MIM'I'MIJIi IIV Till! r.Mrni phkhm muvh ni:iivii'i: He I tie nitta efalii KVKNIXO KKWHPAFHM HUNT TIIK lmVB, NOT HMTOKt Hrtttllll Vri Nil, 1,1 IN ki.am.vih v.UM, oiicoon, rn:Hi),vr ii:ci:.Min:it ;u, unjt Price, FJ OmM Water Wagon is Due to Leave at Midnight th rt rt rt Applications for Secure Places Aboard are Expected to be Numerous WAGE SLAVES START BATTLE FOR LIVELIHOOD MWICATwMOI tUMMIMJ MAM I'.tttriM.ltM HIT LOCAL WOMEN PEACE ENVOYS FURM ORCHESTRA STILL APART:' lAH'IIIO NOT WA.NTKII "in liter I'rt-alili-iil if Wnrllrln 4 rrlir In .New York OlH.ANI.UHIN MUll'l.iril.ll AND NO MIMTIOX III' INIIItl, I'ltACIH I. III. Ml i.,sr nh.iii-.iiui: m:i:ii,u, i:v. lai.i.MKMN in n: t t'nllrd Prrtt Hcnlco 4)1 Ni:V VOHK. Dec. 31. For- ! Illl: II Itlilhll mer Prealdmt Cattro of Veno- AM IIAI.KA.N DKADMM K HAH VKT ""' 'Mel here l"lay aboard j Hi" tleamer I .a Touralne from . iii:i:n i'in.M.Yii.iiNinitMAi. iU. n mt ukm , :IU ' SAN FRANCISCO RAILROAD WORK new YEAR TO BE WILL CELEBRATE; WILL BE RUSHED; USHERED IN WITH USUAL PLEDGES MciniNii m.i.n HIuUm la Niirt lit l,Kif I'ullir OfC4HlMlluti ii UOIr.' iilrliriUn 'l''llr,l Pit Kervlcc rl.rIed tail lilcl.l mUrl lour ''"'IK.S ' ami ordrred to appear a special hoard of In- ' I OK t.'AFK HK8KHVATIOXH AIIK (il)Ni: AM) IT IH KSTIMAT Kl) THAT MOIli: TMA.V IIAI.I' A MILLION' WILL UK HI'K.NT "ill hbuwfc wl HtMilrlklK IHrt In lrM ILlr Ikm I'-lld Oil. 14C4 b nd fcj l(lHr nr.l prac Mi?' TtiM IIHI.IMMI Ui.ikrt Arr ikt. Mclubrlt u the Hffbnlra are Kalil u lime l-rll KlHphiJIIlrlit. III! I'a'liM) Alliaikial !) I It Ht Ins! l.'inljr NKW VOItK, IW-c 31 IIMlns Ih CiMtifrtlltn with the (It-thUg lOlav tilled tll allrfltMih Mtbba.Un Vtlai nd lrlr rio Iih glhr hh a factory atUrVpj a Police iNtim " rallr4 nut ahJ ,tyw lb. rlntftic iw IliU ..-. VI I.IK- ..l.' I'V rtllliw J'I'. tlhtt rrt(M lit filer lliat , Mil tint fw ill Mr A V Tlndtll. .li.. Mi )'(! lUrlMo. iMln. Mi i)n lldicun. lUiliici. Mil Alltti, totn.l The vtrbmlra "III play taftrly ir Ibe H""!) It adutil lb inrmbcl XU-t bat aliiNnly irehrl a iiutubrt w( iiDrti of rii(aitMril. aNl may at 'cl iitnn til ltir oj. Itiluimatljr loiitrrifn) thl morn. IHK Al tlio fiilitluiluii It a ttalril lilarxl brfiirr uiilrr T,r ,...rr c, " lrd '' ' will bo Vttlwi ' rt" ncrT,c IIiiit lcalnc tlila port pile the pro) let Ion of rain, the ell V la firtitnrlM In kutenmu ti riawr r ..... ' l'IVI'IIMi IW " -avi V MV" . that ihrr -m m. ,lw.rrf an .rr ft,n .c m0il cUbofate raatiner. ' All of tho cafo rcftvrvatlona or I r.one Html than )flrrJx. TiMa;' talk nfcrrr.l arily o ri:irr Waltli I'Ufm e.onv. The cr-lebratlon will com more IU. KuanltM prnpal of ambaaliir ihn illrn hate been walehlmc a than half a million dollar lal mHllatl.ii. The llalkan elitora ,.,, Ilf mV ,,,. ,h. i'i i" iniuur ine pian uniriu iluiir (iiiniirnia pnl few ilajra, but have btrli unable I TltACK Wll.l, UK iail OX XKWI mm: i.nto srsAxviM: nv junk, 1ST. WIIKX WOIIK WIM, IIKt HTJIIITKU KltOM TIIIM CITV l: (;IKK WLj R,XG nR nR 7 " ... BKUi AT 12 Actlre construction on the line of' the Modoc Northern will be started from this cltr br Jno 1st, according 1N,,I kMC I)elc Are Beiac to Information which has come here' from Alturas, the county seat of Mo-j doc county. The Central Pacific bat filed amended article of Incorpora