I. s MTTPUM) BV THK UNITBD mMM NBWH NKRVICK She f tif ma Hefali. 'r MBHH 1v1 P Hffmlli Vrnr N. I, WW WOLGAST SURE DID NOT FOUL IN LAST FIGHT h y. MIHMKII CHAMPION WANTM AN I OTHKIl CHANUK AT IIITC'IUK Maaagvr of thr Vtlunrr Herlarra Tlntt HI llojr Will .Not tinier llir I (Ink ,tln lor Hli Monlli John How ( Want llutl Aailerwui hi UK i UioHif Ml (Hit uf Hip Knur ltulluK IJgtilwriglila n.tfnu J KLAMATH PALLH, OKROON, FRJDAV, NOVKMRKR W, 111 "t . i i iiaMaaaaailaejijaMv I "TSZaly - aav faavmaam. -J LOCAL TALENT HON SERVICES LEARNING PARIS, ARE SUCCESSFUL imti: or- thi: phoiiuitio.v of nininiiM cemiii.m: to fitting 5 m United I'rea Ssrvic . HAN FRANOI8CO, Nor. II. Ad A'olgaat, the dethroned champion ,UItllit puglllal of llin world, .(l a plal of liarti mid mil In the Maui hotel IliU morning lo deny the report that be w dead. Tlili r Tlw "'"" I well atoug wltb Oiler port we circulated In the Kait Iai("ualc, and everything bid fair for a mi: mikado iiv thi: i:i,kh hah IIKi:.V Hl.T r'OltW.Utll TO Alll IX ' IIHIIAT HUCCIIMH i Tliu data of thu Mlkudu I t nhvail for tlio Olh mid loth. Tlili Ik dona In order lo glvu plenty of tlmu lo pro pare a aruooth performance. Tlio member of the can already have lliflr part thoroughly tommlted, and are working ou Ihe Drier point of their Melius. Ileliearaal aliow Out (lie rltlit people were selected, ai narli milt tlm rolu aaalgiiril lo him or liar very well ludcnd. The part of "KalUlia" la very dlltlcull rolo in nil, Inn Mra. Zumwalt both alug and Ada It equal to tlio heat profeulonal Tooli.llafi," "Mikado" unil "Viini. Yum" are doing line In llielr parte. i.v (ommi:moiiatk thanks- OIVIMI IJAV HKIIVICKH HKLD IX MOIIMM) AM) KVI.'XIXU algal. The former champion had Utile lo My concerning the right, except that lie waa satisfied that lie had uot itruck a (out blow, I In wanla an uthaf chance. Willi llllchle, lh new rliitnplon, tld that h allowed poor In tlm early rouada of Ik right hocauM be waa billed. II aald that after he had punched Wolgnal'a atumarh In Ilia ninth round he knew he had Ad Ik run. "Many ol Ad punch ihook ma tup hard," ha aald, "but I wai never ' groMr or wabbly, from the tenth round an both of my hand and wrlala rr numb from hammering Wot- gut' bi and rm I will give ( Wolgaat hie cbMrt Uler." NoUn, Hltcbl' manager, aald that . cue of thr Drat .nplrnnta the charm I plan wojitd gflfclMt would bjJfmi YtiaYakdtTNCTfcTeM'w(il(f W raajf,nr Valali Monlka. t lejm I'rea Renrlre UM ANOKI.K1I, Nov. . Jo Itlr having trained faithfully and A moil Inierettliig union Tlnnka giving Kcrvlco waa held Thuriday rnri'iioon at the lluptlat etiurch. iThe M'rinoii waa preached by llev. J. 8. Kliihbicllolil, of tlio Preihylerlan church. Hotoa were rendered by Mra. Marry C'mliii and mualc by n choir of a doicii or more from the aeveral rhurrhra. In the evening union aervlcea ot the Hunday achoota of tho city were Ill-Id at the Methodlat church. Short iiililrcrife were given by (I, V, I)cn ialrn, (Iro, J. Wnllon, Prank M, Ifpp ami Stanley Wood. Following the pt-iikliig a banquet wni given, at willed n of the children were aeatl nt oni Inrg table. RUMOR; PEACE IS FINALLY CERTAIN T UXtXiXPIRlOP MUMAOK BAYM