if . v n it & t HWI'i'MKH Ml TMK IMTKH I'M NKWN BKHVICI. .1 a a h Vr bod ar N. ItW 1 Hie f toning Beftlft. s ' r 'i ' L I aWTaaBmBfB4Bf MiWMrHMS r jM aSWaWM IfKNT THR'KHWB, Mt. ,. tWi t$ KLAMATH FALLS, ORMOON, BATVMAY, JANUARY M, IBIS . t -" Anderson Puts Trott to the Bad in the Sixth Round and Referee Stops Proceedings WAN NOT HELD BY YOUNG TURKS ; IS LATE REPORT N4Nfl.ll. MW IK IN rOMCN IN COKHTAMINOrUC faWaMpe tr !( Vomer Ar afeat e4 to Make Naval Hrmiawlraiiaa la Mm HailMir ul NfMMlHton of War I Nat Kaawvt td Pottera Art Kinrti to Foer AHfae Io TrntM Is Given Judgement Against Bobbie Allen Local Bunnell Man Who Gaahed Bogus Check Gets Judgement to Insure Payment of Amount Catted I'reas Bcrvlc CO.VbTANTINOI'l.r., Jan. &. A ejrtliuak occurred tbta muralag, 1U ivirillttou MMlt ma ar lerrl SeelM baa railed Ik MW Mr la iloti io formulate a new rift io the power. It to reaar44 m certain thai Turkey will rota th Aegean lilaudi aad Adrlaaopl, sat M U But believed I hat war will b r Tat porta thlnka that lb powere Iain force the allla to aie4arat tMf dtnarnl. Katr l enforcing aurtlal law kr, tftfeel flgiulac kaa mm thach. Ii."Th rt port that tk4 yeaag Turka it la iKitinulun of tfc mU aa4 te dtHMiril the tullaa la 4la4. In aaturactlon for a forg4 chark Following lili arraal. Allan waa ac- Hobrl Allen U accua4 of baring eued of ralilua check n.d. nui jmu..4 on J. Kant Hal lard, a local a- ,M ,, u hero. loon man, a Judgment of IZbO and ' , ' ... roata waa rendered agalait Allrn thin'" w" " n inn cnarge. ana aftarnoon ly Circuit Judga llaaaon. M ,10W wrtlng an Indeterminate ara Allen waa arrcatad at Hluon. Calif.) tenro In tlio itato enltentlary, lat fall upon turutiUInt of llallard, Voung Allen la of Indian lineage. who cuhed a check fur f J00 prwent- and ha an allotment on the Klamath t by Allen. When thla waa taken to reservation. Thla la covered with the bank It waa declared a forgorr. .Umber, and la valuable. CREATE ANOTHER FARM DEPARTMENT CITY PRECINCT, MAY DE INCLUDED i POKTIO.V OK TIIK THIRD WARD CHAMHKR OK OOMMKRCK INRHC- WIIX HK TAKKN TO frtlRM TMi: TORM CUMUDKK I'lN FOR MM'iiTH WAHII I'HKCIXCT A FURTMRRIKO AUR1CULTVRAL M:W I'HNCI.XCT SMH MKRRILIj INTKRHMTM op thk oou.ntv LEVEE BREAKS; LIVES II DAN6ER 1 lvM WttKt OAI OF m MOW IN THK RANKS Off THK laVMMMP. pi at Royi.an, mart raoriK rucK I Ohio Boy is No Match a for the Vancouver Lad Malted I'raaa MBMI'IIIB, Tew., Jam. SC The lloutap MlaalaalMi letee broke thla- morning, and Uaerw la new a tboua and foot gP tbea. Beeraa of fam Idea are (leatag fef their Urea. HUMAN DYNAMITE T!" BOMB CONVICTED (?AHl4 RK.IRRUUCK WILL RE 8K. TKXCKD MRHRAYMAU THK LOH ANOHUM POUCK KORCK nUOHTHNHRi United Praaa Mrrtea LOS ANORMM, Jaa. IB. Carl lleldelback, aUaa Wa-r, waa foua4 guilty today by a Jury a charge of attempt te 4yaaaite a.pabUe kIM' faaV Will Mr aWHavMwSttC JSeMMUfTa 4 Reldelbach eater4 the peUce ata LOf ANGELES, Jan. 2$-Bod Anton of Van couver and KleWMth Falk won ovta SR Trott of Columbuc, Ohio, in the aurth of a axhodtalwd twoRty round battle thk aftarnoon. The fight waa stopped fet the sixth round after An derson had