JONAL CMUM 1, 0. A. KAIttO. Death I".i nullon! HlllMI .UlTV !. .XtHOUNTV.AMHTKAOT hCOMPAH uMHav laiaraara . f" " Association IHMCKLMNMOtM . KXI'HMM rTin want yndr luff moved Jaffa quIcM'. al Hamsby'a ,tdnl. wmrmiBi litre. nwp IKNT f5T C0MBTO0. Ill, If , M7 '" " gbltr at Ibe COMrJTOOK If Mil emptor!. mMM AND flMMV IMMHt rt Ma vim (M (HU, bUBWB tBO W- teeatlia. MID. USBma , ak from fdlllag out la , ttrtlaeau. perme lltNferdet,ruI. (II? u A X. f IT Kumatsi Ave. WOOD , Btefc WimhI iimhi . ruKUb, i-ih.i..a.iM , fta HUb, llrh.LAO ,nrKUb, l-torli..tB.7A ,Redy Waodj, .UMbWooA .....MOO ,rwtari Blot. kw4.H.M 0. IISYtO!, rllMPIee llumr IBTS M rAIRIIAMi.1, MOIUtK III lSlllffllaOM lor klljr, accessibility, safety, Iltr and economy, Hunt llfivy nil, two-thirds lowor I net than gasoline. Mott miking a purchase i i joa to mil and nee our ion display. K MVK YOU MO.NUV 8RRRY BKOf. HI., OMMaM Tralli KLAMATH FAl.tX HOGS unearth! DEED LONG LOST CAKMIIII, I'CAIIIMJ IMKII'IIIITV wotii.ii hi: takkv phom dim, HttlllMI I'APKIW ,M MTHII t.lWI.II Mri' IINII TIIII.M WIIITi: HAI.MON, Wash,, Nor. j'i. Clin Krlrlc, who pushed hit good In a wheelbarrow out tu u llvu Hero Irnrt on I ho While Salmon lllver tlirr-n years ngo, linn anld hi ,,tu tu inn normm-sicm i;!eelil rin,;i.ny for 1 ,0oo nml gone Imck in rieriitnny III live, When din Northwviitnrii rlKbl of ny buyer hoicnii picking up Inml nloiiK the Hvrr Krlrk became to fear fill I lint some nix. would kii Ilia name In a deed Hint lie Imrli-d bin deed, some til hr r imperii nml money In n Imln back n( lila mliln nml ritxl from llm country In the dead of night, He went In HrllUh Columbia, returning lo Portland In Hit summer, where lis recogulieil a Wlilln Salmon rancher named Murphy, Ihnuitht hn wn after hU Inml, mill Immediately left for Kiir.Ka, Calif,, where he foiiml cm. plnyninnl. A few week mtu ho rtlumril to Wlilto Hnlmon, nnil Ihn flnl mmi In rnw una Murphy. I'rlKlitcnnt, bn bur rlnlly Iff! tlir lUllou, rnul ilplournl Ibrouitli tbn MriMiiU Imrk nf Unilir wimhI, uppnuirliliiK III rablti-friuii bo wrt bd nk of ( ho river. Tlin Nnrlh wi-rru hn (I plouithiit a ny for II plprlltift tlirnUKh hi plarc, anil omn oim hail brrn itlxdliK hi plarc, nv parvnlly In rarrh nf hi traiir box, lie roulil not find It, and became almost rraiy, ImllnrltiK It had been Blolrn, and thai now hl wife, who had left him aome yran Sam Kec RESTAURANT MalaMHel NOODLES-CHOP SUE Y GENERAL N01 ICES The Woman' lUllef Corp will en tuilaln, Katurdar evening at Library Halt wHh mulcal procram and a rllver tea.,' All member and the pub lic cordially Inrltcd. so.u The Hall (Iflll 0fte apeclat wer rhnnl lunth dajj.' 8S rent. 3IH t'Ull HAI.B Beveral light driving and aaddle hore and on mlleb icow. riione urn; r.. n. mjwt. IBg UW. -l Cut rtuwcia at No. S Wet Main it KOU HAI.IKor b next ten itayj c will offer for ale our home bold good. They arn almot a good n new, and no reobablo offer will be refined. MaJvaile range, dining table and chair, buffet, parlor and bedroom furniture, library table aid book iae,'e Military and on boa rouch, beating tov. water power motor waihlng niachla. aom kltch icn utenill. Call at houe, IU Tine .treet. " h o r r turpit I '.l Tarsia A. W. Tarata (Krlufottiil Comnlf IIuII.iiiik) IT IJIIWKM. OTIWXKT. AT afAHKHT. HAX rIIAM'lM ti iMllfeUWlwr ilay upl