" HVFl'MKI) IIV THM VNITKD I'HHHH NKWN HRHVICK She tinnno 1 cfali. :., , q WMN.'Mtl !)3l i Vi v ?! Herrath Year No. I.WII aW KLAMATH FALLS, OIIHGON. HATIHIIAV, DKCKMHKIl SI, 101S S U Yaquis Storm Town; Massacre Oyer 1,000 -J. v,f MORE GIRLS THAN BOYS OF SCHOOL AGE IN COUNTY 4.IIOWTH KIXCK MHT YKAIl HHOW.V IIV HC'IIOOL f.'l.'NHVM IK Titer erw Jl,naV Hoy ant) (llrls 01.1 Itnuugli lu fJu to HthiHil In TliU Coaaty larrr In a Year I ilM. Iltmaaaa Lwers Klanatli I'all Itaa tlir Grralret larmwo In Htliuul lpuUlloa. There ara l,tt5 hoy and girls of school age In Klamath county 4t pirieiit, according to the compilation rl (he tcliuol ceutua Jutt completed todsy by the county school aupcrln ttndtnt' oRtct, Thl Id 306 mora luplti titan were euunierstcd Ul rr. 0( the scholar enutuersled 1.301 ita glrli, while tori number 1,191. Tlia largest district In the rountr U Klamath FelU, which has a tout (numeration of 1.P64. ThU la dUld d aa fotlowi : UlrU G6, bo;i BIS. The local district mad a gain of It In the patt yr, ea'tho 1911 onum nation was 1,011. Several other district made good gains In the year, among them Mer rill, from 116 to 114) Fort Klamath. horn 104 to 111: Shasta View, from (1 to 71. Instead of making a gain, Uonania tost several puplla between enumera tlnni. ThU year tbo reniui gives the dtttrlct lit, which I Ore leet than but year'a figures. The ceasus for each district fol fel fol eow: Hoy (llrU Total DUtrletNo. t. ..SIS (48 1064 DUtrletNo. 1... SI 70 HI DlitrlctNo. 8... 6 4 9 UlitrlctNo. 4... 1 11 DUtrletNo. B... 1 17 81 DUtrletNo. 6... II IS UUtrlct No. 7... 80 SI 111 DUttletNo. I... 11 IS 11 DUtrletNo, ... 11 1 40 DUtrletNo. 10... IS 31 DUtrletNo. 11... 19 11 DUtrletNo. II... 18 DUtrlctNo.lt... 10 10 SO DUtrletNo. 14,.. 10 S 16 DUtrletNo. IS,.. 19 17 38 DlstrlctNe.il... 11 B 17 DUtrletNo. 17... It H " DUtrletNo. II... 1 H s7 DUtrlct'No. 19... 18 IS 31 Dlttrlct No. 10... 11 11 3 DUtrlctNo.lt... 36 40 76 DUtrletNo. II. i. 10 l DUtrletNo. IB... I Allen (lure to Hulrnt HIirrllT V. II, Harm leiv to-1 morrow inorilllic for Ilali.m. tnklnr with tilm Hubert Allen, sentenced yes- lerusy to nerve nn Inilete rmlnate ten lenco In the penitentiary for forgery, i-ainirr win wra I A tnarrlaco llremn u liinml tliUI ntfnrnoon to Chnrlea Ituan and Mrt.lp.tclKiO rreri I'ourtnty, arm uie couple win tin married thU evening. Hot ti art well known residents of tlili city. iNaaMaNtfaa"aa ROAD BUILDING TOWARD BENO KAMTKII.N ANNOUNCK PLANK Kl'l.ril.l.MKNT UK I'KMtH OX T1IK IIUILDI.WJ UK A LAIMJK HAW MILL .1 The director of the 1'aclOc and John FlUiterald haa been held by federal Judgo Mean for Introducing ltf.H. tfM II.. lftMatl. IM.II.M ...-. ..'M. VI, ... ...Ml. .Ml. IIIM.AU I ,VI " vatlou. lie pleaded guilty nnd wasjKaittni railroad have toted an ap- glren iU motithi In Jail and fined tiroi'tlallon sufficient to oitend the t,0- , i.itt end of the road ilx mile furtrtvr . .. m. . . t.". , . i Into the timber along the right of ny A, It. Teubtook of Kort Klamath U, a county teat vliltor. ,...-...-. ..-. .