ir NVITMKIr IIV 1IIK VNITKII I'HMHM NKWM KKItVICK Ik fteiiiig Iff efaU. munt nujini, IHHIiilHt "1 ' " if W . .. i . A iiliM ttercntli Yrnr No. 1,031 KLAMATH KAI.LH, OHMJIIX. I'KIDAY, DIX'KMIIKR III, 1012 , . i 'CE Four Men Meet Death Without a Whimper I Mllll ( '- ""''"" .-""I-.. Ill 11,1 IIH..IJ ... , .'Ja BUSINESS MEN FORCED TO DO JURUERVICE V KI'ITK OF PIUrTKMTM, JltHTK'i: IIUI.IM TAI.KHMKV Daughter of the Late Colonel Archibald Gracie GURGEOTES ASKS $10,600 DAMAGE li. lb, Htul.Mcrlclil In (In. Otiljr On K ft b t fuol Mwmil Trial of lint Mrl'rr rrn (' U In lnalii Tina Jury Failed In Agtrr Oiargr la Trap .lnc llratrr tto IMug KiNijilit lUnl "Do you know or any reason why jou could not act n a Juryman In tbli run and render a fair and liu ptrtlal wdlclT" nakil Attorney C U, Onelll In Itii rourn of eiamlnliije i prospective Juror In the MrrVrrln ntMi till afternoon. "Nun at nil, ouepl Ilia furl that I wunlil rather bo vtniiril," waa thft re ply nf Her, J, H rlluhblrlletd, pa.tor of lb Flrl Proabytetlmi church, who iu mmuKiuiiil by Deputy Klinrin Harry Pearson. There aro flvo other invn who fool Jul tl.o sanm in you ilo, but thry aro tat going 10 bo riruicd," remarked Jaitlro llrave. Ilr tUuhbleflold u rieuteit, but olio William Hum, hardware mur rain! Hucli m not iho rain with llirry Arklry, sawmill operator. N.lthrr was A. C. l-owfa, grocer, abln 10 rapo Jury duty, while I.'. C. At tlaton. ilry guilds merchant, nml It. 11 Hilnk, Jrwolrr, worn olio accepted, Hurh against tholr will. A recraa waa likrn alter llav. Hlubblorield waa ex rntnl, In order to glvo I'oaraon an op-i-crlunttr lo Invclglo another proa (relive Juryman. Tbe raao U tb aecoml trial of Jaa, MrlVrrln, who la charged by Deputy WinJet ilamo Warden J, J. Furber with trapping a beaver. Tbn rai u irlnl In the Jutllre rnurl Tbura it J, bill I bo Jury failed In BKreo. Xrat Half Momlay ItMervallon of aoata for the Mnr Mftl Htahl rntorlalnmrul (hen by (be l.xceutn tlureau Monday night can I rcada lomorrow, Sunday and Mon iy at Ibo llonbnnnlero. Monday' Merlalnmont ronimrnron promptly 18:15, MUa Btahl la a render of mora tfian - - mmmm tMJjLBHfcf M AKMHPVvwNalflR'jaL . oiLiiLA. KitrfM u '?W ' dSLkiwma, vy a m v&wm IYBaV. "S't ?. ,.-im MMnFm m Pa ui3LH i I1W ! II I I I ' 111 1 huit ih co.mmk:xci:I) ix thk cm. (JUIT COUHT AflAt.NHT OKOIIOI: (). CI-AIIK, T() ItlX'OVKH IOU i'i:itt)XAi ijuhu:s 66 Hanging Not Cure"-Faulder, . . "Innocent of Crime"-Garrison ' ' v Mlu Kill lb (lraele, who waa proicnted to Now Vorlt aoclcty recently, la Ilia lUughier uf Dip lata Cotonul Archibald llrarle. Colonel (Iruclo wua nno of the few male aurvhura of the Titanic llatcr. Ho waa carried down v, lib tlio tilnkliig ahlp, but rnmu to Ihe aurfnrc, and waa rcacucd. Aa n ro aull of M harrowing rtperlenrc. Mi health waa ahattcred, and be died I)r coluber lib, In a N'ew York prlralo hnapltnl. Mlia (Irnclo baa cancelled her aoclal ciigagrnicnu for Ihu winter. Trial of tbo damage suit nx&liut Ocorgo U. Clark, In, which Jamta (lureeolca sefka to recover $10,000, v.'aa commenced In circuit court tbla minting, tiurgcotea la rcproaontod by Attorney Kred II. Mllla, and Clark ha retained Ooorge Noland aa coun- avl. Tho plaintiff wns luth employ of Clark In 