TTTvilvsMf' lWjfWM- rf - ty -Rif b if f1' !0 tf -? J. JV 'V '"',' MX K ; In Metro' RVrrUKU HY TIIK VNITKO fMNWI NKWM HKIIVICK mt iteftiwfi W Hrvrnlh Yrar No. i.SlM KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, MONDAY DECEMBER 9, ISIS ,, ' mr ...v-a ft. i , -i -. , " eneMO, JWH WBnanT. w'aBBi i'ahsfeBnt. FlGt? Was John Weeks Victim of Murder A 4- 'Indian's MONEY TRUST IS UP ON CHARGE OF t 0WNIN6PROBERS JHSNKHOTA ttlMIIUIHHMAN AMKH committee pkihiiiei:h FER6US0N IS RECORD BREAKER AH COMMIKHIO.NKH IDIt ii.vci.i-: HAM, in: (IKTM up .iKPeitt: IIIIIUKI'AKT AM) KTAIITH A PIIIHO.VMt TO ItMlTI.ANII JAIL Chargr U Mado Ttuil M of Mem Wn Arr IMrrrtly ttmarrtnl WK'i the Wry Maltrr Which Thry Arr Xoh wf llgallMg 8rwale I !! awCul In Tae Humi Atiluii In a tlmtl Time I'tlltd Press Service WASHINGTON, I). I.'.. Dec. "Tbtrn tio been rousUUnt mil h' The dlitlnitloti of lioMIni the rarll- Mt court smalnn In Oregon gos to United Slate t'mnmttaloner C'limlm J, Frrguiou, an a result uf Hie pro ceeding ho ticlil tlili tnorntim In Ilia rase ii f J oo l.opci, Iho Mttlruii ar reted uii a charge of tMiotlrKiilDK. The hjmIoii commenced at T o'clock (Mi mornlriK, nnl Mpe Ictt for Port land In charge of Deputy U. H. ailr- 9. itml tlrimtli on Itio morning train. (lrliml. fH.iift lirM lrtilliv nvptilnv III. .doits lii eiuUMM IliU Inquiry a Kfl , ,lfi0liert tul ho km uii Mliird ltiirrnttlro I'ujo ef: - UaltUna, clilWn uf Ilia luoiir) I Irmt rub nimMllIro lu n Ulcmciit Mr. I'ujo ircxllclrl tlmt tntorUt bgUUlloii ouM follow Hie rotc. t)Y,,r , (, .ir ,tlon of Ilia fed , i - !1 n from Ilia rcrrvtlon In lima for n hrarlnc HatunUr. HunJar Uio nitrrcO to waive hli lirirlns, ami at 1 o'clock IliU inoriiliif lm n bounil uU.i.iiiiuc.1 t i'Mon '! crand Jury. Law's Delay Must be j; Changed by Statute Power of Attorney's to Stipulate for a Continuance of a Cause Re sults in Hardship to Citizens j Thtrn n(cra la bo a vury well f fcancd Idea amon llio advanced ': UlnVtr lu tlio country Hint tlio dl MtUfactlon manlfet4 aitaluit tlit t Kwcnt Judicial ayatem, liaa lla rUo , Mt mucli In llio ayatem aa tlio .ttUN of ltiuA ayatem. Aak tli aver- M layman lo olnl out lila cliluf ol- tMllon to tlio ireul procedure nud ,U will tell you It la duo to tlio dvluy '( Ut may bo oipcctcd when mui K"o. lialo court, to rcdrea a wroii, Till Ua ilvcn rla lo thouiand. of cum Y, Ulfi(i that do nut touch tlio real ' .trouble, among which will appear Iho : rcrilt nf Mricnrapy of U IIOU- j,NrlUau bench, recall of Judlclul do fi fbloni. and ao on down tlio Hue. . They nolut lo the additional fact iiife, ,i.. i.u. i. ....mj-.i .... inifllllona win w ii, iuuhuvu w. "- -. od rulra that liavo no iilace In mod Vrn tiitalnoM. 'To a careful obervcr ' all thla haa been and la a protect ncalntt tho nrrdlrna and unu.uat do- laya that are manlfrat In every court of Juitlce. Aa lonit aa attorneya may llpulatn to delay a matter for an In- WHY IS A FAKER? 6ET THE POINT ID. Xurtiiweatfra, lice. !! "Out or twenty-fire man under s umlimtlon when the Jury la the Altai trial waa being drawn thla week, all but onti dated that they had reed the account or the caae In the Northweet crii, That one aald that he had reed the account lu The Herald. He eeld that hv look the Northweaters, bat happened to read of that caae la the evening paper. "It waa Intereatlng to hear the mea drawn ou the venire, when they were iiuoitloned aa to their knowledge of tho case. One after another, la a steady stream, they alt aald that they lead tho Northwestern TbeTrMli The court recorda ehow that there wore but flfloen tenlreasea ceiled to the Jury box In the Altai cam ap to December 1th. One of these, E. H. DuFautt, waa not examined, aa he la n witness In the case. The court ex cused htm without a question. Hammy reminds one of little Willie, who csmo homo one day