1 ,n" H,' yK u- ShWIilKO HY TIIK UKITKI) THMH NKWS NKRV1UK gr&c to mug Befall. - ,r ' i'& if a-BBmaaaUaaa-al ndBB gga PRINT , raws, NOT MWMP1V 'Hit S O ' ' t ' y'ti lf fcrentn Yee-No. 1MM KLAMATH FALLS, ORHOON, MATUHDAY, DHCMIBEK 14, IMS " Rescue Society Thinks Faulder Was Robbed nnnnUCD'O IlinV IOOrnnnnnilim IllinTmi.m inr ! Inn.mr n..n . TiirnniimiA mil. I - CORONER'S JURY REPORTS AGAINST MURDER THEORY JOH.V WKKKN CAMK TO DKATII r'HOM NATURAL UAIMKN a Helta uf VrsvMcl, It la HrMr1rl That Hk ' Will Ho Cullnl lo lim Altrallua ol IIm (.rami Jury Hlnrr itf llgM Ittwn Drankra llrii U Tulil al IIm) t'oroarr'a iuraf h) l Wit HddCddUK I AND GIVES VALUES Jarj'a VrrUIrt "V, llio Jury empanelrd ami 4) morn to luuulio Into tliu t-auiv of the death o( John Week', flndt That the ilecoaicil's tiamo a 'm John Weeks; that he camo lo hli death la the city of Klant kth Kail, Oregon, on the $11. day of Ittxelubcr, 1913; that hli dtalh resulted from pneumonia, that we do uol believe any per t ion U guilty of a rrline thereto, Signed Willi w N. Wlllioii, W. I.lndiejr, I'aul llrrlteu.tclii, J. W llawxhurat, H. II, Utw and f. a lumber." r- No ltoa. la .rretHiiuttiU for the etatb of John Weeks, the Indian who Mucd away tinder peculiar rlrcum MakCM, according to tha Jury em. hntllnl by Coroner Wbltlock. Tha lerdlct of the Jury was rendered thla sfurnoon. j Dmlte the verdict of tha Jury, It prola&le that the matter will be ltin before the grand Jury. Jim Weeks, father of tho deceased, Harry lloottr and other prominent Indiana iKUre that the witnesses did not tell all Ihey knew, nail that they have as (rulnM fntta la connection with tho fan that will warrant further Inve tltln. Tlir flrl real evidence concerning tke mt'lre between Week and other Mlant waa given by llyrou Iridic, ko itated that Week waa Intoil atd lail Wednesday at the Hasten ktrn, and that he tore two buttons off kW wltneM' overcoat. After thlt, Utche tratllled, Weeki treated Hen tf WlUon and Charlie Cowcn, and at the three started fighting. At tMt Juncture, he aaya, ho left the Mb. ) Wlboa, when called to the stand, m under the laRuraco of liquor, and U failed lo give any Intelligent an jh to tho aueal ona asked by Iieic ij. it ... u .. -i 'iriri Aiiaraer rvrauinn, j Jag that he waa drunk at the time of JM scrap, and doaa not remember ,fthlng but that Weeks and Cowvn Jntht. I Ctwen's tsatlMoay waa lo tha affect 4t Weeks atUcked nlm repeatedly, ' M that h waa obliged to strike m (o defend hlsaself. la order to sNMu WeaJw, ha aald, ha tied his whs m treat of him with a hand rkrthlef, aad Mt htm. Other Indiana who had been sum ed suffers! a loas of memory s they war oa tha stand, but ret " aad frleada of the dead youth V they can brlag la farther evidence m ioui nlav. 'That Week waa baily beaten waa .newn by tha Uatlmaav of lira. Chll snd Marrow, who performed the aslmorlem operation. They stated M one eye waa discolored, that his If was swellod, that there was an wulon on tha left aide of bis seek, M that his right lung was congest ,r evidently eaueed hr a blow, as n ssloa waa found between the L.Tb n'lolaM aad T, A. a rant tea '."m that Wt4ki hag told them that M fought three men Wednesday, but ty were unahl to recall tha names Matloned. UIHTIIAt.T K TIIK AHHKRS.IK.NT IMI.I( IK CDMI'I.KTHIt KNTIIIK VAI.UATKI.N' . TIIK CW.NTV IH ll,7A,U.n, According to the nbilract of tho as i niDitit of property which ha Just tirii completed by County Auruor Um and hi aulntants, the total m Med valuation