i "f.)" " 1 ""' if "! ' JTyTj --. rj .y. ..w-s-yj.t .-flffl- jjrj j n- ..?, . 14 ' A' MPrMMI HY THM UNITHO fMMM NKWM NKHVICM e It)f nirta uraw. bwtMrI i i BaeaaaaaeelsM fc',-?-J . ,'m ' .V Hevealh Yr No, I.WU KLAMATH PALLS, ORBUON, TUKMDAY, UHC'KNMCR S, 1MB " y Judge Archbald Answers Grave Charges For Ninth Time in Country's History impeachment Proceedings Are 'n DOVE OF PEACE HAS TAKEN TO TAIL AND UNCUT THOl'HLK IN THK HAI.KAN HKHMH TO Hr! HTILL HKKIOl'H t'oaarrvallve Xeweyaytr Drriarra That lli MUmUom la (Jratr, nail That Cliance for IMg War Ik twecn llir ISiMm Kcruu Uuwl. Armbllr la Deiaecl Itrraoae of the Mwliborwr of lirrree LID OFF A SHQR FOR T TRIAL OF HOWE E AND MOORE ON l 011111:11 Tt KNTKIlTAIN VIMIT I.NJ MIM.'IIM, (JAMIIi.KIM AUK AI.MlVi:i TO NHOW HOW NPO-j KA.VI! V.H IX THK 1)1.11 DAYMI TWO MK.V AHK CIIAIIUKII WITH KTK.U.IMJ COUI'LK OK NHIKTrt HIOM TIIK ATKIXHOX hTOItr. I.V MUM CITY bt'OKANK. Wd.h.. Doc. 3. A I Tim trial of Jauiia Howe and Tbos. lurm tit rrlllclam and condemnation I Moore waa Blurted In tlio circuit court Ana art k la Ho Hlgwil (Jailed I'rea Hervlce 4) I'AltlH, Dec. 3. A late Hon a dispatch eaya that It baa been 4) learned, apparently oa official authority, that tha armistice will la law with or without ' a tlreec, which country can alga or Hbt Turkey lrul tiaadrd, ? t e)a -Th Cologne ' lulus I'rwa Hervlce I - tvwwvu..., .", , wiueii, nurrioioro arouuoa ina iaea ' ( war, say today! "It Auitrla alrlkc tall bafora Htf U belnjc Ulrtctoit axalntt the 'city fonwnlMlonora and iiollca and ihcrln fur altowliiK wldu optii day of old to be 1a)Hl ovvr attain at Ilia flnata of the American MlnltiK Concr-ru. Wciturn inlnltiK ramp In the ialm litt daya ot their free aud oay ualtt enru aro declared by iiiatiy iMoncera to hata bten outdonn nt the "Hpokuna Dllui;ii,' ataged In a huge Ice rink. Ilambllns gatnra ran full blaat undli ttirbmt. ''Women nt the acarlct" ca -rortcd In dauco hall and barroom, (Ivlnjc sahlbltloni long alnco banlilf d itrcr from tlio reiorta of the liar- bary roail. MlnUtera will take thu matter up In the churchei. ttil nfternooti. The deftndanta art ct)iirgid with atvallng a couple of attlrtit from the Atklmou atoro. They wiiio arroated a couple of month Jitgo, loon after the theft la alleged to linr.t bven committed, lloraro Manning la acting tor tho lain and V II, Uhaw la attornoy for tho two accuied. , At 3 o'clock tbla afternoon alav jurora had been eecured, but the panel waa ethaueted and the aberlCf waa int out for a apeclal venire. WalUrr la Lead 8ACIUMKNTO, Uc 3. Uteat returni, Including unofflclal return from Loa Angelea county, glte Wat lare Sll,l& and (Irlffln 313,411. Mill flrta JMdgmmt Judgment for the plaintiff waa glr vu lu the circuit court thla niorulmt .l ,!. .. ,.t V II 11 lit. n lUnrv Uk.tubb..rnneM.thapte.tlg.o(lh. & v toaatry will be ao weakened that the1,,. ' .,. ,. niuuv nypTivu wt ii, , nine aa aa ally will t greatly lei ained. It roqulrte bit oa word tiom Ituaala to bring Servla within tU llmltai Tho world haa awaited tbit word In rain." . Writ la