(F33 tp; .1 co Lv-j. 4' M j 1 r 5t f. ? '-, . , HVPPMKII ItV TIIK UMI1KH IMIKMM NKWH MKHVK'K Wat fUfntna Herato. , 4J f'i iffH J OTHflMi jnHJWMHpB.. "WW WW MiWm Ma-ST anmJHSJ I i i mmmmmmmmmm 'Mn:, Mfventli Year No, I.WSI KLAMATH PALM, OH boo. UKMDAY, DKCKMBKR 10, 1011 Local Singers Makri Hit In "The Mikado v 'rf; ft. Pretty Klamath Falls Girls Sing and Dance Their Way into Great Favor ACED MAN MAY HAVE ME1 DEATH MOUNTAINS HONKHT FRANK" HUHKH KHIKNIM ARK WOHKIMt James Kller, who u accused ot stealing a watch chain, charm, pair of Dropped Oat of Wghi About Wetk field glasses, ring and other property Ago ami No Wvnl lias brra lie- (rum Ilia homo of Chsrles Kastle, who reived Kruai Him It U IVsitxl ' on " Mor'l' '. pleaded guilty late Motility afternoon to a ELLER WILL BE COUNTY CHARGE Pl.KADM tHJILTV TO A CHAKUK OK LAHCKNY AMI) IH GIVEN OP. TIOX Ol' PAYING KINK OH GO INfl TO JAIL That H attempted to Walk Arruae lb MtmaUla lu Aalilaml, anil Per- What hai become of Prank HubrrT Did ha carry out hi atatcment that liw waa going to walk out over tin mountains to Aahland, and pariah la toraa Isolated spotT These are question that ara both rrlng friends of Huber In thla city, following hU disappearance about a )mihm-u on Pais o charga of petit larceny. Ha waa fined I13S by Juitlco of tba I'aaca Graves, In default of which ha muit serve 0V4 Uaya In the county Jail. The original charga against Kller waa larceny from a dwelling. Aa bo returned moat of the mining arti cle. Kaitle ankfd that the charge be changed. The taillra of the Presbyterian church will hold a bauar and chick en tlc dinner In the new White build ing on Friday, December 13, from S lo I. Bold Bandits Make a Rich Haul in the South Pomcs are Searching for Men, who Robbed Sante Fe Express Gar and Shoot the Resisting Messenger GERBER MAKES BIG. SHIPMENT HKNIM II CATTLE AND SM MHKKP TO THK HACHAMKNTO MARKET KIOHT C1AHN UBBD FOR THK SHIPMENT Oil of the blggeat atngla ship ments of atock aent out of hart In aome time left today, when Lou la (lerber ahlppad 110 bead of cattle and 500 aheep to tba Sacramento market. Eight can war Beceeaarr to baadlr the shipment. (lerber baa shipped a large num ber of cattle and aheap to California points thU faU, but thla to tba big gest tingle shipment he baa Made. Wateaw Loaf aa Judge C. B. Watson, a promise! Ashland attoraay, who baa baa fla iling hla daughter, Mrs. Jacksoa Kim ball, relumed born today. Jadge Watson la belag strongly urged by kla frlenda to rua for mayor la Aahlaad, but ao far ba baa emphatically ed that ba will aet Uka tba tlon. United Press Henries IIAKKHSFIKt.D, Dec 10. Mors than 300 deputies and armed cltltena are trailing the bandits who robbed the eipreea car on tho llakersfleld Tall local laat night. They secured 10.000. It la reported Ibat the men are making for loa Angeles county, whera they probably will attempt to board a Baa Kranclsco train. Thirty-four automobile loads of deputlea left at noon, and a doien other posses hava loft Taft, 11 a system of telephonic commun ication the posies hope to throw a circle around tho alloy and dote In on the bandits. Santa Ke and Wells Kargn detec tives ara on the trail. It It reported that these companies have offered 1 1,000 reward for tho rapture of each ot the bandits, doad or allvtt. Tho recovury of W. N. Ilaniby, the wounded express messenger, Is not ex pected. He Is unable to describe the bandits. . ii i i m l .. .!