Ifr ii 'ftUPPMKD IIV THK UKITKU rWtM NKWN NKMVICN Pie totting 1 ttOb. vjw 1 J.J v - " I.,, V X,' n L ,r t nun uffi rPjnar vnr ' IHMRB $ -at MffH4li Vear No. Ml C KMMATH KAMA, OIIK410N, HATUIHIAY, NOVK.MHKR M, Mill ? Great Powers Get Ready For Big Conflict few Troops Being Mobilized in Germany, Austria and Russia For Great War imwrnm MRVARD WINS GREAT COLLEGE FOOTBALL GAME BBWM.MI MOB OK W.imo I'Mll'l.r. WITMMrt MATCH tJttMwIiMaeit OilrK I'm ii tilt" In lli MHIInK Hi 4fcM of Khr l TIiht, at Ttww Was IJdlo Yale Money l k KimhmI Vale Kail lu On a Look-In, ami Hip Hcorr Ma Twrnl) In ulilag VllM 'raa Service NKW HAVCN, t'imn.. Nov. JJ ,Wllh ft howling inuli of 3(,U0U people (wring Itrai iiur aide ami then lhi Ur, Yalt wul iluwu in defeat tlil afuinooa by a etore uf 10 lu u Harvard wa a favorite In the !( UW. al odd of ft to 3, and lltre waa Ht Utile Yalo noiigr al that price, IfetUt trains brought lhmiaml of rtfl la wltneos the game IHrvard rnred a touchdown, goal Hd a field coal In the l.rt and third ewM. Congressman Hawley to Visit Klamath Falls Comes Here to Consult With Friends Regarding Legislation. Will In vestigate Bishop's War. MUSICAL TALENT TO HELP ELKS PKRKORMAXCK OP, MIKADO NKXT MONTH IH NOW HKINO PRR I'AKKD IjAHtiK'CHOIU'H AMI OKCIIKHTKA WIIX HK.IJ A!l.(iuli tt, rt lina tvn a tliunau III llin boundaries of tlin Klrat Con KrtMlonal Ulatrlcl u u not In In ctudo ttiU iccllon alter March 4th, and ho will no longer t tlio reprc- Icy will arrive al Klamath fall ou the train from Wied al 8:40 i. in, Wcdntiday, remaining all night and until 5:30 . tn. tho following day, November ttth. During Thurdy he aeittallvn of thla particular part, Wll- Inttml to vlalt the homestead entry IU C. Hawley, number uf coiigrwu.Jof Mr, II. Ht. (Ico, lllihop, and before wilt roniti to thia rlty not week to tenting for Weed on tho 5:30 train ronfrr with retlilenta regarding mat- that afternoon he hopei to iee all of lera of leglilatlon, Notnblu among hit friend and tonfar with them rel- Hie subject which will be taken up U the longHitandltig dliputo between II rit, (leti, lllahop and tho fureatry department Information of tho proposed vlalt of the rongrraaniau fame In n letter AddrraMd to frlelida here. It fol leaa: "To Hon O.U ntho to local matter In which he tray be of Intereat. Although there lu been a change In the boundarlea of tho Klrat Congreulonat dlatrlct, Mr Hawley feel deeply Interested In the Klamath project, Klamath reaer atloti problem and other local mat- jtrir. and wlahea to co-operate with frank Ira While, Captain jyou at any time In aecurlng such fed Applrgate, Hon. It. A. Knf.rral aid and recognition a you da- NEST GAVE OUT. COMPLETE LETTER CALIFORNIA TO HW KXWirn VH Y THK NTATK ibACiauKM mn .o ohtion Id' FAMOll CXIMMl'.VHIATlOV ;; W.H KKITHM'HrT Although ( waa not nihlUli4 milt, Hon. C T Oliver, Hon. aire. II will appreciate It vary much ChnrlM H. Moorr, Hon. Abel Ally, 'if you will advlae all who may wlah Hon. t K llrandenburg, Cap-,to confer with him that he wilt be In tain J W. Hlemen. and all other Klamath Kail a stated above, and friend of Congressman Hawley, will be