$& p- a Hfr (HIPMJUW MT Til 9e ftoenina r e ;.- ("v ,tf.'W ' ; f rfc '. ' Herald -) i f V r bMi . , ! Ml ', f wL ' L.i.Kl'i ..... ... a :-j. v .:'avi 'iimwi ' V ,. .. . ..,J HeV) V--). l,t?T KLAMATH PALI OftstTJOff, MONBAY, FMHtOAKT S, Itfj -"' i ii.fr j mi" ill lliliVlpi !l - ahaWsaaWf --,-,-, "i n Klamath Falls is Built on Ruins of Ancient City Erected by DANIELS SUITS BEFORE COURT OF APPEALS KlMOl'M MS" CASH BEFORE COURT AOAIN narnv j, II. Car mm! Free! H. MHto Ue l rtoa Froac-tore Tmorriw ( Ap pear for Mm AmiIUm la Cmm Aw-rak-i Vrem taw Uakcl Mutre lll.tricl Cemrt Cur Mm Hfat of Orrgua Attorney J. II. Caraahan leave to morrow for Haa Fraaclse, where tie 111 appear befer th United State ctrcutt court of appeal for th Nlata dl.trlrt, to sppla.at hto brtof for the appelte In th tult of A. I), Daa ItU against John C. Leeaard, Veetal WaknflrM, Valentin Rerabard aad Mark T. Howard, villi aa argumeat. Kred II. MM alee gees to Man Francisco tomorrow, ho betas attor ney for Mrs. Jeaete Kebcrteea, Boo Wagaer, who It ow of llio slsteca do fondant la th famous "tblrty-sevea ten" lltlgatioa. HulUwerw. broc?waajui let aside the patent of'the ethers to Until In Southern Oregoa. Tat eaaoa ttcro tried la tao Uallttl BUtta hv trlct court at I'ortUao, aa4 aftor taa defvndknu ecur4 a victory, tao ae tl m wn apoeaUtl to tao circuit court ot leU. The action ombrarit torno ilittoa oici wherein DanleU, claimant of (Coiittnuetl "BIG CINDER" IS RAPPED BY COURT V. . ftUt'KKMI. COVKt OKMKO CUNHVHNKU FKiMTKK KMiMT T AITKAfi MtOM JtlXJK LAK DIM UKCIWON Ml AWTHVK TO ITrUoH lrtaa hr?ko WAMIIINOTO.V, D. 0., Fa. tr Ttio Uall4 BtatM aiiprMio court to day denUd Jack Jonae tho right to appeal from tha docUloa of tho fed oral court In Chicago rafualag him ball under tbe whlto alavo Indlctmoat. Jack Jobruton aad aorta mea aad women convicted la Florida, Ohio aad Teiaa of trafficking la women, Muar T teited tho validity of tho Maaa law. ( Continue on rago I on I'aiv 4i POOR EQUIPMENT CAUSES DEATH MC1UMBNTU HI FATAL BHOAVKK TMKRK WKKK MO F1RK MaCAPK AXB MKMVSa Art-ARATVi At Last-Wahoo! I.'alted I'raaa Nrvtoa ABIflNOTON, D. C, Fob. I. Real urilf maklag eoaaaaced today when tha waya and moaae oemmlttoo opened a atMloa to draft a BMaeure. Aa oaorraoua amount of teehaioal daU haa boea aubmlttod aad tbe auro wilt be aubmltted aa aooa aa the apeclal aeoolon open. It la eipected that the entire aub- jec will be haadled la a alagle ure Inetead of achedule by acbedule, aa haa beta tho rule la tha paat 4oiin yMaldlaW m000mAt000000m000l0m ll-T Jil - m- While fte ahU MBtaTMUa IVW) 'A AhaAb&a ---- to U laaWarid tm wife, laf laaae eaa i.. JC laaam iHam eBvaaw Says Eminent Scien USH itii'jSat.tJtt-ai OtJV' HAWG SEES SHADOW ''ye Six Long, Cold Weeks Ahead as a Result PEACE MAY YET BE 'FOR TURKS IXFl.tKNCK OF THK POWKM M FKI.T IN DII'LOMATIO C1MCUM AND IT 18 KXFRCTKD THAT AlttM WILL UK MTORED Uallad Preaa Service LONDON. Feb. S. Peace la the Hainan la vialble, according to a die patch from Bona, which' aaya that Uulgarla U ready to agree with taa propoial of the oowera that Turker have rellgloua eeatrol of Adrlaaeote U theholfcHj taJlafTreee ervlea - , LONDON, Feb. I. War la eehed HACKAMENTO, Feb. I. taade- tied to aUrt against Turkey toaight. quale Ore lighting apparatus aad lack,' tut the ambaeaadora