- j. i mi in a i i1 1 Reaekaae WBJ The drill team of tka Rebekah Lodge will koU a meetlag for prac tice Wednesday ertntag la tka Odd Fellows' hall? All ot tka members of tba team ara requested to ba area-eat. DEMOCRATS ARE PUZZLED OVER LOCAL AFFAIRS 7- THK WmafKMf OK UUMaMRTP nwiwat UP Dwrowe . Btavy of aaVsmsaslag Letter la WMeh i. a j It U feaM m Jad Maaof) Tant- m! Mia SHAmI Bftaa 1a m Itiifi Arrifal three. CaaaMalaa Ara la the KteM ar tVaadaamwafa Job aa v I'nifsilaa Althougk Mm commlaalaa of Poet- master Braaaeaburg does aot expire for mora taaa two rears, there ara already threw avowed candidates tor hU poalUaavjaad dlassaeloa baa al ready comasshcsl to sbaw Haalt la tba raaka eNM local damoeraU erer (Caataiaid oa Page 4) DREADNAUGH T NA COLLISION XtmKh ON A TRIAIi THIP KITH AN UNKNOWN HTKAMKR PATH OK THK CKKW OK THK VKH8I.1. IH NOT KNOWN L'nlted Praw aarvlea I'LYHOUTH, Kngland, Dec. 10. Tba new British draadnaught Centu rion oa a trial cruise off Davenport this aftsraooa collided with an un known steamer, which Immediately ank, The fala of the ateamer'a craw not known. Immediately after tba collision the Centurion sent out a wlreteas mos uge telling of tba affair. Hevoral , trafta rushed to tho scene, but found no traca ot tba sunken vessel or of bur crew. Tba Ceatarloa returned bera. Her tnchofa" wira drlvaa through ber own. m Representative Karaatrlck, recent ly eleeta4 from Iewa, la blind. The liouse wlU saw have a blla member; juatMiaa Court Itelaye llatM'utt United I'retn Uervlte 8AI.KM, Dec. 10. No decision has ret been rendered by tho aupremo court In tho case of tho Humphrey brothers, convicted ot the murder of an aged lady at Philomath. The men will not bo banged Krlday. Mr. and. Mrs. Perl Merrill came la from Merrill Monday to witness the productlou of "The Mikado." Lloyd Do Lap left thla morning for a ahort sojourn In the Swan Utte country. SYMPATHETIC STRIKE IS ON HAII.HOAD WTUATION IN KNO. LAND W GRAVIS NOHTHWK8T. KIIN KMPLOVHB KT MOHAL HUPPOKT OK OTHKH WOHKKtW United Press Bervloe IX)NDON, Dee. 10. The railroad omployea of Sunderland, Leads and York struck today In sympathy with the NorthwMtern strikers. Tea thou and men ara out. ENGLAND'S NOTE IS UNANSWERED PROTHHT AaAlNBT CANAL TOLLM IIKLIKVKO TO RK THK WORK OK RAILROAD OOMPANIM OK CANADA WA8H1NOTON. D. O., Dec 10. was states today that It wlU be several weeks before .Secretary Kaox replies to Rngland'a formal note against the canal toll favoritism re garding Canadian ships. Congressmen believe that tba Ca nadian railroads, whose shlpa will be barred from free tolls, have Inspired the protest It la expected that tka matter will be settle without arbi NAnfilTION OVER FCflNE SEASON NORTHKRN END O KLAMATH LAKH HAB KMOBRN OVER, AND THK RUIUMNO OPKRATK)XS AT HARRIMAN LODQK 8UBPENDS Winter has set la to suck aa extant at the northern end ot Upper Klam ath Lake that navigation oa the big expanse ot water haa ceased for tka year. Tka last trips ware made last week by tba Harrlmaa Ledge boats. and tba fleet U aooa to go oa the dry docks for retain. Tba lea la aaM ta ba aeveral laeaee thick at the upper ead tt tka lake, and reporta brought down by mea en gaged la the building work at Harrl maa Lodge ara to the affect that tkere la already four lachea of snowgtkere. On account ot tka Impossibility ot shipping mora material, work on tbu 1 11,000 Klelsbacker bungalow, the cottages and the boat house nt the Harrlmaa