without ImIIi, i.. Willi pi It at a plan, . Iliilli pi ce III raili room iiKii, would nt Inat "get Ida land from him." Wlml look him In n plln of fofuan which aotiiii Iiiikh woru nmlliiK over I nut (irlnln, hut onu of the ttiliiK" which n porlinr linil nond out wan a ruity old can. It mmlo Krlck'a bonrl bent u riut ne when tho bnc aru full, two mvii out nml two atrlkea and three hull rnlled, for It waa tho ran be hud burled, The niiilenta wero un liijuied, Krlrk Niiya It (oat him IHOU lo linn from Hid country mid keep hlmaeir from Iii-Iiik found. Ho llnally limrliiiled In cill, mid though tho loiiipiiny hud nllereil ll.r.nn for only n l'i). fool utrlp, he lt mimo one iur porting to be ii riiprmrntatlvo of the rompnuy hnvo the whole tract fur ll.fidO, Immedlnlely lenvlng for (ler ninny, where ho mild people are not audi rhrmer, TWO LONELY ELK THIS COUNTY (Burial No. 0183 Not Coal Land Department of tbo Interior, U. . Land Offlco at Lkvlw, Urn' gon, November 9, ltl2. Nolle Ii hereby given that Carle- Ion O. Drown, of Cryatal, Oregon, who, ou June 4, 1909, mad bom- tead afltry, No. 021(1, for NEK NK14 NWU. NU HKViNKViNWW, Hectlon 3B, Townahlp 34 fl., Hang 0 K., Willamette Meridian, ha filed nolle of Intention to make final thro )ear proof, to eitabllab claim to the land above deicrlbed, before C, R. I)e Ijip, county clerk of Klamath county, at Klamath Kail, Oregon, on the 10th day of December, 1912. Claimant name aa wltnewea: J. U, Hwan of Klamath Fall, Or.; Jrial I'. Itoa of Cryatal, Or.; 0o. WIm of Cryatal, Or.; W. H. Wamp ler of Odeaia, Or.; B. A. Brown of Cryital, Or. A. W. ORTON, ll.H-l-lr RegUUr. NTATi: lailOlt COMMIHHIO.VDH I'HCI'AHIM S IMTIMATK. OK Till: IIAMt: TO UK POUND l. hTATI! III' OKIXJO.V Hlaiii Ijibor Commlaalonar O. I'. Huff haa comilled a table abowlng the emount of game In tbe different couullei In tbo itate. Juit how he ccurrd tbo data la not known, but It I probable that he did tike the little boy wa ndvlaed to do, namely, put alt on their tall and then enumerate them. Here I tbe repert: It U etlmated that Clateop, Lin coln, t'lilmi and Curry countlca each have 10(i elk, while Columbia ha 80, Tillamook 79, 70, Grant, llaker iinl Cmatllla f.O each, Wallowa 46, Douglna :r, Linn, Yamhill, Clncka ma and Wairo IS each, Jackaon and Wathlngton lu each, Harney 3 and Klamath 2. r'orenl rnngrr and game wardena plare the number of deer In the atate at 10,000, erattered aa follew: Cur ry 15.000, Douglaa 10,000, Coo, 9,- 000, Jackaon 7,000, Lane 6,000, Jo- epblne M00, Klamath 3,300, Yam- Ill 2,700, 1'nlon MOO, Harney 3,000, I'olk 2.000, Crook 1.600, Lake 1,600. (Irani 1,600, Linn 1,600, Ilentoa 1,000, Umatilla 1,000, Wallowa 1,000, llaker 1,000, Tillamook 1,000, Lincoln 1,000, Mountain abeep are found In a few countln, (Irant being credited with C, Harney with 10, llaker with SO, Wal lowa with 90. The rountle In which bear abound are aa rollewa: uine, uougiaa ana Curry rountle 2,000 each, Union 1.C00. Columbia. Grant. Jackaon and Lincoln 1.000 each, Tllamook 780, Clntiop 700, Coo and Joeephlne S00 each, Washington 400, Klamath, Linn and Yamhill 300 each, Baker and Crook 260 each, Lake 200, Wallowa ISO, Morrow, Clackamaa and Uma tllla 100 each. Ilrnton. Waaco and Wbreler 60 each, Harney 40. Antelope nrn found In alx coun Ilea, Malheur containing 2,000, mi 