f X " HVI'l'MKU HV THK DKITKU PHrMH NKWH HKHVICM MM(h YearNo. I, WO jr IFTIv :-.-u rv V . L ..v- i Ik He nina Hefato ,'ffl wt8 KLAMATH FALLS, OHKOOS. PRIIMY, DKCKMRKH M, 1911 'J " t ,t m.1 It - . ' L IS 'i Vl Planned ik YS, ror Ultimatum t ' -ti 9 ASQU1TH THINKS BALKAN PEACE IS CLOSE Al HAND lUKMIKH OP KS1IA.N"I OPTIMIH TIC TURN OP MINI! (IOIMI TO ItlCNO i:fljn Thaw on Hrr Way l.i C llin Wrl "Bei COUNTY COUR T TO ASK BIDS United I'rtu Hurtle i,m Th.w W.,rd through h.r. mi.k op tiik old county court today, preiutnnuly ell route to HOUHK MITK HAH IIKKN DKH Reno, Hlio refuted to be Inter- Hrtlair Tttal HeaMll of Hie IVatn Ne goflailoaa In Uwdun Will Im ln of the CMy'e Proadret Laurel Tur kry Will laelta That IImi (Jrrrka Mo Plgtitlag Hint Allow tlio IU vktuallag of AilrU"'l vlewrd, Hhcinld she was going to California MTKLY DHUIUP.D UPON MA. JUItlTY VOTKHM FAVOR 8ALK TO SPEND XMAS CALIFORNIA Tho old county court house will aot be offered (or mU until tut new board iuf county commissioners li convened. Tin decision in uecn reacneo ey tlio county ddi. Tlio replies to the letters tent out by tlio board Indicate that the great roajurlty ot people In the county fa vor selling tlio property, ao It la prob able that early In the no year bid will be called for. I.ONDON, Dec, :. The peace en i ies wore tha turtle at tlio 1-ord , Mijor's luncheon before Ihey weio presented to tbo kln.t. bpeaklug Jt tbe luncheon, Premier Aiqulth ialdii "I am an optimist. I believe tbnt. it.. BMotlatloni will be successful.! The outcome will warrant ,H.l.rltyj ng ((J 4 , la rraardln the K-ace treaty ot wn-i ...' MAN'k' KiaMATII VAUM I'KUI'I.K (jo hoi;tii Km Tin: holiday. OimiOIMI TltAI.NH AUK CltOWO Kl TO CAI'At.'ITV Quite a number of Klamatb KallaJ MONEY HELD UP; ROADS DELAYED ! W I" ind den one of the city's proudeet niMt valuable laurels." AdtlcM received from Conetantl holidays In Kan Kranclico and other California point. tot the pt it'AMHMWIA KKOnmn MV8 '(aw dara every outiolni train haa. that (iHFT HIOHWAYM IN ....i. i.jii. ik. i T.irk.r win inaiat carried a number southward. tkat the tlrrek atop nihtlni and the Tho eiodue today Includea the fol- allies lfilili ana air. ueacoca. the tlreek atop nihtlni and the Tho eiodue today Includea the fol i permit IheTrevlctuallni of Adrl- lewlni: Mla Beaele Appleiate. Mr. le. This will rusult. It Is pro-'Kcliurs. Franklin Kiih, Mr. Moreland dieted. In the reeuniptlou of war be fore Chrletmaa. Meiaacr from Soda say that tin UuUarlan parliament will not sanc tion peace unices llutgarla gets Adrl snoplo, HvffnasjrtlM Are Walhln Uslud lUrvicc WAl'I'INIIKR PAI.U, N. Y., Dec. 20. Kour snirraette who are walk- Amonc Ihoee who wll leave to morrow are Charles J. Fenuion, Itos- slier U Mlckel, II. N. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mls Claudia iri.aue.li. Iln, James Henley, Krneil M. llubb, Mrs. William Powell, Mrs. II. J. Win. torn. Mrs. HotchkUs, l.elsnd Moslvr and Ord Arnold. HTATK MAY NOT MS COMTLKT. KD POK UIIKAT KXPOaVHON LOCAL DEBATERS get Practice QUaMITION TOWKkmVKB IN AMI- LAND JANUARY 10 M TAKKN UP IN PRaMJMCNARY IHHsATK AT MKIH BCHOMi A preliminary delate o the que tlon: "Resolved, That Ufa lasprto onment with a Raetrlcted Power ot Pardon, would ba a Desirable Bubstl tuta for Capital PuaUhasent In Ore on." was bald Thursday aftsrnooa at tha blfb aekejelfor tba beneflt of tha team to represent the local acbooi In tbe SUte Hlgk School Debating