tion there. Tho track will be laid Into Susan- vllle from the south by June 1st, and SHORT RANCH CHANGES HANDS I'mlrrnimil H-m WIImiii thr k,. .. form.llr .rrntr.l ,u"' "" "'' uul '.'"" Ptru un"u,n!i-P,i .,. &. in .rltlnr. Thl. will i.robably be " ""' '" w u'u u "" TUKNTON. N. J.. Dec. 31. Oov ... ., , ,, ., . lctl of Kambllng. pfnor wUou ,, confcrrlnc tllU after- lherc to ,5,,, anJ rrom ,nU clty -- r-cxn wiiu uonKrtman unucrwooa t0 ilimiiiaiiia aniMicr ii,., vinrri. .u.iiinr inr 11,. ii.m. rrard nK an extra sets on of con a tli Derrloptnent company, returned BUM" Tho rliam- , ... .. .. ,. .. ... .. - - 1n111j1111 rmiH 1 uruay aiier Lookout will be started. to I llllrtl I'rru Rprilfn lll'rilAIIIMT U 31 brr of ilrliullrt ha vulixl 13(1000 000 ' I'rnf Mux A MrCnll. Inalrurtnr In for II... military rrntit Itoumaiila I"'"1"' Christmas with n-lathw at tsr,culllirt. tho n,.h .cnoo, return. lrifr in partirlpato In thr spoils of Hrrkeley He was accompanied by "Irj Monday from Kort Klamath, where he TurUili. llalkan war Hlchard (jtchse of the tamo city he spent Christmas with friends. parril for the Ocraaiotk DtMseea anil Dinner to lie I'ofwtar AaasMO inrnt llrralil Will lariat TetNOf row m I'aual -So Heat far Us Weary or Wicked I "hs4t that nrarly t,? bl ctahlUhtnrht U f tlpplr.l Till Iho oiir dn; Juilfr (iuMrn ItriiU Offlip to tilltlpalliiti of bl Uklnc up lb ii. rmi.itHON iu''Ai.uiiitNi V,H T.immi loll Situ Afllliv Wll.l, IIAINIUMTT I.KAMI llotl.j lOltllli: MAIIKIH Th Hlmrt ranch, nrar Hptlnc Lake, bar Urn Mil J. A iImI ha Juil ! c'iMr.l wherrby the property was datUa of Ju.tlce uf IVarr fur l.luk.il nf-rr.l by Mr Martarrt nil in illl illslrlrl. K W liuwrn I prrpar- Ink hi ofTlc- and tuurl finiru. He has cicd b bulMllif al I'mirth ami I'lriP trl, and "III dlaprnifl Jus. lira Ihero durlnc hi lrra of imr. Mla Maude lllppey returnnl lat nlht fioin Ashland, whne shr sx-nt Ihn hulldaya llaltlnK relatlfoa t II I'sttrtioii. late of MendiKlim j vc; cask is s.'rr run thial. JAVUAKVSIhT rM4Dt. California , i Thn pfiipelty It ime lif the bet hlnhlaiid ranchM in thr miinty It rmlla of S arrr. and the retold erallnn It said In b lit the lirJttlibor- IiimkI of 17,000. II I Mr. I'altrrson' Intruilon to ilrvolo his rntlif attriitluu to ralalnit rattle and hoes for the inarkrl. Me Ml Mabel Hnlrr ot Ashland Is IU lintall a immplni! plant In Ih the Kurat iif her lUt.r. Mrt. John J. oi-rlne l (urnlth Irritation for hi Ollter forase rrops, imi 'i "' Rucker's Sister Is Probind His Death "Not icullty.' j With bis rlsbl hand uplifted at If I makliiK an oath, Chenoweth Umpqua Unable to Ascertain Facts in Connection With the Af-'Vahw5 ; Frank Jack. Noise maklnc device are belnc put In commission today for the heraldlag of the new year at 12 o'clock toalfbt. Kd Vaktflld, fire chief. It pfataslag to ring the fire bell. He ha doctored tho wheety, cracked Are warning un til ho believes that people who art) near enough can bear It. "Of course, they cannot expect to hear It If they are more thaa half a 'block away," he said thl atUraooa. I The water wagon 1 scheduled to tart promptly upon the appearaac of l)KMKS',nc youngster, 1913, and there art probably a greater number of local INDIAN PLEADS HIS INNOCENCE CIIKXOWirril L'MIMt'A THAT UK MUltllKKKIl FHANK;pcop,e