-4 k' it Eivrruw nroriiMM VPrUM) BY THM nbws kuvil'k foe ftjeniiti J j H r r alik. - II ,lf. - ."t '') W i' JmUmKS 4I , m. fHrM y .s$M jv rHUrr 'mm.'mNW 1 i- feventh Tear Na, IiMM KLAMATH PALL, OHKQONL WKDNKHDAY, DECKMIIKK 4, Jtl- , ri jgjlyi ".r T A. ::)' THOUSANDS OF BODIED ARE ON FROZEN GROUND HATTI.KKIKLDN IN TNK BALKAN AHH OHUKMOMK SS9B9 MORE TROUPIE DUE HltXICO Jobs to be Voted Fer1: MILLIONS Vtm LKVKKM 1'rveldeat Taft ltccomaiesid mm Approarbuloa : Dem First l in Roll Call pertaMe Creetoeartoe Are Hetag Hr ,t4 to Kaaaaaeva h4 Meaetlr. rtoreua f VreM, It Has He r'oead laayissmli (a Dig Orate. Twelve Thn eased Btodeet Are oa Wt i li r e trailed fraaa awrvlee f CONaTANSA. Dee, 4.-Twels llhousaad corpses are nkirM oa the battletelda at Kumaaova aad Mon silr Oa account eC Ue frotea ground Istsrmeal la Impossible. I'ortabU .mmatorle arc belag hurried la ihr U)NIXW. Dee. I A dlspelrh from Holla says that Bulgaria baa offlcUllr (oanrmed Ida slgalag of the protocol. All of la alllaa accept (Jraece have signed tha document It U reported Ihit Greece la planning to right Tur ktr alow. The tevors will mset In .eadoa December SOU. ALIEN CASE TO BE TRIED NEXT YOUXCJ MAN M CHAHOKO WITH fHHWMJ A CMKC'K WtOM aw TO mm, ANB TNKN BKIIT1NU OUT OK THK COUNTRY Tha trial of Hobert AlUn, accused ol forgery, lll be commenced to Marrow In tha circuit court. C. at. O'Nalll will conduct Iba caaa far tha defendant, wbo It wall known locally. Allan la chargad with raiting a chack frea II to I00, aad caablng It tt tba (lem Ratoon Utt September II waa arratlad at Sltton, Calif. Ho waa Indicia br tba grand Jury, and last waak anlarad a plaa of not gulltr. MACON IH 1-I.ANMMi A.NOTIIKIt i,'"lle'"'' "" , t WAHHINOTON, D. C, Dae. 4. nr..uaj.ml ,lW.,..M, TO .,,,. .,, , dcrmlnB , I'HIVATK ADVICKH IIKCKIVKI) rll.il,.. ,.f mUlnr. f l...,n.l ..... HIOM MHXICO CITV iiui. puitmaitcn, ratrtbalt and ur- 'voyort It tba lateat pita of tba dam Unltad Treat Darvlca locral wlivn ttila imiIod gtU ftlrlf NKW OltLKANH, Uoo. I Maoun It 'nUrltd. Democratic congrattmen wbo plaining another roolutJon, Bccord.;,re Lu.logod with r.quoiu for tucb inn 10 priTtio aqfirrt rnctiVDU nerc Iran Mtilco City. itipoliitmntt ballara tblt plan will It It reported (hat Ilia 8apllttatM,r" u,rro ,rom l0,lc obllUratlon In tba touth and tl.o HtUttrllt In I1 "lv !"' of dUappolntad oc- tha north art iupiortlng lilm. (Irarga M. fltarr returned to Mid Uml thlt morning, after a brief rlalt In thlt city. DEMOCRATS 6ET AN ORGANIZATION PROBE ACTS OF U. S. ATTORNEY CKSTIIAI, COMMITTKK OV KLAM ATH IMIl'.NTV IK OltUAMZKB. tlKOIUlK UIIAHTAIN IM HLKCT t.l CIIAIItMAN Urganliallon of tho democratic cantral committee of Klamath coun ty, following iba elactloa ol saw commlttaemtn, -waa completad at a meeting'1 of new' raembera btld tblt week. At tbla Bleating Qeorga Cbat Utn waa elected county chairman aad William Wagner ttcrttary. A number of ractnelea oa tba com mlltaa war Iliad by appolatmenU, and the commlttaa membcrt for tba dlSerenl proclncu are aa faOwwa: Watt Klamath FalU, r, L, Arm- tlrong; Hecoad Ward, aaorga caaa tain: Third Ward, William Wagner; Kaat Klamath Falb, Qeorga Nelaad: Sblpplngton, II. J. Lock