glad to sea thew. Very truly Klamath fall. Oregen: your. "My Hear 8lr Congreaaman Haw, "KONAI.O C. (1ROVKR, 8a'y." BUILD HWAYS BERBER SHIPS SHEEP SOUTH The selection of a cast for the "Ml kitdo" to be given by the local todgu of I Ilk here early neit month I pro gressing rapidly, under the direction Bud Anderson Enjoys Very Pleasant Night Vancouver Lad Has No Difficulty in Disposing of Australia Kelley His Brother Gets Foveroy v Ht' nVUtBaV if, Hud Anderson had a pleasant little seance at Houston's opera bouae last of Ed Andrews, Qeorge Wilson and jnlght, much to the discomfort of on II. H. Ilamell. Th city Is being can- Australian Keller. In (act, It may be vaised for Available musical talent. d that the entire Anderson family, and assurances have been given that known here, were pleasantly enter- the entertainment will be a great mu-'ttnd, but a good slied bunch of fight slcul aa well aa a comedy success. was dlaappolnted because of the The costumes will be aa Una a 1 brevity of a scheduled 10-round box- tbose used by Oe Wolfe Hopper lnnf exhibition, hi famous production of the same ( Kelly, who na4 been picked to op piece, and the scenery will be In keep- pose Bud In the Muara4 ring, did lag. A chorus of fifty voices and an U,ry little opposing. In fact, he early augmented orcbeatrn will add to the evinced a disability to stand on hla pins, and, Just aa uniei or roue Smith started toward the ring to put a atop to the boat. "Kid" WIlMame In Keltey'a corner threw up the aponae. Kelley looked conalderabU lighter than Bud, and ahowed in tho Iret round that he U some boner. He poked Bud nt least nve Umea square In the face In tho Brat round, but tho only elect It seemed to have on the Vancouver lad wan to bring aHght blush to hla nose. But aa n flghter Bud had It all over the youth from gaiety of the occasion. GRAND JURY TO MEET MONDAY V MrMHXA.N TO HV4XKKU HIAWUH AH MKMHKR OK I.NQUMITOfUAb IMHIV BUT KKW CAHKM TO BK tX)MIDKRKU the Antipodes. In the second round Kelley commenced to etfe and aUde around the rtag. On of the fatta led to the cry of "foul," but JUferee Llnkenhach refueed to allow It. It claimed that Andenon otraefc Keller after ho had fallen (town. If he did the blow wan not elective. In the third round Bad smarted Kelley at will, and n knockout wan prevented by Keller'a aetoad. Two preliminaries worn more en- tertalnlnc than the main event Kid'' WHIIaaw of KeUey'a Uan- ln enmp and "KM" WhHe, a loeal boy, ataabed good-nataredlr for lour two-mJnuU round without doing nay to auythi oneert their wtasTu Tho aoeonel erent wan more eH. lag. rred Andersen, brother ef Bud. and "Kid" Pemeroy, went nt It foot a4 rurlM. h i; Mt ndmlrera. remeroy wont after hla nJtr eppensnt with' tho g- parent IntontlM C lowotinc the e- UecUmtlem U faMasne Alh-,- " ad a MHnga) am Ctmue Whdsm te TImmcM Moan "till 111,0 feaw csmgacte tCasaJasMmi f - Li. ' i Treses Oeea A4c amafsfak TJ fl"i ; , CnMed rras BUBml e doetnrod thar tl, Mm CmttauM on mt 41 mim mil wouk h.wi: iikkn ii t'KIVKH AMI IT W KXHMTKH THAT THK AWAIIIM Wll.l. UK MAIIK IS A KKW HAiH IU.MI OK ln IUUH HTAKTI.D MH HACHAMKNTO IN' CHAIU1K OK l.t'KK WAI.KKK DKHTINKH KOH CAI.IKOItMA MAKKKT l.uke Walker left thia morning fur .. ....Inncramento, where he gow with a d IM'W was not iniiiiiiiivQ in fall, the letter recently '"illti'ii by aurnor West'tn official nf Klnmth Wilt and Klamnth county Riven Vile prees In Us entirety, according .United I'rea Hervlcc Lt . I...... . lu I .... !.. .nvr.' .i.MI.IIIL.Vni Vdt' il. .