n ''!; EflM"; bvppuhd HV THK UNITKD FKIBM NKWM HKHVICK m A - IOi' i I . j , W ' "r v tFhp IFhrtinn VliMftftlh jr 'SgfflaS-1 areata Year No. I.MI KLAMATH PALLS, ORBOOtf, WKDNKSDAY, NOVKMBKRS7, ItlS . ! ,' BBB . ', a ' ?. ' i . 1 'Mi:i."jtvS- v 'l . V ''2' '' " &&U . "S Judge Benson Sustains Demurrer of VICE SCANDAL IS TAKEN UP BY U. S. OFFICIAL FRAME-UP TALK IS NOW HEARD COXtlltKMMMAN I.AFFKKTV WIN AMK COXOHKHH TO I'KOHK teprt Tlint Ttirm Art Regular ltr vert Himers la Ijirge CKitsi of tho Country Aruuse lleirrMaUtle to Artloa Many t'lllca ,lrt Involv rd in the Report, him I Um Prtda Hill II Tltocougl. lotted Press Service I'OHTI.ANI), Nor. 27,--Congress-man I-nlferly announced today Hint ho will Introduce a bill In congress saklng that a committee bo appoint mI to Investigate the rtHrl Dial there are regular moral pervert houses In many cities of the United Htstes, Including Rsn Fraiirlaru, Now York and Chicago, Thli action on the. part of Con gressman t-afferty I a direct result of Ilia recent exposure mado In Port land, when It waa shown by tho con fesslons of young boya that there haa bran grove violation of tho law. ENVOYS NOT ABLE AGREE ON TERMS HUMOIt UAH IT THAT WOMJAHT IM CKIITAIX THAT UK WILL MINK, HO MK IM NOW HKTTIXU HKAVH.V O.N HIH OH-OXKXT United Press Hervlra HAN PltANUIHCO, Nor. 27. Da caiuv Wolgaat han trained very llltlo and Iteferee (Irlflln It n close friend of CorTrntli, rumor are flying think mid fait that there In u frame-up for Wulgnil to win. Olliora doclsro that Wolgnat U In bad shnpo, and he realties hit defeat U certain, so Hint he and lila maniger, Joiidk, have bet heavily on Itltchla under cover. Tim xeneral Impreaalnn la that neither (IrlRlth nor Coffrotli will dare to "pull nnythlnR," and that the bout will tin on the level. Itllrhle money la bernmltiK tuoni ptrnllful today, but the oddi nre atltl 2 to I that Wolicnat will win, with even money that ho wilt win within eighteen rounda, CLASS STUDIES TURKS PLAN TO i 0RE60N HISTORY! RETAKE SALONIKA. AND ARE JAILED O. A. (!, MTUDKNTH OIVK I.KC TOUCH TflKMHKI.VM TO TMKIR CI,ASHMATf I'lUTUHKfc) ARK t'HKII KERN WILL STAY Hpeclil to The Herald COUVALUS, Nov. 27. "8om Ihliiaj new" In Initructlonal methods la belli tried m tho Oregon Agrlcul turul collcgo In the blatory claaaea un der 1'rofeaaor J. 11. Horner. The courau In Oregon hlatory Introducod thl year la being worked out on' a unique plan. Kncli member of the claia haa choa vn a lubjeel rotative to aome pbaae of Oregon hlatory, and la preparing to tnlk to tho clnaa one period. The lee turn will bo llluatrited with photo Krapha thrown upon the wall by a tervooptlron. Tho Drat of the aerie rriifrMor Horner hlmaelf delivered, taking na hla aubject "Oregon l.lter nture," Students of other claaaea not 'buny at that hour, took advantage of tho opportunity to learn of the rlc'a (literature which thl data ha given 'tho world, IN LONG TIME FORMER RESIDENT MUCH SURPRISED HK.N'ATOIt Wll.l. XOT ATTKMI THK OI'K.MNO OF OOXdltKHH IX I IK CKMHKH McMAXKIAI. HTICKH TO HIH CtiSVtmtUHS l.ltMIAHI.VH TKHMH AHK VKHV MAHI) HIH TUHKKV OlUXTKIl lKOIHMtlTIO.V Wll.l. H4MIN UK HDIINITTKII HV TUIIKKi" tailed I'rea Service CONHTANTl.NOII.K, Nov, - I Tli rn.i nmttl nillntl Of llfl A AIC, t, , It h h "..... Iil IT.inalanlltinnln ' .,.. .