M. h h I R V "WVS.it' Miriii.n:i iiv tiiic UNI I KU I'llKSN NEWS HKIIVICh Ik btnnm etfaUi. .V.W . M hWaWJPMI main iy arwaatt Baaae . 'J "tl S Hcventti Yrr Nh. I.VIW i X r ,' t . r, KLAMATH FALLS, OKKOON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, I8 TWO WOMEN FIND HUSBAND IS ONE AND SAME MAN IIOMKHTKADEII NORTH OF Mill, (KJIIlN MAUI TO UK INVOLVED CRANKS HURR IED WILSON'S TRIP Women l.rvo TtiU City In Haute Au lormdillo ami Itu Not Dlaruvrr Tint Ttirjf Have Marrlnl Hauwi lYraou Until Nfcrtan III Mufiir Otm i,f llio Womn Klaalty IUllnuUlin Her Klfhla A strange tale of marital inlr-up rAiun lo light here tail ulilit when on automobile which IiniI tteou tnrtod nut In llio morning (o couvty two umlt lo lbs icene wluru their hu. bind were living, returned wlt'li una n( the women, nuit llio Information lliat one and llio mno nun vim iho l.uiband of both women, Detail ul Ilia tory wero eatreuiol) ilimcull lu kocuro today. Tlia clmuf. frur liail been aworn lu arcrocy, and tl.o Mouiau who returned dUappolnt- rj in llio city had itarantlr mado up Ti Vf Arrow Ocrea COI.OONK, Doc. II. Itlchard Itcckman of tlila city In building a lrco hydroplane with which ho or llltrta III rffMl llm Allntilln In fnrfvi .or nimn uui iu cauio mo man in mo -ghl hour. Ho rii-rU In make tho r.viniiNci: aoai.nht men who Alii: IN JAM. Hilt WIIITIM1 tiiiii:atemmj urm:iw IH MIT ADMIHHAIII.I-: I.N COURT United Pre rlcrvlc NKWAIIK, N. J Dec 11,Attor. ny declare that tho principal ovl' ilenco again! John nnd Jacob Dunn, mountaineer, accuaod of lending threatening let turn to (loveruor Wll on, la not not admlMable. Tlila evldenco comliU of letter written by the men tlnco their ar rut and containing Iho tamo char- rlerlitlca a the threatening tetter. Iho federal law bara audi evidence. It U reported that one of tho broth er made an Incriminating italement, but tlila can vol bo confirmed. It ha developed that WlUon dart ed for Hermuda earlier than had been eiprctvd berauie of Ihtio letter. Ill family urged him to go. WATER RIGHT CASES HEARD ian any trouble, It appears that mi Monday evening llio two women, arrived In Iho city, uo from Iho Kait and tho other from California. They did nut travel to gether, It la aald, and only met by ac- tldvul la a local garage, when they Inquired lor an automobile lo Lake Iheiii lo a place mirth of Chlloqulu. A both of tho wumtn wero going to iho tamo place. It waa arranged that I hey rld In Iho mo machine. II waa only when they neared their ilrntlnallnn that tho purpose or their villi waa divulged. "I am hero to Join my huiband," aid one of Iho women, "Thal'a what I am hero lor," aald (ho othor. Then a comparison of name brought the truth to light. It a poar that the two women lott no time lu mealing Iho muchly married man, and a conference wa held. There wore lean and prayer, and Dually lb matter wa arranged. One of the women agreed to rellnquUh her claim and return In thl city, Tho other remained with the man. It wa reported thl afternoon that the man In the rate I a homettcader nd very well known In thl city. However, thl could not be confirmed. attempt early neit rlng, (tartlng from Iho Atorr and landing at Hall- fat. STOCK GAMBLERS ARE HARD HIT hTATMTICIAN PRESENTS KHJ- UHEM TO MHOW THAT WALL HTKEKT OPERATIONS MAY HI! CLAIMED AH AMIII.INC1 United Prei Service WA8IIINOTON, D, 0., Dec II. lAWrenre Hchudder, lallttlcal expert, produced figure In tho money truit lrobo today howlug how hare of Iho leading railroad. Induitrlal and oil cororatlon were void many time over. A acorn of banker preient laughed derldvely. Tho tilitlmony waa Intended lo how that Wall atreet trantactlon wore moatly gambling. Holiday Vacation is to Commence Next Friday In Order to Permit Teachers to Pre pare for the County Examina tions. Schools Close Early Mr. and Mr. "Buck" Anderson are In tho county aoat from their Bly home, purchasing supplies and trans acting business. It was aanouncod thl afternoon that tho city schools would bo cloed belt Krlday for lha ChrUtmas hull y. This Is a few day earlier limn II wa planned. City Superintendent of School Dunbar itated that tho purpose of cloilng early wa to permit a number of tho teacher to prepare for tho ex amination which will be he'd Dee. 18, 19, 20 and 21 at the