mmUJJA'' . MMII I I 1 1 ' I I I r IT Ml 1 1 I I Mfl I VlVfVVfJiinn A-vaaTsv) ' WWW I i VWW - I BallMHMMHHBIIiilWIIVSI ' ' VBVff ' T T ' ' T Ill Tf I III Iff 1 1 IfTTIIiIB 1 IHlllftlPilllHil Mil IIHIHIH llii I i H wKm ill iM IB H I AB HH H V ; 1 1 1 I ' B HI 1 1 1 Pi Wffl iMfiSUIBI .M. HilH Mill IW U vaBHaBaWsaaur' mbAhbIbBhH 1 1 1 1 IBH I ABBBu aWaSHl aBaBaa BBBBBBBh aWaSH VBBbI I BBb BSaSaaaaH aBaSlaS! 1 1 H 1 1 SBWBwBiBBr AwbwbwbwbVbmM 1 1 I laVsgiafl I IwbwbWM HbVU bwbYi bWbWbWbWbwbmK bmbb bmbhi VbWb bmbmh bmbmH ill II I llii In I 'I WI I I nl III Hill IjZmL mjjjjjjjjm ul. 1ml l lilliiBl .JflH hH 1 1 bH HMMM II H H I II i1 m If I I I 1 ' 11 HfflHH 1 HMII yHHlH II mWAffffl aHi H BwffM vKuMWImu bTimV) BTOnBrM ' wWilm BuHbT TM I lliBi BUMI IBbM SB BTiIIIiBb Bnlllll BBml 11J0 Ba iRiI,','AjV i FB Bl ilHi II am WW! InBl RB H Bbbti Bm l h sytw' ES mlln Jav I Bffflf IB 1 Wm fflffll ffl IB W.ffi MillWUaHaa -yfX v'-VrasSr.U VdLL t- -- c -.u-u'c, s&ciMIBI Willi ( few cxoeptluiiH wliloli uii1v only to oontruot fgooclw. Htore eloei O p. m; exotpt t4fat t II Die tegular price f Mu' l.ravy Wixtl riJrrr, l'ri"lttcll tor; ! price, IT garmtnt, 75c H.Ira Urge TurkUb wuli, brary n4M, IrtilN blrarli'd HI hruaft. each, 19C One lot Crib IliankcU. wlill. with blue and pink borders, medium orlsht, :eh 19c lnirtt l'l-xi Zephyr, four nod eight fott aWo irtl(iwii Wool, (wr krln, 10c ! lllvsehtd I'lllom Caira, iplen dll quality, worth 15c, I'M-lmcntory price, each, IOC PI I Urn it cent discount will be deducted from the regular price all llrartm litanketa, Onoxjuartrr on" tbo rrcuUr price all Mrn'a and Hoa' Kulti and 0r .roata. llratx rorilcd Idtrdowo, auortcd colora and pattern, eitcllrnl value, At rrcular price, now 39c IlojV Uraf Cotton rirecrd Cnder wur, rctnUr price per Rarment SOc. ale price. 29c Onldtn Hrece Stoioar Yarn, recti tar Sc valur. i're-lnrcntorr price, kola, 5c I One hundred Mrn'a fiblrti, the reg ular I1.2S Oolf and NegllKee tyl. Tr-lnTentory aale price, 79c Jlcn'i ISc Soi, black and tan, all Iier Pre-lnTcntorr price, per pair. 5c One-third off the regular price -err Woman' Suit, Coat, Bklrt or DrtM. Fifteen per cent dUcounl from the regular price on the entire atock of Ueddlng. THIM J.M).tltV Cl.llllM'i: '.t.M l'H-I.NVi:TKV mai.i: ham ivi't:Hiri:iintu tni: mii.i: iTitiiwi. or itutt'ttxi thi: i'himkyt iiuj: kiin'K t thi: mw. IMT MtMlltuMIMMI l lli:HHi: I.WOM-t.NO. I.VVOM'i: M'HT MIS TAMKM I'MNMI lo J.Mt'.MV HwTH. K.TtHIIAV,JAXf.ltV IITII. WILL IHMITIVKLY BK THK LAST I.V OF Tills SU.F- IKXT I'.tMrt IT BY VS- OTICFI. THK IMJAD TO SCCCMH IH t THK MAVI.Vfi K(tTF VOL' CA.V RIVI. MO.VKV OX KVKKV I'tnCHAMK YOU M.KK HFKK DUHINO TIIIH HALF. . r, V & S, " I' r :d 1 i 1 4 .4 I 4 i 1 'I d l m las sified olumn run iii'.nt -' I r furnlthrd iihihh at lb Or (oute, Hlilti and Klattalb IK.ST rurnlihed" iodgtag t; 13 rooma; good location. Herald office. 