. " trc j tT " " i lir'W'l SVPPLIKI) HY THK UNITED PHRA NEWS SERVICE $&e f Deninc neram. t .. " ,' W-' . l.ll ' - ,1,1 ' r" '1" --' 'J s nPffflWr VB BWoWam. mnawmnajs Neveath Year No. I, aaa KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, THURSDAY, DKCKMBEK It, If It -v-.U.i ! afSamBBBJHBBB'' "-'1 Ifcll "Money Can Not Be Cornered ", Says Wizard 4 !. T. I Wall Street King Scouts Idea of there Being "Money Trust " in Existence SEA GIVES UP BOOK OF DARING NEWSPAPERMAN LAWHBNCK'M HOMY POUMI NI.'All TOWN OP IIKIMIMN) watfrajpl Willi Sweater Mil CMt I'ullnl l'i Hlgli Orrr HU Head, ImllretloM Art) Ttial Me Wm Trying- l Oct KM til III Mravy Clothing Ul.ru lln Wm DroMurtt HU .Niim Wm Hrokrti anil Hrnil Horml CANADA PAPERS HONOR WOMAN ACCOUNT OK THK DKATH OK MRM. I. UAMPIIKLL, MOTHKK OP LO CAL MAN', IIKCKIVKD HKUC I'llOM PAH KAMT PEACE ENVOYS KILLING TIME AIMOl'HKMKNT IH TAKEN UNTIL HATt'KDAY IN ORDER TO D CIDK ON A IlKQUKST MADE BY THK HULTAN OF TUKKBY LONDON Dec. It. The peace en- United I'rcM Hen Ice HKDONDO IIKACII, Calif., Dec, 19. I'apere havo been received hor I untd lr Servlc l turn ki. Tiiumai, Canada, giving an' lircotiiit of Ilia death of Mr. 1 Caian.' hrll. mother of I). II. Campbell ot thl. ' ,0' ln uioa J" lule city, alio following U (rum the Hi. ItJila morning, anil then adjouraed ua- Thoina Dally Time, jtll Haturday afternoon. The Oreek An oM anil respected resident of ,enar were In attendance, and It la iHt. Thoroa. iaiid away Into Bunday portcd that the Turka will not re iii.tHiH i.. it... ........... , t.. k.... i . . ,iuuimiii iii iu i'diiuii ui , npii. ow thtir orotetta. (Camiball, widow of tho lata Mchlan lt WM unofllslally Itarned that tU ,Campbll of till. city. Mr. Camp. ftdJournmnt wm taken to permit th bull had bcun siting for lome tlmo.lcnvoy, of Ul0 ne, t0 eonault their having bten under lh cnr of a nuwe cv.rnmniili reurdlno- tha Turklili -Th hody of Uwrenro. the now.'lnco lait July. demand that Turkey b permitted to papertuau who arroiupaiiled Aviator Tho ilorourd wm a member ofane re-vlclual AdrlanopU. If thU li re Kearney on the propped arroplnne of tht pioneer tamlllea of CUIn roun- luted If I reported that the Turke trip from ling lleach to Han Kran-lly. and aim It the lait but one of tlili havo been Initructed to ead the aa cUro.jyaa found today, j family. Hlie alio had tho dlitlnctlon'gotlatloaa. A eweater nnd a heavy roal worojbvforo her death of being the oldctt I . . pulled high over hi head, and hla 'living rntitnber of tho Iidlea' llcnevo- 'United lrM Service right hand wa entangled In the coat lent and Temperance Hoclety. I LONDON, Dec. 19 A further hitch aleevv, Indicating that ho wok drown- Mri. Campbell, who wa In her 77th haa occurred la the peace coaler. Tho Turklah chvoya have uit bees la atructcd to meet the Oreeka otxly un der tertala coadltlow. It la doubtful whether tho Oreeki will agree. CAPTAIN M I'AHBONRO vt Oeoxial Okrietauie Day Owt Halted Prtae Service WASHINGTON, Dee. 1 Preeldeat Tart haa parietaef CapUta WUllaa Van Schalek, matter ef the iteamer Oeaeral Bloeum, which burned aad coat the live ef a thouaaad people June ISth, 1104. The pardes becomea effettlv Cbrbitmaa Day. ft KELLER! BOY IS AL10ST HURT YOVNOaTTBH W "TOASTINO flH KlIH" WHKN HIH XIGHTOOWX CATCHMH HRK OXK I.MJ III HUaHTLY Bt'RNBB The Pet Dog Muff and Boa Hat ed while tr)lng to dlveit hlmtelf of)frar, la aurvlved by two ion, John I... hi heavy