vT. !) w .. ua ' u t it r NwPPLIKD BY THK vmtkd rnmti news hkhvick ph flu ititia HefftUi. V tl re SI 'TO '4? r -is? rt , 4 ilBi , W asvoatti Year No. i.MS KLAMATH PALLS, OHKflON. FRIDAY, B44CKMRRR ST, I01B Jealousy Leads To Attempt ', j 1 i i i : ' JJ ' ' 14 L TTP7 nturr m.mK mmw.ammmmmjr.sK mm ' i' vH To Murder " v h'''ji- ' "sis . . i-yt ..- t. a George Gowen Sets Off Stick of Dynamite and Receives Fatal Intartei " r . -.. , ,., , " i " -'i . iicuci OEtn NBLrflu n ouu TO Bfc UIVtN BY THE GOVERNMENT The Present and Future Rulers of the Netherlands A- r WATER t'MCIM IINCKIVt: WOllli FROM WAKHINUTON In OnUr In DrtMocalralo llii Ativan- tagr of (Jtwta limning, I'nHo Uut' llliril Mm Will Cu-4lrritii Willi Farmer" In llir KUmmlt IU kin, and Will ll Aihlt nit ll.r , Dry land ferroett In Hi Klamath lluln are to bo funltlied with frre lfatf icrd ly tl. nauriuiifnt fir ex- , 1'irlmtnl purposes. A letter in thTa effect wat received by Hmclary Al tcrt K. Kldrr of II o KUnutli Vlcr rr AMocUtlun tram iliv lmrcu uf Uh( Inituilrjr of IU ilnmtuiipnt or ncrlcullur. Th lilUr iltlN llikt lbs burriu U mllBI ItrttclMt itrd (i the eml ttlil clluM of UrrRAn, uJ 4iK fm iro aixau ot iwtiur ioci i'iMr, CacIi of ikMawVl rKlu ctioaich Half ft4 tor Hit ilnnllnx ot on M it. I lltM Men eonttl wild hi bu lfU III llMIWCl IhO lflfll ffl'1 lurttir Mlbl( nnil will lonJ what" tjrtUlanc nucdad. I SECRET PACT I0W RUMORED HKrUHTMAM IT THAT HUM1AKIA AMI TVKKKV MAVK MAUK TKKMM Of PKAL'K XO OKMAI. (HI COXKfllMATtOK NABK UutiMl lrM Iwvle U)NDON, Dm. 17. It la rtrdd m ctrUla llwt Turkey will refuio to pay tMunlary ladMiBlty. It It rv ported that all ot tbt tavoya bavo re rt Ivtd atlauU datallrd laatructloaa at to tactly what raroaalona may bi made frota ta orlglaal lUwaada. A dkpateh fren Balgrado daelarra Ibat Hulgarla and Turkty hava mado a mcrtt pmm agrMMrat at Conttan llnoplt. Thbj aaa aot hota coaflrmod, adihtr haa It htM datd. Ki-Couaty Judg J. B. QrlBlli It lu Iron hla raaoh oa Ilia Marrlll road on builncM trip. IU will bo licru tov ral daya. W. li, WltoM of OUaa wat a Tburt day Tlaltor la the couaty aaat. He r turned hoaia today. BQBST I VBilWBVaMMaflMMMafajjgaMa aLLLLLaLLaaH aaaaaaaaaaaH HaVHtHaaVaSBMBaVawaVaBSBSaSaTltEtTltMaEi POOLE PROBABLY WILL GET WEIL i Wllheltulm. tbo bclowd qucn of born April 30, 1909. Tbe young Hit Nrthvrlandt. tier contorl. I'rlnco prlncwa of Oranite. ai iiho li known , . . . olTlclalljr, will moored to tbe tbroao lUnry of Mklenbur-8chwcrln. n.loccupIcd by hw rootncr unteM , , lliclr dauchter. Juliana Wllbolmlna, and belr to tbe retcnlns houto It bora. 1 MORNING PRATLE TWISTED AGAIN FIHK I.V MIAM AUDITION FUR MHIIIM KXCUHK Hill AN ATI TKMIT TO IIIHCIIKDIT CITY AI- MINIHTIUTION Willi lit uiual dltresard for ac, curacy, mo morning vav mu7 1 prlnlt n atory regarding tbe buralag of th Heard homo In Mill addition. An attempt it made to dlicrcdlt tbe rlty administration through tbe njo department. Aa a matter of fact, tbe nro oopare raent waa not called out, end tbt liouio at doomed even beforo tbo flrtl ipcrtntort arrived. The hone Into which tbo Heard family moved dort uo( belong to Mr. MeCabe, aa ,itatud In tbe morning paper, but to I Councilman Hen Oweat. Nelgbbori retponded promptly, and supplied the unfortunate family with such neceailtlet at were needed. UNIQUE