gBPFMatt MY THM NNWM NMtVICK Kit mL - Ijseeth Year No. f,wB T-. gibe ftJcmna :v tjv,' s Hifsift. 'a itWf' . - s " ' JjjXii,.! LT ry 'Tm7 ws 1L' ".! H' v ,..(, N. nuNrW Wfl J 'V KLAMATH PALM, 0RHO0N, MONDAY, DHCKMBKR 8. ltlf ,f- t .A ffort ffi ; tw ' pee and the Union Pacific Must p. Sup Split Up rente Court of the United States Decides on Dissolution of Railroadi r ftr 1 (INGRESS Will WFST AUTHORIZES RAILROAD MAKES fiETINTO ACTION MONEY FOR ROADS SPECIAL RATE N SHORT TIME V? PA'AL orK.NI.MI NL'KNWt WIT.NKMMMI IN HOI'MK AUK ICO.VHTIiri.TION OK HIGHWAY TO IM.NXIXT Till: III.IIK I.KIM J li nif.NTIlV WITH Till! ki.ah.itii , hivkii country Commit Wot linn aaucllonud th I'LA.V TO llltl.NU DAIRY COWH TO Til IK MIXTION' OK THK COU.V. TltV IH KN'COUKACJK.D IIV THK MM.'TIIKIt.V I'ACIKMJ Kred WcK.ndre of Merrill Uft u of ll.ouo of Oregon' forcal ro-,1''' lUT Modwto, Calif.. after a Miinbrni Cauae Home IMa. jM,Ml, rortlpl for lli eonatruclluii of Jcnrluad of lloletclu dairy cattle for tillnl Politician IN-iiimm.I '"" Coak mid tlreou road tint con ul i. tied thu llluo ltdgt country with under pi eit "IMiHwrala Ml Willi Tttclr, The money will ho expended B-ehlh.B Md llHll MUUM, llrHtM " "' '"'f UUMMI, M.J ' a lAtl of thu road Ilea In California, m In lliv Halle ( Lawmaker ipeclal rt'utit lucceMary. by the governor wa ' rafted I'reaa Service WABIII.NUTO.V, D. C, Dec. J .'Betel., whath, thumpely- thump." oinber touch to the opening ccrctuo tilt. The mute mourned In IU be laAteliieul of Vice I'rcildent Hhcr man, former Senator lloyburn of Ida' ho and fonalor Itayuer. In Iho houte, a half doitn mahog. Mtiv itMka rtfiVMrjul wllli itimmt anil i . .1. 1 . A .1 1 , w,wWi kh u.L. mird .,n or in. rM4r,H wllh crll0, Lr0UKhl . tMr t0 itlroacrra. w. win.afd. Th. 10- , m.ny leluruln, moWbtr,. Ha ninu w.r at work aaalu, 0u, f rt (0 linr -K-owI rram lb crack of On retcllTc mcmBCr,, toth houica adjourned ronirru xittiod into iho wuhin a very few minute after con of liUUtle hmlneM, to end yeunt. after Iraanactlns minor and a March Ith, whrn a nw prea (lseiai' Initial bualneaa. Ia4 a democratic rontrrM .Up. enalor llool of New York. In a i , 1 l 'ferlin rulticr. otflclallf anaounrad repeated; In thVanle'the death of XKfVrit- hoth houiea. Mdcnt Hherman, In whoeo aheence the laeteat pitrrtlenta, alinoat law frouiiprtldtnt pro tent of the acnate, 8n , Mtoaed havrvaurf, wrre rlcoroiiiljr ator llacon, actod aa prcildlnx offl cer. Kenator llorah of Idaho follow, rd the New York aenator with the ll fHa thre gavel atrokea today, r- .. aIa..1 m ! aha lafcitaiA iHaV . m m t Aaef. I,)nill IU ll UUUW HUU .1I1V, W" Mf m toe nronte ciock poioicu 10 b. r;"INtfX;j'd a?fli were Uearat the iinliiB of hot! Mie4. la tb leml, ffeiialor Auguatus O, Reiaa, Urge, florid and the penonin litlea of "aenalorlal dignity," did he keaora. Ilia waa the hand which announranieiit of tho death of hit forintr colleague, Bonalor lleyburni Itraolutlona were thn pataed, exprea laktty tapped Mkt marble.opp.d,lng the deep aorrow of the ienato. Mk of the pretliMfig oltlrer leeaker ChafipClark, with vigor Ma and mounding thumpa of hi lrtt did alnillar duly at the aouth M4 ef the Cnpllol, l both chamber, death