avrruitu by tmk i rMMM NKWR NBRVIUB .tear N. 1 fw f tuning BefaHi. i CAUSES KEY IRY AND HEAR HOT ON RESERVE LOIMJKD IN COUNTY fAILrimOPPIUVIlK With Liquor ta IW- It tUkf m l)Uimnm Trip Ui ., Bit""' KswmaUua Kpli i lift Muitt ef Use PlreweUr la Man uti swmpaao which iMerhTrvaM. with telling liquor lu an 1 ted, Indirectly, Mm rpon- i fr la Mriuui injury or an ouun, to say nothing of a r rat m the rrservatloa, Jo lo- 1 Mtiiteu, was iougu in me Ull I lil afltraoon by JIm ,cklsf of lu Indian pollco on iKaaatb reservation. lis) U around of selling liquor Itjl CapUIn, who became Into IM4 started on a rampage. I wild club, he proceeded to it sis titter. Th womtn li said iktU t strlous condition. Then I charged on KaU Javlaon, an aelaa woman, aad Injured her. tmlottilr. arkwatr will be hld her un- lfc arrival of federal offfcer from LAMATM PALLS, (MMMOff, PRIDAV, DMCMIM , IfMB PALZER WILL Df KNAPP WANTS READYTO EiGHif (750 FOR PLAN llh'AVYWICIMIIT AHPIIIA.NT ttll.l. MKCT Till: WINM.lt OP TIIK Pl.VNN.MrCAHTY (14) IN A . CIHIVi: IIATTI.K JANUARY IHI'I I HUIT IH HTAItTKD IN TIIK CIRCUIT COUIIT Tt HKCOVKH PHOM TiT lOll HKHVICKM IIKNDKH i:t IV Pltl.-PAIUNO I'LANN United Vivt Hervlro I.OH ANC1KI.KU, Dec. . Al I'ali.r' out arriv la Lot Anaele Baturdav Kult vrni started la tho circuit court I in artornoun by Pred MIIU, ettor and will begin training at ouc for hls'T '?r '' ' n?.pp 'V'01 "J cilr ! niaiuBiu mill. ill. BCUOB 11 ibroucht to recover 1760, alleged to b duo lor services rendered In drawing plain and preparing specifications for ii proposed city hall, Tlio bill baa beea before tbe city iouucII on tbr different oeculou, and al (lie Uet metlag waa rejected. New Yir'e Day battle at Vernon' with lb winner of the Plynn-Mc-Carly match December 10th. The New Year' Day lctor will be pro claimed the white heavyweight cham pion of tli world, and will become k ECE READY PEACE ENDING Mkf kHMMASK fsAYM I'HWTUOOL WILL UK AKii ahmmtk-i: will MRKMI TO HOON irftH!.if taMrt0N, Dee. I An uneonnrmtd ttlaopU dispatch aaya that i fete accepted the term of the i tad will sign th armistice. L kraal statement from Atlirm I" 1A, Dec. , It haa been nu- ally learned tbat th allle In- I to latltl tbat th Turklah-lliil ifrontlrr extesd from Mldlannd Mack Hea through Raral and to th OuW of Seros. fliu Urate lb sultan only a narru lf Kurop bordering on th Oar- aad the 8 of Marmora, In- Comtantlnopl. about 100 Ileal and 15 aallaa wid. ! aw been learned that January lata been let aa th time limit for 1 -Mdon conferenc. tbu allow- lMty-nT day wlthta which to HocUIUta la ttsan- i ft OClatllt auaumrl. hall In thU BTMlBg Bt MIIU Addl- " attracting a great deil of !( AtTld tka a-ktaati lirtfltBlljKbgi tal 'Nly attended, la addition to 1 . a tUDMr will BWT4. U hav bM taada for a 1 lc from Mala aad Blita lo MIIU Addltlea darlag th I0R LEAPS TO i SPEEDY DEATH "MNI)H OP PHOI'f.H HKM KK- ' AKMV OPPICKK iVHV t!t NINTM PLOOR OP A BW WIOKK I Prw larrle 1 VORK, Dm, , Major John Mtr. a retired amy eater. HUd aulelda tagav hv tuatnla 1 th ninth Baa t th Unktl. !( Ua waa laataatl 'killed. and of BMBl wore wltaaaaia trM-ir, ,. Ib- . "?j Carey haa offered. When Luther MtCarty reeimndi to the gong that will tend blm agalnit "ewra Tontorrow Jim Plynn neat Tur.day night he will 0n out ot other court matter, Icaio In hla toni.r . Intl., ...i..ri "'' "'nclng of William Carley, th oied monkey which he declare la go- utilh "li0 ,,,c,d ulU'' ,0 "bblng th aiilna to "aoodluck" him Int.. i,."un r,or' WM BiiBua oy juog hearrwelaht chami.lon.hh.. i.uii,., UtMW ,,lg morning. Th young man dally apar with the little animal. and haa declared that he will teach him to awing a towel before the nliht' It. II. Ilovey, managar of th Al of the Klynn battle. noma Lumber company came la ya- . terday from Algoma. will receive hi aentenc tomorrow. SHI SUE WILL mini Coast la PrecBier WJHINOTON. 