l ,- X ti. r xi; e l-v NnTI'MKIt HIT THK tlNITKD Vlim NEW HKHVICK I - n Bte pcrtum 1 tMb. EVENING MSWITi 1'IIINT THK NBWS, NOT Hi Year Ntt. liW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DKCKMIIF.Il 9, IBI2 t ,', .4 IraM o , ' OEl HMOMT '" ' "Hi '"1; . 1 ' "I Pries, rn Prominent Labor Leaders Are Guilty of Helping in Dynamite Outrages and Are Lodged Behind Bars n - J CORONER PROBES Mothers to Blame for Social Evil-Lady Cook EXPLOSION IN CHINESE WALL MOCK MODESTY TO BE BROKEN ttfUATH THK IIMI.K IN HUI'I-OKT Of HER THKOHIKM ttmoa Wuawn AdtUri I'arrala In OH In l.lincr Tuawh Willi Ttielr (Mf.i.tlng lUvpomMMIIIIra Should iV . ... .. ... .. .. i M(wnl M lltiia. -J -T.. tenth of lir liubunil. Hlr Kruncln Cook, lir nrl'lfiilnl world Imim lit tench lliu l'fliirl'li llml kmiwlrilgn of ttio body uml Id fiiiitlliifin In the best mi tin lo iri'riii crliiiw, HIio u In lliu mlilai of n ledum lour nl (!rcnt Britain when. rrnillnK nf the vlro cru 'sades In New York mul Clilraco, aim iltxldnl in roiiin nnro morn lo Hip ll..ll.l UliiU. .....I .I..!!.. .. I... ....I.. of Ri1ilrrn In rrrry ilntn from iiami to tniirornii. Tho venerable ruxrliltt began her talk with a ijuotttlrin from tlir lllhl "Know jn nut that ye ar (lie Tempto THE BECK HOME ( Conl IiiupiI on Par. 2) JBinScr TERMS OF PEACE I'llttd I'ftM NKW VOUK, Dee. 'Mi- HI hl termed tha tin of the IK. Mdy Cook, known on two eontl seats a pioneer of (be science of ngtnlrs, today ivc a special Intor tWw in tha Unlltd I'rrw. In which M bliuil Ilia aiUlenr of lh tocUl nil la the fillura of inolhar proi. trtr to lnirut ihclr children In lha Mr nf I heir ImmIIm. "I want lo break (town lb Chlncwo ill of mock rooilratjr," aalil Ladr Cook. "I want llio xopU ot till trrt cuiintrr lo rcallio that lh body U lh Trniila of Ood, and that tlic lire nf lli body U lha brat mvana ot tumping nut, not only dbeaio, but trltno alto." Idy Cook bai bn trtcurlm In Ult counly and abroad for mora tktn fifty yrara. Aa Ttnnmioo Claflln kt Ihtjiiiio famnui for hr throrlra , m Iho irlf ncn of cuitrnlc. After the II, .UTIO.V IH T.KC II V HI'I,TA.N'N HIIICII .MIA" AMI I Al.l.ll I'.NVIIVH AHK TIMi: Til CO.NHIOKIt 1l'.NTKIt l'l..N CoUrd I'rrM Sortlce LONDON, lcc :k. Tim rari en toyi rraunird thnlr itrllbirallmi ut II o'clock Ihli inornln. They rrn In cmIoii (or au bour aim a nun, anu then adjoururd until 4 o'clock Mon day afternoon, Itrichld I'ntha liro aldot. Tim Turki formally ilcclliird the allle' iAce Irrmi, ami oRrrrd thn (turlr'a counter rnjnoiltlon The Hal kan alalri envoya aikrd tlmo tn con idler lliln. IIOIIV OK OOWA.V IIKIM1 rilCI'AH. HI) Foil HIIII'MH.NT J nrj l l.'inwnrlnl ami a Hrarlnv Will Ik. Held Mi.n.U) I'ollre Are llii'llgallliK Thiiirli-o of a I'umI bio Mmlti for Hie KtoliMliin Jury Vlr llir Ikxly of I lip Vourut Man 'llil. .Munilni: A coroiicr'n Jury to Imjulro Into tho Jtndi of Clinrli-i (loau, tlio man kill- 'til by lliu d)tiaml( riloilou at tho lli-ck mIOvuco Thuraday night, waa Miipsiiiliil llil morning by Coroner JWbltlock. They lowed the remalni thin forenoon, and will meet again iMnnday morning to hear the ttl Member of tho Jury aro J. U Mud iiy, J, V. Huwihunt, O. V. Itobcrt on, Jamea lllion, T. M. O'Counoll and M, (I. Wllklna. Tho body li being embalmed today by Coronar Whltlock. It will be ahlu- Jled tomorrow morning to tho home in tiiiwau iareiua in ouvuur, nil, The K)llro are stilt Invcatlgatlns theorlr that may tond to provo tho mollte of (lowan'a attempt lo dyna mllo tho Deck family. K. O. Meloy a In Friday from hl ranch near Allamnnt. r V Nelton waa In from hla nn farm In I'lowia precinct Friday. Mil flfTI" Willey and Totten are Fined in Police Court Engage In Scrap to Settle Differences and Then the Police Invite Them to Help Out the City Treasury