lent a 3ffl2T and ympathy for th bereaved fam llle. The enlc then udjournod until Tuesday. Klmltar recognition of their dead wa mail In thn houte. (Continued 011 l'sgv J 1 jr jauy xjjjiuuuM.uju 1 1'ajm Xhir Absent Brothersf Remembered by Elks Memorial Services of Local Lodge Ui UJIth AHHraaatunl Music. But One Member Missing thu Klamath llaalu. The farmera of Klmnalh county are taking great Intvimt In the dairy bualneaa, and nearly all of them are aecurlng addl llonal thoroughbred ttock, J. W. McCoy baa eblpped three car load Into the county the pat lum mer, and I now making a trip through Kama, WUoomIb and Ohio tiller two car more. N. 8. Merrill, who I Kaat oa a vUlt, eipocta to ahlp a car of dairy atock bare thla fall, and aeveral car a bave bee ahlp led to the Kort Klamath country by Aimer Weed and other. C. T. Oliver haa Jut received a communication from the Souther; I'arlitc company la reply to a letter he enl the company relative to a re duction In freight rate on cattle from the Middle Weat T. A. tlraham, aaalataat freight traffic manager of the railroad, writ Ing for the company, atatea that a roualderable better..rate thajulIM Pr car from Mlaaktalppl River aetata la available, although the company decline to make a rate of flCO a car, aa luggeeted by Mr. Mcuoy. to rate quoted are a follew: Chicago to Klamath Pall, 1170 per car. Mluliilppl Klver to Klamath Knll. $208 per car. MIourl Itlver to Klamath Kail, 1210 per car. Hmlley la Dead lti:i)I.AND8, Calif.,, Dec. !. Al- bert Hmlley, Internationally known aa n peace advocate, died today. He waa a& year of age. Ilia wife la critically III. i Tk aeeoad annual memorial eier ' Mm of Klamath Kalh Udg No. .' 7, tf. I. o. Nik, waa observed by 1 member of the lodge and their ftlaaea Sunday at the opera houae. aeut 100 member marched In a ;)t from the kail to the meeting where a large number of cltl- NUliad already aalhered to wltaeaa i t imbrrailVa emleaf. j Kialte4 Kuler lluater Bavidgo pre- ' iLUd ...J . :.- ...... li. .1.. ., - auu Hiiar me riivaiMwv -HM by oMcera of the lodge, the I grau of mualc and addreaaea wai f 'wrjIfU OUl, ( ?k eulogy oa W. J, I'roudfoot, 0 dlfld Mnv.ul... Illk written hv ' W trfilr Tbempaoa, waa read by . " Waited Ruler' M. 8. Hall. ' ' 'The adaraaa Pnrl.rN.f of Ued. ;W Udg No, iiat waa a.aaatar- " U was a veritable eermon a ;,7'.Kn tot apeaker clearly and brii- .W'y explained the great part by the Hike o-faalaatlon In '"t men k'aw to get tba ot :?W . rtk whIU aut f.Ufa. 'i',frt Peopla," aa'lg Mr. Naff, "havo lPreaaHi'jiat tke Mke are a lallam u Pui vl" r'i i ..til. . S' r tklak af iMthlag Thla, to a certain ealent, I true," but Mr. Not ttuted that thla wan In iiccordanc wllh thu teathtng of Chrlit, who lie hvllevi'd did not mean that wo were to "becoinu a Utile children' In only ono or two particular, but In every ruipect. Wo ihould bo a pure and a fruitful aa llttlo children, and wo liould 11U0 bo a happy and Joyful a tho child. Thoro wn roally not o much trouble In tho world, declarod Iho apoaktr, and If euch one boro i little It would not bo n great burdon. and all could bo happy, na ChrUt ox pectod them to bo. tinier of KxcrcUe niintiitiir Ode "Uroat