. . ' is i- , 5? - - 1 r r - ' ft .. 'v. ' . HVI'I'MKM Ms TUN ll'KM I'HIWH NKWH MKHVICM Kje ftonittg ji efaiiV " ii" S ft : :.u',iiiL.ti4 '? KVMUNI PRINT TMK NIW,,,Vwt'; v , V, - fc 8 truth Vrar No. I AM I KLAMATH l',U,I.H, OHWION, FHIIIAV. JANUARY , 1011 Price. Fr? (' abor Leaders "Railroaded" to Pen; Release Ordered , alif ornia Takes a Wallop at Electric Power Trust Bonds $10,000 Per Year of the Sentence etition to Elevate Rates Brings a Cut 01 COMPANY IAY BE AFFECTED BY A DECISION tTIIIIUV t'Al.lllllt.MA n.Hl!M :n ark iu:s:pitt:i iH-tutN IUI of Urtrn IV-ile per (lluw l I Onlrrnl. ami III Pllc-i itr Dhmmm-! in Ttiri Vmi. (MrrHit cm win :! ti.o : Jif Mie u( tll(umU Wall" Vol iNlmtrMtnl tiled I'fee H-IVlfe tMAN HIANCIrtCO, Jan. 3. Tim llfurnt Mate railroad comwW.lun lay d-ultd lti appllratlon of the biitictn California Power company rutin rale, and ordend a arplng llulead, IThU ll r-ull In r ulu rod rale lOUKtlUUl Ill9 tate. rim ruiainlulun madn a null mum (a ur I tenia Hi Iiuue, loiuta, nn, Hbait tiil Tehama cauntlm, Id ranging down to 3 rente (or over Sou kilowatt. Other loducilona o Wrn otdetrd In Northern Cal- irnla. DRAINAGE BEING NOW STUDIED TURKEY 6IVEN 24 i HOURS TO CEDE IMPORTANT CITY i K.NVmri UP TIIK AI.MKH Wtl.li uAhTi: mi meiu: Tim: HAII-ttV gVITM HF.NATK Tcsae Men Letter to Gov rtwur TueUy Unlled Pre. Service WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 3. Senator Halley this aftaraoon resigned m United State. Ben lor froM Tu la tetter In which B. staled that bf desired that hU ruslgnatton take effect t one. um-ix itio.v Mtmie: hksmimi TIXT HOl.l IN MlfrTKIlK.ST fAirni oi thi: vai.miv am I'AltTUI'IIKI i'ia. in orlr i uri li (ur u In illiltK lilelliod of caring lur lb Iralnur of 'fllu of tb KUmtlb 'lirojri, a lorro of rrrUmoilou rv Uv riiiplojcM, untr AUlnt Kngln lr J l Yailcn, in drilling l"l bulr tlll llflrrrnl aru of lb vallef. Ttivr hafl bn at wurk (ur llic aj( lo rVa. I lljr ilrlllllic Hi" tllrtcr.nt holm Ibo rrlainallou uriko bromr bvllvr TUtUtril llh Ibo illOertlit urfar oalrr Uit, TbU "III arvallr bnUI In Ibo ork of providing (ufSrlcnt d rat in (o to carry aurplut walr (nun It.r land In I bo Klamath projrtl. Otrrruliv Ik-murrrr Judcr Henry Mriltun lodar orrr- rnlrd it dnnurrrr In thn ea at !! Inn llmUr again! W- II, Marrhu, Tim dofttim wa ghvn until lnmor row nlibt In filn an atiacr Ttio mil It brought In t Motor monojr atlrgrd du W. II, Hhaw U allurnry (ur Ibr liUlnllfta In Ibo artlon, Ailrlan(d Muil lie .AtMaxloanl lif ll.r Mullan'a four, or War Will I In M(Mi"l at OiMo--At lli i:tlra lln ol Tmrutf'Vfur llura IImi : uf ut llw lUlhaa hlalr Ha Trwjr j Mul llair Aaiawrr " . I ) POPE SENDS HIS BENEDICTION CONGRESSMAN IS DROWNED WHEN JUMPS OFF LINER 1 llllOOIilNCJ OVKK i:fiwt in UVCTJi INHANJTi' WIIIUm Wcdrtar-rr, Mrtalrrr vi Com KrrMloftal I'artjr oT tmprHom, m VlrtiM of Ilia Own Act Neva of , llw Tranlr la Hecrlrc-J bf Ihe War tartwrtaarait hi Wbrloa Trl , rgrrtaa Vrvm law llirr l COUNTY COURT 15 IN SESSION jhAM T. HLMMKIW Wll.l. I.K,tVK OVflVK. AM JOHN HAUKIo srrjs wiu. iik iNiifcxKU Illl.tX AKK AUXIWKII COURT GRANTS IRE TIME 10 PERFECT AfffM. i i V . t l'nlt4 t'rM Htt I.ONIK)N, Jan. 3.