MOOSE LODGE TO HAVE HOME Determined that everything In con Mellon with little oichange of flat tuffi they held Krlday ahould bo ttrlclly according lo tho law, John Totten and Oacar K. Wllloy nppenred flora I'ollco Judge Mavllt Krlday iflernomi and pleaded guilty to cbargca of fighting. Kacb waa tlnud lo dollar. "I don't think It 'a exactly right thnt I iliould bo fined, becauo I got tlio woral of tbo mix. nl Hiat waa bad unough," anld Totten. iviitv did not make any comment, coming to ftel thnt tho ntUfactlon ha gained by the rule of ollquetto n outlined by a certain Marqula of Quceiubury well worth tho liver. The two men engaged In quarrel Friday over n law aull, nnd ueciucu In light. They proceeded lo an lo tntml spot and prnceoded lo battle. Tho pollro learned of Iho affair nnd tho police court proceeding followed. ti'i'Cit ruoit or iii:.itvs uak acik on kkimatii avkmjk im i.i:asi;d iiy hkcknti.v oiujax i.i:d miimh: A lodce home, with lodgo room, club room, nool and billiard table, reading room and other accommoda iinim la iho latct plan ot the local menibor of tho lynl Order of Moote land n deal ha Jul been clocd w'th K. II. Ileury for Ivailng the upper door of tho now concrcto building on Klamath avenue, between Fourth and Fifth itreet. Tho upper floor will bo uied oxctu aliolv by tlio Moote. In addition to holding their meeting there the lodgo member will have a coxy place to upend their ovenlng hour. Jeering Mobs Taunt Convicted Men as they are Led to Marion County Prison I'ltlHONKIU AKK ABCHKD Crowd of Men and Uoya WaUli Jallward March United 1'rcfi Service INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. JS. Aa the thirty-eight convicted men were marched through the trceta to the Marlon county Jail they wore aaialled by nowaboya, ahoutlng offer ot extra edition of newspaper. On one corner there waa n group of men who cried: "Dyna mltera," and "bomb thrower" aa the prlaoner paaved. Worker, and one ot the convict cd men, aald thla merning: "Thla will not cripple the Union. The work will be done Juit the aame under other oB cera In cam an appeal 1 without avail." DISPUTE OVER LOGS ON TRIAL Jl'ltV IN JUDOS aitAYMr COURT HKARI.Va KVtBK.NCK IN THK CAHK Ot: OSCAIt K. HllXKk' VH. I. J. HTRAW Trial of the suit ot Oscar K. Willey agalnit I. J. Straw lo recover money alltged due waa commenced Friday afternoon In tbe )utlco court, and the caie U still being beard by the Jury. A countor claim la mado by Straw, and according to hla view ot tho matter Willey Is Indebted to him. Doth of the men have been home- steading on the Upper Lake, and both cut loga for the local sawmills. In ono raft both men aent logs, and Straw alleges that Wilier waa wrong fully paid for ome of Straw' log. Willey claim that thla I not the case, and allege that Straw I In debted to htm for beef furntsned him by Willey. John Irwin Is Willey' attorney and Joteph S. Kent appear for the defenae. Mexican Troops are Helpless Before Rebels Chaotic Conditions are Reported in Northern Mexico and Vera Cruz Brigands are Burning Towns FARMER INVENTS USEFUL MACHINE WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. II. Tiie state department dlspatehe this Hornlnw . k.iu njiMillttnna 111 northern Mexico, m well u In Vera Crux The federal force aro aald to bo helpless. . . . ItobeU nnd brlguuda nro aacklng town nnd vlllogei nnd Ihon ottlnc them on fire. I,. MAHKWKM. KUUM8IIBH THK mi.i Milt COXHTHUCTI.N'a A NAC1K IIHUHH KIWDIOATOH AITI.IK8 KHI TATKNT l Markwell, n fanner residing In tho Upper Too Valley, has applied for a patent for n machine for eradicating migo brush. He has had one ot ino machine built at tbe Kiamam iron u'.,b. mwi thoiB who have examined tho mochanlsm declare that It will do tho work. Tho machine I operaieu by olthor gasoline or norM power, n n Woatfall and Victor Wetfall are hero from Orenco to attend to business matters. a..irr.Dtta are .ulsnnlUK A march on Washington to arrive In tlmo for tho Inauguration of Wood row WlUon. ATTORNEYS WILL MEET I ONIGHT WORK TO GO ON l-realdet Rjraa Hay UsJoa to Not Crippled 4 United Pre Service INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 28.