VJVt t -I ' (.w:-. w a, tt V t, . '! I JmmW P JCi c ammRBk BB sflg a-" ." DO YOUR CHRISTHA SHOP PING EARbtf r Do yoir Xaat Saopplnjr, for the Men and Boy at a Mens1 and Boys' Store. Shop at Klanath Falls bitfrest and beat Men's and Boy4s tore. We have prepar ed to take care of yoar wanta with appropriate and asef al Silts. Watch oar ada for aadtfcitloita aid prices. 20,000 Bonai Votes given with every S5 trade coupon Book this moat. Spatial prices oa Mei'a and Boy'a Clothing tals moath. y K. K. K. -?!' - STORE Leading Clothiers fM" A PETERSON TALKS TO THE PUPILS MCW COUNTY BCTRRINTKNBKXT ic.vnarAixa thr stvrknt or Tine mw bcmool--wot Fred Petersen, tte srtsral can didate tor eeuaty saperteteadeat el eeboom. cave the etadeate of the high echoed m IntereeUac talk ttto mors (. He had no perUcalar abject, hot h made but Am aetata regard tec the etudenta' work. Mr. Mmlssa. alee aanoaaced a chance te haeketball, whereby the here wta cat three praettoea a week at Dm PavMaa. Tate te for prepare- Wile. ttea tar Mm trip that tha htch tw v wW take dartec tha hettdaye. Mr. MaOaH amsoeaeed that te or - 4r ta prspar for aaat year to feet hall, a msettec at tha taut waaM he haM thte afternoon. Several Huw af Uw laathaM aMaatlaa twere die :-iaai'il. and aR tha bee are later rears' aehedate a At tha 'reenter aMetlac of tha Wo- a'a Kettet Carpa taaMrrew after , at S:Se e'eteek. eleettua of oa ten wW ha hM aad ether Important Tha aeaUment te favor of eUiag tha old eoart heaae sit te growls la favor, aa tha veto np to thte afteraoon IBaaMsgaiaaB I aVSsvWB) Ml eM.cMit kwmltt..,.w7 ' K9U rt bcHsM stto. . . 293 Tk sjgarammVhe mmmdtmlamd (W enamm"mmjBjk aaajawnw baa been peeapeeed ruMlfAS- swrsnpn. for toaight aaW a weak from SETTLERS BARRED FROM MUCH LAND RULING OV THK DKPAKTMKXT OF TMK INTERIOR HI AOA1N8T TAKING UP LAND WITHDRAWN FOR RECLAMATION SetUlag oa teaite which haye heea wlttdrawa tor reclamation purposes will not he allowed hereafter, accord- lag to a rullag of the secretary of tha laterlor, a eepy of which haa Just been received here. The ruling follews: A Basher of caese having occurred w berate operatloaa wader the recla mation act the Ualted State haa bees ubjected to expense te compensating etttera who have located aaaa aad (proved teada wUhdrawa aader tha racteatettea act. aetwlthataadlag the prior withdrawal, It te hereby ordered aid eatrynua promptly vacate the land, or ihows cauae aa to why lie hould aot do ao. proper etepa will be taken la the court to secure hi re moval. Notice provided tor la par agraph 1 and S should be limit! to tatraieaU substantially the language ladlcated. (3) If after service of notice to vacate, the eatrymaa doe not, within n reasonable time comply with the notice, the eaglneer shall at once re port all facte to the director of the reclamation esrvlce, through the su pervising engineer la charge of ttie district embracing the project, the re port to contain auHlclent Information to form basis of appropriate legal action. CRIMINAL CASES BEFORE COURT Jl'IMiK IIKXMiN AH t MYTH W. M. WII.KV Art ATWHNKV rOK Alt THt'lt WAI.I.KX CHAIH1K Irt AHHAUl.TIMi OH.N OAt'UHTKIt (1) Whenever kaowtodaa te ac quired by aay saglaear or oaateyea of the racteteattem service that aay person ha settled upon teada with drawn under the Srtt form, or upon tend withdrawn under the aacoad form before they have bee declared subject to entry, aad attar such with drawal, written notice he served upoa the settler to the eSect that tha land U not subject to settlement, aad that no preference Tight can ha acquired thereby la the event of the future opening of the land to entry. (2) Where n settler I preparing to make Improvemeate or expendi tures upoa withdrawn Wad seeded or likely to be needed for reclamation work, or where eetttemeat or aaeaaa. tloa Interfere or te likely to later fere with the operation of tha ear vice, the Bottee served ahaU centals (aformatloa to the effect that tha oc cupation I iHeaal and that aniens TEXT BOOKS DO NOT PLEASE ALL HIGH SCHOOL TBACHKKH AKK OCT FOR A CBANOK IN TMK hooks turn ux tmk runt. CHAXaK M NOW IHCtHKKO for the stock. It was said the brok- . .. ...... 