II IV. : ?'tfpn" fl I ' J u " TWA' NVri'MKI) BY THR UNit-Hi lHHMH NKWS RBHV1CB She f tuning Htfali. K ' ' t ' "rvs. u 0H$4'iA t $ s - a n i-i-heu.' . ..a. "Hv7a . T'-a TB i i will ;; r .-.SUA W.r : ', -.' Seventh Year No. I, Ml KLAMATH PALLS, OKRflON. MONDAY, DKCKMHKR M, 118 RAILROAD CHIEFS ARE INDICTED BY U. S. GRAND JURY Itl-STRAINT OF THAIIK IN CHAIIUK MADK HY OPKIL'KIM Piisktoai Mdlea of Hie New Hurra KimmI, lnwfcl-t CtiarurH-rUla of I ha OhmmI Trunk, Mil Alfred Hmltlirr, Cttalrtttaa of Uie llotml of IHrertur of Um Uraa Trunk Road, Must Para Trial Unit! 1'fMa Hervlc NBW YOUK, Dc. S3. Th fed rrl grand jury today returned Indict menu ngalasl President Mellen of the New Haven road, President Cham berlain of th tlraud Trunk, and Al lied Hmlthers, cltntrtnau of th. board of director of the drank Trunk, All nr charged with criminal ro itralul of trade by tho (I mod Truuk New Haven Irahlo agreement. Probe Ktlraded lulled Praaa Service WABIIINOTON, I), tt, Dec. 13. It l expeclcJ that Corporation Com tulmloner Conant' report on Inter itate water way trafflo will rriult In the extension of tho O'rlhaughnes.y resolutloa In tho house for a con sressloaat tfobe of the Nw Haven road to Include a general Investiga tion of railroad control of waterwaya. SUFFRAGETTES BELIEVE LATE SCHEME BEST iilack pluidh i-ouiikd in tiii: i.KTmt iioxkh Police Nm to Ilit Helplni Leadcis nf the Nuffmgu Movement DecLtru That tho Plan Will ll'ring Them lr sired Iteault .Million of Lctl-r Have lleen llulacd hjf the Plaid I'ourlng Plot United Press Hervlce LONDON, Dec. 33. Militant auf f ragctle continue to pour hUck fluids In letter hoiea. The police are ap parently powerleaa. leaden of the movement admit that they consider the latest attacka tho moat effective A million letter hava been ruined. TAFT TO MAKE APPOINTMENT iiu.hiih;nt him, mix vacan cik8 in fkdkkal oppio-4 in oiikuon ah soon ah hk rk TUIl.NH FROM I'ANAMA I'realdont Taft, Immediately after hi return from I'anama, will aend la nomination for all of the vacancies In foderal office In Oregon. This la the Information which ha been sent from Washington by II. K. William. republican national commlttaaaua, who haa bees In the Kail urging thl action. The principal office to be tiled la elude the poetmaater at Portland, col lector of cuttomi at Astoria, United State dUtrlct attorney and officer of the land office at The Dalle and at llurna. (I, O. Johnson, alea manager for tb H. 8. Johmon company, arrived Hunday from Portland to ind tho holiday with hit family In thl dty. He report that a great Interest la Klamath rati U being hown by reel denta of Portland, Han Vrancltco and other roaat eltle. and many Iota are being aotd to buitnt men In thvso Htlat, Oaewt Adjoaraa WA8HINOTON. I). C, Dec. 31.- The United State supreme court waa In session for half an hour thlt morn ing, and then adjourned for the holl day. ROYAL ARCH MASONS ELECT A. A. MKIIAIW.Y IH CIIOHKN AH HIGH PIIIKNT omi'KIM Alttl INbTAIXKI) HY K. It. WII.MTrl, OKAMI MAItMIIAI. Tho following officers were elected at Saturday night's meeting of Ktaiv ath Chipter Uoyal Arch Mason. High Priest, A. A. Mehaffey: King, Don J. Zumwalt; Scribe, E. D. Henry; treasured, E. It. Iteamea; Secretary, K C. Ureeley, C. of ll 0. K. Van Itlper. These officers were Installed by Mr. Mehaffey, assisted by E, It. WIIIIU a grand marshal. There are a number of nppolntlvo officer who will be ap pointed and Installed at