! ' ' ;, MbTI'MKI) HV TIIK VNITKI) I'llWM NKWN HRHVICK Ik Wlti Mv BJBBy itiil! 9 cralft. - h2Li' ' 4: , If, '? i Kil ':-' 'cin I '1 I : . joMi a- s "Vi HMMtlt Year Nu. I, MIT ICOo'ft KMMATII PAl.tH, OIIICOO. TUK8DAY, IMfCKMHKR IT, 1I8 Warrants Qity to be Worth New City Charter Provides for the1 Bonding BBk f -"fc fc - - - . p. a--1--l y- 1r-i-J-L -.. r-J-J-LrL -r LJ- , , 1 , ! , 1 -J- u'LIlllirnll r-lFT'J- fc, -aafcBtaaaanataataaaeaaaaatnaaaa1 "" I. I I J..... Out UNITED STATES MAY MEDIATE IN BALKAN DISPUTE IMHIMTY OV THK KNVOVN TO AClHMi IM L'KHTAIN Hrrtriaa Kavuy Ware Umi Melcctlon of till Country, Mat r'rara That (Iml IMataat Might Handicap (lie (iwMteUwMrN from TtiU Country. IWamHlarHy Willi Condition May JACK LAUGHLIH PAINFULLY HURT Vi:i.fi KNOWN I.IVKItYMAN IH KNOCKKII IM)V.V IIV A IIOIIMi:. "TTah a fiuctuiu.ii mil ami IIAIH.Y CUT IIKAI) United I'rHi Service 0N1K)N. Dec. 17. Tho United Mates haa been suggested at a medi ator In the Turklth-llalkan state dlt lU on account of Ibe apparent In. stlllty of Ibe envoya to agree. M. Novakovltch. tlia Rervlsn envoy, Xltred Ibat llio "choice of (lie Unit 4 Htatee would bo excellent, but 'la American commissioners would ' ,preoaMy be hampered on account of I tit distance nnd their unfamlllerlly with conditio. PEACE ENVOYS ARE QUARRELING TCHKK OIUKCT T) TIIK MUCH- knci: ok (jiu:i:k k.nvovh, am WOlllf IH WAITKD r'llOM CON HTANTINOPLK AN TO COIIIWK Jack taughllu sustained a fractur ed rib and a badly cut head by bolng stepped on by a horse early tbla morn ing. I.aughllii and another workman at tlio Mammoth slnblo were harness ing a team when one of tho hone a)irently becoming frightened, broka nut nt tho htrnctt, narrowly mined ileilnic oil I.aughllu'H lie'lper, truck Jack with bit front fuel and walked orer Mm. Dr. Hamilton la attending: Ilia Injured man. "Hum" Again Pinched Charged with telling wblikey on Hunday, J. II. Hamilton, colored, wnt arretted thlt morning by Police Chief Pmlth. Ho will bo tried on tho police court thl afternoon. According to flmltb, "Ham" told whlikey to V. W. I.lghtbody on Sun day Uit. - -- .- Bird Island Famous L as Refuge for Birds State Game Warden Tells of the Au debon Society. New Bird Re serves are Now Being Planned About nln yar ago Undo Ham becanio atclvoly Internted lu Iho lro lection of wild blrda. Thla Interest wit bruuMtabout becnuie of varlout ieclrn of game blrdt. a well aa ong Inc beneficial blrdt wo allowed at any tvaton of tho year. The tint national wild bird rcter vntlon wat tet aaldo March II, 19S. by a apodal proclamation of tho preil bnltod I'reat Btrrlce LONDON. Dec. 17. Tho enroya of the llalkau tlatet today voted to iiult tho icotu confvrenco If Turkey dura not turrender Adrlauopla. The llulcarlan frontier ouettlon wilt be the flrtt under contlderatlon. Ilulgarla demand Thrace aad part of Macedonia. Foreign ambanadora oatombled In formally thla morning In as effort to adjust tho Auitrlan-Herrlan trouble. Tho ixace envoy ware In confer- juicti for three hour thl morning, and then adlourned until Thuraday, The Turk objected to Ibe preatnee of tho (Ircvk envoy becaute Orceco had not tlgued the ermlitlce. The Turk throatened to Icavo the con ference, but other envoya Induced the into ttay until