of property In Klam ath county U ll,75K.3l&, The l.t 49.U7U acrr of taiablo land Is val iii-a for uiirmnivnt purpost-i at 111, 603,?3C, and Improvements nl IS5&, Attn, Tho aaicttcd valuation .f real prop ilty III KlnliiAtli KalU la $2,377,103, nnl purtonnl pnipftly 3,3I3. link lug a total of $3,bS6,lC, Tim iMfHril valuation of Merrill Is f 1311,306, and llouanra I)!),48. Tim valuation by school district foliewa: No, I, 3,I3I,30; No. 3, 490,B3; No. 3, Mty.lDl; No. 4, B,331; No. B, f I3C.749; No. 6, 1134,371; No. 7, lii.ces: No. X. f&30.23a: No. 0. 'f l,3IS,3Sl; No. 10, I3IB.C07; No. II, ell07,33; No. 13. 1111,307; No, 13, fir.1,473; No. 14, $79,160; No. 16, ICS.093; No. 10, $40,1:0; No, 17. 1131,(90; No. I, I335.93C; No. IV, ..01, 93&; No. 30, fS9,77C; No, 179. 7: No. 23, I43.K73; No. $71,717; No. 30, 37,tR8; No. 37, j$IOI,(ce;tNo. 3$, $3I1,0; No. 19, ii.Tbv.eis; no. ai, six, ,ius; ,o 31, $i:.10R; No. 33, $447,043; No. 33, $01,749; No.'SI, 371.I0; No. 3S, $71,1137: No. 36, $111,531; No. 37. $7,3S7; No. 31, $15S,75; No 39, $334,744; No. 40, 114,314; No. $34,071; No. 43, $43,637; No. 43. $130,116; No. 44, $131,334. AUSTRIANS ARE READY TO FIGHT ITALY IH KXriXTI.(l WAIt AND MKIU'IIAKT VIMMKItH AltK OK lKltHI T( I'HKI'AltK Tit TfMNH ItHtT 00,0041 MKS United I'reM Bervic ANTWKKI1, Uee. 14. Neippers hrro declare that Austrian NiervlsU In llelglum have been ordered to their colors. United Pros Service IIKMIHADB, Dec. 14. It ha been li'Rtntd that Austrian steamboat com panic! have discontinued sailings to Ktrvbn Dfinubo poluU. Au.trlim realdlng In Bervla aro be ftiK forcibly detained, unless they are lorrr 43 years of age, when they at I tempt to return to the Austrian side oi me usnuno. Italy Prvewriag Unlted frees Bervlce NAI'I.KH, Dec. 14. -It ha been learned that Italy baa secretely or dered the nation' merchant marine to amomblo forty of the targeat boat here for transort service. The gov ornment plana to aend 90,000 troope to Valon and Uurrasso In tho event of 33, an Auitrlan Servian war, 35.1 ARCHBALO CASE IS HEARING END e e e e M'FERRIN GUILTY IS JURY VERDICT ACCt'HKII OK Tlt.U'l'I.Ml AM KII.MMI A IIIUVKIl IIKI'LTV (1AMK WAIIItK.V KI'IIHKIl MA KM TIIK Altlll-MT James McKurrln waa lut utght found guilty of trapping and killing a bator, after au hour's deliberation on the part of the Jury. The .trial was held bvforu Justice of tho I'eace (Irave. McKerrln vua arrested a wuek ago by Deputy District (Junto Warden J. J. Kurucr. Kurber testified that M saw McKerrln svltlus traps baited for liacr, and that he wntchod the traps from a place of concealment for several days before a beaver was caught. He thvii arrested McVerrla aud brought him here. The accused was rotated on bonds. In his lusllmony McForrln stated that he was trapping for otter, and used what he thought was the proper bait to draw this animal. FRIENDS WANT EX-CHIEF FREE I'rmTIONH AltK KTAHTKD WHO' I.M1 tlOVKUNOIl HAY Tt) l'All 1K).N WAITKNHTKIN, OOSIVIOr Kl OF IIKINU UKAraKH t'HAKAtrreR wnrndswiiM, iNcxim I.N'O AHHUHtCD-H W1PK, WILL DK INTKOIICCKD PIKMilCVTION ItKHTH CAHK Upeclat to The Herald WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec 14. The prosecution In the Archbald Im peachment proceeding has flnlshed, and the defonse will commence Monday. Archbald' a'ttorney expect to In troduce a number of character wlt ncasve, Including Mr. Archbald and other member of the family. The defense expect to rest Thursday. Te leaaksM Osacef lasUHallea at esscer and the dread Matron' banquet will be fea ture of the meeting of Aloha Chapter No. 01, Order of the Eastern Star, to be held Tuesday evening. A short program will also be rendered. WHY BUTTKB IH HIGH r- Duller Trtast la Accuse ef Law e) Violation 4 United Proa Service KU1IN, III.