clothing. of the Ingram ft Davcy atero, lit. Lawrence' watch tti toppd at & Thomai, and I). II. Campbell or Klam o'clock. lath Kail, Oregon, and ono daughter, III soae wg broken and hi head Mr. It. C. Cochrane of Winnipeg, tcarrrd. JMlM Chrlitle Utack of thla city I Lawrence wm nutomobll editor of Uliler. a Im Angtlea paper. I)cid' father, the late John . No trace ot Kearney' body haa lllark, located on the Kdgewaro road, been found. Hearchera are lining thoj Yarmouth, nnd It wa on thU farm beach for many mile. .that ahe waa born. Her huaband, who ", ,. j for many year wa high conatable of To Hurvry Tract I Clzln county, died four year ago. Krueil I. Hand, aulitant uperln - tendent of aurvera for the govern- lUnker U Appolaled mont, came In from Cortland lait United I'rea Bervlc night to make a aurvry of lluck la-' NKW YOltK, Dec. 19. Chairman land, In Upr Klamath Uke. Thl McCoinb announred today that Kid tract haa hitherto boen unurvccd. rldgo Jordan, prnldent of the Mer The aurvcy I bolug made upon theichanta and Mechanic bank nt WmiIi- application of P. IC Hamilton, who Ington, had been appointed cnairmam of tho committee in chargo hi ire arrangomenta for tho Inauguration of I'realdcnt Wllion. BRYAN WILL BE CABINET MEMBER hu been hoinettradlng on tho tract, In order to tuako It poailbla for him to aeture title. I Witacw Itmounred llnlud l'.M Hervlrc IX)S ANOKLK8, Dec. I . Attor ney Karl Roger resumed tho crota ciamlaatloa of Officer Johnaon In the Kddy raae thU morning. Tho attor ney denounced tho affair In which Kddy waa (aid to have been caught m "trap," and planned. He aald that all knowing about 'what the clrl wm dotal were equally guilty. MEXICAN REBELS DESTROY BRIDGES i IKRIKNDH OP THK QRKAT COM MONER HAY THAT MK WILL AC CKPT PORTFOLIO IP WILSON DKUHEH IT United Preea Service. NKW YORK. Dec. II. Noted dem ocrat from all part of the country aro here today. Bryan la ea route from Tampa, and will cuter with Presidentelect Wllaoa oa Saturday la Trenton. Bryaa'a frleaee laetot Uat be U willing to accept a portfolio If WlUoa dealree It. IanreH Valley Polka Marry W. C. Kdler and Ml Francl Ora ham wre married at tho Methodlat parsonage laat night by Ilev. Oeorgo II. Peeee. Mr. Kdler I a prominent rancher of Langell Valley and Mr. Kdler I the daughter ot a prominent rancher realdlng In tho aame locality. Mra. Roo M. Terry of OdMu I apeadlng a few day here a the gueat of Mr. Lottie L. Bailey. A lailOK FORCE OP FEDERAL TltOOPM RKPORTLD TO BE ON THK WAY TO KXOAOK THE IN KUIUIKNTH IN I1ATTLK United Pre Service KL PA80, Te., Dec. It. Three thousand rebel aro reortd to be In camp twenty mile from Jaurei. aad It I clalmod that 11,000 federal troop are advancing to attack them. The rebel have deetroyed aomo bridge on tho lino of thi Mexican Northweitorn railway. Qtizens See Battle in Which Police Win .After Killinglhis Wife, Adam Boeh lar Barrldadea Himself in Home and Defies Police Department ,i -; tf- Paul Keller, bob of Mr. aad Mra. J. J. Keller, aarrowly eeceped mHom la- Jury, whea hie alghtgewa caught Ire thla morning. The lad waa aUgatly, burned oa eae leg. aad hla hair waa omewhat slated aa It waa. The yotiaaater- was aloae la the house at the 'tins, hla pareat being at the Keller cafe, aad prellm'laary to dresetag. he waa "toaetlag hla aalaa" at the atove. He noticed the heat growing, but believed It waa tha Ira until be found tho back of his night shirt la lamea. He