- Frank M. Ryan, president ot the International Association ot Urldge and Structural Iron Seiffert and Buckley are Given their liberty Defendants Hear Verdict of the With Faces Set and Grim. Offic ers Surround Prisoners and Rush them Off to Prison. Will Appeal SAILORS FACE A NEW RULING IN8TKAD OV BEING DUCHAXGKD FROM THK HKRVICK AFTER HUI.K INFRACTION, HI.UKJACK KTH ARK NOW 'DKTl.TIONKR8' United Pre Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. For the past year, instead of sending enlisted men to prison for minor offenses and for desertion, the navy department baa been confining them as "detentlonors" under the same reg ulation they had In aervtce. The result has been that several of the men who would havo been other wise discharged at the ends of their terms as disgraced offenders against tho law, go back Into tbo navy depart ment on the aame footing aa all other To Jail for life I'nlted Pre 8rvlc LOS AN0ELE8, Dec. 28. Levi Khresman waa sentenced to 1U' Im prisonment In Folsom prlrt4y for the murder of NlekQsitnly .,. , ,lil Fred Kills Is ut frWN Fort Klamath for a short vlM.1Vfc ANNUAL SESSION OF THKJWR AV SOCIATION WILL IIK HKU fJ THK PUIU'OMK OF KLHOTUM OFFICKHH FOR THK NEW YlJAR The annual meeting of tbe Klamath county Uar Association WH be held this evening In Judge BeMtw'g am ber at the court houw. The meet ing was to have been tki morn ing, but many ot tktofTK. being unable to atUnd at UmAMm? request- Its postponement. ,J jm At this evening' asnilsn offlcer for tho new yoar wlU n alected, and tho plans ot the organisation tor tuts win bo outlined. In addition thero will bo soveral applications for mem- persnip. Tar Baby Wtaw Sam Iancford knocked out Bam MoVey In the 13th round of their en gagement In 8ydnoy, Australia. The Tar Baby" had no difficulty in dis posing ot hit husky opponent after the fourth round. Two Austrian were arrested In Loa Angele when they trampled on an American Bag. Abel Ady la up from Midland today, E. iJrVf una ''f. Montague I KUUMAsvVMta Tkltor. MADDOX SUES CHAS. LOOMIS CliAIMS THAT 1'ltOI'KHTY WAS MI8RKPHKHKNTI.I) IN A TRADE FOR AMMJILDIM1 HKRK UK WANTS tttJ.000 ciaimlnc that tho property near Merrill that he secured from Chan. Loomla In a trade for the Whlte Uaddox bulldlnc was not rightfully represented to him, I. A. Maddox has commenced ault against I.oomla for tS.000 damages. C. M Onelll 1 at torney for Maddox In the mlt, whlcn waa filed late Friday afternoon. A deal waa doted Ut: May between Maddox and Loomla whereby Maddox traded hla Interest in the White-Mad dox building to Loomla for 6 6 8.1 X acre ot farm land oa the Merrill road. Maddox atatee that forty acre belonging to Loomla wu wrongfully withheld from Maddot In the 'trade, and that Instead, forty aires of worth- let hilly land waa substituted la the deed. United Pre Service INDIANAPOLIS, Dec 28. -The Jury In the case la which prominent labor leader are charged with the Illegal transportation ot dynamite re turned a general verdict thla morning In which thirty-eight of tha defeat- ants were found guilty on gfty-two counts. The Jury entered the court roosa at BO. Daalel Buekley and Hamaa G. Seltert were found not fvtity. The Jury waa oat forty hours sad twenty-five minute. The defendants aat with faces grim and set. A happy light ahowed la tbe face ot Buckley and Seiffert. Charles W. WachmeUter, one of the