- .... . .... ... MH(V MM ".. .... ..,-. United t'reaa Bervlre INDJANAI'OI.IH. Nov. 27. U la rumored that Judge Anderson In the federal court haa decided to quaah tho Indictments agnlnat Mendowa, llenaon and M, II. Davl on ground of Inaufflclent evidence Incriminating them In the Illegal trnnaportntlon of dynamite. .7 jj.. , Keiiator Kern announced today that Urn Pasha haa rejected the llulg.rl.n , HW "ot'M)' con nu. a. coun ofer. Havolf has agreed to con.l.lerM f"r "'Mf'"- "" '"'u " N..lm'a counter offer. The pro.pect., " J'1" "k '" of an agreement are poor. It I. un "' ". wll not attend the opening d..rtood that Ilulgarla give Turkey nre m ., IIID Vri WBIIIIUIMH Mnulgal wa resumed. Ili snld that he "didn't care' when he waa arrest- cd, a be had boon eipoctlng to be He k. c. iiali muustire to CITV rt)R A WIT AFTKR A I.OXO HKHIHKNCK IN IXM AN tJKI.KH. CAU end nominal b tnla. useralnty over Al IlKHMN, Nor. 27 Auatrln haa de filnad Uermany'a suggestion to sub mil the AttbTlaServla dispute to an International tribunal. NOTABLES ATTEND BAYNER FUNERAL HIOH OWKIIALH OK THK (IOV HHNMBNT AH VYM.I AH l-t)K KIUN DII'bOMATH AKK I.N AT TKNDANOK AT INTKBMKXT plsced In custody at any time. deuled that any detective agency or tho erectors' association had employ ed him. Ho seemed prepared tor Sen ator's queatlons, and answered read ily and clearly. He atuck closely to tho detail of hi confession. K. C. Ilnll. a former resident of Klamath County, I In the city from his home near Loa Angeles. Mr. Ball owned a ranch near Merrill, but left there ten yeara ago, and this la his Drat vlalt since. He states that ha feels lost, and la unable to find any of tho old familiar placea In Klamatn Kails, whero he was formerly so well acquainted. Arriving after dark last evening ho wns taken to the Hall Hotel, and this morning he started toward 8Uth street looking for John Houston's plsce. Ho could hardly believe that tho main portion of the city la no oast of this well known place, In stead of west, a In former day. Mr. Hall wilt go to Merrill for a short visit with friends, WA8IIINOTON, U. 0., Nov. 27 I'resldent, supreme court, Justices, i-presentatlvet of the seaaU and house and diplomats attended the funeral of Senator It ay ne r today. Tho services) started at I o'clock tU af ternoon. Chaplain 1'lerco preached si the Interment In Hock Creek cemetery. HHATTI.K FRARH ANOTHKK HHOOK 8KATI.K, Nov, 27. "no you think there will be anothorT" Is the ques tion on vavtrynody's Up her today s the result of three earthquake shocks which Jarred Beattle nt In 'Wvals of an hour tut night. "Very ladylike little trembleri," was tha atntamant of students Who observed the records made by the seismograph at Washington Untyersl ty. Thar wa novo or upneavma felt In destructive shoes. Tho lnt occurred at 1 1 10 and the' hut, which. waa a4U.saaaalad hy a low rtwMO.'at UW5vws.