brill r h M o ,-j IWNaiONAb OAMDM DR. . A. HAMMU, , rerk (laaraateed. 044 Fellows' Hulldlag. an. mom in. IWKI.L M. MINI t (Myopathic I'liy airbus, II aad 19, Whit llldg. tmts)i aw ' AND COUNTY AMaTRACT COMPANV taraatrart. iNwutf her Oregoa Aaaeclatlon Mm. MMOMXANHOt'H LEGAL NOTICES ivn stxiftsaui you Mt your stuff moved oved quick, gel liamshy's ladort. Corar Maveath i ItUMmlt. PNaia I iTMKftT IP COMNTOCK. phoa 0, If rut My klad of IIICLP. Mr at the COMtroUK if mI esapleraseai. 1AM AND rNOr. TtkOM cora. baalon aed la- Ig toenail. Mas. TtsktM hair frees falling oat la IraatmaaU, aad persae- (car for daadrnff. Olte a I. Ne, lit KUaaatfi A. ICttTKLRKttO, aM Mlasaalli Aveeme J (beat prlr paid for Hides. I, Felts, Rubber. Melal and I run. fhmm MIJ fvnElrHWBi3rffM V 1BJB, ir . -ajWB ,. . f , W W W - - " - W i MfMl44MMBtM Ml M MP I Classified Column Mill MKT furalshed room al lb tr loua. Hlslh aad Klamath IRKNT Furaasaed lodglag ; II room; oo4 localloa. llarald obbc. IM-tf Y furalshed, healed rooata or without Board; bath. 140 io.ibio IKNT FurnUbed houM. 7th Kaaulr Herald oMce or lernoona coraar 7th aa4 Caaal 17-4l '..if -.1 CiTIif TiT .I MUNKV TO MIAN TO LOAN oa cltr property. khea aad timber; county war cashed. City and Couaty Ab- company. 1-ll-lai ra aa4 eenatry realty', la iu from 1,404 MBwaraa, far time. Security aaM he ftret Biphae-Hater ReeUy Oaai 1441 MlaWKlAANKOIW ID Meerschaum pip. Oarstr have aama by calling at llarald and paying for ihla adr. 7-4t (KKKPKR aad typlat waaU do do; willing to work for araall to gat atartad. I'hoaa 10 IK t aro two kiad of lasuraare. eta wrKea the right klad. Call I Mala street, at phone M. iMAKlNQ Room 14, Lakeside 10-lm 'RUCTION glvaa on violin! rates lonabla. lira. P. Barlow, and Data, th aad Plna. 1-14-tf QWRITBR waatad Would Ilka rant Uadarwood typawrltar. la- at llarald otace, IS-lt TYPEWRITERS Mathlaaa . Dowb awl Klaaaalh Valla Mamie eaee. Notice; of MeHleHirwt of Admlniatra lor Final Account aad Hrarlag of I'HIiIini for IMarliargv. Iu tlio County Court ot tha lllala of ()ron, for Klamath County. In tha Matter of tha Katata of H. W. Kllgoro, Decaaaad, Notlfa la liraby glvan that Wui, Duucnn, a ailmlnUlrator of thr at lata of M. V. Kllra. doeaaal, haa rxli'leteil, pfwenletl for Mltlefiltnl a ti i J filed In talil court hit flunl ar tount of tlio adiiilnUtrallon of cnl'J rdkte, logtillmr tli n pelltlon for lila ilUcharia, ami that Ilia 13th day af January, 1013, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, at Ilia county court houaa of laid county, In tha rourt room wiicra Ilia t0T cntlllrd court U hld, Iu Klamalh Kalla, Klamath Couuly, Oracvn, ha Imtu flld I) tatd court a tha lima and tha plat,! acttety, for tha aottleliitnt of l aid account and tha haarlni of laid I'ttlllou for dlchar, at which tlin and placa any iron Inlerrplrd In aid tata may appaar and fllo ei captloui In writing to tha aald Onal account and contaat tha aam, and how rauia. If any, why ald admin Utrator ahould not ha 4lcbard and hit bondiman aiuncrataU from fur thtr liability on hU bonda. I)td ihla 141b day of IHcambar, lIX WM. DUNCAN, Administrator of Hald Katata I4:ill.4ll h ;iiii?rinrniTir :hmu niLLDt IN SHAPE TO PLAY I.VJL'JUKM TO ISAMKKTIIAIX CAI' TAIN'H VU1AU KXTIIKMITHM 11V SO MI.M.NH HtltlOLH, N.tVH (O.tCII MOItltlHON Nu(lca Iu Cratawa In tha Mattar of W. II. Wyaaat. for for Iba lltnaflt of Cr4ltors. Tha I'ubllc Will riaaaa Taka Nolle that on tha If Ih day of Octobar. If II, tha uadanlgnad waa appolnlad aMlgna In tha ahora antlllad mattar, and all araoM having claim agalmt tha fald aaalgaor, will pltaaa praaant tha aama to ma, with tha proper vouchar. duly varlHad, at my oBt. In tha city of Klamath KalU, Oragoa. within thraw montba from tba data baraof. Datad at Klamath Kalli. Oragoa. DactmUr 14, 1113. V. U MOOHK. Aaalgaaa. H-:J'J0--lI-J0h ary to talUry aald aiacutlon. Tha proceed of aald aata will ha atilillfid In IIib aaillirarllriri of aalil amcutloii, order or dacraa, Including) principal auiiif, Intarcal, coat and dl-i hiiraemcnlf, altornay'a fca and acj cruliiK coata, and tha ororplua, If any Ihora h, will ba paid Into aald court to ba further applied, aa by law re. 'julrad, Dated thl Zlat day of December, IW12. , W. II. IIAItNKH, II In-r Iff of Klamath County, Oriou.( Ily OKO. A. IIAVDON, Dnputy. J. Ilardln Carter, captain and for- .NOTICKOFNAI,KOfHKAlilHOi'.rard of tha Illicit acbool haaketball KIlTl" Mlf UUAKDUN. iquad, will not b out of th cime, aa la Uta CvaMjr Court of Uta State) 4 Oral reported, but will particlpatn In Orvgiaa, for KlaaaaUi Coaaty. )(lm Kainra hr Thuraday and Friday fu Tha Mattar of Tba Ouardlaaaklp nlghta eicalnat the Aahlaud hlh of Tha 1'araona aad Kalatea of achool, and will make the trip up the Margaret Ana llargua aad Harry liocue Hirer Valley with tho team. Iluford llargaa; Mlaora, "Carter atralned aotural corda In NOTICi: IH Hi:itKIIV OIVKN, that hla r.l during Friday' practice," Iu purauanc of aa orda. of taa aald Coach Morrlaon, "but bare County Court of the UUt of Oragoa,. iucdH In rubbing them back to fur Klamath County, wade on tha'pUce. With a different type of ahoca Jib day of January, 1111, la tha aut-b will b able to play hla uauat fait tcr of tha Ouardlaaahlp of Tha I'ar- ;rne." ok and l.ilatea of Margaret Ana The high acbool aquad la practicing llargu and Harry Iluford llargu,i. for their coming game, which Minora, tha underalgned aa Guardian uln with game hero Thuraday and of the I'eraona aud Katatee of thai Friday trrenlnc with tho Aahtand aald Margaret Ann llargua aad lUtrr Iluford llargua, Minora, will aall at private tale to the lilgheat bidder, upon the terma and condltlona bara lualler mentioned, and aubjact to cuuflruialion by aald County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, on or after ha. 1711. .tv lit V.l.r.iar 111 all the right, title, Inlcroat aad ealate of l. Chicago Alderman Breaks Law He Made the aald Margaret Ann llargua and Harry Iluford llargu, Minor, la aad to the real property hereinafter dee crlbed: The term and coudlUoua or aald ale are to ba all caab In gold coin of the United Hlatea of America, or ono-half caah and the balance aecurcd by flrat mortgage upou the aald prop arty; or purchaser can aaaume the payment of a certain mortgage now upou the aald premlaea In favor of the Utate of Oregon, In the aum of 11(0.00 aad tha aalaaoa of Uo par ch aa prlew bid to ba paid la Taa Mai high 'achool, and Include game In overal of the valley town. The player reallt that they aro going up agalnat aom of tho fUt high chool aggregation In the atate, and that perfect taasj work I highly ea- entlal. The Aahland flva which play here a ttrong contender for tba itate rhamptonahlp, and ahould the local lada defeat them, Klaamth county high w bo In tin for atate recogni tion Lady Aberdeen ltbc Active Interest in Social Work Here ri naBiaaaBBaaaBBBBBBaaaaaaaBBaBaaaaBBaBBaBa il AaHT'iiH aaBaB aVB"' aHa ifL gailililililililililililH2 iiaaB3!SRjHMBBWaaaaaaBBBijaBBBBa1 -. lJ;T ' 'PsJJllaaajajpaja aaallllBaaBBBiSa aaaijaaawa (.1DKM THAT OARfcAN OMfaj CKR OWNH NLAMAni rAUUI MAS (l,ATI , M. M. Obaachaln waa awarded a verdict of l,071 agalaet tka Raa- ame-Criimmey company by a etreaH ourt Jury lat Saturday. OaaaakaMi aned for 11,310, which k waa due him for waga aad advanced. Upon renuent of II. M. attorney for tha Oakland grat, tka da fn waa granted taa day la wklek to fllo a motloa for a aw trial. Charlea F. Stone appeared aa eauaaal for Obenchala. The photograph tbowa Chicago' two mrt prominent caloonUt. Jack Johnson, heavyweight champion