- It waa Mml-oSJ. rlallr learned that Ihn allied nTo; bale oled to gU Turkar twenty four houra within hlcblo redo Adrl anopte. At tb expiration of (bat Km bMlUltlra will U rtwumtd. Tba vnvoja ware In arailon until o'cloca till aicnlog. DKATH Ol KMI'KHim IM IIOCRI.V KXI1XTKI OtVICIAL tt)HK MIIIMDKNCK MHilWM THKRK IM xo Hope rrfm hvlvm Manager Walton of tba pawar rom Sny operating hr, an allied con ru of Ibo Northern California I'owrr SipaUXt waa not In hla offlra tbla crniMin, and It waa Impoaalbto to euro (rom hint a atateinent. Hut publlafi4 rate ludlrata that lamAth Kail ronaumara are paying really In ir of the amount which lllfornla patron will have to pay ii m now on. While Ibo publUbcd luoler ralo no inngr (rum to tenia per kilo- lat downward, the publltbed flat ratg Inge upward to 30 cent per kilo. Ml. Ibo victory (or the California pat- tin at tbn hand of Ibo lalo com- lUalon la eapolHl l rwull In action ulng lakcll hare. Mr, and Mr. IM Cnrdwell mturned rhuraday night (rum tbn Itngun Itlwr fallcy, whom ttiry npuiit Ihn holiday fhi'y led thl morning (or their Mer rill homo. fnitPd rre Kanrlc-i U)NIH)N, Jan. 3. It Turkey re tutr to abaudus drlanople, peace negotiation will probably be broken Ibl afternoon, and war will be re utntd ImmcdUt-ty,. . TbU wa the decUlon of the envoys of the alllea In a formal conference befgre rc-conrrnlng the ix'ace meet ing. It waa agreed that Adrlanople I the crux of the iltuatlon, and that It will be uialeM lo parley further If Ihn Turk refute to abandon the city Cnltaw I'rtwa Hervlce KOMK. Jan. 3. Anticipating Km peror Kraiui Joacfa Imraedlata death, the pope today aeut bla apoatollc ben e4ktlM Vlawna- Meaaage to tba V"alrm Uto that the emperor'a con-, dttlon I very grave, and that death la1 probably bat a matter of hour. g-6tl Joe HettlBgrr. the "poUto king of Klamath county, t In (rom Ilonanu aitrndlng to buitnra matter. Vr. K. V, Morrow left tbU morn ing for I'ortland to attend to butl ne matter. He will be away (or teveral day. lulled I'reaa Senrlco WASIIINdTO.V, V. C. Jan. 3,. -ItepreaenUllve William Wedemeyer of Michigan Jumped overboard from the liner I'anama laat night with sui cidal Intrnt. He was temporarily la ta ne. The new waa received at the war department In a wlreleaa mctaage. Congreaaman Wedemeyer wast to I'anama in Ilecember aa a member of the congrraalonal Inipectlon party Ha waa defeated (or reflection In IWrraber, and It I believed that brooding over tbU waa reapoaalble (or hla art. - - . , Tbe lat l aeaaloa or the county court wblle Commluloner Ham T. Summer ADfHTfONAL IHaltTV aUTt M i CONIHMu'RKa VAHI lit a member at that body, waa com-j 'rat need tbU morning. CommUtlontr, 'elect Hageutcln U In attendance at the meeting. Salary bllU and other currel bill will be allowed, and the record will be complete! tor the year. Aa aoon (a Mr. IlageUteln take) oScw the aa acaament (or tbe coming year will be levied by tbe court. II. A. Wlnnard came In (rom hU I-anurt Valley ranch today with a load of hog. The anlmata were of tba Poland China rfraln, and aver aged about ::S pound. All were leu than a yrr old. Mr. and Mr. C II. Itldley and wife of I'aiadena. Calif., are vlattlsjt thl city. Although they axe hero durla the wont weather of the year, they iri. murh ImurrufHl wllh the Klam- I .. . . . . . . -L am country, ana may ueciue 10 roaae their home here. U. S. SENATE HONORS DAVIS AI'JOItllNMKNT IK TAKKN IMMK lIATi:i.V .UTrtlt cxnv:nino J IN MWIOHV Ur' lltrtHC'KNIIKNT til nMi:iii:iiTi: chikf Tom Itlchnrdinn. n wull known ri llitiml of North I 'on Volley, U a Klam ath vlillor, United I'rctijtfervlca WAHIHNdTON. I). C. Jan. 3. Tbe enate adjournvd today Immedi ately after convening In memory or Urn lain Hetiator llavl. The rump. linn of tlm Arrhbald rate waa thu pruVriitiHl, Hoimlor Davl waa a plcturcaiiuu ftgurn In thn teimto. Ill inott recant .uplolt wa Iho Introduction of a res olution rvmuviug tho tariff dutle on Now' Kugland'a aacred codtWh. Hn mndo atieech on tho meaauro, kid illiiif Hniiator l.odo' hobble, tho Hoiithrrn