I'nlti'U l'in Hervlca 8ACKAMKNTO, Dm. 3 Tba third dlatrlct court ot appeal daalad the Devlin writ today oa tha ground that tho recount delay might coat tha elec toral vote of tha atata. HELPS OUTTHE FARMERS The action waa brought to recover I money loaned and ervlcre rendered. S'AllltOW Peel Itount to Opni Tho "Idle Hour," a new pool room V niJ f ))ar ltore Wj bo 0,cncd to tho rhwnrva llrrallcil 'public thla evening. The place I i. lulled Creaa Servlr. located on Kourlh atrcet, between t IIKIII.IN, Dec, J. The Tagellclm I Main atreet aud Klamath avenue. lli.ndichau aaya that Auttrta conlln recall military reaervea from (iAl'OK LINK KUN.MNU INTO Ii.KKVIKW PLANS TMH KSTAIII.IHHMKNT OK AN rCI'iat. IMKNTAL KAHM k til to Otrniai rniany, Thouaaada of men are go i InjtoHemlla. - IVaro Delay! I'nllrd I'reaa Bervlce HOKIA, Dec. 3. It. waa practically i aanounred thla afternoon that the atgnlng of the protocol, hai been Ue j'byedfor a taw daya. Turkey and t OrrecV are unable to aeltle their dlf 'S ferrnce regarding the Aegeau Sea ;' Ukde and the evacuation of , Jmlna. . I EX-PRESIDENTS . TO 8E CARED FOR HILL Irt INTHOIIL'CKD IN Till! HUN ATK Tt I'UT KOIIMKII KXHCl'. TIVKM ON I'KNKION LIST AH UK TIRKH OKFICKtUt i Would Huaiblo King UalUd I'reaa gf viae .VIKNNA, Dec. I. Tha ' Hudapeit aawapaper, demand! that . King of. Bar lg be compelled to 1 PWar In full ragalla at tha Auatrlan (Coatlauad on fag 4) WABIIINHTON, II, C, Doc. 3.- .. - . acn...!.. - 3 ..elk liatkotrt Dlrlap. niP""' .""'.... L . .- inirouuceu a im in ius day placing tho cx-prenldcnt on tho retired llat aa x-cominandor ot thivj array and navy at n aalary of flO.OOO a yaar. Indians Come Here Appear Before Jury Murder of Frank Jack to be Invest igated Rumor That Others Be sides Umpqua are Involved . ' A number of Indiana from tha '( Klaaiath raawrVatiea ar la th.citj Joday to anptar bafora tha graart ftmyi Up to a lata hour thl attar- iV00 bom of tkow had baan called H.'afAA k j l L PraaaM tki lit I4lan vlll H quatl(ma4 aagtaralM th rsoenl v, "ltngf of rraak Jack, m Itdlaa, near ,f ;W KlaaA;aaarl waaka ago fnti' V In the county Jail charged crime, but It haa been (bar are other Indlaaa wk volved Ir tho actual kllllag . frank Jack waa wall kb4 city. A faw daya baforav ha' had a man arretted charga.ef iteallag H0 fro developed that he had Int Mar Jto a friend, aad ,11 turjied to him the next mornlj In order to encourage farming la thu country through which the road putaot, the N.-C.-0. Railroad compa ny la idannlng to catabllah aa eiprl mcntal farm In (looae Lake Valley, near I.akevlew. In conjunction with tho grow lag of accd grain, th company will aatab llh a hog farm, aad aupply th rancher with thoroughbred atock at a nominal coat, In auch a manner that the lucreaie will pay for the atartlag When they extended thalr road Into (looio Lak Valley they reallted that they wero entering aa unproductive territory, aud that It th vaat acre wore to be made productive any way aoon, and tha road a pront paying lino, It waa up lo them (o aid aad courago agriculture and atock ralalag. thereby Increaao the freight toaaga for the road. The eaUbllahmeat ot aa experi mental farm in the valley la bat th beginning of what th N.