ACTION STARTED HERE wsrssrarsc- K, Bulgarians Make Up an Army of Children Yoitttaa Barely 14 Years of Age Ate forced to Knlut. Troop Are Being Kept in Beadineat WOCLD.HR HUICIDK HAH NORMAL I17UMC ANB TUIPMfUTVRK THIH'MORNINO MHH. 1-OOtK IHITf Hl'HRAND J, U. Toole, who attempted to com mlt aulride Thanday afternoon, la retting eay at Blackburn hotpltal Vj day, aad Dr. Chilton, who It nttcndlnt Him, believe thure la a good chanci for bit recovery. I'oole'a pulae and temperature vero noimal tblt morning, and be appeared lo bo In good tplrlta. He atked that Mr. Toole be aummoned, and bla rc juett waa grauled. Tor tome limit tbe two were la consultation, and It ti re) orled that there occurred a com- ilttn reconclllatloa. It appeart that tbe party which '-'.rs. roolc, attended the night before the attempted aulclde waa at I'lae nrote, lattaad of la MIIU addltlrta. Dr. Tntaa OewralM Dr. U 1 Tmai today performed aa operation upon tatila Heagwad, removing tha.Ta( maa'a tovaOe'aad three adeaolda. The lad la rapidly recovering from tbe effecta of the op- ratloar - i.4 'Tea" MeCallum, who waa atraek over the head with a ttove poker al tbo eeaaty road camp Chrlatmaa day, la reported to be la a aerloaa condi tion thlt afternoon. J. K. Bltemore, who baa beea Ttalt lac hla parent at Fort Klamath, left today for California to retume hit tudlea. PELICANS TAKE TWO FROM STARS HRVQ OOaWANV BOWIiHM WIN FIRM QAMK RUT ARM UNARLK TO TAKK MORS TRR ROONBI I.KAQVK QAMK TON! e e WATCH H) FOOND e f) Tamepleea Waa FiwbaMr Blows. Tlirt h Uf Root e dowaa'a twM wateh waa feaad e thlt afteraoea bf Rta BmUwell about Afteea feet away from the e Reek horn, it had apparently e been blowa Uirovfh ihareof of tbe beat aad had loaded hi Ua enow. 4 A peeaUar featare w.m (bat liiv watch did aot apiMtr to be e fiami.ged to aay great extit, and waa still runalag whea It at found. e e WAH OOWAN JBALOVa? e ' Maa AeVMaa Rack TRs mi Um . DyaamMH e e "Oowaa waa jealoat." aaM Mkm AdeUaa Reek tarn aftar- aooa. "Ma feaad my lattera e aad adld he would et area wHh ma. t kaow be vaatad kW.aa aH. "Ha always waated ma to go e) wMh Urn. I dMa't Hka htm, bat fdtdg to the abaw with Mm f a few Uataa." e ' DYNAMITE CASE WITH THE JURY JURORH PRAY RKPORK RETIRING TO IHCMBKRATK VRRBfCr MB NOT KXFKCTHR UNTIti TO- NMHT AT TOMORROW M i United PraMPartlea IKNNA, Dee. l bulaarUai are -'lively prmrlat to rit the war . crdla ta dlHt'oiv4 recclvod here from tf outaa waa are not ordlaarlly lw 0 . Jt.MsSf, , ' , if I blo for military terv"ce aro biliiK con tcrlptod. Some of thete recrulta aro but 14 yeart'of age, The utuol age for recruiting aoldlem ! 8 years. , Troops are being kept constantly la readlaeta. ATTOItNKV 8TAHTH SUIT AOAINBT ItKKKIIKK IN 1IANKHVPTOY TO IIKCOVKIl B300 THK MUIXKK IIANKIIUITOY IH 11KCALLKD Tlio flrat tult to avoid preference out commcuccd lu Klamath county wan Mod In tho circuit court thin morning by Hollo C. Groetbeck aa truttoo of tho citato of K. W. Huller iisiiliut J. 0. Uutenlc. Uroetbeck'a tlgunture It attached to the complaint !aUo at nttornoy per ae. Tho cause of action datea beyond tlio tlmo Muller, who conducted a uu slo etofo here, wat adjudicated a bankrupt, A few wcokt prior to Mul- Icr'a Insolvency, the complaint alleges, Muller transferred to Rutenlo mutieel InstrumenU and typewriters