A$ A," -w UJ' ft?"- L ! ..'. -X Amuseiats 77i? TemptS Theatre h Ift h m Drama . "Dea Jaea mm tlgtrlfe, Pathe TwReel aTwVWaBd Ma," Vlataa - mJiiiXr ALlJcK BVatare ph Drama BAILY AT S:M NSVD nCTORW, FISHING TACKLE we Ufa e very tb lag you l aeed to that feaehg trip: Hoak, Uee. rodV reels, baaketa, ate. iwt rent tent, gnne and eamplug TH1VGUN STORK J. IW:HAMHUH THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. Published dally eicea Saada? ar tha Haraia Publishing Cosaaaay al Klamath ralla. at 11a Fourth St Entered at the postodce at Klamath Palls, Oregon, for transmission through the tnatta aa eecoBd-cless nutter Young Girl Makes Long Trip on Cruiser Subscription terntn by wall to any ad- draa In tha Ualted 8 tales: Ob year ..,............. .15.00 One month ,,,,. .60 KLAMAT rAM. . ORSWUN FIUIIAY, DRC, 87, lIS N i Jareeal i L-r ABoxofCffidy fW Ka Vim wisf fc a wll r- .eelved taken eLapnreciatloa (or holiday hoepltSllty. especially If ' tha eaaffy earn treat TheMhaHta 'j!' " Wa jTayjonlalea every arteraoea aad eveBtak. 11 a Aii tn mum if iniu Lu in OK MXMeT DTtCK CaM arVbaan af wiwn !! COL nana 117. J Mala at. V I"""" W. M. TIMMSy"' BmBBBBnTSJ BMBskB SlBBSBBESBBl iMwrac msmm fcarawf M DrmtnfGlmBlmit Waraawl tNmi earabta im raga aaactne jraeaaai procass nksAaflkl NEW LAW HELD 10 BE VALID ATTORNEY OKNKRAL tHYHS AN OPINION OX THE itO-CALUTO IX. DVRTK1AL WaXVARK COMMW 8KX mix ra all spots end dirt tba aai OaV 117 Kteaaath h hi Koiir .Ktiowi . 4 That K la UtafUw aaarkat aad (tore tbat pretest aervi If year easterners yi .. .!- a baa i dab 'ife arlasat ateaey I groceries la the at tbaaa at , rapuUUoa for Bat oae of Mr are team aoaaa- tklu la tha aaUaut llaa aa wall aa la tba a&aey Una. Talk K orar wKh liar aa4 ctve'na a Ml trlaL I x VanB pfe - i i per Bros. ne S$t " " - 'LIVELY I ftwfjv wimpOi www ' r " l out drlrvra tfSlaialt IkNVCt 1 " ELUJMIUN 'A T ' ft! ,' i,k - 8ALBM. De. 17. Attermay Qaa cral Crawford baa plaead bta approval upea tba aaaaaara baowa aa tba "la duatrlal walfara ceaaaalattoB b)U.M and saya ba baUavca It la not oaly coa.ll- tutleaal la etery raipcct, but la a BMaaara ot sreat merit. Ha gave an oplaloa on the propoted meaaure la reapoBM to a requcct from Rev. Kd win V. O'Hara, cbalrasaa of tba eocial surrey committee of the Coaeumeri" Cue at I'ortUnd. The attoraey geaeral aaya there are . . HAk. KLl.k lk k laJ ,vuij ww yvoiuj wim wto w imiotw in objection to tba validity of the bill on coaatltutloaal ground, tbeae belag aa to whether It come within the po lice' power ot the atate aad whether ttbi delegation ot legUlallve author ity. The bill la for the purpose of Itlag a mlalaium wage acale far wo rn aad glrU. " aaeeUoa very elmlUr to tbu aroee upoa the par age of the law llmltiag the hour of wema worker to tea hour per day aad ality hour per week," aaya tka attermey ajeaaral' oplalea. "aad la the eaea of the etate agalat Mailer the eaprame cemrt of Oregea eaetalaed that rtatut aa a valid eaerewe of the police power aad aa aot uadaly laterferiac wRk the right of woaaea. aal JurU. to coatract. which decUloa waa aaatalaed by the United BUtae auprem court." Ife cltea a lumber of other caacs -t almllar nature, aad thea aaya: "If the police power extend to alt iho great public aeede, aa bald by the United State supreme court la the ease above cited, aad It must be con ceded tbat saddest earnings to pro cure a reasonable aad comfortable ei- Uteiice, together with some opportun ity for rest aad recreation, aad sani tary, bealtbfat and moral conditions under which to labor, oa