pug ItUt. and "Al" It. Tearney, alderman from the Hecond Ward. Johnson baa eii a flagrant offender of the 1 o'iSock cloalng ordinance, and Tear-n- a member of the council which framed the ordinance, haa beaa aum ni';i.ed to appear la the municipal, court to aaawar to tha charge of. vlo Satlnr tha law he la auppoaed to aa fore Tearney ruaa a aalooa la tka t'oulh Side of Chicago, and wlUeaaee irjjutaln that tkr have aad aa dlaV cutty In purchaalng drlakt la tka al derman' emporium during the early tour of the morning. Lucille Caaa eron. Johruon' wife, met her down fall In Tearney' cafe. Jack and Al have long been pala. TAILORS STRIKE MAY BE AVERTED T.MMHtM AND DKKHSMAKKKH AltK WILLING TO I.K.1VK MAT TKIt IN THK HANIM OF A MIX r.U COMMITTtU: Why Conflterfeilers CdMioot Slijep nlted I'raa fervlt CIIKISTIANA. Jan. SO-A threat- eaad gevaaral auika la taa tailoring i ' Yv A lhalal uanr of an order of tha county court ol Klamath County, Oregon, mad on Ih 30th day or December, 1013, In the matter of the aaUle of Martin l.ylugdal, deceaaed, lb underalgned, tha administrator of lb aald eatata. will elt at public auctloa to the high- cat bidder, aubject to the conftrmatlon of H court, the following described real property, to.wlt; Tha weat half of the northeaat quarter and eaal half of tba north we quaiter of tectlon all (I), townahlp thirty-eight (31, aouth of range thirteen (13), eaat of Wil lamette Meridian la Klamalh Coun ty, atate of Oregon. Hald aala will ba mad oa Monday, lh 30th day of aJauary. HIS. at 3 o'clock p. m, on that day, at the court l.nua In th city of Klamath r'alla. Oregon. In term of aald aala will be caab. Dated December 10, 1111. J. a RUTKNIC. tS10-13h "NoUc of Hherli'a fal"" la Iba Circuit Court of the Hlat of Oregon, for lh County of KUm-ath. Ovo. U Humphrey, I'lalatlf. va. Maria U Olfford aad Waller 8. Olfford, DefendaaU. Notlc I hereby given that, by virtu of aa eitcutloa and order of tale, duly latued out of tho above en titled court and raue on Hi 30th day uf December, 1913, upon a decreo mad aad entered of record la aald court oa tha 30th day of Decem ber, 1913, la favor of th abov named plaintiff and agalnat th abov named defendant, directing th aal of th premlae therein and herein after described, to aatlafy th aum of fifty (160.00) and ao-100 dollar, with Intereet thereon at th rato of in pr cvnt per annum from th Cth day of May, 1911, together with at- lorney'a foe, coat aad accruing cotiin Inrurred hereto. Now, therefore, by virtu of aald eiecutlon, aad In compliance with aald writ, I hava duly levied oa aald premise, and will, on Wednesday, th 1 3d day of January, 1913, at tha hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at th front door of th county court bousa of said county, In Klamath Falls, Oragoa, sell, at public, auctloa, to th highest bidder, for cash, all tha right, till and Interest of th abov named defendaata, aad each of them, la and to th following described real property, to-wit: Lot four (4) of block twaty throa (II) of Scond Addition to Klamath rails, Oragoa, according to tha duly recorded plat thereof oa lie la the oBoe of taa eaaaty elark of Klamath couaty, Oragoa, or so much thereof aa may he a- reffaaajaej M; aM taa) NJY at NKU. aad Ua KM of tte NW aad tha NKK of taa BW aad Lata 1 aad I of Beetles 17 la Towmahl 4t, tfoulb. Itaag l fiaat of Ua WUl ametta Merldlaa la KlaaaaU Oaaaty. Oragoa. All Mas or after ssaat a la writ lag aad auy a delivered to er ad dreaeed to tala Qaardlaa. eara at Kuikeadall rargaaaa Iter aa-' uraeys, al Klaaaatb ralla, Oragoa. Datad thl 7th day ef Jaaaary, 1911. LENA L. iMnil. Uuardlaa of Ue Paraoaa aad Ka tatt of Margaret Ana llargaa aad Hairy Iluford llargaa, Mlaere. KUYKENDALL A raUtUUAOW, Attoraaya far Uaatdiaa. i-9-i- R Nutke of Wierira Hale liy vlrtuo of an eiecutlon duty la auid by the clerk of tha circuit court of the county of Klamath of the atate of Oregon, dated the 1Mb day of Jan uary, 1913, In a curtain action la the circuit court In aald county and atate. wherein K. !