beaten Trott all over the ring. Anderson dropped Trott "half a doaen times, The fight was fast and furious, but Trott had no chance from the first belL Referee Eyton stopped the mUl after Trott had twice taken the count of nine in the sixth round. Anderson was a 7-to-10 favorite in the betting. The weather was fine. Jim Jeffries, Goodwin, Oidfield and Grhln were at the ringside. A big crowd of Ifedford sports present DARROW CASE IS PROGRESSING TEN PKRMAXKXT JUROM ARC HRCCRRO IN rAMOVB AOTtOSI AND AN ABMTtONAL 'KNIRK OF FORTY M CAIXHB) FOR To Wmw Power Ut4 I'fm ju-ii,e l)Nl)ON, Jan. J5r-llallan and iBrttUh warhlp are apeedlng toward Ik HiMpborua ai a reaull of the do Ulon ot the powere to make a naval twoutratlon beforo ConaUnlluoulo. lAawlcab, Ituulan aa4 (lermaa war It are already In the barber. Valted I'reae Servla v LONDON, Jaa. 15. Tewflk Paaba. Tark iniaco eavey, deeUred today tt it wa-ot Uaaly that MeotU M would be lermlaaUS. II aald MM he ectod'4ellke)raUM to tnumtu ueit week. Koaekld aald tt he had uot raealvad aatlea of t. II from Cooiuatlaople. Ha 4tclar 4 that ho did Bat uaei 1 rattim ihwa until peace bad bee eeaclu4e4. Utaa ttatenteau kaM..unurauJ le optllt. i-Jt' MM frets Bama. WA8IUN0TON. D. C. Ja. IS Mbataador Itockhlll eabUd today t'omtnntlnobla that tha 3tv u HM ud tho Indication ar that the ipllon of hoatlUtlaa will aat rlly reault frtm Klaaira oer- w, Another voting precinct fofKUaa-j " As ' agaieaMarwl Seaartaaeat. T la ath rIU waa created thla morning ibargo of Prof. Mai A. MeCall or by the county court. Thla will be eome other competent agricultural , tloa bare with a large aupely of 4yaa- Vrd IT-lact. evpert. U tho lattat plan of the 41- ". d ne enure force terror- jUed for a couple of hoara. Hla Srat territory of the Third ward, i... i ...j. i .i.. icctore of the Klamath Chamber ot n uuiiiun vvvu .u .. . ..i.i i i. . ji..u.i which tt,m,ncrt na ""uy n oner ot1"' '""" ,u "- aulitanco haa been received front the . - - Imv long bcu tho blggeat precinct In fhCa0 0raln Kxchange. The Chlca-' l " tbo county, and the atroteh between RU bo,,y ,g wnli to gVe financial I NEW VOItK, Jan. 16. Woodrow l.lghlh and Kleventh etreela will ,,,., dparMt , Brop.,wiUon with hla wife and otbera went ctituprlM the new precinct. . -(,r.ca ,0 Kl" Inland today nnd Inspected Anothnr new precinct I to bo form ThU den.f.m.nt will deal directly every branch thero. . out of portlona of tho Midland, uh tho problema met by the farmera rule ie ana nne urove precincu, . , thelr Un(1. Rnd w, M 0 Marriage Lleoaae tind the voting place will probably be Mt benefit to them. It will aUoj A marriage llcenee waa laaued tbla Ml tho Ml. Ukl achool. Heretofore pDd ,u brlBg ft parta ot eouaty aftaraooa to Jay K. 8eo4 aa4 A44le tt haa been very Inconvenient for the (It(Ber through the Chamber of E. Kltcblag. Both are well blown frtriner, eapeclally thoae llvlag near commerce. I ree44.u of thla city. the Henley rancn, some going io rine - C.rove to vote, while their neighbor t to Merrill and Midland to caat their ballota. NEW HOME FOR BOOSTER BODY CHAMaHCR OF MOVE HBUaatejVARTBBaa TO