1.500, Harney 1.000, Crook 90, Waa- ro 20, (lrant 16. LEGAL NOTICES Notice for Publication Timber Male Notice for (florlal No. 01(17 Not Coal Laaae) Department of the Interior, II. I. Land Office at Lakettew, Ore gon, November 12, 1(13. Notice U haraar Htm Ua Jmum J. Straw, of Ode, Orf, wa May 11, 1912, mad MaauataM am- try No. 011(7, for WM WH, (Mam 7, Townahlp (7 B Raa 7 ., WfcV lamutte Merldlaa, haa flld aetle of Intention to make final commatatlea proof, to eatabllab claim to the Uad nbove doacrlbed, before CR.De Lap, county, clerk of Klamatb county, at Klamath Valla, Oregon, on the 17th day of December, 1912. Claimant name a wltaeaaea: C. K. Akin, of Odeua, Oregon; L. I,. Stein, ot Odeaia, Oregon; H. W. Straw, of Odeaia, Oreges; Mlk Dooher, of Klamatb FalU, Oregon. A. W. ORTON, 11-16-12-18 h RegUUr. Herald Want worn, num NICKL.Y furatoaed room at the Ore- gos Houee, BUth aad Klamath ROOM TO MNT-NlN airy mat to raat wlU kata; eoraar at ltU a4 WaablattM. Iatalra aWmer Fraaea, at araalar'a alwaaklMaaaf. 19-H itlwartlMaaaf MUtCRLLANEOVS T Spectal In dlameada tbw week. B tra line wblU Weuelton atl76, (10) and (HS.aaeb. . l-'tf FRANK MrHPPthe Jeweler. -f worn ; -......;.. .' ' "'i mAtm W "!'.' T Ift nt" , I, !i ii I .. . a il- tt. at) ., - FOR SALE 4-roem eatlattS'aMWt told before November I a.lmmm aJJOIoa. flail HtflU ay..-m- .-.. r- j. 26-n-t 22y Fee Hale r maw jr, vj iJHb Jf'. Five, tea or tweair mm beat of toll, aome baMk well aad (( apple traaa;. and under calUvaUea yfaft k Irrigated. Tblaw tW,ibgpg aal beat acrelag near tM eb. 4Wlatbi, amall paymnt dawa, aad lult Dureha( II 441. '"" ' 'IM-kt MONET TO LOAN: aad S, WbKe-Mi i" n latalaariagJl) V t',w .0' u' ' Sealed bid marked outalde "Did for timber on Klamatb Indian Itctcr vatlon," and addreiied to tbe auer Intendent of the Klamath Inulur School, Klamatb Agency, Oregon, will ua received until la ociock noon, ra- clflc roaat time, November 3). 1912, for the purchaie and removal of all merchantable dead timber, aUindlng or fallen, and all the live timber that may be marked for cutting by Hit- o nicer In charge on a designated arc of about 1,210 acree, located oi fol lew: That part of the 8RM of Sec tlon 16 lying eaat of Wllllamion Itlv er, except that part which I Included In an allotment; B,4 of Section 38, T 33 S., R. 7 E.; 8W of Section 31. T. 33 S., It. ( K.; NKU and ihnt parr ef NW U of Section 2 lying enat of tbe river; Ntt of Section 1, T. 34 8., It 7 K.; NWU of Section 6, T. 34 S., R. ( K.. Willamette Meridian, eill- mated to be approximately 10,090,000 feet board measure log Kale of yel low pine and a amall amount of augar pine. Five year from the date ot ac ceptance of the bid will be allowed for the cutting and removal of the tim ber. No bid of Ice than three dol lar aad twenty-live cent per thous and feet board meaaure for the flrd three year of tbe contract and an In creaae ot twenty-rive cent per thous and for the remaining two years of tbo contract, aucb increase to be op Uonal with the Commissioner of la dlan Affairs, will be considered. Karl, bid mutt be, submitted In .duplicate and rauit be accompanied by a corti fled cheek on a aotvent National BanV In the sum of flvo hundred dollars and drawn In favor of the Supi-rln endent ot the Klamath Indian Schoo. Tbe right to waive technical defect) In advertisements and bids and reject any and all blda la reserved. Tbe tim ber must be cut and removed under regulation, copies of which with fur ther Information may be obtained from the Superintendent of the Klam atb Indian School, Klamath Agency. Oregon. 