the neit meeting of tho chapter. Beans, Prunes and a Biscuit for the Blind Director of California Institution Tei tifies that Meagre Five la Prov ided Because People Overeat L'alted PrM Service OAKLAND, Dec. J3 Director John Handolph of the school for tho blind admitted today that tho supper for the Inmate consisted of beans, prunes and a biscuit. Ha said that he thought that waa enough, as most people overeat. Handolph admitted that he had Ig nored complaint about money "be cause thv blind habitually complain." liu admitted that tho Inmate wore not required to bathe tho old men who woro unabto to batho tbomselve unassisted. Ho learned that the old men's quarters wero not heated only within tho last week or two. Youth Falls Through Ice on the Upper Lake Joe Skelton has Narrow Escape from Drowning. Is Rescued by His Companions. Escapes Injury r; .-! ,p. I -v M Urcaalai through the Ico on Upper Klamath Uk. Sunday resulted In a thorough ducking for Joo Skelton, a bldh krhoo) student, and tho mishap lulght hava proved awrloua had It not teen for Maurice O'Connsll and Har din Carter, who reswued him. PktltoR had sob. quit a ways 'roru the of the Ink. toward th. cutr, tad hater. . noticed that tb. ' had beta, thin It gave way un der his ikatM, ad the high school "r Wads, football pUy.r and dap- uty gam. warden dropped out of i.t.r When. Skelton cam to too auriacn i.. ..u.i (or heln. and Carter ana O'Connoll pullod off his shirts, Ited A tho ho wa too thin to permii tuo ..n..ii.. ,i null their companion out, 0'Cor.nvll pulled off hi blrU, tic them together, tossed one end to the uuforlunato lad, and kept him from sinking, wullo Carter runoa ior u stout poto, with which the rcu. wu effected. Ilutrher I Married A marriage license waa Issued this afternoon to Paul J, l.ucaa and Elsie Violet llunge. Shortly afterward the couplo were united by Justice of the Pence Oraves, Councilman C. B. Crls ler acting aa best man. Tho couple will reside here. The groom has a position with Crlsler A mills. . PEACE-ENVOYS QUIT FOR XMAS TI'IIKH AND ALLIUM ABB VNAHLK TO AUKMH ON THE ADMANO PLE PliCHWHITIONKKJaTniiKI CONTINVMB NKAIt BAR8ANM.BM Oeorso H. Stein of Midland was a Sunday visitor In the county seat. NEW PHONES ARE COMMISSION WORKMEN' COMPH.TK "CUTTINQ OVKKH AND NOW OBNimAL KK. KIM1V HYHTKM ttT IN aWsTBOT ALL OVKR TMK OTY Workmen Sunday compl.tesl th. work of "cutting over" th. last of tho telephone from tb. old eytsn. and the Klamath Vail exchange la now operated by tho new central en ergy system. Everything In connec tion with tho new system I now com pleted, even to tho Issuance of a new directory with the new telephone numbers. Now that the new system Is com pleted employes of the company will commenco tho dismantling of tb. former exchange and awltchboard on Klamath avenue. A crew of men will also start the work of rcmovlnr the sou polo and 300 mile, of wire used In conectlon with tho old system. "With tho Installation of the new system the efficiency of the local ex change haa been Increased from 40 to 50 per cent," said L. R. Robertson. manager of the local exchange to day. "At present central la In com munication with a party calling up within three seconds after th. sub scriber take down th. receiver, and this time will be still further short- ened as soon aa the operators are more familiar with the new system." WILL REPLACE WILSON BRIDGE COUNTV COURT PLANS THH OON NTItUOTION OF A M FOOT