k . r r l,M r II' r. ' . ,i r'S' 1' W. ."?, MVVUM lit TNR INITKK Mil. MliH'M NMtVll'k ' She te n teg JicmiV .. 1, :.: ,' a .,. . L. -tljL... 7 t - w.f! .,, n . a. . ' -, .j ' .fM ; ,'k ." ,u " ' ViK 4 . - n t-- , -fo?,- ::lrA-wMai .t HMMth Vrnr N. 1.W4 'i '' '1 it - tS .C"t""P"fPP iiurr thk xirwii, i PP-P aaWal "?Ss! " KMMATH VAUM, ORKOOX, THl'HftfMV, JANUARY M, 11 Mteli ..,'- Mm' Csa. ';& County Court Tells How the Steel Trust Operate! . in Comtry and How .-' ' :. - MIC Business Prevails i Turks Decline to BANK PLANNING Meet all Demands: ; ITS MOVING DAY K Fighting Resumed Ajree to Cede Half Holy City I UsersT, Heranlag fwr Mm AM-, Mn That IM-esa WIN Xt4 R mfMinl by lUlkM t'oaatrie Af ter the I Iml aet t KkrO, Met last They Will Hete Theme tit Hwss That Thee I rirM Mrrvke COKNTA.MTIXOPI.K, Jae. a. for-tawmi Tat hi y end the HaMmn mIM ke rcfyennl et the eeelre FIND RIVAL OF R. VAN WINKLE HIWT .NATIONAL HOPKM Til HK IV ITH XKW HOMK lV PKHRIMRY I TIM.VH IM IIL'IXCJ LAID IX SVM' IIUILUIXM no Work of laying the III floor In Ida First National bank building It well under way, and a moat of the other work U completed, the official AWAITING VOTF . ON HOME RULE n '. M'KAMSU (Mr QUMITOX KKHVM. i 'of that liNiik nr nriiArlnir tn rmnvM from tho ue.nt location In the WltH.i,,,U r,0,ll Kl) TOUAY IN rmi mtVHK OF umimHALukixu kxikct- liultnl I'tfi fitr I.ONUON, Jan. 30 The votlns on the adoption of UN) IrUh homo ruluferrcl. bill by the boute of Urdu la cxtectpd (Court. inmr nniinninn. VAOLT LOCKED; RECORDS ALSO AI,li PAIfCRN fflltTAI.MXU TO CIBCCIT VnVKT ARK IX HAKK, lCT CUN1MNATIOX OP HANK M MIHHfXO JWASTKU safe-cracker; one twins GRAMMAR SCHOOL IN BASKET GAME nwrr a mco?ni trams or RIVMMNMi HCHOOfi P1AY AT lAll,ION MSVOXB TRAM W VrCrofMOl'S r -- -fi'::t 1 $: ' The .Irtt, traaimar ehael baatret-j MNK AHSWERIS 10 CHARGE 8F THE GWW JBtt L rnW'MdlliniM liultillnv. " ' It U their plan l mora Riindnr. (.'MIIIM III! M:VI:h lliailll or Pobruary nth. Till! Mr.VAMAIIAK Oil lUllltOW,! - IH KX(.'l'Mi:i IIY ItKKIMMK IMH ANCKI.Cri, Jan. 30.That he iinrrr heard of th itynamltliii of the l Aligctr TlHim bulldlttie In IPOS; that ho neer hrard of the Mc.S'anara brotliert or Clarenro Darrow, and that WILL DISCUSS MODERN DRAMA el fr rtayn, amriMi te m ler-( ho norrr read a newnpapor wrv I mukr kIn In Uw awrt kf i lM aftrnHM. 1W farrlaji iiUUln1 imIWM iUv I rrrrM'Mallrra Ht k wewM tlw armMWv l T w'cKtt. I mut Mart Mahllel ( MM rAMPH 'atflone the atatemrnta made Ihla Mttornlnx Uurloc tho domination of juror I.ITKHAIIY a.t'll Wll.l. TAKK VI IWMOL'K 1'I.AVWKICirlTtt, WITH cceiuii: iiKH.VAim khaw thi: I IKHT O.V THK I.IKT Debate on tbe jHMlon waa rrium- cd tbla afiernoen. Aa It la certain that the, higher braatti of parliament will reject the meaavre, only a amall crowd la In attMi4ace. 4 MEET DEATH IN HOTEL BLAZE tho Valentine or touch ayateaa pre- ball cetet of the nmmh a4aye4 Apply to Clerk of th Circuit , ,Mt bWu at ,g, tm