o ,fi M NvrrMHu Mr tmn )NITW PMRttS atWS NMMVICM $e f ttenina 3ef aid. Ne. I.M1 KI.AMATH FALL, OMMMV. WMtrftkWaUY, JANUARY IS, IBIS ,r. . ,V '" '!, I Vi 4 j . '..i ?l l v -, " j it . ' m r, "' ,. ti .,.! ..jj .j.hi juiuj M Ljgj ain in California Cheers Local Stockmen ?. i ILL STREET TO ITART PANIC TO RIGHTEN WILSON ammSmmBmsme OCHAT lAMMKHtf MAY TMKY ARK NUT ALAMMKO (utfc Htm THImm Me) a Me Weald tWfa Rfc An HeapmrW the limit Cwtlllnne l's- Itt IWlM WMaaw, They Mart XrwTerUre PlSS IM C IHINOION, I). C, Jaa. !. atlc leaders loday denounced i that Wall eUeet operators an ttag peakky stories to creete , Wilson's precrem. would llaa to ken Ike asean- he ara trytoc la atari a male eald Senator TlHssea, "bat the treta 4a net eeere wank a straw. will stand by WHeea. MU Chi- ! speech eely disappointed Usee i me. who eipeeted Ibelr mil- weald terrify aad subdue klai. I net mtoee Ma words, aa4 when feaad tkat ke weaW not trawl la manipulate tka stack Coyote Hunting is a Profitable Winter Sport Coyote Scalps are Drawing $1.50 Bounty, f 2 is Paid on Bobcats. and Skins arc Worth Money any Shipments of Horses From This Section to South will be Made TELEGRAM MB ORE PUT OUT If CeillHIH w WM Net CfcJrafl. MaafcPaya e United VyaMBarrle Carpenter today denied tka FAVORB JaN d IS Judge 4 - Reese is Defeated by Bertholf as Director llaa ef Marat attorneys te set aside Jaee Jeans on's bead aad A) pat klai to MM a a fug Hi from Jaatiea. ,v"t' Many fruii wbo (lad time liktuc litr hray Ikarlr Itanda sie font blnltn ilnjiari nod fruftt UI lb work uf rlddlna !. ruuntr of pr and wlU of II(b rtiiitwi and tlir. UiUaK. TIivm will at klM lU.CO.j Junli Hmrk jf Iaii(ll ValUr ttaat a (UlM (or I7.S0 touulr moBr, aa ili Uuualil lu on rurut and Ibrra dalorjr atilwal. and arery dar HJOniwjUfci.TuMdar.Twahecwyolaacalpa muMr cltrk'a vfflr rtlt quarc ori tfuuiht to tlio county clrk oa( Illy ot ttiyole, ratblt and bobcat jTuJay by Frank Wllllamf, fcOj calf. iMiani la for bouaiy aieaty.'iura four mum from ibla city. OREGON TO HAVE GREAT EXHIBIT With the One Exception, the Board of Directors is Re-elected by the Horsefly Irrigationists IIONANZA, Jan. 15. WKk kat oaa i Tka efltora ef thn aaaoeiatlan ara: iMplloii, tka tlrt corpa ef oflcarairrraidcat, Jacob Kuck; aacratary, were re-tU'tUd by tke atockkeldara ef .Fraacia J. Hewne; dlitetara. Will Ir tba llorefly Irrlcatlon dbrtrbH, wbola, W. D..Campbll aad J. U. Bar held tkelr aaaaal ebjctloa Taaaaay. 'tliold; treaaarar, I). 