of the power do of Are eacapee were held reapoa4ble'Cot believe that Bulgaria will oppoee for the Iom of four Uvea la tha ire rjermaay'a advice. la the fit. Nlcholaa apartmeatt. The titrmaa mlnUter at Sola haa lgUlatloa affecting the affair to (reaeated a note autjsestlag that Iha certain, cflers contained la Tuikey'a reply to Harold Protiman. one of the all In the note.of the powers were fair, fno lured, will die from hla Injuries. other powera have sanctioned the aote. SwmnFronr H is the mj-pjaj, Latest Tabereular Cn; mn - m Minneapolis Physician's Discovery Said to Actually do What U Claimed for Friedmann Cure street are yet at a paw aad there la eUll feel several more cord snaUatotr. Uke te keee Use yiaea freai aad If yea are famr- vareoat laatlna tbraaah the riaabhlag days of the wtater, prere'aoce to sheU oat a head f ul of saettkeU at oae of the "closlaeT out" ealsejaf winter ganaeaU. Aad dea't forget where you pat )our akatwa after using them darlac the allaas. Tea may have ase for them befota loag, aad ualeaa all dope oa the weather has beea' kaockei asunder, setglM,-aklU aad saawshoas will remakt popular uteaells with the traveler. f The reaeea for all this to the in nnat appearaace of the Orouad Hog. lie came, ae eaw (hla shadow) aad he beat II Pramptlrataooa, theoalelaJ Oround Mef clawed hto way eat ot Lha oSnaiai harrow. mmA aftat 4lalar f . . the gravel from hto eyes aad eemblag cut km vrMsaers, he prepared to make hto edaeial aaservatloa of all that had traasjlril aawe he begaa hto aaauei ailjenuaiea. , ? 1TJ nil V. ui Tj 1 aVl m c hhL. ' inra raallan y tYesaeeat" as aaed la tats eaee. to ler the ffrat thlac that tHr c MINNKAI'OUB, Feb. I. Aa arU do apteara la the Daily News today to tho effect that Dr. i. If. Burgaa, a leading Mlaaeapolto phyalclan, haa discovered a Uberculoato cur that local physicians declare will rival the wonderful cures claimed for the dis covery of Dr, Frledmaaa, the Qermaa scientist, who serum has beea tho subject of so much discussion durlag the past few months. Tbe basis ot the serum, according to Dr. Burgaa. to uvea rn healthy pig. perlmonted further with the possibil ities of his terbueoJoeta cure, Dr. Bur gaa will make It public. i u-iai Interest is Increasing in Dairying Meeting All Parts of the Country Will be Re presented, According to Informa tion Received in This City OALLAUHKR'tl CAKKKK OOMKsl TO A CLOSK IN A NKW JaCtWafKY MAD HOfMC ASSAULT MADK IN ltl United Press Service TKENTON. N. J., Feb. I. Jam J. Gallagher, who attempted to kill Mayor a ay nor of New York City oa I1.1....1 a tun IUil tala tMAvalaa' at Aa aooa aa bs ha "" " :' "" "-7. . mo aiaio mease m;iu. v victim of paresis. The assault upoa Qayaor was mad Just aa the execatlv ar wa boarding a steamer for Karea. Oal lagher had beea dlecharged treat th treet cleaning departmeat, aad a at Umpted to get reveag by lag tho mayor. well cl at this, he fairly baraed the daet la hto haste to return to hto whiter doat klie. tor If there to aaythlag that frlghtea a Orouad Hag, It to a gllmpe ot hto shadow oa the Seeoad of February. Now, small aad laaigallcaat as this animal may seem to some, ho to oae of great Importaaeo to the return of spring, as hto hasty retreat always means a postpoaement of six weeks la the arrival ot balmy spring weather. For this reasoa, we are doomed to ea dure for forty-two" more days the rig ors of the past few moaths, aad over costs and atockiag caps will eoatiau la vogue. " The end of the vrlater, according to the prediction mad by th Orouad Hog Sunday, will b March If, or Fv- mmr2 laKgta ; B3Ea f. BOSIMimSAYS THtS IS iMI mmm :,1X aAfmafjai w nmwv9m. : v ", x.'