-, Doc. 14. A P- 4 tltlon tiled la connection with the butter tmet eaae allegea that the two big orgaalsatloa for tha past Ore year have stored anal dent butter to create a grant shortage, Una eatwtag nigh e price, nnd being a violation of e tha Interstate eemaurc act. ))) . 0)4) )) HATCHERY SITE IS LOOKED OVER HTATK HUrMMNTKXDKNT OF CIHH MATCMIMHMH, AOOOMPA NIMB HY LOCAL OIVtClMli, MAKNH IXHPHCTION TRIP Irwtn II. Wlleoa, Ute saperia toadent of aah hatekerle. DUUkt Uame Warden. Ksmakr; aad One Mel haa returned to Ksnsaath Falla lata rrldrjr, afUr a vhtK.af, laspocUoa to vailoas proposed aMa for the atat trout hatchery. Taa party made tha I rip In Melhaae'a antomoalM, aaclr cling Upper Klaraata Lake, hy going up the east Ma aad returning an Ue wast aide. v '; -, j live oa t iv-am t.nw, umm r rawa'a on Crystal creak, at taa Campaall aad Salve raachea aa Crye tal Creek aad at Leala Braaaea'a ea Anna Creek were all Inspected by Mr. Wilson. Ha will make hi recom mendation regarding a alt at a ateet- lag of tha Ink aad game eoaialaataa to be held Maaday. The altfi offered by Mr. Branaea. two miles from rort Klasaata, oa Anna Creek, la the alia favored by Mr. Wilson, and It U believed that thla will be chosen. POLICE RAID A GAME OF POKER FOVR WMtTR MKN AND A CaTOIA MAN ARC. IN TaW jrjSTICR COURT TMMI AJfTRKNOON TO AMWRB TO GeaVUMW A pleasant surprise party waa glv en last night at the home of Mr. aad Mr. 1. K. Sbaanon, three miles east of the city, for Mlse Kleanor Sproule, who Is visiting Uere from New Mex ico. The evening waa apent la play ing game. Psar whtta saan aai a tal are la JaaUea aravea'aaart tMa at Uraooa, charged wKk gaaAUag. Taae were arreeted abeni Vatoek Ula moralag by the.pellee. Two ather ea were arreeted at the Utaa, but their aaatea no not appear aa the cor plaint awora ant thla mernlag by Chief of Pollea Smith. Por several day taa pollea have been watching a small baUdlag la the alley behlad the Hoag Stag ree taurant, and thla moralag they went to the building aad demanded admis sion. The occupant at irst refaeed to open the door, but when the pollea be gan to beat It la, It waa opened. Card and poker chlpa la a heap were seised a evidence). ApfMs araMeB Aa aaroa eate aad aale of homa- cooked food will be held nt tha Shas ta Thursday by the Ladles' AM So ciety of the Methodist charch. 14-It EXPRESS RATES ARE DNDER RPOBE THESPIANS WILL PRESENT COIEDY A NIGHT OFF" WILL MR PLATR9 VNOHR INRHCTION OF CIVKJ LKAOUK FOR TNK CITY PARK IMPROVMMRNT FUNl Local Theaplaa will appear nt Heaataa'a opera hoaae FrMar erea- tag nader the aaapicea of taa Wa atea's Civic League, when "A Mgat Off," Aagaatlaa Daly's graateat earn- edy aaeaeaa, wlU a praaaated. The faads reattaed free the aeat aale will be aaed la taa wark of aaanUfylag the new etty park eKa Jaet pareaaeed by the park ea "A Night Off" la a eeeaedy artaaf al of fanny eitaatieaa, aad taa lad4 croua taaglea eoatlaae to more dlmeaH to uaravel aatil very last, wkea everytklag eaae wait The play will be presented by taa fal lowing capable east: Justlalaa Babattt (professor t Aacleat Hlatory) . .Artanr D. May Harry Damaak (his aea-ka-law) Menaaa Fare Jack Mulberry (la parnaH t ter- tuae uader Ue name tt Caaav' I0 