0. Hera; eeaeaaer Nearly etwrrakara of tka ateck vaaiD. A. McComb; col bn tor. Addle B. repreacated, aad a great deal ef la-jt'arsoM. ! Murk AfhttA&AA-M m tk fnlMA f ternt wa toaalfaetcd la tba oet- U FaaaUla. a watl kwi real rata, Itatta la Ika aaarala tttand aa a coaiWaad kualaaaa ara trip. He will be away a Tti ruunty aya 1 1. to fur eack royuto 13 for bobcata and 10 raata for rab- btia, (1, A. Uatry, wl.o rvaldM ar Cbllo-iuln, lodar brought In Ika acalpa in addition to tbo bounty raoaay tba huntcra ato rrallt rtiony from tka at of iIM. Tba (ur It prlwt dur. Inc tbU cold wratbar. aad good arlcea bi tald for dralrabla aklaa. 'BflHVW'T 'coma. iHiaiTfLaVIl I.HDUilJa.TIMt IVTKL. Tbt tHXHN MKAKVRK TO FHOVIUK ftaw.ww yon HVII.IM.ti KXMIIHTM a otlcer ataetad la J. jika projsct. wkkk will Irrbjate If. M.Um9 ct ef farm land, waa matfaat' I'enkotdeBoaaiiaa. Ha waa atectad J d by tke ateckkeMara yeaWrdey. aa4 aa director to aacceed F. W. Kaaaa.Uvery Uttle ajmae aaartand lu ea- A.M alo of Bnaaaia. irdtnea la tke aaeeaaa ef tke dlatrtct. POSTMASTER IS LECTURE COORSE NOW A FUGITIVE BE6INS FRIDAY FH:CN UI7IXM, HHAwTA CUVK.jMt'l'i:HITF..MK.T HVXHAR WIU TV.OFt-taAkHIHKIMllMH'UMTj I.KI.IVK.K MHNT UpCtVKK AT MY OVmKH OV KMTOtVfCK i)LK.Vi-MAXY MNVWCtll ARK ; United Preaa BarHea 8ALKM, Jaau lSRraaaUUa Meaert W. Hacead of Portland la tredd ball to tka legtateture tkU afteraeea aeareerlatlac ISO0.9W9 te prerkje far a aaate kattdlag aad aalt- able aablbUa at tka l'aaaaaa-lcUc aitieaHlo. la flaa Fraaelaeo l 191S. tHTAirrMatJVT gnaaaaj gaggaajw gaj aaB7ajaBBjaaaj 1UITTA. Me.. Jan. II. Ri-Oof. Kdward Harlalgk waa teday United tutee aeaator, I. aac iter OaNaer. United I'reaa Bervlea NACKAMKNTO. Jan. IS. OStera of tke poateflSee dfpartment ara earcklag bare (or William Hhulferd.' I.XTKHtMTRII Tba Brat number of tka lectara court to be kcld In dlffereal aekeol dlitrlcti will be gUen Friday eTenlag (at Ulcne. wben R. II. Dunbar, auper li.i.h JbI k tka likt aatm. aukl anvil I ..b lilt, HUVItV U W "lk tVWlB, wggg teelaater at Freacb Oulch. BkaaTa' .k flB ..N.ow view ol Hoy IJfe." I'rorreeor Dunbar'a potltloa gtrea klai an excellent opportunity to make oh crratloaa along tkb line, nnd, la ad- county, who la alleged to have been ll.BOO abort la bla account. It la reported Ikal Bkulferd leaped from a train while being brought lo(Ul-m. he haa glrea tke matter a cere IbUeltr. .fulatudy. There are aeverai otner acaeeta W the county tkal hare arranged tar tho courae of lecturee, alt at wkieh fare to be glten by leeal man. Mar- 'ill A ha .1 ttHaiBBiaa BBA -.jLl.alaaala aktBA rill eWW irVHSHMI MIV ansaBmraaaaaaj-ga-a,-. jlbo dlraclera of the Utter dletrtel IaiTt irwtiiatv mra-r isr ui (ourae. ( Tke lecturee are give, under tka aihlitfaa nf tKa dftMrlluit of ajiuti. tnda for Beum Have Been Approv-t0 d r fr-,o trem' Falia V aiaH amww awaw-ea aaBV-awi JiW-r-at dbrtrlrla. Aamnaartka echool aupplementa tba lectnree. The purioae of tke courae la te ef fer free to the general public a eearee of lecturee en tealca