h -nrM ' O f" .1 i 'I' ' A. f.ji It , rJJ'At T fl . lB.l W irriJM HV THK (MtTRD PRRBS NRHH HKHVK'K Pbe fttrnittg Metal. V I 5 f -lWt.l4, (; t 1. L V 'ur f A . pmnv c . i i . Jfc . MB RafBJnV KSJar iunnweBnnY feveaUi Year No. f.Wlli KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER H, ItlB Fire Exposes Death Noose to Public Gaze r ' ' ',.' at ' ' State Penitentiary is Scene of Conflagration With Loss of Much Property GRUESOME M ? DORRIS STIRRED WHEN 6UNS GET INTO ACTIVITY ftOMKHTKAUKH HUIJM OPFIUKHM AT HAY WITH HIFI.K rleally HurrrtMlrr U Madr, ami Tlim M Allwnrjr KrrjHi KtiUriut-ul Li Hy Tlirralrnlng Two llaalaraa Nm With a Nliutgnn Omt Atml I Mailr anl Otlirra Atw Ttirralrnttt Hrhirr lung State Building 2V'?af enedj0! flf MW DISTURB BERLIN STOCK MARKET i fep AMWffl J )0UTHlp WlNZC'v $ " ! '.' i m L'U Mil? HI wKgjm PLAN OK 8TATK PKNITKNTIAIIY Drawn from a ikuiih made by Charlra P. Moore, former Bute Treasurer, and no Klamath Kalla Hanker. MOST VOTES DOUGLAS FIR TO FAVOR SELLING BE PLANTED SOON I'KHmKMTATIO.V PLAN IS UN IIKIt WAV UNDER THK DHIKC TION OK KMPLOYKM OK THK .NATIONAL KOIIK8T Mi hundred thoueand Douglas II r Three bail checks, a Winchester rile anil a Unuble-barral tbotgun bar riaultt lu great eicltetnent tu UnrtU, an enterprising little city Jutt ttitr lb Klamath county Una lu Cal IttraU. Odd man la atrrady lu Jail tad tbete ere threats of tirluglng criminal action against utliara. Albert Wotvartou, a homesteader raiding about seven rullre (rum lor- rk, li now In Jail lu Itorrle, charged hh the paaalng ut tlio cliecka. which art tald lu b bad. Attorney Porter ef lurtl) la accused nf having tcrrl . at Ibt polut ul u thotguu, to an In a Dorr It Jfwrlr ilora, and 'rto promlaant Itnirla builnau mm .(an luferlat frrpt ialillatlon uf the mini it rrtult nf their eiiwrlrtirv m laturdar JaU ai In uthrr art alt eeuta tU(rn the day uf the (irrat Wlud, M lll tliv iwouts of Durrla data talkfi from the election of Woodrowr Wiliea aa urtaldml aud the ttlrrluK mataof laatKaturday Complaint wai luado Haturdajr bo fare Juitlce or the I'eare Milt Itlch ara)n of Dorrla that three chtcka tar ft each and leeued by Albert We'ierton had been refuted at the Wai, and ewarant for the arrnt of WaUerton waa laaued. Theroupon Caaiuble Varnum with an aailalanli .ItKeaded to the, WoWerlon honiix " woiuen. now v01er mi,( Th plantlni will laal moat of tha ,Mm to terra Ja warrant. Nn aoantaxiayera for tome time, iiatv rn-n inter. I'lanted 1,000 to the acre jw taa mey appeared in front or iro.trn rtprctalui llx'lr vluwa. All ao ran may teem 10 do very cioae, oui in me IaMtatteader'a cabin than they wrrolfauir tho plau of keeping the aquare.jtiruMlo for exlatence, the govern Wormed that their handa lookrd bet. Martha Cruddock write that alio int-nt known that only a hundred of f up In lha air than at their aldea. haa bicti a tninr for yeara and ajtliu tree will reach maturity. maaaTica ih aacaaa up oy a wMivnlrr ror a utile orc-r io wieaa. nup' -, , , , faura tho Idea of concerting tno- r. and Mra. Wrignt Home at(uare Into a public market. )r. nni Mr. Geo. I. Wright return- Hulda Kmlth wrltea that aho la now ti Bunday evening from 1'aaadena. old unough to ote mid want to Mlorc the j0ctor haa been apendlng krep the i'juaro for n market. KlicJt)ll, ,mat tnree weeka recuperating at aiiggcita that If the property la old .or , roccnt lllncaa. Dr. Wright haa 1. -I..... I.I .... I.a fill- !.. Until 3 II II n front foot on Main alrcet aud !00 n I IIKTl!HH OK LrOT-MtM O.V TIU.i t-Otl.NTV COUHT HOUMi: KITKl l'IIOIOHITIO INUIC'ATK THAT) LAMIHMOUI.IIIIKMII.I) , I Tho nlan to tell the old county I court hou.e alto It growing rapidly In ,r,f". " lo "l "" n,n no faor. aa the lettera r-clcd br thi ' l'r olu. " "ln nl w " county court Indicate. Hliue Hatur- tol ' CMt " 8lu ,i. ih.r. i... l.,.n . r.ln nf Bl miM.h liallunal forcet from the gocrn- to tell, while but l& otee ugalntl tiling were received. The vote now atauda To aell ....