Lodge will, end for the winter In a few daya. The eotUxea are nearly completed, aad the remain ing work Is the InUhtng ot the la CLE6H0RN NOW HARRIED MAN KNOINKKK IN THK KKLAaMTMX fUsmVICK M MAHMsa TO IBbW VlNIKKKM V. WITHROW, A POPULAR LOCAL OtRL A aalet weddlag wa at S o'clock thla afteraooa at taa home of Mr. aaa airs. Charles H. Wltbrow on West Mala street, whea ttulr daughter, Winifred V. WKN row, waa anlted la marriage to Jean C. Cleghorn. The coaple leave this afteraooa for a koaaymooa trip to tba former borne ot tka groom la Iowa. Tba ceremony waa performed fey Her. George H. Keese, pastor of Grace M. E. Church. Only members of the family wara preaeat. Tka bride haa reside la thla cMy slac -childhood, aad la one of tka city's moat popular young ladles. The groom la aa eaglaeer wHfe tka leeal branch of the reclamaUoa aerrlee. aad, Uke kla briaa, aaa a wlda atrel of friaaaa kara. O. H. Heetar leevea this afteraooa for Bacrameato to narehaae aMKIeaa tor the stack of goods belag elaaad eat at kla oM atera. A laraa.wbale- sala heaaa la mavlag la taaTaKfar net eapMal. aad Heater wlH taaa ae ataga t tka eaermeaa radasUe made la tka arleea.ef ferakaa lata, aad purchase goods to be aoM at a law price to Klamath Katie resMeata. FEVER PATIENTS GETTING BETTER RKPORT THAT JOIN CWLBRKN KOTsTX. TO RHOOVMt H BaV NIK BY rHTBKtAN Tka repert taat taa tarea ehlUrea ef Mrs. Maty WhMteaeeta 1 CWJe auln wara net sapeeted ta resavsr from scarlet fever waa aeaKlfetjr de nied by Dr. R. K. HemlMaa tala mern-lag. It la true that aaleefced far pllcaUeaa hava aet la." saM Dr. Ikon, "bat I beHere taat taa ekHdrea wlil ba well Terr aoen." Tka Warren bay, waa waa aaa it tba first easea la Chlleaala, haa ea- tlrely recovered, aad he aaa aeea eas charged from aaaraatlae. Bereral eaaea of scarlet ferer kara been reported U tala elty, bat med ical mea do aet anticipate aa eat-eemte. rllaamisB gf HI aaaamslsBr aaml M lllaULlll ' IgafaaVB luiiiriA wuui Miss Agaaa Lea aa awa. . R. Heary nave retaraed freta Oakland. wkare they saaat a maath fvstUag their amter. mma Laaaw Lea. wfea ntudylac masse 1a taa CaUfaraJa eRy. BIIIGS 80T A , K magi 4 Mea Taana Hne'H'ns; aa PsV atarwy aaaf Aasaemea Vatmat HaaaC?. -i HteNaaCaewaWlMmllOaaMa , i i yasmtoswemBiaeaWsmlbjjil, . ;flrsjeWi afera aaa af taa af taa sesrsd aa Immaaae aaeaaea seat algat la lb i iniialitlia' if'lki .tiaifil f gaamaaaamaamfe aaaaaamaal aatammrggU .'"Vammt aaaaaaMaamaaV WMaftaMaC MttM- IsUS M flaM SjC MM aVaHS lraafaaaaee. aad mi saaaaga af aaa t-Taai THREE ROBBERS ARE CAPTURED DRTKCTtVBB ENGAGED IN A HAT TLB ON THK OUTrtKlRTM OK MEMPHIS LEASER OK THE HOBBHR RANB IB KII.LKD United Press Servlee MP.MPHI8, Teaa.. Dec. 10 Fol lowing n battle with four train rob bers, who were surrounded In n hut on the outskirts at the city, detectives arrested, three of the bandits and killed tkelr leader, Kinney Uergniaa. Tka bandits bava aeea robbing poateScee, banks aad trataa for tka paat twa yeara. Teddy Would Give up Leadership of Moose t Declares that All but Four or Fi?e Hundred Republi cans will be Receifed into the Ranks of the New Party. Mrs Jane Addants is Honored a-fkij Indian's Death Witt 'VS 4, i-'J Be Probed (refnlly Coroner Whitlock Empanels a Iwtf but Inquest will not be Held! lor a Day or Two-Witnessea Mjaahij i $ No iMusst wak ksM today ta la- Testlgato tka deaU at Jean Weeks, the ladlaa who died Maaaay at taa Blackburn keaaMal aader- pssaMar