THAT TOKMUtfRMKNTATIVKH OK THaCALtlkW ANB TX'SXKY IIAVK KKACHHO AURKKMKXT (nlted PrM Mrvte IX)NDON, Nov. S An unceftfra- nd dlapatch frofe Belgrade aaya that lb Turka and th allU bav.rM4 ob terma of awae. Turky wtU re tain the ChataU foru. ASSAULT CASE 10 BE PROBED flral-claaa performance. The caat of cbaractera follew: The Mikado of Japan ,.,W, II. Hhawi NankM'oo (dlagulavd a a wan dering rnluatrel) , , . . tlco. Wllaon KoKo (lrd High lUecutloner ofTllpu) ,,, i:d Andrewi l'o.lah (Unl High Kterythlng Klae) , , Oeo. Walton Ne-llan A. K. 8alflcky Yom.Yym...., Mra. Wagner l110 T "K--IKVK THAT THKV ritlt-HIng Iiulae llcnaon Wll.h IXMK THKIH JOHtt WHKX l'rl-lo Mra, Zlm llaldwln (Three alatera, ward of Ko-Ko) Katliha (an elderly lady, In love I with Naukl-loo)Mra. I). Zuwmnlli CHAUFFEURS ARE NOT WORRIED WII.HOX TAKKH OKKICB ARK COI.INIII.X1 l' THK IIKAatM MOOSERS WILL MM mi JA Tv. HI 1 mivu l'itUrvlc W'AHIIINUTON. U. C, Nov. . No government employe hall with more Joy the advent of Governor Wll aon to Washington than th Whit lloua chant ear, who drlv th three, autoiebllea Jmlhl-Jh mt1mt Tttey rwllntabarM ?t, vwtM etJ Jaiiffer from the democratic "ate" In ATTKXII TIIIM'"'' '"I'l11 n 'h payroll. iieiween jooa oi pollening in bodice and braaawork ot th praldn- OK KKKI'-ltlal guaollno cara and digging out car- ,liiirt'tork, th government gaaolln ex port happily dlacuaa how th neit prldviil, llko the preeent, I an en- United I'rea Hervlce thualatalc nulomobll devote. Prl- WAHIIINOTON, l. C , Nov, J!. -.vately, they did not welcome the poa- Ji'iiatnr DUoii nmiounrcd today thai alhlllty of Colonel Itooaevclt return- Colonot llooiftelt would nltcud the Ing, berauae ot the Colonel' penchant progrcahu rouferenca which nanif for hurar and horaeback rldtn. tho vk'ciiIIvv commlttro of the no Hut the chauffeur point out, Oov party, and whlrh will draft n aerlm of ,.n,ur Wllaon dellghta In automobile bllla fulrtlllng tho platform pledge of drltlng aa much, If not more, than the party regarding a aoclal and In- realdent Tatt. duatrlal juatlce. Crow-country drive from Waah- TIik progreaalu- party caucu In ingtnn to Princeton and other N Jeraey cltlea, are anticipated by the ItOOMKVM.T HIM, nr.NKKIIKMr: WHICH Wll.l, lit.'- (.'IIIK OX IIIMT WAV IMI THK XKW PAIITV AMVK itiludloualy hnvlng atoldrd Ihn "whit 1 light," pnt It alt over Joe Mandot of i Kew Orleana, ami waa given the de talon at the end ot twenty round of filing, Tho Mexican urrlxl even tl moat ardent admirer by III re turn to ferm: Matulot probably Lib moat eryrlaed. fv Hlvera ) want n chiure at 'llltchl. It fr John lloualu), an ardeui ailinlnr of Hud Aadenon. I convinced that tie VaacoUVr lad ran eaally laka the' 'Ineaaur of any one of the four light- congre will upport thee rneaaure eight who art now In the public The conference will alao conalder White llouee automoblllate. ryK II la convinced that If any oiioHay and mean for conducting the u u not known If Governor WlUon (of th quart!, llltchl. Wolgaat, tlv- pr'ogriMlvo propugaudn during the will elect to ue th car furnlahed gtr or Mandot, can b Induced tu com 'next fouryeara. Mm free aa a perqulalt of the White ( here th local