wood; Mllla Addition, Will Humphrey; Poa Val lay, Kdwln rreuer; Bprtge RWar, W. T. Oarratt; Odell, Hobert llouie, Lan- gell Valley. W, K. Campbell; Klam ath Uke. II. W. Straw; Tulc Lake, George Offleld; Tine Orotre, TU Orlf flth; Midland, V.C. Ourbank; riemt, V. T. Nalton; lxt UUar, 8. W.ueaaa; Dairy. Cbtrlft Kltckut; Wood Illter, Dan Ityan: Matin, t Zumpfe. tveknrt In tubtequent etecttont. The new acbama la adroeatad by Ittilireteotatlvea llumpbreyt of Mia tlttlppl and Beall of Taiaa. Tbara la ttretiuout opoalllon, aad a llraly da btta It already under way, Repre entntlvn Hobert l. Henry of Taut I n opponent of the plan. ' TKXAH OONORKStSMKN MTANT TO KNOW WMV WICKKRHiLtM KK I'l'HKO TO ALLOW I'BOMINKXT Mr: TO RK ARMHHTKD United lraaa Sorrlca WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 4. Congreetme. Qaraer and Randal! at Texaaare InTettlgatlng Attorney Oen tral Wlckeraham'a failure to allow Arcbbold aad other fttaadard Oil cltlt to be aanrad wtu warraata te- tued by tha federal graad Jury la Taaaa retaaAly. -. Unltad Pratt Barvlca WASH1NOTON, D. C, Dec i. Addreetlng tlie. Nitloaal Itlrert and Harbora C'oagraM tod;y, President Taft recomaadrd Ilia Appropriation or half a million dolltrt lo build Jeree on the e) MlttlMlppI River, I ' APPROPRIATIONS ' ARE CUT DOWN IIOUHK OOMMITTKK MAKEA A KK. HOttT-RKCOM)IKNDATl(8 OV HKCKKTAKV 'McVKAOH AIIK NOT AOOtTHB United I'reat Sarjrlra WABHINQTON. D. C, Dec. 4. Iba commlttaa ou.tpproprlttlont re ported tba asecutWe, leglaUtlva. and judicial appropriation today. Tba bout bill earrlet J4,7,10&. a mil lloa, under the amount Secretary Mo Vaagh recommended. Tha aalary of ihe pratldent re- tnalaa at 175,809. fill tecreury will recalva l,00. ' t Tba committee report ellmlaatee tba proTlalan providing mat future ea-areaMewta be congreataaan-at ten: - ' " ' - J Uu'lUxl Preta Service WABHlNtrrOhf, D. C, Dec. 4, J,W, Abcrcroable, newly elected member of coogrttt from Tutcalooaa, . Tonu., will bear the distinction of J having lilt namu Ortt on tba bouMtj roll, dliptaclng John M, Adair of la- Jlnna, who held the potltloa for aht yeara. The aecond letter In Abercromble'a. name I rrtpontlble. It I "b," nnd In tho flnongernent of the house roll he liecome the official bellweatner of tha democrat. On party vote tba sound of Abcrcrombte's name wilt b tlio slgnikl fof the republican to vote directly opposite., ' Korlal for Church .Member of the Preabytarlaa church and their friend will bold a roclal at the church Friday evening, .md an Intcrettlng literary program hnt been arranged for the occasion. A luncheon will alto be carved. Tba committee In charce of the loclal la compoaed of Mr. and Mr. C. C. I fogue, Mr. and Mr. ITobert K. Wat tmliurg and Mrs. Cbarle Grave. John Hetslg, manager of the Klam ath Telephone company, came In from Fort Klamath Tuesday to appear be fore the grand Jury In connection with the case of Chenowetb Umpqua. an Indian charged with the killing of Frank Jack. , D. E. Wotford of Yalaas la n Klam ath Falls visitor. . Consumption Cure is , Believed to be Certain JOHNSON urges: LOWER FREIGHTS r ; NKW MANAOKK OV TaTJCKLAM- ATM MVHtVTJfMSNT OOMTAinr Kl'OONHW TWV OMOANmUWeMI OF A