-., .42C Not to toll S5K firverat women, now voter uml , incut uuracry near Caraon for refor (atatloti pur.oae. The treee, which are being ecnt out In ten Iota of ICU.OOO each, are beln- planted 1,000 i to lh aero, alx feet apart each way, on burned over trncta. (Continued on I'agn i) PAVIHG WAY FOR : PARCELS POST ' c front foot on Klamath avenue. feliMHck la Kn lloute entirely recovered from hla elekneaa, and report a very pleaaant time la Southern California. 1.. (lerber of Klamath Palla waa In Hr'KM'K v i 'M'lM IK- Utrt'AKTMKNT OHDKHM HKLATINd VNK HTAHTINU OK TMK NKW h "HCHVICK mi AVAiik-i-'i.' Vnv. sr. Sclirank.lliiwii Tueadar from the raiarvauon. ....... a.w. , ...... - .' -". li. .t.n rnin...i iiiuuavnlt. uiitriil lir ho nurcliAaed aome Indian beef ir.1 nil" " ,...- ...-.--.-, - - - t' .. . . i ... . , ..,...., n ,1... ,- ...tllu Kln all Ihttt mm AM llA 1S. una morning ui u u nm mi m .- i.i, wV. .. . - - ..- ' To educate the people to the uae of parcela poat 'and to avoid wie- Sj"i ie poatmaater general haa la "M tkree atatemtnU concerning (be "Nation propoetd to do, away with JJ inculty that may nrlto when law ua Into effect, January I, HU. .Tr are In au,batanco that parrel J tauip muat be used on nil T"th data matter, and that auch " bearing ordinary poatage BP will bo treated aa If It bora no ""M at all. TjMt liarraU will II. mnlUhta at Jjtea, branch uoatoStcei, lettered J 1(HI named aUtlona and auch J' atatlona aa may bo dealg "J by the poataaaUr. , parcela muat bear ho ro rj rd of the Bender, olherwlae l Will not ba areantan far mailing. 0tl0fflCM diImimh aw ftaullAnmt I "( Purchaalng larger Quantltlc "vMinary ataapa of Urge denoml- r" Jhu will be required to aend I icurth claaa mall matter prior to 71,1018. -- pltal for the rrlmlnul Inaane at Oih-lenatlou but ono buncb, and they koah. AllenlaU believe that ho la an I woro too high to buy, aaya the Ilonan Incurable. ' "ulletln. Federal Authorities to Take up Vice Scandal Government Announces Intention to Sift Portland Matter Down Unil Entire Truth is Made Public nnuounced ejtBfr- IH)IITI.AN1, Nov. C Deputy itlatrlot AttorntiV Collier announced today that the Uultc-d fltat Itlra would probably bnrla ...n.ui which haa rceontly ..rihl In thla city. i tfl According lo ihe latoil Informa t,loii thirty now Indictment have been returned and more arreata are ex pected tonight. Mr. Collier' atated that the opera tion of the vice ring eitendi from Seattle to 8an Diego, and It la pro poaed to alft the chargea down to the final truth. In the meantime many prominent men are aald to be "trembling In their boot." It I aald that many people, heretofore believed to be of eiomplnry character, are Involved. OKHMA.M- MOMIJZK TrVKIHH O.V THK RtftNHAN LINK HlluaUoa In thaiHaHiaa iMntea Co- ifairMi lo Hatte Hie Mlllurr V.- rU of Umi 'DlrTtrtrHl Karopran I'owem Ctiaoew foi a Oreat War l C'oatlnuea lo DiatMrii llirtlapaa C illlloaiaOeewraMr United I'reaa Bervlee nKRLlN, Nov. 15-Vague rumora of hoetllltlea kejtireen AnatrU and Servla are heard hare. The manic la that there baa occurred n heavy alump In the etockwarket. The rol gln of the rumora'nre unknown. It la reported hare that Germany la moblllilng two army corpa on the Ituaalan frontier. Depoaltora In banka, fearing hoetll ltlea, are withdrawing their money. rolled I'reaa Herrua' . . . CONSTANTINOPLE", Nov. 15. The Ikdam, the leading newapaper of thU city, aaya that Turkey and the alllca have agreed to a week'a armla tlce. Klamath Men Face Flames e The reeorde In the oHce C MerlK W. B. Barnew ahow that Um following men are cennned In the aUU penitentiary Irani tnla e ceunty: f NAMB. CWMB IBHTaVfCB. deorge