fight fan will guaran- Home Job, but tho chauffeur deem It i'lee a aufBclent uurae. m..ii i.. n.mriir irrtaln that the Wllaon garage will be "Hud la a good, clean boy," aald Mr, J llouaton laat night, "and I am con vinced that he la In the champlonahlii chat. Th talk that Bud I not atrlct-Jravr f r0Rnlng the property, e U a lightweight U rot. II made 13S Rf,crnoon the voln aloodi pound eaally In hi laat mill In IliU city, and waa aa atroag aa over. 1 "I have dmeuaaed Ike matter with it number of local lover' of the manly 'art of aatCaMMM, and I have been) ataured that there are ten men hero ho will put up 500 each to bring i one of the top liner here for'n match , 1 llh Hud." I y-i Anderaon la to engage lu a Katie argument la Medford December th ' Uh "Bab" Plrao. who recently de feated "Had" WaUon, and whom . fiimoui mrtlng wrltora predict will 1 $ oue da)- be th champion of th Hght- d f eight dvlMv ' I Hlta Ar Hetoctwl flillMl prpi tlervlr X SAN rRANCIBCO, Nov. 10. Naw t Vork and Weat Virginia, byrepreaen 4UUvM,'etatad lta at th Panama- 'clne exneettlon to b hM hr In V" The olc In for of ai-lllng ihe o nueu. eitner wiin reoerai or pn old court houao alto continue lo In- tcar. creaao mor rapidly than do lhoo In , ThU Dr. Maxwell M. I.ong, a recent ar rival from De Molnea, Iowa, ha lo- , ,&28 cated In Klamath Kail, and will open , 878 lufllct-a In the White building Monday. Hell the property . . Keep I ho property ! Energetic Fire Bug Deported from Asylum MOOSERS IAKE A LARGER GAIN Report of Su Slate Institut Intere tendent Steiner of Discloses Some ig Figures After luno r ?-U Afl n'lMtatr.riVkw. a t i' A "H,' W NoUc la hrh i i a fund In th i redemption of piottd on aid 1010, inUreat hoMof. '; Dated at Klamath Mtu'day of Novahr J. W.-WRMRNf , Oil . WU A fleer th tnta 10, r.dat UU f n. l.ini.i r.oort of tho OfeMaVau occurrenc ot local InUreat to u..... m...- .avium, mat printed. 9r. Klamath Kalla. Among tne deportee II. ,K. l,e8teiner.auperlnlondBrr.;.Wa. the energetic Incendiary, Fred i,.i aa Hiin uatlenta weroW Douglii. who about n year ago dl- " .. . & 1. -.....i lilu waul Inwahla t PmnaffnomlnaV ported w thin the paat;yer, nun a; " "" " -"- - - i.h., ...t... Thli neceaaltatad nriWthl city Into a torch, and to a partial other alatea. Thla necessitated nn ex penditure of H.000, which, jwaaox i.iiv nnnuxli. means a progult. ut- lay. H la computed that thj life of a patient in tne naiei Hon la tan years, and thk number deported at 14 the scheduled approprlatlaj Indicate mat we . ihn baneflclarr to the si extent of 181.000, In this Incident there Is aa oxtent reasonably succeeded. Almost almiillaneoualy one night be eaused live or six llrea and waa aome days ,fter ward cleverly captured by Dep- y johu Bchallock. The oAoer traesd lm to his noon day sleeping lair near i depot through aa Interest! w, ill phyilcnl peculiarity. Hi urn, rllcularly hi pedal extremities, Dfndw MeaTer United I'rea erviee SOFIA. Novlt. Tb BulgarlaM ar cloalng ear 'Alrtanopl. Th de fender are threwlag np freeh en trencbmenla. tt I reported that th original 40,000 me la the garrison have been reduce! by half. Oref IVejaal fnaavaweretl f rn.lt A Deua