Central rhool. Tho vchool will rouveno January '. County Seat Fight is Cause of Bloodshed Two Oklahoma Towns are Fighting for the Possession of Records Comity. Militia Asked for KORT 8MITH, Ark., Dec. U,--"My UoU, send tha ullltla to prevent wholesale slaughter." The foregoing meatafs was rs '!jl Oklahoma, today fsHawhuj rsnort from Now Jay that a mob had salted the court houie. Tlicro I a light on botwoen tho two town for the county seat. Tslsgrapa and tslaphbn wires were broke, cutting short tho mes aago. Ssrloua troubU Is taarad, i. T. (illN.VOCK OONCLt'OKS UKAIUMl .V TIIIM CITV AMI HTAItl-M Vitll IIONAN2A IN K IICIAI IIUMINMH J. T. Chlnnock, superlnlendent of Htnte Water Ulvlalon No. 2, who has been holding hearing In this city to further tho work or adjudicating tha water right on l.ot lllver, left this morning for llonania. He will hold hearing there In order to giro the people taking water from the upper part of tho stream an oportunlty to preaent their claim. Prom Uonaata Mr. Chlnnoek will go to Mkevlew and falitey, After flnlihtng hla work In Lake county, ho will return lo Portland via Bend. After Mr. Chlnnock returns to Sa lem the atate water board will make an examination of tho various claims In water right, and whero those are found correct certificates will be Is ued. In cso there are any con flict, lbeo will be tried out, and In till manner all the titles will be dofl nltely cleared. "tii-ia-ia" Tomorrow Will lie m day of Vm Mal Vemtwn Thursday will be December IS, 1(11, the twelfth day of tho twelfth month of n year ending with twelve. You can write It "IZ-lS-lt." You will bare to live a century to do that again, and (he neit combination will be applicable to January 1. S001. . ...A. . . CARPENTER GETS SELF INTO JAIL CHAKCIK Or PKMURY M MADK AflAlNBT PNOM1NKNT LABOR I.RAUKR OP DICTHOtTwoUU. Ml FIXKI) AT WEEKS! INQUEST IS POSTPONED United rreee Rervlee INDIANAPOLIS, Dee. 11 William II. Qulgley, a union carpenter from Detroit, and defendant InUo ease In which labor leaders ar charged with Illegally transporting dynamite, ksa been arretted on n charge of perjury lie wa remanded Into the cuatody of tho United State marahaL Qulgley bond wa ned at 11,000. Members of the carpenter' union are trying In ratio tho money. Qulgley refuied to admit writing a letter In June, 1910, to Hiram Cllae, a defendant, regarding the defend ant Wachmelster, despite the proof of the government. BASKETBALL FIVE NOW PRACTISING KAHT TKAM IS BMNO OROANIUU) TO 1'IiAY HKKK DURING TalH YVINTKK ALL ARK OLD HAND AT THK INDOOR GAME ProtpecU for a rattling good be. ketball team to represent the towu took a big Jump when a number o( devotees of the game turned out for Initial practice at the pavilion last night. The men who answered the first call are all seasoned players, and thoao who watched last night's work out declare that a quintet can be or ganlied here that will be almost Invincible. Among the players out last night wero Lloyd ue ip, ii. it. union, Lawrence Mebaffey, B. D. Elliott, Ve" deorgo Oapron, Fred Kuehl, Uabe" Waters, Lloyd Hammond, Oarrett Van Riper, O. A. Krause and Max A. McCall. All have pUyed the game before In fast company, and oven lait night's practlcq was strong ly flavored with ginger. Another practice will be held to morrow night. At this meeting steps will be taken toward the election of a manager and captain, and the . ganliatlon of a team, It Is the Intention of the players to bring lom fast outside qulateta here for game. A trip to Sacramento Is also being considered. PAILURK Of INDIAN WITNRMKH TO AI'PKAM HK8ULTM IN A UKC OND CONTIIl'ANCM RKINO TAK KN HY THMCORONKR A aecond continuance has been tak en In the coroner's Inquest probing into tne oemiee or jonn weeks, a young Indian, (who died Sunday at tho hospital from pneumonia, inu posed to have reculled from a severe beating he la believed to have receiv ed at the hand of fellow tribesmen. Tho Inquest was today continued till 10 o'clock Satar lay morning. This step w takes this morning by Coroner Marl Whltlock. following the failure el several of Ue Indian witnesses to apMar. Relatives of the ceased wIM aeaeU Ja the summoning of witnesses, s4 all will be asked to be here Islnreag. There are n iaw developments la the case, sHaeagh