10-10-11-21 r Hummona In I he Circuit Court of tbe State o! Oregon, for tbe County of Klamatb. Antoinette Martin, Plaintiff, va. Walter David Martin, Defendant. To Walter David Martin, Defendant In the Name of the State of Ore Ore eon: You are hereby required to ap pear and aniwer the comalaiat lel against you In tbe above eatltled salt within all weeks after tb (rat pub lication of tbla summoaa hi tba Klam ath Republican, a newspaper priated and publlibed In tb City ot Klamath ialls, County of Klamath, State of Oregon, or on or before tho twenty II rat day of November, Kit, that be ing the laat day of tbe time preeerlbej In tb order for pnbllcatloa of thle lummona, the first publication thereof being on tbe tenth day of October, 1912, nnd If you fall ao to appear and answer for want thereof tb plalatlff wilt apply to tbe court for the relief prayed for In the said complaint, to- wit: For a decree ot tbe court that tbe bond ef matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved; that tbe plalntll be per mitted to aaaume her maiden name Antoinette Shaffer, and for such other and (urlber relief aa the premise will warrant. This summons is published la the said Klamath Republican pursuant to an order of tbe Honorable Henry L. Hensun, Judge o' tbe Circuit Ceart of the State of Oregon for th Coeaty ot Klamatb, mad on October S, 1(12. W. 8. WILEY. Attorney for PlalaUf . 10-10-11-21 r Naiwa of Casta Serial No. 04961 Department ot the laterler, Oaltod SUte Land OSee, Lakevlew, Oregoa. October 17, 1(13. To Frank B. Adam of Klamath Fall Oregon, Cetteetee: Toa an hereby aoUaat that Lewi Lobb. who give Klamath FalU. Ore goa. aa hU teetedc addreas, did an October 10, 1(11, ale la ttU oatoa hU dnly eerreberated appUeatlea to eeatoat aad aeemra Ua eaaoauatloa of roar hemeatoad, mtrr No. meat aad aaparteaaaeea traa belonging. You will take aotie that Frt. day, tbe 29th day of November, list' at 2 o'clock, la th afteraaaa sfuM . , oay, ai ine iroen ever em ' court bouse, la the etty'of FalU, ttato of Oregoa, I wist, t "' ,. '' &' dhtac to the aald aaaaHw. taf pa above dweribed ftwftnr.t m , thereof aa may be asesstary toaaatatf tbe plalntira Jadgtaeat, wMk alMgt thereon, aad eeatev to (h a4(aat (it beet bidder for eaab, toigelA (.( tbe Halted State. , 5! lo-tl-ll-ll r NOTIOC Office of tbe Coaaty Treaaarar, 1 ath FalU, Orept. . Notlee U herebfitlvem that. iMn are faada la th eeaaty treaaary tot th redematle of aH warraaU aroteated artor cladtag aMreh 4, 1(1. Nevesaber 21, lilt. CLAUDE H Cy h M-iet r, It H (Paid Advertliement) A HARMLESS NAY 10. DARKEN MIAIR A I.ITTI.K HAUK AND HUM'llUlt MAKKH tlllAY IIAItt VAX1KH A iii-'MKliV Milt J ALL HAIIt littlt'HI.Krt GOOD PRilMTIINrG n t I Is an Jimporlifit factor in any bufiincss, and ofUn oonWuirtes toward success j Let ua ihow you our stock of bond paper and print for youva line oi omc - uoivffy jwnicn wuiiw " a buBinesa- 1 V'.' -t Ul n (JEfAaiTU PRINTING CO. Mil,,. ' - "..., w aaaiN andkLamath wnin einiaii ," " . &j.. r Who does not know the value of Hugo "uud Sulphur