,L S 'f.'! svrruKD hv Tiiie -gTKU rHUM NBvVB RKHVJCK 1 phe i dtnina lief aiiV A . !. -vwi,v. . " " .."t A i f svealh Year No. I, MM ' OIBASSADOR IS KLAMATH IMLLB, OftBOON, DEADAHDKING IS 6REATLY GRIEVED fMTKMVV IIKIII I'AtWKH AWAY IN FOIIKICJN UMI Mrtugr f l'onillrwt n rn by Mnutx-ni r Hi" lloj-ol Family uml ftnuMK HlMlraiiirH of IIHlftJu llu (ml; Will IUt thought In till t'ouii. ijf In '' I n",' VumcI of War. KwM Hurrying lo HwUlilw I King' Mruagn t I'slled I'tnl Hcrvlce IJJ.VDON, lice l. Upon rn- t teltlng Information (if Hie death vef Aiuu.iaddr Whltolaw Itel.l, KU (Icorxn dispatched an t rtvtrry tu idircnvtirr uouto t tllh rvtiJulritria. Tim king thou fetal I'risldcut Tm(1 Ilia follow. I lu Wre: "II l with llto deepest inrron tUl I lufurm ou uf the death 1 1( Amtuador Held. IIU lo U t splorblc, and I personally amure liU death. The yuccii t Mil myself ayrupathlin llh Mr. Rld." The Police of Christ iania are Capable and Trustworthy LONDON, Dec H. With hU on M lk nlgn sea hurrying lu til tsfcUe, Whltelnw lUltl, ambassador kto United Hlalea to Kngtand pa 4 lit; Uat night. fliM fur Ike funeral have not bran d, and k'Bi uatll Un smttl f hU aoa. The King liu of. tati Ike royal chapel in Hi. Jam i for the obsequies, but It 1 be am tUt th offer will be declined of tlii auiallnea of the I. It U probablo that tho Inter- asstwlll be In Sley Hollow Come hty, New York. A llrlllili waratilp Ml transfer the remain. brttUh statesmen bavo ent wee an of condolence anil the new spa kM here contala article lauillng llin liawtran. bbbbbbvbbbb- J VSSH amaha LKaV I annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 9 BaBBBBBBBBBBaVaBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaa! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB MONAY,(tlHOMiBH WAtlEJTlj Lift ft W ' JQ.J ' MKjMMI WAT lKNMt iL- ' is, ma , - :;-. , '? f q , . 'J !'MNTTHiKOTlMaBmiMf i ft4la IN CMMKr '.., j( tVlkiK HKNWJN KATHKR WMO IIAl'UHTKH flHAtfi ANtf: ii' MfK iWri . ' hU r.ld-yearKild b.'vWiilM muat American Wife of German Am bassador to United States T - ' -,f ri:. aaae tin oiiDDcyt nnniT -Vt HOLDS WITHTHE RAILROAD TRUS . i ' 5 : ea i(i for aastultlag daubhUr. Arthur tpend the remalndiV aStiTllf fn tbe i tat penitentiary, TMtmu taa m umm inpoMfl upon MBDy circuit Jndffe Heaty I Bim tih rmtag. Wallen apare4, ta 'ihwH ates. bli attorney ui reUnlraV btaf . eat ''A Vntir tiimnr 1 w.li'lii'ai Vt f ,v. mwv., , n... w -a .. , t. .J. , , j,l. . . I am BWHHBiaty iMimnai in enaae I'M. charged with'' aaM iValtoa fat n low; voice, whan aakoa Jf,hi had aar ihlac to aay befere be4aCiUMel. I rot had ho flnlaWJifcaa Judge Boaaoa woaoaaced tho eweata sea ' ally for the crlaM. Thadge aaade no .'raeaarka about tbe eoief I a wfwe erswa vi mnw wwra praawan whoa aeateaeo waa aro uaced. The pollro Ueparlmvnt of faraway (JbrUtUnta compare tavorablr with the law and order force of any city lu tbe world, not la ilie. hat la clncy. II member are well trained, ll dUclpllned men. Tho aollea. man' wurd In CbrUtlanl la taken a the go pel trutbjq h.e htah Uibaa alLMcntenco ia aeldom If "T r" r "- 1 -T'r'natT Jha'aaHaa aiaha' no arrolt bccuo It'l neecotary, and nTlctlon;laaJa iajoW't Mt4 Trrti Service LONDON, Dec. U Following fro- ataf Aiqultb'a propotal, tbe liouio of men voted to order a batttMlilp IUreotey tho remain of Ambnador Ud to New York. Tl premier delivered an addrn h which be paid high tribute to the ftntatlv of tho United Slate Imrnttcnl to the Court of HI. Jamw. Ofdn Held, aon of the late amba. r, ha communicated with friend ten by wlroleaa regarding the foueral k h announced that the l.ondnn anltc would occur In Wciluilnttor y. No data ha yet, been ct. t. ' r C. 0. McClure, auperlntendent of HI llaaln Lumber company' kWK yard at Uorrla, made a butl- I trip lo Klamath rIU Saturday. I "'returned to Dorrla tho following aenini, tii. 0. JoheinB nf UtAtnrA