-. ...... . ; . imitanco li given to them that an aa- ...i. f l .i. i...:i,au0 mill U built and operated at uuiii iiiiinii tffiica u. h.i.i.ui. nn retlgnod became a woman wa elect-!'"8" "d of 'ho llne- The railroad ol- l to the couacll. Icl0, "f "te"lr l0 ucm w,e ,c,u, coiiiiruction wora immoaiaieij uiuu )Ulng aatliltod that the mill wilt be il'ullt without delay and that the pro duct will llnd a market In the Kogtio Hlver Valloy. Plana are now under way looking toward tbo financing of the aw mill jond It l conltdently expected that tba (unnouneement of (uceeaa will be made jthortly. . ......... A....ai - CUUHT HKXIW TWKI.VK WK ( . ..,.. -.., ., . M HICKEY JURY FINDS VERDICT Montengrin Soldier Ready (to Renew Battle . HKMM TWKI.VK MKV k r HViiU 0ivi m HACK T4I DKUIIKItATK KUItTII-'j, Kred Qoeller. arrived from Ah- KK ON TIIK CAHK AOAIXHT MAX WHO KILMCD HOV8 land tail night, to remain over ChrUt- U Galky United 1'ren Service DUrKAlX), Dec. 11. Illckey wat convicted of murder In the econd degree. Ho will be en- fenced tb life ImprUonment on Monday. .. United Pre Service 1UIKKAI.O, Dec. 11. Tho Ulckoy Jury reported to the court thl morn in that thcr woro unable to agree. Tho court ordered them back to the Jury room for further deliberation. Mr. and Mr, a. II. Olddlng have gone to San FrancUeo to apend the holiday. V. W. Snider, a well known Swan Uke rancher, waa In the city Friday 'mailing ChrUtmaa gift and purcbai- Ing supplle. Marahall Orr I a Klamath Fall IvUltor. coming In from bl I.ot River ranch today. DUtrletNo. 16... DUtrletNo. 17... DUtrletNo, 18... DUtrletNo. 19... DUtrletNo. 11... Dlttrlct No. 11... DUtrletNo. 11... DUtrletNo. 34... DlitrlctNo. IS... Dlttrlct No. SO.,. DUtrletNo. 17... Dlttrlct No. 38... DlitrlctNo, 39... Dlttrlct No. 40... DlitrlctNo. 41... DUtrletNo. 43... DlitrlctNo, 41... DlitrlctNo. 44... S 19 70 10 31 4 8 4 38 33 15 S 13 14 IS 14 C 11 s 14 04 IS 13 1 I 1 37 IS 14 '6 16 11 IS 14 S II 10 31 164 IS 34 C II 8 73 47 39 10 19 IS 33 18 10 13 lloinlttr U Mlkel leavca thl af ternoon for Oakland, to apend the holiday. ,; .MaafaaManaBJBaaa r - JbbbbbbbbbbPbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI 'aaaH !Baaaaaaan ySaBBBUBHaBKaBBBBBBBBBBMBBal ' nBBaHiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BRYAN HAS TALK WITH W00DR0W Bloodthirsty Redskins Gain Entrance Under Slag of Truce, Start Butchery iWBW 10 BE powa xi t:iic hxd or cosvamtncK HO IXIYHUtATlOX M CMVBN OCT WIIJtON HAVN UK HAD A DR I.KiHTKVL XMVEMMATIOX Maay Oeetaaeea Ceaaiac The damage for Uacy coat me for John Houatea'a ereUeeth aunaJ mawiuerad kail haa become e great jrlinln the hut few day that Mr. Moimton haa ordered a larger umher nt rcatumea for reaUl than .!. The rottnmea were ordered from aa KrnnrlKo, and will be hero darieg tho coming week. On account of the aeee that haa attended trerr preceding New Year'a maaquerade, th comlag daaee fair to be well attended. Jake Hotaae. a .. ... ., - . jasa Meimea. a wea uawa cb unueu rrew wnra .. . . - ... fcl. 