-O.-O. la tend doing. ' They are negotlatlag for the purchaao ot the liuater-Htw-Itt property on tho wat lde. Thla plrro ot property romprlaea In tho neighborhood of 3,000 acre of aomu of the beet land on the wt aide, aad currlc with It water right from the 0. V. I.. Irrigation ytom. A aoon aa tho ileal 1 comumniated the man ttsomciit of the N.-C-O. will have It urveyod and platted Into 80 and 160 acre farm. Land leekert will be given all tha Inducement poaalble la order to pro mote the early aaJUemeat of the taad, The company will exact ao rental hatevor for the flrtt year' um of e land. While their plana have not en completed, arraagemeata are to mado with the purchaaer ao that will be able to pay for the homo (thla a period ot ave or all yeara. bey .will be furaleaea e wheat town on the company' experimental rm. A atart la hog will ante be llowed tho wlahlaf to engage la thla (Id branch of farm life, K WANT MKKCT tXHOTfON KolMtJM by Wotfu fa lauw e 4 dkr4 te at to ' WAIMINOTON, D. 0., THe. t. Baator, work latwdaaal a e Joint reoeiattoa la th eeaato to- day prnlag a coaatltatloaal, amadmat providing for tha c4ctloa of pTMldeat aad vie preildeat by direct vote of U Meate. MRS. WAGNER TO PlAf IfUM YUM" WKLL KNOWN 8INOKX WIM. BK MKARO 1.V THK LKADiNO HO HHANO noUe IN OPKRA TO RK OIVKN BY NEGRO GETS A LICENSE TO JED Jack khomon um lcchxb CAMMBON WILL BB MABBIBB IN CBIOMO TBa AinTBaUrOOft. WILL BB NO INTBBBNCB CHICAGO, Dm. S-Jaek Jebaaeei today aeearod a Ueaaaa to marry La clll Camerea. He ajava hla agj aa S aad Luclll' agw aa It. The wedding U acbedatod to oeenr at Johaaoa'a heme lata thl aftaraoaa. Oovernmeat detactlrea will aot la- terfere. SELL PARK IS MORE FAVORED The part of Yam-Yam, tha prettlMt Utu maid -la all Japaa, Is to be take by Bra. Wa. Waamer a't U Elk prodaetlM ot th Mikado. Tha picture (haw Yam-Yam preparing her toilet for hr wedding- Thar la aa old adag that tru lo Bvr raaa ameoU. iTbl la moat urly 'P:BwRflB ep(Bhicwr' BJBj VriaBBBBBfl i'j-U'. ?I'- ' gT daVftaBsLBaai v 'ABaBBeaaYaBr BBBBJ Baav BaaaaSaaaTaaTj i nBBJtBBBBBBBBwBBJ aaaaaafebl ' aaaiaBaaaadOlaa SVSgffflflagfffffffffffmli Uie caa with Yum-Yam, the leadlag Aoprano part In the comic opera, 'The Mikado." Tha play open on tha day that she la to bo married to bar guardian, KoKo, the Lord High Kxecutloner, but th man who haa really won her heart la Nankl-1'oo, a wandering win atrel, who la alaglng ballad la the tea garden ot the town of Tttlpu. Naakl-Poo, In a moment of ooa- Bdenc. telU hU rival, KoKo, that he. too, la In love with Yum-Yu, aad admit that he deaerve puaUhmeat at the band of hla rival. Ko-Ko tell the wandering mta- atrel that he atao levea Yum-Yum. aad 1 glad to hav hla opinion backed up by each competent authority, but laforma him that h baa ahowa up too Into. After thla aveata take a turn that la excruciatingly fuaay, aad wlai up by Nanlk-Poo wlnalag Yum-Yum aad KoKo being given