McLane Laneny IndetermlnaU Oeorge Welen MaiilaughUr yeeia Ton Alesander Manlangkter . yenm T.'York Fnaw reUna I to 10 yean Leo Henderson Fergery renra Paul Dnnuy Kohnery II yenm e) Henry 8niltli ,......,.... Rnbnnry .................. ynn Noble Faulder nfardar DanU Jamea Davla Larceny I'M renre John Allen Highway robbery Wto yaan d Chaa, Ewlng ..,,....,.. .Forgnry .................) ynnra William Bparka Forgery t year d If. Stanford ...... .Forgery ..... S)4 yatpg John Hall Bank robbery Id yearn Otto Orlock Burglary ?anm H. Allen .Forgery a yeara e WHO IS HEAD OF THE FAMILY NOW HINCK WOMKN ARK AIXOWHe) TO VOTK THKKK ARK MANY PROB LKMH PIT UP TO BTATK OFFI. CIALAT 'Inltrd I'reaa f-ervtca UKRLIN, Nov. 15. Auatrla'a mil itary preparation are proceeding, but from leml-offlclal aourcea It la learned thnt the danger of war li de- creaalng. KKKILASSINO, Qermany (Dy cou- r'ei from Vienna to avoid ccnton- ahlp) It la learned authorltlvely that Anuria haa aerved an ultimatum cu iU-rvla. and la determined to preaa mattora. Thla aource doea not ahar tho hopeful feeling which prevail elauwhere In Barnaa. Iat night the annouueement waa read lu the theaters, calling certain claaaea to their colore Immediately. CLEANING UP DAY GOMES IN COORT JITDGK BKNHOX OKDKHS MANY CAHK8 DUUU8HKD AND BKT8 TIMK KOK THK HKARINQ OP OTHKKCAnhnt A aort of cleaning up of the docket occurred la the circuit court thla morning, when Judge Beaaoa want over the caaea with the attomeye. In the caaa of J. B. Reed re, O. K. llrandenburg, Marlon Hanks and O, lloltkemper, Jr., judgment win given against Mr, Heltkemper, and the case against the other two defend ants will be aet for hearing Inter. The following law caaea were dia mlsaed: Ackley Droa. va. Dank; Mar tin Dros. vs, W, H. Maaon; 0, M. Onelll va. Fay Melboura; T, B. Qrlf- flth vs. Brier A Anderson i-Omene-bauin Well A Michel vs. J.'T. Brad ley; Cofer Bros, vs. Klamath Falls Tub and Pall company; K. W. Street vs, J, W. Wright; Breyman Leather company va. W. A. Wilson A Ban; W. C. Hum vs. W. H. Mason; First Na tional Bank vs. W. E. Purdy. The following equity easea ware also dismissed Thos. Cofta va. El mer E, Lyons and O. O, Morgan, trus tee; Ellen Parasoo vs. L. W. Paraaeo; Lulu H. Shepherd vs. Wllber White et al; Willta Furniture company vs. J, H. Everett aad W, B. Baraea, aaor- If; Burke Wilson va. Lottaen Wilson. SALEM. Nov. IS. It there is any phase of tha apparent mystery Bur- rounding woman aa a voter that haa not been put to the attorney general In the form of a question, aomeoae should think of It aad present It now, white the presenting is good. Bucks of questions have been ask ed, hut the latest cornea from School Superintendent Walter Smith of Mar lon county, who wants to know who Is the hend of tha family and la en titled to vote under tha provisions of the law governing school elections, which aaya that only taxpayers aad heads of famlUee who have school children may east a ballet, la the man" or tha woman the head t the family? As the law U a little aasy on the subject, Assistant Attorney Genera! Vau Winkle advised that it all de pends! It may be the man or it may be the woman, but he aaya It can nev er be both. He aaya tho law doea not recognise auch a thing aa there being two heada of a family, It la always "the head." He aaya usually the man la lha head of the family, but that in cases where the woman waa tha chief main stay of the family, then aha would ba the head, and would be entitled to Ihe vote. If tha husband wars 111, or away much of the time, or incapaci tated, than tha woman should be con sidered tha head of the family. COORT ON THE HORSEFLY PLAN i Jl'DUK BENSON SETS DAY AND HOUR FOR nUCARINO OF COM PLAINTS OF ALL VOTRRS AND TAXPAYanW Judgs H, L. Beasen today an order directing tha esnnty alsrk ta iaaue a