behalf of women and minors, are some of the prlniu as greateat need of the pub lic, then thU affopeeed bill la certainly well within the police power of the state. "Upon the othy,polnt. aa to wheth er the appointment of a commission, aad" through 7t ot wage "beard, or conferences, for the purpose of ejcer talahig aad Sitae what, are raoson a'ble nad necessary minimum waet. maximum boar of labor aad standard condition for and under wbleb wo man and children may be allowed to work. I and' It eetabVsbed by a multi tude of authorities tbat while a legis lature cannot delegate Its authority to make lawa to any other body or au thority, but haying enacted tho law may delegate to another body or au thority power to determine facta upoa which such law shall operate. 'Therefore, la aay oplaloa, tba met proposed is valid no far aa a conflict with the constitution, state or nation al, is concerned, and I am further Im pressed with the great merit of tha object sought to be obtained by this proposed law. If our free Institution are to be malaUlaed, It la of vital Im portance to protect oar eJUaaas, espe cially thoae ia greatest seed of each protection, by furnishing adequate mean of livelihood, aa well aa aafe aad sanitary condition under which employment may be pursued. -arf"p' tl-t-iiBasaaw &HaaHHH2jali laSBBBBBBBBBBBBB. wleaBBBBBBBWSBBBBBfl Mlsa Prlcltla Rlllcott, daughter ot Captain J. M. Klllcott, commanding officer of the U. 8. 8. Maryland, enJo the distinction ot being the first fe male passenger oa aa American sea going maa-otwar la the last thirty- one years. Mis kiiicou nan oeca vtoltlBg her elster, the wife ot Uu Unant Hoe Kingsbury of the marine corps, stationed In Honolulu, and tin Just made the trip from the Island to tho Ihiget Sound navy yard at Brem erton, Wash., as a passenger on her lather's "ship. As sb'e expresses It to her friends, she had "the time of hrr lite" during the voyage, a lono irln v ou a floating kingdom, of which her father was monarch and the young noblrs ot the wardroom the subjects. Years ago It was qulto the custom tor the raptalns ot American men-of-war to tako their wives and families wltht hem when on long cruises, bit In ISM, Secretary ot the Navy Wru II Hunt Issued the famous "no pettl coat order. NYLANDER WILL WORK FOR U. S. WKIX KXOW.V KLAMATH COUNTY RANCHKR ACCK1T8 POSITION IX COXXHGTIOX WITH MODOC POINT IRRIGATION PROJECT Hans Nylandar, well known Klam ath county farmer, aad formerly In charge of the farm at the Klamath Agency, has again entered the gov ernment service. He baa been offored a responsible position by the Indian service In the work ot constructing the Modoc Point Irrigation project on the Klamath reservation, and haa accepted. Mr. Nylander haa leased his farm on Lost River to O. A. McComb, and ia moving bis family and effects to Cblloqutn. whsre be will reside. He ill be engaged la getting things la readiness for the commencement of work on the .project in the spring. Masosw Isjatall OSkesna The newly elected oSlcers of Klam ath Lodge No. 77. A. P. & A. M., will be installed at a apeclal meeting of the lodge, to be held at Masonic hall this evening. The Installation cere monies will be conducted by Hon. fleorge Noland, Past Master, and Lyle O. Mills, the newly elected Worship ful Master. American Wife of Spanish Minister If R'a worth havtag, M'a worth In suring. See CliHcwta at M wreet, or pboa (Ml. ssass&AMSMsnaMhUH WO0 lVh..SLsM) VjBJpCsS t PsMawaV bs atotfy Tc4 SAM "saawfal aVM-W VMIsSf tf&JuB Baa Vaeishr aack, IosmI.M-M o.lfcrrojf, Ogee 