HI'I'I'MKII F T . . ... nliKHM NKWH HMCVlUK iii' Jasmins iat a At.t.tf .. A , l?M- ' ii" u . , , -.amamagaammml - (I hi 4hntirii Hrrain :r:rassam mmWi--" BMaTJ gael Ban bbbbbb . aWaBVKr' amal Baal am.1 gam I aam. AA. Li. iJI ItJt iJ C ami bbbbm - bbbbU - BBBBBBvsmmYJ gBBBBt, BBmV Bama 4L. - - l.'i I iBWjUrlaMmsBBnVxBB. .i. V.nr-OS'0. .,! KIMATH VAMM, OIIKOO.V, TVHMK, FFJIIttAKY 4, 10JS ' ,!" " ' JCT Drys" Will W Hurry Their Campin b Action will be Taken Until After ijhe Charter Election m Marehrl( TnTTVrt.i 'd.vJw.1. tl iw.n nrnnniimnii rnn nTrmiruTmu lliiniltl TnriTO tOoera Bouffe Soon! . .JA'l '.il: MILL1UN 1 A DAY WILL 8E ! Rebels Take Train : INDEMNITY ASKED HIS I.V AUIIITMMt TO (HH)tNAI HVMAXVt klhil ! IUww imth l'H .( llmj.lir, mill Vlum Are. 1k- Ihtv IUrir.1 Knm l'rml lr Hoih - I'nUnl Vn Hcrtlro hOU.t. I'rli. 4-llrHirt rrcflw! LhU ntlirntxiii Niy Ul AiUUwH'Ip jB. u.l lll tMi ' )rl Jijf Hr. , MKXICO CITY, KIi. 4-Twul'-two men win kllloJ, (vn wuuuilcil ititil inn or ItKoiii ronmii ro kM impped M ft rwult of nn ntinrk upon h (rain r MoiIcau robnU tltli itioru Tho nltnrk wni (nulla mar Alcilco, about fitly mile from tho caplul. KderAl force ro In pursuit, uJ u pltclivd buttle with Ilia reuali ox pacted In a abort time. JJ.O.MO.V, VI. -TI WHlbanl- nl uf ,tiltljno.lo k jl ir KtbUbniuun WANT STA6E LINE FROM THIS GUY FREMONT AT LAST uuiuiuxum woui.ii Ai'i'itoi'itN A'll! IONI-:" TU I'l.ACM HTAT- ui:h oi' I'ATiiij.vniiit anu iix. IIIMHHT I.V IIAI.Ii OF FAMK ruK o tKiuu lun -1.. BILL APPKOV i -w UuIiRil I'rcMHerrltt! haciu.mi:nto, rb. ED i HTATK lA'AiMATVUK lilitMUHK I'AHHKH A nr.i: jiVJ wiiinMr HAH I'KMKNTKO WpjXW MAKK1W 10JI IA.V ViOUW' INDIAN TREATS FRIEND; FINED UI'FOIITK TO QUKN'CK THIR8T OF ItOIII.V IIOOI) COHTO F.1JHKK I.V.VCfl TMK HUMi OF HKVKJT-FUTV S- t'ltllril I'rtM ?crtle A. .Bti'nntorJ 3Al.li:M, Feb, 4 Camlnottt today Introduced n bill ljMroJ tbo bill which piovldea for tb llMlnc that tka drlac of Wfelaker 'V' I by one Indian to another la a dlrtct IVIOllUOn Ol mw, I BHU.H.CU oat. r'lltfc bouo toJny filinr.) and F. O. Oreenwood la.t nl.lit i . X . . ... .. I . -- . .. I n.l. . -rinn.lh In. I iLnlted l'rei 8nrlca WABHINOTOK, I). C, Feb. 4 Dlapatchea report tbat Veaeaa4aa ttsd'ColombbiR troop. ar bela bmh blU-tHtSaiir Maroa, the barber tkk la l dlastitalMtwaeti ta two SoHth Araericaa raftaMlc., and alaan aea I rami sent. It la reverted kern that the Mile- erent countrlea neetnre Uutt tner will net allow laterfeatlen ky the United Ht-lea. .'.' Die nisenibly. piOTldlnK for an nunro prUllou of 150,000 for tlie purcb-4e or ttnt'ic. of (Irnoral Fremont and (Joorite llttarnt for tbo National Hall of fM. l(lkMATII li:VKWU'3llT COM iiv' m;i:icK to (Jirr I'ltlVli-- HflKTIIAT HAH WMl IIKI.N ISX jovj:d nv jikpi oito A. kins that tbtt ovclu(ru francliUo for a aU.o line In to Crater Uko Natlnual I'ark Im granted to the KUmatb Doulupni-ut rompaur, n iHilltlon In In circulation today. M-ck- (I. l Walton, who own. a ranch on T -.- II I a e pl i ret .! ti nniA I ml NV it f- !"" "."" ?.."..." iit a tnori lojourn uvrr. iturllitatlou of criminal, and chronic Iiuoiio pir.otw. I Clicvra greeted the nnouncment of the voto. , The tnvavure kae beeo approved by tho Ule board of, bsVlth. It haa boon brought to the' attention of about every lrililaturo during the pant Oftctn year. v r y'rr. 