valued at f 500, to satisfy a dobt of 1306. drocibeck states la his complaint that there was not sufficient moaey raised from the salo ot the Muller stock to satisfy the demand ot cred itors, and he holds that Ruteale baa uo right to a larger percentage of the Indebtedness than other creditors. He aski Judgment against Rutenlo tor 1500, the alleged valuation of tae "Wild Bill" Dowalng'a Star Drag bowlers loat two out of three games to the White Pelican team la the opening aerlea ot tbe City Bowllag League at tbe Club alleya last night. As the percentage ot tbe teama la reckoned by the number of alagle gamea played, not by tbe result of the terles ot three at a meeting, tbe Pel leant have an average of .Cll and the Pill Rolleia .III. The flrat game of the aerlea weat to the druggists, who seared 761 to 711 rolled up by the FaUeaaa. The second game waa won by the Petteaaa by a lead of five pint, but the third waa tat doubt until Hamilton made a seaaa tloaal flalah of seven strikes, makiag a tcora of 100, aad winning for the Pelicans. The tcoret for the three: CaHed UaHed Prate Service ,, INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 17. Court adjouraed la 'the dynamite trial at 3:S this afternoon until :! to morrow morning. Tbe failure of tha-Jareta ta agree by this time la net taken aa a alga Ibat they will flaally disagree. lt Is aot believed that there will be a flaaJ declaloa before tomorrow. Tbe defendants declare that the Jury w very fair. They consider that Judge Anderson's charge waa faver ablo to them, ejpeclally that portion ordering the Jury, before eeavteUng, to be certain that tbe defendants are guilty of conspiracy, and had commit ted an overt net In pursuance to a plot. INDIANAPOLIS, Dee. 17 Tbe Jur ors ta the dynamite case prayed last alght before they retired to deliber ate. At 7 o'clock UU morning tkey marched to a reetaaraat, where they bad breakfast. At 10 o'clock the Jury waa not ready to report, ao tbe court took a recess uatll 1:10. A verdict Is aot aapteted antU te- lalkt nr tnmnrrnw. Tk frt that the ladlctmeeta are oontpMoatoa and tho defoadenta meet receive ladrvM ual attention la expected to canoe delay. The deliberations ot the Jary are kept a strict secret. Special precau tion were taken to prevent Informa tion from leaking oat. It la believed that It U unlikely that there will be a general disagreement aa to all of the' defendants, as tbe at toraeya for the defense failed to even ttempt to protect some of cll eats. OFFICERS SEEK MISSING POWDER THIRTY-OKK fHIOR OT MTK ARC LATINS MONK 11VACK ROWAN ON K STICK There are tbtrty-ette atieke'et emV mke laytatg ajtmtLaawia. pmli.aaA , the ulites are aetvekeac easy Hi bent a lO-peund sIveTbawdar ttkka have beam astaaaltd far.. Upaeofrtained M stlebe. A It le beileved that bat a stegU stick eaplodsd ItystaJgM, aad three stleka wore feaad la Oewem'e pockets. What be did wlih the baJaaea of tba dratv mlte Is a mystery. At the Baldwin hardware store Thursday momtag Oowaa aaM that he waated oaly fear sticks of powder. twas explained to him that leae then a bos ot the powder could aot be ooM. He left the store, bat later returned aad said that be would take the en tire box. He alto bought atz feet of fuse and am cape. v. LOGfiERLBwfS UfE II I J ' ' M .. 'SJ m m ( y . 