?$r Nttl'I'LIKII MY TMM t'.WTKIt IMINM NKWN MRHVICK gibe f tanina lUftiU. KmNiM Niviri rNINT TNM XNWH, .HOT " ' t " Sfvrntti Year No. MM ibb.-iic; KI.AMATM PALI, OHMHON, WKD.NrSMDAV, JANUARY I, ISIS Irt tiro 0as M'Carty Wins Bloody Fight in Eighteenth . t - NEW YEAR IS GIVEN CORDIAL RECEPTION HERE MKHIIV MAKKHM KAT, UK1M1 A.SU u,sct: ron jov Murr-ut IUIU t th While lri kn ami HtMtMo' Oprr How ,llr't th Urrelrot trMt- 'Ar rival of IWl.t U llrrrlr! With All 1 NirU of .Vol Making Cualrlvanrew OhUiwablr MISS DU FAULT PASSES AWAY M"NWXNN MNfc Iowan is no Match for the Husky White Hope of Tommy Burns FIGHT STOPPED IN 18th ROUND; SAVE KNOCKOUT II.U OIITMI ll' WKl.L KNOWN LO cai. r:ori.: ihkm Am:it mmi KHINtl II.I.M: rUNKH.U. Alt ItA.NMKMK.Vr MIT ANNOVNCMI Mia Mafle l,oulie lu Kaull died at I o'clock thl afternoon, after ling erlng Ulnees of nlmutl tro year. (! l)u fault u 17 yre a( age. tho daujhUr i't Mr. and Mr. 11 II. l)u Vault, Kor the iiit year nl half he ha been nOned in her U4. Tho funeral arrangern nu have not 71 been tiiadf, but It W believed Ibal It Hill occur Friday (' th Catholic church NAUGURATION OF SULZER IS SIMPLE ANGELIN OUT OF COUNTY PRISON UtTMLWtXm POIl Vtee, AM IH ItlXKAHKII Tbo New Year ushered In UH itlcht amid scene of merrymaking. In hlch notio producing tmplntnenle v n In great demand. Uatqusrade ro much In order, affairs of thU character being given at llouiitm'e opra houao and at Ida White I'cllcan hotel. Kach of ths bad Ha full hrj of maskers, and lor reigned supreme. At tbo Whlla I'cllcan the masker crated their dancUg bortll' taforw IS. and front that time till 1913 was eteral boura old banqueting, drink lac and merrymaking wero entered Into with a rla-hl rood will. There m HiiMAr nl AthnrAl Mnii ' uulau character represented, and lie myriad of colora and costume ' ' ' In the elaborately ilecornlod lobby' ti. c Angvlln, an U tharged wtn and dining room of the hostelry wa asaaultlng "Tn" Mef'ulluw with a klaldcacoplc In It effect. I poker laat Thumdajr, wna tixtiy r The irtrtcntcenth annual Now Yr (ad from lha rottntr jll on ISt'O auk ball stfn by John V. tloution ,bouH. The dr of hi nrt AncOln waa the attraction t ib pr boun. waived hi trtlmfhair hrarlni, ami Aa,J iiual, tbo floor nilol with wa Uiund oer to ll.o Kranil jurr In (Continued on rao i) tlho um of 60d. - ' j . . - Labor Leaders Don the Garb of the Convicts Prisoners are Received Early this Morning at the Federal Prison at Leavenworth. Guard Strict m:w iov:HoH ' ,':w yiik IMilNTMl THAT AM. IHMI'iTn lNI,:.N):i HITH MAV W :ttATM ATTH.Ml United l'r IU AI.IIANV, N. V Jan. l.WIIIUm tiulier wa today Inaugurated a gut ernor at )he miM uni'rtentlou cr ittonr of the kind otvr held at the Capitol, Tho parade and other etenla of tho kind that hato featured In fcf tr Inriiuratton wero ellntlnalrd today Ooternor Hullcr lutUled that Ihefo to no form of dUplay In tonne lion with tho Inauguration. Tho only ron rrctlnu Lg made wa tu make) au ad dreea front tho Capitol atepe lu tho thousand of cheering people who wero unabl tu gain adwlaalon to tho building. ' The oath of ultlro wa administered In tho OAtenibly chamber. III. Iter, llurko, HUhop of tho Albany IXoceao, rprnnounrod tho lutoratlon. Crowd from all parta of tho elate were prratnt. Including big dcleaa MAX WHO W CHAMflMI WITH AH.'otu f,m New York and llroukl,,. fiACl.TIXO 'TUX- McOU.t.l'M i A numbor of urgtt. btaded by lloaallo June. wro urowlrvcat In AGNES MARPLE IS MRS. MASTEN tho hearing for tho now govorrtor. In hla aiidre Hulier promlaed hit aupport fnr tho suffrage novemonl. Clayton Urandt ha returned from a tl.lt with frlanda In (Irani I'm, KOIIT I.EAVKNWOUTII, Kansaa, Jan. 1. The warden of tho federal prlaon received tho convicted labor leader hero at 7 o'clock this morn In-. Tho Men ilgnod the prlaon