ft s !t Amusemo nts The Temple Theatre "Mre at Ha,M rthe Drama In 3 reels "lYum llic Sumbefgrd," Kssanay Drama "Th lYofcuwr and the l.ady," Vltagraph Comedy MATIXEK DAILY AT 2:30 ALL LICENSED PICTl'IIKS THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH Editor Published dally except Sunday by Ut Herald Publishing Coanpaay or Klamath Fall, at 111 Fourth 8t. Future Society Leadersi Who Dislike Photographers' Entered at the postotEce at Klamath Fall. Oregon, tor transmission" through the malls aw second-cl) matter i Subscription terms h) rnatl to an) ad dri In the United State' 1 !Oce year 15 00! (One month .10. I Kl.t.lr' K.tl.lJ niKt;t). riUDAV, JAN. 3, lOIJl The Best RESOLUTION For the New Year l that yon -will from now on buy Roods made it home In preference to those made elsewhere. 130 Main RU Maker of lare Gaady i 1 January Weather Condition Max. Mln. Weather 3.1 15 CWar 36 30 Clear FISHING TACKLE W have everything you aee for that Basing trip. Hook, line, rods, reels, basweta, etc We r.tt teats, (tias aod eamplug THE GUN STORE i. H. CRAMMCRA Jerohe HU (. n. rfcoawMaV WINTER SPORT ; OPENS TONIGHT iXrt - - i' fcsaassv jFMkt&L r3a. Wa ..-$11 f WSJmTABA L- ' - v" - -i a !; PHOrTJsSIO.VU' CAI" j il. O. A. IUMIIO. j All Work Oututd i Odl rll HulMlM' IKhmu 111. I'h"" ' MJtlll.li.M. M0 O.lrorthlo '"J "' Hulls 1$ 8H4 J3. Willi H'iU t'tnmr 11 , fr A.MIIOIVM Wl-IMW! j I Aixttail lMmtt' i MItI.I.UNMtt Watch The Big Window At Hie IMMlit llidwi Co fur Iwugslxs JAN. ., ,i DAY.s ONLY a)' Superior White liiuintt Ware VAI.UI!SlrKOM $1 Ul l'07f,c A Superior While IJimmel Cup fclvcn with vuch purchiMe Baldwin Hardware Co. .Main .lrccl. bciwcvu 4 timl 5 J Mlas Mabel Morgan Saltcrlee and been photographed so many lime ,IK SlUa Klltaheth Morgan Salterlre. the 'that day that they worn tired of po. I'lAVKD UV HKJH SCHOOL STU-ierauddaughter or J. Plerpont Mor- Inc. and told the kuUbt of the lu Kan, were approached by the camera1 how they felt about the matter In no man as they erv leaving tho Chll-iiinrerlaln terms, and with a allh of dren'a theater In New York recently, 'expressive grlniarc. The camera man with tho request that they pose for alsaw bis duty--nud brought back tho moment. The two young ladle badp!cturra shown abotc. , IIASKKTUALL GAMES WILL DENTS AND ALL'MM PAltADK WILL lit: HELD Wood Wood Slat ft. M J2.5IC4 WKkW4Fy&54Lrd IrySUkWNi & 1MU a 4f j jjM LiflbuJItfy i 4ft, Mil 12ii Leave ordera at O.K. Transfer Co. PlMiit 871 Cor. 6 aod Mala P. C. Carlson Resolved that I will begia the New Year by getting high quality m Groceries . , .lor 1913 at Van Riper Bros. Phone 85J z i With a parade and two basketball games, tne popular winter sport will be ushered In at the Pavilion. Tho I games will be between the high school and tho alumni, boys' and girls' teams from both organizations playing. The oeenlna: cmaa will hs hst I the high schoolgirls wid the alumat girls, and this promises to be full of excitement. These teams will line up something II ko this: High school Dorothy Shlre and Inex Elliott, ferwards: Beryl Harden brook, center: Lottie Sly and Marga ret Nltachelm, guards. Alumni Marjorlo McCluro and Deulah Koler. forward; Edna Ell). ott, center: Sybil Elliott and Martha Tabor, guards. The game between the boys teams will be of especial Interest to the high school students, as It will give them an Idea of who wilt be chosen for the regular five. Nearly all the boys try. Ing for places will be given an oppor tunity to play, but the game will be started with the following line up: Carter and Hum. forwards; Stan ley or McClure, center; Nail and Boi ler, guards. The Alumni forces will be scattered In this way: Mouchenhacher and Van Illper, forwards; Telford, center; Virgil De Up, Fouch and Siemens, guards. Both team hate been practicing bard for this game, and two halves brimful of action Is promised, Wm. 11. Shaw and Frank Wilson will act a referee and umpire. E. O. Argraves, proprietor of the Cottage studio, announced thU after noon that he will make a picture of the victorious girls' team, and present each member -with a photograph WBWSHSS--s-3t PLAN ROAD INTO LAKE COUNTY 