- Foutch aa plaintiff re covered a judgment agalnat J. O. Ilamaker for the aum of I349.BI, with tntoreat thereon at the rat of I per cent per annum from the Kth day of March, 1910, for attorney'a fee aud the ctxta and disbursements oa th 34th day of December, 1913. Notlco la hereby given that I will on the 37th day of February, 1913, at the front door of lb court house In Klamath Falls, In atd county, at 10 o'clock la the forenoon of said day. ell at public auction to th hlgheat bidder for caah, all lb right, till aad interest of the defendant, J. O. Ilam aker, to the following described prop erty, to-wlt: Lot 1, 3, 3, 4, G and 4 of block IS; lot 3, block 16; lot 3, block IS, and lot 4 of block II, of the First Addition to tho city of Donansa, Ktnmttth county, Oregon. Taken nnd lovlcd upon as the proper ty of tho said defendant, J, O. Ilam aker, or ns much thereof aa may be neccaaary to satisfy tho said Judg ment In favor of tho plaintiff, K. L. Foutch, agulnst said defendant, with Interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, January ! 1911. 0. O. LOW, Sheriff. OKO. A. IIAVDON, Deputy. I SOLICIT YOUR KIRK IN SUHANCi:, HONDINO MUSI NKHH, NiATK GLAB8 IN'HUR NOK, AVTOMOBILH INiUR ANCR 1LMER L. FRINCH V v 4 V" I-- I, , '-..? ;-.i v (Copyright by rowers Engraving Company) The Lady Isabel Maria, Count of Aberdeen, who, with Mis Violet As- iiulth, daughter of the prim minister rf Tngland, la visiting this country, Is taking an active Interest In social vork. She ha vlattod many of the arttlemenl houses in New York, aad ha looked Into the work being done In the flght agalnat tuberculosis. The countcas Is being entertained by manr prominent Now Yorker, aad will be tho guest of Ambassador and Mrs. Ilryco In Waahtngtoa. Protect Yourself I represent a well known Oregon firm. No time lost In the adjuatment of claims. Hurt McCoy attends to the rest. IS-lt Block Wood The economical fuel for win ter use. l.cave order at SOS Mala Street. 1'hoa 117. W. C. BATIS mum wkly wag frasalf J4 rta I7.S0, and a reduction In hour of labor from 10 to S VI hours a day. They Don't IJAc It L'nltcd Pre Service HHKLIN. Jan. 20- On the ground that they Interfere with the free pass- ace of podcatrlana by attracting ad miring crowds of loiterer, the police have forbidden the use of Illuminat ed advertisement of marked originality. Kd Weaterlund. who has been con nected with local lumbering concerns for the past few months, left Sun day for Mexico, where he will foltow his occupation. Defore coming to Klamath Falls last spring, Mr. Wea terlund spent fifteen months In the southern country. Ruler ol Austria is Again Seriously HI EsbK9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHBb1 Hotel Houston J. A. Houston, Prop. KateaKoeeM a$c aad sac Par Meath, $4. aad $. FiMlffflSCtaRlMwl tTdBfaRflRflRflfm bbbbbbw':jbbbbbB9bbbbbbbbbbbF BBBBbVv BjlBiBBBBre BBBBTMl? JSjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBaHHlaBBBKaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi Francla Joief, the venerable ruler of Austria, who haa been the victim of sleeping spells for many years, la again suffering from this complaint. The emperor waa 83 year of age last August, and hla physicians eapreas aome doubt aa to his ability to rally from hla recent attack. It la aald that Archduke Francis Ferdinand lake advantage of the emperor's ab sence from court to practice "klag Ing." aad that he will declare a rad ical war policy aa sooa aa ka la la power. William J Flynn, the new chief of the United States