THSC RKIRV RUUHNO) ON SRVRWIH ST. MANBY FOR F. United Praaa Serrlee. ' Um-AHMLmi-Jmm. -llr-VtWk. tea permaaeat Jarora aecareA Is tbo Darrow caae, court attache ar to-,tnm I tTtllmoa ball Mae dav arvl a rHira or forlv. i "W om Bereau mreet. a The boaSswartata of UM.KUaaath CbamW'Cooiaaerea'm'ISss HAWLEY URGES THAT BiSNet GET PATENT d l si -i ,1. K "rfSW awVsVTraBBBw vBjanTt c hfT.1" awawwaaaawaaM (K . - V Himinnl'aai Ojaamr Ha ,. "- " iamal FavoaS la Vf as Waaaaaalaa V" ,' '"'V mttAkaa. WkJta (a lkB waf w mmm draaa araapaaaaar . . . . f ' . Iv WaMWal aaNaH OpsMefV wtkmKtkrW VHv atMHammuM SON FlgM Court will reaame Monday. R. C. Spink returned to Klamath KalU Friday after a baalaeaa trip to Portland. "Thla matter fees base leemlalatt bwo tat, aa4 1MB mm by atawbar." seas aatMV " Vmer at L. Rriibaas aC tie Om, ' tor HiHaMl iawat. wm m b 4 treat Misiirl. . v MTM aaaaaaar BSS aaaSS Seaie.wV' aao a aaaaber c tamea br W ,. Caa.ataBwrraMRBas,e , tkaaluialam. WooJosatO leal last R hea Swai awssea Hat ' tbo mad la saatw valMbba far.O aayteteRsto gargimai tama aar ' ataar sso." , u , . "- a u. "u,w.J a- fjutjkJhg WAaHIMOTOW, O.CJag ,1 1'. 1 3- 2 rs i'i jH"f V- cr Karl Veghte, a local architect, re- turne4 Friday from aa Mteaded vleH to Aahwa4 aa4 to CaUforala cklea. Harry Oallagber rtura4 to the loggias easts at Keao Friday, attar a abort aojoara la Klaaaath Falla. JO- VV. Murphy eaaa lr FrMay fmm ". wnero ha haa been raleia r for the Dig Baal aompaay. ... u aornmg ror Weed. .John Nelion waa 4owa FrMay from l bonoaiead on th iiuw tw. . jgdln " buslneta matta, ' AVIATOR FLIES OVER THE ALPS MIKULOVUCIO AOCOMPLIHHIM KKAT THAT HAH HTUMPKU Htt MANV OTHKRS 1M IN THK AIR ONTRIPaWMIUNTIM United PreM Service OKNKVA, Jaa. IS. Bleulovuclc, tbe aviator, made a Sight over tho Alpa from Rrtec. BwlUerland, to Do modoelllo, lUly. He waa In the air twonty.flve minute. 'Carty Would Meet Big Smoke in the Ring i Near-Heavyweight Champion Sayi that if the Public Demand! it he wiU later linivvlth Johnaon KaJtad iraa, -.,,,!-., ' ' ' wlValv ?!7W,I wiss; Ht Jack vvTT '" - T .!" "" f r .1.1.I V""" . tUt ring." aaU MoCerty, "but If tba public waata him 4,(at4 aa4 It, the ewmor growa I will Ilk. htm. The Ct wHl probably have to occur In r.uroue, m It la unlikely that It would wink h afcMUe a bm4 from aWowo4 to'tokt viae la AmarUa." Civil War Veteran is Charged With Crime Warrant for the Arrest of General Sick els is Issued. Is Accused of Converting State Funds tQ His Own U.e While Member of a Gommiiaion I Tfce aew toeatlea la more eeatraU a blas aear Kiantau aveaae, where the blteblac aoata ar liiatad. It will a aaraar of aiiaaa lor the rarmera. It la ta ataa t taa daraot or to eatabelea a ret ra at ta "j BsajaR)SjjBjksj)S7 WILSOU EXPECTEB TO MAKE REQUEST ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. IB. Juatke lludd today leaned a warraat for tba arrett of Oeaeral Slckel. charging him with tho convention of public fundi. Attorney Qeaeral Carm4y the warraat to New York at aa to day to place It la tba haade at oakcra for aervlee. Qeaeral Slckala la accaaed ot eoa COASTING AMUSES KIDS-AND