o BbTI'LlltD IIY TIIK UNITKD l'MMM NKWM HKIIVICK Mt fUfmna I ttalb. " , .;.,....wsmnB , h..,J5'rinii.-,r!KTBC"'Ti " :,' .'" V1 W - i R 0 , f - 1 1 L .' I . ' , . . . . I ...SFISJaw I'MRT TUB BJsWaVMaYlauaWaVMV Hovmtll Yarn No, I, WW KLAMATH PALL., OHHOON, THUIIHDAY, DKCKMHKR IS, JtlS Faulder, Insane, To Escape The Gallows -. i ... . ' - p, S3 Death Sentence of John W. Taylor is Commuted to life Imprisonment ARTHUR WALLEN TO SPEND LIFE IN PRISON CEIL jt'ltV MWKM KOTIMK I.N KIMIIMI HIM (UIILTY TnrflnMMjr by the IMrmlaat I Mual HIiwklMK Kvrr llranl lu Uical (rt On MU Own AduiUaloii lie )ullljr or Trrrililf trliue la Uiuut Iihoiu tdalM if tli Mrmlx-ra ut llm Jurjr a Tli r re mlliule after Ilia July In lti cum agsltut Arthur Wal- a Iru had elected a foreman, a ver- a diet nf guilty waa agreed upon. The Jury retired lu deliberate. a at z 30, At JilB the verdict t wa reported In open court. It took tint little time lu prepare 0 Its Verdict, rniil tor John llagrl- 0 ittln, the foreman, tu algu It. The penalty I from twenty Irani lu Ufa Imprisonment. SCIENCE SUBJECT OF CLUB MEETING Htrr toi'icm aih: dikcuhhkd iiv TIIK L'l.VII MKMIIKHM MIHM MHtMVAI.L TAI.KH O.N I'lUMI HKHM IN IWCIIOLOGY I'robably never before In court room In Klamath county baa an audi car been na horror atrlcken aa thla aliernoon, when Arthur Wallen, ctaried with Inreat, told tho story ol kit encounter with hla little dsughtor. Fating tho Jury and apeaklng r hlly and cltarly, Wallen, In an at Unpl to refute tho testimony of lha sttnruea who had preceded him, toad admissions that allocked ovcu pioneer court officials who havo bo nine hardened tu atorlra of moral depravity. "I rccelted an Injury some time lo," laid Wallell. "My head waa hurl and my arm wax broken In ov rel lacea. Htnce that tlmo I Iiato Itttr boon the mm, phyalrally, men Itlly or morally." Then ha atold tha atory of tho day 'n which Iliu aaaault waa alleged to late occurred, cumiilclliig hla trail tauny with tlm coufcaalim that brought a hnrrlflnl rxproilon lu the lounur.ancM of practically nvrry mint tad woman In tho court room. The urgumwita by tin oinionltm if-un.il did not take up Dflcvn inln ! time, each attorney l.rlnisliiK out (ly a fw polnta. "TIik rhargo agntnat Wallen la an My one tu make, but a moat dim- t'lniiniiixi on rnwi i HOPKINS WILL RETURN EAST I'HOMINKNT IXMJAI. ATMI-KTK UK; (HUM TU Hl'KNII TIIK WINTKII IN HIH FUltMKII HOMK IN IIA INK, WIH. Dcauo llopklui, who haa boon con "tcd with tha Ills Uaalu Lumber toiaauy ror tha paat year, has re Uned hla iioaltlon with tho corporo Hun. lu loavaa Sunday for hla homo Hiclue, Wli., to luanil tha winter, ml he may return to Klamath county " the lurlnK. Mr. llonklna hai been prominent In i athletic a&4 loolal circle, and "HI be greatly muwod by tho ?oung people of the town. waa H tlUur elovan that defeated tha high wool team la tha ThankHUI wbaU gama, A miwt aucccaaful and Imlructlvo meeting of tho Klamath Literary Club waa held at tho lionm of Mr. ami Mia. Cliarlra (Iravoa lait night. Tli.tr; n a guKj uttcti 'one i and the dlfor- mi papera were Uatcn;1 tc with great Interixt. Tho aubject waa "Iterolutlonary Tetidenrlea lu Hcletico." Tho meotlng waa IkI by 0. I'. Hloaart In tho ab- acute of Dr. Wraterfelt. Hot toplra were dltcuriM'd, paychutogy, by Mln Addle