notion ta all freeholders. Usui voters and asssasmssrt Bayers In tap Horssty lrrigUan stalest bant Wed nesday, January si oosses naa been set aa UeTeggeW whan the court will eiamlns. aparoye aad con- flpaa th nrnral i nr th Uau awd sal of tha bands of the Irrigation RITCHIE WILL MAKF WEIGHT NATIVE SON WORKS ON THK IIOAD AND DORS HIS LAST BOX l.NO TIPS THK REAM AT 1M POUNDS, 1 POUND TOO MUCH United Preaa Service SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. IS. Ritchie worked en tha road today and did his last boning before tho dgat on, Thursday. Ha weighed In at 134 liouada. Physicians stated that tha native son waa In the vary bast of condition. Wolgastdld not work out today. Very little betting has ye been done. ' Cut dowvs at No. I Wi S e SENATOR H Rnyner ! United Press Ssrvtee e WASHINOTON, IX o II. UaRed States aer died at C. ae) Nsv. Rajr-e) at : IS this a) waa at Mabaaalds HtafamMy ee)esee4eee4 RECALLS VEW6T OF THE ftftf POOR RLRCTRSO WRnfNel SJaJS sn sjania a tswjajfjsjBjHa,9 anMBsnjBsa) Rm -, - , J? X Aessasnt to Meant annwya. Plsssant Waamntr i li liiit Ms nslsiliiiki SisRiM asRnmt Intact to Cnvty ana lbnnnni aw Voaers FHaVs. awnwansnarW ' 'v 11. UnMs4 Fiass Swrvtea SALBM, Nar. I Tna wnassi wins- ef tna atm SMtol sr Are (kst eesviens wsnw Rsm nam vsasRawl jmbV Nataasnamn. "" " , r" UniUd Press narvto) v ,;, , SALBM, Nar. M.-ans' annanV drtftass awns" Into; ana ,a)an aRggf barn amjaia gsamARsnaMannRRV ''As airipaad eaeivieos wata bnwsnmaj, save shear ewm Uvea aa vest n'Msnto' sf the Svw snaaTwlw new awanwfMp to da DacsenKar law; ew jr-Rgb' sssnnnnnj. y , l itogwlsitn. ' h ww. da- ocsarred hare thes i Fire, electric wiring share' ana i aadRartnni an loaa of U.ose. The reef ef the i atrsyad and tna Are waa tlaamlahad Mr tnaianvia with Ue nriaan aaaneatna.. .. It waa a Rrnaaama aasnwsnwvasV tar the unansffallen asnt beam nt under santral by tna i aad thai Ue death tba. view. tram tna eewek, ,ana aursly nave bean eestMrad.- It Is a nssaala ntot, ant svai ans gio ewe ci attempted to i nanadr aaawMla daaab eteasaar waM.esmanwi to a tl - llHHflK' flBB U .- - i itr t aanac. , a ... .. n,,", district. Kuykendall A Ferguson are tha at- tornsys for the irrigation projeet, and the purpose of the hearing la to establish the regularity of the pro ceedlnge leading up to the (seeing at bonds, so that when Ue bonds are of fered far sals Uay will have tha ap proval of Ua court. United 1 WASHINOTON. D. C, NaW. that Salaaar la arundes, beastlng that ha wan asJana) imw swy wnausi nvw emiw. J ,T " -.v. i The Ladies' AM ef Ua ehureh will nave meat en sale at Ua frees new until TnansagMa. MBSSV hatsni T s Sfsrv.1 Pittenn MaIm Hi mtww-m an. ssswwm '' sRsmsRRF j,' Testimony Swm Funny - ynr OrUe McManigal Inlargei oai Tettimony and Eren Def encMltl are Forced to Cast a Sotflt ' r 'I' lumiuiBAiia ww ea,i,i. McManigal was unenpestedly Veeallod to' the stand UU marnsac Uattlal of the47 Ubor laaaara ehnrgsd wlU ths Illegal transportaUoa ef dyna mlto. HateUnaUrtUBJtatoryaftaa flendisk puss at the MoHamaras, wha are now In the California peniten tiary. " ti The witness testltsd that John Me- Namara bad nrojeeted tna .as destrueUea et Lea Aigalaa, . aa v as tha dynnasRIng ef aaa-unlon Job at tha fannnw' oansL j -" McManigal aaM that Jean MnNe- wtossnnwasto i . . . S' , ' oft (hi, i McManigal aaM that John Mai nam toM ate land anf ' Van hum the otty sT UnwW'ajai BRlRr It a landmark Mke Baa FraanwMa fa. lowfns aa aarMwake. ' . 4"" It waa Intended. asssrdng to ana .wltaass, to send iaree ar fear ipasT mon to Los aM naid ianrl nnw a: dlf srent parts, and enasntto nto wn tar aaatam samaynssmansiB' McManigal aaM tan 'Jean planned, sweap dawn am U saesdway nare.aa waa naf at rasa with a Ue' gnto resslgta sM mm far future dynaasnu Tnjh lar4FsnanS nawnantn mMtrmtt , v 4' ,0