oRcers are work lug on every possible stew. It ap pears certain 'that Weeks waa Intox icated rrlday.nJgwt.jiM that ha en- gag In a nght wMa ether Indians, snd waa badly beaten. Drs. Chilton snd Morrow, who attended htm, and who performed the peat mortem ex amlaaUon are positive that Ue attack of pneumonia that caused his death was due to the Injuries he received and to exposure. ALLEN BOY IS FOUND GUILTY JURY RKTTJRNH VERDICT AFTBR SHORT DELIBERATION LAST Mairr oneill will ask iron A NEW TRIAL "autlty as charged" waa Ue ver diet returned by Ue Jury U the Allen case last night, convicting Ue defend ant, Robert L. Allen of forgery. The charge grows out of Ue allegation chat ke so altered a ekeek for f S made out by David Shook, a Dairy rancher, to the telephone company, as to make It payable to ate order (or 1200, and cashed It in Uls city. Notice of his Intention to ask for a now trial was given by C. M. Oneill, Allen's attorney, after Ue Jury re turned IU verdict last night Mr. Oneill waa granted ten days la which to file his motion for n now trial. John nurke, governor of North Da kota, and a candidate for the vice presidential nomination at the Bal timore convention, la said to be the leading candidate for the oBIcc of sec- letary of the Interior. "A NIGHT OFF" TO BE SUCCESS KLKVKN PROhMNKNT PROPLM WILL PARTICIPATE IN AMA TEUR PERTORMANCN GIVEN RY THE C1VK3 LEAOUB Regular rehearsals are being held few nights each week by Ue east which Is to preaent "A Night Of." Augustine Daly'a Wg comedy success at Ue opera house December SOU, under Ue auspices of Ue Women's Clvlo League. According to Uose who have wluessed rehearsals, ths eleven prominent people taking part are hap pily oast, and it to predicted that this will ho tho most miinmful amateur theatrical production' ever given here. The comedy Is being gives fey Ue Women's Civic League to raise mon ey (or Ue Improvement of tho new city park. The organisation has prom lied to work In connection wlU the park commission, and now that a Ue has been selected, tho league la preparing for the planting of t and other Improvements, Oread Jury'PatweratM The Klamath county grand Jury de liberated all day, but no witnesses were called. It la believed that tho Jury Is considering cases In which tot tlmony has already bee heard, and Is waiting for wlUesoss to arrive to testify in othor cases. Rates Ftao Prak V. Elvy, a well kmown Klamath farmer, waa In the county seat today from his ranch on Ue Merrill road. Mr. Elvy Is devoting a great deal of his time to raising fruits, and he re ports most gratifying sueeees, To Mr, Rlry goes Ue honor of hav ing Ue largest cherry tree la the county on hla place. The tree to of Ue Black Tartarian variety,, and tho smallest part of tha tody la 14 laches la elrcumrerenea. PLAY READER TO COME HERE MARGARET BTAHL WILL M AT TRACTION AT THE XEXT EN TERTAINMENT GIVEN BY Tl KLAMATH LYCEUM BUREAU PEACE ENVOYS ARE IN LONDON CONFERENCE WILL BR aTTARTHB WITH A VIEW OP DHCTDf NG ON TERMS OP PEACE IN THK BAL KAN STA' United Press Service LONDON, Dec. ll-rbe plenipo tentiaries of the Balkan allies and Turkey arrived here today to open ne gotiation for peace. It to believed that Turkey will renounce all Ue ter ritory that Uo allies ensured, hut will retain Adrlaaople, Scutari and Janina. Prlday and Saturday will general discussion. Monday tho real conference will eommeaea. Reports from IVenna say that Ue Servians nre fortifying Duresse, sod a reopening of the Austrian contro versy to feared. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prank Adams and Robert Adams of Merrill are spending the day la Ue county aoat. Margaret Stahl, reader of will appear tat Ule etty Tuesday even- lag, glvlag an evenlng'a entertain meat for patrons of Ue Klamath Ly ceum Bureau. Among Ue programs Mum Stahl presents are "The Dawn of n Tomor row," "Madame Butterfly," "The Mother," "Stroagheart." "Enoch Ar- den," "The Servant la Ue House." and "The Man Prom Home." She has not announced what her program wilt bo on the evening of her appear ance here. Ml SUM'S IntsrpreUUons of the powerful pUys have brought forth favorable comment from the press nil over the nation, and she to one of the strongest attractions on tho lyceum platform today. WALLEN CASE BEFORE