Cornwall; raeiulatry, by I'ro fruor Kaugbt, attronotuy, by II. C. (Irovabcck, and acroplnnea, by K. M. Clillcotu, Tho licit meeting of tho club will be hi Id Turtday at the aamo place. HoraluM- Triut lilt llimtUIT, Mich., Dec. IS. Seek ing to enjoin the Muter lluraeahoera Protective Aatoclatlou, dubbed the horaraboo truit," from continuing tho combination In rcolralnt of trade, Attorney General Wlckerahaai todjy filed a pelttlou In tho federal court. STOCK BROKERS (DECLARATION OF ARE WITNESSES Will IIKMIKM THAT THKY AKK IIKI.VJ UM)tl.V IIKM NAVH THAT TIIKIIK WILL UK VH-TY MOIIK WIT.NKH8KH KXAMI.VKU UKM(K'K.TH VUTK IlK.I'UIUJrAN (UT United I'reaa Hervlce WAHIIINIITON, l. C, Dec. IS. Ily a rotoof 147 tu ISS, the liouto to day rejected a reanlutlou declaring the election of Itcpretvlitatltu Charlea llowmaii, republican of I'enuaylvanla, and a atand-patter. Tho houto voted to declaro How- man'a aeat vacant. Mlaa Kra Coolldge haa btii elected lo (tin prealdeucy of a itllvertoti (Ore.) bank. The "weta" won llarrnburg, Ore. thn eli-illon In GREEKS AGAIN ON WAR PATH HMIITIMl IK IIKHUMKI) WITH TIIK THIIKS AMI 1IHKKKH WOIIK A VirrOHV IN" TIIK JAMA HIK-TIIKT United I'reaa Hervlce ATIIKN8. Dec 13. Fighting baa bveu reaumed bolweun tho Orook and Turk lu tho dlatrlct of Jaula. A battalion of (Irvoka occupied tho village of Drlico, near Jaulta. Ono hundred Turk woro killed and wounded, and tho aurvlvora woro routed. To Avert War United I'reaa tiervlr LONDON, Doc. 13. Diplomats pre dict n formal ombaaaauoriai iohiuc imeo of tho power lu l'tul In Jau- uary as roeult of the oc,cnrronco hero. Tho majority of military oh- ,1.1 tulll acrvors ueciaro mot war avorted, WAHIIINOTON, D. a, Dee. II. Chairman I'uju of the money trual probe committee, dentod today new. paper reports that brokers of Now York atock oirhango are being unduly held to testify In the probe. "Fifty more wltneaaee will bo es- emlred." declsred Mr. I'ujo. "Thees will not be excused before they testify." It Is expected that the bearing will bo adjourned at 7 o'clock this even ing until Monday, when the commit tee wilt probably adjourn over the holidays. President Do Angero of tha New York Consolidated Kxcbange bank was the rlrst witness. He described tho foud between his baak and the stock exchange. Ue charged that tha atevl trust, the Pennsylvania aad the lhlgh railroads had discriminated agaluat hla bank. He asserted that his personal associates, members of the exchange, had been denied tho floor of tho exchange. 3irBXEset3.nBrs99rai WAR BY SERVIA NOW EXPECTED MI.NIHTKR TO AUBTKIA MA- UKfcV MJCALLKD Kinvlga MJnlsUr Decllawa' to Give Kcaaen for Thia Actio, nsxl It b Taken to Mean the HevemiM-o of IMplomallc IMaliona It I KtoecU ed That War WHI Hoon Ha In Prog, ma Hctweem Two Conntrlae. United rreaa Service VIKNNA, Doc. 12. Under Impera tlvo order from Uelgrade, the Ser vian mlnUter to Austria Slmlcs, baa been recalled. Neither Slmlcs nor the Servian foreign minister will ex plain tha reason. It Is believed that thla action de notes tho elimination of diplomatic re lations. A declaration of war I oa pected. . James Malone, a well known young business man. Is confined to hla room by lUaeaa. " i HE'S THE SAME OLD SUNNY JIM THAVKLIXG IX DOVBLB MARMBM HAH NOT K.VTIItKLY HCBIMJM) THK ROTUND