1)11, when tbo lattor built the dlrcralon dam on l)at Hirer for tho reclamation aervlce. Ho atatea that hoVaa Injured by falling; iticks of romeut tbat bad nol been properly piled, and In addition to IC0O medlrnl feca, ho iccka to reenter damage In tho aum of $10,000. The drfenao bold 'Ourgeotca' ln Jury waa duo to bit own carcloaane It also alleges that Ourgcotcs. upon payment of $2S by Clark, algned n I paper relcaalnc Clark from any ro- eponalblllty for the action, and that tlurgeotra, by his conduct after the accident, greatly aggravated the ex tent of hla Injury. Tbo following Mate choacn to act aa Jurora Ihla merning: Frank U. API'togate, M. la'otacbenbacber, John Hagflatoln, Cbarlea l.oomla, M. F, Orr, K. W. Wllkerson, I. J. Straw, Hubert A. L'mmltt, Frank Downey, lAlox Cbvyno Jr., It. A. Talbot and rrhomaa A, llarrowa Jr. DYING STATEMENTS OF CONOCWNED WlH "HtMflriif is never a cure for crime. Yon mnmI ft t the reot of the evW-FeMilcer. "I want to say that I dM ftdmmil the crime of which I was coavicted"Gorriea. "I was howmJed hy the officer a. I Jta' notfet a square deaf'-Koherts. "He shot ki seif defense"-father Meere, speafciag for Morfaa. 3." j:i ii "S KLAMATH FALLS MAN HELPS re ADJUST Mk a .J.; INGENIOUS PLAN INDIAN'S DEATH URGES SAVING: PROBE SATURDAY IM.NK lll.'.TIlimtlK.S CMICKH CimoMIHt) I.NQUCST WII.I, III! wiiiru mix a i nmuw, hit iiki.d w iin"i:iiixi: Ml'hT UK KK1T CIOI.MI AITKIt HV IIIIOITIMI IX A COIX CU OH .NOT A CltlMi: HAH IIKKX aiMMITl'KU. United I'nuHertlco I'tlPKNIIAHKS', Dee. 13.- Tho linvitlgatlou of tho cause llctdlng to the dcmlau of John Week, -A novel tbo young Indian who died of pncu-i HIGH LIVING' IS CAUSE OF RIOT HixwiMi: MAYoit hkfi;ki to lli:i:i) TIIIHIt I'HOIITH, .MOII IUtK.l(S IX WINDOWH AND I'llK- i'ahi: ix) miii: heuhi: United 1'rcM Service MIIAN, Italy, Dec 13. I'rotcal- ItiK agaluat the high coat of living, 2,000 workcra nt Argenta, province of l'orrara, demonatrated In front of tbo mayor'a bouse. The mayor re fualui: to recclro delegalea, the mau tamaahed the doora and wlndowa, and wero preparing to lira tbo houio when INSANITY FEAR CAUSES SUICIDE ACJKD MAX WORKIfUl OVKR tiii: HKXU1XO OF HIH WIFK TO IX. KA.NK AHVLDM AXU HXAIXY TAKrM OWX LIKK United l'reM Srrle BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13. Fear that bo would follow but wlfo to the Napa Inaano aaylum, ralaed to a Iron xy when hla cl dog acratcbed at hla door, cauaed W.' R. Row, S yean old, to blow out bla brataa hor. to day. Ilosa wife waa takes to Napa a few daya ago, and alnce"ho baa been ob acaaed with tho dread tbat oflreni were coming- for him. Neighbor found the dog whining at tbo door and tho man dead Inalde. LABOR LEADER BURGLARY CHIEF I'ORMKR IHCWTTT Of KCDMAN DUMA Ml ARRiatTKD FOR HM I'ART IX x'UMRftOfJH ROBBKR. IKJi IX HT. PKTKRflRVRO United PrM Swrlea ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 13. It la bow aUg4 tbat ex-Deputy Kuaaeaef, former labor Member of the Duma, who waa arretted "oa a burglary charge, to tae leader aad orvaalaer ot OARRMOX Oai t . r- fin PROTgM gWMtfOw , '' ckxcb a nai uuHr -'..'Br "t ' V A - I , , J - 1. . . fey aoc JacafajaaiRaHaajria) RaajkMMBj gaag Mb Wm BjmhmM kf Mw Qgliajaj. . TaKai hi a Raaa.Ha Wmktm WHaaV ' . - t H -a m Ualt4PraMSjraw BALRM,D.ll-ll:a-g.)