar, Maw Hani, waa far tea aaat two WQeka habeeadangoroealymatUoWorrhi reach. Carta, that time aor pareaU have been eoaetaatly wttk aor. Mlaa Hogne had boea .vtaWiW at Ua ranch far Urea weeas, waaa aba waa attacked wlth.U grltffo. vated by a eerloua cold, gaowaaua- iceaecleaa for aeversi days, aad aor Ufe waa feared of. Darlag Ua aaat weak aao aaa aaowa atgaa af lav provemeat. Local Men Make a Record TriD to Crater Lake Park BaUeriSd IVoe fetarn Siibnnrccl iiidTJ I ul From Strenuous Trip to .National Park on Skils. Declare Trip Worth the Trouble UL' AWTHUR TO BE TRIED FEB. ft T4a -it ateeat b a JMafaVaajawa)- ' ai i - a. CharaHertsad ay ''baossaaH.tawaW from reprsssawatrfa aaaa, si ..aaa KlamaU eoavjtry, a aaaaaat Uflp a' Ue KaM grtatiby ta aTamial dahrysMa, waa were aaMad awsjnw BajsafJaaT aa afaws)aaTaTsj 4ama : i Matrons and Daughters Wear Tights at Ball Scenes of Revelry are Enacted at Philadelphia Social Affair. All Previous Records are Broken Tanned and sunburned by travel over anow that glared In the bright aun. and none the worse for Uelr atrcnuoua trip, Luke Clnpp, J. W. Hallcy anil J. L DoVoo reacned Klamath Katie Tuwdar afternoon, after n akl trip to tberlm of Crater Lake. The party was away exactly a wook, and they havo the dlatlnctloa of making the earlleet recorded trip to the wonder of the Klamath country. "Tho trip waa well worth all Ua trouble," aald Clapp laat algkt, "aad tka aleht of the dcen blue waters of Crater Lake, surrounded entirely by now that extended from Uo top of Uo ateep banks to the water's edge la enough to ofeet all the Uttlo dUcom forta that might t met with. "There waa not a bit of anow aa Veiled 1 l'lllt.AIKLtlllA. Fan. S Day- llfhl enilcd an exclusive bal masque l Horticultural aaU today. Many debutanlea aad matrons wore tlghta. and It Is reported that tho rovelry broke all reeorda. M J1I1U JLll -L.-.U Teal arid Phclan are Considered Seriously a Two Men From the Far Weat are Be lieved to be Strong Contender! for Secretary of the Interior tho rim of the lake, aad aa tho day was bright and clear, we bad ample opportunity to view tho aceno from many angle. From whatever point wo looked down the Uouaaad or more feet to the witter, -we found bow beautr. and tbo three of us could not help comparing the sight to n gigantic aapphlre, aet In a whlteyelvet eoae." The party left hrre wka a aleaUfal supply of blankets, gfeateoats aad the like, anticipating atetle weather, but la this they were happily claaa- polated, aa Ue thermometer raaged from S5 to S degrees. Iaatead of suf fering from the cold, Uo stalwart three found It to be quite tka reverse, and although they removed Uelr coaU and vesta and. UK Uelr shirts open at the neck, they perspired free ly aa Uey gilded along oa Uelr skils. The start was made Taeeday laat, when tho three went to Chllogala by train. From thero they sklld to Fort Klamath, where they apent tho night. Late the next forenoon Uo actual trip toward the park waa made, aad with their outit on a hand aled, the travelers aklld aa far aa Ue Utter Burns sawmill by algktfalL Mgat miles from the sawmill Uar were compelled to halt Thursday, owtag to soft snow, but arising early Friday morning Uey got past Uo Impedi ment while; K waa froaec, aad before the chWef Uat day Uey reeeaed Camp Arait, about ve miles from the lake. At Ua eatraaee to Uo park tho snow waa tea foot deep, aad the depth waa Ivo feet greater at too headquarter buildings at Camp Araat. (Continued on Page 41 CHICAOO. Feb. f Jaak X dsmarrer to white slave eaarao overruled by Jade Carpoator meratag. aad Uo aig Mask's trial was aet for February J5U. Game Commissioner is Murdered in California f oaad today near Meg la Coatra Casta eouaty. A aaUot aaio la iaa back of his kead potato to aearaar. Military Land Grant Holding in this County is Transferred Rueck Again Chosen -gaalVS awB'avsU TaWUiBAniMI a. V '" ijTaja aaaiaajax pseaswaa a asmaj saaavaa ,la taa Caamberof Ciariiii tMa mswatac. at waMtsasSBawafaajr-,'' aaamaa awmamMa BBra) Vawaaamm aamaaaaV gSaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj, -A- - . aV.a.. A. --- -" gig m amaaaaBB WWW WWsTW BOaUsjBjgai gaj BwmwmW awaTV wv-Jsm v am Sa ffaaBWBBB aW aweWsagjm atVsaaaVam 0iaas'MaBassjaBaaBa) , "fBgrn BaaaBBBBBBBBBBBB, . .. wSaasa gafaBBwaaV laa gaaawa afjaamaBBBBBwl aaaV sbbbbbbbbbbv 4aaawawaBBBama4sBmUsaVf SBaamBBWwaBBBBBt'BBBBBBW nam Is woald aaavsw aamttr aaffgwH ad " taa aaseaesa latsraiis.of Xamsawa u - rails. '' v" -' u ' taaaaaa "" .y . ' j --ti ' i taa eomalslat la taa aaaia. amwaesaw waa, twig eao of tae gtat saaaaata,. sm aa- souaded Uo kayaoto waaa aa atgai (Ceatfaaei ea lgaff " . t taa Brat souaded Uo koyaoto (Ceatfaaei ea" . , lodt of Bert BlejwMWith a Holav TlmtHfa-tavfla Canyoa. TUeveg ariiBlaatod i .'