- I" - Vf'i '' I GRAND JURY TO REPORT FRIDAY IIKCAVHi: OK MIOIIT TIMK OF HKIIVH'K, IT IH XOT KXI'KUTKD THAT AXV XKW IIIWIXKHH WII.Ii UK TAKKX VV Klamath county grand Jury con- ...I 1., .naalnn today. bUt It I UOt believed tliat a report will bo mndejto the court until Krlday night. Tho Jury will complete its ueiiueriiuuu by Raturday night, and ou the fol lowing Monday a nw grand Jury will be drawn. . . Hecause of tho short tlmo in wiuon tho Jury has yet; to servo It Is not bo lleved' that any now matters will bo taken tin. The reports of llftt. graft ing, olc, will probably be loft for the new grand Jury to consider. 1 This morning little BMMWniiei was called to the grsna, She la the principal wttm her father, who, la charged cost. NAZIM BKV.AXU BOtt OFFICBHsl INOLUBKO IN PIiOT t Hervta KeraMs; Treosas Frosn Tisrker In Order t Reels Theatensed Twr klali Invanlass The Henult of This Is Thai HntgarisM WU1 Be FcwcsmI to Accept Tensw of KsMas hi 'rare XtaotjaUnsss trailed Hreaa Service SALONIKA. Nov. 27. Natlm Bey and 500 offlcers of the Turkish force garrisoned here when the Oreeks cap tured the cltrt arrested this morning, charged with plottlag to re take the city. Their paroles have been cancelled, and tbey will be Impris oned In Piraeus). Trets Service ItIN, Nof. 27. It Is United tH.RL.lN, Net. 27. It Is reported that Servla haa recalled practically aH of her troops from Turkey la order to resist the threatened .Austria Inva sion. It thin b) true. It wUI fore the Bulgarians to accept the snKaa's tersae. TURK TKIXM OF THEIR BRFRAT Valted free Semee CKTTINJK. Nov. 27. A Turkish officer In the prison camp near here, when asked the reason for Turkey's defeat, said: "We were conquered on the day when the Young Turks broke the ab solute religious sovereignty of tho sultan and Introduced Christian sol diers In the Turkish ranks." PLAYERS READY FOR DIG GAME (-OWBKLXH, DRUMS ANB TIN PANS Wll.Ii ADD TO THK GAITY OF THK OCCASION OFFICIAL AHK CHOSKN M'COY TO BRING MILCHERS HERE WKtL KNOWN STOCKMAN OOKH BAST TO sHHiHCT HKIH GRADB COWS FOR THK KLAMATH itiU. , J. W. NtOsr lift Taasday ler Wto- conshj and 'nesaU hi Central' Ohio, where) he wlUVyurchaM two or tkroo carloads at thoreucharad HoltUlft cows 'for shlpmeut toiKlaraaOj coun ty. Mr. McCoy has contracted (or supplying these atilehers to rasldeats of the BoaesaJan colony and other farmers In Us Klamath Basin. Four carloads of Holstolns have al ready bee snayUad to Um farasers of Klamath county by Mr. McCoy. These were shipped from California, but he believes he can Sad bettor cattle to select from In tho dairy districts of stives of tho Wisconsin ui Obm. RAILROAD TALK GETTING SERIOUS SKY SCUM IS Tl K IKCTEI MOBKRN BTROOrtTsMt WILL RAHsBB) ON THK SRB OF ' OLD MABJQCAM HtTtLaMMO, CK.HTLV DHSIROTKB) PORTLAND. Nor. 27. PUS far the construction of a tea or twelve- story steel or reinforced coaereU building to replace tha old Maranaaa building est Merrtss. between Sisth and atovesjth streets, werie ordered prepared by the Northwestern Fidel ity company, owner of tho property , at a meeting of the oHesrs and stock holders. The eastern half of the old build ing will ho demolished Immediately, and the first wing of the new struc ture built at a cost of approxlsaatsly H00.O00. Tbs west wing of the build Ing will be remodeled and permitted to stand