a iYl v. wmm The Temple Theatre "Mr w Pathe Drama In 2 reels "From Iho Sumbented," Essanay Dram "The lYofntnor and tho I-ady," Vllagraph Comedy M ATI NEK DAILY AT S:80 A Mi LICEX8KD PICTURES THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH aMItor Published dally aicept Bandar ay tava Herald Publishing Cay of Klamath falto. at lit roarta It Entered at tne poatoOr at Klamath Mia, Oregon, for traaatntaslon through the malts 'aa second-das mattsr. Subscription terma by mall to any ad drcas In the United States: One rear ....15.00 One month ........... . . . . . .SO KLAMATH MMA ORKOON THTOSIiAY, JAN. 2, 1913 The Best RESOLUTION For the New Year U that you will from now on buy goods made at horn In preference to tboo made etiewhere. Tlie Shoata 430 Mala tk. Makers of Pare Caady FISHING TACKLE We bare everything you reef, for that fishing trip Hook, line, rods, reeli. baskets, etc We rcl tent, guns and ramping oatfta. THE GUN STORE 4. H. CR.UfnaTKfl rfaone UN iarobe Rtk. ODD FELLOWS BEAT PELICANS LODGE AGGREGATIOX KT UK- YEXCiE FOIt DEFEAT AHMIXIS- TEREH IX FIRST TWO OAMES OK THE SEASON Klamath County is Heralded in Pamphlet Details of Opportunities Here are Set Forth in Publication Issued by Immigration Commission MURPHY WILL BE BUD'S OPPONENT 'The Oregon Almanac, an official pamphlet, baa Just bcn published tor the Information of homescekers, tattlers and Investors by the Oregon State Immigration commission. Klam ath countr is thus set forth In the pamphlet: South Central Oregen: east slope Cascade mountains. County seat, Klamath Falls. Population. S.JSi, 89 per cent American born. Of the foreign born heasoxeh imhuiiii iiiom new tout; will imi: vamih'Viih Mil V t'HAXti: TO THY MU I'llOII'IONsHII HO.MIIW llud Anderson "III ' get Kucl- Wood I. principal fuel. c.l ('h-M I. mil h champion About $5 per cord. Scenery Orand on lake t He as slated to mrl the Inner of I.,.- II...... II. ....ft... flal.1 Ih litH INfttl. iml in iinti-ii'Hi -" i . - . i .- ... ..... i..if...ih .,..,. .I.. - .! 1,11.1 enaoJCIiCO. ami. Mines. .or. v abound In lake, and streams, and wld'"'' ' '" ,uJ "' '" " (ra, lri Tom in v Murpny in me eijuerm ms.!rri.l. In the .tin 'r,u- Mamalll r alls e .nl.tulor. and won- H " sMven ''" l" ' Hli about onehalt are Oerman and the' formations game Is plentiful In mountains ter take, nature ,r..l An nr arMtilr atilmliira aao wmi.i ders. I In this county, and has been l ' " ,hl ,h th set aside as a national park reserve. Vancouver iai scnievea .. mni Lands- Surface I cv-l. rolling and "me mountainous. Solts In the laki and Murphy had very llttlo trouble In river valleys Is an eicepllotialty rich disposing of Hums yesterday. Th soil of decomposed granite and lavaiOaktand lad was game, but lie did not Wood 11 SI SI J SlakfNd fVR $2.5tC4 nrSlifcWHl & SitCi 44 " tt 4ft $301 ImkitiUiy fni 4ft, Mil 12ii Leave order5 at O.K. Transfer Co. Phone 871 The Odd Fellows evened tblnga up 'for their defeat by the Star Druggists I when they took all three game from the White Pelicans at the Club alleys last night. The I'ellcans were de cisively beaten In the first two games. but In the third they finished Just three pins behind the I. O. O. F. Odd Fellows (1) Dice 166 Sholl 131 Dremer 17? (Mathews 143 JGuthrldge 135 Totals 752 White I'etlcans (1) Hammond 186 Ruehl 103 Rull 103 Crane 133 White 149 Touts 718 remainder Is made up principally of Canadians, Scandinavians and Ku- gliah. Transportation Tho California Northeastern railroad ( Southern Pa elite), which connects with the main line at Weed station In California, penetrates the southwestern portion of the county Inland to