convicted defendant, cried like n baby. Judge Anderson dismissed the jury after thanking them profusely for their "good and faithful work." The court then adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday morning. United State Marchal Schmidt was ordered to take charge ot the defend ants. All of the spectator were or dered out ot the court room. Frank K. Palnter'a wife fainted and was car ried from the room. When the Jury entered fifty deputy United States marshal surrounded the defendanta In a double line. It took only a few minute to read the verdtet. Harney Harding for the defease attempted to address Ue court, but tha court declined to listen. No sooner had the verdict been aa nounced than the Juror departed. Then the thirty-eight defendants were called forward singly and hurried to the Marlon county Jail, each In the custody of deputy marshal. Oloaf Tvtetmoe and E. A. Clancy heard the verdict stolidly. United States Marshal Schmidt told the defendant that he would giro those whose wives are here an oppor tunity to visit with them tomorrow, the day before they will be sentenced. Frank Dare of New Lisbon was Us foreman of tha Jury, which waa com posed mostly of farmer. Although the Jury'a verdict did not mention McManlgal, Clark sad tbe McNamaraa, Judge Anderson will sen tence McMaahjnt aad Clark oaMy. Monday. Marching throogh throaaa ot : pie, tha thirty-eight convicted tramped to taa eouaty JatL ansa i acted to a deputy United i saaL It is believed that Um aaatt wttt merely fine some of taa eWfeasVtata, aad otters will as gtvaa asiasr atav teaees. PaaslMy Kyaa. Hwafcil TiW , mo. Claacy aad Maaaey art aeTata to JaM as TrtK aa faai. ' "Taa coavteUoa Is aat a Now la union labor." aald United fttatea Dis trict Attorney Millar tarn. 'but a dfa It rulafl rren wttl United Frees Sarvlee NEW YORK. Dae. 28. -ITsaUMt Compere ot ths Amerlcaa FeisrAUoa of Labor declined to make any state ment regarding tha conviction ot tho labor leaders la Indianapolis. "I have nothing to say." as de clared. Harrow Weat Talk talted Press Sorvleo LOS ANOELES. Dec ttClaraaso Oarrow declined to discuss tte eoa- vlction of tbe labor leaders at Indeaa-apolls. Jadawa United Press Borrieo SAN FRANCISCO, Dee.88 "Jsdaa Anderson bultdosed sad browbeat taa attorneys for the defenae until they feared to offer tha proper defease." said Anton Johanasea this aftsraooa. In discussing the ladutaasoUs Ter dlct. "I am satisfied that tha UaRoa Bute circuit court of appeals wiH grsnt n new trial. SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. II. Mrs. Clancy wired her kataaat tatayt "I know you are Innocent, aad la the end truth aad Justice will rerall. No Judge or prosecutor of taa ataat trust can make ma believe ran are guilty. Keep fighting." (Coatlaued oa Faaja 4) W00DR0W HAS A BIRTHDAY PARTY STAUNTON, VA., PEOPLE TURN OUT TO CELEBRATE ANMVER-J 8ARY OF THK DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT-ELECT STAUNTON, VA., Dae. II. Gov ernor Wilson Is spending his SCth birthday here. Tha satire papula tion walked tha street today, oagsg- Ing In a cheering aad horn-blowlag demonstration. There are 16,000 vtsltora here to participate la tte eele- bratloa. Governor Wilson slept last night la the old manse near hers la which ha was bora. TRIES TO ESCAPE PRISONER IS SHOT TaWM OV IMPRISONMENT WOVLsV HAVE EXPIRED IN FaVMWARY, BUT 'FRISCO MAN WANTS LIBERTY SOONRft Jl y& -'r '$ a c i is aAl ii . .i t 4- United Press Sarvles a, ?5 . t BJ IAN riuuutaw, wv. . vw , , uty Sheriff Boraatak skat um$A ') fmiir Uinlur iAdav aa Is .Isasor '. " ''" " !-'- r J . & was -aiteisifninsj -j-s. county 111. Mayatsor was ta ja a V . t-A a charge of petty lareoay, Asm Ms oaa - i- iieaee w oarfww p , r , . ,. j ..- ? .V -r, v, v? .-. ii- '- o