dreametaaeea, aa several laasaaa waa ara aeUeTed ta know aometklag la coaaectloa wRh tka ansa ara aa taa reeerratlea. aa4 will aet ba here be fore tomorrow ar Tkarsaay. Tala Merntag Caraaar WhUlaek empa,neled a eeraaar'a jury, and n peat merteae aaamlaatlea waa eoa dueted ta taeir preaeaea by Drs. Cktl toa aad Morrow, tke phynieUna wka attended Weeks. Tka pkynlelaaa will testify regarding tke aaamautlaa at the inquest. Following the umlaatloa taa corpse was prepared far hartal at the Whltleck anaertaktag parlors, gad waa aeat ta tka leaenratloa. Taa funeral will ba aaM teeaerrew. The Jury amaaaeleg ay Caraaar at Paal WkHleekm aaatelB, L. Jamas Brtasss, B. B. Law HawaaaraV t ' Weeks waa taHtla eMr.snat'vaak aa a wRaeaa batata .taa vaarn Jeaip aad It la "aaM laat aa engaged aa a Ight with eUer ladtaaa atakt. Tka peMee .wara la a J peat ta a bara, bat ba waa aet I and taa faUawtac day, Waeka, waa - waa badly eralaed, want la a laaaj roomlag koass. Dr. ObiMea. jseta waa; ' praasBegBj jsjaq, ta the aesattaL wnera he' died Ba darbjfct ' , ' v. la new af taa aaaar feralaaa an saa man'a aedy, CaMtaa play aa bslag death, aad aatHed wkeatartedaa (& .- M'.s.' CHICAGO, Dee. 10 Colonel Roose velt and other bull moose leaders wero present whea the progressive conference convened this morning. "Senator Diion presided. In a speech the Colonel Inferential ly eliminated himself as the progres sive head. "We fought a great fight," he said. We accomplished mora ta Mtaety daya than nay other party la tka kls tory of the country ta so short a time. We forced tke other parties and can didates to give Up servlee to tke pro gressive principles. A leader must be ehoaea without refereaee to kla own deelres, but wkh regards to the needs at the people.? Hundreds of delegates were wait lag 'when the doom ot tka eeaferenoe room la the La' BeUe atreet aatol were'oaened, Caleaal Roosevelt, Oarleld, Btraua aad DUea wara okeered aa they entered. Whea Mies Jane Addama catered tke delegates arena. It waa 11:68 whea Beanter DUoa called the meeting to order. Senator Dlaoa Introduced Roose velt, wka digressed from hla aet speech, saying: "Breryeae ta the re publican party earn reUra te tke re puhltoanUm ef Lincoln If ka eaters oar perty. We ehall bar only fear ar ive hundred." SSBalTlaM Hi AaS0 PORTLAND, Dec le. Although married ever a week ago, friends ef Mrs. Sue Le Bard aad J. Lerey Scartk n well known Elk aad motor boat ea thuitast, are Just now learning of the unusual circumstances nnder which the knot waa tied. Enlisting Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Oreea ough la their secret, the twa left the city la the Greenough automobile laat Saturday aad were married ta the ma chine at 5 o'clock that afteraooa oa tka Mount Hood road. Rot. Wilbur Wire performing the oeremeay. Taa weddlag took place ta tka opea air, aad the party motored back ta the city ta tkVgatherieg darkaeea. Mr.- Bcartti la aa employe of the Bee company. Ha aaa hla bride kare been reeldeata rof the elty atx 'ar sevea yeara. Tkey ara new at keaM to MMk frteade at taa Camberlead Celeael Reosevek la plaaalag a trig to the wltaa af BraaU aent v mitmm REWSCRrP Vi- J5.T RJbFOBAL OF TVKKKttl BtWsaB , , NOR TO RBOOnmBB ImV AggM. MTICie ImlBIILlB IK OsBaaBJB fO St United Preaa atawavvl ' CsTTTlKJB. Pes. ";WllBi1lJ ih raeasai act at Beatow ta i areata kem,lMS ssaaaw tall grlaa;to a,egsa tka CaniWaW. gBB' "B BB,BBBBBBBJjBJ ' (J sum ' k J