tk rac aBd aeceMl (earn of Ik RlrnM school s4aylag. The game reak4 la a 19-te12 vktery for the aecoad team. Tbe line-up f el Iewa: rirat team Hottatoa and Ctoagn. Such an advertlsemeat waa auggat tJ today to Deputy Count Clerk Geo. Ctiaitaln, after ho had ue4 etery incntia but a Jimmy and nltro-glyeer-Ine In a fruitlea attempt to opea tbe tnrmmrdm' It 11 Malar W M.WIlla vfltlll In tliA rlrlil nnlivt tf.iamtkAra . " L 7. I Z . Z. 11 UllleM, gMarda. rhere be record, are kept, and bad Uf tMmAnM Md MBt. cltywboeera.w.Mft. f j , , - Tbla morning when ChaMala .P- A le.m wM, u efcoM fre , eared or work, he proceeded to glw We-i lnl,UoH , . f.w ,,. tltiiukvi it iuim iv icto ivibH iajt lTiitrt ,na la bla uaual bablt, but whe be' i turned tb. lever to opea tbe, doer hei (found that tbe vault refuaed to ope. M " 'l U j? HMattataaaaV aaaf KatgaAk fTaaaaaaaff aCgaigaaaA HafgMk lal ftAaaW gate. atabBftaal Am. arsramawaw aaa waaaimmw aaaaar ipjamapjt ajaj IVsHaPiJ . i a4 am KAKI.V MORXIXCI COXPiaciRA.A re.dju.tment of hi. .I THiS IX CMICAtiO IIOTKL CRt''"r'a twUtlBg and turalag cearlaeed ATMH rjtxtc AMOXa SKVKRAI. INJVaUM IPkAaln ttt uiMlilaa araa wroaa MHia luuaniia rv wch hmbiiib CONftTANTINOI'f.K, raay'i reply to Iba continul aritri- -., Jam. 30. pew era waa 7 CIIICAOO, Jan. 30. Thrw aid. All tbe alleged aafixrackera were fcumtuoaed, ana! eaek la Ura took bla Tag I. K. lirouacb. aummoned aa a In I ho Harrow trial. On the atrvBRtl, of lilt own trail wuny. Ih drfenae decldre to termt- iorlly challenge Mrobarh. Thla learea , " ,odo"1 ,)r,a dlwu" thi. defetiae onlKtwe remptorlea. lon 0lc u'd tor n e"'J' -l month by tho member of the Klam- .a till. I lln...i. l2rLt-l IIii.Imw M.t '"'( t..i, " wniwi" month, tho meeting will be held ut the liomre of Mr. Krneit Kddy andi Mia Alice Toole at Heveuth and lluih Hotel Marco thla moralag. (ndditl i. little mild profanity, but In atrcet. a i The blaie broke out early this mor j the end eack gave up. The rirat meeting will b held Tu?ijnlng while the gueata were, la bed, Of course there haa been a demand day night, when llcrnnrd Khsw ntuljnnd apread rapidly. Tbe occupant for roi'rt record all day, ao la the hi contribution to the Uki will bof the building became panic atrlcken, Iioikj of opening the vault Mr. Cha dltcuaard. Arthtif D, Hay wilt U land several were trampled underfoot tsla has telegraphed to the Arm man lender for the evening. (in tho ruah for tho exits. !uf4ctur.Bg It for the combination. V ,-,,' -V.... M m. 1 i .. . .. JBagg ' b . t .rSMaaagaaaWaBWBaaaaSaBaaiaWaamWaaaaaWaar LOCAL TAILOR ALSO INVENTOR la a fearta eaaa letter' la lie, Jadbje WeHea tar Mm eeaaty eeart aaswers tke ef tke graaa .jvtr wWWa. IW arJW 1 H t keeae.. Tsm letMas af tract to tke Nertk ef rarMaa4 la. ef iltaallm at aaaUaal aa'ahat preseai 'eswllttea af Mia ml a mt Uaaaa aa. I , , .. ,T ""sijeF" 'well aa te ftrsas.Maalaav It t, like Nertkwwst aHeal . '.":-' ,$ SIS.