11-llf kKNT TworiMim linute, paillr iirnUbed, R ler woolli, In llgbta and water. Imitilre iHmlll. Printing Co. Ittf 'LOCAL MAN SEES MEXICANS FIGHT .ti.iiKHT ui:iu.i:it of thi: itixut matio.v hi:iivil'i: mmiitXH FHUN A VIHIT TO IIIH I'AHFXTS IX TF.XAK MIHCM.ItAXFODH fKl Four or five room Itouie, llibed or unfiirnUlnMj cloae In. a A. T., Herald cilflco. IHAI.K loan alfalfa, wbcnl or hay. Iiv J. W. Jorr. Leavo or Iwltli Frank klatt, aecond-haad KUth alreet. IMw ; Albert Ovhler, purcliatlug agent I for the rrclauiatlou aervlce, returned Thurdar nflrriiooii from a tUlt with .lila parent In Teiaa, Ha haa beeu fni ay for ocr a mouth, While In tho Houlb, Mr. Ool.lor took ocraalon lo gu.nwr the border Into Xlrtlio, and view at dote raago anmo of the ablrmlihe between tho federal and rebel forrve. Thrilling In the plrcnio nrn aonie of tho alorle of hee rontllcta, aa related by the well known youag clubman and ra c.uiicur. I.Y furnlilicd, heated rooma h or without board; bath. 140 lut. SQlmo HAI.K BJC aharea Automatic II Htock company, JOc. Addreil larald olllre. iMll WOOD lry Mlah Wood lnrli, ,J.O Irjr Fir MUb, leVlach. . . IH.IhcIi IkMty WoimI A.rM IH-IhcIi Limb WwhI f.M lloi Factory lllwb, load.MBO O. I'lIYTUX, f (Mlw, 1 IM lte. 1imm IMNIt IIF.UTIIUIII: t CO. NKI.LIMI OUT , l.'ntlro atock of trimmed and untrlm mod hata, ribbon, Dower, fvathera, fnnryuttrlch effocl. Kvorylhlng gov at Juit half prlru, 33 GENERAL NOI ICES MOTICK There nro fund In the city treaa ury for the rvdumptlou of general fund warant prolcatcd on and prior I lo Auguvt R, 1910. Intercut ceaiea from date hereof. Dated nt Klamath Fall, Oregon, thla 0th day of December, 11)13, J. W. HIKMUNS, City Treaauref. The Boy Went to Sea in a Cocoanut Tree BBB WM " BLSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaBaV BBJBVBVBVBVBJBBB eBWHHFC wBHHHJHjHHHHHHHHFfHHpBHa aKaaggW aBUBHaSr iHalvw bH aBaBaU;aBaBaV?'V"t 'tKIbW mL 'BBflaHaflHalPt. aHar -? JaCaVwaw I LaaBBaBBvHV i' ' Vi -1. M MBeKBTBBBBLaBBBkv la.' l ,r k AaVmi l & ,' 'aaa Xatam aft.PBBBBBgBwr ' -Wir-.'.j'HF' fW fC Bl 9HaNK2agca9aBgaaHaV ikH Ttierr are two klad of huarancr. ClillarfF HTlIre the right klad. Call at Q'l Main Mrrrt, or phuae M. Block Wood 1 The economical fual for win ter UM. Iavo ordera at 605 MaIb Street, l'hona 117, W. C. BATES Notice orflre of tho Troiuuror ot Klamath County, December 37, 1013. Notice U hereby given that thoro nro fund In tho county troaaury for thu redumption of nil general fund warrant protettod prior to April 1, 1010. Intcreit will reaao from thin ilnto. December 37, 1013. OI.AUDN DAaUliTT, County Trenaurer. I837isth 1-i-li-tlr Whllo the old, ruty, aalt-eucrutt t'.l tramp, tho Kmton Unit, vwi roll lug, pltrhltiK niul plowliiK along thriigh tho roller of tho Carrlbeau Hon, Chief Olllrer Donnelly algbted a mounter cocoanut treo, In the branch e of which u liunmn bolug wm cling lug. Tho tight lmprcHed Donnelly a helug aoiuowhut uuiuunl, u. tho hlp wn (hen neur tho Windward tuiMttgo mid nt loiitt 100 mile from iJamnlcn. 