advlaed front Con stantinople. It rord from the capital repudiate tho Oreeka the conference will come to an end. The envoya agreed to nek Lord Orey to appoint, as EngUahnu to be trcrctary of the conference. The credential of the envoya In- cludo tho power to negotiate peace and algn a final treaty. Daneff presided. Warning Kurooean caplUUtU not to meddlo with the peace negotiation If thoy do not with n renewal of tbo righting, Daneff add retted the con ference. Ho declared that caplUlltbi wero aiding Turkey. "We concede tbo minor demand, ho aald. "but tho tultan muit grant our principal demand, Including the UmiMltlnn nf Balonlka and Albania. lit Turkey refine to accept tbo boun idarlea wo propoe, wo wilt order that Adrlanoplo be betelged." 1 CIlllAMI'.kY Tltl'KT PKOHKD United HiMr Attorney Mart 4 'Invmllgatlogi , : I United I'reM Service 1'OIlTr.AND, Dec. IT Unit- e d Bute IJItlrlct Attorney John McCourt bllnveiUgatlni the nl- leged creanitry combine in Port- land under! the direction of the 4 department of Juitlce and fol- lowing coniplalnl that price had been bloated after the for- matlon of Ike combine. The re- e tutt of the JBTeatlgatlon baa not been announced, 1 GOVERlMENTBOAT tt mm mew MlrtHINO AViATOH AND XKWSI'A l'KIt .UN ARK HTILL MIWH.NQ. HKVKNCK CVTTKK OKUKRKU TO THK HCNK COUNCIL AWARDS PRINTING JOD Sin CMARTMt WIIX MB PRIXT- KM HY TMK W. O. MatTgl PRIXT IXO CO THK UIW M KrLAI!C 'hll TO tXIUNCII PAVIN6 CONCERN WANTS ITS MONEY OVKR HW M STILL BOB TBB WARKtcx comnrnscmon ca COUNCIL INSTRUOW HHTOACT U t'nliod Preaa Htjrvlc 8AN aTRANClBCO, Dec 17 Or der to aenj. n revenue cutter to aeardteUCewnar Lawrenee. were received here from Secretary McVeagh today. The cutter MeCiil lough will be aent. California congreaamen and ntwe- paper men urged UacVeagh to net Wilton In Trenton United Pre Service and Inioct-eetlng bird, were rapidly Ident. Blnre that llmo ftfty-flvo other f TIKNTON. N. J., Dec. 17. Preal- retvrvaiioni uiu m " .. tlciu-vieri winon patteu inn ur u - .. . ..I tult.l l.lp.l TtlAU .. ... -i. ... Vt-. ?. tor ino pmiecuuii " - .--- i, cny, ll0 will atari lor now iirnv embrace rocky Itltudt, tand beachet, 1M ,U ntternoan to attend tho ban laket, martheii and other place thatjUot ot tno southern Society. He ilrcreailnt. while Intect Pett wero Increatlng In Immense number. Uncle Sain' baa recently estimated that the a,nnual Ion to agricultural and horticultural Interest lu thl country amounta lo f 130,100,000, Thu National Association of Audu bon Kocletlea, which waa organlted tor Ibe protection of wild blrdt and animals, began tbo campalgu a num ber of yeara ago to get certain refuge or retreata, where no hunting or k.lll- systeB oFfire . alarmjnanted :iTY COUNCIL RKCKIVMH HIDM l-OR THK INSTAUiATION OV 1K-VICK-TWO WiANM ARK UNIIKU CONMIDHHATION The future Ira alarm tystem for Klamnlb Kail had u big Inning at last night's council meeting, follow ing the opening of bid an tho Instil ing of an alarm system. Tboro wna 'iily mio bid on Iho system complete, lis tho bid ot A. a. Long Co. wua Oil a 1.RAO nnuad ball only. Tho Uamtwelt riro Alarm Tole-,,K-upli company fare fum on two different; gyttanu. One of these. If , operated from the tilophono offlce, will coat 11,060. in caae n