7 j i -. mat A PRRMATITRR RftAmV PfJVJA.A ,..'! ' '"' " ' ' hM wV aRSJMamiarsiardVaf paWeVsWamaWeJer esamavaTR "Jjni -, T"'V 'ft t'J - ' "1 nl Beck FJeeae em anahn Barssl a Wntfj o x "M FretmTsMatasaiaraaKamallb). diiiguw ta tlinilia Tin Hatla cs. 1 BsalikHBBafJgMsa gaae a(RaMR A MR tTggnaf T KflnaTeSaBBmNml if trP Premature eeataetmvef ertantaRe . ,, .,? f fvMava. aaJJ tia Aaamkadr aauam 1 T WWWmmtf gfeVftVMafRJ Raw sfaTtfaPWaWtV fJtgni'" RassamaV "' - . .. i. 'i. gat .tpanaft) v". eftae iir akM a-aa Oafcaa, a legaar, waev R hi an at aba fentaRagk aaeaaaVaaatVnaaaatnaaamlattanaat aaeae: at IMmm aojtmt emarn aad anaaataaml ltMMekmmeen.t' ae rismitdly fwfnead aMte mW r Yi lafitaai aad eaby tear tan tnoHvoj for Tan rj"u very atteaMee' to Ha Tyeanefaie. About a wrHteabp ,.ta Ham Ureateaed to "gat even." eekwMaaerl ay Oemaa la ga a ftre implayad aarMer I lalar. Reta, aaa 11 : o Muaast) aa riaaa JT -Jrsy High School Girls to Play Alumni QtMtt T. 1".. Star Drug Co. (1) (I) (It Martin Ueventk ... 160 116 166 Drown i.liT 17 166 Maxwell 116 -111 141 Stephena 167 114 lt Tatters 110 147 164 TotaU ,.,..'..,761 84 711 White Pellcana (I) (I) (I) Hammond HI Mike Lavealk ...,! 14T Raehl.. II 111 140 Curtis ...." 111. HI , 111 White ,., 114 14T 111 merchandise transferred to Retenie.on aeHea mt ae Tout ...,tt,7M T4I Thle evening the Htka' team aad the Star DrusgmU wlU play the see- NEW YORK THUGS THREATEN LUBANS WITNKAMM AGAINST RRCKKR MARK COMPLAINT TO DISTRICT ATTORN KVMKMRKRS OF THK XKUQ GANG ARR HOLD , United Preea Serviee NEW YORK. Dec, 17. Morrle aad Jacob Lubaa. who were wttaisaea against ex-PeUee Ueuteaaat Becker, told DUtrlet Attorney Whitman tale morning that, they were eUUag-ia a restaurant jeeteraay wheaVx mem bers of the CeUg gang' entered. 1 "Dopey Benny" drew' a revolver end threatened to kill them. The dis trict attorney la laveetlgaHny. 4 BaMketball Will be the Whiter 8Mfft for the Fair PupiU. Practice Games are Being Held Here Aa the proposed town basketball team haa failed to materialise, basket toasera of tke fairer sex are planning to take up tale sport, aad hold a aerlea of games during the winter. A high school alumni gtrm'team Is be ing orgaalsed, aad. already K haa la- sued a ebaWeaem to tae alga 4. . Taw ejSemaam gjgj ajspRJ aaaffBS mattrlal 1, r IneUtattea PraeUee a nretty anal etch, week by, the high aeJtsalgsrav ami they are. rapidly aUas Ualied Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Sergeant at Arms RMdetl le here today, deter mined to serve n money trust subpoe na on William Rockefeller, who' Rta believed, le hldlag In his snow bound fortresa of hla private reserve la the Adirondack. 1 -- - S'. ..-",'... . -. 1 fciatanin uoaaa nu, ibt, 1. u. v. r,, 1m reamlarsieslsa'la Dearee at Tentn. .TteMtaa bretaveM loreieJey, lrttod to be leuaaat.v. ,. 1 . 1 y . h Carted PrcMSerHes - ' . " v ' COLON, See. l7.-'wlre4an mm aaam freai the hstWiabtojAruaataa waa( received bere'toMgv jPretedeat Taft aad atl'ea bearVare reaertetl m y pi t: ',' I (5 lr M f FALSE AiARMkl CAUSES A r H ft PaW Rwlf rM' eT eSjgRj aVWwWsWeTa'eaeaWeRa"ttB wjaUBajgnmrnamsamj SeWRrJg' RARLYVHRl . . ,A, FAlUIOMARWAlaWl ; vv:- .' ,t,t. -LJ (rye- JtaA4yesatl aRRJaa "4 VaWd WSJ rnshetltotb beaee. tan Baaihmaji aa traee at a tnaJsamkjR: -SamumamAaanVffim Beaee4Jaa, ' .friJ ESZdxafixawi Wv