and told hli mother that he had aeen COO doga down town. Ilia mother waa a trlfli sceptical. She soon Induced her son to admit thai ho had aeen but 200 dogs, and persistent questioning brought out the fact that the lad bad actually aeen "our dog Tray and an other dog. CHU H . . "" TIUIK, TIIKHK CAN BK ONLY ONK LKADINO NKWHPAPKR IN ANY COMMUNITY, ANII THAT FAFKIl IH INVAKIAHliT ibis THAT IH THE TRHTH ALWAYS FAYS ADVBRTiaRR V MRS. CAMPBELL PASSES AWAY MOTIIKIt OK WKLL KNOWN KLAM ATH KAI.IJi MAN IMKH IN KAHT HHX CANAIIA HON WAK AT TIIK IIKATH HCKNK ' Mrs. l-auxhlln Campbell, mother of I). II. Caumbell of this city, died Sunday morning at her home la St, Tliomas. Canada. A telegram to thla LilTi'd was welvod by Mrs. J. 8. Kl- lloit from Campbell, who waa at hla mnlhor'a bedside when ahe passed away. Mrs. Campbell, woo ie over 70, haa been In poor health for eonie lime, and her aoa waa summoned liiimo several weeks ago. MrCaM MdaW Refer Aa error waa mado ta Saturday's Issuo of the Herald regarding M. A. McCall of the Mc achoot faculty be ing cboaen aa referee of the Central- Riverside football Kama Sunday. In stead, Forrest Pell referecd the game. Huperlatendent Dunbar or tne city schools stated this moralag that the game waa not authorised by the school authorities, but the teachers have bo Jurisdiction over the puplH on Sunday. ALIEN CASE IS FINALLY STARTED JURY M SEMCCTKR AFTER SEV- krai bayb' examination, mannino makmh opknins ktatkm:nt to jury Ostrich Plumea, sold retail at u'luilraale tirlcee. Ixivers of flno -0t Vrd o. Meloy la In the city from What Is want- hla ranch on the Merrill road. Ho brought In a load of fine potatoes lor a local grill ...,.- .i .., . ,ri win nitllc. nlumee. don't' mlsa sending for our i..i. .,.ni inei, .lav on a succes- mtalogue. California Ostrich Plume Hon from an nlliirncy for either party Co.. SSS Oeary at.. Baa Fraaclaeo. and after n trial a court may take any time within which to decide a matter .i.... in,! ilii urnrnt iiractlcn will .i... .', B. ------ .- Icontlnuo In disrepute L.i ( m.i it revolution In rules of vl- denco or pleading, but some rational ptau of hearing and disposing or bull iua that comes to n court, tho aamo sort of business management that one would expect to see In other depart tut', Courts deal with tho most vital tiuslness matters, nud they should deal wllh theso In a business way. Would It no! bo well to pass a law requiring every caio lo ho tried with in a certain tlmo after the filing of '(Continued from page 3) ICE SKATING IS NOW THE THING UPPER LAKE PRRE3HM OVER ANII YOUNO PEOPLE ENJOV AN AFTERNOON ON THE ICE. FIRKT OF THE 8KA80X Klamath Fa'lU people enjoyed their first sUstlng for the winter yesterday, when a number of young people liv ing at Shlpplngton spent the day skat ing close to the shore on Upper Lake. Tbo lake Is froxen between the boat- house and the Klamath landing. where the water Is sot disturbed by currents, and It la possible to skate TEDDY TO 6ET CALIFORNIA VOTE HKCKETARY OF STATE TO MAKE OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION TO THE GOVERNOR WEDNESDAY. WALLACE LEADS SACRAMENTO. Dec 9. Secretary of State Jordan announced today that (tin official election certificates would probably go to (lovernor Johnson on Wednesday. iHnu infn.Mai rafttiiraa Ifir Saturday do not chaage the figures, ball'a Intention to attend the forest Wallace, progressive elector, la leaa- nre ngniers convenuon, uui u. n lag the other electors by 174 Totea. (unable to be present. of mishap. The Jury la the ease of the state ts. llobert Allea, eaarged wlU.ralslM a check from 12 to 1200 and eaebmg It, waa aelecUd today, and thU aftermoen the examination of wltaeaaea ee menced. II. M. Manning rereeeaU the sUte and C. M. OaeJU the defend. The Jury selected la eomaoasd of Archie Hemline. Charles