Htiler of tho Unlvorie" I'ruyer Clmplaln of Iho l.odgo Carey Itamaby llyimi' -Mixed Quartal-Wllaou, Wal ton, Andrew and llammell Kulogy Hon., W. Ialr Thompon nead by H. II. Hall Duo't "The Cruclflx" (raure) WlUon and Andrew Addreea Porlor, Neff, Medlord1 Lodge No. iX t Soto (leorgo Wltaon. ' Cloalng Ode "Wo Hnvo FlnUhed Our Tabora" Honed Ictlon-taev. 8tubbl8aid Attoraeye Heal It became knowu today that the law firm of Keeeee A Oroeabeck haa reilgued aa local repreaeatatlvo of the II. O. Dun A Co. Mercantile Ageucy. Thl firm and Ita predeceaaor, II. W, Kceaec, havo repreaeated the Dun Mercantile company la Klamath for many year, but owing to the fact that uch reproentatloa wa fre quently in conflict with and preju dlilal to other and more Important local Intereit, the arm will ao loager act n financial reporter and collec tion agent. aaaaaaaa 'a - - ' e ALLIANCB MHIKWHB Ti e) HlgaMcvuet Aeitea-I Take ky ttMOtMtrWven Ualted Pre larrMe) BERLIN, Daa. Irrlt waa o- e) etally anaouaead Mlay tkat tfce Triple AlUaaa ka4'keea retww- ad for threa yaan. e Thla I algalleaat In view of the cmdltloM la t Balkaaa. , u JOHNSON FUNS i TO MARRY GIRL -J5 m WARINO. IMua WtJkCK AUTOMOWtitC RaUar to OTPLAOl CAM nw 1 PI Lvauc f CHICOQO, Dec S Aa auto eUada In front of Jack Jahma'a kaaaa to day ready to leave wfcaai ik Mgtw receive a apeclal delivery letter from Lucille Cameraa. . , "Aa aoaa aa I gwt kka letUr." aald Johaeoa.-I wlU raah U wkar Laetlla I. W will ka aaarrM at aft aata." Federal aulborttlea .amy tkat U marriage wlU aat aefeat tka wkR atava raae, aa tk gM l.aly a wH- y - as&BM ' Ai;-t FAKE COONTESS , 6ETS THE COIN fOSKH AH A HICK ROUMANIAN WHO IK TO HK KOHOKU INTO A MVi:i.KHH MAHKIAOK WITH A HKIIVIAX I'RINCK lliillcil 1'rojt Service IIIIHUN, Dec. 1. I'oelng aa a rick Itoumaulan counteaa c6ndmaed to a lovelew marriage with a Servian prlnco, Lydla Mehl. a halrdreaaer'a uitunt, haa been ent to prtaon for iwlndllng wealthy and amoroua Ber liner. Attracted by her beauty, al leged title and wealth, a prommeat government oMclal waa eailly per uaded to take the "Count Deh muate' oat to dinner of evening and to lend her f 100 to enable her to re turn home to aak pana'a permkMloa to'call ok the Benrlaa match, CRIMINAL CASES UP TOMORROW AHKAia.NMK.NT OK KKMONKHM I.N THK COUNTY JAIL OCCURS BUT FORMAL l'I.KADINQ WILL HK HKAKU I.N TMK MOH.NINO . Oraad 4kt W. W. MeadeahalL foremaa. rancher, KUmath Fall. lon W. Aadenoa. raaeher, KUmath Fall, Robert Alexander, carpeaUr, KUmatk Fall. J. M. TlBtoa. rancher, Oleae. L. O. Mill, creamery owner, KUmatk Fall. A. W. Southerland, raaeher, MerriU. Auguat Bueilag, rancher, e e KUmatk Fall. a) The December term a(, tka clrcaR court opened thu Manuag, and A rand Jury, waa drawa te.Uka up tka charge' wklek have beam aaada agalnat police offlcer and other In dividual who have been reported to Governor' Watt. Th Drat aeven nam drawn from th llat of Juror were designated aa the county UnuUltorlal hear, and forthwith the aeven men proceeded to th grand Jury room, to deliberate pa the charge made. It I a aotabl fact tkat bat few of the member of th grand Jury are resident of KUmath Falla. WklU it appear that a few of tteaa receive their