Klamath Falls Marsh land Fertile and lasting .sho the class Murphy It a sostoned soil made up largely otVrapper, and If llud Is able to dispose volcanic tufa and dlatomaceous earth, heavily charged with vegetable ma terial. Light In weight and color, and responds readily to cultivation Staple crops. Alfalfa, timothy, hay, grain (wheat, oats, barley and rye), smalt fruits and vegetables. Average value farm land 130.18 per acre, cul (2) (3) 137 13S 166 173 175 148 141 304 157 13 776 778 C) (3) 159 188 133 146 133 146 133 116 163 173 683 775 Do yon know7ou can get a f 10 hat for 5 during the sate at S-t GERTRUDE CO.T 19 miles. Extension of Oregon Trunk tlvatcd and uncultivated (U H, census and Deschutes railroads, with present 11910). termini at Uend. Crook county. Is pro-f Industries Dairying, farming and Jected to Klamath Falls, but Is only In. stock raising. Cattle, horses, hogs the prospective stage to date. land sheep nre raised extensively. Water Klamath River, Sprague(Wool Is an Important product. With River, Williamson River. Wood River, the development of the available Lost River, Deschute River (In the. tar power, madufacturlng will N pre northern portion). Klamath lakes andemtoent feature of the resources. The numerous other small streams, pro. .government Irrigation and racisms vide an abundance of water for do-'tlon project In process of construe mestlc and Irrigation purposes. The Klamath River and I-ost River com bine a total of about 300,000 latent horsepower capable of development, while In the vicinity of Klamath Falls of him tt will be clear sailing for the popular boy to get a chanco for the championship. BABIES BOUGHT AND SOLD CHEAP dk.mo.mm! ml vis who mimi to iii:ci:iyi: tiiciii iiixiumh aiu: Tin: uniisr tit h:mh:u. in:cuitis UDMAX lion Is prepared to supply water to 30.541 acre of Irrigable land: 37. 692 acres are Irrigated (June 30.1 The supreme court baa denied the appeal of George and Charles Humph rey, sentenced to death for the mur der of Mrs. Eliza Griffith In Qenton county, June 2. 1911. P. C. Carlson Bat two counties In the state. Cor. 6aad Mala 'Klamath and Union, hare more fe- male school children than male. Resolved that I will begia the Mew Year by getting high quality Groceries for 1913 at Van Riper Bros. Phone 85 i Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley left Wednesday for Portland, where Mr. Bradley wilt purchase additional stock for the Bradley Harness com pany. While In the north the Brad leys will spend several days visiting at Mr. Bradley's old home, Oregon City. United Press bervlce NEW YORK. Jan. 3 -Admitting 1911). principally under nrlvate own.Uht supplied the demand for ershlp. Thlrty.two acre of the en- tables at from 13 to 110 each. Mrs, 240 horsepower only has been devel-itlre project (embracing a toUl of 72,"H,r limwlln, a German widow, die oped and utilised on the Link River 000 acres), are withdrawn from en- c''Hcd her today the rvtenc of a above Klamath Falls. ttry. and 40.000 acres under private ldrtprrad traffic In Infants, which is Roads Good countr roads are'ownmtiln. rtnvrnm.nt . ,f... ' being Intrtlleated br Hie health dv- malntalned by taxation and subacrlp-iltshed 40 acre experimental farm I's'tmcnt, within reclamation reserve north of '" Remmlln said that the main Klamath Falls. tdemand for bable camv (mm wives Slse of farm needed 40 to 80 acre wishing to fulst Infants utm unu Irritated and Impreved: 160 to 3S0 peeling husbands. Prospective eus- of the area of the county Is covered 'acres non-Irrigated and dry farming, tomefs. she said, were not rvqulred to Itb timber of exceptionally fine mer-.respectlrelr. iglve a reason for thrlr purchase, were Average dally wage, skilled labor, j" '"r n, references, nor made In 8: unskilled, farm hands. 