aoaaaaaaaaa afa safe MCamJaMlsnr Lord Mataerrr da parsaH 9t Jack) H. D. Marcaa Srataa Saap (la ot bum aaaar aarlaaa lagat lmata aMa) Jarry OatraM Prowl (aaaar at FUNDS: FOR IS DEFEASE SAID TO i . i , "i Mwim. aaaaeaaaa m taa ata- Mary A. Jaekaaa INTRRBTATK HON (HVRS ORRHRS TO PRaaW COMPANIHS BOtINi INTERBTATR BI7SIN! AN WA8H1NQTON, D. C, Dae. 14. The lateratat commeree commlasloa ha ordered Interstate aspreaa com panies to submit before February 1st a complete statement of baalneaa oa designated day, and show eaaaa why tha commlasloa' low ratea aaaU not bo declared effective. WbVkw Ba Roato United Pre Service HAMILTON. Bermuda. Dae. 14. Woodrow WlUoa aad party aalled for the Statea thla morning on Ue llaer Dermudlaa. A great crowd at taa wharf gate the dMIagatahed demo crat an ovation. f I'm feeling flne," aald Mr. Wilson. O. M. Hector U homo from Sacra- meato, where ka apaat tha greater portion of the week purekaalag bnk- aa lota of good from a wholesale lion movlag to a aaw location. The good will ba sold with the bankrupt stock. la Off LONDON, Dec 14. -The Newcastle and Lead etrlke la off. The men will return to work Immediately. BUI Will Change Law Practice Now General ReprctentitlTe in Lcglilaturc for this County will pat Forward Meaiurc which will make Legal Work more Rapid. Lawyers Approve i Mr, aad Mr. "lucVAnderson ie- jMrned to their Btr haajta Friday, af .? Pndlng aeveral ayi la Ula city, United l'ress Service 8KATT1.K, Wash., Dec. 14. -Petitions asking (lovernor Hay to pardon, exChlcf Wappensteln ot Seattle, now In tho state penlteutlary at Walla Walla, have beon started. It la re ported that a delegation of Wappea etoln's friend are In a conference to day with the governor, lu aa effort to obtain trie pardon. T- llollovlng that the widespread crlt Iclsm ot tho court I due directly lo tho preventable method now la vogue, W. O. Smith, Joint representative-elect ot Klamath, Lake aad Crook counties, will Introduo a bill in the forthcoming legislature to fa cilitate court work and to prevent Ue customary temporising la court work. It is not Mr. Smith's Idea to revolu tionise the practice or to abolish the profession ot the law, but to make th practice practical hy bringing certain limitations to bear on Ua professional work ot lawyers and Judges. For Instance, In circuit court work the attorney whb flies a suit or artloa hi return of aame until ha retiree will be required to secure tha Issu ance of a summons within one day thereafter, aad It the defoadaat caa be found within the county where Ua complaint haa been Bled, serviee must ba made within tan day from Ua Urn of Ua iesuaacn ot tho aummoas. If the servloe la to ha made la any other county In Ua state, it must be eecured wlUla twenty day, At Ua present time a ault or action ay bo flled and remain ejuleaceat tor aa ladoanlte time before the Isau aaea of sammoas, aad after aummoaa shall have keen issued service at same may be delayed a year, aad tana, af tar such service the sheriff may" dolay from oBce. There la no aUtuto re quiring that official to make hie re turn ot aervlce wlUta any epedled Usee. la Ua event ot Ua service of aum moaa aeiag secured by pubUeatloa tha flrat notlea 9t aam muatb wb- llahed wiUIn taa aaya after aummoaa shall have nana leaned. Tale require ment will make Ue lawyer who' Ilea a oomplalatto laveetlgate aaaar mat ter upoa wkleh he ahouM ha latorav ed before ka aagtaa proeedure,,walea ka doe aow at hie Meare attar ffllag the com, aad Una aqagsstiag