-3r v ' ".. f United Press Rarvlee . w aa - or tf J OAKLAND, Fab. I. Tka body af Bert Blaaeaard of tals eHy, aapaty Already aossea are vMaMy to the aaaaa af . . ..'. "S ttmi bora aaaday to ea4ak apgaa aaaso taiavsa waa aava la WUasat eaayoa. JUt aaea roaaKod la taa aoar vealod taa mar'der. ,", xl cl m . Nearly Fifty Thousand Acres in the Northern Fa of the County are Deeded to Oregon Land Corpora tion. The Consideration U Over 91711,000 United I'rsss WASIIINQTOH.'O. 0 .Ft. 4, Blnco the Middle Wosi has not thai (r brought forward a aaadMata for tbo iflcretaryshlp of tka latortor .de partment In'tke'asw eaWaet, aad tlnce It has boaa'aaamrad that oaly niuu commuted to'apolley of aatloaal rather than state eaaaervallaa al natlonsl rasoaraas aaad aaatr. taa --".. ail .aaaaa inai,. aaa, friends of raiiaa a 8 yraaelaea aro aata, "swIOiaH that he will land tho prise. Tasy claim that ha la Uo best equipped for i ha haaw work af the department or nil the prominent democrats whoso names have beea wggeeies 10 uov ornor Wilson. a nea - aeaator Chamberlain naa taken up tka eaadldacy'of 'J, N. Teal In preference to that of jusge win a kib from his state. Toal is men- Uoaed alaag with PhelaB as one of the two Far Western aapiraaw wnw tt;t..-.. ; . - , j Bra SIU la tno runniaa, ,1 . l ,4. . .1. v One of the biggest land deals la tke history of Klsmath county waa closed this morning, when thorn waa reeorded at the county clerk's omee, a deed transferring all tha Orogoa - Hary road mad grant betweea the uitkn boundary of tha Klamath Indian reservation and Crescent Lake, at the aorthern Uaa of tka eouaty. , . la all tkere aro 4V.I60 acres, aaa the coaslderatlon'ss act forth la Uo daaa- Bled today U HT6.4T7.5v. Tho deal hea'beeatpeadlug for Iwo years, The transfer Is. made ay me uragoa Military Land Qraat compaay to Ue Oregoa UBd oorporaMoa. TWgtattor somaaay U said to luotuae.a aumaor The tract follows tho old mlUtary read, aad extenda Uroe miles to Uther side of this highway. Thero is but little timber oa thetraets, aek Flao aolag the oaly variety" iTaaauW. Bteahoaa Is taa Vasal aaent of the Oregon Land cwpatatlaa.?, He kaa aoellaed to make aay aamtta statomeat regarding tha. .dlsgeaHloa of tka toad by Ua saw owaera, aat as lutlasated that Ua caaeera,, aaigat bulld-a wrlvate Irrlaatloa proioet for watering that section, aadaabalvlda Ua grant Into 40 aero teases for sat- Uomsat. v 1 ' q - The traet waa Srst deeded to tot state at uragoa ef aaaaa a ta.lMt. WKh taa i.rr ti - N Prfsideht taaw) favl aaaaw,BTfsaaw?'aaBfaa" l A .. " J mwHWIaaaaWlK i A W hi: w ?j'J aafsAesa. yfsfy)tiA It was to bo deeded to tha Oregon Central Military Road eomaaay as aooa aa that eoatMBjr sosaiUtsd a inn road f rasa BMaane to tha Bast era boundary af Ua 'state, travorslag Use. Douglas, Ktamatk, Lake aai Harney eoaBtlea. Tka road, H waa understood, waa to be used by taa aeverameat ta traasnortlag troops uad, suppnee, aad far us la axpedlt- lag tke gueUlag atladlaa nprisiags. ' Tha road waa eempletad, aad Ue grant doodad to too Oregoa Ceatral MlUtary Land eompaayiia 1IH. Maea Ua time tha title aaa passed taa te aaaaa af, taa ongaa maieary mbm oeaat sesapaay. aaa. naaumi aJSStaliaesSsyfafaTS MWeJalml aBPaVaava . H' . v Directors of Horsefly Dtottlct 9m Retain Bowne m Seoretary . Sale Delinquent Und Aianouiced - X aeeUl to Tke Meraid itoaraeeatUal aXWAMIA. Fab. I. TMra wag, 9y Destrtst's f Tl aaraaahla aa taa aart at issasaa waal' la adapMaa to hays laada wlUla taa beiajdarlas at Ua Ham? Urlgatise pfajaat to pay the asassamsata ssalaat taatr laada at yestoraays BMotlag af Ua dlreetora. Tkm aaate waa scrialaBad ky taa bbb- woaMt taauaeaoo at aaao tag gait wf Uaia.aavi waJak - aaaaa waav.rTW .""T- .. i.7 aabwiiaat.. ,..'.' - - "-" . " aaalaa aa taatr delta 1B. TWW V. ' ' ' I" "W TTC " .'-T IguiBi'tU Wats) 3aaagt amiBa awe) Wmt$mm fraai .that eaa-la,uBila war takm,ams.wewa mmmmmm ISfStl lM t neOBjgafeiwal MIS -aaWofafaV PafoBp W, F VJ ' 'oaFaaTS aPaWaTagtpB, B W ppatsaafaWT'afJfaTsJP laiUa weaol wag geaptgttaX latrtUb ' rV t liSi i jH f V '?dr l A . .i rK ' F A. H" ." -"Wt-- 'ta! j-sa Jf v V , M, 5 Jl. '? , , A A-t 'i" ih u-, j- us At A'k i. . f A. ft? V V-