1-..1.... , T gOl 3,UUU,UUU CUIunil.aiWH. u th bnml Issue 140.000.00 was for tli H. I1, stock ami 110,000,000 for llm Northern I'sclllc tlral This gave the U. P. 3K lr cent of nil Southern I'acinc stock. It I alleged. lu 1-10 the I'uluu I'acinc palI f 1 0,000,000 for 71,000 more sharv of the Houthern I'acinc stock, Inert' Ing It holillucs to ii txr rvtil of the Ul oiiimnnillns llli It tnt nm trol of the 1'ncMc Mall Htcannlilli compauy, the Houthern I'arIRr hold Ing 110,000,000 of tho 110,000,000 Prisoners who have been held In Piw au asansa la u l..H..t !. fM-al-. the county Jail for some lime wsro ' " - " " - of the 8U Uko railroad occurred arralgnsd In tho circuit court this Umlmn ,, . u, wh afternoon before Judge . Uenson. t,nator William A. Clark for exactly Time for pleading was asked In each ,u 0f the "Salt Lake" slock. case, and the court nxed until tomor- i ljot llarrlnisn, llogers, UchllT, roy morning at 10 o'clock. William Rockefeller, Htlltman and Th rsM warn u follews: Ktiliti. I.ut A Co. are said to have Mt.t. miut V. Ferrb. charcrd bought a quantity of "Hanla Ke with child stealing. W. II. Shaw at- stock and demanded representation torney. cn ,ho rd of directors. State against James Hone ami The govermucui also charged that Thomas Moore, charged with steal-lthe O. 11. A N. railroad, a Itarrlman Ing from store. W. II. Shaw, attor-Subsidiary, paid 110,000,000 for ney. . It'snta Ke stock and the Individuals aaaaam wTsi? rOR A QUICK J0f We ran put enough sktll.d rasa to work to ntil.li it la any ittm tin, The workmamblp and tnaterlat art always the samethe bnt to U hi! auylier,. No matter tlhrr lour jolt be largo or small, or what ktn1 ot a liluttttilns Job It may U, t.n hnnlo It In mur turfed tatlifactloa ii our rstlnislti. Hear wnil ;cn,r hHirhhora ay of our work, GHItLr.Y - i ' A . I 'r v f- an lime OF TMK YKAR TO OUCH OUR STOCgt IN TO Rh WR TRY I ' nrts it line ic fnp. SHI at TOlftjY RUT LITTLK AMD iKCHRASK OCR HALR8 WKINdmRASROURSAUM MV LOWKRINQ PRICKS ON IsRRV CHAKMHK tS WHICH WR ARM OVFJMTOCatKO. IF VOU CONTHaf. ' FLATK UMNO ANT LUMBER AT THIS TIMK OF IF IT IS YOUR INTENTION TO BUILD BOMHTHdK IIKFORH HFRINa, OKT PRIORS : no FROM US now. pome ROWN AND oo ovhr r.yArb stock and WR WILL NamrW i YOV SOMK RAROAINS. IlilASIN LUMBER CO. ' r0M 1071 Fred Duntlng, -4-year-old son of Jr. O. Bunting of Lakovlew, was accl dentally shot In the foot by a play mate last week. The body of William J. Proudfoot, the well known stockman who died In Lakevlew recently, baa heea taken to Whitby, Canada, for Interment. smmVmm 'W Several of the faculty ot the high school have eipreseed themselves In the teat few day a regards the com ing change la text books, watch will take place In the spring. While the majority of the books now In nse are very satisfactory, several of the books have not come up to the standard. Mis Applegate, English teacher. stated that she wanted a decided change In the English Literature and Rhetoric. She aald that those book were too hard for the average slu dent, especially te Literature. Mr. Morrison Is advocating change In the bookkeeping text. He state that the book aad method bow In use te the schools are oat of dale, and that no business bouse use that method. He haa teat out several buadred letters to the principal of the high school la the state, asking them to co-operate with him In bring Ing about a chance. W. Carter, charged with burglary. Keesee A Oroeebeck. attorneys. In the case of the state against Arthur Walien thero appeared some dIHculty In securing an attorney. The case was offered to different member of the bar In attendance In court, but each one asked to be excused, offer ing some excuse. Later la the day Judge Benson asked W. 8. Wiley to take the case, promising ample tlmo to make Investigation, Walien charged with Incest. 11,000.000 In addition, giving liar rtmaa eradicate 171,000 shares, and Insuring a loud voice in Santa Fa management. Attorney General Wlckersbam said Harrlmaa wss afraid" to buy complete control of I h Santa "o. That the Southern Tactile and oth er roads dividends wsro soon raised enormously, the O. it. A N, psylng 77 ler cent In 1901, waa alleged. He Is j final to build new roads, stopping de velopment of many Western and I'a- TheMikado Comic Opera in Twd Parts Iiitiu coast stales, followed, the gov William Dudley Daniel, the 2year-' eminent declared, old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daniel, I Tho defendants' plea was that the who reside nesr the old Meadow LakoJKouttiern Pacific merger was made lo sawmill, Is rapidly recovering from n'ktep lb U, T. from being "bottled snvere Illness. Ho Is under the care! up" at Ogden, Utah, Ita western ler of Dr. Q. I. Wright I minus, snd not to stifle competition. - lit pleaded self-defense, declaring the It'saOIrl .