JURY SELECTION OP A JURY IB START. ED PANEL IS EXHAUSTED ANB A SPECIAL VENIRE Kt OR DERED BY THK COURT Tho selection of a Jury to try Ue case against Robert Watlen, charged with Incest, commenced la the circuit court this morning. The regular panel of twenty veniremen was ex hausted before noon, and Judge Bon- on Instructed the clerk and sheriff to draw a special venire and summon them to nppear In court tomorrow morning. Of the twenty men examined only even were accepted, and as! of these, with the exception of P. L.'Apptcgato, realdo out of the city, All other local men were excused either by the de fense, sUto or court Several of tho men examined atatod that they had formed opinions of Uo guilt or Innocence of 'the accused. Among these were Charles Thomas, Archie Heallne. . W. Wllkerson and Sam T. Bummers. The seven Ulesmen accepted at this morning's session are John Hagel tola, P. L. Applegate, Thomas A. Barrows Jr., HUto Young, Albert Johns, P, Downey and H, R. O. Williams. Walts Is represented fey Attorney Wilson S, Wiley. The preaosuUo to being conducted by District Attorney D. V. KuykendaU. , PRESIDENT TO 60 TO PANAMA CANAL WILL LEAVE WASgONTOff BMC. IPTH ANB WILL BArTVRN BHot BIST WIIX TRAVML ON THB RATTLKBsTJT ARKANSAS United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 11. President Taft saaouaeed today that S WM SMI USojHPgeaToMrf efX greptT arStBsaWmMe He wlU return December list Ho wlU leave Washington at midnight December 1IU. and wilt beard Ue battleship Arkansas at Key West, ar riving In Panama Christmas day. SIDKA ALLEN tS SENTENCED TO 5 years mm LKABtaROP With . K.. 4 ,"'V , j 3) i" Preen Mm geonw egfs Obaas, teat - --Li.:- 4, ' leftves) . !)-. . CnHedPrsMl WYTHKYILLE Ya., Baa. years laiirtiinmint. H ARen was Uo lender of tnw ARen oka, taffotvemfta tfao In the MamtvlUe eowrt fesajda. Weeley Bdwarda Pes Moines. Iowa. PeUowtng the murders. Wesley Bdwardo hn Thar aided fey synvaUtoera, 1st; sigdrtot favrMo 14tk sasMilad sn-eos)- we) Baasjsuman Uses. A oar- dam was drawm efeewt.tfM wfsteo meaataln awetloav'feud Hw lww'lt Uvea attpsjodj Ihrewgfs aaenemow. R v P eaPP" VsmHeH BamaV gamWeaHoBap gmeWoJaj-i eJJsmmfoV i i tfcey yrereeasHnrod im Isam. Map atom ,v Uagty glveei feg a mmmtaimm Btttt lasatMadtAWaaattamtato'W , ' dor Uo wsaUsr." nBiiafameoma wam '' 'S foadVajRllie) Bssmiai saasy aawsaav- ftoM ssea. who watt repost kt assapt - In the g ., . r : ' E. P. Brlgsjs sf asahmid ton BJsga. , ath PaRt vtonmr. , ",t Gaynor's Former law Partner to go to Pea 'M Justice Goff Gtfet CktrltuHjdtm Indeterminate Sentence of Froai Two to Three and Half Teen - &.$& ,IT''( l it i NEW YORK, Dec. 11 doff today sentenced Charles Hyde, convicted of extorting n bribe from the Northern Bank for tho beeeft of the bankrupt Carnegie Trust pany, to from two to years la Stag 8tac. '- Hyee.waa pending the cate o.uestlontag Uo coavletlon. - 'I' anaat etes New Phones Ready Be Installed in Catty f l ',9(r 5 s Equipment it the Latest ' Manufact ured and ImproTement in Phone Service to be Revolutionary j : m there will be oelr four subscribers on a party line, two ok eaWetde, so Uet tetoadkemb. V KiiM'f J the stthocrlfeers will fee either one or two rings. , Work of Insulting, tho tlole switchboard and Ue of iho plant by S, Paler i alsUnto to almost nomptotid. $ Distribution of Ue new contra! en ergy telephones around tho city com menced this morning, and by the Ut ter part of the week electricians will commence Installing the InetrumeuU in the residence nnd business houses of the subscribers. The new telephone to n smaller In strument than the one sow la use. and tne batteries, magneto and eraak used on the preaent telephones are dispensed with. Instead of each Mo phone having IU equipment lor rag ing, all this energy) to at Ue central sutlon, and to call central the sub scriber merely takes "down Ue re-eiTWra When the new system la Installed Iscrihera wi ' few as4 ! V The,awlUkboardrka Psxattn ve operators, and weRaesea) ajja tereata of tho Mty najRI ttu subsertoon Ja ta eassi f When Ue new fftssA mm. uo noard wu fet randy to m party, Bao i Mr j MyMkT T1 ecmtte IsA tm mj faetsredhyUo Womor sbMBRI pany, eeuMt ibwo u i bordS;ueod in otls It has all tha to (ssnjrt ihv I Itsttng uta nMFBjsv'Mg gea.i t,W1