Manrihlalai LONDON, NaT. 11-BervU's seto-j.1'' ure or onraiuM ha not created much excitement. Rnregsaa powers ar v- Idenily determined that there akaltl not be a general War.1 No detWte an-, awar ha yt bees received to Sir Ed ward Grey' peopeeal for a meetlcui of the amhssasdir to d4eca U Knro peaa sltuatle. It i expected, how ever, that th newer will accept. t'BPOKKA ABB MSURD KOR WfTXKaWHH TO TROUBMS BK TWKBX R. VANCR HOTCnNH iXD POLfOK OFF1CKR BALL The new Klamath county grand jury, which will be drawn next week,,, III Investigate the alleged assault on It. Vane Hatchlaa by OBcer Hall. Bubpeeaa for witness In this mat ter were Issned ted. Th wIUsmss who will be samt ed by the grand Jnry la UU esanse tlon ar John UerUng, WlUtagt lm, R. Vance HnUhln, Btev Lew and George Motin. They are eaHed to aptrear before tne grand Jury Deeem hor Id. Mr. Hntchfaas was a reeerter aa th iN'orthwesteni at th ilaa th aasaaK Iwb alleged to bar occurred; He ha WEALTHY BANKER COIES TO CITY k t. aommtnc ab rAmtt At RIVK MOW FBOM OBT IflMI WIIX falAKB nsOBB BOBW ,IX TymwicAm UFE 4' . '"If! T .V rlncr revered his connecUon wltb that United PrM awrrle PARIS. Not. If .A dkHMtch from Bucharest aaya that Roamanla Is con centrating trsejn am she Bnaeian f reei- tler. ThU IneMeate that Reamania win hel Aaearta H war I deeiared. PARTIW 1EP0RT smrwim OltAXD JUBV 1H KXPHOTKB TO OO INTO COURT I.ATK THI AKTfHt NOOX JUBV WILL BK IH8- CHAROKD TOMORROW PAIB Aningfiiox MORKTSUK AT TWC I auBANTBB TBI rorvhJkmnt OVCOLLMOB KLAMATH PALLS' F. T. Gedfrey aM'wlle antved to tti city last svaniaj tnm HuidseivlH, OkU., with th wtoattoa f . KUmaU Fall their keen. TMr van neeempaalad by aaother faaMtr Oklahoma, wk Will also tonto Mr. Oadfnry U a -ir1nin wealthy banker and ea4tMt af Okla homa. H mm to KlaawU FaJw a a TtsH to W. A. Deteel but yar, aad aftor aneadtag several week tar waa as tmarsasil with tta raenrees aaJ I eawattKM af th JUamaU aaemtry thatth aad t. hi ming ehat he wonld kara to Mr. He retnraed kejaaa aad ImmadlaUly lma to airaaga hi h laiss hoeMldgetaway. TMa laH ha Mf ped a earlaad ef kenweaaM'fnfwMwrt nnd personal esTaet. wafHa here laat week. FOOTBALL GAME MONEY SUCCESS GRAND JURY IS AGAINST VICE (waste1 Ml 1 j jyyyajalal esjajjsjnBeMjBmaga& aTawiMt JBaaajnBMtB adetet.s - Inapert JaU At 3: SO thla afternoon the grand Jury made tour of In spection of tho county Jail. They were showu through the rounty baatlle by Jailer John Bchallock aad Sheriff-elect Low. who Is bailiff for the Jury. .a) It la expected that the grand Jury will make a partial report late thla alternoon, Rumor has It that aeveral ludlctmenta have been prepared agaluat men now held In cuatody In the county Jail. Heraus of the witnesses who have been summoned to appear before the Jur), It Is not believed than any new biirlne will be taken up by this Jury, but that those matters will be left until the new grand Jury le drawn next week. This grand Jury will b discharged tomorrow afternoon. That football will be a permanent apart la high nehool hereafter waa evidenced yesterday by tte Meeaav f al gas la ta afternoon. Also, the neealarlty of football waa tadleated by th largo erowd ot