ef atala and ttoaal lalereaf. Including tadaatrwl adueatlon, las reform aad etker ef kindred nature. ie Labor Leader is ! to Have His Liberty d by Federal Attorney. Bonds for Ryan, Others Rejected IICAOO, Jan. 18. Tka federal lit eeurt ef apeeale today ap- boada fer IIO.soo far Beum, ' Ika labor toadera recently eon- and aenteaeed ta prlaea (or ! Illegal tranaaerUtlen ef dyna- Ha will be reUaaed aa tka papera arrive In Leavenworth. Metric! Attorney Miller represent ed tke gevaramaat. Tba bonda ef Ryan, Bkoupe, Moll ban aad Redden were rejected ky Miller, who Hated tkat tke property eckeduled In tke head waa IneunV dent. New boadi will be aeugbt. ank Ferris to Face Serious Court Charge led Carpenter Must Plead in Case in Which he is Charged With Stealing a Klamath Falls Girl a trial ef Frank Farrta will N ted In tke atrtalt eeurt FrWaj rnlng. He la ckarged with ekttd Mine. arrla kaa raalded Iter, far aeverai He wm eeafleyed aa a ear aad, until kla arreet e tka i eharta Par wnleh ke maet nw face trial, kad keen kkjkly respected. It la charged tkat ka Induced a H year-old girl te leave ker home. He eecorted kw te Derrla In vaklele, and then aent ker muM, paylnt fer ker trnnaportatlen. Fellewlng tke da pat litre ef the Ctrl, Ferrla returned Ie tkta eUyv Bom after ka waa ar raatedr -. y Mr. and Mm. h. C. Beldtog armed) en Tueaday'a belated Cbllee.uta train. Mra. Ktbel Doanelly ef Lerelln waa oterated upon ky Dr. Truax today. Sl. waa brougkt to the Blaekbam ruijltal yeeterdey, LINEMAN LOSES LIFE IN STORM AliKX YOVNfj; IUMAUmif), MBB. IHMaM MVK MIMefl WBJrT Oar ' KK.NNKTT OUMFANIOX LKFT ' HIM TO HKHK ABBWTANOK RKDDINQ. Jan. 1 1. Alex Young, a lineman, prUked"nVaaew live miles west of KeaaeH Wet night,. i RaKua parties advth aedy tkk mornlni. ' i( Young kad on aaewekees; at kt earns exkaustedu A arm .semsanisn. Qeerge WkMeeen,' left klm te attair ,'.v ?, M' T v SCIENCE'S 6AIN SMITH GETS ON TOLD AT MEETING! TWO COMMITTEES Jack H. Berry, a weM known Fort' Klamath baalneea i Tuesday te attend te basl.ias matters IHtKTlmvUX OF sWVOLCTKMARYt KLAMATH TK.lKSiaaW IX HC1KXCE FVBi FLACK ON WAYB A3 MMMbW MKVKftAL IVTIaWaaanxelj 0aletTTItK. XVT LHCHtMaTtOX OMSMtfATBtf I Mr. aad Mrs. Dick Hetehkteea left, lllgkly latereaUag te all present Tuesday for San Francesco, they will apend the winter. ki wkere VM ut nlgkt's meet I eg of tke KUm- Special to Tke Herald SALEM, Jan. 15. W. O. Smith, DARROW TRIAL STARTS FRIDAY HAM WKA1 "u .. t i J li. f . l.' " ifi .vv r 'I Mm OOABT MBrll aaaMBmj SB vBadxF enBMJanamj maamma H WHI VtV( 3rMsT mVj Mr avaSM U 3 efe BawawXdJaja a eHaa awawl HaV Hon wHk tke ewtatda wertd br ant grapk today fer abent aa Bsm Am awwraFVm wwe"? VVjWBJBnBf'VB VVjPaWv 9jn armaw UaSd gg. AgkjguaJu e"?igFmgl BBJ fF'sPgHVT"as Tbas memhuK asmlBBlfS bWtaMMHX awmmwfjwmj, BBfJ BmW TB I ad to satttos a fer abeex a. ner. cetved nnd asstt. ' ' It la reported tke,Ue started kere tkm aH , IVBjsBgBBaAV dBaanmTeffgfnBW WattfS atga mWTMamm . taffsffgal ..