111 I J. ItOAD MAY UK KXTKMtKD FltOM IIKMI TO LAKKVIKW, WIIKIti: t O.VVCKNOX WILL UK MADE WITH WKKTKKX IMCIFIC May be Vice-Gov-ernor Canal Zone The latct report to reach this city regarding railroad extension In Cen tral Oregon la that the Hll road will be built south from Ilend to Lakevlew where connection will be mado with the Nevada, California and Oregon road, which connects with tho Witt era Pacific at Doyle, Nevada. A telegram from San Francisco Is as follew: To effect a combination of Inter ests by which the Hill line may enter San Francisco and the Western Ta ctile railroad tap I'ortland, Is tho rea son assigned today for the presence) here of Joseph II. Young, president i of the Hill line In Oregon, aud the Spokane. Portland and Seattle rail road. The plan la aald to Involve the Joint acquisition of tho Nevada, Cal ifornia and Oregon road, which con. necu with the 'Western Pacific at Doyle, Nevada, connecting It with the Oregon Trunk now operating to Ilend, In Central Oregon. THE NEW YEAR It I a good time of the year to mc-Iluir, to think m little aboat Uie akt and more than a Uitle about the future. The pant cannot be uadoae. but the future Is ours to mould a a mo Mill. The year 10111 trill be largely what we snake It. II we are dUnatUflcd, k may be that the fault Ilea with ourselves, aad It might be well to tuns a page and plaa snmc thing different for Ute new year. Come in and get the real of th tory. CHILC0TI 622 Mala KL PI,,M lour Chiid'. Health lour Firtt Thought if ant ffieJKMMSr e- tSJS&fiSSfS aafantiii.. . V. .- " ful LIVERY Ri with or with out drivers BefttlSatttfe Norses 0aa tiay Mtf night E0: UVGNLIN s MI -an- V. -TZ. ? "-.T- area sWuT-J" ! . eaU- St 5SW -&Sh.ro5i2? Ulaaati ta k ceaattt Jayaa-i WMially a chll. J. C. Cleghorn and wife, who ar spendlug their honeymoon In the groom's former homo, Onowa, Iowa, will return to Klamath Falls some tlmo next week, according to Infor matlon received by the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. With row. Mr. Cleghorn I assistant an glneer at the local headquarter of the reclamation service. -BBww-sa-sjsaBSwawawjBBjsjwjwafaw-sjwjafaBaw (Copyright by Harris k Ewlng.) Major W. V. Judson, engineer com missioner of the District of Columbia. Is said to bo In line for the appoint ment as lire governor of the canal zone In the -wil that be Is desig nate! for thu poil he will be Colon?! (loeth-Ts assistant. IIAMnlll'-i liM'lll.'"' If von ut wr ttun wJ and motcJ quiet, ! Ilamt KxprrM to do It Cora itH and Main tfrU. Ittune alH .KMI'MYMi:.NT Call up COMHTOCK. 4, If you want any kind of HELP H-gtstsr at th. COMHrOCK If you aat smplotmsat. MADAM AND I'ltOF. TIMMH Mtwsrt aad (tilrtxllst Cum corn, tunica and la growing toeaalt. Mm. Ttmma stops hair from falllig out la five tratmoU. and a prma sent cur for dandruff, (live us a call. So. aiT Klamath At. Vaw will ustr. ntcf I'. ThM W ld at?)! )f v If tHt villi wy ktndl; Uk my aJt IV r jt tea Ifctla slot U Ulna JUit lb thing lf bla U4' Jll. And t't to tot a rj dsra to pl. 4 r 4. & Wo hstidU what ! ken V kef In Ut eild, cold An Oil Almi) that U thp sad f add Kad, , If nam U th ' Pctl.-'lloa." ' And It d am td tvtrlla. IVr If It did h eulJa'l hat It inuad It. K.IL.MJ J ,"5 WILLIAM G. HURN HARD WAKE l DACHTKLIIEHO, I X-fit Klamath Atrtioe Hlghrst prK'e paid for Hide. Wool. Pells, Itubbtr, Mtlat and Scrap Iron, I'honaSIIJ Viceroy of India is Recovering From Murderous Attack 'thES,B-ti'b vftf&Bg'i oalc ireLfet?.5? snnas AoSs ilaDVoVr,,iiJ?f5f J. w Jtrth to tkTo-tSrSgS,1 : n7i !STrffltky atreag. SPte.w-l coauwa u allaMBtt a autatloii. t lt " "jaw- BrdwedTtbiaarh'XK." " ala. ! .. xTlaSw 2J?!S: usie u due to filial tract To For Mora th. . !LSva,te?r., BR;1SAt ot- Jap?! T3c ViSSSX'S tw"wf For Mora trT?iiK,'Mia, a?l I A YySSBBW WAS STAUFFER CLARK'S PARTNER IMI'OltTA.ST gilKHTIO.V IH I.N. VOLVED I.N LAW HINT IIKFOKK JUIM1K M1! IIIUKFH AHE NOW IIEI.NO 1'itEPAHM) Do you know you can get a 110 hat for IS during the sain at :: OEHTitUDi: co.: SAFE REMEDIES ENDS CH TROUBLES OIVEH I.NKTANT ItELIEF, Cl'llIM AND PIIEVE.NTri t'ATAItltll AMI COLD IV T1IK HEAD The quietest, best and