WW.wlaiimirtooamaa. Ta w.a leM tie said Th two tesms were evenly saatek- ed, or were aayyassd to bo, oat tho town team was nude np of asssoasd . wall ta high team ha had little experience on the gridiron. The result, however. Instead of depresslag 'the high boys, has mad them opti mistic over the future, and there will, no doubt, be good material for a team next year. Of those who played yes terday, the following will probably tUy next year: Boiler, Markwardt. Orem. Stanley, Pell, Cox and Haines. McClure, whose accident keptfhlm oat of the game, will undoubtedly be one of the beet players neat year. Th gam yesterday eaded th foot ball season, nag Mr. MeCall la bnay ending up th affairs of th high team. Aa to a town team aext fall, while It la a .question yet, there will, un doubtedly be nek a team formed. rlf such a team It termed, ther wlH he a series of games, laotaad at th on. aa there waa thla year. OFFICIAL COUNT IN, TWO PIVOT AL PBBC1NOTS IN LOS ANQKLKS COUNTY FAVORS BLBOTOHS OF ROOSBVBLT ;' LOS ANQKLKS. Nov. ;.- The pro gressives gained 08 votee-t the two pivotal precincts In thm'oauaty by th official count today. , It la claimed that th rasuU la th state will hinge on the count, which It I expected wkToo sa)lstsd to night. ' . -. (Continued on Pag ) Bavr PORTLAND, Nov. JI.-i-Th sUam- er Beaver Is aground an a mudbank la th Wlllsinstte Rlvaf. Thre, U no -danger, aad little dlatonlty I an tlolpatad.ia gtlngth veasal ty ODD FELLOWS TO HOLDA REUNION tOLIrOWINQ AlBUHNBU MBRT IXG ANB BLBOTION OF OFFf. Cr.RS, A RBOBPTION AND BAN. gURT WILL BK HRLD Final preparation have been mad for th annual re-ualon of th Odd Fellow of Klamath Falls, to be held tonight,. Following a business meet ing, during which the semi-annual election of officer will occur, there will be a reception nnd a banquet. Members of th Rcbekah Lodge and tbetr husbands, and visiting brothers and their wives ar invited to attend, and th occasion Is planned to, be notable la the history ot Odd FeHow- ahlp to this seetloa. The eaUre third ftoor ot tho bulldlag una bona reserved for this Mcaaioal aad white tho Odd Fellowa conduct their meeting ta th east hall, th Tinker wlU ho eater. talasd la the wast hall with, a sro j gram.aaaciag nan ears. aKd Prow Sea also , PORTLAND, Nor, I tMra Ja) dtet meats, were retnraod toaay. ay a Jary la atortoi ay the Ml I - t. i W-. j' HKjtMpjt-i' raaay uiavoa. awaaaaaV tr Forty aaaa have far. ' ' t yeuagboy. wiube Maot IPltPPtW , WJPtlAMAaBloaBaBsfJBasBwaaT '' 1 m Manrmnt ajamaanaaaaamsr "I'' ' Atw-P iljss)jWtwd Bswava, ,.fi Mt.BII I ITeaalawywe ' ,j Wt lL aaiiabasaaaaaBaaM' ' - J weaavaaas aa amaBeav-rnaaasBanwr, , r; a aksa a. (eamwiasav'awaaasaBsL ' J i - ""5 .u '?-' "j Wl' t ti- s .2 FUtota Ikssmsd 'yajaj woft 1M- '; abto ,kIUed aM .wsaalil la, , a v A '7 Fhooa w4h swea eawwkajisl. , . tor talaad Taeadw.;'.,,. ' I sabUgram reoerrod eajasnMeJasivJl c ' t aaaalar affair laie' ''r ,, . Thi uikua nasi am anaaBaY . "w eT waaana X'mrojBsnmi myvagaar amasssnv aanmnaaBF tj. ' J aa lelaad. aad K la tagirtidl ajaat B ,,a , J towa.ef Tsslsha. aagamtaff aVsmgaW ') . ,i waa rtlMr aWayaa.vaaafcMl aa ' aaonaoa aiuaoor ot InsaiBaai,, , - " 1 '' Cani. thm lal W Aaaa aaaaaakatfaLJ 1 waa also praetieally deatrofaafl ,"',;' . ' u " The aovoraor gairal,aa,aaaaaB v aklptead of food, olotMaal ami MsTaB BPftMteTaetebaa. .