mall In thU city, the ka reality live beyond the ttmlta of KUmath Fall. Tomorrow the grand Jury wHI eon- alder the alleged auault on R. Vaace Hutchlaa, formerly a aewspaper re porter. ThU U kaown heeaaaa at the fact that wltae to th alleged a- ault have been lummoaed to appear on that d. Dlatrlet Attaraey Kaykeadall la eoBMUatWtv wMk the Jary part ef the day,, and ha atarted theea on their IftveetafetieB. j TM ail aeHOBi 01 mum amwn JartaiB waa aet (er trtal la the OREGON EASTERN IN NORTH LAKE MRANCM hunt MKMt WAaKMrVBM Ml HHUan'MB Te TowAM nnc BanawroaJ or LAKKCOUmtY Traveler ea rente freea Baraa to Lakevlew are eeatUaally aaceadlag Ua new of railroad aeOvRle la Northera Lake eoaaty, aaya the Lake- view Herald. There are I,t00 laker' era working la Malkear caaaoa tkla falL A great deal of work haa already beea done oa the 9,100 foot taaael, ana a aooa aa thl U completed the tlae of coBetraetloB aByroaekaa the opea prairie, where the work wilt he peaked more rapidly. It U claimed tkere are 100 Ball, ef raHa la tk yard at Vale. Work to rapidly os the went em4 at Creaeeat, aad eeaetratli are dletrlhated atoag tho Mm Tka twa force will aaM aeaMwher la Harney eoaaty. . The tetaat reaeru are mtag freea Ue Wagentlre eeaatry. rfetdBa- glaeer H. Orerdyke haa a party of eighteen re otahlag Ue Oregoei Baot- ern awrve at that Hint, wkere tho Ua kraaekaa aad aaliada down to ward Lakeelow. Thla araaeh eeeaea dowa front Ahert Lake. TalUr JWIa, Vgv VaTvVomeSeM Mlttf mamVaWaw oaW aaaSawV TaHor, down 1 AMaraa, the Pitt BJver Th Orosow. few yeara have mad a aamher 'of rreUmlaary earreya aiiefcag far a line of eatraaee late Baa Fraaeleeo, and out of all Ue dUfereat aarTeya, the oa HeaUoaed and tho ono croo Ing to Cagea were Ue only oaea ac cepted by the railroad and lied wRk the goveraaaeat. Th Pitt Rl?r to U meet prac ticable, becaaee R aCorda a water grade, or elgkt-teaUa of ono per coat grade almeet Ue eattre dtotaae. The aaaeoetttea, to that eenotraeUea work wlU begte oa thla araaeh tot tho aear fatare, ao aa to harry Ha eoav ptetiea for the Panama ecpeerHea In Ran Franetoeo la 1111. ' katateBraBotoo. aet era tn the poet New Th foUowlag were admMted to elt- toeaahlp today by Jadgo Beaaea In the clrcaR eeart: Qeorgo Oottlelh of Crueeat. a na tive of Oeraaay. Martin Kemgaek of Merritl, a aa- tlve of Oermany. ' W. O. BmHh of XlajaaU Falla., a native ef Canada. Frederlek'-C OeHaaM af Swan Uke, a BaUvo of Oeraaany. PRINCE WLO ON DEATH BED HHOT THROUGH IXTaMTINsw) IN THK ASRAULT ON BOVTAM. KINO AT BKBeMDai MONIBO OF ARMIST1CK DBLAYHU United Pre iervle . CRTTINJlfi, Dec.' . Prtnce Dan lelo U In the keapUal at Rtega. Hie condition la eonalaered Tory grave:. ' MANY WITNESS BAD ACCISENT TWO 6KAXTB 'ABB tVaMR CABB owe or AhfPUTA1 MBDFOBD. Dot. i-A kaadrei aaw Tner of OraoA II yeara, at Pa- two I earaof a arm clatehed la1 tho Jaw of am eoatroUed feapllag Ther atoo .1 aa eahlkRloft of lre aoreo o part of tho yoaU, who, alaaed to deaU. patlaatly waHod for of haad to free htoa. At Ue Baered Heart ana waa atafod by On. Picket aa HEIOENREtCH IS b.:b. Wltooa haa of the tery for the Swift He arrived la the eRy atM'algwL ao compaaied by B. N. KMearoteh, goo eral maaager for Ue Wg paeklag compear la Oregon. Mr. WReen ac cede H. B. Poka. Mra. Wltooa aad chltdrea wHI arrive ha the eRy la a few day to Jota her haahaad. KUaaaU Falla tooka hotter to aao every Haa. I' Tltt hero.'' aaM Mr. HeldMretoh. "Oar kaalaoa haa boob VViar SOVV Brw. oBaaMI Wi, VaWerM W " Urge oar,faBllln hero aa raaMly aa' the growU of the etty warfaa." -' Mr. Heldearetoh wHI reaaaln hero aeveral day ka order to.aaaho att of tka arraagemoBt lor Mr. Wltoan tab!