negro, Iho trul and tho criminal rich, An Amended Writ is Filed in the Indian School Case Discrimination Against Children at Fort Klamath is Charged. Point that Parents are Taxpayers is Made an Issue. Answer January 10 BALLARD SUES ON BOGUS CHECK IKALOO.V MAN WHO CAHIIKD OK I OKU KAISKO frltOM t TO gtaWtt ' KKKKH TO HKCOVKR FROM VOLMS AIXr. ' An echo of the trial and conviction 'or Itobvrt 1.. Allen, a local youth, on !a charge of forgery U beard la a ault ."tied In tbe circuit court by J. Kent 'llallnr.l llaltnri! raahoit lh rhfk Allen raUcl (rom 3 to 200. An amended Dellllou (or a writ o( father, and they owa properly and lor had a right to maintain eparalo Allen I now tervlng a sentenro in maudamu to compel tbo director ot pay taxc at Kort Klamath, according chool (or children o( different race.' lrie tate penitentiary, and Ilallard, Rockefeller Escapes From Law Officers House Leaders Admit that They are Baffled in the Search for the Fi nancier. Report Discredited NHYV VOHK, Jau. 3. Borgoant nl Arm lllilrtell of Iho United Htntu Keimto I InVcitlKulliig n report that Itocko'ullor It on bourd k yacht bound fur llurmudn. Ho think tho report Vi a ruio, und tho guard Imvo not leon rolaxed. United Preu Bervlco WA8IIIN0TON, Jau. . llouo loudura'ndmlt that they nro baffled In tho llockofollor aonrch. Chairman I'ujo of tho nionuy trtut Invcttlgatlug commllU'u will call thu committee nuui toguther thU ndornoon. Illddell hu boon ordered to Keep up tho Howrch, It Ik urolinblo that tho homo will nut coiuliler the llockofollor matter until next week. Ihn Fort Klamath tchool dUtrlct to allow tho children of William Craw (ord to atteud the Port Klamath tchool hn been filed by C. M. Onollt, attorney for Crawford. The defeaie, repteaented by .Thoma Drake and Kuykendall & Kerguton, (a given un til January 10th In which to anawer. Crawford and hi wlfo are th. chil dren of Indian mother and whit. JUDGE M'GINN IS QUICK IN ACTION ATTOHNHYH 1'I.KAHKO WITH MAN NJrai IN WHICH IOKTUtNO JUR 1ST IIIHIHIMKH OF HVHINKMM IN THU CIRCUIT COURT "A lightning chaaer." Thutly waa Judge Henry U. Mc Olnn chnrurterUed In advance) ot hi coming hero to hold court (or Judge lleiuon, nnd thl opinion waa con firmed when (ho I'ortland Judge pro ceeded to tramact the buaUeai be (oro film todiiy. 'Maybo ho doesn't like tho town nud wniitii to get through a aoon aa polble," remarked one attorney. to their petition. Kor two years their children hare attended the school at Fort Klamath, but this year they were ordered to attend achool In a aeparate building on account of their Indian lineage. In tho original mandamus proceed ing, It wa t forth that the chil dren were provided with a separate school, and Iho demurrer to this pe tition was suttalned by Judgo Ilenson on (he ground that tho ichool direct- Hut thl I not true. In fact, the1 Judge expred himself aa very much pleased witii Ktamatn raits ana nis reception here. With one member of the state su preme court, Judge Mctllun has beeu noted (or the rapidity of his court work, and, In spite ot tbe speed in which ho dispose ot legal matters, ho enjoy nit enviable reputation for the soundness of his decisions. Judgo Median has a pleasing pres ence on tho bench, and Is popular with attorneys. He Is accompanied hero by Mr. McGinn,' and will proba bly remain a couple ot weeks. Dur ing his stay here a banquet will be tendered him by the Klamath County Bar Association. K, K, (Irani has returned to Ban Frauclsco after a visit of several days her. Francis J. Downe. one of the di rectors of tho Horsefly Irrigation pro ject, Is here from Dosania. provided the