iMauth ralla vlaltor. U a COURT DENIES NON-SUIT MOTION cam: ok jim iiuiuii:oTiat vs. (IKt)IUJK V. CUtllK Slt'HT IIK Tltli:i OS ITS MCIIITS, IH TIIK IIULINUOFJlIIKii: Tbt inoruliig' irailon of the cir cuit court iu taken up with tho ar guing of a motion for a nonsuit In the action for damage fled agalnut tloorgo U. Clark by Jim tlurgeote. o Juilgo lloiuon overruled tho motltn made by Attornny Noland for the tie- fr mo, and thl afternoon tho defento placed everal wltncM on tho (land. Ourgeote wa Injured while work ing for Clark on thu comUructlou ot Ihn l.nt Itlvcr dlverilou dam In 1911. Ho y hi Injury wa duu to care Iraumi'i on tbo part of hi employer, and ho aoek 1U,C00 damage. Knil II, Mill I hi altoruey. T - l)rne Hopkln left Sunday for III homo In llaclne, Wl. Mr. Hopkln baa been connected with tho Ills Da rin Lumber company for me pan year. 'eace Conference is Finally Under Way fcpreientatives of the Different Na tions Agree on the Premier of Servla to Act as the President I I'ttH Bar vice L LONDON, Dec. Hi The ennfer- M the peace eaveya to .aetllo the In the Balkaa atatea wa op- noon. RepreaentatlYe nf ?k foveraatent were prctont ' 7" o' tho haitte waging on the i Ba. jiff Qror weleomed tho envoy. big crowd around 81. .Tliero wa n Jam palace. Lord Oroy wa iclocfed tomporury president of tho conference. Thero followod a dUcutou ot methods and procedure and then rule wero udopt ed. Premier Novakovltch of, Sorvla wa elected permanent protldotit. Following a tvo hour iculoii an adjournment waa taken until tomor row. To UataM OaVera Sprague Chapter, Woman' Relief Corp, will meet la regular aeaaloa at tbe Library Club hall tomorrow after noon at 3:30. Arrangement will be mado at thl meeting for the laatall Ing of newly elected oRcera la Jan uary. A good attendance ia expected on account of the Importance of tbe ini'vtlng. iMcUeferftl Ktueceet Dr. Wiley. Jame Alfred Newnbam, a wall known local muilclan, teavce In a few day for hi' former home, Harrlaburg, I'rnn., for a vllt. He will return to Klamath In a couple of month. Th. mtnrw tail on tfca UllMa mimm by WaJlen'a aaaghter ia,moet coa-J vlKlng, hut whoa Wallek went oa the taad, agataat tlto wlofcae of hlar awn aturaey, ho hataroi Maeaao attll' mora. la hia-ewa eMMaa ki mm bla veratoa of tho aflaar.a atorrtaat horrUed all afoeat.la4l aUataoa blai aa a arret 1 aaJaey oaoaart. I '" ' T Jeha R. Oeaarr. tho gaaaoa tahow to Taalia to the balaac of Ma UL The bom la tho acooerty aftae aVM. llairlmaa eetate. "3 ' WAMIINOTON, a C Boe. It. Btkawi ta4av:M oteboalatra MOTMam VAKM LIFK ' DMal Wat to Oatllvo Her Jteo,.e e CaeamHa HoicMe TACOlfA, Doc II. Because ahe dlda't want to outlive her bob e Mrs. E. C. Hart ahot and killed herself la tho deathbed of her ft son thta moralag. Her aea, who ft waa SI years of age, died boob ft after. BBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW ' HaVaBBSaaBBBBBBBByiBBBBBB!aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Bb1bBV DtMOLUTfOiT CXkMM OffttY - .' aBBBVaHaaBaBaBBBOEBBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBSV t BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBlBaBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV aaaaCgtaBBB M!Mlt,K IMO WORM asssssssssBaaaaFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw m- . A u. -?-- " BagyagyagyagyagyagyalBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB VtBWCB VM.waJtaBBB Wam BBBgaBB nk , .;,-Kj ggggggggLaggggggiggggl tfc BaHrood lain lata MM QiartM ; -,VM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar W to Fotwi tbe WotM laiwawt"' :'? S aaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaBB' .. aaar gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH Aasjasatnaw wbbbi W agsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT .' Km: m uajiMrrtBM t "ti v WW .aEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal WASH1NOTON. .. A, Dos. Mrr U- ' 'aV m Tho UaKod Btatoa aaaroaM eoeaH stKi, v VsH day held that tbo givtrwwial'a abafiia;' gjRuH . , -laint :"'si tKm wala railroad to fom tho aaMaaaWe)'; -,'l. ::ll ggggggggBglggggggggggggggl iH had aot aeoa aataMbBMt , BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW The daelaloa. bawaTar. aaaMaJta V1T (B aaeeetvoa traet by' hldta abai. ...IB r t "ootraeta are bbh-.H( aa tboy are "reotralBH aoa laliratali , KHKKm. Maay aaattorm ratlroado. ahia aabal T aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw.BBBBBlBaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaT dlarr aoal a-aaBiaa m saeeaMaaia) ggggggWraaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanlBBaaaBaflaaaaav w m aBasves few-wiw PnHHB ladlrtdwal inralam aro asliaiil. v, - :,V ,i j 1 1 1 . ... ' (Copyright by Harrhi A Kwlag) . teaa tbe.Oenaan mperor anmoaneed his intontloa to disoownuja tbo eaTorta of Oenaaa dlploauUa to marry ladle of torehja birth, maob attaa) ' (tea. hi airocted to tho Counteas vea Beraatorff, wife ot tbo OeraMa nnYni aador U this eoaatry. Beforo bar awrrlage,, she waa Hies Joaiwa Lab-. aaoyer of New York. She has proved a graceful aad aadraaa, aad aas aude a etady of aoeUt aad ecoaom) aaeaatoa teaa la eailaoatlr wetlraala aaal aaa-ahht. - . . . . .-... r MBrkrobjMaxo ttosjaat adailliBa. -Lake bor hasbaad. tbo fa Use la .TJ la great aympatby wRb tbo Bagltob-apea'hlac raesrT'' aa - vK V U J. Utnuuik UTt tkU unlu I . wmt m wvbww n. . v. , accompanied by hi little aaaghter, for Portland. They will bo goao about three weeks. 'alias Catherine Prehm was a Sun day vlaltor la Klamath Falls, comlag In from her ranch J uat across the state line In California. After Buffering many defeats since he.loat tbe belt, Battling Nelson out pointed Teddy Maloney la a ali-rouad baaV rf . National Educator is Klamath Falls rMMi ster POPULAR GIRL BECOMES BRIDE Dr. Winship fells of the Trip he Made to this City Dur ing the Past Summer. He Calls this City, the Real Gateway of a Great, Undeyeloped Country Dr. A. K. Wlashtp, oae ot tho tho Upper KlamaU Lake tor tbo Har- world's most famous educators, likes the Klamath country. He admits It. In an article contributed to tha Journal of Education, publlshtd In llostou, Ma., he tells ot the trip he mndo here during the summer when he waa cugaged as a lecturer at teach ers' Institute. The article, In part, follew: The not name ot numerous titles all through the West, epeclally In the Far Woat, la "The Oateway." One of tho one liundrod nnd one gateway I Klamath Fall, an Interesting' young-old city, juit out ot California. It U n lovely apot, and no muuao aurprUo In Its loveliness. It Is at tho fall between two charming lakes. Not asking you to uke ray word tor It, lot mo call your attention to the fact that when the late B. H. Harrt man and Mr. Harrlmaa, with their llmltloaa millions, looked over all of America for the lovlteat of all spots by lake, mountain aid forest, tor their glorious retreat, they selected a spot on (ho shores of Pellea Bay oa rlmaa mouatala lodge. Mr, Harrlaua waa so Infatuated with thU vast empire, whlcb he .ca tered with a railroad as fav aa Klam ath rails Just over the .California line that bla hateraats purchased tha marveloaa forest ot sugar pine aad white pine, amounting to I0,09,000, 000 feet of Matchless timber. Ia tha heart of thl region, only a short automobile ride from Klamath Falls, Is' a government reservation, with Crater Lake aa It chief charm, ot more than 100 square miles. When Mr. Harrlmaa received th reports of bis angtaears, wba bad carefully eiamlned th Umber re source tributary to the Ktamaui Lakes, ha found Uat ave saw-mllMag concerns eutilag 100,000 feet ot lum ber dally; auklag a total ot 500.000 feet par day, would reqnlra 109 year to harvest th forest tributary lo Klamath ralla. It this material ware redwood to