for the present, but It Is said that eventually It will be torn down and tha second wing construct ed. This action was taken attar a thorough Investigation of tho old building. Nwhlen has been In. progress since a portion of tho" eatwlng col lapsed last week, sad left tho re mainder of this section In a weakened condition. PLAN TO BWILB) A. LOW ORANTS PASS TO CWSORKT Cirr APPKAHS TO.BC TAKUKI DKnirtTB SHAPB MKDFORD. Nov. 27. IsapottSMSt developmsnts hi the railroad Uon are scheduled for the week, wkh O rants Pass playing Ha strongest sard, tor tho seeartag of a railroad to tho coast Dr.F.D. Bad dy returned. tress a trip to Saa Fraa- dseo, where ho haa hooa for tha last wash, aad eoafarrsd wHh Oraats Pass cltlsea. A sot lag of tha hi saoa of that sKr wUI bo bold, at which desalt ptaas far a railroad aad se curing funds wtu ba hold. It waa reported that coast rsprsssa Hill Haas will bo Mt Msdford tho seeoad wank la her aad that ptaaa will ho saaaa at once tor takfaag thoas over tho rsats to, Crssosat CRy, at least aa for as possible. It was aloe the To was la tercels, who ssatrol tho Bias Ledge mlae, had ssonrsd aa Island for a smelter sK aoar CratM City, aad that thor war Uklac. aetlva latsrest'la ta prspsalUia. , Btt-a. arJUsaa avga fagMBj satawaf-aasVfaffaaaal aaawsh laH M swaaT asBSBjasBjay asasj ' msWWSBBSBjaamBfaBj Bajsj bjsbj sash a otac. ta prsiotors say, that aatalag dsisK oaa ba gsvaa at;fr nahMeatlaa. Tha aboat town Is Oat, tho Oraaet acUvttr m laaatrod ay i Uass la aa smart tolMook tho Maraat aad tavaalaa af.thalr tsrrRonrar thalr ssielesrlTahria'tsMmHhnC UMHBIHaas. la thl R to reeaUsd that Coatral untouched uaUl Jim H1B tavaded tha undevelspsd eoaattr wttajklo rahavj' The' surveyrag : party ' at mow aa- gages setting staa down the Applegste from tho summit of JaekaonvlUe hlU. : ui , "'$..' .",(, i NOTSUFHCIEIT GROUND i WW mm m J i iV. I 'il f , ? i.'V oyw ".-n uJ -" f wmmmmmm fin " " '-;-'' ' ' i . . "i j. if HawJ OaaWMIM''. J;. . ' . sails on ixssaaa fMamBaHnasm.Hsml MesBSsesaaaw '" '" '"'' ''"- -sF0sas7 . (, ., Mtdaat 'ttMt - sMMisji. Jaaga. aaasm aa ; .'. -!- h y "v la a which th law a'ta1 oachl tha streak levstawvwf.smsawf essv.ss ssai . la brought by! ard to fdre ta esaaaa1ssMaa.a.S).-r immksrtsa.lafm af awsiaat. ' hrat.st waa rasa sassst ftada aftraoa that tho fwal samasaTatsah) af ba lashlaeT a) ta law 'hi saaaaawt ' iSlf''"' Bha-sa'aal aas'ht!h aawfe'.i;aata3 MsshI isiillis. aa' .aaa assnva t ismmsrlhr shsaaaaasa.'' : J. f GUTHRID IE GETS . bV BOWLING ALLEYS STREET STRIKERS NUMBjR.0,000 TIK VV OF THK STKKL MIIX8 OF THK CARNKGIK COMPANY IS .(ly COMPI.KTK AND EXTRA mUHDH ARK ON DUTY ' United Press Berylce . 1'lTTBUUno, Nov. 27. Carnegie Steel coutpauy olnclals deny tnat a curload of strikebreakers have been takvn to tho stoel plants at Home atead and llrnddock, wlioro the train mon are' striking. A Kilrn guards now surround the mills and tho tlo-up Is complete. It Is eatlmated that 10,000 men are Idle. ALASKA MIN'KHH HTAHT 'FOR WAU Make Thanksgiving ory to some one to you. U she has get hor-ji token tods sb. get hor-jntoM at havii someawoil , c, M,lt PaVniTl satafaHssSt jVli- naatbiaJi-Bt who Jb