dii' v ff t ty. .t" ' I" '.. ;n c il u. J ; See Window Display r ' w"r J TODAY AND TOMORROW 7S CeiltS Win Buy any $IOO,$..25 and 20,000 Bonus & C- U.4. 2 4.1 d !. o wftM pi..su iiat 111 liic oiurc rvtwo K K K STORE, Leading Hatters ' ! 1 i !" 1 sf V IN NEW ASYLUM TO BE OPEN JAN. 1 WORK AT PKXBLETOX OX STATP IXHTiTCTlOX M MRXQ RUHHKD. MJILMXO WILL BOOX bi: . READY FOR OCCUPANCY nnlM NMv MURIIV wIRR 1 Continued (ram Page 1) y M I5VJ PENDLETON. NvT. 23. Ever preperationj bela rade for the oc cupancy or the Eastern Oregon branch hospital by the ant of the new year. Contractors Otsoe 4 Johnson are now patting the flatsblng touch to th eaUdtags. th palntlag aad pUcter lag are all dou, th beetles; pleat la l eperatloe aad th eaalpmeat la be gtealeg to arrive Last weak a eelp nt et s.eee pounds of dishes aad mattress s waa received. Th 'hidstiaas ar am th way. Chart Marpey, state rsprsssata Hte at the werk, and who wtH prob aMy be reteJeed aa chief aagUnar, ha already deae ceaaMaraM levellac wark aa tbeg resets, bat was forced tc desist la thla taadeeap arealtec tat kMtwt of the eahaastioa of th aaereprlatloa for this purpose. How ever, a hep that th aext Isgisla tar wHI prevld read for th con Hauaae of thla work. CaaaTTaaaaaaaalV aflBl Ed Johns, a carpenter, waa slightly lejered 'this moralag while working kt the aew Lamb building. A plee of plate etas fell aad atrack blm on the forehead. Dr. Hamilton dressed the woaad. eschewed the glare of the footllghU, and has been la the real estate bus! ncsa at Med ford. Mr. Wilson has In dueed him to sgsln tread the comic ..... ..... ..i .i.t.i. .u .ik new generation of theater-goers. The Minneapolis Tribune has th follow- ling to say of his werk: . Gilbert A 8u 11 Iran's famous comic opera, the Mikado, waa the offering last atght of the Andrews Opera com pany, aad brought eat oae of the big gest audiences ever aeea la th city. Th Mikado la perhaps oae of th funniest comic operas ever produced, and It atoraa opportunity for elab orate costumes and acealc elects. Th productloa given by th Aadrewa Op era company U In keeplag with the demands of the opera la every re spect. The sceaery Is peraapa th beet any compaay has dleplayed, aad the costumes are elagaat. Ed An drews, the star of the company, as KoKo, Is aeea to great advantage. Mr, Andrew la perhaps th beat KoKo who baa ever played the part la this country. His comedy la fuaay, with apparently little attempt on his part to be funny. He possesses a dry style of humot that I Irresistible as a laugh producer. Mr. Andrew has portrayed thla part over 1,400 ttmas. aad. therefore, haa all tha flae points." The Mikado la th opera th Elks will produce here December Sth and (th. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for housekeeping. Hi Walnut street. . M-6t LMing Hair 7 Co TiTYour Doctor AyHTVbcoeaxo AygHiSlbcoear pklclydeMroytaMdatukwK. loeaBot color the hair. fAfrlfih JOHNSON RANTS AT HIGH COURT m selling gountkousesouaiieI ("outluufd from 1'ko I 'vnber t.'ut Klanulh 1'all U ties k'neil to be a City, ami an uuslshtly 4uaUI i'Iiuv la not nn atirsctlon In " , liic very bruit of auy rommiiuliy. CALH-OHMA OOVKHN'OK 18 HOMl!1 "" l ' cuslom for oacIi city to IKMUV HhN tXIURT ' C0Hnty ,,ltiuj nol ,urC(, lo ,, HIOX OK8 AUAI.V8T HIH OW.N 'furm this errlco for Klamath Palls, ' ivmvmtTAi. ivWrvmtm lr'T ! to 'nd on lis own United Press Service LOS AN0ELK8. Nov. M. Demo crat today claim ths state for Wlton because of the decision of the appul ate court that tallies and not the offi cial returns be counted. Nothing ded nlte will be known until Secretary of Stat Jordan makes the oBcial aa-nouacsmsBt. Qoveraor Hiram Johi Myer Llssaer, denouncing (he deel s!oa of the court, ssylag that It waa due to the efforts of "hired thjgs at bind legs.' Pioneers who have seen the tree. If 'in the squsre grow from slips to giants naturally are otpocd to any plan which would mean the cutting down of trees, and favor the park Idea. They appear, however, to be a small minority, Indicated by the let ters to the county court. Local real estate dealers ars In clined to the oulnlon of a unto of I lie wired to property Just at this time would not !be advantageous because of the condi tion of the realty market. It Is be lieved, however, that long before the H-S.-MM Ik nCUaYpi ' Two Bargains ImIikm i i-iiiwiit wranii ri.i,o TAKi:. IN i:CHtN0K i PI AVi:tt.'l.l.M. .MHV'0K-THIItl DP (IIIMUVAI. I'lllCH gai HMVII, VPHIIlItT IIKII. HTi: K I'll, I'M Ml, )j(Ni nn. t UMIITIU.V. AIJKiT OMrTHHID I'ltlCK'. TI.'HMH TO HMIIIT PAHTIrM. I(.T lll.iav. HIT m .