80 tho alenmor wa hovu to, nud Donnelly put out In a w hale bout to Invoatlguto. When ho return ud to hi nhti ho brought with him two pim-eiiHor. Wllllo (leo of Jama leu und Wllllo' dog of tho aamo place. Doing equipped with tho vigorous ImuKluutlon of hi race, Willie en liirtalnod liU teacuer with many nud aatorted explaiutlu'n nud decrl (ion or lit vttaiige o)ao lu the treo and then requeted food. Willie, who 1 only 10 year old, wu blowu away from ahore lu n hurrlcaue, nud throtiKh uuuy long hour he clung to lila dog, contldent that thlnaa would turn out all right. Since he joined tho Foxton Half Utile company Wll Ho haa devoted, most of ate lima to the commlMnry,' aud wlion ha return to Jamaica hi folks will hardly rec ognlie Ik tho stout, radiant little fel low tho llkeneu of the hunry nicka. ninny who went to sea la a cocoaaut treo. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Noel and family havo returned from San Francisco, whore they spent the holidays, Joo Damn was In from his ranch near Ktukel bridge Thursday, Funeral Huadef LITTLl. HOOK. Ark., Jan. 3, The funeral of Senator Jeff Davis, who died of apoplexy this morning, will be held Sunday afternoon. CLKAIIAXCK KALK OF MII.LIXFUY mntntcDK co. Selling out entire atock of Fall and Winter millinery. No rceerve: every thing em- at half price. Sale com inrncra Saturday, January th, and' will continue until entire atock la sold. :: Is your Watch a ? Guessing: O Machine Then discard It. aud at the same time rid yourself of tho mental uncertainty and hesitation caur ed by continually allowing a watch-may-not-be-rlght margin. Purchase one of our Elgin Watches aaBaa 4aBBSBBw SBaglfc bVBbbbV It's 11 watch ou can believe every tlmo and all the time. hi e fi'a extra value lu the Meu'a watches wo off or atS2S Other Klglns $100 tO $10 Fruit M. Up? Watchmaker, Jeweler awl ' Baupraver S, P. Watc Isvfcter There are Other Kinds But there is only one BEST Be sure you get Ehrmann's Pure California Oil Absolutely Giaranteed WARD & OBENCHAIN HP a BF- Bb AVrEWOFTHE PRIMI1IVC ANO MODtRN wuys of bathing should laaae jau sense ot the tltaess ot thtags aatl 4t llght you vith the coavealsase el modern methods. Ilathlag today la a Pleasure and comfort If your faillltle have been Installed by us, for laea your equipment will be modern aaH delightful, while modest In cost. Lt us tlguro with you on your plumbm or heating work. GREELEY 't : n -ikl . -v . 1 HON J. .IMWAI.T. I'reaideut. K. M. IIVIIII, Vlcl'rM. aasl.Trraa HKIIT K. WITH I tOW. Kerrrrary, W ,,'iiCj . Klamath County Abstract Co : ABSTRACTING n i Surveyor aad Irrigatloa aCmJIwatri '1 "- v .:;m . i ir ,j tw si. , "A .?r MAI'S, I'ltANH, III.UKI'HINTS, KT(.'. iKliaHtJl ' .i.4M1a.i fc. 4uifi?. .' j. . 1 "'(l!! ., TOfflnarim Tt'tii.s'zniun-!.l ziMitsjW'-