-- ' M r tke aaV :. -Baa BaM aBBaaaaaeV. . .Mm MaaawtsMwr-W 'M - .-if js ; MIB Mrx. How Button of Dairy I here to 'Vlalt relative. and a woman were killed, two werajturn, confident that he could open tbe ,rl H iiewit aKvausi i stati' 'MlUea te faraiaa atael wMtaai Ba fatally burned, and maay others were af without trouble. Rack la turn , ummm mKtaeeai ,-. riMoait.sjsaa, Injured In a lire that destroyed the duplicated CbasUla's work, a few TRKSS TARUC TO BK l':u IXJaMea. aa tkatseaesra 'waa, MjaMIr toilets and Glass Fly In Argument at Comet "MFa Av agpsaav gro.and Late Owner of 6th Street H'lf A KAQ ITC ff lllf Kilt Hogtelry Indulge In HogUlltles. U C 1"i WOIVD VUla UUl Alarm is Not Heard -1 - TAiL4iRixu MSTAaHJan mkxtm 'eaeea tae "!!.".- IK RKAT LAHOR K.AVRR oMf anVVla aUMi WBVvV W( ea tbe Mc Maatsra ateal (were then aad are ae away'ki'ala''1 tatlerias la ta4r ereera. r v " y ...'' , Hugo II. Loewe of the firs, of I.owe brothers. completed a new press taMe fer use'tke ealr eaes wertay at a I ) After aaa'jalaat tweMas aa One of Men in Hospital Tm Bellamy, a aegre formerly em- Wed u Janitor at the court house, lift lbs county jail, awaiting a bear- Uforo Juitlro of tho Peace (lew- a, (I, Ward, wko kaa beta with the managewMt of Cobm house, I at tbe Hlackbura M with a bullet weuad la kU Md aide a a result of aa eaeeua- twn the two at Ike Comet lut nlaht. Ward and hla tuiriaar ka idaa ! up th.. eatabllehiaeet, aae last ,f" I dlapute aa to tbe nwnorablp of tho reatauraal ntllng. According to Orecn, Ward throw a , glaa at llellaaiy, which nilaicd tho I uegrn and craahed through n window, j and at I ho aaiuo time ISelinMy'bei.Mij to ahoot at Ward, One of tho bultota pierced hla right arm, and entered the right ldi of hi body. According f to Dr. Taylor, who la attending frnrd, j hi wound Is not serious, and ho will. tin illartiaroHl from thn linatiltal. I ll.ll.. -.. ....l..l l.w ll.lrnl.le man Sharps Immediately after tho With Garments Watersoaked and Frozen. Volunteer Firemen Successfully Battle hi Zero Weather. The Losses are Covered by Insurance shooting, and was placed In tho conn- t Ward and Dan Ureea. one of ty 111. This morning be was turned i ....i -. --I--I suwia, wore la (tke restaurant, 'over to tho custody of Hherlff Low. A nard was packing up some .complaint hns not been roado agalnat cn iiellamy entered, and a him as yet. -r'i i ueaaKmMmxTvrmmiesassmassaeBSKBmmr3t-iTmrsz3! Laborites are Favoring Suffragettes ' i ' rentier Asquith, While Addressing Scotch Audience, is Interrupted by a Big Party of Militants ''DON, Jan. io.riu JVii.i ntlou of UbororganliatlQa la ere.toga, went ea rsw4 M & "upporUng tea lakt tar we- auarage, 5' reaolutlon wa.'li .J' . My oDna.1--.T.'ff "If II th a " ""' """ws resarai ht do B MlH4e'TeWi-ar . ,. ; 7 . ft'tiuiii, i.u.i .. ;'. -: ", JtTuauLiatL last night attempted to brenk 'up a meeting'' being ndresaei! by Premier Aaqulth, who U being strongly crlt lelted by tho' mlltUuta