IXH3AL fUCPHIC HKMTATIVK OP PA VINO PUUf "There nre exceptlona to every rale maybe," ay tho wiseacres, and there seems to be some truth to their statcmenL At least, It prove to bo ao In this case, for our genial "Sunny Jim" Force hasn't changed a bit amce ha Joined tha ranks of tha benedicts. If you doubt this, come and sea for yourself. He takes "A Night OK" with the rest of the good fallows at Houston's opera house Friday even ing, December 10th. Up to data vsu- davllla between curtains. Pleasant Wanrins; Party An enjoyable dancing party was given at the Whlto Pelican hotel Wednesday night by Ue hotel maa- sgemeat, which waa attended by a number of local residents. Althongh tho. attendance was not aa largo aa at other dances held at tha hotel, the floor was comfortably tiled, and the daaeers were a most congenial party. Mttsle was famished by tho WhKo v " TEACHERS WILL BE EXAMINED Bl tlursty Youth is Murderer of Father CKRTIrTCATHH WILL M TO THOHK WHO ARK SCOCmW PVL IN TKHTKeJ TO BB aWUs MKRIC IN MtOKT TUCK ExamlnaUens for ena yoar, It year, Ave year primary ana Ufa suu teachers' cortlneatee wlU bo boM at tha Contra! sefcool, eammonHng Wed nesdsy, December llth, and eontlna- Ing tha rest of the week. Tha osaml nations, which aro prepared by L. It. Alderman, state wrlntandent of public Instruction, will bo sdrmi la this county under tha dJrootioa of County School Sapertntenaoat Swan. Tho program of subjects to be tak en up each day by appUeanta for ear tlleataa feHew: Wadnasdny Foreneon: Writhag. United States History, Physiology. Afternoen: Paystoal Ooogiapay. Reading, Composition, Methoda Mi Reading. Methoda la AriUmetle. Thursday Perenean: Arithmetic. History of Bdusatlea. Pyibslsay. Methods In Ooegraphy. Aftamaen: Grammar, Ooegraphy, Amorlaan Ut- ratnre. Physks, Methoda hi Lam- guaaja. Theels for Primary CortHoaia. r Pillny-isiasmmi'Txwmj Pnetleo. Orthography. muMib Usor ature. Afternoen: School Law, Bat- any, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoou: Oossnotry, Otology. Afternoen: Oanaral Histo ry. Bookkeeptas. There are a number of teachers to different parts of the county holdlna; one year aad Ave year cortifleatos who aro preparing to take tha examina tion for life cerUBcates. Because Hif Father Commanded that he Carry in Some Wood. Fourteen Year Old Boy Shoota Father Through the Heart Killing Him Lutantly United Press Service 1.08 AN0KLK8. Dec. 1 J. Martin Itlckert, nged H years, ahot and kill ed his father, Daniel II. Itlckert, at their homo hero this mornlus. A rec ord was not made of the post mortem atntcment of tho father. Neighbors declare that tho hoy said ho shot his father for whipping his uldcr brother, Valentino. Iloth of tho bo Iteport Is Doulixl United Press Service KOMH, Dec. IS. Au Athen dis patch says that tho report that tho (1 reeks had defeated the Turks at Janlua Is untruo. It Is statod that the Turks nnnlbllatod tho wuolo Oreok division, compelling the nban donmont of tho selgo and tho retreat of the Greeks. WILL FAULDER DIE ON GALLOWS SINGULATION IH RIFK HKRK TO DAY A8 TO WHAT ACTION OOV KIINOIt WKHT WILL TAKK AT TIIK LAHT MOMKNT Speculation Is rife today as to whether Noblo Faulder, sentenced to bo haugod tomorrow morning for tho murder of Louis (lebhart at a railroad cmup near Chlloquln In 