HTKKL HPAN ACROaUl LOST RIV Kit NKAK THK DAM Construction of a alxty-flvo-foot letvel span acrosa Lost River to re place Wilson's bridge, near the boat lllver Diversion dam, and the Oiling f both approaches to th. bridge ar. .tanned by the county ocurt, and work on thl Improvement will com nunc, right aft.r New Year, Tho river at tbla point la now span ned by n wooden structure, but thl. U considered none too sare. tm w proaches to th. bridge ar. raised on plllug, but thl Is to be replaced by a solid earth foundation, Work will be rushed on the brl ennttrnctlon In order to have t brldgo completed before th. wt level rises from It pramt ww aiag. : LONDON) Dec. 2 Apparent- ly the Pe envoya are aboat to agre. on terms. Contrary to ex- pectatloasy It baa baea lMra4 f from a prtwt source that at to- day's siaslrm Turkey dld,aH da- raand Uwilght to rs-pravleiM th beleaguered cltlea aad M not objeet M th prMMM of tit. iireok eavafs. f United PraMatervlM IX)NDON, tUc. St Th peace m voj adjournal today until Saturday. It waa aanougtMd that th. adjourn ment waa takaa becaase of Chrlstmaa, hut It Is certain that th. envoya ar deadlocked. ', Th. Turk renewed their Adriaa- ople demand,, and th. eavoy of th. flalkan itate. refused to grant It gTssataraaW Jk tjBBBaakaWBl VfflMP TBpTJMM.a United Prea Service LONDON, Dec S3. Tho Turkish envoya peraletaa thl moralag la do nsndlng that Turkey be permltud to revlctual Adrlaaople. It la conceded that th. crisis will be reached thl af-ternooa. u - aajaa- a-vag ajaga - . Boy of Three was Real Host .taBBBBBBnBSaaakV iifiTTTa bbbbbbbbi1H' '".JtB I jti'W''. " v?5 K''Baaaaaaaal .I BaaaaaaaaaaaXv ' w jrk fSwi vt Tv v5&' i asaaaaaaai M M BSBBBBBaHbC' Mini&Tirf&' ."'"wL''iflSmgi' Miam' aBBBBBBBnalW "J8lr . Vv 1 "4'S 'i-'j'BBBBBH- SBBBBBBT ABBBBBBBafifaR . v . "'Sr XfJ.Sjl. VYT.1" ifltl BBBBMBa aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVPBpvAtK 4mOl 4.ALVivi' V vXk4vvSBBBBBSBl aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBanl 'J i f . VV Sl. JffCii ty. VS.. BBBBBaBM (-BBffB-BBBBBBBBBnaVPBanV- CbBmB73?1K)iH VaBBBBuMKBBBBBBmBBT MEm$tniRM&.2',$ ,--s3M ' HgaMSillgaBBBBBBm' aHnHS&ilJnW BBBBBBlV BBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBb .JBBBBBBBV IIBBBbI BBBBbV sIbBBBI aBBBBBBBBBBviiBBatEBBABBBBBBaBaBBki-gsV 'B' VBHHHHalaBKKKKiBaagsBBV. bbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbW aBBBBBsr' Sbbbbbbbbbb ( Kaaat Ma Vietawjr UalUd Preae STle CONSTANTINOPLaL DM. S3. It has ben ofletaMy coarm4 that U. Turkish warshiaa agate aarttoa tnm the Dardaaetl. A aaavy ir. from th. Oreeka draAr. thaaa hack. The flrtMfea MwravJaatea man beea repahwd after ir. aaya tghtlag. Heavy la war. aaatalaad. DJarM Pasha waa among tb. klHd. B0WLIN6 TOURNEY STARTS THURSDAY t-OUR P1CKKD TEAMS WILL COM- PKTK KLKS, ODD VHXOW8, WH1TK PKUCAN AND STAR DRUG STORK MaPKlMRNTKD Tb. bowling aaaoa will b. formal ly opened at tb. Club alley Thara day evening, when th. Initial gam. of a four team touraamaat will b. rolled. Thre. team, have vm orgaa- laed from the bast tM-pla tauat la town, and a fourth.taam compoMd of old head at th. gam u m-C OT- ganlted among U. guesU at tb. Whit. Pelican hotel. The team ar practicing at differ ent hours In th. day la order to gt la trim for th. match, aad with the alley la the aptendld shap. they are bow aom. of th. bowler, predict that they will hattr all allay rec ords. Th. alley hava Juat fcwa. lev eled aad put la .hap., aad, la addi tion an entire new net of plaa aad regulation bowling ball have been received. Membera of th. taama will meat thl evening at th. allays to formu late rut to govern th. touraamaat. Tb. official entrlea of th. teas will not b. mad. until Wednesday alght, but the pemonnel will probably be aa follow; Blka Harry M. Aekley, 3. B. Bodge, Wealey O. SmKh, Carey M. Hamsby, E. W. Van Bsltea, T. ,B. Wattera aad Earl Whttleek. Star Drug Co. William Downing, Claud. Maxwell, L.