Ua (Oaatlauod oa'paja I) V 4 i. Mrs. Babbitt Jagal feeaar'a hoeao) . . Nteae (the yoaageet Vtoas" of Ue hoaeeheld) . Mra. Ooa, Caaraa aaaaak (UeeMeat).. Mr. B. T.. Morrow (Ua hraaelaet) Mlaa Jsaaia Marala Time Reseatly Place Nearby. There will ho clover apectaJUea be tween tho acta by local people, BALKAN EIVOYS TO STAID PATi been msspnr 1 - ' " ff. , h'.'LLH 'I.''".!' '-'JS Zaatmaiilaafc. r! "" a suJear aVfaVaal taSffifflaWa affaBaPBjBaBsr $ , j 9 FTfJeWs. AMRtmH&9 N IS CsjaMBSSafl SSHaf ' C , wm-nrMrTrriTi'sMis - " -iH ev-w- veaw ivoa aaaaeea araasaaere ,. eel In saasieia 'la awraeaal, at, -;;, ,,. 'v ihf;.!---"r-- jL - - " ' "" '' . ' j, fa --R. ... ? I n- - 117 C aVsaaanaaBM 8ALMM. Dae. 14-Ta Coaet fteaeao Society plaaa aa retrlaatlea for,moar aslsgel ia lav fglgu-aaj aaRtgamJaBmT'BTsamff'IsBftaBBa aaaTi ' mrgaaaa BmmmgmrrvmrsgjBjamm ijsrj af Noato Faaldor. waa waa' her yeatecaay. ' u It la aaM Uat Nonaaa Faallia, a arataar of KeMe FaaMar. i froea-Kow Sealaadi M.t tar tno aofeaea af kla hrsUsc. CVaa an-.... esecj eaanaa taaa aa.aoo at t waa mlssjsad. saa taaft la aaaFataneV ,- ar aaafd"!! T"Bjp BrVWaFeFen sBawamwejf ana J"awal F.H.wa .im.4arr.nsHM.aaaW erta vara taartsal.-la.aaa OlarVflW ' com t4 ery. , ,v ' , - Mjlffl Hjyi , SflLVr rRMWaWsV 1 lllllBgllllllTiTiiir OP ' $BBBav'' i Kffai AT AU. 1BStCBBaWaBV 5" intlsal .f th7a7l ----- -- r ' ehnrek temerrew aaaaaagj wl,ao i k program, glvoa aa- Ua Crartaaa Wa ': aoa- BMara aa anaamma. araaama seaaol wW semmaass at It eVeaaak, t WILL PBaWBWT A IN TaTJB BRMANB FOR TURK! TO! Rattan Ualted Preen Serrtee LONDON, Doc. 14. Tno eavoya nave agreed to otkera claim for Tarklak torrMorr, aad praaeata aaHod treat to tno oa- Joetloaa of Anatrla, Oormaar Italy, accordlag to aa agreemeat reached todar. Thto doaotas that Servia'a eWm for an Adrlatte port wlU bo aaaoM. Tho Tarklak aad Bulgariaa eavoya visited Lord Qroy todar. ReaeaM Paaka. Ua chief Turkleh aaruri Dr. Daaoff, Ua Bulgariaa eavay, and Ue premier atterwartfa keM a private ronferoaee. OPERA SINGERS . WILL BE GUESTS KLKSWILL KNTHaWAIN afHaf- KkaWsF, TMK CAST, ANB CSIOR. wof'tSUS. aWlftBO CtRBg AND !MNVratniAMNBB) Membera af taa anat aad aaoraa that produood Ua oomle opera, "Taa Mikado." for Ua' Rika, wWbo Ua gueaia of koaor at aa eatertslameat 10 aa givea ,ar auamau raua boage B. P. O.B.at tna lodge aaU Taeaaar evening. Card aad aaaatac wtU.bo Indulged ia dating Ue ereaiag, aai refrshmaai"wlU aa atryaa;, ' '. will be be erred. doavor miitlag wSI aa aaM a S.SS, "Proaor Beaaolar- wt aa aa BapUst akatasi HU evoalag aarmoa wRt aa VA I ;s bo aM at It a'etaek, v Taa regalar oraor af be keM taaterraw at ehnrek. taa J.. pootpsaJ MorrlU. . Maaa.wU aa !: aad ltilt. At Orae M. R. eaaroa, Rev: win apeak oa "Fallara Aaaarad-.at taa .ft at 11 a. m.' "Taa Mm.Hobo. Immatlalltr will aa Ue fJi I. will be hold nt Uo Taa aaaal aarrlaea waH WaaM at Ua Flret Praaai-tttaa atHarak taaaar. ' raw, Ue,paator.Roy.saakMagICaaJ, eapyiagtaaFaaaet. ' 'j '.1 v Una A. Jaaaaaa. a waH traveuag aaleamaa, eaaaa ta ffa aW ramcata FrMay ta anV, aa aka liaaa Mr. Jekaaaa la tW aa,araakai at a reeuH at taa fraetara at, taa.lag aa t uetaiaeff at llgoma Mat 1 Taa atoetrleearraat waa durlag the ,1 aeon aoar.j aalra ware aoeeaaarf " power liaea, aad ksaaaa eg tka taoro waata navo aoaa oUwoeoiaaa4tlM) j -FraakOMff FtMar efgamy UacAatgoat IHmMmja, kotoL aad waa aa aaRjgMSff ef UetaaCeMMa. ,Taa aajgjM.laMl mad by ttlaWaalla lam. I WW. tragi agar 'it -'H-" f(J fMaTaal -fr SV-r ! .l ,