0. 0.. Dk. 6. W- UnlUd Pre. 8rrlc rector of tbe Nw York atock x-, TOKlO. Dec. C Count Terauchl chang will b bfor Um aoua aioa-'waa today chon premier. y trvat Inveatlgatloa eoaamltte nit wk. Thy wilt b raaalred to far-' Arthur Arlett, a wU known Oak-iW. nlah Inald Information of tho organ-'land contractor, I here In connection' Itatloa aad ataaagaaMat of th ei- with the work on the bow .court rhaag. Ihouae. He will remain aeveral day. Th full coaualtlM awt thli mora- lag, aad Chalrataa PaJ aanouacadl Mis a race Offrth of Med ford U hU pUaa for Ua lBaaHaa0B. Ulaltlng Klamath PalU frlMd. MIICtlNI WILL UK TIIK ATTRAC TION OP TIIK i:i.KH IlKMKUVA TIONM MAV HK MAI) AT UTAH IIRl'O NTOHK AT O'CUICK Th Mikado" U rady for prn- lalloa, aa far aa choru aad prlaclpaU ara concerned. Mulcal Director II. II. Howell will glv th orchwtra their tint rehearsal this afternoon. New acenery which Mr. Wilson haaj NTATK NCPRRINTKNDKNT OP HCHoout HUoaaiTS A plan MIR KNTKXTAlNMBlte AK INHTRVCrtTON OP PCPHAI A pablle Uctur eamna far Um fat rona of th pablle cheU aa waa aag tested by Mat lefcea! aiwaHaaH ent Alderman. U belag coaldfd ay a number of school VleUleta la Um bad painted came last night and wat 'county, and already two of Um dU put up today. Kleganl eoetumealtrlcta, Merrill and Bonaasa, aara da frnm (loldateln of Han Francisco are elded to hold a Mrla of lctraa cot on the way, and will b her for the'orlng th subJecU selKUd by Mr Ai dless rehearsal Sunday afternoon, .derman. The lectun-s will cam- The iot light and machine forimenre some tlm la Jaauary, aa) lighting effects are being put In shape continue through th winter and everything will bo In readiness when the curtain rises Monday night. The only thing that the Klks lodge cannot agree to furnish Is an audi ence, That Is up to the Klamath Kails public. Prom the way tbe mem The queatloaa ar all oocapytag the minds of thinking people at th preseut time, aad they ar to b dU cuaied before th audlsnc at th school assemblies by promlaMt KUm nth county men. Public achool pro- tickets, however, thsro Is good rea son to believe that the attendance will be a record breaker. bera of the lodge have been selling1 grams will aUo b given la coaaee- tlon with th lecture. Hollo C. Qrobck, a wall kaown attorney, ha been aalgaad th aub jecu, "New View of Education." and "New View of Crime aad CrtaslaaU." Other lectur subJecU yt to ba as signed for th coura follew: "Now View of Boy Llf," "Maw View of Rcratloa," "Now View of Human l.lf," "Nw Vlaw of Raral Life," "Nw Vlaw of Paopla'a Wealth," "New Vlw of Working men's ItlghU," "Nw Vlaw of Coat munlty l.lf," "Nw Vlw of Pablle Plnanca." Praar Cautloaa United Pre Service PARIS. Dec. (Premier Polnsalr In th house of deputies Intimated that Pranr did not want any trouble, and Intend lo support Kngtnnd and Russia In th went of a tight. O. W, Kngle of Port Klamath la spending a few dry In th county Mt to. Fish Leavei the Big Basin Lumber Co. t Well Known Lumber Man will Prob ably Engage in Busineis for Him self in the Klamath Country William 8. PUh, who haa been manager or th uig uasin