OTHERS CIROWN'UPS WATCH WITH ORHAT INTKHRST WHWJC YOWNOSTRRH FLY DOWN SKRPBNTINH TRAIL ON SLKDa Tho corner of fifth .aa4 atreeU baa bea popuUt4 aU day by latreta4 sroaao ot grwaaa, watching with great deal ot enjoy ment the twenty or hot youagaur who ar eoaaUag dowa ta ataa Kbool hill, aa4 U ploaaaro ta kMa get out ot tbo aport la ao sratr thaa that of tba growaue, as taey reealt the old daya wha tsar ss ta mU all other whea R eaaa ta U4 lac "Wlllbuator." ' Ta track beatoa Saws ta atU from U l iwkMl ata4a ts bfala atreet, aa4 tk klaka aa4 arvs t the rwt ar caaalac ataay V al4 Is Pkpsisa) la astaaMSteal WASHiNQTOH, 0. 0., Jaa. M. ReareaoaUtlr Brr taeav smsui lanr alfj) J;sTFeFfWJSJSSia7 9JaFalBswfJa) "fot eTa lamieaVJ ta smBJBaHjawBHSFHSJawJW saaTBaSHSJeaBBamaja vHa Um straMat ,wrkra' iRrta. ;Ha H araartas data. l r i'11 Walter Ptaoa of Fort Klamath m a eoaaty aaat VmHr. vertlag ,47 to kl owa m wall a waa ebalnaaa ot ta N Yrk atat moaumoat eommlaa(a ta eaars ot the daty ot properly aurkbac ta poaltwaa aM by New York troop 4urlag tao ClvU War. UNION IEN GIVE TVEITMOE BOOST aiaJN ooMVaonaa worn oonvnm- ACY IN TaUNlOnifJM aYNA HOTH at OF TBaRSMI OOOIfCU. v xv 'M , i liaaJauaal BBmBmmaai BBmaaBBfaaamm Wesfffajf rwwmmmrwnm i Lot AHOW.Rl, .v M. fsaJ ok Bga J fr bm Bias aaS Teat4l MCjitar aaajat aaa aaarotawy, j Bearetary ot tweea KlaraaU aa4 Mala, TbmlWepreeeaUUve Hawatr waa decUed at a meUa of U 4lree I Oroeaa aaaa araai Ik torato Friday afteraooa. iL" !f 9TmrJL?" T d. vk Mwmwwm ep ra tun laweaap U4 la ta Orator KaMisel taiiat, to go and aa tao if ao taoa woJ4 aaaeo of a aataa; ta aatsatsar - -weMer4RkaM4.TametBakai k .lk..Md MJMU tm taaar aamwemM c i a awtoL B eaaam t kao; stoat; " iMNait : i Howler watmsS IB ' btat aaav r, rsor, aai tarn waaak a aaUo aa -' '' Ntary fO RRFKAa. OF FART OF FNA1I ' T CANAL ACT FAVORWC ICAN VIMBUI MAY M FAVOR 1ABRHB) WAaMlS-JTCN, D. 0., Jaa. M, Ckakaaaa Aiasiaaa af ta Imm bv taVfaAjaJaa eaammBaJaBamTamai aaBmBmJMMataBm lai a wpa) wmaarwyejr wamaaaaaawomi mp wayBaaBBBaaWBjmmHBr ama SB) ffaaaaBBmSll aBBJBVftaBBBaaBml': mamaaBmaal mMmPSa BmBBBBaVV aFV mmaaaat amarwemBnvBv aaaamreaream mwrwj Banaaa gCwfjTalOjBjl aBaa VMsae Bjpg war gajaajBBJj oapFRF raaU at eeagraai wlU a ta ta BMlof tao partot tao Faaaaas act graatlag free toll to oaetwlaa voaaela. R IHM b aat aartto to tabs a eaoap "may M'MraaRtof to aas Hi tfee, fa I aaM to ka nw alaa C ta BBBmWaaaBdr BBaaJFaaaJaaai PaflamSUm VSjRTVBaFl) BBBBTTISjaj, F VBBBJBBB; bat Hawtey Js .V. TMaaat Mtwaaa torwory aenrte ass ISM, IV?- t J J taa apaatr ai af Crystal Ork at Upaor KlaaioAkLak. ka aa ta ta oa Ta traot "wkoro -;: rsmMiiwxs K c Strikers Win Battle fi?i: n 'Jv? ' Against Sweat Shopa Mow than 20,000 WvtomwfBl k Sl v" " V ' WPJwJ9m fPBjarVojJamP p samPP WwsvlaV W P y " j ( x v lafOoadav M Ua-liami'a .'.c V J"v"JrT ""lO7 ' waFeaaawmfwaa f -i f j -TT.?'r-:.- Iv v V rt- 1. tnw TMkmir k , iJBWkA. am ww. ......n.,.,. '' " at tkai a aaraakaaaa CjSah aaatlaal aS WOBT VeSBBBBa BBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBB; VWBBBaj BBBBBjBaaBmBa today waa 111 El , taBBBBaaaaaa yW PR! i"W rW,