- 5 FaakUr m Oarrtoaw mmt kaaataj. -j Kaavrta urn wtiM .tMBaw v mm aa the arat tww an L'aHNttrH 8ALBM, Dae. IS, preaoaaeaa daad at I1:K4 " : ' it U uamaa arawiaf aw ....---" -i - --- - , - - uiirn wii auuiir nnu nfoniiucmi mm ui gCliniti Jo rtitouraKo uinu u uviuk -ihuhih u um miuj. ... " KCmiarmci appoared on tho scent. an.W -v lraliiMt iiniin mi tho lyicun. nlal i,.,r. ht n now nulntta imnU.Ukcn uii ocain lomorrow by Uoroncr,.,. ..... ,. . . mil . ' - ....ii... .... i - - uii tor BLTal "HELLO" GIRLS (LEARNING BOARD .KV HY8TKM OF TKI.Kl'HOXINO WILL IIU IX KFFKOT HKRK IX A VV.W DAYH OI'KRTOIW AHK ItKCKIVIXO 1X8TKUCT10X8 "" """""" ""tha laat. aaelarlu tkst hi ! H deawMtatles 'u ZT.. bJ mrrmMt-miJfAuM I. I,'linln .-I , . W1WM In .nil) In ,h. r..k. nf Ik. UlCr' . Hundred, of which be M a aaaaabi Kuauoaoff expect the police to tat blm out of bla trouble. .form today, Hlio l cireillouilt),l,nriiuraliun. Tliu bank la dlalrlbut :arl Whllloek nml u coroner' Jury, 'mI aa n render of atrong dramaa, K nmong Ha dopoaltora a apeclnlly Tl.o Inqucat ha beou dela)ed ev ltq her progrnm la uaually rhoacn '.i.-alnnod clock which after muiilnc ' '!" y "' Inability of loino of Iroro llic.0, twciiiy.fnur boura rnn only bo et tho Indian wllneaiea to cot hcu from Rolnc ngitln by tho Inaorllon of a tho roaervaitou. in an opinion given at inn ronurni !,i i, mt. Al atnteu periuua a WetUa aummoncu ur. I.. W. IJIill-' Aeeordlnif to a roiiort of tbo aocro f? Deputy Dlatrlrt Vetialor of lako,ljir(.teutntlvc will mil, collect tho ton lo ntlond blm Saturday, and Uioltnry of iluto, tburo are 119 automo lw, Attorney (leiicral Crawford c0i( depoalt them In tho bank and ntyilelan, illaRnoalug tho cnao na'bllca and two motor cyclw Iu Klam- Brlldl IhAl h,m tint nlllflhlA Illr. ...... i.a .nliuKrltn r rrilll llmrellir. ii.i.tiitiimilii r..(.ii.l ml V.ekfl tn flwi' ,---- .. .n, n.....w.....v...'. "--- KI1U IHU ,l"lt"H "" ' ...--- ..,.i .....I,....., . ..... .. .w - l'.ry duty In Oroaon. - , ' Ho died tboro Monday, and ... . ..... , ",--. . ....... Dr. Chilton, finding iovcrat murka ot vloU'iiro on the body, notified the nu ,lhorltlea and Investigation wua sturt id nt uuro. Inftor conaldornblo troublo, managed "People ot Klamath Fall will bo to rcstoro order. Many crroMt were enjoyluc tho advantage ot the moat Hn Franrlaro voter, Indicated by parity elorllon, do not want local op. Mlon during the big fair. ARMY OFFICERS TO WALK ALONE TIIK AUTHOKITIKM HHHUD TIIKM HIOM HTHUTTIXH AI.OXC1 AUM IX AUM WITH A WOMAX 1XDI CATCH I'KKIIIiKNKHH CIVIL DOCKET IS ANNOUNCED From tho Investigation, It nppeara ninde, nud aa further trouble I ex pected troop j aru now camping In tho village. nth county. Woodrow WlUon baa rocelvod 40, 000 lctteru In Ibo last five month. An olllclal of the department ot ag rlculluro declare (lint doctor ore 'that Week muy have been boalen V t rCB1onslb1o for tbo pread of the drug ,olher Indian Friday night, and thut.,i,aut. tho pneumonia which rcmiueu in nii , NKXT CAHK IX TIIK ttlUHT HI! THAT OF 4. II HKIID VS. ( MUX DAY J dentil, waa contracted from oxpoauro CIHCl'IT , , indirn.l rnn.llllnn. K..HHAXDKXIIUIMI, United I'rcaa Service 111... . ......h. M 