'l BENTON, N. J., Dec 11 Wll- !"' "" - - - n.m J.nnlnr. Brran arrived here Into ChrUtmaa .hopping early. Imornlnc from Philadelphia. Ho west mHMH CNITaW htTATfaV irx ct ence to the atate honae, where he nj greeted mot cordially by Oovnr nor V.'lUon. Immediately following the ex i tengo of courtealea between the two at.Uitnen. they retired to the pri vate office. No announcement U ei lcted. tlryan and WlUon emerged from tbo private oce to go to luncheon. "We had a moat delightful confer once." aald Governor Wlleoa. "but ar- I rived at no coaclusloa. Mr. Bryan' ijime wa aot dtacuaeed. Gentlemen, rou mutt Uke my word whea 1 tar that we did sot reach any coaduloa regarding the cabinet" "I will leave It all to Governor Wll ran." aald Bryan. "I will aot dUeaae tho matter." O. R. Motley, repreaeatlag: aa ete trlcal aupply Dm, la here caHiac ea the local trade. Roy Vaa Meter returned MerrtU today, after a ihort aojoara la Klam ath Fallo. I'KACK IH CERTAIN' HrrvU Arrrpta the HTATK DKl'AUTMKNT IS ADilBKl) OK AN OUTHAGK NKAK DUHAX-(iO-4aoVKIINOK UXABLK TO IN. TKIIKKKK Chicago Thugs Torture Victim Before Murder t Police Discover the Manner of the Death of Merchant. Men and Women Arretted for Crime Autonomy for e United I'rett Service LONDON, Dec. 11. Senrla ha acquletced In Albanian au- touomy. Thl make general European peace practically cef- tain. The peaco eavoya were la aea- elon for an hour today, and then adjourned until Monday, A REBELS ASSAULT AMERICAN WOMEN BLIND BOY WILL VISIT PARENTS UultJd I'rea iervUe CHIOAQO, Dae. II. Ute thla af lernooa the police announced that they had evidence ahowlug the man ner la which I-ogue, tho diamond dealer, wai itala. XB,jr dcUro tht ho waa tortured by burning with ncld. He waa ttabbed and alaahed before ha waa ahot, and then hU head wai cruhd with a bludgeon. k ( la addRloa to thott arrtt tU moralag. Iraa WHUaau, aa alleted i-eeavtet, asd Charlea DiHfjr, a x f 1 - V chauffeur, wore taken Into outtody. In Hampden' room in a rainton nblo hotol woro found fl.OOO worth of looe diamond and two ault cae ono of which contained dynamite and a burglar' outfit, and the other con t.intnv a black, nettlcoat from which . inn atrio had been torn. The ma terial of the petticoat i me awe that fnnnri In I.OCUe' mOUth. Th. nnllee ODantd MgUO'a MIO to- .i.. Th.v found tnat II nan oeeu rasjacked. United I'ret Service DOUGLAS, Arl., Doc. II. Cour i.,ra ti.nnrt that the town of San Mar- clal, llfty mile outh of Hermoslllo, hao been wiped out of eiUtence by the Yaqula Indian. The population wa more than 1,000. But few etcaped. Hermoalllo dlipatchea aay that luml-offlclal Information haa con firmed tbo mattnero. About 600 In dian becleged San Marclal Wedne- day night. Yeiterday morning tne Inhabitant floated o white flag, and the Indians enterod the city, Tuthlug through the ttreeti, butchering and looting. Thero wa no Information given concerning tho American who re- aldod In hut ouUlde of tne town proper. It I hoped they etcaped. John Frederick Holtier wa in the city Friday to make final proof on tit homoitead. Thl tract la In the 37-9 country. IthNRY TAUKR WILL OOMK HOMH FOR CHRISTMAS 18 ATTEND ING INSTITUTION FOR BUND IN CALIFORNIA Joha L. Short aad family ara Klamath Falto today, atteadkag their ChrUtmaa ihatla, TIMBER INDUSTRY GREATEST ASSET HTATK JXJRK8TKR DI8CLOSKS IX- TKHKSTIXO