r X? ww 1 . v . V AVITLIKO MY TMK IKITMO J'HIMM NKWN NMMVICK f ftje tifnia Befall. ' a '& mi JV & 'M f iralh Vr Ni li -; -"- -v-j Kf.AMATH PAM. OHKOOX, TNi'MMtAV, JANIMKY !, If IS -U S ly "' Id Chamber of Commerce-May Go Out Of Business And Real Booster Organization Perfected TLEMENT OF DEMOCRATS ARE TRIKE IN NEW GETTING ACTIVE t YORK IN SIGHT Parcel Post Men are Prepared to Handle Mail! Pfl DTI ill) HNNT 1 ..vwv.w.v WW... MAY TRY CARROLL ... 'J j E i. Vi Instead! r ;- -t i:miii:hh Of THIS nUTV OCX. thai, ruNMirrKi: .ink .inkhi ill.UTM M'tt'KttMIK LoVKHn AMI ItMI'MIVIM TO MANKMlW;i:loNrt , 1 TJio Klamath euunly u.uxrtlc II. ItMlrilBlwnl Ik. 4;,ilt.l )( iMinmlltr U actively rlir..I In ' uerlMrnioil of Cir National IWnrk WMhla ill Huur IK .ut.. TJ)i Ihlrty.oito mmUu if i. ..r ii. w.h Mn.Lt it-.. r niiq.iiit ' w aaam ir. Lb .. aJ . 11.. .. A I (nil .""- T. ". . . .. .-.IJ, afrtl t'ua. ialll I lirl.) lit wkr Dm proper cn WlWrlil. I'lrM IU(lM ,l Bl'l"'" C US) K" A YUHK. Jan. loV-Th. hi MIT"" f """" ' ' Ilu4 that Wilkin II turn anl " """ .'"' :. ".' "."V "' nt will l rratbed U-twon ""- " '-"-"-"'- ""' mtrr and union lMnlr so 1.089' uf id 1(0,0(10 mn, wu. .If. II. .tr ..i.e......... ...! .. ....... .. . ...l if 't vf f fi i ftii mm . Mil r"lt rr rxrhed a liirvllnic b4 rhIKrtn on irlt. In hv M wrkf kllll luilct will I In work, illy txsfarr to grant mm o irniriril, Tt j-rlnrlhul ml(ir ci ilio i)utlau of utffor (' Ci'li. .Vinnl, uul, In urJur In t t lit opinion ul h rntliv rHimll- . di-rltl.! lit wrli lcllrti ti Him UMtllitli Lo ferir nnl limitil. nlllt of Ika ! J I i. . . . . iirtoigiiuiu wr Ruuiia rftaotc ln Ihr rndllcr or JuJ Will 11 ... . . """ """ " "'.Kinc la lx tttCfrUrir of Ilia lalailor. U C KIoiMur flcrtrl renirr lMil rommllirrmat), onU It. C. (Ia)ik m rWiH lt rtimnilt lr.kn. Ibr4 nf tit wmkcr In IntrvM In , rvtnU ID, naur uf ih, nHnr4 Iioihi unit rtcegnlllen nf ! Jmr A. Wulfc. iKc,'' 9n 'KrmMfliKii irnvrllnx man, la In Hie Giber rlitra lhr i-cr. Il I Tlllln h ltrr, Wr. t lltlla lniH for n MlIU- Ooori- I'M It Of the )lo( Malt rlll , Mr. ami Mr. IS C. WlUor rturnMl Knyilnr tamo In (rem l.l,)nieri)ay from Kan r"rncl., whr ik rnnrh toly lo jiurrha Itirjr haw ImtH vUltlns (ur ftiral rlia, , , .... iair.il .t.-nrr.FBTSznAj .v r vt. ..-. 1 y , , Water Causes Great Property Loss a wts Indicate that Fatalities May Expected Soon. In one Town Food hat Been Gone 3 Daya KVIM.K, Intl., Jan. t. Al Tit klih water l orer tha railroad track. rvlng thar. lay hava barn Ioo4 for Itiraa 4aya. (MMt Ml hwa IWMIalaly ratarn Irln taatl4 with pre " ' J Tha Iovm ot Dataware and tUa Ktnliithy, ranerta ISS fa-',y n Kanturkr and Vaakartown and 'Bcultlctown in Indiana nra reported to U In bad tliht. ' Haln U Hill falling ami tho Ohio Klvvr la rtala rapidly. Hatmrta ot fktallllra are eitivcled. The protrty Iom will rat. fcJi Ml MVM TV" mocrats Peel Their !hances to Secure Job ie of King of Oregon It Included the List of Possibilities for Of- flee of Secretary of Interior naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaalav 9 '' ' 7 Ur eaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw taaaaaaaaaV LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaW aaaaaaanaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV nnnnnnm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf nnnnnnnnnW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT o ' nVBBaaaaaaW aTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannMa.iMaak.ak -v .aBaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar '- VJ BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBSaa! aTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat fk 7" . !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai ai ' - ;aB -LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanlaaaaaV' aLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA 1 ' ;V?S Laaaanaaaal an.iB9HA HHHHA v ' "B VaBaaaaBsJB'BKBaaftaa,A 79 ' , - ,. aaaaaaMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV t JlldRBaaW aaanaanai -ll&Biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal flnlHk -C' u ''HfilH ""-'aVCaTarf0aB HHnri " kiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBHtLLLLLLLH ..mT, AaaARaHkHaaaaaH J t W'S- ' ' r ijAK iCSprrli(BrbynUrTla'A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB aaaKv i c iaaaaHawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV BaaaaaaaKP''rfBWLPBBBBBBBBBBaV aaV K aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaH rimwntuxT mcmok mam r that LOCALV MAX m MMKKIM rN i-NAX&K Of VKSl'K TO MVLT XOMAN VUV.XTV NEW OFHCMIS TON! m ... i KVi , ( Jebn U. Carroll, who la enarifd, 'with larceny by balle, ay be trlat n tfce charge lu rertlaml. A afL',H'" 'alatent rumor la the effect that hat will awn apply for a cKant af vena from Kktmath oannty te MnttaeaMb cennty. U belns beard on the atreala. Aa yet no application far a eaa of f ennn baa been Sled la tba frkeatt ceait. Carroll, who la at liberty on bond, kaa beea out of the city far eeteral menthvt: The ckarce aaainat Car rati waa sra ferred by M. P. Mlekler, a aart awmer 'of the Willow 8alna raaak. H Kkargea Carroll wKh dtinalng a jlHW.XHUmM'M fMaafVaf M t$ , j li.tManlaii AaUaa b fc r al'atMjfwTBjWl WM AMlrWia"VP -. -. . L awWtl IMM aa'a'JW aVanPaMK WRll aWBPaw Nmm MaafaiiM aaw PMJpOT The Klaaaath tMa BjaaMNTje Ceaa-MrM wtH pribabby mi t iwtaeaa at a naaatntg at bt(Mi M a'cleek thte afuwiaaai. Tbaj'fci m- fc & eaaae taa.aeeanUy iaref-rty ..rH by a chattel aa-art-l ... a i... ,. jj -I The nrmt far CarreU'e urmiK rta ttaaaaa, wto aw IwimI Uat wlu. saa riraliiWOldant rMjNI WIW , - . " T". ' w"'.Pi ...-- .S. ..1...! lUt ,wa take lata ewatody la Haa rial ," cw. awp war aaaaaap W ' JcUeo by KherM Baraea. Alter, ba rai Itara to KtaavOk raHa be (boada far kJa aiiaaaraaea. Paaaaa aeaaaaa thai HaM. aMA4ft(iatV aWaSaaaaafA taaaaaat t I 1. Mr. and blraK. 4yle1a1lr 'baft ll'raaa Sarvtoa HINOTON, I). 0,i Jan. l. their cbaneea of aecurlni rotaryaklii of tha Interior for Weat. tba democratic ten Rtntaa beyond the MlisU inounctd throuih Senntor New that-they had eaneuMMl nnd y bafora Woodraw WIUoh tba huaea whleb tbey had Jointly SfMtaM. 