for keeping tho hulr dark, soft nnd glossy und in good condition? A a matter ot fact, Sulphur Is n natural eiemcui oi un, and u ilellcleiay of It In tho hair Is held by iiiuny specialists to uo cou ..ri,..i with lost of color nnd vitality ot tho hair. Unquestionably there Ii no better remedy for hair ana ecaip troubles, especially premature gray inn, than 8age and Sulphur, If prop erly prepared. The Wycth Chouiical company ui Now York put out uu Ideal prepara tion ot this kldd, called Wyeth'a Sage mid Bulplmr Hulr Ilomody, lu which ,... nd aulnhur are combined with other valuable romeaiea lor avopma .i. hulr nnd cU In clean, uonnny rnllilltlOU. If your hulr I losing lu eoor ur constantly conilug out, or If you are iroubsmd with dandruff or dry. Itchy scalp, git a llfty cent bottle oi wjrew .. m,d Sulphur from your druggist. .. -n.. .. i.a BlmulA illree- tisM it iiororuina v w .- inn.. und see what a difference a few dnye' treatment wJH make In the ap pearance of your nnit, All druggl eU " under, guarau U that th money will be refunded tt Ih remedy U not exactly a repr MUtd. , AihedaUlrator'a Notice George LaFlcali KaUle Notice la hereby given that the un derslined, as admlnUtrator at the c tat of fleorge IiFlesb, deceased, lias filed bis final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, and that Satuday, the 23d day of November, 1912, a: the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. of sail day, and the County Judge' office, lu the county court house In Klamath FalU, Klamath County, Oregon, hni been appointed and died by said court as the time and place for bearing oi obleetlons. It any there be, and tliu settlement thereof. Dated and tint published this 24th day of October. 1912. E. A. HUNTKK, 10-24-11-11 r AdmlnUtrator. Notice of Ftoal So tilesa t In the Matter of the EtUt ct Elisa beth Bleba, Deceased. Nctlce la hereby given that 8 1 Summers, executor oi ine esiiie oi Kllxsbeth Ulehn, deceaaed, ha Bled lu the county court of the state ot Oregon, for Klamath county, tbe Una account ot hi admlnUtratlon ot told estate, and that the court ba fixes Saturday, the 23d day of November, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock la th forenoon of aald day, aa the time for the hearing ot objection, it nny, t said account and aettlemcnt thereof. Dated the 25th day ot October, 1912. S. T. 8UMMERS, Kxecutor ot tbe Estate ot Elisabeth Hlehn. Deceaaed ll-1-S-ll-St h 1 i ' Mai W To Admtaletrater'e NoUc er Sol el Real Preaarty In tb County Court ot tbe Stat ot Oregon, for Klamath Couaty. In the Matter of tb Kstate of Martha Abbeloot. Deceaaed. Notice Is hrby given that, to pur suance ot an order ot the above ea tltled court, mad In the abev en titled matter on tb 7th day ot No vember, 1913, th undersigned, aa ad ministrator, will lt th following de scribed property to wit: The NBK of NEK, Sec. 18 TB. 39, B. R. 13, B. W. M. In Klamath County, Oregon, at private tale, to tbe hlghttt bidder, tor cub, on or after th 7th slay of December, 1911. at the law office ot Stoat ft Barrett, la tba Amerleaa Bank ft Trust Co. building la tht tety of Klamath FalU, KUmath towmty, Oregon, subject only to th coairiaa tloa of aald tal aa by Uw provtAtd. Dattd November 7, 1911. i B. V. ABBHLOOi, AdmlnUtrator ot- Said Utot, 7-14-ll-tl-l h in th Circuit