(lould aad Northwestern railroad In Dr. Wright report the birth of an Ureal went also seeking the Hunt 8-pound girl Ibis morning to Mr. and Mr. Herbert F. Phillips, who re side 6a the Merrill road. NMKtiMI NIT IV THE COURT (Continued from Page 1) The report that tb N. C. O. rail road Into Lakevlew would be con verted Into broad gauge has been offi cially denied. The lakevlew Elks held memorial service Sunday. A movement I on foot In Lakevlew to establish a creamery there. It Is said that 11,000 go out of Mke vlew Jrtry month In the year for butter. DrAlTV DADtflAISJC r.t,g... wn,Mwn,,, Sfl feet oa Mala street, vssth new solid cearrete beildtag) ere!Uet lo cation; good tacome. Price flS,S(l trims. SS-ffjot vacant tto heart ed per footi timi AS.foof!et Sw feet ami SMeaah. ettjr est aaay iana. ChVIL M Mala St. v pajBT (RmJ JapsSHsl BWJffTVw"ef tjfe.estf. Price SS-90 mB&r jggggagagai are,, SITS. WacaBmsiM.ealy PHajp apNB sSpJf-Ps aaajsncl ajv SvtCji 9V COTE - FaeasmH therefore, thulr combination was not In violation of the antl-truit law. The Northern I'aclflc and (Ireat Northern railroad were merely nom inal defendant, the government al leging Harrlman and his ronsplraton. trlsd to "gobble up" thoso roads In 190C by buying a majority of North era Pacific stock to secure control of the Uurllngton feeder of the North ern Pacific. In It "Northern Securi ties" decision, the supreme court held void the Northern Pacific deal. Grossly Increasing rates, tlon of construction of new brauch lines and "sensible" deterioration or service were the three principal evils cited by the government aa a result of tho combine. Throttling of the Panama canal trade through the Pa cific coast and Oiilf of Mexico ship ping lines controlled by the Southern Pacific, was another evil alleged. "Oreut rigor" In enforcing tho law. because or the few Western railroad In control of transcontinental traffic, was pk-adod for. It was alleged that Mr. Harrlmaa bought 475,000 bara of Southern. Pacific stock la 1901 from Edwin. Hawley aad heir of Colli P. Hunt ington, father of the "S. P" through Kubn, Loeb A Co. Oa February tV 1901. Kubn. Loeb AaCo. sold 7E0.00D share of 8, P, stocU, Including liar- rimans uiock, to Of, union Pacific railroad, which immediately Issued lioo.ooo.ooo worth ot bond to par lugton stock. They said the S. P. and the U. P. were connecting not competing line. Another plea wss that In 1901 a Walt street pool sought to oust the U. P. from the i. P. bosrd, and that tha Union Pa cific' holding were Increased to iU por cent to defeat their enemies. It Is nald that the U. P. has sold all of) lis Northern Pacific, Oreat Northern und Banto Fe slock. The railroads, asking Invocation of the "rule of reason" to the merger, I tin tared the VS. P. never controlled a majority of Southern Pacific stock, now owns oniy to per cent, and houKhl the Huntington atock In the open market, denying the right of toiiKres or th courts to hold tho purchase Illegal. rnoia'ctut hy Klamath Falls' Elks MOURTONft OPKR MOl'SK Thursday aiid Fridtj Dec. ellwand 10th L'llOKt'roF fi-9 VOICM Nrectie) of WIIJfilN A ANDHKWS Urge Onhestra aader the dsrrrttea Jof M. H. Measell PRieEjs , $1.00 and ySc r islam NOTICt: ttrsaWAtt I Otflri tt film Pfiiinfv Ts-sta . suvs n - vvnhi vneui vi mi nth Falls. Orecnn. S Notice Is hereby glvvnithnt there uro funds in the countyfreasury for tho redemption of allrond warrant protested prior to itn Including June 28, l!l7-4ntrestr will cease from November ZsLfl2, 0LAUDBII, DAaOBTT, County Treasurer, h 33-10t rS9 3t FOIt SALE About 30 toaTof wheat nd oat hay, excellenT quality; 6 mite from Falls on,g'ood road, at 110 a ton In stack. Bee Cbllcote, at C33 Main St., orbiu 111, lU HUH 6RI1 Dreektast a la case now served -at this populsr griljSpaelal mereaagt tenchea. IS caafi. Family dlaaer swery efonlncT Including Sunday, 10 frsils. flP4jl dlnaere to order. ll)t FOR XMAS WK WOUI.lt Ml'OOKHT A C'AMKHA'1 AM A VKHV HUITAHLK (UFT A PICTURE 0 THE FAMILY .UIOUND THK XMAS TRKs! MAY MTKH UK PMHSI.il' VKRY HIOHLY. IT'H KAHY TO KODAK BY THK NEW MKTHODM. I.KT US TELL YOU ALL AHOUT IT. WK WILI UK OI.AD TO MIHIW YOU. EVERYTHING IN CAMERAS t - W HITtYVAIN,DRtJO.VMU T im miINnBMajBmR YOUK PC'" IN BUftlf ?Vi -( i ;i s: .