1911 will pay tho death penalty for his dend, or whether lie will be reprieved at tho last moment by Ooveruor West. Somo are of tho opinion that the governor will grant a reprieve either today or Just before the tlmo sot for the execution tomorrow as he did In tho case of Wobb, the Portland mur derer, sentenced to hang In Septem ber, It'll. Others state that despite tho governor's aversion to the death penalty, ho will Uka no action la the boys and Mrs. Itlckert have been held In custody. Mrs. Rlckert declsred that the shooting was sccldentaL ljto this afternoon young Rlckert confessed to tho killing of his fsther, following his disobeying his father'.) command that he carry wood Into tbo kitchen. The hoy declared that his father went Into the yard to food a horse. The boy fired a .11-csllbre rlrlo through tbo bathroom window, pierc ing his fatbar's heart. The boy told hla mother what ho had done, and both agreed to claim that the shooting was accidentally. Inadvertently he told the neighbors the secret. Mrs. Rlckert corrobor ated the boy's testimony. raae, following the defeat of the bill to abolish hanging. Attorney C, M. Onelll, whu defend ed Faulder when he waa triad here last spring, states that ho has written to Governor West several times re garding the case, but that be haa not received any reply atatlng definitely what atand tha executive Intended to take In tho matter. Norman Faulder, brother of the condemned man, Is la Salem endeav oring to secure a stay of proceeding. Norman came here from tha homo of the Faulder In Auckland, New Zeal and, Just after the killing of Oebhart, nnd ovor stneo that tlmo ha ban been working aealously to save tho Ufa of hi brother, whom, ho asserts, I men tally unbalanced. According to the announced plan, Faulder will atep on tho aealold to morrow morning. Another man will be hanged with him. At 11:30 tho other three condemned men will ba hanged, B. D. Brlggs, a prominent Ashland attorney, returned homo today after a short visit In Klamath Falls. Mr. Brlggs waa formerly city attorney of Ashland, aad la now a eaadldato for the mayoralty. KNIGHTS ELECT LODGE OFFICERS KVAN R. RKAMK8 18 CHOHKX KM1XKXT COMMANDKR POL. LOWING THK KLHOTtON THK OFPICKRB ARK IN8TALLKD Election of omcora for the ensuing term waa held at last night's moat ing of Cavalry Commandry, Knights Templar. The following now omcora were chesen: Kmlnent Commander, Bvaa R. Reames: Generalissimo, Charles H. Wlthrow; Captain General, Dr. L. L. Truax; Senior Warden, Tom W. Stephens; Junior Wardea, C. K. Van Riper; Prelate, I. Jay Knapp; Treas urer, Charles Graves;' Recorder, L. P. WlllltU, Standard Bearer, J. J. Bar rett; Sword Bearer, Ooorgo L. Hum phrey; Sentinel, O, A. Kraus. Following tho, election, tha new oncer were Installed, this ceremony being conducted by Past Commandsr George J. Walton, ' YOaWCWMaMat CO HaM Unlud K Sanrtoa WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc II. The Archbald proeoeuUoa wlH prob ably rest Its case tho last part of tho week. The defease will present flfty witnesses. It M Improbable that tho case will end before January llth. LOCAL SHRINERS WILL BE HOSTS AHHLANU XOBLK8 WILL MARK A 1'ILUIUMAGK TO THU CITY IF HUFHCIKXT NUhUHCR OF CAN. DIDATK8 CAN RK 8KCVRKD GOVERNOR WILL NOT EXPUUk HiS SUDDEN ACTMrl 4.1 1 t t 1 'J - . " rf K MAHXnoeiMTlJUMi MTATR BnWtaUl , ,ja Tha Pita aasahsg lelWi' -' Oecnr at lltfl laadanf ad's TsBB, , ta Takaa ta lantonW;lM Ifaaoo Paalaev Was Ba Baaulaoat hy ah W -r " r i Oovoenwr BALBM. Doc ltJota W. Ir, babsagsdi " ii t "s"nrBBwnjBgBgBjgjfaj VTavflB) gsaBJBj BJgjJnJBBjarBjl BJBjT t t I n f j )' ismsrraw, wIM at watk 'c. , tha ssagsld, aa ass aaalsasa w aaas-'?