aeporate switchboard la Installed for thla the ost will be M10 more, nlua the coat 1 nro alarm boe. , The question of having the nlarma feUven by the telephone company waa of mi asrlcultural value, reaching from Florida to Alaska, and over to the llnwallan Islands. Many oi tneee are Iho nnrottral brcodlng place of birds, somo of which aro almost ex terminated by plume hunter. "The largest and best national who I'ngo will avoid Job hunter. "I'd like to call the attention of tho council to bus SO. eetloB It of the charter; regarding publications," said Councilman SavMge after tbe w. O. Smith Printing compaay'a bid for printing the charters bad been rend. "According to thla, all publication must be made by the city oBclal newspaper." "There U n great deal of difference between the printing of the charter and the printing of notice," explain ed Judge Leavltt. 'The charter print ing come under the head of Job work." "Well. I'm aaUaled. I merely want-1 ed It eiplalned," replied Savldge. Tbe bid ot the Satlth Printing Daur waa the only one received. The work of printing 1.10 toeiee of the charter at l.5 per page waa aware ed thla rm by the eevaeU. aaai vsv,aMtsaw i1-? Debts ! CIIYIMER EXPUUiS PtMT :nty '.'-m U,. . W .1 .1 'J '. ' fSt u &, : ?. u -W- I. ! V o Jn order to elenr up the lndebied- neea on aeveml of the paving unit, the city eonneH InetrneUd Jadge Leavltt to nae whntever meana nee. sary to enforce nnygtent. Undo the terms of ibe eharter, the' cent of tho nnvlnit aaeeeaed to each property nwav ler I a Ilea ngnhatt hie yreperty, nan can be forecloaed. tleraun rorea of the Warm Con struction company stated that there U n little over.$I,BS0 due Me eete- tany In torn of Ue dletrlete, nadl the delinquent partlee aeean leoU to pny. CONSTANTINOPLK. Dee. 17 Heavy Bring off the Dardanelles tote- cntea the renewal of the Oreeka' at tempt to run tho Waekade Into th Agean Sen. Tho rang began early hla gaomlnc and lasted eereral tewra. the forte nartlHnlHw., Klka to Katertala Mombera ot the cast and chorus that produced "The Mikado" for the Klka last week, will be tbo guest ot the Klamath Fatla Lodge II. P. O. E. at tho Klka Club this ovonlng. An olaborato entertainment lias been planned by tho Kllu to show their appreciation, and tbe ovenlnit's pro gram Include cards, dancing, Im promptu stunts and n banquet DMEEI11LU WAS IRA JONES ITHROUQH A. MONEY ORDRR STUB IN Hit KPVHCm, PORTLAND OKFICKHM ARK ARLK TO f TAHI.IMM HIK IDKNTITV c -i-m MVffMfJMtT AJrlMawvBjfftv K amUNMM. P , ; .g - i '-'i .i i ''a M Vmt Osast, CMr WW Ba VHena)- , eat a Caaai goMam, avafl.dM IfaaSM ., J vii aHfkjaAk gtakaei aaug . jajsm fcfhjaaTaSa4snhnL ' Daiiusa taw aasne aa m aavsnyaw. c, , T TW Haa la Aggiinl 1im S '. ataaaaa-i ' ?' fa CKy wamwM wR to aasaatM at par K the new eaartor la $ T ' v, TaWayjfJ 9 aawj VVaT9 ePsa-ap "F aaii atr taa ajtoR w inaatal ajjaay ilea. - s --X, ''.' r, ' "Under ta iritiag af Jha jsaw . eaartor. R fa aaaatta) $m ha aMr t haaa'ltiatf la fay off'tto aagaaag ' a4eM.M MM'iaal aaaseLhaa ! aeaaaageaan. aaen;aas eaawsawaT -) aaaa-aBBBaaaaasaatataaaaaBMasasaWtaS ' J2j a . JCnsn of FfTer ,ttaat.-ijt jaiiinnfl ef. 