i.uniuer company's Intorests In tho Klamath country for th past three years, has roslgned hla position with th com pany. Ho will be succeeded by (Hen M. Harrington, who arrived hare last Bight from Ban Pranclsco, and la b. lag laku ovr th Big Baaln'a Inter est by Mr. PUh. Mr. PUh ha not glvsB any daflaiu lUtement a to hi plana for th fu ture, but It U understood that h will remain In th Klamath country, pea tlbly engaging la th lumber bualBM for hlmwlf. Mr. rUh eanta so Klaaatfe ran three year ago from McCloud, Calif. where ho was connected with tha Me Cloud Hlver Lumber company. Blnoa coming hero ho haa been directly In chnrgo of tho Dig llasln company' sawmill. Ita logging operatloaa at Keno, It planing mill and whoUaala mid retail busln In thU city aad Ita branch yard at Merrill and DorrU. The growth of tho buala traaaact- ed by the company waa UrgMy dut to bla Rorta. Mr." Harrington, tha aaw manager, haa been connected with th C. A. Smith Lumber company at Bay Point, and I a lumberman of wide iprU ence. Ha will aaaum tha manag ALLK BAMBC DMUNKKB ladlaa aad CMak Ar PUwd aa PeUeaOaawt m Ting of red aad y allow were added to the colet aehsaa of Ue scene la th poHe qmrt thla morning wbea Jee WIHsv, aa -w Indlsn, and Bdm.Oee, Ktlv ef 5 th OrUaUl rtrtW,mm ! on charge of draakeanes. Thy were awaaiil E ach. i MURDER CASE PROBE SUBJECT ORAND JURY IB EXAMI.MNO VTt? XV.HHEH IN AN UPPORT TO BE CjJItK PACTB CONNECTED WITH THE MURJJEK OP PIIANK JACK STOCK GAMBLERS WILL BE CALLED MONKY TROT INVaWTiaATINa coMMrmcK wax ct into ACTION IN KARNBBT TMK COMJNQ WHBK That tb Klamath county grand jury I probing carefully Into th murder of Prank Jack U vldncd by th fact that for three daya wit ne la th case hav been before th Jury. Soob after th murder, which oc curred at Port Klamath, Cheaoweth Umpqua, aa ladlaa, waa arretted, charged with having dred tb faUl shot. Later atorl that othra wr Implicated la tb affair wer received hero from tb Indian reservation. It DURING j U aupposed that tho grand Jury U In ivestlgatlng these atorl. ALLEN CASE IS SET OVER DAY INABU.1TY OP OPPICKRB TO CURB PRBBBifCE OP rtPBCML VENIRB RBBOIAB IN A CONTIN UANCE BONO TAKEN Ob account of tb laaMlWy el Ue sherlff'i offlc to atrt aammoaa on all th Jurors drawn la the apeeUI venire, th trial of 'Robert Aiwa. charged with torgery, waa ceatlaaad by Judge Deaaoa uattl tomorrow morning. A aumber of tbe Jarora live aom dUtaac from the coaaty seat, aad could net aomlbly rsaeb hr after aenrle ef aammeaa aatll tomerrew. 8evea talaa were selected ya terday before th panel waa exhaust ed. Tbe special panel, tlrawa by th sheriff aad county clerk, U competed of th folleWlaff: C. J. Hllyard. R. R. C. William. eRy; The. A. Bar row, C. M. Hant, Merrill; Prank Dew nay, Word; Gear Hart, Pert Klamath; E. W. WllkJaeui, LereUa, W. Warrei 1 x MSrjBBI a .' ' , V'- -d si 4 EVKNIJWI BBWII II ;., T u ' ilty( DmM ' S, A ft PRINT TRM lOrWB, lsBaaB t I, '4 l "na-fl ' ' rum Pre'Oaa :, L , WATER USERS TO DECIDE MATTER OF IMPORTANCE K A REOVCTKMf MID MB County Court Insists on Permanent Bridges G. 0. P. PEOPLE TO GET TOGETHER a- Croatinga Orer Canal of the Recla mation Senrlce Will Be of Cor ragate4 Metal Pipe Now " Aa a raealt ef the action takea by th couaty court la refusing to auth orUe the eoaetrucUoa ef weedea brldgee ever eaaale of U eecoad ualt laterato of the KUmath project. the recUmaUoa aervlc baa decided UI MONSTER BANQVET Ml PJANKBO TO TAKE PUkCK IN NEW YORK IN JAJfDARY TAPT WIIX THU. WHAT