OOMMKHCIAL MOMT. Tba need'! a aaeVaestWt; Mm part of local buslneea ma U more favorable freight rataa to aad from Klamath rail waa braugftt up at a meellag'of tba dlraetora at tta Home Dulldlag aad Kaalty Uat night by Robart A."', manager of Ua Klamath asnaaau eempaay, aad ba polatad aaC laa fa auRa of each a mevi la.albar.'alayaa that wera ataaUarly aitaatad. - "Ktamatk Fatta la at' a vantagw retarding freight said Jaaaaaa. "1 uadantaad tha rata oa paper to Ula arty to nearly tba 'east af Ua It f kaewa taat taa frakjat aa aaat fraat MarytrlBa la Ktomalk la aa high aa fram Peaaaylvaata to Marys- vlHa. ' -There 1 eae war to reaaady tola coadlllaaaad Out la' for taa attaaaaa of tha town to get togataar tkraaaja tha 'Chamber of. Commarea. ar rope mm. FOR BIB m mmm m . -i uvtnmWKiMMmm rJil Jack Jraaata aail.mai aMasWaMpaw l at - - - a m i. ; re T m J '"JL .on .a: . -t . ...m amvaaamr aaaaavaamasj VtoM'fm aW m asaaV UBBg4jJumt 4mliidtBBffe - rJ i r. -a ti u " aki x j.', 'wvt ..umri, .. j.i.7r.-,-vv.f,?"r v, 'sif 5. ... .- Vi) L tJaHed.FxeaanXflat' ,i ';r H CHfCAIO,Jaev atlti aVWMaaJT rnemlaa alaaad.br J. aarevepart, lV fa lawa:f r ,a A '' laaa Johaasaiato Camarea la ym aHy.Vi kaaw It taa I W ri i f waat -.justa-v " tfehJP aTPmagaL jjMr'MmUkJ' laaaaaaa laamaff amaa4JpaamaW "T Mi 4Jtm -v -4 . jl f t v-ti ' rrtt HOWE AND MOORE 10 GO TO PEN News of Remark Remedy Colorado Spring? Physician, Brother of the Discoverer, Returns With other farm of orgaalaaOaaraaa' wark hard. I would suggest' laa"eatiar meat for a time of a traSe asaart, wbo eeuM comptla atoUetlea aad placa before Uie raikaad' soas why thla' oaaunaaMT M aaUtaaf to bettor fratgbt ratoa. If aa of aareort waa mada by taa taepl working togataar far taa towa aa there I fey taa private lag 'better ratoa aa awaftlea. a great 'i i '"t-; Chaalaaalam aaMtatwa-- ', uattea tTeeewerra--t','' RaWDtNO, la taa Ctemeeta aaaa b i day to keep the dafeadeafa aloa nut at tka renerd AH ? meralac waa aaaat ha i la beUeved taat aha eeart wM tha i nefees ! . . tt T v tOUHeBMNBI Dog Poisoner Works Overtime in the City Thirteen Canines Fall Victims of Deadly Strychnine. Hot Springs Addition Scene of Operations A aaa aoleeaar wlta a liberal sup- "Moat of the dogs poisoned were Ply of deadly strychnine It operating J found In Hot Springs addition," aald la tba cHy. City Powadntastar Ralph I Wr. Vaughn. "Baveral dogs have eat Vaugba ku ofaclatad at'tba burial en the polton. but have wowal .. .r... i -..... tk ... io' An emnlore of tha telephone com ten aad every" on thai m dtath'pany reported tho finding of a piece! The panatt ArgwaVTeC Sa. ". doc'of meat h.cb conUUied rychnlne.ith. wo -to. and tne ponce are nuw ium.-.. JURV FINDS MKN GUtLTY HTKAUNU OOUI'LH OF HsURTH, HUT KKCOMMKND LKNIKNOY. HKNTKNCK SATURDAY i I OF 'United I'ress Service COLORADO SPRINQ8, Dec. 4. Dr. A. C. H. Friedman returned to-, day from "The keveral hundred patieata say brother treated are recovering frees tho dread dUeate," said Dr. Fried- itia nrnvltitf till sfHrA.PT Of Derlln. whero be lslted tho cure Tho maltor ot inmutlals-J Jaaaaaa aad hie arid gajla aMa the erlr la am aaliaiaillreaaa asaaf Jag. Tala'aWaraaaa Oaf Mat aj aataj9asWraaaj lfJ"a , wtSWVaVaaSBBasss will take Irala fraat taaaa Valr ui'Sadaa1 -..