-'tj.f- j .V.. 'n l i r . .V aw 3 1 beVVtH i awaaBBBBBBSaB A lltV i uaawnvya,... Air MtretcaaJBeasi 'I CH?tr fr i - CnltcU J'reM Servter' ' PORTLAND, Fob, Th 4 fit lUtto moralagprlats,' atartrtag U'ader aBeetoa date Mao, waM 'u llito IWmaj-kable Picture of the Uruuuii llofcr oa a Suaay Kery SecoMd, Waa Takers Immediately After lie Ijucrged from tao Crowad, aad He fere Hto HtuMtew Itad Climbed O ut of the Uarreur la Puree. idleace as.ever, but there are sv aeem Ktaatata Falls, oa th iestt t aa emtaeat'seleattoi, with- Us.. Th arttete la amrt folavwa; , rraa;CaaB,.ateamsa,, tabltohed the Irst Br', as aeM.KIaasaca Fails. I we t tarn asBjei t i'siill lat iitsT " paawasawaaTBT ((Ntarie eUttoek, PbrD.. at) i jogtot, la a report va th Paabody aas teum at Harvard, c -' 1- ."Nef th' Assertoa to ittie btbUeal Laad of Ne4.riag a I out of the Oardea t Bdea. i ttCata migrated tar aad i the peewtetloa waa J new eMr. , L "The Laad ot Nod wasl ly tho birth ptoe el la Adam, from "where ' he' when the Lord eeubrtohed tao Oardosl of Bdea.'" ' v " Palm Suaday, Just a week previous to Easter. It la generally conceded that Easter boaaets, berlbboaed, Deflower ed, bewildering, will be as much la entt speculative parti waa ar will lag to WMcTgood eeta ofta realm thai fur-Uad ceaU will the new buaaeU. D. D. Ltokey'to a e-Maty seat vwaV or Mr. Ltoky restdos at Datry: v ' "p d: u. 1M t't Hera. ta' west aaafaeaanaHet. aiifiaa SLiiaasK . i a-, i- il mi ScaredofHindus United Press Servlee LONDON, Feb. . Klag George and the queea were vary closely guarded today whea they motored from 'Windsor east! tor Buckingham palace. Tho heavy guard waa ostensibly be cause of the activities ot tho suffra gettes, but the real was th fear ot aa ladlaa plat. Tho king aad aueea (eared a reso- tltloa of th assault oa Lord Hardlage la Iadta. On of th greatest gathering ot tho character yr held la Klamath county to assured Wedaesdey, whea tho dairymen of ta auatyassMibl t the Klamath Chamber ot Com morce to form a county dalrymea's a Doclatloa. Freai aU.parU ot th county omas assuraaes ot attead 'AH of ta frmrs aad dairymen residing laa ta th Hy will b aers, and there will b W dologKlo from MrrlU, eoMH t4 Fft KhMMU, MMrata ta ItalsdN bre-igat m -oo by batwsalid lawsm' . 1& ' J , N ,JKi It i . .' la aaitotpatloa ot th vat, UaU live by-law hav been drawn up, aad th dlrM of th Chamber of Com merce ar leading vsry toteo posslblo to Secfstary C. T. Oliver t further Interest la th movemeat aad enUrtaln th vlaWprs. The organisaUoa to blag formed for th sol purpose of promoting th dairying Interest of Klamath county, not tor tho purpose of, forming a eo operatlve oreamery aasoetoeUa,, aa some'belleve. Th mmb-h(p roll la oh to aay dalrymaa who wtohs t bloag . . l ROCKEFELLER TO BE UNDER PROBE JMONRY TRUST COMMITTKB OUIR MAN ANNOUNOW TMAT AR RANOKMICNTS MAVB RRKtf OOM- PLKTKDIXRKXAMINATION . BraMwaMBBM WASHINOTON, D, O, Fab. I. Chairman Pujo ot the money trust urob icommKte announced today thai tentative arraagemeaU had beea rompleted to wamla WlUlam Rocke feller at Jekyll Isbnd, aorg, on a.'W.ORiM eam ta sta Karflll I uaday t,rmia fr a tow day. COUNCIL WILL TALK FIREMEN MATTERS PhnMADOIHI TO THK VOLVNTKHR aHaTAJIfnCRXT, IT IS RKURVRm, WILL RR UP KOR UlSCUaawON BUCK RULFR jElectors :are REPORTED DEAD LONDON NEWS AOFNCY RKPORTH THK DKMI8K OF KING OF ABYS SINIA, ONE OF THE BLACK PR-GRKSSI'HS LONDON, Feb. 3. A new ageacy dispatch saya that King Meneltk ot Abyssinia to dead. There has beea no eoatrmatloa ot the report. Th queetloa t aarehaslag rubber hdmeU, eoata aad boot for ta vol unteer Are departmeat will b oa ot th matter dtoeaes d at toalght's meeting ot the, city eeaacJL It to'ra mored today.' This eosie a a reK ot he nre ai thBa Tea bakery oa Wednesday, although th couaoll aa beea considorlag thai for som Urn. At th last am loot U ta eaan aa order, tor, a Ire alarm bU wa sat ta a supply ar TaU will arrtv her la th ua at a fw aaya.' . "-r- R. 0. la'telaroor ''i LYLE SAYS MONEY IS DUE; NOT OWED MANAQKR OF BLACKBURN MO UITAL MOLDS IN HM ANSWRR THAT DR. CHILTON 18 INDBRT HltTOMIM Pranvniat V kW n i. for Washington i -r V i y & p ? Forty-Eight Messengers, Kadi ing the Official IslectorW Vote of his State, are Soon to SUrt That Dr. Chilton to Indebted to tho approximate amount of 1600 to the allegation 'made A. J., Lyle la to aaawer to the action filed against him a few days ago by Dr. Chilton. Th answer was Sled today by Merryxaaii A Duacaa aad Thomas Drake. la his answer" Lyle admits aa la-, debteaeas ot'lM.eaJo Chlltoao He alleges, that ChHtoa agreed) to ,y halt th wp'cacs ot the heealta aad WASHIKOTON, D. C, Feb. , , Forty-eight osMursioalets are'aow at ting the intohlng touches oa thetoot presidential election. They eom the nearest aad furthermost part of' tho United SUtea. with expeaso paid In a generous manner by Uaeto.Sam, and each carries with htm a packet addressed to "The Presldat of ta United States Senate." TUtlr'n is an ImportaBtfaaetloa, although a very pleasant oa.. They are charged to deliver 'the eertlaed votes of the varlou oUetoral eoli lege to the presiding efassr'of tao; United State senate that th prt deut-elecl may bo formally deolarod "elected" oa March tth. Fof'-tato Borvle UacU 'Samitaya lt,f7I.S6 every four years. ,? ' J ij - Oa' the second Wedaeeday. to, Flr iruary, accoramg o ia vnaiiai the Mritsd papers, ar earn f ' - . ..! ' - a messenger v! f cepted M.doeumcacary lcmf of electloa'of this prs jhfawt. ; ' Whlto Uweiat;to" ever by both I llagr,fla afUala pMrUda, R ( the aeerfftoa taat fsiht a "aeelariac" !' olsaojam. f lie.wUloceuay a I arWarWarW cpsRwfaf7 JWRmfj awawW WsmgfJ side at.ha eeressoato. ' close the i eleotloai aad aiavim ta j auguraUo of tha taoM Th trusted beaior who brlag ah vote at sa) coUsc o Ovejesa tnvass et.awroxiaHUaw . greatest of aaf.Vbl: aoftoi T chars that GlUltoalm varou sum, aad. , failed to aay aaythlag toward the iaflatoaane of .- -J.' . ' i -A two with V v, v-'t, fcv J 1 .' i if reeelve half th reeolots, jtaafLylolofflcer aad awetbersol ta auaU sal or" tewing to th boa chamacaf, wkaft af ia the' areeeaee of bos boaJM of a trees, they ar saaast, inatRtt, asam, asrf aa. Pred wtth daidteat eead. a iaMfi ""' P " t -i " -Si" - ' V , - ' . ITIt. avsjsR lj .!