secret service, is rapidly destroying the prospects of the young men who have taken up counterfeiting as a profession. Mr. Flynn. who ucceed John K. Wtlkle, now chief of tho customs service, has been one of the government's sleuths for a gTeat many years, and waa pro moted to his present position from that or chief of the local bureau la New York. He has had a long ex perience In dealing with the artiste who produce spurious currency, aad he can detect a bad cola or bill with both hands tied behind hla back. OEfflAII IIS GluJBKlll 1 H JURY IN CIRCUIT OOtJM MV ,T V 1-1 V v SURETIES NOT HELD VALUABLE LAllOll LKADK1W HTILL HKLD HIXWV'HF. FKDrULL OFF1CKRH DO NOT APPROVE OF THK DONDS OKKKHKD CHICAGO. Jan. 20. Additional surety for tho binds of Houlihan, Hyau, Shoupe, Keddln. Drown and McCain was offered In the federal circuit court of appeal today. Tha bonds of Ueruhardt are en route. Xy United State District Attorney Miller stated today that the surety offered for Ryan. Houlihan and Shoupo was still unsatisfactory. The court will decide on tho matter to morrow. This afternoon bonds for 940,000 we e submitted. The court Indicat ed that the release of Drown aad Mc. Cain would be ordered tomorrow, Miller saying the surety was aatla-tuctory. TO BE BURIED WITH HIS 006 pi i : . MJNDON MILUONAIRC "THAT HM AHHaan Mt KKD WITH TMOM Ot A; BOfl "H'HONK DKATH MK MOUHNsW United Prsjs rWrvte LONDON, Jan. 10 Jasaea . Dearden. ag 73, of aHaaierd, wit dd worth, left tasAraa tloru that hla body be crenaled aa4 the aahea Interred with the af kk favorite dog "Pesaaey." RKAL HITATB Tha following realty contracts. ceatly ated wttk taa if faralaked by taa City aad Abstract -I M 1 4 4 J. A. Kusalsager ta Aaaa warranty deed, lie. IWH I .or ...... , .., 14- NK4. I Malln To mett J. LaluU, wai lota 13. 14 and IS, block 44, Jna. I'liusky to Mrs. Martaa Hlgay, warranty deed, 11,136, lata I, 4 aad S, block 28, Second addition. Martha I). Hortoa to Asabrea L. Woo.ward. quit cUIra deed, II, N t'W'h. Sec. 33-34-14. Win. S. Wordea to C. Wltceg, tt claim deed. 110, lot 14, aleak 41, Wonlea. Wm. 8. Wordea ta M. 1. WHeea. xatntnty deed. 110. let 17, Meek 14, V.ordssa. Slat of Oragoa ta 8. O. Oak art aw. deed. S0O, Wft 8KK. Oac. IV4V 13; WH NEH. SKfc. H-M-ll. Chaa. A. Wagner ta My D, aHarkag. warranty dead. 11.804, IB 14 HW, EH BV!4. Sm. 1-17-10; HW KW U. 13-37-10. W. W. Adaau to Raa M. Haft, deed. 11,915. SWK 9K, . ,4-41-11. A. Kershner to II. R. Dualaa, war ranty deed, 10, part af Maek tl, Klamath Fall. II. R. Dunlap to A. Keraaaar, raaly deed, 110, let 7, Original town. J; Tkat's AM Accident aad Health I; la laauraace. Bert IteCar that klad. 14-44 Cut flowers at Ne. t Watt Mala i. -..-S vr.' V- -' X That' AU Accident and Health Insurance that is Insurance. Dert McCoy aeddlea that klad. ll-lt P.OLK'Si OKSCrOlf tad WAJkvtlNtfTOM Business 'A Directory e( sacb CMy, Tewa e4 VUlaa. tlvta dMcrlptlv afclcb f each placa. location, popvlstiaa, tale- ajra. (BlaplBa- sad anaklet petali also daaalftag Dtrvctory, alg By bualoaaa aad raaa fla. j, ram a cex. Asturancs of The Irtt coaaMeratlas watch Is to get a Atcufiojf I. BaBBaj awM) SjaaJSBaJBJJBJB keeper. It make no dttsriasa Isflsjf little you spend far a watah M M money waited ualeaa yon eaa'aaaaasl on It ta keep. soniwbr aar aaasv rate time. ' fr In the maaufaetur af a waleh aas of the chief xaeaaea la taa foil aa Justing aad regulaUaf. nsw'swa' bowver, iMiaeaaHra wqtihej f sasj merit That are slmpl Ha, , aad are time ketpera. Other eltea gotten, up la a eaewy wf ajsj apt worth earrykaff. v. ;ff W have learaad ar yassaj a; aerieaaa to dtaHataaal "'. uJ? ''I aai'aeM'a watah at mVT 4aaj aWalarJ 9fsssaB"JjTlW , OBjjT SsOff mB tlsMateae. YacM saVMI FKAMSolfM wasnsaaaw jaagaay saayj y ' VM)MIaasBMaBap' , . - - . t i . a Jf