book, wero bathed, and had their hvad ihnvod. They war then given prlaon garb and numbered. Then they wero ordered to learn tho prlaon book of rule, y , Tho deputies on tho train 'guarded tho rnen very cloaely laat night. Tho other oitraclzed and Ignored lloctln i n traitor. Itynn at dur ItiK tho trip with hi head bowed. Tveltmuo wa tvry aerlou. Ityan, when told that llernhardt had roaolvrd not to write any mom litter, ldi "I'oor llernhardt, and many other, httvo been tho victim of clrcum itancc." , All of tho prlonr reiolved to ho modal prUonur during their lorni. Clnticy had a alight attack of heart affection laat night, but ho I belter thU morning. WILD NIGHT IN THE DIG CITIES I r IH IMTIMATKH THAI' a,WM,Wl I'KOI'I.K WKUXMKU THK XKW VKAH I.V SKW VOKK THKATKIW AM) CAW.H I tilled I'rooa 8rvlr NKW YOHK, 3M.1, Ab hour after daylight tlio NowYora revoltr vur atlll in th roatauranta In the uppor tenderloin d'letrlct. It hi Mil muted that 3,000,000 HOfio welcom cd the New Year la the tboatari and tettauraata. There wero flva aUbb4aa M the atrocU and four ahootlngi. There woa oue fatality. Threo hundred arreala wuro mndu and thoiuanda of dollar worth of plate gl broken. Lulled i're Hervlco CIIICACIO, Jan.,) -The celebration here waa tho wildcat In year. A hug dred'thouiand people wero In tho down-town cafea until daylight. There waa comldorablo rowdylam. Dr. Hamilton reporU tho birth of a aon to Mr, and Mra, Oeorgo Shall, who live on the Keno, road. The youngster arrived thl morning, and weigh &H pound. Sheriff Uarne returned laat night from Salem, where he took Robert Allen, who waa aenlenccd to a tern In the tte penitentiary on a charge of feffery, TELEPHONE MEN LEAVE THE CITY WOHK OK I.N'KTAM.IXO THU MKW CKXTItAI. ttNUHm' HYHTrOI Mi:itK HAH IIKK.V COMI'I.I.TI.II oi. vitt.KH hi:mov:ii Charlea J. Hum and hi crew of telephono man left today for I'ort Und after (pending veral month hem In tho work of Installing tho new trntrnl energy ayitem for the I'aclnc telephone and Telegraph company. They flnfthed tholr work Tuqaday. Ileforo the new ayatem waa In Mailed thl crew wa engaged lu rlrlnglng cable throughout the city, Unto tho ayatem wa put Into opera lion, they have been taking down Ihe opoed lead and removing tho old telephono pole In the city. fOITMH.KMMATH VAUM UIHI. IH MAHHIKIt TO MHXtL JKWKU lilt CKHftMONV (KXtJNM AT iiiiMi: or Hiumr moth km OMewOMr At tbo homo of tbo bride' mother, Mr. K. M. Marplo. on Cedar and High tlrrvi, Ml Agne Marpt and William Maalen wero united In mar rlagu at I o'clock lt night. Dr. Henry C Collin, rector of the Church of tho HedeoMer, performed lb core mony, which waa attended by tho Im mediate relative- of lb contracting partleo. Tbo bride and groom are well known In tbia city, whr they hate rIJ the groater part of their live. The groom U rnnnl4 with tho Jew lry firm of R, a ilnk. NO POST MORTEM HAS DEEN HELD IIOHIIY VIA'OHT WINNCSMMtM CITY Hl'N AOAI.V THIM YKAK MM TIMK KIIOM KKHHY TO tHMAH IH HIHTV.O.VK MIMtTKH (OtHXtH HKMIKM THAT HK HIM MOH: THA.V KXAMIVI; I1ATMI. NAI.I.Y IMUlY Or1 HICK 1, 1 1, WHO illU AT MKHHII4. "If one lake eiamluatlon of a body by Ihe coroner a Ihe meanlnc of n HMI mortem oiamlnallon. tho way Itjrreck athlete, won Hi annual crw I bndmtood, then I can iay that I jUty run, from lb ferry to the beach inado pol mortem eiaminatlun of ldy Ho alio won thta event laat Uglier Ituckar. I will tali again, I ear. when hi time waa It minute and 30 aetond. Ilia tlma today was ST. MARY'S CRACK ATHLETE A WINNER HAN KIIANCIHCO, Jan. I. Hobby Vlught of Oakland, HI. Mary's college M' COY BRINGING COWS TO CITY THREE SUICIDES OCCUR IN 'FRISCO i:V YKAH IH VHHKHV.U IN WITH FATAMTIKM Olltli TAKrM OWN MKK WIIII.K I'AHH.NTH AHK MAKINQ MKKHY United l'rosa Hrvlc HAN KHANCIHCO, Jan, I. -Throe pooplo rommlttod suicide