TO BO Dec corugeUd pip, and bids wr opened , Ualted Pre SerrUe WA8HINQTOK, D. C. Final mrraagaaU are pleted for th repubMeaa rehabBRa ttea banquet U New lYerk'-ea J) nary 4th. It wlU he the hlgajaat aaa quet U U party bUtery, 1,S0 lo put la corrugated bridge at all croaalag. tupln Urldg Co., MluneapolU, Minn.. In connection with th aecond unlt.ll.35S. Uteruta oa th Klamath project th I Tho lowest bid waa accepted, reclamation servlc followed tbe cue-' Corrugated pip doe not permit torn heretofore prevailing oa this i toe passage of water ao readily aa iiiruaiiuent rwpaeneBB wbibi. on tb 2d Inst., with th following jcludlng Try repahlkaa eeaffrew rull: .maa aad seaator. PrMet Taft la Ueall A Co., PortUnd. Ore., ,467; exiiect,d to outline Ue peUelea he I'llnpU Corrugated MeUI Co.. Bloom-1 bellerea necessary to prevent U Irgton, III., 16.105; Canton Culvrt party dUIntcaratloa. It la enact- pip jCo,' Canton. Ohio. 16.018; Tbe Hcn-'ed that be will declare .hi Intention of never again running for office. project, and dlgad Ue caaaU at road croaelage for ffrat claaa lr bridge. Afur th materUl had been bought aad delivered, aad Just aa Ue atructloa of Ua bridges waa about to be commenced, Ue county court for mally notlBed U local office that It would not permit nay more wooden bridge to be built, but would re quire IUr ceacrt or corrugated metal pipe at- all croastags of high way wlU lateraU. Th appropria tion for tho project made eeacrete bridge out of the questtoe, hac propoaaU were at oace gotUa out tor .., i -f. t-tt a ,- (open structure like bridge, aad aa tha casaU ar already locatsd and i.ndar construction. It U impossible to chcing the grade aumcient to accom modate the extra head required by tbe pipe structure. It will he Becea sary In many case, therefore, to lay three parallel line of St-luch pipe, nnd vn then the water delivery through the lateraU will be restricted sntnawhat from tho original comput ed capacity, and tho( coat of tb crow ing will be very much greater than nculd hav been the case with wood en bridge, thus adding to tha build ing cost per aere. Suit to recover money aad later- est due oa a note executed March 18, 1910, for I349.5S, aad 1100 attor ney fee, waa filed In the circuit court Thursday morning by E. L. Poutch tgatnst J. O. Hamaker. W. H. thaw Is Poutch'a attoraar- HAMILTON. Bermuda. Dee. . President-elect WUeea will atari for N'ew York Dee. 14, arriving there December K. He admit that ho will confer wlU Bryan lmmdUtlr after hU arrival home. C. O. Merrill came up from Mer rill last night to attead tha aeaeloa of the couaty court. rums m mm NT, ION I M RAD WaUTaTJff CAVBBB TtOat TO TAKE ILL AMD PROCfsBB TO BMOBE WaTJBMi T OPPItBtRB TAKK TKBBf INTO CVBTOBY ADKLA1DB, Aaatralla. Dee. . Saaickaaaa put aa ead to a preeaw lag piratical expedition which reeaat ly embarked from here. Bteallac Ua prlvata motor heat Dora, fear des peradoes atted out the veal wlU a large aupply of provision, riles, re volver and ammuBltlOB. Inteadlag to raid one of the South Sea Ulaads. Shortly after Ue voyage beaaa Uy encountered aueh rough weather that all hands became desperately 111, aad thay wer forced to beach Ue Dora at Double lataad point. There thay were arrested by tereramaat eJaeara. Abel Ady U la from Midland today, attending; la haalaea matter. HJ D. B. Rlaederf U a ooaaty aeat visitor today, coming la from hU ranch ea Ue Midland road to attead raent of the Big Baata la a few daya. ta buetaeai BMAeare. X Negro and Die on the Gallows Two Executions Takea Place in Cal- ifornia Penitentiafiea San Francisco Man Protests OP KCAJrtTAL fPMkia ';. l , ;, COIfaaafgaaaaB ' ' x . ' .