-... ...... ... i. .in .... I.I.I..... ...r.r.i. iMpment of 460 head of sheep for rvj ine nvraiu ii mai. ""Mior aeten n""i"i - (trailed that the "saving" para,IK :o mile anil to coat about 1350,. I,, tlerbor. Mr. Walker came in yes nobs of the letter were publlaheilJoQO, nro In the hand of the lilli.Miy irday from Illy with a bunch of 80 taly In The Herald, and at the tlmo commlaalon. Tim awards v. Ill bo , of beef cattle for Mr. Oerher, w aupposed that the governor had made within n hort time. which were taken to Merrill to bo fed. aly given out n portion of the letter1 Two new rune) wnru nulhorliotl, i Tie following Is the letter written 0no tor a route between KoUom niul' K. O. Meloy wa In the city on a H (lovernor West to The Herald: jpiarervllle to connect the Koltoui ihupplng trip today. 1 "I note In your Isaue of Noveniber'roil with the Uko Tahoo llo ri'J.? J4th.au arllel. under the head or Bi the other to romona irom tnt-ii-Wovernor Wet'l not well quoted," .,ii,rn mid thence eaat to the foothill ( tahlth you; say In referring to a let-boulevard through Ontario to Hirer . made public by thl office "the do. forWon printed In black was not glv- I publicity by, the governor.' I" "' ..... Aiv .a I 111" I nve, to thia -i desire to prmatallWor the i a carbon coplea of the letter In que M, which Included everything from jae date to the signature. If the let- Fwas not run In full II was not tho U of thia oc,;; r t-, SELL THE LAND PLAN GROWING The Klamath, county grand Jury has been summoned to meet Monday morning. Although It has not been definitely determined, it Is believed that no rosea except those against the men, now confined In the county Jail will be THK LAST S4 HOURS THK VOTK taken up, leaving the chargee against ' public officials and some other lndl-1 vldtial not yet arreited to be consld-l ered by the new grand Jury, which' will be summoned to meat early next , month. The grand Jury which meets next Monday la unchanged, except that W. I'. McMillan, the well known local lurmiurc oeaier, win nit mo iimc of w. 8. Hlough, wno is now in Knit on a visit. HAS 1NCRKASKD I.V THK PRO ItlRTION OK SO TO 17, ACCORD ING TO LKTTKHel I Replies to the letters of Inquiry re cently sent out by tho county court continue to be favorable to the propo sition of selling court houae Hore. th The vote to date la aa follews: . Sell the land ST6 1 Don't aell 143 J. S. Mills, a I'lne Grove rancher.! The "Don-U" have .l.4n rotoe la here today, buying supplies for hllnM xwterday and the Do people m I'iu MURDERED RAN LEFT ONLY DHLS INVENTOR TOUVKR HAD NO FAT- HNTH FOR ARRIAIi MACMXHB WHICH MADK RABtS KOR COM PANY OttQANHUTfON BKRUH. M.'c her ameM Ik ait llllallgf , f waftvk -MsMMMmMi gm. &McS .-w?