4.. A.dA, j ", ueo. io. w,v. uocn lued from army " Martora hero forblddln any oHlcor la Walk In Hi. ali-Mta nrm.ln.arm with .a 1.iu ,.... ,.. .. hi urlfn 7 ', uveu inougu alio w "- f mother. "An officer who fpoblo," y no order, "aa to roqulro tho nUt- ffl of a woman I unlit for lorvlce, b ihould bt auaranuaUd." Circuit Judgo llouann Uila mornliiR nrrniiKcd n calendar of tbo civil aulta tu bo trlod before n Jury. Tlieiu nro I . . .. . . I .l...lHH ll.n HAtl mhcduiod lo uo noorii uuruiH ." " few day, and tbo calendar an nr nmgod, follew: . Qurgeote . (leorgo C. Clink, on trial. 'J. II. Hc'l 0- K. HrandonburB ct al 10 a. m , December 16. O. U. WHUon v. Theodore Notour, nt nl 0 . . Decombor 17. Hull v. Weeks 0 a. m., Dcrcm bor 13. Kllor Piano House v. Ooorgs i.i tcllo 9 a, m. Doceraber 19. Wcoka, according to report, was drinking Friday night. Tho police vvcro told by othor Indiana that n drunkon Indian bad attacked them, and tbat they had tied him to a post In n bnnu but n search ot tho barn una in ml o In vain, Tho following day WVok npponred lit his lodging hauto with hU hands tied togotbor and Ills body badly bruised. A fow hours later ho was tho victim of a sovere attack of pnoumouln, from which 'he rtlod In n conplo ot days. As a result of publishing Colonel Itoosov oil's speech denouncing tho Idaho supremo court, the IloUe Statesman publlshor mny be cited for contempt. Tho publishers of tho tlolso Capital New tiavo been elted for tho same offeoie. WALLEN LEARNS FATE MONDAY JUIM1K IIKXSOX WII.Ii PASS 8KX TKXCK ON COXVICTKI) MAN. l'KXAi;.TY 1,8 FHOM !W YKARA TO 1.1KK IMP1USOXMKXT v Arthur V. Wnllen, convicted yeator day ot the crime ot rape upon hi daughter, will be sentenced by Judge licnson Monday morning. The mini mum penalty for this crime Is twenty years In the stato penitentiary, the maximum Is llfo Iraprlsoameat. u-to-dato telephone exchange In Ore gon by the nilddlo ot next week," said K 11. Robertson, the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company's man ager today, In spoaklns ot the remov al of the olllce and the advent ot the central energy system here. Tbo Installation of new instruments In tho homes ot subscriber to nearly completed, and the telephone opera tors are dally receiving Instructions In tbo work of answerlug call on the now board, so tbat everything will be In readiness when the exchange is "cut over" from the old system to tbo central cnofgy system. The date that the change will ha made has not boen definitely an nounced, as there are several minor matters to be attended to at the com pany's uow brick building on Seventh street before tbe cranking prosjaaa ot calling central Is dispensed with. , Dr. W. n. Doyd ot Portland Is spending a fow days In the city with his mother, Mrs. F. B. Boyd. ItaUroad HeJpa SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 15, The Weatern PacIBo railroad, through" Ita vice president, Charles K. Scblacks, last week subscribed 115,000 to the Panasaa-Pacltc Iataraatteaal Rxpaal tlon. OMclala of the railroad state that If conditions warrant that It will add to this subscription, and It la atoo ready and 'willing to do Ha share to ward making tbe 1915 worM'a Mr a great suecea. ' y i'i Bterkhag Taxed LOS