tba efcotee ot whi ning tho heart of Katiabn (a atrong mlnded old maid of the Mikado' court), in ten minutes, or la the event ot hi failure, being boiled la oil. KoKo' hurry-up lovlaea. where he win Katliha la oa of tba fuaal at bit ot comedy that haa ever been on In light opera. The oharactera ot KoKo and Katl- sha ar la the haada of M Andrew and. Mr. lumwalt. and, ay taa war, Mrs. lumwalt la showuig a awat pa-' markahl ability la eentody.v-'ihe ha heretofore been known, to Klam ath Fnlla only na a atagf, but bar frUnda who have a bar rabearaa laahM that bar ability as an m trees U fully, ual to ber talent aa a. ran ., OLT OK fMXTBBK VOJBBI Bf TOBAY, BfJY OBB VAVOBBB THK PBOfWawTJOK Of aUBaTOfa THK LAXB VOB A PABst . MstoM votos watw.reseleed by MM coaaty eawrt today m tao aU amart bona asjaaro prepHIa. lifHaa at tha Totaa wr favorable to th property, aad but oa waa tkat-ptaa. Th veto now ataaaar 8U the Bfaterty STB Kp tb property 113 GOLD STRIKE IS MADE NEAR VALE MINING MKX ARM BKCOMINa BX CITKD OVKR THK BBPflBM BK CKIVKB VROM nUnTTBBN OBB jQON MINING COUNTRY PLANS MADE FOR GAMES NEXT YEU 'ABLY BO AB TO BB WBBN Tin VOOTBALL Of VALL OT MM At a football alM at tba ha aoraral laaaMrtoat aMgaaMtaBsaa ' Baal S(lftBsgaVa taoboya. Mo haa aaaeas Mm toaaeslgt aMMsTSef aBal Maf mattora cam ay for Loal MeClar waa of Um 'VareKy Mr. MeCaU waa Mr. MeCaU wi hU poyatortty wKb aaveral kegalrlaa boys, aad and that a kvaj want to toko ay work la Tb taasttoa of eaas ay for taslea. aad tt cld4 to BMr gaaso wUb tba vnlUy, U ysaalble. eh town toaas ar will toko Um form of a aorta. Aa to aaaae. tha toaat tmrnH 4 a Maeliiraale gem b tba ury. aai taoy aoataoc to aooy taet tor aart yav seeAbaB. biy. Ho aad that b boa a waogead Paal Laeaa, a batobor Hala 'atoat snarkat, aiilia4 am th city laat night after bavtog ba loot In tb swamp aoar Sjaaw PotaC Has hora aaak la tba'trabra aroaa4 aad Lucua abot.th animal. Ho wan dered nroand nil atght. aad at tb break ot day waa laally aMo to cat back oa dry land. Dr. Mrrrmaa naarts too btrtk of a dauaator inu maraiag n.ggr. aava Mrs. T. W. Pbaaasjer. at On pj. Baw'aVB (' " - J- V,. 'te CHMBHUrJ rcwufit 0' ntmrm VALE. Or., Dm. . Mtabag men are becoming greatly Interested k a bow strike mad about tea daya ago by F. L. JohnaoVbn tb property ot tho Drenel Mining company, oaa tpurtb mile from Malheur CRy, to th trm northern nd of Mainour county, fifty mile north of VaU. A doaa credible wHaissss attost to tha fact that ayaaroatly almost fro milling gold or, found In na aad- alt formatlea at a 4atb of Ulrty feet, will rua from 3 to 4 to the toa. Tba vela la which It Us U said too twenty ft arid, though Its extant la at ureses, unknown. Malheur City, na a result, U fast be coming a teat city, aad every day, t faw more mining men aad prospect ors going In bad stoking oat claims. P. B. Johaeaae, mlatag eagtaeer ot llolse, Idaho, formerly for three yeara milling engineer for th department of the Interior, returned to Belee af ter aa ecteaslv survey of theralatrict, during wblcb b mad n pernjmal la apectloa of