- W. Bfwa, Mar tin Lavenlk. Iaytoa Steph, Lea Houston. Byron Hardaabrook. Odd Pellowa R. B, Quthrldge, Perclval Sholl, Fred B.,Bram.r,,0. D, Matthews, L. S. Blc, Joe Brett, Jack Well, .. Whit. Pllen Fr H RuahL Bm r, Morru, OUaa Harrlagtoa, t Whit, and M. Curtla. I iSBBaBBBBBBBBB ' ( Wggggggmi" IBBB7BBmlt. (JBaasf . . Uvt McDwmid aad llttl. tr Jo have, Mm. from taalr home In B.iaau Valley to th. holiday. wRk rtlattTM. teMl'v - Vlatwa Watek MeLeaa (at right), tb. yoaag sea of Mr. aad Mr. Bd ward Baal. MeLaaa. el.bratc4 kU third birthday ,oa DsMaker lltk by giving aa elaborate party for kls play- mat. Llttl. Vlaaoa I oa. of tk. richest babta. la th. world, aad kis gaaata rsprsaUd maay tatara bbO lloaalrM. His gtatkar la tk. toagkUr ofthkU.TaMaMaP.Wak.tk.Ckl. eago mlalag kJag, aad Ml taskir h U. soa af Joha B. aMUaa it OtMia- aaU aad Wasmtegtaa. Tk.Uttt.tar at tk. toft la tk. pkMagcai soa af B4glam' mlakator le edSUt HI hTmIii af marrtagwU eiglish mm VICTIM DYHAMTE '?o?: PLOT B IWUIfi BFB4L atiimyiB wmmmm 0t .A I ' BOTAL FMntaBaBWIW r i :, M V IW "". P TJPBaWB, BBBaHIBV - Wbb1F ji V JEI 7 l I i" j&Mm ,-IM 'aaBaaal. ."B"B t-ffiBgFaffirBffiffiBB bJkiiaffiiv ST: Tf 't tkeWa 'tWj&jfmmm.lt wktok wrti Ylwror BMaagi. aikl Ml . iiM' - .--- ..'..- . &r .ar ..- wHras-ira lB kitted aa Hardlagawaa jrakatf. .t4, sHin erssr saai waa aaHar. kkataa aamamaa cgagfaaV.' gffgkaaitaftaBB 'BaB aaaataB 'aaggggaBBBBgfaBl Vf- fWaF4BrWffi, W ggrTM afaTBaTfPWaFB; 5, -a---mp-aBaaaaaBB-faBaMamnaaaaaiOTK i w 1 1 irr hi I'm !.;-- IMiMtaatef Mm aaaaaaakM I J T" "2 ag-jBBl H tk. adkla taat4 f tfa PB ;. IBS ggJBaafiiagaaa' ' 'fjhaB Afsstgaajgaagt ffasBBBBBBBBBB tkt V& MSB C t'BHggg. BB. BHfafaBlto gggtMhAlS yt1 fja) ","" ma anBBaaw aaBTaBBaafaTaaiaBB- t yvBVrWpaBTBB" tkJ.-a.kaB tt;,aaa tm PHONE POLE STOPS RUNAWAY TRAM OP BMHIBBB STABT ON A WILD RACK DOWN KLAMATH AVKNI7K AND COLLISION WITH PHONIC POLK INTKRFBRBS A thrill waa Injected Into th usual Sabbath decorum oa Klamath avsau. Sunday, when a team of bora be longing to a visiting faraur became frightened near th. O. K. barm aad daahed up Klamath avaau. until their progress waa stopped by contact with a telephone pok at th. coraer of Bac on aad Klamath. At tk. coraer th horaa atartad to go la dlferwt d!rcttoa, aad wr on oppo.lt.'" aid of th. pote whea th. wagoa atruck. Oa. of th. horaaa waa throwa aevsrrJ ft dowa aa em-' baakmeat below, hut k. waa aot la Jured. although to th. oalooker It eemed certala that th. horse must hav. beaa klltod. CAPTAIN ARANT WILLNOT QUIT HVPMiUNTKNDBNT OP CRATMK NATIONAL PARK DKCLARH8 MK HAS NOT KNBORBKD ANVONK TO SVCCKKD HIM Captain Araat has aot tadrd kU reabjaatloa aa auparlatoadwt of Cra tar National Park, aad k. aaclared tkla morning that h. kad aq tataatloa at tkla Um. of doing ao. la aplt. of thla dlaratloa by th. aaptala, three Klamath Falls ma ar. In th. a.ld for th. poalttoa, probably bellevlag that upon th. Inauguration of Wood row Wlbioa