school advantages In through his attorney, Fred II. Mill, both cae were tbe same. .seeks a Judgment for 1300 against The matter of a separate school lAllen. for children of Indian blood is left on account of his being a fractional out ot the amended petition, Onelll Indian, young Allen has an allotment basing the action upon, the ground oll tho Klamath reservation. This Is that the children, being ot school age ,aa to be a valuable tract of timber and the children ot the taxpayers In a (nort distance from Modoc Point, the dUtrlct, hsvo been refused admit .... .- . .-; u apPFW V aTTC eTwar AlsWV eM eJsWV eVsaaa TrrB. of tka 1bU-1 VCNsW CMr aJaysPaMaw Mat trfct AHantf WW Hfall V,-.av ha ftfcal ajva7BJar e-wawe7 owagj taawas ItllaTMBI STAB MaTaat. aawawwveawa bbbb) waTawsa n CHICAGO, Jan. S. The) Uastt-J States circuit court of lb. petition of the at! e raey W taW ceavlrt4 labor leaders, at rnaeM km the Metal rtaeV a ,1, iingtlUfi. for a supersedeaa writ, aa nr4erel the laatedtate release of the 4e4eV anta,on boaak. The bond of Preet4t Rya Of U Iron Workers Union waa axed at 79, uOO. Tbe boada of Ue etaers wera nxed on tbe baU of 110,000 for each year sentenced. The court also graated th. defaa) anta thirty days besides the thirty days graated by taw for the prepara tion of their case for appeal at the April term of court here. The bond must be given la Jitd -Aaderton's court la ladlsasylla , United State. District Attorney MWer must approve tee bead e hshsst af the government. II. demsaae.laek real estate aecurlty enual te twle. la -amount of br.ll In each case h gtvesu , .v "m j -y t. nlled I'rewt Service CHICACO. Jan. 3. -The attsraeya for tho convicted labor leaders ap peared In tbo United State, circuit court of appeaU today ta ash far a writ ot upredeas and the reloa of tbe defendants, except Hockln, em bonds. Hockln, it was aanouaeed, will not appeal. Judges Kohtsatt, Raker and Sea man were In court to hear the argil uient which K. N. Zollno and Chatter Kruru (or the de(endaaU, aasyNetrtot ' t 1 A I i (Continued on rage 4) Ion to the dUtrlct school, and, for. this reason, dltcrlmlnatlou against them I being shown TAFT GIVES UP SENATE FIGHT I'HKSIIIKNT Wll.li NOT 1'RKSKXT NOMINATION OF COIiONKI. UOK TMAIJa Wll.li I.KWr: Al'l-OIXT- MKNT TO WIUsON ' WASHINaTON, D. C, Jan. 3. Assured that tho democrat In the senato will oppose the confirmation, President Tatt told friends today that he will not nominate Colonel Goethal to be civil governor of the canal tone, but will leave the matter to WlUon. The president has also decided not to Issue an executive order estab lUttlng civil government in the canal ione. Ha will leave that nUo to 'Wilson. Bad Weather Marks i T Homecoming of Body' ... . British Cruiser Arrives in New York' with the Remains of Ambass- ' . dorReid. U.S. Ships Parade A & A United Press Servle. NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Fog, wind and rain marked tbe homecoming of the body of Ambassador Reld today. Tho cruUercNatal led th. proceeslon post Ambrose lightship to tbe saval anchorage In North River, below Grant' tomb. Tbe cruiser carried the American and DrltUh tag nt half nasi. The battleships Florida and North Dakota, and the destroyers Roe. Drey ton, McCall and Paulding fellow)! the Natal. r ,vZ,-i 1 , If l As tbe body waatakca akaea tW Florida Bred ntnelaea aWi'laa) m?i bassadorlal aalute. iwtMsi North Dakota TM.rrffo tJat St. John's cathe4ratu A of honor will he fuaerar'toatarravi. a am & :r.'v. ami otaer oael LowthervWia pa)ii f ' atllltary ale. wM HllfJ BUfeee ureer wH 1 7T,--i-JKSP '. VM X.f $j&i&aJ.- ,.L 4irt