safest way to cure cartarrh or a co',d In the head Is by using a remedy that will "touch thn'spot" and do Its work quickly I without leaving any bad effects. Etv's1 CraM Halm, which is applied to th .uostrlla or rubbed on the throat or (client, guts right at the root of the uuuuio auu lusianuy relieve evcU tne worst case of catarrh or cold. A few minutes after applied you can feel a loosening up In the head, the pain and sorctirsa are gone, the sense of laiU smell and hearing come hack, and yon feel like a different person, Ely's Cream Halm cleanse, heals and strengthen tho Inflamed mem hrnnes, take away that stuffed up fiellng and dull pain In the head, re lluve thu throat soreness and stoti1 tho nasty discharge which Is the cautof of the disgusting hawking, spitting, mowing or tliu nose and foul breath. ' Hoy fover victim who are mado mis-. wibln by flu or anMltnV coughing IE YOU ARE IN NEED of Mua Ip ran yvwr Wtita do not t.tut la to lk Fttst TtwM and lUilag l' and k thorn lor a loa, Y tot ly gad ld In it you, twl to will tUI t ;uu anfthiag ;o wuk to & ritli to wnf aad ftK dt Uaklag k(la4. I)tiu at rrspwtftttty eelUlled. First Trust and Savings Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon I LaBBBBBSBSl I ' I m ill ln99H& Kl.tMATH FAU ML'miO HOtRK K..U IUfwlaii M. Mtaa (lay Cu.aB PUmm, W Mrinwuy aai hre levdiei ! aa tHIr nk at aaW. ati. f(t. Taahag aa4 Msaaslrs. Ageary fur mIm- aa4 WMt rin Marhlara, Other Ty MrMrr. Vht aa4 KtHsssa Mw urtt. ajxl MmIiIsm. Muna. K4a tUmrty aiwl Fktarea. It, MAIMILN, lnUim TIHMalNM. J.l now, (T,n .mHMv U..U, nr, a-mlaule rUmttts, IU. Arguments to show that a partner ship had existed between (leorge 0. Clark, who constructed the Lost Hir er diversion dam for the government, and ur j, K. Htanffer of Hvorett, mid whtetlng get Instnnt and .nim- Wash., whn fnrnlul,,..i ri..i n.U. ..n.. .... . ... I - " " ""v hi iii icgivi uj llit'USIi.of till sltllli U commence work on the dam, woro 'remedy, submitted In the circuit court till; Don't sui.er another minute. Ely's morning prior to tho selecting of a Cream llalin will relieve you linrno- mora ' - i. All UrngKlsU soil Adv.' ' " '"'" "' "" seiecung or a cream iialtn will relieve you Im Jury to try the action of a; O. UwU'dlateiy, nnd a (0 rnt ,tu0 wm u nnglnst Clark und Htauffer to recover ithan likely work it complete cure OUR BUSINESS IS BANKING WE take care of our customer WE can supply your every banking naad WE wish to serve you THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 1100,000 Lord Uardlnge, viceroy of India, who narrowly escaped fatal Injury at the hands of a would-be assassin, at Delhi, rudia. The bomb, which was thrown from a housetop as tho vice roy with Lad). Hardlngo was riding past In the howdah on tho back of an elephant, wa loaded wfth scrap Iron, nuts, nail and bolt. Several of tho nail were driven Into tho viceroy's back by the force of tho explosion. but have been extracted, and It I ex pected that he will ho able to renumo his duties In a short time. Lady Uar dlnge, who suffered severely from the shock, is the constant attendant of her husband. money. Attorney W. H. Show for the Plain. jtlff read u iloposlilon from Htauffer iu uuiunnunio mo claim that n part nership uxlsts, and document to the contrary were submitted by Harold C, Merry man, Clark' uttornoy.' Iloforo tho forenoon cession closed Judgo McOInn Instructed Urn nttornovs to submit hrlof supporting their con tention, and these aro being ore- pared. LowIh I proprietor of tho Monarch Orocory of thin city. Ho claims that Clark and Staurfcr m hi partner aro Indebted to him for groceries fur. nlshod tho boarding hoiiso at the dl- version darn during the couro of construction. Cut flowers at No, 2 Wet Mnln st YOUR WINTER'S WOOD DrySlabWood,$3.00c. Block Wood, 3,50 load All kinds of hody wood Term HHIitly Cim.Ii, Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Wood Yard R. M. BOLLEK, MgY. I.tavo order at Hanmker flrocei-y, Phono I mil un Htore, Phone flUil MmTm' ffc t utmc- DON'T COUGH .Send lu Underwaoil's .il. Kt n liottlc of NVAL'S White Pine and Tar UNDERWOOD'S corner Main and Seventh wnaiarj)