the Johaaoa prospect aad other adjacent propertl. beside ob taining or eamplea f rom tb famous Rainbow mine, six miles away la the Mormoa Bara,.rr wblcb the Waited Btatea Smelting company of Salt Lake City paid tTIO.aoe two ara ago'. "It la aa exceedingly good prea peet." Jobaeoso aaM. "Johaaoa la down thirty font, aad haaat deae any erosa eutllag toayeak ot.,but la, al ready hi aa' aaaealt' foraaattoa wktob yJMa apJaaaOy fro ialUlag or wertk between ! aad MM air tea, I Judge UM blab grad ts Is tweaty feet wM; bat enn't say boar tarKeatoada; TM balaae of Um or u tow grad, from II to III aer'toa, butallWrly! -. Viv ' ' ' ' .v i fr'-.vl, -. V J u ? ym -l--: - v YOUNG CARIEY PLEADS GUILTY YOUNB MAN WILL BB auWmfNC- M BY JVBOB nWNBOM DAY MS WAA CMABM IWROIUtMBLHB BfJN bTIOBB William Cartoy plaadsd guMty whoa he waa arrabnaod la tho iwrsaKJeoart thl moralag oa a ihargs of burgtory He will b ssatsaeed Tbaraday. ' Cnrley waa arreotod.by OSear Hall while he waa la 'the net of barglai)- lataf i n. toaal caa atoro. Hla eom paaftoa eeeapsd. . - ' , i ' jj iraas Two) fee pasarBkaaWWBl Aeuamajag tssassmsaa)'A sysaatga) aTaa tor ah Aws) .i ''' ;. " WABaVNCyTOir: O. CA; 'Ybia. aV- ejaa tl,Vbdmmf 'mmtmm eawt. B BSBBBBawagsai aassj awanaBnaBBnaannBm awanaBnaanaanaanak w gawaaaaanw gkjamjAjkW . mmM kggttwawa fjMaHWi fjtAff ujM fiiint aPiw. :. "cf. Ilaa af Ma tAsa far BiwaM fMtfi ejaiAABa IiiiiBBHiBBlBT 'dW ''ntnaun ' ;' afsaWawW taS' ' ' WIBsf MMaawPsgeHaff f awSaS wMBafJ aMjkl. jaawumt gfXguaagatfaJiMft tiw BJtojaBjafgaAgaanallBW. fwVfMS.fJaBaH fJsafawTBjg? Wm aTBBafJBPffJBawaHaV taVsnaaajadk gajaJsWaaaMBdH jBjmajfajm 'aawaaBa aWaawaaa ' ' ureaaBa Fasaffjefai fsfJsVsfjav , mm hi y5 V F q lafsMifa aafafa Ma aaatt vf 8,etoc demtol tatwnig libag waa maAebr JuAgo Arikhlll aa; saa'aa4sba ais.' aaay 'gdaaj. . ' bkt dtoa. '-4J" , ' . " ;i- r j wnoa to aosmto , toaaf m i atoaaat to' eaak twas tarn to jaw1 . Bath tBAsnMoaaaumsMtaauASBMeanaaav ' aarwom jaspaj BjJWwswsbbbbbbbjsbbbb) sjbbbbi nassar waaBBBSBBBsjBBBssa) r tba bows alitonr 1amaaMaaa wAjm " tba toipagabmaat ibarajs won) sgMaw ., tavestlgattoa. ,'At vtbaae" fetMlBW. laaum AreAbaM by '' aff 'pafa, "! deala. eaald nait aaAdsal bmW'bsbubbM waTaWSWjg. wfwrwafjw BWa , esnsaTW aeasa sjvaov sawawaFSawavv of wMassasa. , HofdM 'W'tojM fjM . --''" ' WkataW ta'waa haa. ' SFwassauffaB) sawsaausswaBwa ww sseawewsi eaway vaassp wassaw tttybar tha aiasm;,faiattaa f 'b tb Mat. kM toiaWjBBBAfgJto, '' aaeWi, wayaa, 3ajaaa'xsajaai ( JamBt la VtorMa, weaiittod.'aa)4iaajsjMiBdl r to XHo, ' '' T ' ' . fOoattawai aw,JHaai.:-r ,: . ... J i. "'. , W l" R. Vance Hutchlns it " ' ' ' - r. a Grand Jury Witness Newspaper Man la Bafoee tU If quisltorial Body 'frmnil it k Tell of Fiilkt Wttk ftffifiai4 ,-' rr ''T' . wrj A- R. Vaab Hatohtaa waa bofara tb grand Jury thla altoraa,.aad It la haltawad that ka wwa aaianaataA aaav eoraiac the 1M ha whioh ha a- smsaMgkjl wSil 1. . v'?"vf ' -t k fi. A day or iwa aator tiw laht Waaar JuAga Orava f, .' $jt,K 1 aabtaM thotraab of by. ! tagaahi , $m ' irf- Jv; jgw KMjr r,