-1 smmmmBaml VJammmmmV adaasaceMi tosjsjmBH aVSwHn's newem Jnp. sliaasd U rar IeBVwertams ewdFaTWa snaBjaBJ BjBJPBl j fuNy received nefis. Leeal steckmesi aave ablp kersee te tke CaJatanM. tkbi month, bat Ike rssrs ef farmlac coadltleae kad abs.t them to look-ever etoer markais. Tfca ' IHsFVTY KMtUtlKKH START SaV.,J- nwaH. aad Dr. Fred WeeserfeM. I COMTRMK THK FINaTT VKMRK.aad hygiene ckanges nnd ndvaaess ef IN THK KAMUUM CAH LOB ANGKLKS, Jan. II. Deputy skerlBa today started sen tag 115 talesmen who will comprise tke Brit venire fer the second trial ef Clareaee Darrow, which opens Monday. Judge Cealey ot Madera will preside. Darrow u charged wKk brlMag Jurors In the McKamara eaae. HTKABY MiCLINK IN MJKYAJ, PRO. DL'CTHlN HAH RKKN CBsBfmat, H.KKK COUNTY LUM ALLi The nest meeting ef Ue club will be held at Ike Stewart reetdence, and the topic aseigaed la "Revetutlonary Tendencies to Art." Mrs. Barneet Ktfdy will be leader on tkat occaalea. Frank M. Upp leaves teaserrew fer dentistry 'Long Beaek to spend two weeks wHk kls wife and daagkters. Hie faaatky W return te KUmatk FaMa wMk klam. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Edmonds le.t Tuesday fer Atoonuu Mr. Bdmeada Is superlateadeat ot tke Algesia Lam ber company's plant. Robert A. Jebnaea, msasger ( tke Klamath Development company, left for Ban Fraaeteeo Tuesday. He wW be away several days. OREGON MINES C0MIN6 AHEAD CHARLIE CAPTAIN MOST FACE JORY OTHKMH IX THK BTATK Ualted Preaa Service WABHINQTON, D. 0., Jaa. II. Tke steady decline to metal Bredae- tlen ta Oregon, observed drtoB re sent years, has been cksskad, any. Ckaa 0. Yale ot tke United Itotaa Bee legteal survey, reporting fer tka year 11I,' While the mine wMBwt hi llt waa KS7.000 wertk e pjeM aad 41,111 ouaeeaof sliver, tkearer llmlnary returns fer till ekew HIT,- to BM and K.lll oaneaa af aU ver taken from tka earth. Tke ee- ler reeelved at tke aaseltera wajg lit,. I pewsaa, aa eempared wRk a,lM peaada the prevtoa year, aii nw! SCsaiMCi SsMi SaSwaaiSaByii saiwyS ' i- sc Baker eeaaty leads tkd etaM to tke praduetlea ef betk bM a4 attear, i IXDIAN AKRHMTKtt MY BdsFUTY V. M. MARSHAL Mi ROVNR OYMR TO FKDMRAL AVBBMMaBrBBB ON A UMTLRMMNI CBMRRK Otiajlle Captain. Ue Klamatk In dian arreated ky Deputy UaRed States Maraksl W. B, OrlRtk, waa gtvsa a irtllmtBary kearlag before United Mtates CoamUaloaer Ckarlea J. Fer- gtatm, and aeuad ever t tka. federal rand Jury. He m canned wKk t'reiuclng latesleaeta en tke Kleatetk reservatle. Captain kaa been watehed