- TwWWdaTaBWaaaaaW Si " MaJerMy ef Ua fMeeadkeaaaMAeaaadi ' V aad CeaalderaMe fawarsst a Talma ', an Use -1 "1 1 if i al V Tr" a i JL in '' 'l ' ': aa ae i i inai m ,. elaUoa. After CfceaaaweBnlem eat , , c- lrelVW : , '''Jiti aa I'm laaaaa . ' , t ( ' " ,3rt "M ea in aaamar 7 , , . jg faafc r-. . .,n ----'' 1 v vj Por the purpes ef dseidtaff er or aet to reduce the eapRal Ue Kluafctli Water L bouM la Uta ekr Ula t" Mtat r thaa half ef Ue eaatteJ 1 aasociatiea to rspraaaatsd. The reductlea ef the aatai 1 waa aaggeeted ef Um i from Ue Klamath pretoet ef aha fee-, tarnation aerrlea ef a taiw'asaeaad at; lead which hrtefere haa beea reaee-' eatod la the memberehb ef aha aav, aaeiatloa. r 1 v i. V V li -r'l a i William B. PUh reteraed mat aJtBet: rom a bastaesa'Ute U Oadaaja; atBK f, waukee aelato. He ha beea awap far weeks, a4taadr( be th Big aaaBBBBBBm IaaaaaBBaff dhjBjBajjtafjjajldfjdjgL i Illinois mi t 4. '-, ceniNG ib cm P r"r. HfatJiaVABY OUXWm JW, unanBlBV . A UsTTEK AKaWUa'jIBIaaill " ' ,1 TKMeBOrKEWIMHMI. ,J . , ,. ' 'mm 'aeaaat aaf1 - 1 a raaai:aer- Thece la a alrht ! the KlaaaaU Maalry, cordtoc to a letter Mialead hr fsaek reiary uvr ei use viaaaaeer en 1 mere. Th writer la a Chleaeja 1 aad he tatea that hla party haa I considering different Weatata 1 but they are ceaviaeed that offr th beat tad Mr. Other qulry at tsafU. UlttajaeB aCyaW) le.sHl.as AuAULkai. fkAaasa, eaftaV aaAaaaaB-T ' a4 mitm vwmm9vmm ajpamrejaji bllRiee la dalrylag. aad at great deal at ether teaahla tloa ' nAwt' -v .11 1- Kaaff,,? ,; D.rC Daa. I . United Preea Bervte WA8HINQTON. DC Tbe house eemmeaeed tedep the naval apareartatlaa bUL expected that it wlU OOOiM. ( .K..HI .V Jn 5. United Press Service BAN QUENT1N. Dm. 6. Willi J.uls, the Chines boy who killed his father's American wife Id San Lma Obispo county, was hangtd at 10 oYlock thla morning. Just aa the trap v. as about to bs sprung C. Chrlstonses, manager of the International Correspondence schools' office In Baa Prauclaco.'raUd hi hand and aald: "I protest in tbe name of Jesu Cbrlt." ChrlsUnsen waa hurried out of Ue death chamber by th, pealteatUry guards and the hanging proceed!. iHlehant. th giant negro who killed "8t. Louis Pat" Kautmaa. n convict In San Quentln, last aprlng, waa hand ed at 10:31 thla morslajf. Tha exe cution passed without Incident. BUI United Pre Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. . Th hous bjr a viva voce vote passed ;th Adanuen bill provldhag far Ua physical valuation ef railroad. The bill require the lateratate' eemmerea commUaloa to report aaaually'ea Ue valuattoaxotuif rallreade; lacludlaff the outstanding eieWa aad heade.' v Negro auaaee) POLBON, Oallf., Do. . v -Vcftfft?-- -Bdward D. Mltchairie U towa treat U Mitchell raaeh near'Mt,;' VIBNNA. Dee. . The the Auetrlaa' mlaUter ea recalled wa merabag. r FAULDEB TO Dlf FRIDAY, m r. kX. $3. KLAMATH COUNTY WMX BK PIBat M? 'TBsBilffi;'' CO.MMWNBB MSN 1 - - THE BOAFPOLV A .it t i r t t United Pre Service v ,. ifj-vv, BALBM. Dec. . JavHaMaaaeagja hanging ef ffve, muraetan aa Ntfat v-i distributed tadap. Tha tbat Nobel PauMer aad JUa MZXSt m will die, at 7;M. aad MBjn' H. Br'BoaeHa N'-'! o ,A-iT will fellow ea, the itf I1-? r Taulder waa d from Ula ed'of Ui, murder d PeU9WiactUsf PauMer 'ahet yurteaM net -1 j .,11 M.UtM. aha 1 ,n .$ & e-i Vtt n' A t