1 l rtMKK)W4li CA1 HI, rum MAXwniA.M.ixiNa arJt it sad 1. White Htdg. " ieaei mr AND C0U1TV AUNTIUVT leaser Oregea Aaseelall Iftfeblee. tfgactUAANIKHM BAMWVM KXI1IMMI M t eaat your ate? taevsd ssi in4 . i KMMkr mr, ---'" Ceraer Sateata Mi bmb areata. W mmtMWm CM COMRTOCK. eheae , W jejg waat uy sJM Of nja.r. llj at Um OObWTOCK If pHliMltorMll. HAMMANmor,TIMJW Cart HTM, kttMM Md IsV MtaclMMtto. Mm Ttmma ttsss hair free- MNm mi Hi It treatment, Mi a pacaan MM ears for 4nK. Off m a sal. Ne, IIT Kl Ml At. t VACMTMJNMCt Highest price paid for Hides, Wool, I'sllo, Kubber, Metal aM (ftp Iron. Mmm SflJ in iiaiHuimwiiiiiuniJ luiiiiih-i Classified Column MIK KK.T II CILY furaUhed nmh at the Or to House, Mita u4 Klamath MNT raraleMd tedftM ken; II rooms; ad ImiUn. Herald oeWe. ll-IHf RKNT Uteht nm kHM W rit el eoadltloa, ssreea pereh treat aad back, la right (taut l per moatb. tee Mater L. tea. l-ll-tf I MONKY TO tJOhS J 'TO LOAN a erty areperty. nackM and tinker; eeuaty war i Mlie4, City aad County AW- company. iu-.m MUiCI.LI.AMUH b IAN. WANTKD-n.m to u.fi.a fa tood security; must have am.-r ws; will pay It MT Seat . wmwr, star Theater eaUdln kV rOR gALaV-Ferte lone of Href .abas grain k.v. k,u, fairtka kMt sad one-fourth Mit. five mile 2" MU oa Mldlaad to, Wfll ! ia mall lots Ni aUek at 111- a Cblleota, t IMit IHMMAKlNn ii. i..buj ! lt.lM TRUCTION ilium vUlla: rat in .WwoaaM. Mr. V. Barlows. 'Jaeend flats, Ith m Plae. M4tf us 1? KOH MI.K j I lALBVVlu'tkAnuiWSV-J. ead-Chlna baa, . iki w aha "d. inquire Til Mala at. Il.lt ?J tALipMMil! aMuV MlifSf' .iy '" "'"ensj raaaaww MTear' ", tld till ! aiMI W uU''ii. l7,o o(m., AMty Mat) Mall. " " j i . ' . i '3, -J l J J are NEW CURE IS COMING TO U. S. flTTttmJWJ fHVMIC'IAN TO NTAHT VHOM liKHMANV WITH MONK OK UK, FHIMIMAN.M'H HKCKNT IMMOOVKRV UallH l'r Utrvie IIKIII.IN, 'Jan. SC. lr. Illd of I'ltUburg will tall for linme lomor row, CHrrylittc with dim tlio flmt nan vlruUet bacilli fur tlio euro of tutor ctiloaU to be taken to Awtrlra, Ur. Krledtuann, lite dUcaverer of (be aew cure, baa not fiilniM lilt pniHtUe to give the Herman govern went hla eecret avaHa-Hn-saaeaeMaaitMe--aaw(a-Hi IT The Herald's Farm Page EclltBcl ty 'jTltn. Hay LD jTypEWiiTtis nvw M MaaaU 0-. fj' v; Cut nuwwre at No. i Wt Mnlu it LtOAL NOIICCS "tiltTv tt9 RvtvliV V tWUv Vl gffPJM ltrtiierty Hy virtue of an atlacbmeat eiecu tloa tor tbe aale of real tiroaerty duly Uue4 by tbe clerk of tbe circuit court of tbe elate of Oregon, for KUatatb county, dated the lOta day of January, A. U. 111, la a certain action la tbe circuit court of aald dale tor tald county, wherein, oa the lllb day of November, A. D. 1112, Joba I'. Maiwell, doing buelaeaa un der the name Maiwell Hardware Company, aa plaintiff, recovered Judgment agalnat II. N. Woode, m defendant, for the bum of two bun dred acventy dollars nnd flfteea cesta, (U70.lt), and coeU and dlahuree