thU ye than ,. Mo mho fair at Merrill. Dead Man's Relatives Consult With Authorities. No Post Mortem Held have signified their Inttntloa of climbing aboard. In order to be certain to keep a place on the wagon for a contlderablo time, many will stock up to capacity with liquids tonight, feeling ture that In the morning they will feel like be coming a steady passenger forever more. The Herald will appear tomorrow When Judge llenaon called the case , night a usual with all of the local and ordered the defendant to stand new of Interest, a well a the dU- up, Chenoweth, who It an Indian, obeyed, and also lifted up his right J hand. After be had made his plea, J the court set hit cote for trial on Jan' uary Slat. patchea of the United Pros from all part of the world. Ceorgo N. Hamilton of Grant Patvt Is here to attend to butlnea matter. -jy tymimmm'' Convicted Laborites are Started for Federal Pen Trip to Leavenworth Being Made in a Special Train. Route is Kept Secret. Women are Brave Thrrii It an air of iiiittrry ronrrrn- oner Whlllock to prepare for ship- resulting from n fall down stairs. inn the rlrcum.lni.cr In ronnrctloi, '-nt. I "1 He statement In tho morning ia-i ... .. .... ... i. . I....I,. . "We tound it very difficult to find per that a post mortem examination m . m with the death of Walter 0. Ilurker . ft C(mnc.on H. ,he ,, ,,,.,, waiU untruc No ,(0llt flprfHp ffTnAGtAin Will at Merrill early Saturday morning. t,,,,, ()f m). br0H,r, iala sir, mortem hat been held, to that .loryiMvll V VUIOOICIUI Will arrnriliui: to nit uroineriuiaw anu (,0oeli. "Tho people at .Merrill teem- at to Hie caute ol uealli It witnoui' titter, Mr. and Mrt. C J. (looch of ihI to think It ttraugo that wothould foundallun." I lied itlufT lilt daughtert, Mr. K. mal'" nn Invi'ttliwtlon, nnd our In- Tho remains are being embalmed I .... , ,,, .. .,..., ...i iJUirie wero met lor ine moi pari uy toruner ulll:, uuu luuiurruw uim-ru ..m .. "-v ( eyniUi nniWfri ,he b0,. w, b0 ih,wcd to KaU Uv. tun. Verne llurkrr of IMgewood. and ..A Mo talK(.(t ,0 wcrc ,Htlthe thater. Calif., tho home of Kucker' moth u Irlrnd, M, MtiMallem of Weed. honrk,.r fell down ttalrt, hut we could jer, where It will bo burled, ramu hero to lako chargo of Iho ro- not find u tlnr.lo ono who taw him Rclntlos of the deceased cattle nmlii. fH. Some lutlttod that hit death mail conferred with District Attorney Yet'lentay the parly went to Merrill ,wnt duo to fatty degeneration of iho'Kuykcudalt regarding tho case latt to haw the rnimliit exhumed nnd to heart, hut the death rcrtlncato signed nlKht. hut In hit opinion tho clrcum- . . . .1. .. .k..u .....I.I 1.... Ii. II.....K..1. ul.n nM.ii.il.il hlt.i .Innpiu In n.ifilia.rlln.i l&lllt llm .Innth illiaho wnai iinrtiiRniiun ivr i-umu. u- ir. iin, "u ...., .. ........ ... ....,w..w.. -.... . -., Utl night they returned to thl city ttntet that death resulted from Inter- of Iturker do not wnrrant tho holding and turned tlie remaint oier w i.or nni injuriet nui poauneu ueieriiiiuvu,U iunuc. j INIIIAS'APOI.IH. IleC 31 The Bt minified labor leader tturted on ihoj .w. ..