--. a jam - "" ' !. Majmg fesy. iMwavaaLai e-aa sars:,. ; . r - - m euii -, aa waaa auaaaaa - t .j -. . . i .. asaaa v '"" '., -', "; , taWAy'ageaaji' aaaasmr MfaMCaM BeSK awaiaaTaaaaa al-aaijt'y fjaawMaa aalamaaw aaaaasj aaaaaaa aoalieaaal aa . aaatessaams emaa-a easastaw , r, i Ht aaaaam-aaaVaaaja'( ttataaeaibm tfte SiiP , m-iM '. tL aaMV e,"' . .-1 ,gipt'J- r -fflmeai i .r- ---t ,:. l Mmr. " iliagaj-aili 1': 'm aamajmasajm,. eaafee- ,M. .Milaaaawi4aVaaaaalaa rajamaaba. M avaat ar aaarataviaa. aamMaVtap ' Meae-ar to laaa aaaaaaa. , . imaaaaajawa)aaaaaaaa-' Indians Get Liquor; Here as WitneMi raauH torad wHb polaaa. --mrBB-aB James Howe aad Thomaa Moore were found guilty by a Jury la the circuit court thla morning of lareaay from a store. The Jury recommend ed leniency for the mea, stating Uat the prisoners had already entered Imprisonment loag eaough for Ike of fense charged. Judge Season will pas sentence, Saturday aaeralag. Howe aad Meere hare beea la the county Jail for a couple of moaths. They were arrested for stealing two i heap shirt from Atkinson's store. The trial or tne eaaa waa auneu Tuesday moralng. bat It waa aot un til! a late hour la tke afternoon that n Jury was secured. The argument of the attorneys were made thla morning and' at 10:16 the Jury re tired to deliberate. At 10:65 the verdict waa returned. The penalty for the crime of which wera eoaTtetod la treat one to seven yeara I this brother, the discoverer of new curt for tuberculosis. the nc new born children Is still laded-1 nlte.' CAPITAL STOCK TO DE REDUCED KLAMATH WATKK I'KKHS ASSO CIATION WILL UNDERGO CHAMiK ACTION OK OOVKRN MKNT IIIIINOS ABOUT MO.VK Bristow Would Have People; Tiake Part in the Government Senator Introduces Resolutions. Providing Jorthe Amendiiuj qt the Cbnstttution so that Measures May be Voted on The qucstl IU1 stock Usera Assoi at a mectl Ua an o'clock opera hi Importoaae eatlraJU tya'to. saaaaavr weaaaaaj. - rv jKmaaai rtsmBBBaamra Tiaatana United rreatiarvlsa, , WASHINGTON, D. C Dot. 4. Heaator; Brlatow ' tabraduaad la the . ataato totey lwo Joint rtsolutloas, v WartwhMj lajlllaMMdt aaMataiMU. I ,,to.Mawa,Jteai,ad- & vanesd by toe senator during tha re cent campalga One of tke reeMuUeaa provldra that the president may tabmAt to .the BMIM Ma reeoatmeatetwatftahf mt of coMtto. raUlil . act.0. tbaat, Tke other rasoluUoa provUet taat congress may submit to taa, aeoala such b,llw.,aa the Ualted States su prame court declares are itacoaatl- luueaai. , y WATER RI6HTS TO DLCONSIDERED IIKUKING WILL BK MKI4 IN TMM CITY TOMORROW BY BVPKR1N TKXDICNT OF STATE WATmR DI VISION NO. S. icing the cap- Klamath Water bo considered stockholders of be held at 2 oon at Houston's matter la of great lead owaera af the t. and a larae sttMakfa-aectad. W1aft?the : astoalatlea waa ergaa- lu irw'rers naa toe caakal atock waa dfvlded latoaSf.OIBi shares, upob all UeUad thaa am' braced In the Klamath project., Btnco that time oeaslaeraale land baa 'been released from the project by the rec lamation servtoe, including tract j arouad Kno, the blgk land between. here aad Olaaa aad aaar