and one inndo an attempt during the Not Year's revelry hero last night, The ilnud aro John Moylo, who Jumped from a thltd story window of a hetel: draco Hcolvllle, who took gai whlla lur parents were merry making, and John (fulnn, a hermit, aged 80 years, u ho took poison. I'aul Iudlck, n laborer, who took muriatic acid whlla there waa n party in tho next room of hla horn, will r cover. II was despondent. MX'-AI. MAN HUVM TWO OAK UKSH Of HHIN IKAIi; HAIHY cowh -wux Atom's. rttoM tlAKT TONM1HT J W McCoy will arrive Ihla ov nlng with two car load of registered Hulatelu milch co, purchaaed In Ka.lern Ohio and I'ennaylvanta. Tho lino hrd of mllcher. with three el coptlon. I comtMwed of J-year-oldt, Titer are &K head of heifers and two bulls. Tho two bulla are prlie winners, and merely by chance did Mr. McCoy Und himself fortunate enough to purchase them at a big price. The rows are the gathering of a two weeks' trip through Iowa, Ohio and Western I'ennayltanla, In an of fort to And cows that would pleaae Klamath farmer beat. Comldorablo difficulty has been vn countered by Mr. McCoy In the traits portatlon of Ihe mllcher from Twin rail, Iowa, to Ogden, Utah, owing to billiard and snowdrift that blocked traffic In various places for sevnral hours. In a telegram from Cheyentio, Wyo to Mra. McCoy, ho dated that the rattle wero standing Ihe long trip exceptionally well, The two carloada of rows that are duo to arrive tonight makes live cat load of mllcher thai Mr. McCoy has brought to tho Klamath llasln within three) mouth. Those who have procured rows from Mr. McCoy am highly pleased wllh their pur chase. It I hla Intention to make another trip Kast In tho spring on a similar errand. Ili.nl Ihl rsamlaallett by me was merely looking over lb oatariul part of the body, and no physician assisted me, nor was Mucker umla4 for trace of laternal Injury," This Is the way Coroner Karl Whit lock accounts for tk post tourism lamination of the remains of the man who dM suddenly at Merrill t'riday, which the Northwestern slat m waa performed. Yesterday that 'psper asserted that a post motlsm eismtnstlon had ba perfermed: thl ) morning it Instated that such was roe. Il Is possible that Huckera death was caused from fatty degeneration or in bean," continue! Wkitiecg, "but I mU Notthweeiem rrsB tstlve that this could not be deter mined without a post mortem etaml nation by n phystclsa. I did not make a positive statement la this effect." The rsmalns of Kucker will leave hem this afternoon for rati Hirer, Calif, they will bo Interred In the family plot there. Ihe JUDGE M'GINN TO TRY CASES HERE roRTMND Jt'HJHT WILL TANK JUIMlr. Hr.NHO."N 1'l.AC. VOtl A TIMKUKXAI. MAN WILL MC IN IHIRTLAND 41 minute flat. Oliver Millard of tbo Olympic Club waa second and II I. Morton of tb I'astlmo Club and VY, II, Qulnn of the Y. M, C A. were llsd for third plsro. LAST RECEPTION AT WHITE HOUSE WKATMiat IH rAVOHANLK rOM THK OtXHHlX I'HKHIHtCXT lU.KCT WILL NOT knodckaei: UNNrX'KNHAHY KAMI KHAKIM1 WAMHINIITON, Jan. 1, The sky wna clear and the weather waa On for the White House recaption. Thl will probably b tho laat formal Now Year reception at the White I lout. Wilton hss announced that ho Intend to eliminate unbeceassrr bsud shak ing, and this Is regarded generally as marking the passage of the reception. MMMMMiwtiiiMMlMttaMHM4taMaMjMttafe IOWAN IH RKATKN ALMOsTT TO A fVW IN MUX At No Hleaje of Um famaw MM) Have a Uisaw m Wa Ilea Ijssf, fat- IM4 Mia RM tm rtght Hack fas Hfdte e aUa HaJw4B. Or of Has Kea Cl1 Itartnc MaJf of Us safM United I'raas Servfe IJOH ANUKLtCH, Jan. 1. McCstf established hi suraMCf la Use ksav vywtlght division here worn wh a gaiva I'aissr n Urrlto awaAsfaf- Tms Ight waa stopped fey the wlec) am lBf.ntall. round afMr Ttkmt vtaa ascvany nwm ib najc at lie. falser