1 IM PaV PIwmm JS7S, DrySUbWaadl Dra8iBk 1S-I Robert S. Adams df Merrill left on Thursday for San Francisco to receive medical attention. Ml II I I II BBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBUSBSl ' PAIRHAN'M, MOKHK Oil lfa Bines for Simplicity, accessibility, safety, durability aal economy. Horn ing heavy on, two-thirds lower la coat thaajgasollne. Before miking a purchase we Invite you So call and aee our Knglnes on llsplay. ' WlhAW YOU MONEY SWOT BROf. ISIS MaJa.lt., OfveaMe TeaUi VAIXS saBKBBsBsaai (Copyright by Harris Kwlng) Senora de Itlano, wife of the Bpaa Ish minister, waa Mis Atlce Ward of New York before her marriage. She made her winter homo In Washington with her grandmother for several years, and there met Seaor de Rlano. She Is Just the true of woman whom a Spanish gentleman wobld naturally admire, a brunette with dark, spark ling eyee, and the lithe figure to daacj a "chacuclm" with consummate ease. Blnce their marriage, Seaor and Be aora de Rlano bava lived at European capitals, visiting' this country every year. Wood Wqati u SlabWto. .KMU Dry Slab WnIim. 3.5IC. 4ft $3 U Limb wA Uiy wool 4ftt Mil I2ii Leavejordera at O.K. friHjwfer Co. Phen7i M Car, aad Mala P. C. CaHon MONTANA FARMER MAKES SUCCESS JOilKPIt It. NAHH TM.I.M HOW UK l!,ISI,l) l'ltlK WHKAT IIV llltY IAIIMI.SU MCTHOHH 4IKTM A llll.i: 01' SMMNt MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec. t. "flood 'dry farming' mslhods" pro- Oured the wheat which won for Nash ft llrldgeinnu uf Clyde Park, Mont., tint 15,000 prise for the best five bushels o( wheat exhlbttrd at the Mlu nenpoll Und HIkiw, according to Joneph P. Nash, who gave a descrip tion of the methods used In raising the wheal. Nash Is here with his wife and six children to claim the IM00 prise and lake It back to Muntau with him. He called at Ihe otneo uf the exposition and was glum a crtlnct copy ot all score and an order on for the lllg Tour "30" gas tractor, Kmerson llranllngham plows, etc. Then he railed on President Howard Klllott of tha Northern Pacific railway and re reived further congratulations. He told Mr. KlUott bow the wheal was raised, and demuusiralrd that gooJ dry farming methods or Just com, mon sense, will produce not only good wheat, but the maximum yield, per acre. 'The Ave bashets which woa ithe prise waa grown at An altitude ( 1,900 feet, where the rainfall doe not exceed 17 to II Inches. One crop had been produced on lbs land before we aeeded It to Ibis Twrked Red wheat, the teed for which cama from the Oaltalla Valley." aald Nash. "Wo summer fallowed tba land la 1911 by plowing with a mould board plow not less than alt Inrhee deep la the last part of May and the Oral part of 'June. We dragged It down aa sooa as possible after plowing, the Idea be ing to preserve the moisture by drag ging within two daya after plowing or sooner. After any rainfall of conse quence the ground was dragged a soon aa It waa possible lo get oa It with a team. "About the flrst ot Inly wo double disced the flsld. The UU of Augjt and flrst week of September It waa dragged aad then Ihe Md waa plant ed by drilling with a double disc Ken tucky drill, which put it down at least four Inches, fort pouad of seed wa used lo Ihe acre, aad we prefer less rather than morj ibis amoun. If the land la strong and clean It will aot require thla amount. With such methods of farming the moisture la preserve! sufficient to start tba seed to germinate Immedl, alely, whether there Is rain or not "In the spring of 1913 Ihe Held was harrowed