'i. ?s arreited Klner Lynch, a Klamath In dlnn, after aeclnc him paaa a quart of j firewater to Ilobln Hood, aUo from the rr!rvatlon. Lynch wa"a brought before I'ollce Jndge Iavltt thli morning and fined $7.50, which aura be paid. In addi tion to the bottle be used In.treatlng Ilobln Hood, another quart waa found In Lynch'! po-elon. ACTRESS WEDS OWNER OF SHOW rt.iuui t.MUy m tlie r-HjueM of lliotnc tu ,.euro Ihla advantage, which1 tn. In i.Mlcr lu allow ft tn-hm. been to loin cnjoied by weurorn, L ami tiiiii-roiMbetaMi) U !-, At.i,.UURt (H- Crater Uko company. I l Only oar atago lino la permitted by; the government, and rentca car irom; bet n rciuacj aumiMion rifltnlloN e( tlwt time Hnl' i rnr It-rumrd t aaiaiWtT DemocralsBlock Plan Confirm Nominations 3 BKllESIIig 10 GO ON BALLOT -1; MIW. LOCIHK LOHK W NOW MM. FOMTKK I'liAVKD HKKIJ HKV FJtAli SEAHOXI, ANO WAH A e tlHKAT FAVOK1TK Jlhla city have i. .''tD ,,,e l'',t 4eAe4.ntiialu- tfriler to L'nltrd I'imi Hcrrice 1 1 ni'nnn t'-t. ..11 U .iiil-i ttt-ew-eWMu m-ilr to -m..., w -T .... . .j ... . . ioo4 aulhorlly that the allied pa!-; raster U now being uikci. up " kinilatca will demand a raah Indem- the department of Iho Interior. nit; cf 15,000,000 per day for eactr Ihe renewed war continue, in' J. II. Ilerry, a ron ,...i.u r:;1;,;n,.wu w mm, la a Klamath Fall, vl.ltor.i &4iker re-IHaappointed :b the Filibusterinti Operations of the Opposition. Bish op is Reported to be jbl Candidate - for Marshal bi-t.ii refuted ailmtMlou .. ll !-. ifirr. C nailer that rj--ijayr"U ivl -'"i,- - "- t-sv-CSlf". Ti ' 7-- , " --..--yr--"- .UuUatj ht mat ""'TSWjix...-:v,a z".--.-.-. C. T. Oliver boa received a letter flora Mra. Lenlee Low. an actreaa who la well known here, announcing her marriage to Mr. Cbarlee Porter, iowner of the Porter atockeompany. Mra. Porter waa. formerly wife of tlie head of Lowe'a Mndlaon Seuare comneny. a clever tronwe that payee In Klamath Fall aeveral tlmee- la the daya before thle etty w em the retire-. Mr. OU-er-ewe4 heX Llftlereet t. the treeae; elaiU''meea- eera or iae cempeay m.i-n-i mi. mm Mra.. William V. Monc, aleo well known here., v EARLY Hi SPtiG --x.!w ' . "" " 'JrwSK-.:B..-lj, . 8 ajiajUaT;. j " ' i U - t. - JPHpewai ear. - a 'f ..- "i""l ' Htot. la ThMCTm Mwigeaaai aa , vw ', Heekeel hf FreeaaBe&mi imV.n tertaejra J . A , 2" '. .! LOCAL ( r n - AUHUBV1 rm Z . K .- II'Ca v ' 'Hav tnmGG WI0 Bp T emBaw . . VL .tvit- U-tmr-e tKUahftm- 'i n -TTi '"---"---- v.. tlon of the atterney aeaerat Ihaajtlaail iiotlon rannef be faH. leeeJ Vdrya'are with their Una, aae. Hie an electloauwU he hetil ' ". ... i ' r- . ' ' ' clalee. hi aaee er the vetere.ee. a-eetleaTef i new eherter. k. after Mere- leth. WtMM'. i.i .1. tin- l-T.ehi-t.-vtl ' Y '" It waa theterlgtt-il laMmtf . , "m ' aelkwc ee.:the kettet at 'Ch ?ft '3?. I ? . Jaraet Falrclo le here from Miller .Hill, attending to huatnea matter. a4ae the .'in i ) MMpaf - afnftM V i the4f . nttrnaaf. JKlaa meke ne aaeve aatM tiea'ef n eeJHW'wae,eatAae. theory wae ttet; IMtiaf ak forthcoming eteetiea. at-flat .T. at i-i a (ConUneed em ream.e).- wtl "! "-J rordei iJa' :- on idland Farmer Circulate for a New Road from this City Which wiUHelp the Farmers !.., i. in,i .irn rod tho algnn Abel AUy I. today circulating a peinuu .. - -- -. - ....,. tltlon for opening of n county road-tur.