'm? fli,brrV. fk T t l - '"l. '"'? anaa t- , L PaanBm . .1; . - ' -i '' United Press Service PORTLAND. Dec 17. Through n money order Issued here thehug who was killed by a posse after aaaauiting Myrtle Huff, aged 14 yeara. U Santa Anna, Calif., Is believed to be lra Jones, n logger and formerly n Mc Kensle River homeateader. The or der atub waa found In the thug a County Health Officer and tit Ctty Health Officer Report tat Gases of Typhoid tUi Tear ' iCoutluued ou Retce UnreneoaaWe u'ABiiiNfiTON. Dec. 17. Answer ing tbo complaint of tho Dakar Clly, lnM.nti nnmmMrrlal Hlub. tbe later- ttatc commerce commlttlon declared affecta. . toilay that the class rates trow Baker City to polnta on the Oregon Short 11. B. tuwnayi umne wave- Line between Olds Ferry, Idaho, and I morning for Portland to attend to Vale, Oregon, were unreasonable. business matter. t. . Vi P rAl r l . ;'-V coutlderod lo be tho beat for KlamntU Vnila. mid Manager Iloberlton wna hiked If arrangement could bo made with hit company for tbo operation nt tho aystem. Ho was unable to give dellnlto Information, but baa wircu tho Portland ofllce ot tne compaur, nn.i will bo ablo to glvo tho cour.cn pokltlvo Information In n few day. n.in iii avttom. ovcry ieiei.u.' In Iho city Is n fire alarm atatlon. The (person reporting nro cans cemr. und tell Iho wiiru numoor. " ernl alarm and tho ward number I then automatically sounded by tho alarm bell, KnlgliU to Knlertaln Tho Knlghta of Pythliw will outer tnln their wive nnd l'yiln HHtor tomorrow evening with n social and n banquet. Following n brief Umi. nets meeting the gucals will etaomblo. KxamlnaUona Tomorrow ...-... nintinns for teacher will .... mmnrrow morning In Hlversldo .... i k.illil n at U O'CIOCK. iv - Intonded in hold the oxnm.lnatlons In Central school building, oui .. -polrrt wero' found necessary to be inado there, so tho place of holdlUg tbo examination waa changed. . v , Will G. Steel is Urged i for Capt. Arant's Job Medford Men Will Urge the Appointment of a Repub lican as Superintendent of the Crater Lake National ' aaaaak Park. Is Cailed Father of Crater Lake Reserve Just elnht eaaea ot traaeM have been reported to County HenRh OftV cer Merryaaa nnd CKy Health Oaeer Truax thU year. At thla Uaae Wat year there were more thaa forty eaaea reported. None of the eaaea tMa year vara serious, while last year there ware a few fatalities. ' ' , Thla decrease la the aawoat 9t die- ease bj noted net aleae ta the caae of typhoid, bat la aH ether foraa of eostaglotta nHsaenU, ta faet, the.eRy la enjoying one, of the healthiest yeara la Ita history. Klamath Falla la not atoaa la Ita healtbfurneas thu year, aa the re- poru of the state board of health shew that every eKy la laa atato aaa i- Medford mon are urging the ap pointment of n republican to bo su perintendent of Crater Lnko National Park. Ho I Will Q. Steel ot rort liiml. Tho Portland Journal, a democratic iianor. IIM tllO lOllOWing w toy ton- corning Mr. Bteol'a candidacy: hi.,i hat devoted n largo iwri ot lilt time for yonra to Crater Iko, and during many of theso yeara be work ed practically nlone. lie baa made moro than n doxeu trip to Washing ton, to gain favorablo action by the prcsldont or congress, and the ex pousca ot theo trip havo, with ,two or throe exception, been paid by htm'. ,u. Incidentally bo naa .punuanen atccl Point," which baa tbld graph-.: leallv and nlctorlally ot the beauties of Crater Lnko and Ita legendary' bW- tory. First, ho Induced the secretary ot tbo Interior to withdraw from settle ment tho lands surrounding the luko. That was back In 188. In 1801 he obtained tbo action that made a na tional park. He organlted a company that built n botol. and placed boata mon the lnko. Recently he haa gone niter an appropriation tor roads, and 1100,000 will aoon ne avaiiaoie ror that purpose, to be followed by other hundred ot thousands. He no longer holds auy pecuniary Interest In prop erty In In tbe park, ' How he became intereetea in urn- tor Lake la an Interesting atory. It roe back to Bteere school aaya Kansas, when he carried his loach to school In n newspaper, aa waa the fashion among acboolboya then. Bat lug his lunch ono day, he threw the newspaper wrapping on the grouan, but picked It up to read while enjoy- lna hta meal. Hla eyea fell upon a paragraph that told of a mysterious auakea lake, la Oregon, surrounded by perpendicular walls, of magnificent depth and color ing. It nrouaed hla fancy, and be re solved to see that lake some day. Two yeara later, at the age ot II, he waa an1 Oregon pioneer. ' fie. came ue Portland nnd began Inquiring about the lake, ' ffloaUauea oa Pa"ii rT" Several towaa thai ham I tt aaldeaalei eery yaai wRawat.a.abaala aaaa'at disease thla year. ' There, are a auaabar at errbed for tho year tat Uau la taia attaataam aaa VV aSJ wmJW BBWWWaitjaaaj aaasr given to the work of rarda aad heeahag-Ua allara frea. fxearubMam. ,Taa avsa'a Clvte Leagme aa4.Ua hoard worked hard e tMa and the naeala aawi takaa a eauUaa to nreveat tha hrpialaff-af a L.it m.u . . lyswawa lever awnaa. r , va f. aaa aa S aa atjhTegaajl ffaavg; ' 'J Mrs. Alice Coaraa waa oceratoc uikib for annaiidlelUa br Dm. Hajall- ton and Morrow nt the Blackburn hos pital hut night Mrs.' Coarad did not abow aerloua tymptoata at aatea dlcltla until Teaterdar. aad the dee- tors believed Immediate oaerattoa was ., u. ....i. i. Viu near tbe critical potat LOW BUYS BADGE; BARNES TO VISIT Baaaawaaawassi BHKKIFK - RLHCT WILL AaWCMR DUTltM OV HUB OVHCK fANTJA- ,RV a CtMKMFr, aURNR WILL QO TO OAKLAND Sheriff-elect. CO. Low haa erdered a badge ot oMee. Ho exMeta K to arrive here befcVe Jajuaryt Wh, fhea ne aseumee ib auuea eaaae Sheriff aWxnenplena to take a' tr'k to qagiaaa aa aooa aa nw serai at fice expires, Mrai Baraea and elill dren are apendlag the wtater la Oak land' - " : ?" y . . ;. 1 BAN V F, ftM FEAR MRS. HUH- TER TOOK II ' '"".' fp f ' M lit ,f; r:- $ FaUNCMOO BAY ', aVaVaW 'f ' v' BeURCaUD MM TgUOal OV.'iiBH .,.' " X&f'4 BAY BaUBB OT THR Of rOMKLAXB United VreaaBerrlea BAN FRANCWCO, Dee,17-T oceaa aad bay ahorea are haeaf ;''';, trolled.today la aa eadeaver to Itoato . Mrs. Beaale.L. Huator.T ! m . bride of Joseph Huator, at .v .. ". a. l i . a al it.U eetievea wa tae aim sulelde by juaaatac lata Ua hiay- Awaiu iMiMh la aaMgftair ateMMA -J'' j7"a 'iji "l a' bay,- , Haader ,ln. aearefc.. -,.l.d?S?. j -.v J--W "-' .v ,r XteXtii m .'Xk Xt ;,U M k iM m & Inaalai'that mv vta pafttaaw WSs. aa? ragejBSii tide note to Mm lPBjBaBWa BjgjBfayv ielgaa) .boy-aaiiiiiilBil y. 5 uv ' f. ' ',, ''?!' -& f-. WfS 4r