FACTS IN HIS AN .NUAL RKPOKT RAILROAD UUILDING WILL HRLP BALKAN OUTLOOK MUCH BRIGHTER LONMMf aTfOCK aUtKhrT ttTRIM BVOTAXTLT, AM TRW M TAK- KX AS A tJOOR NWK CKIVfeW TH MNVOT '. e Far Aaewi e United Praaa lerrtaa 4 LONDON. Dee, II. After aeV Jourameat today tt waa learaai e that tho peaee eaveya ara tarttv er apart thaa ever. At tedafs ceaatea the Turka demaaded th nrlvlleae of renrovlelealM Adrl- ! aaople aa the haala of aeflotia- tlont. The alllea refuted. e ) Caked WASM1NOTON, aV'ft, Baa, The taathaaUtmyaaUiaari I. P. Taber I expecting the arrival thl evening of bla eon, Henry, who la attending an Inatltutloa for the blind In Oaklaud. Henry Tabcr haa been blind lnce Infancy, and hi father 1 proud ot tlio nrocrc he Tia made la hla atudle. Mr. Taber haa a number ot letter written by hi aon, who la 16 seara of age. The Initttutloa he U attending I now undergoing a atate probe. Abel Ady came up from Midland today to attend builnea matter Dave Burling returned latt night from Sacramento, where he ha been receiving treatment for hla ear, and he reports that hit hearing I greatly Improved. Burling' ear have beon omowhat defective alace he contract ed the typhoid, f over In 1911. Mlaa Nett Drew, principal ot the Central cchool, left thta moralag (or Dairy, where ho will spend the holi day with her aaream. 1 1 tram F. Murdoch waa la from hi ranch today purchailng uppll.i Mitt KlUabeth Houston leave to ,iv rnr Ban Francisco to visit her Uter, MIh Kdna Houston, who la en rolled In the nurses' training school of FabloU howplUl. Charlea Holt and Fred Starr, came In lost night from the Greenlelds farm to ipend a tew dT la Klamnia Falto. I7. J, Chapmaa ot the Chapman Coaatruetlcn company la la Portland atteadlag to legal awUer. Valuable Information aa to the lum ber Industry ot thU state, which U the largest single Industry, la glvea la the biennial report of State Forester Elli ott. The report atatee that Oregon haa twice aa much timber aa all New Kn.land. Pennsylvania. Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota combined. The central foreat region ot. th country extending trom Southera uichiKan to Southera Toaneseee aad from tho Appalachian mountain to the prairie, haa long been lamoua aa the Heat hardwood source of the United States, yet to haa only oe-half tho timber ot thto atate. Oregoa haa half aa much timber aa all the state enst ot the Rocky Mountain. Next to the wad Itself, says the re port, the forest are the greatest nat ural reeource of the commonwealth. Unfortunately, uearly one sixth of the 'present forest area of Oregoa or about 4,000,000 acrea are denuded ny are. Had thla acreace been taxed it would have yielded a revenue ot $1,800,000, Oregon haa one Dtth the tout umoer cf the entire country, or 5.M0V b00,000 feet, valued at 1680,000,000, which, when manufactured, will brlag into the state 16,811,600,000. The development ot the timber in dustry has been somewhat retarded by the Inaccessibility ot the timber, but this condition will be largely rem udted as time goes on through the building of new railroad Into regloaa hitherto untapped. Much of the Ore gon