-BMtad Urfa,aAornaaa ta Mna laaftH-rj oamant by Oaoosaar Want, s " Hlaed ta aaaka aaw Maoasaaast inaaaaV . lawUMaMMar. , h? ,, , v Tt "ml IT ill nililglbll Faaider wm aa iwaetavaeL M ta a parted that ha m tainai. smdT tt'lal KoaaMo that no wsB an sjansngoai ay toenarrow atofaaac. A R aa . , i . i bsaged at 7:S ta tao morning. faaaddawitassaaasaat- ilfc-a " f- 11:1 i flrst at tbo caaaga la tho govornor will i There woro many piigls, i ta tho capital pualabmoat neaa, wha visited tba ajovsmor They cam bora from alBarant ; of the sUU to arotaat banglnga scheduled far I Tho movement waa tao raaaat at tba response ta a prsfeaal aaaaa ta Portland last Sunday at aa aacVaaas- tal pualabmoat mietlag that ataey-, one present aia tho gusrnsi ta aar son and plaad wMh alas. 9 tn i nwata aa a flsmatar ta tha Klamath Fall will bo Invaded by tho host of the Ancient and Arabic Order of the Nobles of tha Mystic Shrine next spring, it suBeleat candi dates csn be secured to warrant a pilgrimage of Hlllah Temple of Ash land. E. D. Brlggs, n prominent at torney of Ashland, left thla morning, after taking up tha. matter with local Masons who aro eligible, and It u hla opinion that tha hegJra of tho mem bers or the Southern Oregon temple will be toward Klamath Falls. The Ashland Temple Is one of two In the state, aad la the only ono In Southern Oregon. Kvery year tha Shrlners of that city make a pilgrim age to some other city and Initiate a ctasa of candidates. Roseburg, Marsh- eld and other olttea have been via tted, aad Klamath Fall wiU be nest In Una If a sumclent number of candi dates aro secured. There are a largo number at Ma son here who aro eligible to reeelvo thla higher degroe. aad ta' majority of them are anxious to do aa. la eaaa Hlllah Temple visits here, tharo will bo a class of net leas' tana twenty member.' , Ta Argui mandamus city eouncH ta sion form charter adegtad mat May aa - tha omclal aaartor of tha attWltt at . heard this eveaJag by CtrenRr Judge Benson, following tha djauramat ol tho Walton eaaa. C. M. OaottJ t at- , torney for Hoary Rabboa aad Dr. W. A. Leonard, tha petitioner, aad tao city la reprosoatod by CUy Attaraay Drako and City Roeoraar LaavRt. Tj . i. if. Tte Bpwortb Laagua at tho math- a.u-' odlst church will havo a aaaap aala i on Saturday, at tha Moaarsa Qraaary. i Don't fall to patronlaa R. lt-tt i-tSt Jf a "' NEW ROAD TO RE STARTED S80N V 1 - A ' k PORRBT BBRVKBC CffflaW VISITS S ' BLUK LBBOK COUNTRY -.. ,: MAVK WORK COhsaWWOafB OR V NKW HKUIWAY - v .' ,' n i.v ,f ' Actual ooaatraoUaa work w4M i soon on the aaw road thai I vtoe la caaatraotlag ia.taa Btaal country, whleh WW Wad i Cook aad Oraaa nuawui miiw, .i at work, aa iuasiTaur i tho Crater Laao HarlaaaJ Btssm.laW started for .tteVtarritafy J aa th actual eonttrueoaa vaafc Tha construetloa.aftala rati Bfl open, a aaw tsrrRafy.aad wag anayji In aveat banaal. .?.. ', ''3;'Jfcvi'f .. ; Wr