on account of bis open opposition lo their light fer eafraneklMment. .Asqullh had Just sea latreduw'd by.ths lord mayor 9a tk.;tairrate(tM appeared and eaarged up ike alslo, crying "irattorvM. They were forcibly ejected by the e Nam ea the Job To Snm Kvana, editor of the Northwestern, la given credit fer tho discovery of tho fire. and the a action uhlch roaultod In the pre a vontlon of the spreading of the a dames. . Mr, Kvans was walking along 4 tho street with an employe when a ho discovered the lire. Kofth 4 with ho gavo tho alarm, and a Olllcor Orecnwood responded with numerous shots from his faithful revolver. Usually, when a are breaks out la Klamath Falla the, aulss at tb. time tho alarm la ringing, and the heads of households are climbing into trous ers and shoes I "Where Is if Tho lire at the Bon Toa bakery curly this morning brought around a. Ollferent order of Quisling, nn! Ir- rtoad of "Where Is ItT" at the time. and Is closely surround, by other strated so forcibly as when the alarm waa sounded at SMS this moralag. Only eight of tho Hremen heard the alarm, aad of theo sevca sleep at the Dr. station. , gems, ef the aelghbora were awak ened, but they say that It waa not the bell, but the teeth of th. Ire Ighters rattling like castanota as they worked with th. hose while tb. thsmoateter hovered around tero that arousea them. To come back to the ire Itself. It broke out on the root of the (Boa Tea bakery aad confectionery,, at the eor nef of Seventh and Main streets, this morning, caused, It Is believed, by a defeettve Sue, due to the weight of snow en the roof. Tea mmutes after the aurn wea sounded the eight Iremea had water playing ea the flames', and by Taltaat work they succeeded In conflnlng the flames to tke roof and celling, and Anally extinguishing the1 blase, -' The-roe( waa destroyed, aad Mm celling: burned through, ha several tho bltue brokoVut last night, tho. pVeeaA The bulldlag' owned by iiu aavaral tinura la tar WU,lWllNllu mmu ..- ..a, .'-' j wU ijuery several houra later waa'When (II It happen!' by. the 'majority et the residents of this elty as they hurried to work thla. nibrnlnjt.;1 '.'. Tber. has been a sreat deal ,aal about the peril, Klamath Falla Is la on' account of the, condition of the lire boll, but thla "was never demon- Mrs. Will H. Mason, an )sN covered by ta laeurance. The.staek of the bakery' and ceateeileaejry. waa Vn- ieeehed by theVire, 'bWtrwMvla-. aged aboutv trner eat hr 'water. The bakery la conducted by ' M. John. B.J kta ln.A Im . .-.