tar time, nnd waea n. waa arreated tA ana Agesiey. ky OrtRtk Maadmy altsmaaa nNBaak ef wkmkef waa taamd s Ma psreen. Tklg la todlreet walaMa at ike taw, aa wklakey. ta m titbta tka raearvaaleai kMaaMswasa. y ..aa ama wmre7 swajwe wmrwsrmsji mBrmaamrnsaawvamam ath Uterary Club, held at tke reeMJehll rH,recnUtlre ot Klamatk FaHs. deuce of Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Stewart, lB b.aB jSy,b pUt, tke ways whea matters pertaining to acleace ,Bj WMM committee, as well as oalfavoraWe weather reperta faaot lata were dlacuaaed. Ih. commju. IrrbjaUea. South will proaaMy reeM to .mm awfta. "Itevolutloaary Tendencies In Sct- More legtslatlea originates to taese ence" was tke topic saslgned tor the two committees than to any etbera. evening, and It aforded. opportunity aad a place especially on tke ways .for splendid talks aad comments. The 'aad means committee Ie far mere tov 'tendencies la Musk were told of tojpertaat tkaa tke ekalrmsnablp ot n 'an Interesting meaner by Mrs. Dea uommHtee of lees tsapertemee. I meats being nsadena ' D. M. MeLemers. gatkered ap 117 nstttaa to tkat bad aim oat deetded to eate 1 aertkern ssarketa, wBam 1st aaVarvttffBSBSftf BBS" aWPwBB Wsp saaSBBWTdBjME morataa. Jaet aa' aea am amnj ajw - avattaMe aentk. Frsd he wW start . ereamerjr hhsM' from-rrttaad, wbats)' mt R. C. Spink leaves to tke mora tog Ibeesv, attoajBtaaT;, for Pertlaad te spend n cempto efter tke peat twe weeks. WkHe tkere ke will parekaaa that tnere waa. addltleaal stare. steek fer kla Jewelry O. H. Hunter leaves today fer Franclec te attead te ters. Mr. Hunter purekassd tke to tereet of T. W. Btepkemi to tke Stepk- ens-Hanter ReaMf whesika left toe kemmmw BkattaW aw'saaaaa) nam aw emmm " v Be.CRF. - KZJA - - " 't ., ? , 'T" Mae. Tm Jstamnam St JgfM Mr. and KWsaato lain Ipamj Bm .kee.wsTSJ VirtkratoRemvnBAJBI a Hvery atoMa .to Valley Berger Takes up TTie 4 - Tlaints of Settktt M i ? Selling of Timber to Large COaPpa niea by the Forest Senrke is Iks Gansc of rrotaata to CdBaaBl VA8HINQTOK, D, C, Jaa. HA Congressman Victor Berger kaa re- ct-atly been .verwaalned. wltk plalnta from homestead settle Waaktogtaa. Otsbm, idaa and awwe'naf wBpwaBi .aVBB ewJrwBBBBBi VM iBpVfey service In aetttes terf. traeta ad faa ernment timber te tke Mb toatker ln teresta kaa 'ratoed.ta.as. Tkar'ow tkat tke lea, ef reserve toad, to the bts naataaat prtata far betav Ia)saw4ila1l " eFBmjmjBmmamj BBdRWBB) aVHwBBaTBJBBmjr BJBBajsgaBjaBaB for smalt eatitaga, kaa last ttto gaaV Itlera a. aamta. kat to aaB saagaV f -jt B PBaaB1aWaBBBw"s WJBa"BjB aVflPt tke ebtof nmjimto af tftd i t wad weet,- tka Ilea a tba tavaaRv i 4 'M 'L J. J 1 1 . r. "aw easmajp s SBdsBBjstl 4esftlair. aBB pamf'j Max r 't ' ! A'-.&t y; X tr Av M a&jL.u