82 and 'promise to care for the Infants pron- potash exist In the Eastern Central .board; herders 830 to 840 per menth: " .a -. I " . portion or the county. 'raequero. $40 to f (0. tloa. Timber Natural forest growth of yellow and white pine, yellow and white fir and Juniper. About one-half chantable quality, Minerals Soda. niter, borax and J E. V. Coffin and F. D. Scbrump are among the Medfordltea spending the day In Klamath Falls. THE NEW YEAR It Is a good time of Use rear to meditate, to thick a Utile aboat the past and mote than a little aboat the future. The past raaaot be itadoae, but (he future ta ours to mouM a Me Mill. The rear 1013 will be' largely what we snake it. If we are dissatisfied, It way be that the fault Ilea Mith ourselves, aad It miffit he vrell to turn a page aad pUa aoruo- ihihr UlrTereat for the we mar. Coii.e la aad net the rest of the itnrj. CHILCOTL SJBMaiafk. PhoaetM Paste This in Your Hat I'OST.lfiK HATES UNDER. THE IHIUHXE PARCEL ItlHT I.AW. Effective January I. lUla. Parcel post stamps required. Weight limit. 11 pounds; site limit. 72 Inchea In length and girth combined. Flat rate of 1 cent per ounce up to 4 ounces, regardless of dis tance. Present rate of seeds, bulbs, etc., unchanged. Above 4 ounces, rates are by pound, or fraction thereof, and vary ing with distance aa follews: Then- re two kinds i.f Insurance. Clillfi.lp Mrllr ll.p right kind. Call Ml KSi Main Mrrrt, or phono WJ. j : :EASV AND SURE WAV 10 CURE COLDS ! Rural route and city delivery o-miie zone 150-mlle zone 300-mlle zone 600-mlle zone . . 1,000-mlle zone 1,400-mile zone , 1,800-mlle zone . Over 1,800 mile First pound 80.05 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 Each addi tional pound 80.01 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .09 .10 .12 11 pounds 80.15 I im.t .m:iu.i:t a coi.ii. elvk t fllEAM HUM WILL SsTlIP IT IX I THE hNEKZIMl STAGE A cold generally attacks the weak. est part. afTcctlnr th im ml ...- 1. .35 um' nd Producing nasal catarrh and .46 ! troubles In others. A cold Is .57 s u" "' "- Inflammation of the tuein .68 l,rn" "nlri Hie air passages, and . 'rriMV I... iinimi,!!. ....., 1.. ..... ,u e -" v'viuvmi luitu who n mile 1.00 1.11 1.33 LIVERY Rr8jr wither with out drivors ctlS4iddte liWttft 10. LAUGNLW BM JL 1 m M'CARTY HAS A WIFE BACK EAST AKW HEAVVWKIGHT AHP1IUXT ItEFUMEH TO DIHCUKH HIH MAT IUMOXIAL KXIEHIE.Cr-HAH NO I'LANH FOR FUTURE Kly's Cresm Halm, which lmm.,11 ately relieves the Inflammation and all tho distressing symptoms, such aV sneering, coughing, running at the nose and oyes, hoarseness, sore throat ' fever and headache. One reason whv' OnillllOOinil liril t"'1 '' ''Urc' nnt"'itlc Halm acts so IiUMMIudIUN MEN ';r,'"Ju":r.rr GET A ROASTING . FAIRUAXKA, MORSE' Oil jBntclnei for Simplicity, acceaalblllty, aafety, durublllty and economy. Burn ing heavy oil, two-tblrda lower In cost than gasoline. Before making a purchase wo Invite you to call and see our Engine on display. WE HAVE YOU MONEY SPEJUXY BROS. 1010 Mala St., Opposite Teath KLAMATH FAXLfl United Press Service VENICE, Calif., Jan. 2. Luther McCarty, aspirant for championship pugilistic honors, admlttod this morn ing that ho has a wife In Moorhcad, Minn. He refused to discuss the re port that she works In a reataurant, or tell the facts of the marriage. The fighter spent tho morning on the beach with Promoter McCarey, Crowda followed him. Ho declared that he had no plana for the Immedi ate