eartoads of 18,000 foot each, th tralm weald contain 1,111,. m ears. Tale will mesa pay rolls ot over f ,,, Tha. Upper Ktaauth Lake, forty miles long aad tea miles wide, more than sixty feet above the vast, rich Klamath basin, with virtually ex haust! supply for Irrigation, Is to bo utilised through a mammoth Irri gation project, for which the United State government has already appro priated 11,500,000 for work at Klam ath rails, one of the grandest feats of engineering It ha ever under taken. Thero seems to be nothing left out of tho marvelous distribution of blesstags for this city, sine hot spring furnish hot water for all heat ing purposes. The White Pelican la aa good a ho tel aa w over ask to enjoy. It Is up-to-dnt la every respect, and wholly unique In Its adaptation to tha pe culiarly attractive country ot which tha city la the gateway. Hero wo were privileged testay for four long days. It waa tbo oaly trst elaaa hotel life we enjoyed la tho Ore gon wa war to explore tor three weeks. M188 JtStHU MARPUi IS MAKRJKD TO CHARLK8 I. ROBERTSON, A MltOTHKR OT MANAQKR OP TKLKI'RONIC KXCMAKQB At tho home of tho brlde'a Mrs. B. M. Marple, oa Cedar atraei Dr.' Henry Collins tost Bight perform ed tbe ceremony uniting Hiss Joaale Marple aad Charle I. Robertson la matrimony. Only the members ot the two faaOllec wero present. Both of' tbe young people aro well and favorably known la this city, tho bride havlag lived hare the greater part of her life. Tho groom Is a brother of L. R. Robertson, coanty manager for tha Paclle Telephoae aad Telegraph company, aad bo baa a responsible position with tbo asms firm. wmim ,'" a J " .; V V -,' 'f t-'if -HT.. J- ', . MBBBW jla MiBLaBSBB:.maBBaaaBaaa'Bkv.. ' t aUtVVMBrflaTlMBlaMBHVMBmala TKAM M rtMaaNMfma " i.VV i .V j alssm dsaa aaamaa bb-' r o ' Fred Looaley, proprietor ot tbo Fort Klamath creamery, la la from the Wood River metropolis, attend. ing to business matters. I ' t r - --- la eWbaod CeaatyHIgh tbe receipt ot a tslagraat that ftader ' kk Prestea Boartji. '. w bo' uaaMo to appear la raoMal bora oat Thursday evening, aador tbo of tbo high school athletle II baa booa eaUed to Baa oa urgent hastaesa, aad wM aot bo able to reaeh Klaaaath IraOa. Tbo eaaeeUiacrof taa Bsarafc.aaK ajaaemewt - will probaUy aaaawhtW aajotpoaemeat of tbo high aaaaal baa kotaall team'a aortbwara trap Mr 'M leastamoath. K waa taa laaaaaiMi of Coaob Menieea to )eW west 'aha , ' team, the latter part of taa Vfaak, bat X a tha proeeosVot taa reeMal vera to pay th expeasoa at tbo Jaaraar. at delay Is aeooaaary. tack aaal Taa OMaav A "bUck aad taa" odd1 la batog presented attaa Mar taoator by AB-, . man MeFarlaad, aad taotr aat aaado a groat bit last a-jat, Tha aaar ara, clever Blafctag aad aaaateg eeasaasaaa, aads duriag Uo Uato of (bear art'shapf keep ap a constant broa Balds of essaa'! 5 faa. ta addttfea to tbo aotaoaa good pictures aro belag abowa at Mo- Mar. t-y ts .r-.il. vt , ".: Kr Hogue Does Not Uke Plan of Subscription Well Known Government Employ Decries Plan now in Vogue of, 1' ar,ai ', 'i m Asking Business Men to Help , - 'Si--1 A tllv Hi'. O. O. Hoguo, chief dlsburalag agaat ot the reclamation service, baa writ ten a letter to The Herald reaardlag the plan long la vogue of soUeltlag funds from local business men for many dlBereat tatagav ,Hia letter fol lows; Editor Herald; We now have a elty of, aay, f .000 people, and the number of awttera ot public or seml-puhlM Interest reaalr lag fuada has maRlpMsd. wtM ' growth frcai ld psepm. aataa yaag tjft t.: ..if - ,'ylJ-i',' V V..J) $ . n ago. subscrimea, rapora ,far.abjb that aad the other MbiaV tragi, aW Fourth, of July U OhHotataa aaakga. are la lmoat dally alroadatloa, t Bra- been la aaaiaaM' tMgjpaaihW. f af , my Ufe, aad now, aat boMf M'a ular huslaess' trad, .1 eaa speak (CahBaaol aa WSTT? Op aVi ,f V -, 1j &V& TV 'J . V fV,,,5fl, k.ttelX