- -)" , , , - . - ... a ",! aTMtfaBanMBHMaBa asjsammiSBHmjfla f MftgfBgaBBBKBBBBBBByeaeM ft-tr -"'''. ,- ii , I ' ' , (BMTBf'tflJassBBMaBTaalaBT ., A Mg rennlea hTaaaagtvIag dinner of Um Mnrtla aad Raasaby faaUllea waa held Thursday at tho- ksms of Mr. aad Mrs. 8..K. Martla at Merrlk. Th guest wsr: Mr. and Mrs. The. Martin. Mr. nnd Mr. K. B. Rnawby, Mr. aad Mrs. C. M, aUawby aad two children. Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. B. Martla and two chlldrea. Mr. aad Mra. Oaaa. J. Martla, Mr. aad Mra. Heary Aador- sen and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Krme Hoaley aad Joaa Martla. J. F. XlmbaU. toeal repreeeataUv of the Weyerkaueer Csmjsay, IVt this morning for Thrall, where be wlH attoad th aaanal msstlag ot th torn nany. From ther Mr. KlssbaH wlU go to Portland, aad later to Seattle. to attend th Waatora Forestry aad C'oaeenratloa AaaoetaUea meeting, which open December Sd. The meet ing will last two days, aad la expected to be on of 'the' most Interesting nnd with the largest attendance ot any yet held. United Pre Serve. SACRAMENTO. Nor. II. -Governor Johnson stated today that be would be unable to attoad tte bull moose conference la Chicago. Ho gaa aa hi excuse the press o state bast- . ,,'!, I l.tl i 'it rUaMod UNCJOBNTm.NoT, WrHW. WaTdF I drunk la Bade naaty. adjr at !:! today la tswubafa' eenHeatlary. Tb aocy waa oat I 11:M. "I - I while ?iesu-vVfr-",:;ir mumn ,1 JVv la wT i IS n rOluBal I- A. I AMoraey Q. F. aswaa tstaoaad aeaeja' laalgMiraatatrtoato.PirtkaiWffi " , Saloat oabastasaa iiaaitnd wan-nhs,v f . sIeamletodadeaItobaTttBaajl:--tr. avlH salatoa kalibary. aaaanaaasf ft; ... forty acres at Iaa4 Ta nasaaaar , , rkowaafbaaomv jj I in I I aoa aa r D BaBBABl lB MaTaBgW Bagaa) aaasr- saayayBrawar . i BK f5 a dtvoro waa tbsd ta aa elrcuR.eawrt sala aitoraooa by Naaay Fleming eg laat ). A. lag. The' charge la atailty aad sappert. Tho delesvaaat'si a barteader ta MatrUL M. Meaning la attaraay for, tao aassaasaawaaap . .1 n 'i ' i J. ' afMaasT " a-i a ' i l m v ruiiiir" ' 1 Two Deaths Occur in ' :':' V " ' i t.l- i Fort Klamath Ctomrtry News jtecelTed Hereof Mrs. ChUoftilii; Member -f! iv I Ii lL ft tr- 1 ,.,f Krinwri FumllT mnd Li Ildfial mj ayay ajaaa aa ajaj em mamnanasi laai i aawr paam ap - -"t A.J " S fi j.rJi SOFIA, Not, . The Bulgarlaas today captured two Tarklab dlrlstaaa 'f ta.aaa nbu it tall caa. '.tsntluopls. f, M i News ot the death ot Mrs. CbHe- quta at th eld fort waa alto' received bar from tb aoru UM aneraoaa. She died at T o'clock tarn meralag at tabereulsal. Sba waa a waiber wt thi" wall known ladtaa' family aftor wboea tao .' towa" ot ;faqula Jr - .; JK : hf iZJ5-fr (V .! i k -""t, . wmtii . ..aA F,WVM rv f wijJH t- v- O. Boale. the ladiaa Mr vs tap ed a ooaato tt avaaeaa asm by a heBsa' w"W;Jrf;''fflf3j T5ff laat atgnt. asssraiag aaaaj sat la ttte.elly'tbt BmaB lwVVMmBBT'BBBkm f x. xtt9. ?' IISBIb BsBJ I Brgax pmsmmm fmammmm BBaa As4VyaBBBeapmmajmmmmn7yfrl laot.oataaMbV ljXWf, ' "ipl .. t.i ' $&LM