ANOEI.ES, Dec IS. Hereaf ter expenalre lingerie, silk stockings an dother distinctly feminine apparel, will bo subject. to appraisal of a dep uty tax collector, according to an an nouncement today by County Assea or K. W. Hopkln. Tbe appointment ot n special appraiser to alannad whoae duly shall be to determine Just what finery to aubject to taxation aa personal property and to enter R on the proper Hat. CHURCH BAZAAR ATTRACTS CROWD LADIKH OF TIIK PRHftRYTKRIAN CHUUCII AHK HOLDING FORTH IX TIIK XKW WHITK BVIUHXG. OX MAIX 8THKKT TODAY Tbo main floor ot the new White building present a pretty scene to day, bedecked to with the taste fully arranged booths and tables used by tbe basaar aad cafeteria being held there today by the Ladles' Aid Soci ety ot the Presbyterian church. The basaar opened this afternoon, and will continue until Ute; this evestlng. ah ainasvot art worn, rancy worn articles of wearing apparel,'' eW., are offered for tale, and a Urge 'crowd haa taken advantage at the hasssr to purchaae handiwork tar Christmas presents. A candy aate; conducted nt an elaborate booth by the' Christian Endeavor, Is also attracting a great many. This evening between 6:89 'and 8 o'clock a cafeteria chicken supper will he served. Th menu lncludsa oatek en pie, baked beans add away other home, cooks delicacies. , eBMMey ap aVsffR, Judd Keeaey waa brought to thin cty from Algoma thte: afternoon hy Dr. Chilton, and th Bteak burn hospital, KeWM-Mirlng t" from bowel trouble, and H may ho necessary th1 perform 'an f operation una 'him. ' V . V - r la aU JFMI- j- C ii i . r- mmmmmwm , v mny. f J wwsi mm . F f(H i 'i t c i "Good bya, everykody. FanMaraaM: "llaaaiac la svavar a esfw la ! Tea must gat at Om root of tho ottt."- Morgan and Rohorts war hsmaad ' at 1S:2K. Father Moor, n CaUotte yriaat, ,-t ( made a speech for Morgan. Ho aatd tbat Morgan had shot n ssWdsfs s. Morgan dM not spank en tho ajaHow. RoberU mad n' ramhttnc sosAa mant. saying that tho oaVora had hounded him. Ho saM that ho was suffsrlag from am aeeMoat. and do ctored that ho had not had a mar deal. Both Morgan aad Robert without a whimper. o Nearly 199 aeoeaa wMaeaa haagings. Oarerner Want ;woa' mot preseat l There was not a ataglo hMah la.cho proeeedlags. Tho rmismasl snoa aided tbe guards m the adjaetaac of tbe rope. be guesU were Ttotbfar rMorsd when It waa announced that Oarrtoon had decided aot to mahe a sot sossah. I waat to aay," ahoatod Oarrioea. "that I did not comma the ertmo for hlch I wa eonvtoted.' aHtoa wtt- ... ' " ' . i. y o ' ihir 'Ai '1 nsae were" y Here hla voJee broke aad ha adood, choking. i, f "aenttomoa," ho eoattaaed, "t hswe ; 6-mi,M oa asm V ( AlCftIT nnv . . OWNED III CITY Mr- m H . V ,t i.', :- fv' BR. K. V. MX)RX)W,aUS A FAVI9R ' printkt nr DUBPtmv mnvanr .! i -w . - ww w tw m M? y 'W PRINTKD IN 1 ' " n v " "II JANUARY 4, 98 .'.IMI M 'count OP ORRAT IfSNmut, ' , r ..4. n i nil' -;"' A sopy. of 'tho' jmtatv. dmsir ah. aMU.priaUd at . yigjMpa. . mh eonnty, Row Tort; or ssTdatfar. ah nary 4, 189, tooa dgHm aftata ,aBr,vf!hlintOTi thin Ky,; The poaar hf erred hr,thoMn AM tajhdh aShokm fiTasTgahn ' ts 1 T',! death aad latt4a tha ma1 laAaroMma I tettMoMaatoMRHai), ' .'li! .; wr - - -tv, ... i Vi TV v