-4,. i Th Taaebtatt print' ndh from Vienna whieh'aoWttnU eh gtV ik m w v j nttoa ie it -w I . 4- eha -; esmmsny. w; saiweai. F wW'aTWJRxBm fMaawm vaV etmeludea.wHh th a4Asa,t0 -orrthlM m Ruoaea. 4,Th - 'It ht w I ranch. t.ne advanced SO votes, EHriWHSON'S LIFE e letter In nuw . w . w w . . Leavitt Favors Plan For Park on Court House Site GOMPERS INS . OFFICE AGAIN AMoi'u iiiuiii i.iiaiiuR IX HK I '"" '"KLHCTKB KKWHDKNT OK THK f AMKRICAN KKUKRATKIX OK M Mllt.HKKlNIHNIllM AOOIKII .Valtod I'reaa urvtcF I nocilKBTKR. Nor. 33. Samuel ,Ooni)ra gained victory over U'o UlUt members of the American Kod 'V'on of Ubor thia nftarnoo.n when ,h was re-elected president of (hat or- nniition.t ,i By a vote of IIS to 76 It waa da- Had totaUat amcara, hereafter by v7frendum. IS THREATENEDjCity Recorder BelieTes That State Law Permits County To Support Proposition. Market Place is FaTored ' If iHs Properly.Locafed. MAN IH AUHlMTKn IX MHW ...nt luiimtniilVfl THK Hritl.""" "in " i l.KA(.)i:(Ullr THAT III. Wll.l. KIM- DKMOCHAT United Pros Bervlc C01.0HADO HIMUNnS. Nov. U.' John Cohan, a ono-nrmeu man, .....1...1 tminv far illaturliliiK the pouce. United Preen Service SAN DIBQO, Nov. 11. Stoekhrtd- ers In tho Tollver Aerial NnvtsnU company, organbved hy a N. Tollver, the Inventor wh waa killed hy Hu bert a. Uwta. today learned that Tollver left nothing hut debt. No aaseU, or even ptut.M the ma cnlnery have bee found; although over aee.ouu waa auoecnoea is iw. ' Uwls, who killed both Tollver and his wife, Katharine, waa recently ac quitted of the charge of killing Mr. Tollver, and la now awaiting trial for tho murder of tho Inventor v . T BIEHN ESTATE IS FIMAILY. SETTLED fi " - WIDOWHR Hte) UVK UfTHsVaHT , IN PteOPIJRTY WHICH AT HM I BKATH WTUMI BMVIBaW sHv TWKKN THK OeaxlsMUiX : Judgo lavllt. city recorder and ex ulllrlo police, magistrate of Klamath r'nlln, U opposed to the selling of court houae square. He baa discov ered thnt latu law provio a way for the lounty to uld In tho rtaDUn- ii.,r i. wh. inkmi Into ciin-im,.nt nml malntcuunce of i public ody ho threatened the life of I'rrc. library here, and Is of th.. opinion dentolect VIIon. .aylngi '.that tho .ale of the countyV properly 'A man like Wllon( wlthjhln l-ilurn would bo a graye mlewfce. He llllcal und religious bellof, should jma Rent tho following communication not be allowed to sit In the presidents to the Herald: .... . in bin him when I cet out . ti. old court houe site rpraents :.?:L .. mi. ..rlalnal Investment of something " ier- . . ....I""--... n.u- .! h.. nro... like fl.ouu. w """ -- pled It as a court house alte alnce July 1888 twenty-rour year "" Buppoae we ay that the iwe of, the money originally Inverted la worth to ner cent per annum, o 18,600. Who total Investnient would then be If tho government omcor uu want Mm hi aanlty will be quea- tloned.v s , x j. fl, Wheeler, a roncher living on the Merrill road, was In tho city for ranch aupplles todaj, represented by 85,100. That the I loperty has greatly enhanced In val ue, no one will galneay, The Increas ed alue, In common parlance, repre sents so much elvot, and wo nil feel more or less