managed to pull the burning garment oyer hla head before he waa Injured, but the ahlrt wm almost entirely destroyed before he could get out of It- United Press Service CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec It. The Turka aad Q reeks are still Ightlag la Eplrus, according to dispatches from Bltaal. The Greek aatterlea raked the Turk fortress aad aa aviator dropped bombs. The eaaaaltlea ware heavy, and the outcome la deuettal. MeeaagM from Atheas laslst Uat the Turklah Seet la kotOed at hi tha Dardanelles. There waa aa aghUag oa the sea today. .aflaBananananananaW BBBBraaalaBaBaCZZBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaB sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBaaaaaaaaBBBBBBnasBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBawsaw ''?.. J"J loieu ,1u w MHMH eJn GltBIT PONEI 1 t r -x4- 1-- ' ! MCIKLK ifAsV KiNei orriN. t ' (J. '", , T ' P lh , tnt0Mt OOwBBaBaVVoMantV Oi Ill ,a aaawatam . atee fveawaBBe-eMsae) as isMSsBaajaBt . . m 3 . " TeHs aaease Are Moa m a' Cadiriliil Bipaalai laj AhewOUl.ttMgil ' Y, . , i- Cnlted Prsse'gervtr ' ' WASHINGTON, D. C. i. Plsrpat ;; By tke attachmeat of a Tory realis tic head, tall, tegs and a doggie collar ot leather with brass trimmings, this muff la made to look like a pet dog. Thl la Just the sort of ChrkHaut present to delight the heart ot a girl, aad It may be had la MvenJ kinds ot fur. The hat hu aa attached feather boa that falls nearly to the Soar, hat whea wound around the Beck Is a lovely ostrich neckpiece that makes a charming ensemble with the hat. la thai bwnvJba., Taa Mr. Msrgaa teslfated, taat taw V aesMa wka ata'Sna aa Itaasaawar att eaaraate to aaewt IHtJtMM. Mt jsai-tbt aaiwaa.a aWaewat mmk lot tU acme gJMgc W aiasah. to aU beak, t lasealaaaaei -, 'W Terk Catral eia awe Mi a MBaaa vsHread. wlU ajMBBMw. tawa iMtrais.ka saea. gtea Mi ttea Saw SMtaelve'ragat.a aaasfjat SBeriensaw ecurttes.v "v ' ',,. ti la ad4Mieav M arm nets 'tar tha i peraMeaa, MK.rwha merely aadireteed. aa4 aalMsaS at writing- '' ' , Morgaa admlM4 taat at ttw the steel eorperaUea was. he had approved taa satire feaard a( director. Ha weaM aet be haa aetaally AM far Kiasstllea United Press Service WA8H1NOTON, D. C. Dee. II. Senator Perkiaa ot California today InlrodoMd ahUl'ln'the aeaata la aa- proprlaU 11.060,009 for the Paaaaa expeeltlea. J' u- Canal to be Built for Great All of the Timber on Jthe ath Lake is to be Cut. W Convenience for Horn tnlted Pre Service MEMPHIS, Tsnn., Dec. 11. Adam Boehlsr last night murdered hi wife by eutMng her throat. Thta morning he barricaded himself In M homo and aeflta the polio:. t Taa enure avparuN - tfY-tT- l out and mado an attack on the house. One pollcoman wm fatally shot In the cheat and two pectator were wound ed. After the general police charge, detcctlv,e hot Boehler dend, Ton thouand people watched the battle. All ot Ute Umber oa Ua Doak ranch oa, Upper Klamath Lake Is to be cut aad sold to tke sawmill, ac cording to Jamea Douglas, superin tendent of the ranch, who la here to day purchasing supplies. In order to get the logs to the water a carnal la being dredged through the ranch property, aad tha logs will Seated through this to the lake, "There are about T.OOO.OOt feet of timber oa the ranch'." aayB Mr. Douglas, "and loggers are sow at a ork cutting thla. The Adama dredge I at work there dredging a ehaaael U feet deep through the proporty, Thl canal