nearaOafewar or i ksd you fa'dlae eolation. I ppreclatl quality. . MoHtttai United Press Bervtco ai'OKANK. Nov. 27. Reinforce ments from Cape Nome, Fort Yukon and other Alaska points for tha Mon tenegrin army before Scutari In Ku ropean Turkey, passed through thl city today on a Hmltod train,. This force, numbering 67 alien miners an swering the homeland's call for aid, la making tho longest Journey ever undertaken by humankind to light for thslr country aad their God. Cowbells, drums, tin pans, horns and voices are the weapons ths high school boys are going to use this eve ning In a grand football rally and pa rude, by which they expect to spread the news of the football game tomor- IW. The officials for the game have been choaen, and tbey will be strict, It Is said, and suspend nny player who fouls. The llnc-up ot the high team is "as follews: Nicholson right end, Stan ley right tackle, Skeltoa or Mark- wardt right guard, Case center, Car ter left guard, Pell loft tackle, Hataos left end. Rlis Quarter. Cog right halt back, Roller or Nail left halt back,' Foese full back. Opposing them on the Independent town team are: 8mlth left end, O'Connell left tackle, O'Coanell left' guard, Kvorett center, Murphy right guard, Iavenlk right tackle, Lytl right end, Crosby quarter, Hopkins (captain) right half back, Chilton left half back, Fronch full back. Four big husky boys have been ap pointed to keep theapeetators of tha side lines, a the players say they are more or less confused by ths yelling so near hy. The left olds bleachers have -been reserved .for. the high school rooter, sad they only will be allowed the use of tho Moaehers. The ground Is fslrlr dry,., However there will be sawdust put oa today, so as .to prevent posslbl ailrlng. Arrangements' for taVgam are la the hand of Mr. MeCall and Mr. Crosby, representatives of both teanu-M; 'V ."- MURDKRKR SAYS t HANGIXa RH3HT JKRICHO CLCB IBISBB TO LOCAL CMAR BKALKR- MANY PROVlOCKIrTS WILL BC MABH IN THK PLACK SACRAMENTO, Nov. 17. "If n an kills another without being forc ed to do la self-defense, he should hang." This waa the reply ot Kdward Del- ehante. the gloat aegro arlsaaer at Fotsom, under seateac ot execution Deceathor Ith. far kllHag fellow prisoner, whoa asksd by Warden Johnston what should bo doae wHh n man who commits murder. Delehaato had been pronounced saae after aa examination by pay slclans Boms years ago he was la- Jurod In n race riot, and Utcr placed la an Insane asylum In Illinois for a time.. HAXTA MONICA TO RAISE FUNDS United Press Service SANTA MONICA, Nov. 27. Twen ty-flve thousand dollsrs to help build s yacnt to compete in aouwern unit- fornla waters against the craft that Sir Thomas Upton will bring to Cal ifornia waters In 1115, has hooa raised here by the Greater Saata Monica Club and Individual cltlseas. Other fund will b susoeftbed.' . jr. - !- gi- asasas i sVsfeik assssh iteaaat awMemji Sll lai IsBJaf shKiawl 'fj '-" .