roe vauey, and latgo trafta of swamp land. Oa aoeouatief tkla the amount of authorised oabttal stock, haa become larger than; hseisiary. and aatae atote laws latatra tke repraaeatotlaa af 10,001 akaVaa of atock at a meat- lag to make ,4 legal. It to the plaa of the water ultra to seduce the auav ber of shareaot the" eapltat stocVtj 0,000, la vfhlch oaae the legal ms- d. aad to- fok'ft ad Superintendent Jamee, T, Chinaock of Water Division No. 8, will arrive this evening tromMcdrat morrow will take up the ,' Judtcatlng the tor rlghtftfeaA River. He alll hold hearlnge city till next Thursday, wUen go to Bonaosa to continue tba The object of Mr. Cblnnock'a 1 to settle definitely the rights of fercut peojilo to take vratorfrom' river, some or tne catea are ia pule, othor were not filed correctly, aad there are nuuerout other Saws la oma of the titles'. All the Pr ton afected have bVsn aotlnod to appear here and establish their claims to the satisfaction of the water su perintendent. ' Joe Wicks aad Stanley ldro L4g- ed In the aty Bawlte: ;Aaljaar, ties are SeUai Bootkakjara -; , A- " Taat tke araeUee of bootlsajaaag.er furaltklac tatealaaata to In not beea eatirely eUmtaatedla aala city waa shown Uat nlgbtiwhea too police arrestea joe .wkmsm aaaa ley l'edro, two Klamath laidhtaa, lor drunkfanessA The ladlaaa aaa here with' other reds from Ue reaarratlea. subBeeaaed-tto appear balers taa graad Jury ln eoaaaetloa'wtta taa kllHac af"aiaajlUaa MaaA L -ulr''1 - -"C aaajaa waM-aaaajaaa-aaawSS t 1 aaMVtaiaaaf tV lWtafNfe iBAJte fxA. ( g-ysgjdkaum. fad asaaasaasBj aaaaaaaaaam Bjeaaaaaaaaaaam 4saaa aeCofe.tM laaatat aaajsjfaa im iiT"RVaaaBjaJb Klamath Aata tela., who 'faraaaaad Wleka ag4 caarsje'taai LeavMt, after Pedro to hearl'ag te aa evvaaara9gT ' 'J, 1 L Votes for Women Is the Fa vorite Htate SB MBBt V aa aaaaajg "1 smsBBmaV maaaaaayaa HaJtaaaaaaaaml aaaaaaaam lamsFA ' Z . ? ath Literary Club Meetlntf is Over to 1L' .jc H- are Read Xrt . R ..( r ojty would w"J aVeaVwl varnV' Mur-er Caae Up The grand Jury today I evldertly considering the murder of Frank Jack, as all of the alx wltaceaea tp nnnnar bofore tho body today are bTaowa to be fmllU'rwtk th fait OLin uraiTt - ri a.i The Quo Store to betas move (rem thu Jacobs building to the nawjLamb building' en Mala street. The) Lamb building is Just serosa the street treat tke old loaauoa. . - , 3t i xhs? fc Cs.ft-- ""nr fl That woman tuff rate to tha west Important phase' bf Ua outrage prob lems la the mind of featlalao Klam ath Falls waa dasaoastratad Tanadar night if the meetlag of the Klaasati Literary Club'at the home ,ef Mr. and Mrs. Chat. araveo. whoa taa programwsa eatirely la Ue heads at the ladles of tba aub. The aaajeet was "Su-rage."- but Ue atogle aaaat of "Votea tor.Weataal'WM sMSaataA. KtMlaa,Hewlt "wUsw leads. of taaiday meotteg. wMjfcabae- raM paper aatorflag as' taaYaaTsM,.tb 4 fiWlUaaaa ssJjto ' c ' votes of moral toaa of UO aad'MUa areas atoa read, i SSnaPWwaV dssjeaPaj "VVnwmp fawaaaBjWeS JPnV Jwfav of tko waaaaa waa are aVaa jpaa 71 . 0., aHawai, ateaattal ( abase at Mm lealsV v m "fWk t twTw it wl at -taa wbtt a T t W o ". r i " i tj -p rt rs .V- i " 1 it it - tK tV .-5: