4 ' H' ' F' ... 5 iV i. I', 1 HrruKi) wr tmk, I'SITKU 1'iwa "ww' w),c,c He He nina Hetttlfc ' L'',ii " '. t ; - v u i tt '- "" ""ij"fjj "V .JL.C-' .. ' ' & yl " A tf ' V. ,' . "W A V '. V- &,'",. ',f. i -''V , 1L - ill u "-S VWCMHI kv LU I'RINT THR .tMrftvMV i ammmmmii A'1 ,' ' nf ' , ' - " BBMIPf leveslh Vcar No. l,tT TRIAL OF LABOR LAWYER STARTS klamatm falls, orboo. friday, januart ti, dtis IN LOS ANGELES JCROH UrCKWOOl) TO K KIR WITNKMt CAI.LKB of OtyrrMuMi Is Raises! hf tho Mrs In lb Trial of ttanwr (MTttM, UK M AMMNMWNM tU TM, Kffrrl U Mwto kf HMtel IVm (. rUd In Nto AMiw too OMHt Caked I'tv. rkrvko UW ANUKI.KM, Jaa. I.-HSiKeu. PwMfutur Word opened lbs srgumonl ler lbs slate In the second trltl o( Clsrtace 1'arrow, lb Chicago labor attorney. ho I aecueed or bribing kfivtlt Jurori lor lb McN'aaura trial. Durlni hie address. Ford aanouno 4 tost bo would call Juror l-ockwiwd to testify llul ho bad beea bribed by Uirow. This brought forth a shower tfebjtctlons (rum lb daMao. ford coutvndiMl lhal bo depeuu'- a Lockwood lo prove (bal (bar was a iiocral criminal conspiracy oh the tart of labor taadera to aacura ibo ac- aalttal of ibo McNamara brothers, ko entered pleas of guilty to sbsrgee ef dynsinttlng tb Let Asgetes Ttmoe helMlBg la 10. Further hint of eroekedaeas oa tb KLAMATH RED 'BONANZA HEARS ASSAULTS WOMAN FIRST LECTURE t HlltAM MOOIII. H TAKKN I.VIU A.X MiOAM. WU.U HI'KAK O.V "X i;t'HToi)V i.v i'()itTia.vi ;it,t. i:i with imi.NK, m: attacki:i MAHV CMIMMJUIX t )WHMi ril()lll,KMH 1UMOIIT. nrrciiHo.N am mihm caiii'i:.v TI'.Il ACCOMPANY MXTCItKIt Hiram Aloori, n wall known Imllmi I Ml Addlo Carpenter, baad of tbo of tbt Klamath I ml Ian rcicnmluu, U iluinratlc iclwnro doartmnt or Iho In lioublu lit I'urllanil a a rult of ,,,K,, K,,ool( Mlix AdMn, McCbU Jd. mi ur liiduUenro In firownlcr lln ilrutiuru In onrlculturo at the lam waa lakim lulu cu.lodr Juat In llmo ,tllullon, and Count School 8uMr- lo vrotrtit Mm from rtttiktn Mnry ,ll(n4ct Krtd I'cttraon left tbla Ohllofjuln, an aeed amaw, alao of mornK for llonaoM. whero '.ho flrat Ibo Klainatb Indian narration. uiiibr of tho chol dlatrlct lecluro Moorv wa anlrd .win time co ,.,, wi ,.a -,von .,.,. ovonB. on a chargo of aaaaultlng Mary Clillo- ...vBW viow of Itural Llfo" will be tuln, and bad bwn lakao lo I'orlland ti, .nbject of tho iirinclpal lectur.. for trial. Ilo waa rclratad on bomla, , b delivered br Mr. McCall. Mlia .nd Intmoillatalr alarlad logtdrnnk. Carienter and Mr. Totpraoii wilt nUo (lotrrnttieiil omclala am trying to tfKnVf naH l0 j0nnnra ,cnooj cn. And out who auld Moore Iha liquor j,en W rtniier a letnry jirogram. MEMBERSHIP LIST GROWING FAST SAY DIRECTORS I.NTKKKttT XKNEWKB IN CMAM HICK OP COMMKBCIt GREENFIELDS MAN WILL MARRIED BE Daughter ! Ilom Dr. Trunx reporU tbo birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mra. Albart (Iraliam on High treit thla morning. Mr. (Iratmni la foreman for tbo Chan man Construction company. Flti: MTAItll, WKI.h KNOWN IN THM CITV, I'llOCUItllH MCK.SHi: TO WKI) fOI'Uiatt tlllll MJI'-i Tl.il.H TONIOHT J .1 FOUNDRY MOVES TO NEW BUILDING A marriage llcanao waa laaued by I County Clerk D Up tbla afternoon J. .. .... n...- - tu.wa .ui ii...io IVrderlck II. Hlarr and Marl Kdoa i'' v' iktaUL'a attorney iwiwnae tbat bo ,' Tbty will U married tbla even- oM ;roro tbat Darrow bribed Mr.(,nK ftrtln McManlgal and (leorga Hohn to J Mr. burr U one of the ownera or eat iair innuenr ia mum wriw.aic. ma ownera oi iu rri-uiiwj imt- riolda I'arw. on the Merrill read, and la well known In Klamath Katie, The brldo haa reatdrd hero for tho pant yuar, and during that tlmo haa been connected with the Klamnth Develop raent company and Ita allied Intercata. il to retract khi coafeaaton, Ittreagb which tbe MeNaaaaraa ware) Iteatkted. A. I). llariKild or Homim la bar ally attending lo bualaaaa vaattera. MES3ancCT3KSSsetnri i:NTi:itntiriK now quak- TKIti:i IN I'lKIU'ltOOF nui,D I.Ml ON KIXTH HTKKKT MA CIIIMIKV ALL INSTALLER AlUiough Ht Ihwa Dom, Nearly a Ma4ra4 Maw Mrmbcni Have) ba Iacaw far That Mo4f, hm Maaaf Lebaral Xo- Batioaa Aral. latrrMUd t Although Uara hM baa con certed campalgti for hi asaaabara oa the part of tb board of dlractora of the Klamath Cbaaabar or Coaaaaarca, the membcrahlp or tbe boawter organ taatlon U rapidly growlag, and nearly lou new uamea ua?e aaen aoooa 10 the memberably'rsU. In addition to tbe new members, tho Chamber of Commerce la alao re ceiving many evbecrlplloaa or rarloua auma. lo bo paM monthly, and the nocraaary funda to maintain the or gnnUatlon and carry on a vlgoroue advertising campaign. Ofao of tbe dkectort, S. II. Brasa, during the peat few daya baa aecured twenty new membert, and haa added ISO a month in mtbacriptlona ba baa aollclted. Other directors report equal succeea. Tbe matter at a mora rgaaleed campaign ror members will 41a cuaaed at a aaaUa or the dlreetara lo be held laia tbla aftartoea. at tbe Chamber of MS CURRIN IS GRANTED DECREE JtlDOK MCNtX). AWAAM O0TO dv ov aox to wnrm, mo BAHBH HUIT fOR WaPAatATION on ohovnd or u ihiow Circuit Judge Beaaen tbU maniac granted a dlrorea ta Mrs. iaUy Car tin, wbo brought mH agalaat Kaa-art Hop Curtis. Sba waa alao gives tody e( tbelr yeusc earn. Tb CrxrlM ware aaarrtad la afh Falla seearst years ago, sad la kvar complaint, Ud Urougb Keeaee Groeabeck, Mrs. Currbi chargea da-sertlos. District Attorney Jobs Irwin Is w Teatlgatlsg the elrcumaUafiea la eon nectloa with tho sbooUag of O. O. Davis by Tern Bellamy at tbo Coast Lodging bouse Wedueesay sight Charlee Pattee, wbo baa ssa at tending to business mattsrs la city, haa retursed to BIy. George Maxwell la la from Boaaaas attending to buslneas mature. , rim Thorpe Signs Up With New York Giants icHan Manrel will be a Member of M'Graw't 1913 Pitching Staff. Following Action of A. A. U. CINCINNATI. Ohio. Jan. Sl.JIm Ibarpe, the wortd-famee. ass sad ros ladlu athlete, will stay with lbs New uiauis next aaaaoa. 'resident Uarry Hermans of lbs auoaal Uaiue today received s ie lo tbla afset from a renre- stive of McUraw'a st ths Car Indian achnel. Thers will' be of the (ilast'a Utebera, ssys the am. Tbe decision of Tberss to enter ths i wague comes as a dlrset result of 1 ctlon of BeersUry alMvaa sad Cclsi committee nf thai Amateur kbtlc Union Is daalsrbai Thorns n Bieasional. followlsa but aMaatloaal ra at the Olympte lu 1B0 Thorpe pitched with n minor longuo baseball team, mid when ho rulunmd to tho Carlisle Indian school In 1011, ho applied ror rein statement as au amateur, and this was grnutud by the A. 'A. U. Dvsplto the fact that Thorpe was largely responsible for tho Amurlcan victory nt the Stockholm Olympic meet, that he won the all-round cham pionship there, tbat he established several world's records on tho track, 4 that liu baa bees chosen as H membor or tbo All-American football ' team, and excels lu other sports, tho committee aaw fit to declaro blm a professional last week, and expunged hla recorda from tho amateur slate, All or tho machine equipment or the Klamath Falls foundry haa been Installed In the flrm'a now fireproof building at Market and filxth streets, and workmen are today moving tbe foundry apparatus. The Inst casting nt the Walnut street location was made Thursday. The now building Is corrugated Irou structure, with a floor epaco or 50s 170 rot and a height of 32 feel to the ostm. In addition, there Is a are proof warehouse adjoining. McKsrwabssTa Salt to colleet file sMsajed aso sa machinery ssrebaaee. trots ths Irak was commesesd Thsrsssy by BoMwaa Hardware company sgslsst J. A. Me lleyaolda. a Klamath esuaty raaahor. Mrs. Maude Cox baa goso to Salsa, wbefe she will spend the remalader or tbe winter vUltlag reUUvea. Jamea W. Jory. s well ksown Mid lasdlte, Is spending s low days Is ths couatr aeat. atteadlsg to bust! mattsrs. BOMBARDIER OUT FOR L. M'CARTY BMUTtW MKAVTWrnltMaT ON MM WAT TO MKW TOaUU-WAICW A BOOT WITH tTaaST AMK1HCAN MISS HOGUE IS MUCH IMPROVED YOUNG l-ABT ILL AT VORT KLAM ATM WILL KKTCBN HOME W1TM HKR PAKBNTH TOMORROW AK-TKRNOON laU maaaagea from tho Mottle rsaeh st Port Klsejsth sro to the effect tbat Mies Faye Hogue. s sosu tar loeal young woassa. who has beea dasasroualy Hi, u rapidly roeovarlag If the westhor permHs, she will be bteugbt to, her homo la thla eity to morrow by her saresU, Mr sad Mra. C. C. Hogue, who have beea st their daughter's bedside lor ths ssat week. RAMSBY RETIRES FROM BUSINESS VfcTKRAN TRANSFER MAN Dfc- CIDRH TO QUIT HANDLING KX FRHM.WORK. AND ACC13TS A 1-OsVTfON WITH COUNTY . After beteg actively engaged la Ue transfer haalaasa hare far assay years K. B. Bamsby today aaseuseod bta la teatloa sf'retirla-x from tho sotlve managomeat of Ramsey's sisroaa. Ho has aeeeoted s sosUloa at tho court house. POWERS MAY Ml ALLOW DIVISION MADE OF TURKEY OTMaWNATMMM arfTmwjv H BeweM jTbwJb"Psb' ammmmk TsaflWaw 4Jarm)aml t f. aWMPJmW SBBBmBBBmjBBBJBmBBBBJOt ft KD TO MWVWI HP J- a JLasaakmtWfmmB Ammms msa r ' Wammtss-Vms; ' ;- "5 - .. . l , - ' -42 TesVmVsBwJa) anaanaeMsaTw erJ sWjeMsreMB W emsSF v J tara a Their mosaos---mSBmBSm '"4 -, ;; 7 "' r q ? AaTV VmsVmeVsVJsB 4 " w V " X il tygassm-Vml anTmmB, mVvffRB r p LO.MKW.Jam.Ba, "Mil SMI ' r:: , sltaTaJsmmmml ssjsjajajajmasAajsl "snamnamflmt msaamms-imV' ems ats"-,aBBB BS-tfaamaBBSBBmi eaTaawarajaaaaj waraasaam ma - "i demaa ww a jobaa sssB isslsiaBiy af . , eBsaVses'f aa-YjmmjmsswBB sammmv ajamaj-aaBaBaBaBaamjBBaBV sbbbj was rosausma. - f) t - j - - ' - ii -Tho tswsrs'- n.tcil Trees Serviee., LONDON, Jsa. 91. are determined aot I Balhsa;sUlaa to asritUoa. Tarhsr they pleaae; If they rsaow aad wkv aseordws; to a reaehed st a eoasaMstisa of ambassadors held st too firshfa sad eomnuslested to too Boahsa . . - Visas'a..-. reseaiauves wso sro ssass sere. Bsroa DsaoC ssys tast'aoao tho BulamHaa savoys srlbt laaoo ba eTSsTtoS i mamoasswaTww's at BVsT smssjvvw ? avvBam asBmmaH gsjs asm smMamamBf BsmsBBaafTaBaaaji aaaaass mas key wW ?' 3 Jobs DePuy was la Thursday frees hla.raashasar.halSMad- Mo was ae comsaslad by bJa ssa MsrsM. Usllsd LONDON, Jsa. II. -Bombsdler Walla. Us hssvyweight ehamylaa of Earepe, sailed for Nsw York this morslag oa ths stssmsr Maurotsats. Ha la looking for battles ssrsss Us water. "Thla Luther MeCarty fallsw Is ths big gams I'm sUlklsg st srsasat." said Wells. "I'll stsy oror Uors aattl I got Mas." Demurrer of Lumber Company Overruled Judge Benson Holds That the Lien waa Properly Filed According to Statute. U the lint Oregon Jurist to Pass on the Question of Moment ir Association nans a Big Central Library Matter Will be Discussed at Meeting of Klamath County Barristers at Courthouse Monday Evening Central law library far tha taa of the Klaisato County star "tiontathslstartWaa'afUa or that orgaaUstW, aad already .taps toward eu.h an lasmllo'svs kflUk.. 1.wi'mtii. cussed fro. 4i9mm.tSU nt a wtlBg of tho Bar AasoetaUoa Moa ay evening nt tba anta w.,.. . , ', cllf ?., Tot4': r - "to-tra! library Is torsud hy la at- tornsya practising there, and It hn nl ways Veea round u griwt couvo.ic itsll tko'lawyora, ns It glv them nu. Caen, to Wka thoy might not other vylse bo abla to aecuro. ,Ths library will -be conducted lu ths nature, of a slook company acf satoraay' beooralng a member by pur ebaalng a1 aartaln number or shares far.the nurahsae o( books, and n small SAoathlyree for (ho mutntonanco or Hm Uhrsry. " :, - : s . -n. A ruling that will bo ot great Im portance to the lumbering Industry In this nccllon was mndo this morning when Circuit Judge Uonson overruled t'm domurror lllod by C. M. Onelll. at torney ror tho dorenso lu me sun oi n. i:. Ilanshury against tho Uses Clarke Luml'or company ror enrorce meni on n mechanic's Hen. Thr suit wan started through Kuy kcndnll & Foiuuson to rocover money ulleued duo for towlug " ror me liimher company. To thla tho derense demurred on tho grounds that tbe iiKrucmcnt with llansbury was made, by Walter 0. Innes, who waa not u- thorlred to do so. 1 he opinion or juugo i.eusuu . uvurrullni the motion, rollews: This causq Is presonino upon a demurrer Bled oy tua oeiena, Iniies-Clark Lumber company, to tss complaint jioroln, staling tho gonerai ground that the complaint, does aot tnto, facts sufficient to constltuts a caueo of suli. - "Upon tho nrgument, It was ssa tnmiod hv tbe defendant tbat ths ao- ir of lion Is Insufficient to charge.tos property, ror the reasoning., wsio s lieges that tss seieaa, Clarke Lumber wm'ns,;hi.Ois' -. r.mitB-Kowner. lt.aUo altesjas that'plalstlir was eatstoyag by Waitof laues to perrorm too tssor rec wssoa the lieu Is claimed, sad that ths ao tlce does not disclose tho authority ot aald Walter Innea to blsd ths dsfoad- aut corporation by auch omstoyassaL To this contentloa pwiaUaT reyiiea by aaylng tbat tbe aotloa of Usa ilad by him compiled etrletty to tho tottor ot tbo sUtuts providlag Mm Uoa, aad tbat It fellows with iuo sssstasss ia form for such aoUeo, waMi Is KS scrlbed by said statute 'An examination of ths aottess set out as 'Exhibit A' la ths eomataiat shows that bis form has hosa etrteUy followed by the plalatlt. Tho osart then Is eoafronted with this isssUaa: "Does aa exact cosy of ths tens, si aotlea prescribed by staWto aaaaMtats a suBkleat compllaaes wlto tao lawj Tha law waa passes ay tM issss tature la I8i, nut rsr this feature or ths statute has construed , ay, Court. Ths only statute st, aar w simitar la Its nature Is tbUmvlaw tsr structures, sts.. wMoh tfssarthas no rorm of notlta.ead la ussa'ihfa aueatloata SiSsso Jsdsja In a earsfsUy , loasWsf l , i itiag'osisloB.'ihytiV1' , W,t , 4 H ita ' auiialM aka ilaliaai' aervaa tha asosssar. meatavwhsa hs, Med la ofAes "a elsiag eoatalalaf h Iras stsss sRvsmjsw .'fR 