menu taied at eleven dollars and twanty cenu, (M1.X0), and further ordering the aale of certain real roi efty attached In aald action for the all-faction of aald Judgment; com mending me to aell tbe aald real properly hereinafter deecrlbed: Notice la hereby given that 1 will en Krlday. the J let day of February, 1113, nt tbe court houae doer of aald Klamath county, state of Oregon, la the city of Klamath Katie, aald county and atate, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, aell at pub lie auction to the hlgheet bidder for eaab, the following deecrlbed real property, the property of the aaM II. N. Woode. to-wtt: Let I (eight) la bUek S (twaa ty-eli) of Hot Hprlaga Addition to Klamath rail, Oregon, aecordlag to the recorded plat of aaM addi tion now on tie la the oflce of the county clerk of Klamath county, Oregon; ANSWERS TO QUERIES Mr. Tim Kay Dear Hlr: Last year ants got Into my refrigerator How can I stop them thla' yearT Worry. WorryTie a piece of woolun string around each leg. Hoak tbe siring lu coal oil first Mr. Tim. Hay Dear Hlr: I have n hunch of the finest hens you eve stw In your life, but they are afflict id with lint-el. liayo tried every thing, lull no good seems to result. What shall I dor Yours truly, Mrs, Hen I'eck. Mrs, Hen I'eck Your hens seem to he In bad shape. Only emergency non-uies will Imlp therefore I am M'Ink to tell you a trade secret Uj to the grocery store and buy n sack of lahlo suit. Then go hack home rnd gather your hens about you. Hating called the roll and found all of your hens preecnt, escort them down to the banks of a river, small trnm or lake. There request the henn In lay down. Then sprinkle salt ovor them. Watch very carefully. In n short time you will observe the Insects coming to the aerface. Kat liu tho salt will make them thirsty, and vary soon you will notice that An Accomplished Hof v - . -" -.' i , i , ' I lllll Hmlth, tho well known farmer ninl stock raiser, la one of taeao was believes In relied farmlag. Tho above picture was drawa freaa dawriatlaa glvea by Mr. SmKa of em of aw prta bogo. The animal fcaa dtoplayed n- mark&blo veraaUUty, and aow Mr, Smith to trawiac kka to pM a ptow, limy will start for tho river, rtruom or lake to got a dried.. Cataat llnii! carefully, and whoa yo ara sure that tho wet on has goM to wnlvr, gather your, hoaa naowt aad ran like aa fast as yen eaa. Tear heus will thea bo entirely rid of la tetfls. -. ai-aa-gmw----a Mr. Tim, Hay Dear Mr: I have a ranch near Klamath rails, but 1 SiWt seem to bo aMo to make It pay. What shell I do? Yours trab, Rancher. HancherOet aeamlatoi wttk a Kaa Fraacleeo whlakey hatMo aa4 raa nm't core whether the raaeapays or Ml M r. Tim. Hay Dear Mr: I aara a hired maa who patsaadai aaa to make a yoaVa aoatraet bofers would go to work. Whoa I employed him I one poeanjew seavsgs s)woSw ease go faraMr m that wbm m gM a aood eraf