Leemts, Al bert Johns, 8. C. Eastwood, Charles Thomas, II. A. Talbot, John Hagel-stela,- Alex Cheyne Jr., H. L. Begaja. J. II. Short, Frank Dewalng, T. A. Harrows Jr. Out of the venire of eight regntar Jurymen drawn Friday and wmtnoa ed to appear Ula.meraJac. enly twe talesmen were) aeleeted. A aneetal ve nire VaJ neeentery to eomnleU the Jury. &t INQUIRY WlL BE HFIR Tfl BY THF hf .f r. i ii' 1 . o". cause wfcm FIORT WaWNRSeMT NffMR WasS ' FATAL raia t ty . t 'py- ' DetMh Cewsea te Yen nmdanmn'ln loenl MieySel Wsir ameam Mmmt Tsalam r ef Tienbis Wnlit. Oiant f red an Leeal Lteery lain. Ban . c', ejrMas J' MMe AJMVMCIMInM nVPml Uw Klamath reaariea lai at tine) Dleekbam bsaf Rei nmtnAgbA, ag4 a- . daytan;enleewllwfi mlmtftiatm .' , K C'LAil-.' '- ' anyantlsm wllA he) lhant r4UOea. 0fN4aT WmWOPaJm rew'aa reetlgnUen ttOI icssKssrsmsm 4- k' s Skidoo District is Lacking New S . 1 5 Boarding House Keeper AttadMp House of Learning in Swan Lake i Section. Wanto Board BUI ,s - The oft-argued qutc. "la tket any .. .L, I...1. U ...fc ?" , . iiucn inius tt between these two poInU without fear twmm to be settled ao f ar aa Lower Mr. and Mrs. Jackson F. Kimball have returned from a visit In Seattle Portland, Spokane and other North western cities, where they have been visiting for some weeks. It waa Kim MANNING i. WILL ASK FOR PAROLE M'UTY IHHT.IUOT ATTORNEY IH OP OPINION THAT MONTH IN I'KN WII.1Y I1M KNOUHH VOH i HOWE AND MOOHK ; f wpmy Hiierin luko waiaer ! lUllil II-I...I a..,.. U.ralol flrlf- "r. ,HII4 !9MIMi - I' Mh left this morning for Balom and rouiund, taking, with them Jm Hewn . aantall- j TT BerU vs avVfrnBtmai , cmjTa wa I -- aw MCTB irUBjm UHf W I k tl. .- . U..H..O fpi.Atf ilia -- eiiw (, HflHlwUUMIJ " ryre In their cuetody Joa Lodm. si.., . - ...:- . , wreaa, WRO;mll'iaca wii"" d Jury on nebargi l,ltftduc "M liquor oi the Ktaauta Indian rea MtaUon. rft! v .w , i- i.-'k '' . - w. rf"t"vipM' .-.-r.' --. - nmiutv District Attorney Horaco Miiniilnir. who upneari'd for tho stato nt tho trial of Howe and Moore, stat ed this morning that ho would recom mend at the expiration of n monin that tho two men bo parollod. Ilowo and Mooro wore convictea or stealing n couplo of 3B cent ahirts from a local atoro. Thoy tiavo ni- rendy served a couplo of months In tho county Jail, Stone has Plan Which Favors the Sportsmen , - State Fish and Game Commissioner will Make Recom mendation to Legislature. It is Being Planned by Mr. Stone for a Reduction of the License Swan Lake School District No. SI M concerned, for ever alace the district enumerated with the combination of dlgiu which la popularly accepted aa a cue for a aulck exodua started work on Its new achool building, there nave been a number of unusnal tappea- lags. In the first place the district Issued bonds tor a new building, nnd It waa erected, but although tho building la on tho school property, and w com pleted, It does not belong to the die- trlst, aa the directors would not ac cent It. In the second place, although the building and the expenaea con nected with 1U construction are the property of the contractor, he eaanot sell, remove or otherwise dispone of the building, because It baa been at tached for an alleged debt. Aa one Swan Lake resident puts It. R'a a ease of "Twenty-three for alt hands." 'J h. Xv -. : -si-;-fc' e spsawaB iTMNl Twegd. , t r- . The centtnet for tho the bnlldinaTawaa nwntded t Evan,, bat when R wai the dlreetora refuted to building, stating that tho It Ions had not been earrtod onC haa been aomo dhwnte three aa a result of thla aetloa. upholding tho dlreeton. othora atgd- IBS inv law ninas mv cepted and tho eontmetor paid. -- . The latest ehaateir to tho hiasjaai lagn of Sfclddoo Dmtrlet won addndl thU mominc. when P. aVBtttoa SM suit ahut IrnuM. and attaehod o' building that la Panning ao ainoh aga UUoal In hU eomplnlnt; 'Mod to Kaaaoa9- Oroeaheek. Stttea "aWanea that ho boarded Brana and hla on. pentera dnrtng'tho .Uine .thor.iairo employed In buMdiac ttw aehool, OsWl that there la due htm .. ,' a awJ nsmVHMHmHBlaBa l HJ , pHJHOJHnna J'jHt DIstrlH It nro'rhMBJnMt wr at the "Uree R'a" aarf the font of tbo oMno of study In the otdMhool bonne. 