Court ot tho BUI ef Oregon, for KUmath County McCabe. Plalatl. va. J. Evaua and Patty Evaas, D- .fendanU. E. J. Evan, oae.f th Ateve- Named DefendanU: In th name ot the SUte ot Oregon ou are hereby required ta appear ana answer the complaint of pUlatlS above named now on tie ta th clerk's office ot tb above aamed court, la th action above entitled . a or before th 5th day ot iweomoer, i, awia being the last day within which Ume you are required to appear and an swer said complaint a fixed by thu order ot Hon, W. 8. Worden, county- judge ot Klamath county. Oregon, for tbe publtactlon ot this aummons. It you tall to appear and anawer aald complaint the plaintiff will take Judg ment against you tor me sum um. and for tbe coats and disbursement of this action and for an order of thU court directing the enl of th follow Ing described property, to wit: Lot 3. In block 205, In Mills Second edition to the City of Klamuth FalU, Oregon, heretofore uaen unaer at tachment In ald cause, aa tne proper ty of tbe defendant B. J. Evan. This summons la pubiisna one a week for tb period of tlx coatecu tlve week In Serial N. 49(1. mad oewr it. w. bajuoM. 1(10, for th EM BE . Hi NB OKO w. HAYDON, Dafwty, NEK Sc. 1(, SUM tM W ISW U Sec SI, Towaaala II ., Raasto ! E WUlamatto Merldlaa, aa aa grouada far hU eeatoat a aiiega that you, aald Freak B. Aaaaw, hav never eeUblUbed or awlatotoael resi dence upon aald land; that yoa bar never cultivated or Improved tb same; that you abaadoaed aald lead oon afur making eatry Uereter, without ever having eeUblUhed a bona Ada reeldeac tharooa. You are, therefor, farther aotl ded that tbe aald allegaUoa will b Ukea by thU office aa having been conf eased by jou.'oad year aaM a try will b canceled Uereunder with out your further right to be heard therein, either before thU or appeal. It yoa fall Ulhlitw within twenty day after th trth publication ot UU aoUe. aa akawa below, your aawr, nader oath. ee clleally meetlag aad reo4la to thee alleaattoaa of oaatott, or U yoa fall wlUla that Urn to al la UU Me da prvf that yon hav rv4 a copy of your aatwer a th aald coateeUateither la peree or by reg Utered aulL If UU eervlce U mad by tbe delivery ot a copy ot year an swer to tb ceatesUat la e proof ot inch aervlc mast b ltar the aald coatottaat'e wrlttoa aekaow- ledgameat of hla receipt at U eepy, showing tb dst ot It receipt, or tt affidavit of th person by whom tt delivery waa mad sUtlng whsa and where th copy waa delivered; If made by regUtered mall, proof of uch aarvic must coaaUt ot tho affi davit ot tb perioa by whom th eepy waa mailed, aUUag wkaa aad tt postoffic to which It wi matted, aad thU affidavit must be aecompaatod by, tbe postmaster's receipt far th Ut You should ute la year aaawar the name of tho poatoffiee to wwea you deelre futur aottee to be t yon. A. W. ORTON, RogUtor. Date ot 1st publication, Nov. 7. 1(11 Date ot 3d publication. Nov. 14, 1(11 Date of Id publication. Nov. 21, 1(11 Date ot 4th publication. Nov. 3(, 1(12 ' ' 5' , .!