- Ins over tho ,3i SHADES ff MEAT WtlAl WT F Ti IIP I Urn IMOTtstsfl If wte tttMBtti ' ' $ i taflaBWBkBMaiaklki:'. ' -i: ',.-', t. - 1 U -"--- ' "V j n' 'wajBBaeaajeaf Ml- o jl .. -.- -- - - W. .. nae.paae aBBawwoBB - aam.emeaaam yaa vanv eanvaai -' -.v1. j1 ' . :; ?$ a. V , W ' 'I P.V - ..-, -? - i . j?i Baat-Fedra ImMmtimwaAHtifmf '-"4H A OfVaWlBBB BBBaB.BV tMMaVUdi ejeamaw. awat anwam Ikk 'Tal - . - 1" 1 ' It t..y. 1,, T"'-? Bia'iLiMBi Jl .Vf9'9si99xF-tfSKK!SfSt ,waa aaanej eanaaaajM aaaaaaax ,j bon wbxmc vi'dumim av" 5?Tr?!zJ-W5g' 7S y f r ae aan aaw ea wyeavemw t jm - Vak 'Mat tk j(jaata aaiMatwatg. . -.3i keen aiiilalil -"-' ' r-ZTSJniMM. IMMU --c - - T jrBaHJjapy' , k ;"Ual FJaaaaeh Faha torrt- H. Kaimtt ! WmfB" ''1 PaasiBi oaeatoay. . - . m. a . n rnea. wmmm wmmmr, .waamam ,,' vejj CtaiaFiOJtolamtBBfclaBl 8 of tho Vnloa InolB.- BbriBMB ajfcf . BOBdBBB. t- k ' .'" ' t"3 BW aaapaaaaaa Ib Fahtwary. !, I elrewK; eoart. whtoh, ad I aaoot two agM tower eoart waa t im'l,9ut& aWfe at Baaaa dBWawMblV Btoamr aBJBB ) ' The eoart rt waa ta tto IIBAbb thMgw. BjB nUaiB rtahla wi aat bwBbMB l.hawmlteBlSB?BM "'Aha Congress to be One 4.. A-" of ttBUlkm Jkmtf j: .?i . C-,t'-. . '$ im. IndicaUoM -u Tkat Apptofrlttlam for Fia Year Wm be CZ w J. I f - J Than ill Joig Itaeoi ImM moralag. 1. D la Ue hot klag to at United Pr CONI waa ' lag that tl day armh tomerrew. alt at Scutorl he waa ttaatlae. Tho ,? J H ' I Da. ;thtox befoarteeav- -H iw Ualted Preaa Borrtoa ' "' - WABHWOTON, D. C.. Da. I That the preeeat ceogroai'wUl be an other of the "bUHen ettar" order 1 today whoa the aaaouaU of the apefoorUUeaa whtoh would ho asked for b kaowa. For Ue expeaae of tba aeeal year commeactog Jaly 1, the earn ef IIMr 616,486 wilt be aaked. Thla la am hi- craaae of l7,Bl0,eaa over the t aeeal year. The meet liapertaat aaaroarlattona to MaBBjka.ior are: ,, Ceaj4ellB at Paaaau Caal,M, H,a0. i , r. Throe, bow hatttoahia. M5.000.000, rooUbmUob aavd.lrrtomtloBwark.lT we,ww, ,, ....'M a... a.a n i I'ft i. M t , 11 '( 'M VA 4 I1T1.000,, ..'.!..- '.!.' y Hoaae BM0Btamee,l4,t:Te,0N. -,., PoaalBB. wl.tOf!.;', -, " Army avtotloa earag.' 1M.H. , '- .' . . ... ,T .V ;,V l "Xl' ..' ' - l ?.'rt .. "it aBBB aaawet 1 --; 'f-'-. .-'4 . , Vl. . Vi Amy,M,oaa,aa), HlJ J ""r.-" Navy. tu.M.M.:;, jk-:;;' HV aw wawwaaj.. Ban Franokm heraW. HdddV Redwood Creek, li,, I' OakJakMeer, ,;), iv)- -1 " viitoun caaanoi. f ifoo.' -. 4 ." UaiwwaVT WVwV)B) OMJeVarA , BgmjBBJPba mBBBBBBBBB Mcatcrey, Ittrar hataor. Mdyaj, . 1. -. .. -. : M' 'i.'Hf iiaawaaa.aaiaaTi.aBiaaaMf 4 , . j. .t . . ;l TJJ -. 1 . - CwaJHWatiai wBoafW A ted rw" ,rv"WB,'l ."aflBBjBBj Kl ,M, ,v t,. , n..t ,:&& &"$ 1 r J F:&.u vJ. ' y?r - xa.7:.- l-- i?1 x. i.";v. .- v , ' mm