aa a aWy aaa SMfjar, Mt whoa his era faam aa la gasMaMr hard ap." MatMirlr, trkaa kwfM Mwe41fe4lMmaitoasHaa,M4 when food la searee he may be ea peeted to got thla. These betac aeteatHk It Is advlsabto far COOw V9VbIj oMMb) as Wllwwl vmaaarv saaaM aa gtrea ptoaty faM. Tat best kaowa aaaarKse of taa aoaatry oa famine tmbjoets ara as-rsael m Aaotaar tMaf faraara aasshl msj arUealar atlaaMaa to la tM taanrng of Mm aafL Tktimal amaejU M slewed aafera ttw Mi PJ Tsars of sslaalMa mwsatBsVttM tswa itaaaidsmMu BBFVOW BBS'rBPe1 t ai I e? right, dtds't farm tag. truty, laUMea Oat Mm a Jo jcrkaltare. Taa ttkat-M LICENSE UP TO COUNTY COURTS HILL JN LMIIHITUKK WOULD LKM'K IKMUAXCK Of MALOOX I.ICK.VHM IN' UMXCOHItlHATKI) TOW.NK TO COMMIHHIO.NKIIM 8AI.KM, Jan. SC-Hcuator Wood of Washington would empower coun ty court to refute to Issue licensee to liquor dealera outside of Incorporated cltlea and town. Hy the provisions of 8. II. 94, which ho has Introduced, any persona desiring to sell splrltous, mall or vinous liquor or hard elder mutt file a bond, aa required by sec tion till of tbe codes, aa well as by n receipt for the license fee burned ay tho county treasurer for the period for which the license Is required. This petition must be published for four ronircutlte weeks In a dally paper published In precinct or county. At lerwanl tho llrense may be granted um w m m mm mmitm KI.LKN8IIUKO, Wash., Jan. 16. The driving of tho Milwaukee's big tunnel through tho Caseadss will ha completed from the oast side wlUla a few day. Already the "hard reck" men have penetrated several hnadred feet Into tbe hills from Us west sMa. Tbe work Is expected to take etghteea month. The disastrous saews aad slide of the past two weeks have cost tho Milwaukee dose to I !., Quo, with ths tuaael completed sev eral mile In distance will be saved, and the trains will be kept feet tower In altitude. Electric power will be ued In the tuaael. Also, tho southeast quarter of,f a remonstrance, signed by a major- the northeast quarter of section twenty, nnd the south half of the northwest quarter, aad ths north eaat quarter of tho northwest quar ter of section twenty-one, la town ship thirty-seven south, of raago tea eaat. Willamette Marldlaa, la Oregon, aad betag la Klamath county, slate of Oregon. I'ursuaal to said attachment aad or der aad elocution In aad of the said circuit court, or ao much thereof a may be necessary to satisfy ths said Judgment In favor of aald John I. Maxwell, doing business under tlio name Maxwell iiaiuwaro cowi; . nnd' against aald II. N. Wood, with Interest thereon nt six per rent per annum from aaldlth day of Novum j her. I Oil, together with all coif and; disbursement that have and may accrue. Dated nt Klamath Kails. Oregon, Jonumy SI. A. D. 1913. C. C, LOW, Bherlff, lly OKO. A. IIAYDON, Deputy unerirc l-SI-S-llh lly of tho totcr of tho precinct, It not