League. Tbe araetlve aide waa sapported by tbe members of Ue team, Forrest Pell. Bdwln Coi and Aanle Hales. Arguments agln4tbe question were gives by Helen rorreet, cuire iisaia ud William HaaeattelB. Some tall- lent poInU were kresght oat by both sides to prove Uew coateatteaa. The auastlea la tee oae tor debaU la tbe leagae Ula year, aad Ue local acbooi will bave Ue aRrmattve uee was it meeta Aaklaad high aebool. Thla debate wlH bei bald at AahUad Jaaaarr lttk. PEACE ENVOYS STILL LOAFIHG NO rORMAL fsMHOW M HELD, BUT PKACK TaHMM ARK DM CUWteW INaNUIAIXT BY TMK RRLHOATBa Catted Preaa Vorrtee LONDON, Dee. SO. There waa ao formal aaasiea ot tba Beaee savoys to day, but tbey consulted laforsaaUy at their hotela. Lord Grey preaaaiM tbe delegates to Kiag Oeerg Ula af ternoon. A courier from Constanti nople la expected to arrive tomorrow. frrORMHITgRRHsLK e North Dakota VMted By Were laen. 4 United Preaa fterrlee PAROO, N. D.. Dec 10. The moat terrlae saow storm la years Is raging tkreagkoat tke state a Thare are Ira aad six toot drifts kere, aad tke railroad are crip- 4) e Id. United Preaa Service PARIS, Dec 10. ConeUatlnople dUDatehea aar tkat there Is ao con firmation ot tba Qreek report that Ilatll Pasha, the Turkish vice admiral, and four omcers have beea wua. United Pre Service. , HACIlAMKNTO, Dee. 10. Declar ing that' the building ot 11,000,000 of lurveved state highways are belag hold uu because of lack of tuada. due. In turn, to the fact tkat tke 110,- ooo.OOO 4 tier cent bond laaue I not selling, Knglneer A. B. PleUher of the state highway commission today fenred tho big coast road would not bo finished In time for tbe 191B ex notltlon. Thus far only il.000,00'1 of the luuo haa been sold, while the surveys aggregate more than IS, 000.- On account of the alow aala o( Iln declined the bonds Fletcher said It waa prob able the legislature would be asked to raise tho Interest rate to B per cent llryan l Sllrnt, ... . ...-u ,. vi.kkiii ii.i. n..r. tlnlipd Press Service noon. Tonight they will be gue.ts: A8IIINOT)S, I). J. Iw. at the annual vlttsge dance here. IWIHIam Jeunlng llrjrn stopped hrio lio.lnr to briefly visit with Ills son. Tail la Traveling He I en route to Now York to'confer j000. United PreW Service , h Wilson and Huisor. AHIII.Kr JUNCTION. H. C, lcc. to bo Interviewed. .v. rrvtiavni inn ni'it-i-i wh .- . lo ...name, stopped l,r. today Jho . 'UJ r Z ' U Mr, James I. tea left Thursd.y Piesldenfappeared on the rear pl.t- .' "d'"r , ,,. for Rry.nt, ., lo xl.lt relative,. (orm. 'Jl! - i in i Christmas Plans for Churches Announced Elaborate Entertainments are to be Given on Christ- mat Eve. Moit of the Churchet to Have Chriit- maa Treei for Children of Sunday Schools ARCHBAID GETS TIME jXTENSION ACCUSRR JUDGKN DsSCHUON TO TAKK HTAND IN HI3 OWN BK HALP RESULTS IN MORK TIMK HC1XO GIVKS HIM HONORS GIVEN TO AMBASSADOR AMERICANS MUST BE . PROTECTED .. l 1 . '. y .-'' '- mm 'Sk -" - It "I 45 PAMOUM CXH4J aTTRKAlf CM KSCORT BODY FROM KTKR ABBBY TO VrCTOBU MA TPOK eiTART WHS aUTUBBAY ,(j. ..aa , Frames!' as jaaaswajarsa aa ajamasaaay t ! VBViW United Presa Service WASHINGTON. D. C PeC 10. The sergeant at arms ot the senate declared today that tho Arcbbald de fense would be given at least thrc days more to present testimony. Tbe decision ko put Archbald oa the stand caused tbe extension of time. MORE DOXES IN THE POSTOFf ICE CONVBNIKNCB OT PATBOBB CON81DKRBB BY. UNOUC BOXM TOBB INALIJ ARK OPTHKLATHSTTYPK Oae hundred addlUoaal lock beiea am to be Installed la tke poatoBee neat week for tke convenience of Ue noitoflca oatrona. Tke boxes arrived Thursday, together with otker furni ture needed to handle ue lacreaaea volume going through the local once. Tha boxes are the latest type adopted by the postoflee department. and they automatically lock tnem selves when closed. failed Prose Service LONDON, Dee. J. Prlnee Arthur of Coaaaugkt. rsprseeatlng tke ktag aad queea. maay aetablea.aad I.Oo Jtmerteaas atteaded tke Bead rial at booh today lm Abbey. After Uo memorial tae bedr labaa ta ri Saiaiilk The. Stream Qaarde escorted the boar to mlcMtaho w iriatnrls atatlea wkata"1ht ff-fl'lt i-l.-- r--J --. - . a m. aeMaaaWBBBs1 Natal U waRtac to eoarer tM to New York. Tho etort W ho made tomorrow. Mra. Reld aad Ogdea Reld wHt aatt on tke Campania tomorrow. '1 . 1 .' Vt-' . -. . WAaWlNOTOH;v..!c..km.fl?-r-(' Secretary Kate eat that Taft'a acta had aot yet heaai edto Ho $& A certain Mr. B. Claua, alias K. Krlnglo, alias St. Nicholas, will be the busiest man la Klamath Patla Chrlet maa Gve, for la addition to hi annual call via tho chlranoy route to every good hoy and girl., ho has also accep ted engagements to offlcluto at tho "Hood Fellows' " Christmas tree and t several ot the churches whoro Christmas exercises will he held for tho children ot tho Sunday schools. Those who are not neaoclated with any ot tbo local church and who have no home kere, are working with tha Wouii'i Rlvlfl Leaauo lu Its task c.f n.ui.. rthrlatmaa cheer for those who would not othorwlss enjoy tha da tn Ha fuiiait extent. A Christ mas tree at the opera house for the children aad a distribution of presents the following day I planna oy m Usonla. Nearly everjr Sunday eenool In the" city will kaye OhrtataM aaeroieea a Christmas trees. Elaborate prepara tions aro being mndo for theso enter talnmcnlH In soveral of th Sunday schools. Tho Yulelldo exorcises at uraco M. K. Church have uccn rru - Frank M. U and (leorgo J. Walton. Thoy have arrnngod a highly appro prlato program, which follews: Carol"Chrlat " ,0", Prayer. Hymn, "Joy to the World." con- Sregallon. Words ot welcome, ur.. . - urd, suporlntondent of Sunday school, Carol, "Hall mm." Responsive reading. Carol, "Tidings of Joy." Recitation, "Grandest Kvent," .Recitation, "Christmas Outcast. Ina araham. . , Carol, "Tho Bong ot Old.' "A Chrlstma Story." Mrs. Valton. Solo, Louis Benson. DIAMOND BROKER IS MORDERED BODY IS POUND IN IB OPPICK SKULL 18 CRUSMKD AND HANDS TIKI) BKH1ND HIS BACK NO CLUB TO SLAYKR rrmmmmammawm smaexemsw- . , ,, - ,. itnrf -- iw'hw.aw'vaW:eM -:- s. -e--J cMdaBxaBmaV ;aft aaffaaweaHHV ' ' C " h yLlaajllilBlliSatlM-fJBl.RMi " i sakal aafafBmmi Oaaf aa leak esH ewemrueaa mamem . W. M ".' Mlaa Edaa WelU left Tkaraday for Asblsnd. where she will apead tkreo wacka wlU relatives. She will retara In time to aaetet la tbe extending ot the assessment roll. lit m tharjadm aha as i BeaJB '-', th ata, MamimafJai 'lBHBHHHal aHBVBHalM MiL tklrtyamya lea wl cated. m4m to tha deamaadhaC turn eeat by Prot4)t Tart Tha atate aTerta ta reach a trleaAby iCeeiAaaei aa ajo 41 o. Bhout for Joy." Beatrice Weet "Alaska Chrlstms Tree," Mildred Ixiwls, Chorus, "Hall the Messlsb." Hocltatlon. Dorrl Bell. "Why He Came." Mr. Arnold's rlaaa. For You and Me," Ml Momyer'a class. Bong of tbe Little Child," Mslba Davonport, "Little Handa Are Clapping," Miss Wood, Miss Lewis and Mlas Pelts. "The Gift ot Ood," Scripture. Chorus, "QlfU for Our King." Recitation Olda. ' ' Hocltatlon, Bessie Prye. Recitation, Kula Frye. Rocltatloa, ConsUnce Fisher. At the Presbyterian church espeelal ..l.na hnva been taken to prepare for tho happlnee of the Sunday ackool pb Page United Pre Service CH1CAQO. Dec 10.J. F. Lofue, a diamond merchant, was found dead today la hU oHoa la tke MeVlekara' tmtiaiaa:. HU akuU was oruahed aad hln head were tied henlnd hto hack. !v bad a gag lu M mouth, Tke atfc waa locked. Xhirs U ao clue In, tie alaytr. wM William Pawall will aatO Sacramsnto tomorrow to, remala for the holidays. Euastf CoaasaMtee AMeiated At the reauUr meeting ot Prosper ity Rohokah Lodge No. 104, 1. O. O. F lost alght Urea eaadUwtee were Initiated. Tke following member were appointed to serve oa U .aaa quet committee for January; 'Flota emmltt (chairman). Ckejm johaae. R. A. Bmmltt, W. P. Jokaaoa tfj Nortk, K. D. Nortk, F, I Armitronf. Belle Smith, Anna Leach. Lydt Hous ton, Helen Houston, NeMli Summer; 8. T, Summer, Amah O'Farroll, iraa Daniel. Altka Daal, atauc uuia ridge, Richard Qutkrldge, bXUU. BUee Stilt. SCHOLARS ARE ON AJCATION HIQH SCHOOL W OLOSHO UNTIL JANUARY OJTH PRINCxPAl FAUGHT ADPBBSBB8 PUPILS ON THK YULKTIDS, SPIRIT Th chrutmaa vacation oommeaced nt the Klamath County High Sckool this afternoon, and tke atudeaU are excused, from study until Monday, January U, An iawraaalva talk oa Ue true spirit ot'Yuletlde and Ue present day spirit, aa It manifests itseli, was gives ky Principal W. B. Faugkt at caapel UU moratag. LABORITES SEE W00DR0WWILS0N e aOaKR8 AND MORRISON URGK THK ORBATION OF A lMCPART- KMNT OF LABOR CONFHR WITH PRHStDBNT-KLBCT Colored Bootblack It Foand GaiHT f!f?; Ham" Hainilton Gcte a Twenty iMi; .1 a- '. - if 1 H i. . Mi-: will Receive Mail in Baatile r1 r J. H. Hamilton, colored, wko waa arrested several day ago oa a coarse of celling liquor oa Suaday, waa today found guilty by Police Judge Leavltt, Ham waa Sued f0. and la detauH ot paymeat he .waa grfaaV In the Hy baetUc hs ?-. The comneatet aeirtaeaea ,w. by Chief of PcMee aambka, wlw by aliased that the oa tke Sabbath ta "De: ' I . 3. i :oj,, ). Young Allen to Go to Pen for 2 to 20 YejBi ,- w- 11, 1, t . -j ,0' - f iH Judge Benson Passes Semttce 0 .'J mar 1 1--, a- ."?' xouni. man VaHitivivavu vi -- ery. An Appeal may be Taken : :y 18 ft? ?. . m t i pi t it: Robert Allen, convicted oa a Cor-1 tk) tft '? y.iyffffLiS P6 UalUd Proas Service ..'TRRNTON. N. J., Dee; 10. Preal aeat Qompera and Secretary MorrVsoa of tk America FceeraOea of Labor conferred with Woodrow wnaoa to dav. Tbar liraa tha Drestdeat-sleet to mil I favor a law creating a department of ' . v ntM gery charge, waa Ula moralagaea tenced to serve .from two to twenty. year la Ue eUta peaiteaUary., O. M. OneiH, who aefaeatae yooac bmi at hU trial, aaked the lolneacy aC tha. eeart. aad reqaeetM Ui behalf et AUetv Uat aa ealryi he made 1 the court Jouraal aermRMag the deteadeat to reeee aaaeai tae aaa.it a later date." -'' ' - v."4- . Oaelll hinted that ABc waa mad BjBBW aremwrarw "". " m r m he exarosacd hw latcatN hi hi the matter take ua aaJa he waa ahto WAaotM AgmV awavamtJ8HSFlHftHi i aavapBL Ueaaeaaald that la view ef Walsh Alleei'CBM aomtaetma I beVead, the rCW Hato fMat aayUtag At a:hVw.ieitlh teaea ot ;Bja ; J, mjw i : ,!fi . rd iiU'j X' .-tX '. if rtr, m1, . i..- '.," - ; m'wa.v-ie rS4ic;;;. f ffl 'Mrt- -iM1-