or dragged at sooa aa the land waa dry enough to permit It. Once or twice later dragged It. This Is done lo keep a mulch on tho fund and keep It from baking or dry In out. "The soil of our ranch Is a dark mountain loam, beneath which It a limestone clay subsoil. Tba wheat was produced without nnv artificial means or tub-lrrlgalloa. though tm have considerable winter snow which helps preserve the wheat through the winter. Wheat In this section seldom or never winter kilts and never heaves out by frost. The character of the soil la similar to that In Ml of Central Montana, particularly In tha Judllh Ilasln, Ihe Crow Creek, Smith River, and Musselshell valley. There are hundred of similar laud open to homestead entry In Montana." Aa a result of hla success In railing and selecting wheat, Mr. Nash has been offered a position for the winter, installing the permanent exhibit of he Northwest Development League In St. Paul. Ha baa accepted, and will remain la St. Paul until time to go out and produco another crop of wheat- Dry Clasuataf Oregon Dry Cleaning, 1001 Mala street. Pboa 117. Cleaning, press ing, repairing. .All work guaranteed. Wa call for and deliver tba good. H. II, McLaae, manager, il-lte Cut flowers 4t N. t West Mala i TOUR WINTEl wo DryflafcWi Block.Wi it. T OD 0OM9.UUC. MM.90MIIOM Umto of body wood le-V Cash. MsssrssaswsrsrsBs?aarBaaHHK Pelican B S. Wood K.M.BOUJCJL Leave Mjers tJlMtMMt All Tenwa Htrl 0aHtar, j Lumber Yard Mar at ', riiaaa 1MI HON J. aUMWAIT, 1'restdeal. K. M. HUHM, Vlealra, aiid TsasT '" " " -- 4 Klamath Count Abstract Go ABSTRACTING ijrvcyora irnil IrrlgVutloii Lnfilnecrh V ,Psi. PI.A.Mit lll.l'KPI hints. KM.'. iKlapath rtUs, Ortoi Special Holiday Sale Oa House 1'iiraMilage, coasUlag ef aaaagsa, Cea States, Reattea, Mattreeaee, lledsprlag nasi Hags, M lassie, Ungate, aVaekeea, Caahe, Kveeythlng la the etere at Hi per raal Mataaal Call at O. G. Venaen Furniture Co. Corner Ninth aid Main ir "iisvtr sbbM I a a K'T .aBashgwl I IgaBBBaaLaU i 4 Vf ak fffaaBBBBBBSBlV I ' ' ' aBW aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBasr X IF YOU ARE IN NEED I of money to raa yawt ksttaets, do aot heellaat'lo coma ta tb rirst Traaf'and Vavlagt Saak. and aaV'them for a Iota. Tea novbaly 'flad us ready to aatlet ro'u, but w alto will enlsla u you anything you wish lo keee relative to modern aad m Me dals banking buslant. Uepoaat are respectfully aoltclted, First Tiniit and Saving! Bank tystfaatl. Falla, Oregon A Portable Oil Stove IsjaattheliaaaiUW! carry aewaad. Odssrteaa aa rheap la prtre. Thee at aa aetata f ruea a cold bath aha beihruBen ta UihrroM weather. I saaHary, a dV food heal prodacee aad eaeoa for teatpOag a severe ceM e aaea- WILLIAM C. HURN HlDWAII KLAMATH fALLS MIMIC MOVHat 'p i Sola Iteyteeeataala 4 Snet aaaa Claf A Cw.a Ilea, the ateaaway aadrather let alas n at awketC Tualag aad Neaaha. Aatstry rr aaf aad Wall tteadas MarMaea, Oliver Trie ayttera, Vktor aad a'dhwa Jaet new, Kdlsea i tluaery aad Pktarea. U. MAIMaKN, rrefrletee V A Tiaasaanae. tiede. Sic; sjlnafi lUrarw. Bis. "V TMKHK IS NO aHCURITY SUtnCH THAN MONRY. f OVB MONKY WHKRK YOU CAN OUT IT WMKN YOU VR.NT TOT 4 THK HHHT NATIONAL HANK TIM KO jfHINOS TO YOI'R ACCOUNT. - m THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK "ThkBmnjt of Service" Carttairjf 100,000 M DON'T COU Send U Underwood'a aaaf ftabottltNYA4 White Fine aad Tar It will rclitvt tha Irrltatjdfi, MtluyMr throat and atop tha Cough. jOo a bdittta arid altea wall tonflht. Ln UtttHM 5c U N D IS R WOOD'S CoriMTftaln 'aad favanth