- ii... .lf... nl labor lead- Journey to Ihn federal prison in l.en- r. .hi. .....ruin, ntrd writ tit super- enwoilh Knii.n at 21 30 till morn- ... -.... i... f...i..fi n.urt Int. The routo of thi' "l))immllo II'IIVHR ! I'lU'l --" . m Judgo Aiiderton iul IhiIIi inaller MiwIM." " iii trr,...a . or until 1 huriHlHX. " '" ,"" ,,w'u k""i " i,'cr,,, V? u.i.i. .... ......ibiiiiv iif leinl Inter- ntinril tl.luiy Culled Hlnlrt umrtlml firciiro, Iho "DyimmllB Hiwlal" ! "d U ini.T rorrel.on.leiiU Hr(,uMi:il llltlll M'HOOI. TKACII- Keep his County Job Democrat will be Retained as Clerk of he Circuit Court by Republi can County Clerk De Lap MISS CORNWALL MARRIES EDDY Christmas that she would spend the liolldn) In Portland. Since ho taught lu the high srhool here, .Mr. IMdy lint been connected 'with the engineering department of .Iho Southern I'acltle, and It located ill Oakdnlc. Tho train U KIIS IIKKK VI.I IX rOKTliAM.. illlOO.M IS .NOW WITH SOUTH KltX I'ACiriC CtlMI'AXV i ... ia.ni. ii I.H.. In.titn Aiiilnr. irniiiliiill. I nil iniMiei ton wa pompoulng ncllon for Iho do-j.lun to nrrlw. In l.eoiiworth wm fine, United Hlate Marthal Hcliinlill.nrtilny mumliiR was ,u the county Jail liKlrurllim hU Wlv.-t and relullvet of Iho pr ton lilly ilepullet regntilliig their dutlet ,r Imdo them farewell t Iho raunly - ,... Hall. Tho behlor of tho women wnt "Thorn l'. a onttlhlllly. nlmiMl Himrlau. Willi ).- red from weepj ptoliBblllty, Hint Ihwio will ho mi ntvliiR. l',) fl,m"1 ii.tni.1 i.. .ivimiiiliH iliU iriiln." tnld their himhumU Hthmtdi. " do mil expect nit)thliiK ponl would ho granled llki, ihnl to hitfineii. hut II will ho no 11 It rel"rteu Picnic. I iiiutl .ti.llv.tr llime iiimi '' l ' ; ,",; r7iV " ,f tl.!i ' IMtly." foriiwrly head of Iho commer ly ,.l Iho Uavenwarll. prlton. I I... of proMdl.m for tho fai.tlll.- of Iho I .1 1 . lomiW whooi lend to teo.tlinl (lilt la .lono. riio,.ritoii,.r. . Knyttot ,0 mrrlogoha Jutt been una mnii rntiglit ilrlnkiiig on mo trip BERTHA KELLEY CHANGES NAME SCHOOLS OPcN NEXT THURSDAY j Announcement na oecn maue oy mo mercantile outinet at uonaaxa. 'County Clerk Do 1ji that no change' H iva while he wi living at Bo- will be made In hi offlco force. ThU nanxa lhat V' chM,ln Mntod EBe suuon, uuugnier oi air. ana ttr. jh, I meant that (Icorgo Chastain It to re- Sutton. Mr. Sutton wa the founder main a clerk of tho circuit court, and of thc Aguiand Tiding, and hu wife that he will bo one of the two louo democrat at tho court house, tho other being Atsettor J. 1. Lee. Pl.irW I)., I n ii has heen n renub- 1'I.AXK is'ucau all hU life, aud from tho time he was ono of the first white women to tee Crater I-ake. In 1900 Chustaln came to Klamath Falls, and went In the mercantile business with U F, Willed. He re- AXXOt'.NVKMKXT OK MIDI' IIV CITV SCl'KHIXTKXIl-'B'tnln ' majority he ha cast hla'malned two year, then decided to ' .... kn,,ol ag mucl ua poggioio (0r the .leave tho Klamath country, but after KNT OK SCHOOLS Till: IHIIII momb,iriJ of .). (j, o. l. Chaplain.. two month In Montana he became I I ...IIMltll l( Ill.l! W.HMMB.W I A lOIIUllH'O rlllllirnVM .. i. ..... ..I. niin.iv iiii.li urmim ciiiiiii i.jiitiii. an 111111.1MI iiimi in .u.ii ..... i... 1-... n 11 .......... .... I mnlle nild Clieereil ivuunniii " " -,... .... - uny Uy t-(ly nuperiiueuiieui u. 11. ueapue in .1.1. I.. 11 mi itii.'imtodln Portland December .3, when juktICB OF l'lat'K Dunbnr. Iknow that Mr ...... ...... ... . ........ ....... l.iair.irtnr of I . ... ,mi miuie .". - - ........,-., ni... .ebMnni worn cranted n vara a n uepuiy '...... i ilormuii nud llltlurr at the rilKli 1-K.ii'is ! 'r. "' I .-"" V.T. . " ". r retained hlra inn t iiti uiii'i iiiiiiiiiiiii ,.-. . . . i iiimi nnriiHr iiiitt i'ai tits uvwuta wa i - ' ... . ........ M...i I....-I1IU.. tin wife of l'.rnott. ttni.Tiiv Miiil.AMt KA1J.MK11 . . ....... ........ 'i. ..r. I ...-.". - ,i,,, tHPiier' examinations, uuu in ur- " rilllilirltOlliT. .. . . .. .. in i... ..liiiii.i.i ii iiiiriiin in liyilli win '.., - ", . ,.,,,. Knllt .... . . .. ...l... u.iii. in iiiiiiii ait iiiiMni'i - ...-. Hill ho flrml at tho next sliitlon." April, UUii. i "" "'.. ;-" i" Tlu, ,.om,,0 ,cl lw ,, ago when United Hlntca DUtrlrl Altorney Mil- loured in '"" '". , .." . . Jih,,v woro teaching In tho high tchool. amo lint friend, wiuio boiuo lulliunted tlmt Ihero would ho a mar- nobody Buwiccted when him a ..... - Aiittiiui mill, uuu M"rtvi " -- " . . .year lern.er- ". ". -"- ..ru.Bll annouiiced JllKt betoro INIHANAI'OMH, Dee. 31. The Itlio ono year termor no way, will ho fired at tho next million." April, iuiu. inn ...... --"" ., , United 8l.tr. DUtrlrl Altorney MIL loured lo . U yoarj. will ho o IUI. 1. Jh l.-r called the 100 typowrllloi, ,me pnrolo h. July. 1PI-I o u ,th s rompllln, tho two write filed by th!..rmr In uly. H m thr. .Vtwo'S liilo. IbMib. a "pile of rot." lrn.r. In Kohnmry, 10H; h two... I. tutu voar termor In AiirubI, 101 J. and niiko, n SCHOOL OPKXS MONDAY .on tho other hand, ha always up- - iportea tno jenersouiau puny, aim iia Tho public school will reopen on become known a ono of tho pillar Tliuraday. Thl wus announced to-, of democracy in Kiatnatu county. politics, Mr. Do IMV Chastain I unexcelled county clork. and he has for another term. ThU announcement that will bo ro- dor to allow' ample time for tho ntud-Vnlved with joy by tho nttoruoys. re ten outlined for tho term, the session iporters, abstracter and other whose win ..nniiimnen Thursday. Instead of line or amy carries mem iu um tu.. Monday, (i U tho case nt tho high A unlet wedding wa BolomnUed In the olllco of Justlco of tho IVaco Urnve thl afternoon, when tho Judge uultod llertlm Hollo Kolly and Albert 'tchool. (1. Hamilton. Tho contracting imrtlc; ; nro well known rosldent of Midland. Mm. Jns. Wight la In tho city from i...v. win reMldo In that com- hor ranch homo In tho Ilonanta neigh- in unity. horhood. trauiactltiK buslnes. hoii'e Chastain first came to Oregon when l.o was 7 years old, lils paront mak hm tho trip from Arkansas to Jack vim county In 187G. In 1888 he came to Klamath county, and engage! la convinced that there I some truth Ik tho slogan, "You'll I.Ike Klamath," and ho roturned to his former poV. tton. At the 190 election, Ckaataia, al though a democrat, waa elected eons ty clerk. His record was so good that the following campaign be was elect ed without opposition. At the conclusion of his term he went Into business again for a while, but sold out, and Bpeat senrat months at the Shook ranch near Dairy. April 1, 1911, h aeeeitU'l a position as deputy county clerk natter Do Lap. and from present MIsaH-MM," ho will be an attache tan tvt tiie coming two yearn. I 1 M a f . A f - v.-Vi i'.j.'' "v. i li