-. of every inna ow,.cr ,... from Midland to Worden. He ox-'which tho road will paw. n.,1. ..MivPourt In addition to proviuing a f- mlleil PreerVtro lellor and telegram urging him to nltcraoon that bo fully expected to!'ftvTrtlfw---I4 A TA1'l-e- CL OlWliAe' WAititiKaTOM. D. C. Feb. 4. ftnnd ngalnat the confirmation of tho -ecuro tho appointment Jn tho event- W H 1 11 III A YCIIUC t-jUlLFlW .......... . ... i. r.i. ..(.. ot the ultimate failure of the repub-,, - " - " tar.iiour or iuiuo.irui.K.o -...... ...--..----. ""....-, ........ .. .-.-,.. Ilbuttorcd. the rcg- Word waa receivca nere lousy oi ucn io un-i auu-. i -..- efUrnoou tern- tho candidacy or II. Bt. ueorgo iiunop uou oi ue .an i'i"". " - Ti . .. . .. . . . ai.. .t.. .Ht ,hl. that waa t to of Klamath Fall lor ine onice oi ciareu iuai mo um . .-- . - Uulted 8tate marahal for Oregon. Pgalniit hi candiuacy wan n reponeu Id, to bo favored by Cham-.ilt.puto wlthU the IUU ex me i , Dr. Lane, wuo wuiiucmocrauc uram-.uu. Vf, i "iui," aaiu ar. uuoi, mew uw. not appear to me to be n real demo- irganltatlon In the county." H." . jf n Rejecttid .' In nro a number Chamberlain haa bee'n ssn tomorrow. .....- rrnm tht city to Wordcit, tho . ' ... . . .......! win iitnttn a connection with tho i mepropoteil road win anonen mu " - --- ... .,.... dUUnce from thl. city to Worden by road, to hm .outli. aj at iiecl. road from 81 to U mile. Tho roulo on mo uo -F" ":""", nf; fill bo nlnnr .H railroad rlaht Of WHICH K I pru.- . , way, nml Mr. Ady stated title after arminrr imrc this City. Stbf y of Cruelty is Tolcl in Divorce Suit City Ma? Bridge Over El Right of Way Granted the Klamath Canal Company Makes Provision for Building of Bridges Wherever the Officials; of the City Deem them Necessary Remonstrance of the ProptHy?0i ers upheld Dy Memoers Council. Mason -..... abU there, wm alee je. y r. ket. An hi tyre brothera for permlaelea to re- model the old foundry building on aMommmasmmmwmmmmmt H. e where Mat to do with K." law (MnT-I .ti'- V ' tContlnuee rw' cv - 1 f ! Among Other Charges, Woman Says She was Compelled to Flee for Her Life in. a Nightgown That tho city haa a right to aakiand on bohnlf or tho town of Klam ,,. tarnation .crvlco to con.truet I th Falla, Ore., to aald Klamath Ca tho .bridge ncro. Kluvouth atreeh, which la naked y ronldcnta of thla A talo ot extreme cruelty le related uy Mm, I.ouUu Davldionrin n com I'lalitt alio filed today In iy ault to o- euro a divorce from Kdward Oavlil on, whom alio accuses of nou.upport, drunlionneea and cruel and Inhuman treatment, The ault waa died through Attorney w. lIHhnw, Kvor alnce their marriage Bt Jack oitvlllo In 1001, Mr. DavlU.on al ejCB, hor huaband haahowu n Ilk ins for drink, but, alnce 1004 and 19US alio allege that k haa beeeau a onbltual drunkard? -aad haaeuraea and abused her, kicked Iver tmt haa knockod her down many time whllo Intoxicated. la March, 1000, whllo they were llvlug near AahJand, alntea the com- plalnuut, vttT,u ""?"'