presented. If so, tho money paid for n llronso shall ho returned and the license denied. fa,(aa--a-----aatina-MSI WomM lias Woflderfyl IUiowMm of Wif el l&wm rretect Tsarsilf j 1 represent a well kaewa Orogenl tlrm. No time lost la taa adjnstaieatl nf ll-,lm llart llrOn at'a.a t tkl rest ll-at If k'a wort havloc. It's urtg. Neo ChHeeie, waal llmwM. M. That's AM Accident and Health Inaa ranee that la Insurance, lien McCoy peddles that kind. lMt l-aaBB------M------------------------a-- . i. . ' .' ' ', ' ' jut ' .,- , , "is.V " : ,v ' t, ? 'TC ' ' ' ' ,' Cv'. tjftl. ' , rs. v V f PjgaWPJMjgemagMxs-fj ( waalVeway fJSJMnpa bS r i m'"--'',---! ---stfnsia! " BSBsavsBSKBsemml WK)B, ' nMcnm mjm mm;wM(fr$k aamrnann ill j MmBaaBBVBmamBiw ii ijz r , AlMVgyS tafegf W9ttmtm w aSVsMal M te speedy fera'af aisMat emafaji' luiiiMfaW'r by taw'lAaasssnst atasl ssfceet bassasMat toaM tamssa7 eveaiag. tbe sTmsnala. aMMy las el t aosatet wm aaabli to Ilatow1a,aa4tfel neat to the vmltorav, ato , shswtM ef tat teaaas 'smtfamf heavier aad taller m msaded by aM wM'wttaaai MmaeBmajf a Mmklaal vaxev emeajM'M aaWkasxwm erpajpajge-gss-i, sjgs-ge- kktra taa two gaam aerw wMjiiBm esrsaaav qrassji gaysa-sja amss-ss-gsji ejssjsj saga gaffsjsfmj-B-s-sjqsj ! a. - , " v i , - "- i) ' jUtMeMeftMAwtlmttBBBtt rJsjat tke snM'wii Stto 1 ftp, faaamsf Klianth la tM.awosasi isssamtat Bik-kWk'm kmami kmvkm) MkksmmV' VasBBks' any esaPlM vkwla saar xM'-'jeiM.wsk mbbsbsb 1st vfJJPgtar BajmBms-B; js-ar bjsji-bji anPPamaas t-i '' - - - J( AVW kaaPBal' Hf, -.- ,- What m, diib-t il tokeT Wamtl IWfca m aew -taaw'smajtofsji tr fkst Iradler Mbmmm aasgfMsy M asami awel '. . J -, -fa ". . a4gem ka reMa af gnaaaii wMt, itMti aad silk tdemm. 'i:,. ttf 'j ' A' v f'i KCa Wife of Army Officer to be Grand Marshall of Suffraoette Pageaiit i i ' ,1,1 . 'i " , - JgeaW & ' ammsBBBBBBBBaV - asmsamt. - 'Vr-MffafgMMmk, - ,,-1 -.J (BMsnama "" " aLJMLl;- JaVllMilllapBal - - .-. tm ' ..' St!S.-?tnIa& ' ha esat tkm giinkfi ilirimikdnaMMkiiiwL keevte yea to salt, aM aaa'.asar W MVK sXWMMMB: '-' , SrtMKT HKM. Wf tUm St, Cajs-eaaw lemm) , . IkXAMAIil V)UY --.---a------a----------------a--fa-a QlHlHhJ. nancts NOTICK There are funds la lbs city treas ury for ins reuempueu oi sfmoiui lund warunt pioteited oa aad prior lu August i, 1110. Interest ceases from date hereof, IMted at Klamath Kails, Oregon, Hila Gib day of December,.! VIS. I J. W, HIKMKNH. City Treasurer. Notice An Important meeting of A. K. ft A. M. No, 71, will be held Monuuy night to hoar the reports of the way und means 'fcnd alte committees. A good attsadanca Is desired. lly order of Worshipful Master. Notlee Olflce of the Treasurer of Klamath County, January 10, till. Notlee ' hereby glvea that there are funds In the county treasury for the' redemption,. of all leaeral tuad warrants protested prior .to and in India. May 1, 11.11, ,. . latorest will ae Irani tnis aaio, January II, 1111. " " , " OtAUDB H. DAOOanT,, . .