- '' m mm iw i wnin f laainwia, k KlaUsaWa4r1BaMaWatat WBBHaaaaWaBahBaBalaSaal 4bV The tboughtf ulnesa et K. Sag- s arman la opening his store and distributing, woolen gloves to the shtverlag flreawa, la etreegly commended by, the flremea. Oa account of th. Intense eeM the flremea were hardly able to keep their grip ea the hoee wkh . which they w'er. playlag a, stream oa tb. Are. The buIMIng la a frame atrneture. I lag pReeasly. and' Is closely surrouaded by ether wooden structure. Had there been a breese It la possible that at least a block of building, would have been destroyed, while the reeweats ef the town would have slept undisturbed by the, whlsperlags ef the Are bell. Anotker tklag ,that, waa demen- strated at thla morning's Mane waa the dlr. need' of, helmets, rubber ooata aad boota for th. Bremen. The beys worked against fearful odea on ac eount ?f the 'eeM anil !; aad'tw water from the heae;' aa ' tjnlck aa It stiuek aay of them, tiulekly froeM " There waa one rescue at the htaaei and ,Ohbit; M': WakeAeld 'aad., Hnmph; rey are the ones luliae' for Oaraegie dseeratleaa.',' The reseuea, waa.n kit- tea marooaed In n ceady1 bucket that waa teatiag around In the store, yowl- ,r in lauer snops, wtiicn, it m ciusaec.rth. eeart feaad that "taetmt at Mm baa maay aovel feature.. LeewepaeW. ReWaj aHMa ismpsWy ft a. h. with tbe'aashrtaae. et hla breOMr,;AJJKauMa( VMIa weati ssatssa ha aajl bert II. Loewe, ha keen eeveUag his ,.4 U sem rf Mt.WT, nmM at spare hours to tke'werk, fer' seaM'tlt.er. MaWa-m-aSa-at s-a stM ' (Jery reaert, aadaeeatmrnc ta ammV Sawea y aeraaMa Mm ahj aff Mm Dan Parker of Bly'la speeding aNertk'weat Steel eeasexstr Sat few days la this eHy,, tbe gweet et kla , the eeaatr essK tmat a .slVsm lter, Mrs. James DrlseeH. ' wee et, 3.t, mare Mam) Mm. aM ' tke Palic ReiHac Cars) ef Thaake wltk a aalek aad I desire to espress my heartteUit aeHrery aada thanks to tackled frlead. whe a.?- ' ' tCeatbinea' ati Page i (CHvruunt Havna me w say ee reavement following the death ef my beloved wife. ' WILLIAN LUhMCR. f.j ' H. H. Van Valkeaburg la day from hut raaeh en the Keaereed, attending to knalnese matters. .. Mrs.v Drew kaa gene te Valley for a Vlalt wRk her 'ft :U . Jeaa W. Tayter seme mareai Msar.' rHl this maniac U Ma ea Mi ajat hemsalead fay that ssatlsa af . Mat" county.. '. --'a-? " .-, ' : tnHed Preaa . WAtnjtyroNi Presideat Tatt teaay KsVte aurrerar C. L!!!t. famvSal'' 7&MLWP& ;i' k. Federals and Rebels May Clash at -n, t.i ' s-aaa - 1HSmW; viJ Fifteen Hundred Rebels w' ,. I . t. City. Realdents and Race HoTtli are Taken to American Sof; KL PASO, lea., ai. treea trataa brnrlag Se IjSjaV4aVtaahaftar SaaSUSaamBal JKaaaBaSaUSagi mBaagaBI aeasarva j awartp-aa. sy-aegsfSTsanemi snanmanrmaji, amajsjga H la keahmtl that Mtw.wdM w nesai-smasneat af the stlsaek wettl the relMhlaie, relalotesS.- (l r.'ri, . a.,: .. . t . & . 'iTtT-'W KL PAaO. Jaa: M. Jaares, ea the botder llae, whtah haa-aeea the of easmgeitteat aiter IngUepaat tw yeara af mraraaj wasfaira, la hftaiaa, a' nl kp asV eg. iRaaal traeaa art mjaiaamma near the elty. and tke feaeral favma) nave atreaay seat ant a aau h te divlalaa headnartera. ; ThereaatfsaaaraJai ueaarai swwhu ssajaw. menlnkmiHrhjatosnbll 4 the tarea atde af "naaMsmtiat SMmml en. i thla erty. Thai mail taaaa''tafj rimt' taai ue Mm ait. maeral H,' V j