- - Into ono night In a drunuon rngv, threntoned her life, until ho waa compelled to)jump,ou oi i" In n nightgown, and run inrougn mo wood until. shtf could hldo from mm. f.. T..vi,iaon atatoa that In fear ot her life, ahe waa forced to apond tho flKht In the open, ctau, oniy iu vi city nml Blilpplngton, wtu tho opinion exprtiiieil by City Attorney Drake, niter Councllmon Bavldgo and Doty roportod but little oncouragomeat from Project Knglucor Patch. According to Jiuliso urano, ne right of way of tho Klnmnlh Canal company, which waa taaen over wy ii. rficlnuiatlon norvlco, make it tho duty of tho holder of tho right of way to build bridge wherever ueeiu cd neceaiiary. Tlo rlgl... or way waa .;,m.i tn tim Klamath Canal com pany tn 1004, and tho potni urougm out by-Prnko la coniainou-.u mo lowing extract: T 'It U therefore reaolved and or ilftlriod thntAiex, Martin Jr president of' tho board of 'triiatee, bo and ho U i.nrAi.v mithorlr.ed and airociou to ual company ot a rlglit ot way for a water-wnr leadluE front the eanal ot said Klamath Canal company now In course ot construction down Eleventh street and ncross Main street; Said rleht of way not to exceed lfi font In width and not'to oxceed In ivverago maximum depth 10 feet; "Said rlaht ot way on said street la to be located In accordance with the direction ot the city euglaeernad the bridging are exacted 'la the right of uuv of the Klamath Canal company for crowing Jeneraon, Frnaaun, Washlnnton. Kleventh. Bush, Kaat and Donald streets and Sargent avenue. Tho brldeo matter comes aa a re sult ot a petition, asking that a bridge bo built across the Irrigation canal on Klovonth street. It la contended that this will make a direct road to Ship plugton. entirely, avoiding the steep grades and mud holea teama must Start AUReckly t'V, I'V1. ax Rolls Extended and n&rttt& Office Prepared. jrK of Taxes Nets a Klamath Canal company kt to bridge travel over now. said water-way acrosa mala street and The matter wae taken-up with Pro nightgown. - . it J"u,"u. "" ; 7 ---- -i..i-j Mra. Davidson further auogeniiu.fertnwiinmaae, ee..vr..-v 'and aetiYertne proper cnstirw "ttWiu'u" on ' nt anr other point whew deeaaed reaa ouably necessary by the beard ottrua- tees; - . "It said wnter-way or aay' "part thereof shall be an open cut.the.aamo shall be substantially fenced under the direction ot the cItV'jinglaeer. and. ahull be rep weed jvUhlatwo viiim hv a nloeillna'' nud. tiled with suitable material to tta areeeat eea- allies.--- ' imr' -j j 7. " . - The name eoaatoae.rigaTBiag "X" . V!t f . - a-..- t A- - . Sberla! Qeorge A, Hayaem-ter'thaMatajai WJ7T!l . rXflaii'' a .. I'Ys. ject Engineer 'Patch last week by two members, of the council, hut Mr.. Patch waa dubious as to the action the.! director ot the reclamation .serv ice would' take with Ue matter. He volunteer to write" a avPulemeatal i letter to Washington, aesempaiylng a petition irom me vcv,e""v,"a the.buiWIng of the Vrldgec , V 5! , The bridge la queetie wpnw ,ae abeHt.a.O feet long., ,H WjM eeet In T. -.JI ' " Deputy and Austin White are busy nrevarlag tor the cmmaeement;'of tea eellee-r Hob, whtea etarta' Fabruary lSihe aaje eavwaicn iae un im,iw iavahle it le estimated that the-tax coUeetioR thle year wilt amount to 1400,000. Laet year ltrwaajlSf0,aa, . A rtbaU of per eeat w given te aWlio w their iaxeVlwt:.alarob .V i'v......l,'.l..VkiilLrli. vantage of, thla to . e4Met a.aavlaf hy jtaylaf-aarlr..-.- :l' i' ('.U :.: , -v ?; "fA-" .jr. T -"tiT ST and, 1 'fc Hie the4 M- .M ' .' u hy - nfcytac: -mbt Awrll Ttfc'aMJa! CXtoher tk,' t' ' . 'Jm, or Worlt of wt.flsv . Af.At "! garyiaj Tgrfl --: Im era Patflar O. thai WtU he HX $ o emit tat SsWNUe ra"aaB m eapamamma"' 'l . li, ", , u - . l 1-V t CS ,-t.ji 9i 'M-T i. 4 , -.v -Jt . - ft. zv. -&,(!