future. nAUIAMKNTO VALLEY KAIlMKIt DECLAKEM HIGHWAY KOHIIEKY IIAHMLEHH I'AHTIME ALONG. HIIIE OF IIUHIXEHH IIEALH United Press Service SACRAMENTO, Jan. 3. "Nine- tenths of the commission business In the state of California la worse than nignway robbery." says Paul Steude, prominent Sacramento Valley farmer, i-uaaing ror a group of ranchers, In a letter to Governor Johnson, asking him to exert his Influence for free market legislation, and correction of othor evils set forth. There Is no one to examinn 11... books of the commission men," says Steude, "and llioy would be fools If they didn't rob the farmer." 31 i.vru in severe, chronic cascs of catarrh, Ely's Cream Halm never fall. to quickly and effectually check the' poisonous discharge which clogs the, head and throat, causing tho dlasu.i. Ing hawking, spilling and blowln ..r Hie nose. This remedy not only drlvl out tho disease, but bonis and Mrcngthens tho weakened mm... branes, thus ending catarrh. Colnrrh Is a filthy, disgusting dis ease. Don't put up with H anoint r dny. Gel n CO cent bottle of 1:1.'. Cronni Halm from your druggist, .in(j see how quickly yon will bo re'fovtd. 11 is perfectly harmless. Hafr L-almig? Co I o Your Doctor lUIrMimaoul 'Iroub ledlll, dandruff J- Want mor. lulr 1021, Aycr's Hair Visor ?u,p'- c!?"" di. mSZu. W. believe doct KliJ .? nOFG ski srs. -sr '1 "1' " w" wo P UP. HAIR YOUR WINTER'S WOOD urysiatWood,$3.00c. Block Wood, 3.50 load All klndi of body wood Ternia Htrhtly fash. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Wood Yard R. M. BOLLER, Mgr. Leave orders at Hamakers Orocery, PIiohb I flu I Hun Htore, Phone ota Watch The Big Window Al the ilaldwlit Hardware Co, Ht hatgalas JAN. j, 3 DAYS ONLY s Superior While EiimcI Wire VALUI:SHKO.M 91 UP POR75C A Superior White Unmncl Cup kIvcii with each purchase jr -" KRSB Baldwin Hardware Co. nln Mrccl. hctwevn 4 3 You lll nvir, never fssr , This (old snd gtoomy )ar It you IH vry kindly lake w; adtl(. I'or )u " this slur Is s.lltltg Just the thing fur ahlch you're tilling. And we've alto got a Vf data low price. . We handle what Is knou Cp bets In Ibis cold, fold lone An Oil rituve that Is cheap snd safe d sound. It's nstue Is lb "l'ftton," And tt dtws nut nd iorftloo, I'nr If tt did wouldn't have It found II. H.H.. 13 WILLIAM C. HURN HARDWARE IJHsaaVVl U J' rgaaBBBBBBalLaV--L J IT YOU ARC IN NEED of money la tun jusr bitslae do net hssllste to la (be Jlfst Trust sod lUilags Haak and ask Ihem for a loa, Yov not oaly Bad us f.ady to aMltt you, but also m l(laU to yim aiiylblaa you tb la kro reUitv la mojsrn and apt dais hanking bullae, epalts are frspwtfully solicited. First Trust and Savings Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon . 1 V8J8t8sKasMssaksjBaaiaiaaBB IbBBbI IT tiSBBaBsBBBBr SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai I ' S llt"J faaaai 11 sbbibbbbbbbbH I f KM MATH KAIX MIU' IIOL'aE HuU HrptTwalallio of loaa tlsy f,a llaaua. lis jHlrlaway an.) tMr kNMtlttf t '. Otlwr Miaasw l smms.. ate prhr.. Tualaat aad rWtsalrs. Agray t, Mager aad Walls lag Mathlacsi, (Miter Typs wrllefs, Vlitor aMl VMmm Mer out. .! Marhhsra. Hooaa, Ms lhery aad I'klarva. H. MAIH;.V, I'roffieior TIB SJ.I. stl Ju.t now. rMtmm 4.m..u,e Re, onla. Slrj a-,naat. rUvorda. Sir. I SBBl ll I OUR BUSINESS- IS BANKING WE take cure ofonr customers WE enn supply your every banking need WE wish to serve you THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 1100,000 DON'T COUCH Send to Underwood'a and Kt a bottle of NYAL'S White Pine and Tar hn"'Z'Zlc 'r:'Ullon' 'oo'heyoar ' well lonlitht. Urw UoWH goc U N D E RWOOD'S corner wain and Seventh