- Couaty Treaaarar. LU-M-lr-.-le-Mta ---H-aaBBBSSSBBtmmBHBBBB ataatalaalaaaaHaK asmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmV asmsmsmsmsmsmsf"7 f " """"ammBmBmsmBmBmBmBmBmsmV 'ammBmBmBmsmBmBmBmBmsmW gtaVjaBmBBmBsmBsmBsmBsmBSBs. illllllllllllllM BM ' 1 gtMMMMMMMMMMMMM.lt c Kn ' h m.i amffsmffsmffsmffsmffsmffsmffm C I -emnPBBBnBmnB"wJJJ mammar ....i,n. u.mh -- ---"- I iww.mi.-im-.-- t- m - Amoavg several tteaaaM aaM aM boys who visited the Leagwe IssMi Navy Yard recently to air their know ladge of wireless tslegrapky was aaa UoMwemaa. Mrs. K. B. Chambers ef lhlUdelphla. She wea her Ueaase very easily, for her uadersUadfcac of the apparatus waa superior to that ef 'moat ef the mea who applied, Mr Chambers baa one of the a equip ped awatear wireless oufU la PhWa I'ta dstpeua. The reeeekTtow toat all ea- eratora ef naaatenr or Uesased. haa beea m oSeetrfa odr for a ssrteaa eeaatUea. oral yeara smatears lie eeaat aaM radloe, bat wM were aaaMa toiffa setve wireless mimsgee, Mve Wag the atmosphere with less dots aaa smaaea. aM. -Msatai It dHttcalt far prshsslsi perform their datlea. ' V Block Wood j' f iM W. CBfiTU W" $30000 C ASM Bu-e a awed eas-aer let ka prtniai Adattlsa Ira 'idaasswkw4law.aMM Mrt lad what tt la $350.00 CASH ktitys a KoMlaaiAa let to. NWeses A4 -Mtlea. Van wtH MKIHMI htm ilow nai other awed let ha Iksw lion, H Use neat to a era avs raasn saaaasa' . H mut yo toaasTame,' t - -- cmicoTt . V. - i.. v., ..- -" VTasVamaV asmsaMO MaaasBSavtavtaw csed at aM reek rears to be m tncallewedtoi WapwUMt ewafO mtoJjT Co. aboat It, New, steak ; WttOUStB. rsamsaaMaMammT -.v e efnsveef srwrnaja- ''. MK . ;AhTO . i1---- : -- ---' Mr' "'MB T1,ssiesraws a-sr aasss-av rM? , - , . . . k mh, . '.?& aaar.be aajpil wT-rmi WL.". M netheeaatv.1.. . , . .... . eg FkjjttnNLja pasWasfsmal aP H CqqM fksPaWxafeJ aVtjaW tVf 'r , . TO lamar tosksaLMti aasanji x , , m s,-xi. JassswmaV a-ajMa-sm-s-ajsa-gM jME isu. ii ii i i twt--aami s-wat'-ssta-nam j, if jroa're leekaac tar a faraa er asMnania pei . ' m .V - - JO. 1nni'-lht III ii. . . UUU) , VVWIV"! - -T- j- ZS' r ."a Mrs. Klcnnr CokaABUrleaMwWa of 'Llsuteaaut lurleoa of taa .Tlr rield'Arilllery. relieved f rom dutyvat West Polat. ,aa now atrort Myat; v. ku hma auuoinUd grand mar aka'tka aaat HMt to MbaeoaMut fmttoaa. netaoa Mareh so-Mre, frm,TsM. aad la akv Ja) latrat at Ue equ. sudtaga mnmaa fMal aa aa'peft heiaewoaiaa, m4 Ml have'' toappealfte toa'traJaa aaa hea the baada play aad bar aaMtd Mrshmllows t , soft aaw Mr, aM strtotry Mre- M ya ara asakisl lew eater, here la a eMaa to satisfy year aasMMe ( thara'kt.atl! inPnVaa. i :' wsfsss: v a Mtabest H majwjj pajpkWJPs t- U V 'I if MM Met M- ' LA av rawa M ;' !?'" !. Of- POLk?! i '. m ' !d BwMVketSI asWeasVy M (?f"?f m aas-sajj,auaji111p , sava lasjgf ti msjegej-s-Mji rSlVgaaff?! w-yiPtfii i