-xm ivfiiiiin mnr.r. i SHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT U WNIIKI'HKHD, Mansgrr, Kl.tM.tTII f.MdM, (H - a mm- a . a. I - iue iiis. tie ur ioai iae pro- nw .. ..,,, ., ...d, for ,,. gresslve Ight be conducted vigor ,ncy ,h,ro w, b, , br)ik drBMI, UV. ,fr l0i, ln ik. lomrii. anil thai mnnA u.tti ptm. same. Iprlte m" " r",'1,M, SACRAMENTO. Nov. II.-A, a ThnraM of the replies rw.lved rat step la tb progm.lv. ,,. r the county court so far follow., mlnatlon to B.ht for th California ?T tou.rt 'ou" "" " ffvn ivuil iiuuav i4UMrv. mi41H delegation In the electoral college, Frank Devlin will be vigorously op-1 . AMmmm Wm., Dosed. A nroMlint Rmmi.ii ll.l Msse Ad.Ums H on t Haa lower will apply for a writ of maadateIlJnUe,1 PreM Btnlc to compel the county supervisor! to correct the canvas of votes and cor rect the count. This will mean a re count of the entire state. If slmlhr action Is general. MOVIES TO BE MADE OF CANAL ;ov:uMt:.T authouixkh thi:, TAKIMi OP PICTUIIKM WHIIII WILL UK OX KXIIIHITIOX AT CAPITAL TIIIH WIXTKR ' DaKed Press Service WA8HIN0T0N. D. C, Nov. JJ. - The state departmat was advlssd to day that th Ward Line steamer Com modore aaak off tb coast of Cuba. The message stated that no n-uaen- were teat M0MMMMMMOMMOMMMMaMOOaMMM Ik: M & m h Have Your rhanksgiring Dinner AT THK WHITE PELICAN HOTEL - SiW p. m. to a p, am. Halted Praia Barvtc SALEM, Mass., Nov, St. Attorney Atwlll mad th closing argument for the state la the Ettor cass today I'lilted Press Kervlre WASIIINOTON, 1). C. Nov. JI.-- Ttic Unit offlclal moving pictures tak en by the government of the Panama cnna are now being secured by the house appropriations committee. A moving picture operator and also a photographer from the Untied States 'geological survoy, are members of !fti rfinrrMMtftnat ttiafuu'tlnn narfv mift iritM mi, i .. t i-"- - ... .w. .., .. H ,n.. . ............ .,., .,,. ...- ()urnj l6 cana, 1000 Addams said today that she nould not "Movies" of tlio big construction be a candidate for president on the work sro to bo exhibited In Capitol National Suffrage Association under committee rooms this winter, to lllus any circumstances. I)r. Anna Hhnw Irate graphically the necessity for will probably be re-eletced, appropriations. Fortification plans will also be Illustrated In the pie- iKOU.N'I Lady's handbag. Ownor.'urK- ' may have same by cslllng at this Secretary of War Htlmson, by a pe- offlresnd Identifying properly. 3.fcullar rolncldenca. Is also Inspecting . line canal work while tha house com- TO THADt; for diamonds, lot three imltteo Is looking over the project. A blocks from Fourth end Main) rnnslderable part of the secretary's cheapest lot on hill. Herald office. Innnual report to lb president thl JJ-tf J winter Is to bo devoted to the ransl, ..ins the Tafl administration's "test Mrs. O. H. Feese. wlfo of the wellwnri... ,.,... known psstor, received n message last i - - nl'ht, announcing tha death of her I Mrs, YA Martin of Merrill Is visit-1 mother at Eureka springs, Ark. .Iiik relatives In this city, Head off That Cold! DO NOT LOT A COLD HUN AWAT WITH IOC. M NEHT YOtm MONT HV FKlHTIXa A COLB Win THE PHOriHI WHAPOX. THK MRHT WAT TO MM OFF A OOLB AND OVRHCOME IT IH HT TAKIM Red Star Cold Tablets Smfe and Sure Cure For Colds and La Grippe, f THE HAXDY AND CONVKXIKNT VOWH IS THEMB TAHUm ARK MADE RENDER THEM lUUV ANT TO TAKE AND EFFECTIVE IX HWULTa. FIFTY CHOOI.ATE4XJATKD TAHLKTi IX EMI HOI. WIIX HREAK UP A COLD IN t.tM TliX TWKXTY-FOUR HOUR STAR DRUG CO. T"1 llavcororatcd 1XXALL STORE 11)1 A 'i $ , iSi rt l L . ,' !-' - , ftV4 THUR80AT EVENINQ Hoaveealr Mssw Olvea (o OoesU Red Wisve Free ot Cbaw. ' Masse ay Spedal Orebaatra The well kaewa lead aMaae-aeffsama, MRS. D. i. WOUWAVt Will reader seas ef ber spipUbrtis The LMalag Rooas wM he dseesat nl appropriately. Comet Eajertaefaa. PRICE, PHR PLATE, f 1B Mean vriU bajtabUaae ea TTifan day aad Tharatar aest la tM aaaar. Hassr-e year labia ta advaawe White Pelican Hotel , ,i . ; ;j- . ,,'-,.., .. ... ' .w ' " l"",t J ; ; H- HHHHH-HHi- HHH- ill II 'IH 'II 'II t,r if? ' '1 I 4, Your Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner! can not be a Succesa unless the Trimmings art of the Beat. If you want to know thi your urocenes are absolutely fresh and pure, let ua fill your orde. A Few Sitecialii Fnr Ynnr ninnr! Mince Meat. Cranberrlet , Applei aiuj Fruit. Freeh Country Sggi, Choice Tillawook Ckeeef , tiu Klamath FalU Creamenr Batter. Boiled Oder. Btc. s i (it -...' OBENCHMN , f H rT i' ;S. h