1 action waa Uktti wbaa It wm that WlUoa bad da4mliwd to cbooaa a wwrvtary of tliq Interior from tho Middle Weil, In order to net awny from either tba Kaitorn or tko Weatern policy, which kaa been, pursued n relation ju public land find water power, ganator Nawlanda declined to live tko llat ot tiitme. but It la understood m )XteH(lv, tqur. and ikqr that the Hantea ot foraaar aomaara on two amw hare, Oa aeeawat at Skaw of Idaho, Norl of Moa4ana,tlia tiwa'litalt on tbalr raMway tleket Oeberne ot Wyoming, King of Oratoa'Uhey found tfat tbey oouH only ytajt andOovernor Hunt of Arlioas areln-jone g'aaw Ik'Klanutk Falla. and K eluded. ,, 'waa fK that tk aaaaaaa at brlagtac ASHLAND HIGH TO PLAY HERE L'lUt.'K HAHKKTrUl.l. TKAM FIUOI IttMIVi: KIVKK VAI.f.Ot Wll.l. m.irv ukh man hchooi. llK .NKXT WKKK Klamatk County High v. Aahland High will be tha basketball attraction at tko I'avllkm on the nlgkta ot Jan nary S3 aadll, arrange wenta tor a two-guwo engHgenlcnt being comptet d Into thU afternoon, loiter, tk le eal quintet way play n return serlea tt Aahland. Tkfa game waa arranged today, fol lowing the reelpt of word from Mad ford that the Medferd high Khool would have to caneal Ma datea kere. The Medford boya and glrk arranged t- tba two teams kere for one game waa too heay. , Tko local ttudenta will play oae ot the moat formidable high eehaat Iraa In tke alato when they meet tha Aah land caattagftit, Ktccntly tke team made n trln to The Dalles and return, playing U along the way, and they only suffered Uo Ucfeats. Nothing dauntrd by tho record es tablished by Ike Jnck-on county ntk letea, tho vtwycrs on tho local quia tat nra aoaadenl ot winning. A great deal ot Improvement In their pUy has been brought ulout.hr Coaek Mor rison, following tho gamea wHa tba Ahininl and Inilcpvjidants, and tke-y nra practicing dally, ' JI Klfcrt Wla ' W. Y. Klfrt,who has jaet beaa elected mayor of Medford, 'la wH knqwn In this city. With Ave eandl dales In tka field the race' waa a hat one. vbut Mr. Klfert won otac Ma nearest competitor by aa eyaa Immk drod xotaa. , ' , U.,M. McLemor returned roan' a auMaeee trip to marrm yssisramy. . 'Fred Colltaan waa In frasn Laka yaaterday, atteidtag aa baslaasa ta. Tkr wUl aail rraam tkaaa fVa ataa, That the public appovea et ih, par- -,,, whM. XUy w, l?M mYm. ct post syttem ia akowa by tka Ire-Ner vtattias Mr. and Mm. Fraak Jeav meadeus volume of biulaeM that ti'y m. : --- - new department kaa beea called upon to handle alaee the syitcm went Into offset, one minute after midnight, oa January laU All poeslble prepara tions bare been made for the quick, dellrery of package bearing parcel , pot stamp, and many new derlces and vehicle have beea laatalled to aaabte tba mall aaea to reaaaeta ea rreafully with tke long established preea esmpaales. Tba upper ptetare akowa one of tka aaw "pick-up" mo tor wagona, used far collecting pack ages la tke larger cities. faataaaat-J IXstrlct Attorney