a change will h. mad. H. B. Momyar, on. of th. thr. aapl raaU, la1 aow eJrcuUtlag a petition urging hi appointment. "1 have ao laUatloa at this tlaaa of realgnlng," said Captain Araat tkla moralag, aay aUUmeat that I have eadord any paraoa for my poalttoa-la untrue. "I hav. rolvd ao tetorautloa that would toad m. to bettove that my poaltloa wouM b. vaaaat aooai, aad tM jrt ttmt'l .tatadtos rtlr In, favor at sm otker paraoa to without foundatloa." . PIONEER HEIE - w . MAN . ? j ip nmni BaB ' vlaaBSBBBaTal ' A. T. WILSON PAbbMBAWAT AT TffiK ACHC OP W Tl KRAL H-BLB TNBBX A1 OP MBBRILL OB ITHLLOWS A. T. Wllsoa. .oa. of' tk. rcaldeata of Klamatk eeaaty, the great divide Sunday saeralag at his horn, la Oleae, toUowlag a akart lllaw. At tk. Urn. of kto daatk k waa 70 year oM. Mr. Wltosa kaa raataad te Vlamtk county far tk. aaai tvaaav .. a kaa.smmaair at aumbar af years. Ka waa la th aetlvKtes af tk. Klamatk Ll'J ffMgl hflBaBCaB BLaaaawtajaBUtoaMh gaaBhsl " amaTXfawB(MjBBa) (amfMySPIBBmMg? fflmBml Imhmlm'aB aaWtta aV.aMa.ami s-ajJa-gasfi w J" '- - a-ar-at-ar-yai aj aw ar, aaavaaiw a Pleaeer Soetoty, aad waa a aatrnkar of tb. I. O. O. P. TIm fuaaral waa katd.Uto aftor- aooa at Marria. aadr tk. aaaato. of th. htorrtU I; O. O. P. Lad. UaRad Praaa Barvlo. POMONA, Dm. II.- Btoker stated thla moralag that Uvt Bhrmaa kaa coafaeeed ta tk. klttlag of J. P. Nlekatooa aad th. karatag af tha.body la th. Baykaas kara aaar Lordaburg De.mk.r Ith.. United Fran Sarrtoa "' CHIHUAHUA. Mwioa.. Dm. .11.! J. I. v Morris, aa Amartoaa rallraad man who waa capt'ared kr ta tketo, was. retoaaed aad. rsituraad ta Jaurw today. ,f f- STONE & BARRET FIRM DISSOLVED 'Y, LAW PRAOTKH. MMHB .WJUj-B. CABJUR ON BY Mt. STONK H 'a.. i .. WMILKMR. WILL 04 .1 . TOPOMTLANB ' Th. taw partnraklp tweea C. F. aHoa. aad J. J; Bamtt waa dlaaolvad tadar. Mri'.BtpM;WUl earry c-a.th'hulB' tkatrm ta thl. otty aad MrBafnA '.;p'm:t? Portland, wkr b. will wagaga' la tk. fv"Vf w sww - -v i v m'Av ( IT MAITOm llsHaf' V $fy ,.a I'i-!' . V!-" v vji till Ji BBaawaav ' ' 1- ,." ' wAbbBbW SawBaBkaUBB aBaTaTaBffiLa BawBBBi HOW - tatKffiwaBwBX " 4MHbHbV w"9ffi muaam m Aruumum p : a Evarykady ta. toe akaia. aa ataryk.dr waa wai; kocraw'ar nat graatar part of afWraaaa. injafiag la Aa Bwaaaa. Ia erawda akattag all aVay. tar rataraad ,lo taa !" . ta. aj ; a Tta tmjt tatek aaatag tta '. ear tkM wH'war ' Ink. ataadar, mtjtmtt.tm PtHSiai ! Ho akata aaT atortartes taa Baaawar ' U ". t '" -JwM.'ifvi - ', 1 2- Taara ia a iraaaai mnaaaaa . 'I mHea la toagtk m'.Um Opaar Labm. ' . .-u. . --- .---. ; T !'- V -!, - f - T-TTV B- " r tag ovc taa 1 tlsa Jo. .(atoaaa) out too tar aad hraka Asld from a ekUly waaaaaau Uklw ,jb. 4 ' . CQU1TY BOOKS T0BEEW1KB t ..- v. u 1 .tv.-d. -k M '-. r ' - j ti J.1 y- KHARLBSL.P, .1 i L ' ' , 'I ABJBBBBBB. B-MMBBBBBBBiBt . smjaBaBL'' Tahaa - . .i.;jki. .- 4 lAaMOft.TO MbbbWwjbbb .- .' Tv-.i-j'.T T 1 " T'i r , . .- . ,-. . ' ' . , iiaaai'P Kmasi i BHKNKNi KXAMINATJON la aeeordaaaa wrtk tta raMtaama-. ' katlaa . ik"1 tut ' ' VluiuSI. . . -. . Tr,; ..-. ;..? , ,.. - , . graaa yiry, ta.n..M at. taa aamBBj offitoUrwlU,amiaa4 'kf'.affi pert. ' Unnana4 ta ttaj.adtaB wMmaato' latokr;aBBta fajgam U wm plaaaad;. ta iMWEM:!mta,fMi nartaa ska kankaaf Jaaataaa aammBa, iS hM waa saga gad l mwa4gjk atiayigB wwmJf w"f"f , Bayw-BawjBJr PgPaB' ctork.of WlimM' !ffiM-fK riw'wiB'amva aan 1 iatartWtaB.ji Cta tag-' eoaty,:kar Bttt :s' v J Ml "kP - A --