followed a nli.K Usor Rsng ste feetttnc waa 10 g in fates- f McCarty. IMtewinc tn naissjrnsjas af taV two men there were the tsseeJ enl leaf, Issued. Ifeetraghra annaid the delay la getting aurtasl. At 1:11 the man shook hand nasi sAuted fighting. (Continued mi iii Htm em mm en I'agM ) United I'reo aVsrvtee HAN rKANCISCO. Jan. 1 rrankle Hums' secvada throw up the In th soventeanth round of kle battle here today with Harlem Teem Mar CAR CRASHES . INTO AN AUTO WOMAN IH KII.1.KI) AND THHKK OTHKKH ARH HKRIOUHLV. IN JUHKIV-HCHNK WAH MARKKT HTHKHT DUHINO CKLKRHATION Unltad I'raas JMrvlea MAN rKANCISCO, Jan. . Mrs. Kugsne B, Hallstt waa killed and her husband and Mr. and Mra. Jsrom Newman war seriously Injured when a ear smashed Into their auto on Mar ket street during th calibration laat Circuit Judge Henry Median la du duo to arrive from Portland tonight or Thursday to take tho place of Judge Henry I.. Henson on th circuit court bench fnr two wek. Thsr are some rases coming up In that time that Judge Henson Is disqualified from ruling upon. Judge Henson loft this morning for Cortland. During tho tlmo Judge McOInn Is In Klamath Kails hn will grace the bench lu a Multnomah county circuit court In his stesd. DEMOCRATS SWAY TWO ASSEMBLIES COIXIKAHO ANI MICHKIAN LKtllrt LATURMM AHK UONTHOLLKI) HY JACKHONIANM MICHKIAN 'N OOVKHNOH INACaUHATKI) DKNVKH, Colu., Jan. 1 The Colo lado state legislature went Into tea alon at noon today, with an ovor whelming democratic majority, Two democratic United Slates senators are to bo elected January 14, th aame day that Governor-elect Amnions Is Inaugurated. Peace Envoys are Still Unable to Get Together But Little Chance of the Allies and the Turks Being Able to Agree. Allies Expected to Withdraw United t'ross Service LONDON, Jan. 1, Tbo peac en voy were lu session an hour and a half when they adjourned. No agrea incut had ben reached. A formal ending of tho negotiation Is believed possible. Tho allies Insist on the cession of Macedonia and Salonika. They plan to leave Ihe meeting If th Turka adopt dilatory tactic Keochld Is eipctd to we that territorial matter fee left to th now era. After a ahort rce th avoy re sumed th coafrMC. At I o'clock the delegate war still at St. Jam palace, discussing the sHuatwa. T, C. While, who Is connected with the Indian bureau, camo In Tuesday to attend business matters. II will return to tho Agency today, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams of Merrill are spending the day In Klam ath Kails. LAN8INO, Mich., Jan. 1. The Michigan legislature met at noon to day. Simultaneously Woodbrldg Kerrls waa Inaugurated governor, Karris la th first democratic gov ernor, elected In Michigan sine 1191. Judge Drako from Medford, legal business. returned last night wher he went on Albert Oehler, purchasing agent, and II, V.. Hayden, engineer In charge of operation and maintenance for the reclamation service, are eipctd home today from Texas, whore they spent the past month, Mr. R. It. Hamilton and daughter Helen returned laat night from Salem, wnere incy spent inree monins -visiting relative, j William O. Downing of the Star Drug company Is la Sacramento on a business trip, . jui'.W ' - 4 iO f! I! I. ajjv" REIDELBACH JURY FAILS TO AGREE TAI.KHMKN MRARINfl TMR CAM AGAIN8T DYNAMITKR HTOO0 UKAIUAK2RKU ! TO U, AN HI IIIHCMAMGKU THIM MOMNINeJ United Freea.SerTlee I.OS ANOKt.KS, Jan. 1. The Jury In the case of Carl Keldelaach, whe attempted to blow Up the aette head quarters, waa discharged this morn ing, After a deliberation of sevsral hour they were ungate to return late court with a verdlet. The Jurors stood 10 to S la fever of conviction. The foreman lays the failure to agree to the failure of the tate to establish certain facta In eeaaoetloa with th eaae. a l ' ; v,' t i m i