4sssy ssmmamjassBavmBa amjpemasj all Just credits sad ast-oSs, wKh ths asms ot Us owner, or reputed swasr. aad also ths asms of ths seraea by a horn hs wss employed, or to whom he furalshsd ths mstsrlais, stc." . . sad to asset aaythlac hasra Is Imnosuc a burdoa aot ssthortssd by taw, Whoa ths sUtesMat aoatabas all ths fasts required by eUtuto to hs eoatalaod thereU. ths suestloa aa to whether Us Ilea attsehsa for aastortal furnished or tabor psrfsriasd for some pereoa whom ths atotuts miboa Us ssjsat st ths swasr, aa arsvbsed la seeUoa If HlU'a Cods, or whsU or it attaches by rlrtss sfssetlaa SI7I HlU'a Cods. Is a matter t Usd lac sad rsot.,' '"v It wJU so sbsartsd that both thsss ssettoas of MlU's Osas'sts still la st fast, aad prsrUs that. Mm mstertals sc tehor shaU hs asas at too tasteaoo oc tea owasr or his acsat, whisk Is laacusjjs aubsteatlslly of tho'stetaU aaaor whleh ths asiles tm tola sssa m ItssMd. t"Y'l,,, ' Tas Ral dtsUaetles. la this howwer, Ilea fca ths fast that , this stetats iris arises tho ts-m of Metes: sad'R Mmy sa4aioa that if. la ths BBfh amaaaj a a-y amavamj fkt'Mk VOT-s sJha'S" BSF va emlWtSBBi VevBaaamBmBBMf famj ssagf sejSMBPs -M. J-rBm) sr Gsorsjs C. Gtark, who la la shargo of tbo eoasUueUoB of ths bos fectery at Abjema, esaw la Thursdsy for s abort visit. Thomas A. Bsrrows. s wail ksown Merrill rermer, la a cousty aeat visit or. He la st ths Hotel Hall. Lladaey C. SMemore, a well known Fort Ktamath resident, la hers ror s short so Jours. UaMsd Frees BerrSas f Tf V COrMTAMniOrUI.'Jaav. M-lmi sorts'hss' or dsrsel "haa Tswamm sssssam to return forthwna. l -"t "" ; x COriarrANTINOPLS. Jasu 1-TBo' Turkish erslser ,Mamnli tacked sad isstrsyed absat" wartsips mi m i lav BERLIN. Jsa. SI dtesatches state that tho Toaac bavs subdued to ChstsUs aad stopped their casHaL Athletic Club May Rent Pelican i r IX r W immmmwlamml - '? Young Men arefTalkiajirf anOrga-B- r . . ization to Lease the Basement of White Pelican for "Gym" . -','! Orsaalssttea of sa sthlsUs tloa to tase) srer ths sstatlstty ssuke- d hsssasoat ot too Whtts Psttesa hotel. Is tha attest activity sssoas tho young mea of ths etty. Alrsadyalte s number bavs expressed thsir wll llsgaeea ts jobs too organisation. Ths hasemaat st ths hotel Is.tssal for sa athletic stab, ss la sddlttaa to ths teeksrs, shower, ataago. sts.. R ''of i 1- tic has tho leuaglag ssass fsr s several youac lac ths matter management of ths hsstesry. aai saar ssvrssssd their wlttmasasas bb1MM thebssemeatforastsJatedsaga, M enough taUreeted ssa safaosM ts make up tho rsoslrmt ssiaaat Har eluh will bo torssoi. " - .-" ,1- , . . . . , mil i .''' . t - 'M Bonanza Thespians ,r'," i y Play Here Tonight A Strong Four-Act CtoRtedj Drgmm . Wttl be Offering of (slwtfaWl Mt BBSB) W aWaVSaBVdp iml P- V i, tm ij & - , - i1 f.J ft KssMoata "st, r. ' ' Ju Ktamsth bavs tesg heats 'of tho' rasas tta osasaav Of spaiM'T jaiagiaas aaowp .IsateeBsaaass Orasutts Can. wW ba gtvea aa aaasaMMty to sas tws sbtssr orisAlsatioa this svoala,-:AA to , 1d"4ss j sW wswsslmBBasi v.Ba-amMaaajBjmaj aa-ssayja-y sssasaar haa hssa astsaaaeal to --t--tTamsFamBBBi --wb -a-aw-a?, a -f!1- r-r-w t lUaaMUh falrn, wd'toadsjat tmsy mi sssssr at Mosstoa's oasta , ,TBs poaabv teur-sst Tao Moste Oatasad," m h T t v iV" i , "J. Fsita.wte.vBsrtaB, aad too sat t WbnhJt QsffSjM WamBB tlMBBB OtoTrsaapl v.. .., .Vd M.Hua jaa,Jat aaaT yu rr hrr tMi4ass -NaapHflj ? -: '