pardonable pride lu the fait that Klamath county, no n quasi- public corporation, actually owns something tangible, of real value, that l not a drug on the market, nor a rourre of annoyance, nf n burden to the taxpayers. The county pays no (ties thereon, consequently; W can af ford to continue In posoooMon inden nltely. gathering unto iUotf for poo terlty tho ever-tacreaolng unearned Increment, which In thia particular Instance could scarcely he eUated aa n industrial crime or Imposition. Then, why" aell It at alllf. In the In- ttrlra It eon be utlllaod In a. manner calculated to promote tho Intellectual welfare and progress of the county And It people? , The money the county would re ceive for It, If aoM, would soon bo die slpoted and tho taxpayer sorely vexed titblo.a very short while to deter .. . .. . .A . . u.taa wneiner or not no na receivea ohy root benelt from that eaay money we UBaeri, ei cuurw. h in actual management of the eouaty'oad city finance ond bualaeaa of och are eporotoly conducted, but, between the two there la n aort of community Intereat. True, tho eltltou of tho city nro taxed equally with eUlsas of the county outaldo tho elty to assist In defraying tho expense of tho coun ty government, but tho InhnMtoni The'eeUte otKlUnbeth Blohn, -(oatd, waa eettled thlo morfhag In the county court' Th Inal aeeount of the executor, S. T. 8umma, vm approved. Tho oaUto In vowed nt about I10.O09. " Ludwl Blehn. th wl4wr. get n life ooUtovInTt rnl'a' personal property, vhJefc nt hlo'dooU lot be divided between Qoorg Blehn, LouUe Humphrey nnd,ilx4 BWh,, minor . .. . .. (". Keoaeo m uraoaaoeo were u,iw i orythtac Mcle cehehidea: "e wiU not bo prepared for BUDAPBtT, Nov, 33. Th trlan Danube SoUlio, two monitors, two torpedo fourVchntn ''torts rod thl after.' WnM H. not anaouneed that thy hostile mloelea. thia eoaaldered meet omln. " -V , ' Bmploye of UM,,a4rt iklHwpa have been ordered to rotMii to th I-' serve regiment eomn UnlUd Prow VIENNA. Nov. IS. Th thnt Ratn hi army corn, th rovnlhi. Mnnwdcro ore tho market M eHnkf. 7 It.M report tht ift.tff ; . - ' 'j..". trooa nro rey n wa i . . z i k OHai. -p.M.I , (Mtod Preat awrvta j& w it BUDAPahfT,,rfov.iSI.TrTh AIBOOV- l deeUraOo f taliindoo K MusaalmmedUto'arltaltlMirfBBH v .. . 1 . ... . t uu-nrvia,oonrotnr'rn m '. Holy-will lmmOMt'ftmlmsf4 oAryr:iw MuH&ri&cM::t, Tho Servian wW doM Immodd , ntely M .. . $ l,, emu B.mhsHkH, if , v?v. uriA, nv. i. T.eawr,aw. Adrtonoplale mm entoi ArtlHery lo raklaw th M K wsK - H . 1 JiSV (Continue on Paaj 4) i ueya for tho ooUto. fir. -! : Mr. an Mrs. Crooey eet toWeve wtnor tomgat or tomorrow meraraai to aAtoaeV th .tr. J Tho doeoooed waa an oM rooMont of 4Mnto Paw, havlac.raoMo4l there tor aiuahr,f f ) - 3M V KK'-'A , f, wt It linked BBRUN. Nov. II m$i r IB chW.e m.Ammtm. Mk ornlotal, arrived aor'oiaiaT tjh. day a4 0Mfroi.Hk'Pni hoi To MoHko.'oiiof of th. eneral ataf . ,Tha to dleoto.ehe gravity t th lo expeeted that will agree o toroa of ft i HUMK Cfskl pijwni pfiMs a etoot that loAN a ins aMpuia w wp mnhAymr v '" JfW"Pw o"gffp fV , MO, pfc, nfh mmmMMr M " fP4 .m. n,. a jl , -Bit lutmmM