lumber to aeat to the Orient, Aus tralia and South America, but the greatest demand come trom the st- ern states. The opening ot the Panama eaaal thlttke the state forester, will he a big thing for the Oregoa Umber In dustry,' as It will afford aa easy aad cheap communication between the coast states and the Eastern market, besldea foreign countries that are aot on the list because ot the heavy ev pense nt present attached to tranaaor- lauoa. f Lalted Presa Servlea LONDON. Dec 11. The market today epeaed haeyaattf. thaa ladlcatlBg that tho Balkaa aatleek la mora keaafaL The ktag received the Bahkaa ea voya at aeon. Xegotlatloaa were resumed at o'clock thai aftermoea. i to aero Charlea W. Sherman Br. from Dairy atteadlag to matter. Mr. Shermaa haa at tlmea been connected with the Klamath FalU newspapers, but ho haa feraak ea Journalism, and to llvlavg oat a homestead. K yMb IsaPBaW ' I. ' WM Ke Qm Famaai Vmal W "" "'81 ' to aW Faamsaa ihaaat " . J i -v - t f Praaa Sorvtea atata ewemfemnaaa vem Bgegawai naati mei wwmB isa i aad aeaaaMed twa AgaWarm vajaaaa. aera4 laa Aawrteaao aaa t r Ky. ! g aaat M ha Irngsaarhl to atatost .Maaav Haadreda aa aamaa7-. x ? PaaaHarr IghHac iif iliaan tM raaatoaaaiMaaMa.eamNBsmfBBTa; aw i rill nl "v ' "-,-. Vaaaisl Fiaaa aawaai "' v WAAWW6ITOK, D. aavta mHted tarn aaaagamg taad haa swam at PreeMeat Ma lata waaM aaC the Amerteaa waa attewe to that Thla will be the knot dlntoawUe easkaam protectloa af Amsrtsaao. ulUmatam to heeded aa forceMr. ,: OaMato hare bettor that to hslplsa " The aHlmatam wilt ha prsssatsd aatll taraa. Shasta Valley Will A Get Klamath Water Grata Paee haa Tateel lUMil head to aeetot ha aamaMjaaff aaa laV road frean that aalaa ha OiaamsX Ostr. - CaarUa M. Rhaaaav haa.FirtHal malt oarrtor, waa fdaadM aamaF a steaHac letter, waa toatoaooe? at att meatha la JatL I i ii. . ? Laads reaalredtar taa Laka ty IrrlcaUoa arajeet have aaaa Hatoi hy the avsramsaf. mU work may aaw ataeaat. , " Plan to Irrigate Vast Area it Um Way and Its Sncceaa it Said to b ;' Amred. Surreyori at Work t. j v Shasta Valley people are planalag to divert water for Irrigation pur poses trom Klamath River, aad active atepa have already aeea tokea to tart work oa tho project fan th prlag. i Atewdajriaaaaartyataarrapara la tha employ at taaaU Yaltay araa erty owners stopped la Keao, altar makina a reUmiaaryarvar af taa river, aad the.oplaloawae iarad then that tho pwa la teaarala. ' Since the aattatlea ha heaaU at ir- rlgatloa aa a large aeale' waa atartoi a Uttle more thaa a year aga, taara have heaa fortyw'o tragatoravA ranch urooertlea tn th valtar. arca- ord that surpaasea that of taa previ ous .tweaty year. Tho fcaatatuty ac ir t K, h - Oj l' A i . - -f -- V. hrlnalaa- water fraos taa River iato the yaUer to Irrhaato lfla 000 aerea haa aaaa Aatofaaahvt. Mat the plan will become a realm? ' some uaroreeea aaa o betaele. shoaM aa ,aaa4ftoBa W m awfJaajs JBgjpayF8vv asaT emmr . w. Dwtaatt. af Maaraaaa ml waftod tor aa mrgaw Han hf-l WBH, awaava awMsaaari itioa leaeaie w wacat aerea eleae to thcaiihlrtgHiTlrfTl ( fOHalft'OVaaaVMaetrV af atf44y al warfc L --. v "" '