- , t v m ,.?": Office of tt CemaAf , athFaBa. Ntto to ar fend, la, tt th redemptlea at, affi 21, Kit. latsrset wM Noveeaber II. 1(11.. CLATJDE M. UA4IMBI.I. b!2-lH rlllt S ' 1 jS '. J? "" . , '"t u , t y v t-1 p'fc l l. it'1 " Notlea to aaraar. sfaaehat are fund la U y l)ry tof Ms'' redampUoa of ttreet taa4 warraato protested up to aad laslaatog Puma . her II, 1111. later osaaea tra dot hereof. Dated at KUm Fail. Or., ttto 20th day of November, 1(11. J. W. 8IEMBN8. City Traaaarar. I Nec ef Bale of Real Ratal By BtierUr In tbe Circuit Court of the SUte ot Oregon, for tbe County or Klamatb. E. R. Ream, Plalatia, v. Wm. A. Earl, Drnaant. I You will please Uke aottee, That vuder aad by virtue of an execution Usued out ot the Circuit Court of Klamath county, state of Oregon, In ibe actloa ot R. R. Ream va. Wm B. Earle. duly attested by C. R. V Up, couaty clerk of Klamath county, atate of Oregon, ex-officlp clerk ot tbe above entitled court,, on tht 114 day of October, 1113, I .have levied upon the real eetate hereinafter de ((.rlbed, aad that la pursuance of aald execution I am commadd to aJ aald real eeUte to sattofy a Judgmeat obUlned against tb aald Wm. A. th KUmath Repub- BarW, la tb above eatlttod coart aad tlcan, a weekly newspaper printed aad published at Klamatb FalU, Oregon, bv order ot the Hon. W. S. Worden. county Judge ot Klamath couaty, state of Oregoa, made nnd lied the 3d day of October, 1911. Th dat of the -first publication being made ea the 14th day ot October, 1911. KBK4ER ft 0R0B8BBCK, K-34-1S-6 r Attorney for PUIntlf. actloa oa tbe 11th day of October. A. D. 1911, and recorded, la Circuit Court Journal, page 4(5. That tt real eetate to be aoia unaer aaia e- cutloa w datcribM a loiiewa, to wit-, Lot eight (I), at Moek ttlrtoaa (13), of FairvUw, AddHloa. NumbK 0at4lli to Klamath ram, uraa, according to tM ometai awi taerew, taelndlag all. th In th Couaty Coarr tut the Ceaaty of Klamath, Btato ot Oraav-.. U tt Matter of tt Bstoto af MarJa Lytogd). DaeeaaedT - t It aatsartag to ttU art th petHtoa tato day atod bv .' Rntoalc, admlaUtrator of f Martin LyUgdeJ, lag for an order af tato f th toltow iag real eeUte: r ,-, The west half of tt aartaaaat quarter aad esrt batf et tt a4a weet quarter of Seettoa tta (l).k Townahlp thlrty-ejigH, (II) aaatt of Rang ttlrtoaa (11) taat?. Wlllamett Merldlaa, to Klaattlh Couaty, ' " That It to forth beat tatortato C JM aid eeUte aad aeeoaaary that aaek real. eeUte b aoM at fibUe Ve,ar &Tiimw ! . IT W HHUhY ORDERBD that aM -, - praea lattrattM la eald Martla. Lylagaal. Par before tt eoaaty atart at. MM Ceuaty of KUmath. Btato ttgaai. at tt coart heaee tharaaf to aaM' ttato aad eoaaty aa tt;i9tt day af December. 1(11, at ! a'atotk to th forenoon. thuaajp' them to caaae. If oay taajfaaMe. way aa at prayed for tot saWaa ahaaht not be graated to tt admlatotrasar. to tell the aald real tatoto f tab! deceaaed, at eRfcer pubtteor rlaato tale for the pnrpoee mmttleaadto. the petition aa be !! Judge, to, b for tb bett laterettt M tM'aatoto aad tb parti Interested ttoroto.t Aad It la hereby rdrd that, a aoar ot thU order be tabUthad'tA' toaat-aac a week for tear iiatna- V .A-",f Uve aad succeealv weeka bettor Mto t &$ told beaflag la tba, aauttNltgWV . v ,.P . - r Heaa. a weekly t 'aaaatol tk oireuUttoa.; priated and pabMabti ;' ,:. KUmath FaUt. KUmath etaaAr, to ff . '$ v.'tf y All - h f Aw.t : 'ii- v , "M JVV V . . J?' r. Oregoa-: U-lMMlr Kv W, VWCtf. Jj f , i?v,v. MRV . SaaS ik & efsMalalat taamf. !". .Wff.fl- '' uLJtx teaeeoeau-heradtu- eeM, e, v.V& ; ' "vM -''i. .WA . v. Ji L , i i if l'i ii nil n i-'frTi iiflitlF1' ""NS. a&