will be ovar Vo "d11 long, and will allow the logs to be put la the water at a high eeU4 alas. m ' BLPJaiBF smBBadBBaauBLB BL "JawaaaBrvi Hk eiBBBBBBBBBK rBaaaaBBBBBBBBFi ijejaammmmmK eeJkalBHBBBBBBBBBhnaaTjs haaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBslI sJM'waaaBBBBBBBl eaaal Ifaaflwho "la addtUoa to tho lake tor the caaal la practical! upper country tlm homssteaders a hauled to the lake through It, li pay for eitra the case herete: Paclac aad other la that aeettoa eo aal to advantage. giag railroad eaa of tha eaaal.'; "Although, thl marlly for taa w logs iato the lake, H adTaatageees featwres,V Mr. Douslss. "Taa through the lewsat part ot Ua Deak raeb?'wHl serra'ta atata taa traat gPlan on Upper lUam wlllbe Great in Vicinity y spring, This will save oeaeM- hie time aad moaey every year. heretofore It haa been accessary to la the place la the apriag by ping. 'The caaal aUo opeas the way to gravel bar oa the Doak ranch, ich contractor declare Is the best bio klad for bulldlag purpose; account ot the absence ot sand or aad- the ualform stte ot tho i. The cost or loading tarn aaa porting It to town will be Tory 1, aa the. gravel eaa be loaded bargee ' aaa the1 leaded barge to aay potat oa taa lake. r. Devglas, Mra. turn Tarry, Har- Peel aad other Upper Lake people, have beea atteadtag to buelaeM matter la Uwar today, will retara ham Uta IhJe atlaraanai '' L t " fP home late tala fit fr f y Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. r, 1. 0. OvP.. wUI hold IU regular meet ing tonight la Odd-reUowa Temple. Visitors la the city are cordially la vlted to attead. ' Arcaasld Case Over UaKed Preea Servie WASHIKQTON. D. C, Doc !. The ArchbaM defease closed thl af ternoon. But few ef taa senators heard aH of the teeUmoay. hs aoaattsaat man Iks hsaid. bat vawawjfjtv Mrs. Walter Coaaer 9t Aahlead la here to make Saat proof oa her borne stead. Sho nu a 0ae tract ot kwd la the Swaa Lake couatry. "1 wW say tala: the board wsat aa wstti sag 'Wh1taeMea taat;ta comaaay be taa afjaat far ta"atai) corperatlea seearNMaT, "lead." wasOwreata. "Yea are .sppsesd 'la Mr. Morgaan aaaed Mr "Ne: 1 Mke a Httto at r,- reply, "bat I favar ooaeeatratlaa; I waa te talk this. I beMeve that taara M wa waff la walea aaa aiaa aaa gasa marat ot the moaey. Tea eaM tala' a saeaaf traett A aaaa may aana all af the) moaey la Chrlstsadsm, bat ba eaaavat seatrelK." 3 " ; - The- eeauaRiee aajaaraai January .-''" ,' ji ' IMsal4 P Spring Creek to Be !' ; Fish Hatchery Site vvl Gorernor Announces tlut bt WW Personally Take np Matter With the Government Officials " -h It 1 probable that tho state-ash and game commlssloa may yet eetab lth vta .central trout kaUaeryta KUmata'' couaty, as Ooveraor West has' preaUsed ta make taa matte at securing the Sprlag Creek site a per soaal matter with the aeeretan' 9t taa interior. This aewa waa brought' to Klamath Falls by Flea aad Game Commlesloaer Charles' F. Stoao, waa returaea wet alght from a aeUag cit.Ue.eoaualosloa held la FartkMd. V'AHaoagb the ,Aaaie' Creak" aMa waa ta beet.loeklag aw , t n 'v T Jitf ! i i , here." said Mr. Stoae, " Wtlsea toM,as that have to'be IsaaKad at, tor, forvtao"atsr tatt. ha WaavM MwVellV arwv wHsj ww bT beta'daaitr al taasanl. , ' Taa, faU oa tVtaag OjaaaJt M aad taa alto at aattai Sa awatl so it we.taa leeafaaaai aa Mt m mw aawar j. aa. stuwmbeuaataaa tar, raWa taa4 to awVep WejfwJaWJI f afayUsMJto 9 , y A' $ 1 1