'ik ' ,S?, -W 'V ' i W4 i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Summers and Mr. and Mrs. Nate OtUrbeU went to Uonanxa Sunday. Mr. Bummers weat to view' the new Bcaaan bridge' aad road work being done la that vlelalty. while the rest of the party went, to help him, look. . , Hearing In Progretm Muii a numbor of parties who nro ,.bi.,o. wnlnr from I .out Illver wern In thla city today to present proofs of tholr wator rights to Superintendent James T. Chlnnock of tho Second Wa ter OlvUlon. The holders are auh- milting their title to unmnoca, aui upon hla return to Balom, the tltloa will bo examined, and It found aatla factory, cortldcatee as to their rlghta will bo lued by tno aiaio hoard.' . . , Tomorrow Chlnnock goes to, Ho. nansn to conduct a similar hearing. nr .nodal Interest to tho residents of Klamath county la the announce ment mado today by Stato Fish and (lumo Commissioner Charles F. Stone ii.. t ti... rammlsslon will make a rec ommendation to the legislature that a chnngo bo made In the statute con cerning tho paying of licensee by non resident sportsmen, so that Instead of paying flu for tho privilege oi Burn ing and IB for nanlng, residents or California can flan and hunt here by paying tho regular license tee of II for a game or n license. ThAr haa been considerable pro- ... .ih. nart of non-residents, es pecially Callfornlans, amoe a oiseriw-; Inatlon was mado against non-rest- douta," aald Mr, Stone'. "Tho com mission la In favor of making aomo reciprocal arangement that will bene t the anortsmen ot thla atnto aa well as other states, and will request the game authorities of Washington, Ida ho and California to make n non-resi-i.ii onnmuinn to Oreioa anortamen in return to? Oregon removing the non-resident license loo tar reetooau of these adjoining atatea." ' "Whether or not tneao owua .win agree to do so," ho continued, "we will make the recommendation .Jet j)h reduction to the legislature. In stead or paying t nnn tie ir privilege ot hunting and Ashing la this state. Callfornlans will be given licenses for II. providing they, show thnt they wore Issued n license lu their home state." On account of the large number ot anglers and hunters who come ere every year to enjoy me spieauHi -ln and. shooting, this reduction In the non-resident lleenae foe will help to bring ntoro aporumon nere, mere haa been much complaint regarding the high license fee on the part of sportsmen visiting nere, ana iw re- ..,.! a.ll)t.i,l1d wllh llAtlBht hV the many sportsmen who visit here '' mi '. " MORGAN M : PAYPEiP mi 'f V The Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jan Dixon, who reside on the Merrill road. ausUlnea h badly lacerated hand Sunday morning by. getting nta t.MJ Mu.k, In a diAr niVAM luMhttftlhk the child to this city, aatM.lnjnry waa attenaea ny ur, Mammon, - - V W("a n Mtl j n Dr. Hamilton rsiMrhi the birth ad daughters to 'lnaaoMra. BTd Kenyon Sunday Burning.'Uo drat' child In tho Kenya . afar accoramg , o, tno iotmw.rwiiniii mn..rne girt O. K." ' r" &ri tV MURBWRBaV Oof S SKNTRNemD M FRNIUNT-hehUht TUdVIIIIIIIBBpil' MttVunrmh, i gen, the eUror of . ' r.y , k "V "."5 ' "I. . .M ?i I ... I . .- 1 , " 1 -I I WBHI-WUhW m ' .'ie . ' vi H J M MTV , '-'Si wmmmm .m "j if dJ6L 3T Isi'aeBnVM leB V aeajtoneon wannw aw nnrwlthJ- aiywaa-ihaadjid tfe 'N and; the. world nt 'irrtfr.W h' : -. ,t.x - atlas Wt. MgwaaqbytjB wjy B((nT HBa n'HnaHnjHn; womnfgnaj sho;haNdMU Ida ana. -!-!nonrt