Joba Irwta an er Heneral Hltebeeck ia akowa mall- morning tkat tka graad ing tho flrat parcel .eat eat wader tka I"? "m' '"J 1 "" VlkltVr tVM lflWIBlWlifl Tka last meetiac held la December. waa devoted ealeffy to the eeaaty court laveatlgatlea. aaa there la mueh speculation aa to want wMt coma aa at this time. It la possible tkat aaa of tka mai tera to be coaaMeraa wHl ba Ua death or John Weeks, a youag Klamath la Jlan, who died at tka Maekburm hao (pital la this cHy la Daeeaaaer. Waaka died of paeumaala twa daya attar ba Ing received at tha haapHal, aad brulaea aad other marka of vlalsaaa on kU body ladleat4 that tha mal ady reaultlac la kta death might have 'beea caused by a beattag aad aapa sura. There Is a a Par aaa aTaBasanaaraTaaa aa caas vaari aaiaa we aeeajaj aaa them, but, It la admhttta ' tCaSHsweTaaT TT" Grand Jury Convenes Monday, Says Irwin t. InqniaitorM Body Will Dtlrc ther Into Matters of Ifqurt to Pfeople of maaatli C&m$jt new regulation. Tha package con tained a alUcr loving cup, and was adraesed to reatntaster Morgan at New York. The cup will be anltably engraved, and later will ba glased with other poalofllea rcUca la tha Na tional Museum. OLD AGE PENSION BILL SUBMITTED aa-aaamn-aam hTATK LKfllHMTtMsM MKAH TMK KrIH.ti OP US MKlfcHIRMH. tMVKKNK W11X NOT IXKLf. KXIK LHOMUiATION Tha caraaar'a iary faltai ! Masaa for Week'a ea; hat Mi Ms Uvea aipreaaaa the- taaaaafcm at fcwr lac the matter tahaa aavbr taa) lury. Relative .. MerrlH tha latter fart of may also aefcaa arrlve4 la MarrWt attHr aervlee,; mat ,ap ihglg aamMaV Mr Ktamasa ralla taar oaagMM L; ther war winMa to sal aelMialw dkXU in i Mn' tat -- ' ' " - at tha aaaaat aaa aaaSR. W. Maaaaaati Niimn, WMMtt :' 'V; Fall; u W. AgatotM. V raua; aaa aw aaanaaaaar, saMMm. Falta: J. M. TtMW. ObsMi W '"; IHUa. KUaaata nVMai A. W. aaaBaaWx' ' r:'aViTa-L' .. --iijv tf aa-jaanraraaai $ qmaBBBBjBBBBfB; aaBaBBBBBBBBB.BBBa unpH. t atkVabta. . . ,v-;tr - I . M L1 ' 4 IA f-2. ' Six Powers WiU Not , ar'., ' Help Out the United Preas harvle 8AI.KM. Jaa. Id.-Attar a aeaatoa I lasting twa hoars, tha nana lynlniAt1C MAtft tal PgrftaaMB Journed to ooaataer MMa la eommk-i T . s ? laea. Tweuty-al Wlla were tatroduaed during the mornlag ssaalaa. Oaapra vldes for tha regulation at, tha e paaaa attaadaat ta tha taaUattva nveaaure. Aaathar provktaa tar atata laaaraaea aad otd ag aanuWla.'; " ThM BBBBKaaea nal AAAAtAtaaaBB kU4W TaW a ara ea'weaaraaw earn weaa"ewwaa wawaaa aaafaap a y Wtd&y tlUTgttTwaar.tU Hie laaC aaa S, - . -1 .. l. .- . .- "" -- " .t- aa TT4jTaBvaf aaa aactraa tavawaa j m way hmc aa aawaira aaBabaa iPavMBV t that ha would asako aa atbm ta In- tha samiltts mrthra at Tajrkgy MurMI MktJ laaaaa tha hnjlalatafa' aatta aa, thahha psagasnat at tha alttas iNMt JNtavIt frj ttaa. vj iki f aaaajaaaaaaawaaffawaew aw a TaaMspaaBgi j DeHyery Delayed fori UaRad Praas arriaa ' , , - ' It t LONDON. Jaa. H-Aa adMai a4ft fthmjt laaat? that tha amaaaaaaas of thaata mpm- tfea aaa win preaoM ta uw paaw oprf I tsmarraw wiU Inttmili ihg hpiaflb- j v