-i . .. ...p ".? fgyrt,yft- ,. t ' ' J $ ""--' '- r ' 't jl-al sh.' s Wlaaaaaaaaa tM AgMkaj Ba awaVav,WsfaWf WsWa9waawHJaT WJBBBtB III IffllnWatll ' ?. "h , IwaUaafilt. -. ,.., , --- ' . osmplslat. , l . tBBmaav oaiasasi' VaMad, Psasa Santa s ST Imsasj the tlU mat ate awaeaiJaaa3lsa1 - tmik -LJ BJL-mj' J ' sHsBTWawagBWaaHaHgaas saVaVFrawsWSarBB " Doahaa ta afsawAr. wm'.'J $ saliiiHalsIrr; ,, ' At a. meetlag of the members of the Jericho Club la their rooms last evening It was decided, to less tha bowling alleys aad equipment of .ta club to R, B. OuUrldg. A lease waa executed this morning for a parted af six months, with a four meaths tloa to purchase, sad Mr. aathrida took charge of tho club rooms, which are located la tho Odd Fellows build Mr. Qnthrldg will overhaul the al' leys, billiard aad pool tables, sad will add a lot of aew bell aad pias. He expects to have tho. pUe ready, to a opened to tho pubHo;br Psssmher 1. sWCaRAOB. Nov. frsttoi Petssrsaew ot IHtls Jew Lovyof thSmaih,Ba At the battle of Ki loatal staadartt bsarsr fR rd. The seldlsrs wavaradi'aa) about to :riteat..wl forward, grabbsd tha Sag. aad warn. lag it aloft started 'irtaljM; for ta Ti:rklah treaeaes. hBa''osaaasa,'lo Hred'br"tato'aajafAa.'swhV jutekly routed the oaesap at aha V art naktt if ', f I ,,V aa-l-tilsil'flit i fc - .. . - - . I" ' - ,-r - j. . asfsa -i'tl ), . 'Ar rblahvi r I, 1 ww. whL' Msay Favor The plaa to sell the old court house site gained thirty votes today, while the number ot those who want ta keep the property galaed but eight convert. Ths vote new stands : Sell tho property .... ,4M Keepi the property . . . .271 'Vagal Oeavtetod YORK, NOV. 17. The 64 NKW YORK, Nov. 17. The na tional League asagaate today ooa vlcted ex-Presldeat Fogel of the Phil lies of avs of Presteeat Lyneh'a charges, The meeting .then ad journed. . ' 'j KAMLOOPS,,)- C-i Twelve relative maraared at 1 laeladlag lather, saother, tara aay Ws and three brother, la tha hailHB; tag tnisiiigiais seaversasa a ssja -v gram te Mia Oertrnde Back; a saawtt :-p , nerofthUeky. 'llJ '.7 Thsmassssr. jstt ibsaMd ay Msa; ." -1 lean robshi. os eurred Oslsbst Itah aa th raaeh eeusld ba Bask at 1 ' BvhH vmvlsjajKJf o fa asrwaa 'JsaVsMsaaMV ofowJjaw latasajliissv naMisr ''saaaasaat vaaaaA 'smW saaaahslsaaBaBaam eaffVsafMe Wtlf e av-9lwa, Waatl JRa affpBBTaBsfPa saw hooa The autherMte ta losate th month. Ja, Sao for Dtvore Suit for divorce waa started In th circuit court late Tuesday attsraooa by Fraak S. Jester against Sarah Jeeter. Th charg Is aatarttaa: W. H. A. Reaner 1 atteraey for tha plalaUf. ' l It price and good limb and body cqunt you will get your wlatro wood ot me. R. W. BRACK,, boi S0. IT-lt .CaatealM-jeAaUrkai. . .1 a United Press Service ' & &; SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. Tha laoUe suspeet Josefk Hs ft hovhst m ' - ..-" 1 f "B1 ". " ii a? 1 aratsmstasty. strs,- iieaa, Jaaa. He, has beea.itvea th Ulrd degree, bat has, at eoafeosod, al-. thaagh hato'.asar a The Ladles' AMof Hm, Ian chareh wlH .bMja?sBsaai. 1 : 10 Friday afteraooa at ta jMpat wt Mrs. Fred Oerteh, U 1 ladles' ssemr- aa. . ml4 urn fllill T-rrr:: v & sasaaismaaa) aaa H, .VKIaUwClab:.! Mat of th sarle of tara sartlesai hhe) vt WajasPOOJaaB tsmsrrw gdaht. ;TtM.WaSa I witt ahw. - "WW' W ?y. M 'Tha- daawTH saarehjaal saajfj St m? Oe.WteWaWaW fsW Parlsjaalr SSXISSBS " & -. v X -,-VU. rI 1.ii